Psychology of men: instructions for management or understanding. Male psychology

A man's house is his fortress, but only from the outside. Inside it is most often a children's room.

There is nothing complicated in male psychology, you just need to know the right approach to it. Of course, the female view of the world is significantly different from the male. In general, this can be formulated as follows: the male gaze is directed to very specific things and actions, while the female, on the contrary, is directed to “broad perspectives”.

The male consciousness is trying to consistently connect all objects with each other in order to build complete picture what is happening.

Otherwise, the female consciousness works. Perceiving the whole picture as a whole, it gradually determines the small details in order to understand the picture as a whole. In other words, the female consciousness sees the environment, not its contents.

The development of female and male psychology took place at different speeds and in different directions, which contributed to the development of the necessary skills and qualities. Mainly in men, the following abilities were most developed: the ability to hit a target, the skills of quick orientation in space, tactical art (allows you to kill prey). Scientists have found that the brain of a man even has a separate area responsible for the ability to navigate in space, and, therefore, men think accordingly. No wonder they are so addicted to computers, cars and technical innovations. They become excellent engineers, navigators and architects. And all this is due to the fact that they know how to perfectly understand road maps, see the three-dimensional image and depth. Seeing a woman, with a map in her hands, wandering in confusion among the streets, a man will certainly imbue her with indulgence and help her find the way. And, nevertheless, he will look with contempt at the one who, having turned on the monitor, believes that she has turned on the computer ...

And what if a woman does not have developed spatial thinking? She didn't need it at all. There was no need for her to wander all day through the forest, watching for prey, and then find her way back to her cave. Women's abilities developed differently. Her task was to keep her own home cozy, which is why even now they have a vast field of peripheral vision, allowing them to look around the room with one glance without turning their heads. A woman will notice the slightest changes in the environment, notice the smallest details that are not noticeable to a man. The inability of the stronger sex to find their own socks in the closet in fifteen minutes causes irritation in women. Men see only what is right in front of them, but at long distances (like in a tunnel), while they manage to look for sour cream in the refrigerator for more than ten minutes.

Sometimes, women simply cannot understand male psychology. It happens that the descendants of Adam commit rash acts. Here, for example, is the usual quarrel between a guy and his girlfriend. And what's so special about the fact that he "accidentally" met an old girlfriend? Well, they went to a cafe, drank a cup of tea. Nothing special, just friendly gatherings. The guy reassured the girl, everything is fine, they reconciled.

And what does this nobly forgiven handsome man do after a while? Not hiding from his girlfriend at all, he flirts sweetly with the culprit of the recent scandal. According to the woman, such behavior is simply unacceptable, as it will lead to another quarrel, and possibly to a final break in relations. Only a man at this moment thinks differently - following his own impulses and desires, he does not think at all about the consequences of such an act of his.

However, one should not fall into despair. Below are Interesting Facts relating to male psychology, having studied which, a woman can easily win the sympathy of the desired object and forever keep him in her arms:

  • - The vast majority of men achieve intimacy on the first date. When they get what they want, 95% of them just disappear.
  • - Intending to entrust her husband with some work, the woman has to perform almost a real reconnaissance operation. The first step is to study the TV guide - and perhaps today is the Champions League final? Next, ask the neighbors - are the men planning a courtyard domino or chess tournament for the evening? Call all his friends - do they meet today in the bathhouse to drink beer, etc.? If the answers are negative, the woman will have the slightest chance that her husband will hear her requests and, perhaps, even fulfill them. Whether that's willingly, that's another question.
  • - Everyone loves flattery, and men especially. Constantly tell him that he is the strongest, the most desirable, the most courageous and the most beautiful. Just know when to stop: endless declarations of love, fidelity and obsessive behavior of a devoted lapdog strain them terribly.
  • - The phrase "I'll call you" does not mean at all that the man is really going to call you. He can't directly tell a woman that he doesn't want to call. It’s easier for him to get off with this phrase, and then let her think and think for herself why he never called, what actually happened to him, and where he disappeared. And what is the reason for his unwillingness to continue the relationship, the woman must also guess for herself. Don't wait for explanations, there won't be any.
  • - Under no circumstances say to a man: "Let's talk about our relationship with you." It both scares and repels them at the same time.
  • Don't blame him, don't make him feel guilty. Such behavior will only cause aggression and hatred towards you. Remember - he is the center of the universe!
  • - A man believes that it is enough to tell his beloved once about his feelings. And why does she keep asking him if he loves her? It's obvious that he loves. And all these tenderness, confessions, romance, compliments are the lot of weaklings.
  • - No man will notice the mess in his own house if he himself had a hand in it. He may scold children for scattered toys and his wife for dust under the bed or unwashed dishes. Only he will never notice that his socks are scattered all over the house, fishing tackle is scattered on the balcony, and shaving foam is all over the bathroom sink.

Not a single woman has yet been able to reveal all the secrets of male psychology. Yes, and it is not necessary! As Voltaire said, in the weakness of men is the strength of women. Do not try to understand men, accept them with all the oddities and alien features that nature has endowed them with. The desire to remake a guy "for himself", change his habits or limit freedom usually leads to a break in relations. Better learn to understand them, correct them a little, play on weaknesses and appreciate them because the world without them would be unbearably boring.

Irina Verbova, practicing psychologist

Male psychology

Conqueror, winner, earner - all these qualities are inherent in men, and most often found in one person. And their psychology is different from women's, so there is a separate section of psychology - male psychology. As a rule, women consider the psychology of men too primitive, and men do not think about it at all. In this case, both men and women make a mistake. If women would think about this issue, and would stop considering all men as selfish and scoundrels, then they would be able to build effective relationships with bosses, sons, husbands, etc. If men thought about their psychology, then such reflections would help them better understand themselves, build professional relationships with other men, analyze themselves and other men.

Provides answers to next questions: how to most effectively communicate with men? what are they thinking? what do they value? how to please a man? In addition to the stereotype that men love girls, football, cars, they are much more complex creatures. For example, if a woman tends to show most of her feelings in public, whether it be tears or laughter, then men keep most of their feelings to themselves and do not show others. Men are more closed personalities than women.

But for all that, every man is unique and no one is the same, although in different situations their actions are similar. Sometimes they can be very cruel, and sometimes too soft, they treat women differently. Just these differences are studied by male psychology.

Often girls do not understand the behavior of guys, and then it appears completely logical question: how to understand a man and build a balanced and healthy relationship with him. To do this, we will tell you some features of male psychology.

It's no secret that girls and boys differ in appearance, body structure, thinking and worldview. No wonder they say that women are from Venus and men are from Mars. It can be difficult for women to understand a man, especially if he is emotionally restrained. For a man, emotional restraint is quite normal, because since childhood he has always been taught that he is a man and should be strong and not show his pain. Therefore, it is often very difficult for a woman to understand a man.

In order to understand the psychology of men as deeply as possible, it is necessary to return to their childhood and pay attention to how today's men were brought up.

says that since childhood, boys have been interested not in dolls with dresses and playing mother-daughters, but in completely different things. They like to climb roofs, trees, make something out of wood. They are interested in how a homemade bomb, firecracker, etc. is made. They are more likely than girls to scratch, fall, tear their knees, break their arms and legs. From childhood, boys like everything to be concrete, clear and precise. They like concrete action, not reasoning. Since childhood, boys strive for success, self-realization. And somewhere in the depths of their consciousness, they understand that they need to build, conquer, strive for the best, assert themselves, and make others respect themselves. Self respect for guys is very important point in the development of personality. If he is respected, then he is worth something, if not, then the boy begins to have complexes. Without self-respect and respect from friends and relatives, a guy cannot even like a girl, because he does not have an inner core, and he does not know what dignity. Guys tend to constantly prove to themselves and everyone else that he is the most, the most ....

But, like girls, boys sometimes want to be capricious, whimper, cry. I want to be hugged and comforted, caressed, made pleasant. In any case, men, like women, need moral and psychological support, which in childhood provided by his mother. In adult life this duty falls on the shoulders of the girl or wife. It depends on how a man adapts to the world around him, how he will realize himself, build, buy, conquer, etc.

In psychology, it is customary to compare men to dogs (apart from the fact of fidelity), as there are some psychological similarities. And you will see it for yourself now.

Firstly, despite the fact that men are rude and tough, they are very fond of affection and attention. They love to be warmed on their chests to be praised. Dogs, when the owner comes home, rush to him, wag their tail, and wait to be petted and patted. So men, when they come home from work, they wait for their wife to meet them, hug them, kiss them. It happens that they come with a salary, gifts, or they have some kind of achievement. They tell their wife and wait for her to praise him.

Dogs love to follow the commands and orders of the owners. So are men, they will gladly fulfill any request of their wife, the main thing is that this request be feasible, simple, specific and understandable. Also, it must be repeated not once or twice, but many, many times. Do not think that a man will guess what he needs to do.

Dogs love to play with different toys. So men love toys. For them it might be computer games, sport games, even fishing. If they are not allowed to play, they quickly grow old, dumb and fat, just like dogs.

Dogs love their kennel, and they love to lie there, and that no one touches them there. They do not like leashes, especially short ones. The psychology of men shows that men are very similar to dogs in this. Men also like to be alone in their free time or just lie on the couch. Men, like dogs, also do not like short leashes. They do not like to give an account all the time: where they were, with whom they went, what they spent money on, etc.

Well, the most elementary thing is that men, like dogs, love to eat delicious food. For a dog, this is his favorite bone, and for a man, this is a delicious lunch.

How to win a man?

For many girls, the question arises - how to win a man for all his eccentricity? We will show you some tricks, but do not forget that every situation is not standard situation and your zest is always welcome.

Before you start winning the heart of a man, think carefully about whether you need him at all. Find out through acquaintances how he "breathes and lives." This will not be difficult, especially if you have mutual friends. If not, you can look at his page in social network. If everything that you have learned about him suits you, and you have not changed your mind, then you can proceed to the main actions.

The most important thing in this business is your individuality and your zest. Do not forget about this, as men immediately feel pretense. Make him "hunt" you. But be careful not to overdo it. When men see that a girl is completely impregnable, they lose interest in hunting.

In order to make this hunt interesting for both him and you, create intrigue. Make him think about how to please you. One the only way there is no. It all depends on the situation, on him and on you. So it's better to rely on intuition.

Men love it when a girl can be different in different situations. For example, with friends she is talkative, cheerful, laughing, or vice versa modest and shy. You can play in contrast: at first burst into laughter, and then suddenly become sad. The main thing at the same time is to be near him, so that he notices this change in behavior. This will be an occasion for a conversation in which you can show your vulnerability. And if at the same time you show him that only he cheers you up, then his sympathy for you is guaranteed.

You also need to show him that you can listen. To do this, you can go to the cinema or some other entertainment place and play the role of an attentive listener. So you can decide for yourself whether he is interesting to you, or his conversations are boring and unpleasant for you. If this turns out to be the case, then at this stage of the relationship you can stop and no one will be hurt.

Another point that should not be forgotten is that the path to any man lies through his stomach. And indeed it is. All men love tasty and satisfying food. So if you know how to cook deliciously, take advantage of this. If not, then urgently learn it.

The most important thing in all this intrigue is not to overdo it, otherwise the guy may get scared, and eventually run away.

In addition to the relationship between a man and a woman, there is psychology of relationships between men. These relationships are the basis of our society, because basically, whatever one may say, men, whether it be work, friends, communicate mainly with men. And the atmosphere of society depends on how their relationship develops. Relations between men can be formal and informal.

Let's talk about formal relationships between men. This type of relationship includes the relationship of men with colleagues - men, work partners, friends. By virtue of their character and nature, men, when communicating with each other, try to show that they are worth something, that they are strong and self-confident. Therefore, when they communicate with each other, most often they do not show their real feelings and emotions. But any man will still try to get to know his interlocutor better.

all relationships between men are divided into 3 types:

  • rivalry;
  • male friendship;
  • informal relationships;

Rivalry can also be of a different nature. Rivalry may be at work. Such rivalry most often has a positive effect on a man. This gives a reason to learn something new and hitherto unknown. It is also a good incentive.

Another kind of rivalry between men is the rivalry for a woman. For the loser, this fight becomes a reason for depression, loss of interest in what was happening around, a decrease in self-esteem, etc.

Male friendship is not comparable to female friendship. Male friendship is less common and more difficult to form. But if it is formed, then already on long years. If a man has a true friend, then for his sake he will do anything, no matter what it costs him. The only thing that a man will not forgive from his friend is betrayal and a formal attitude towards himself.

And another type of relationship between men is a love relationship. In most cases, such relationships are unfriendly to society, and, in the end, lead to collapse, rupture of relationships, mental imbalance.

Psychology of men in love

It is also a very interesting and educational side of men's lives. Having understood it, you will be able to understand a man in those situations in which his behavior will seem strange to you. There is nothing complicated in this, you just need to always remember that men are different from women.

How does a man choose a woman?

Any man first of all looks at the appearance of the girl and checks her for compliance with her internal standards beauty girl. And if she fits, then only then does he pay attention to her inner world.

When the stage of acquaintance and mutual recognition of love passes, that same period of love begins. For men, this period means only one thing - he has already chosen a woman for himself, and now he will strive to please her, and at the same time look at whether she is suitable for the role of wife and mother of his future children. At this stage, the culinary and economic abilities of the girl are important. Men like that the house is cozy, clean, but at the same time, that his woman looks good. If a woman does not take care of herself, then sooner or later this will lead to a break in relations.

Psychology of men in relationships, whether it's love, friendship or work, in any case depends on the second person and how they get along. IN love relationships men, in addition to love, are looking for respect and support, and in friendships, men are looking for trust.

Not everything is so simple in the world of men. They live with us, love us, but play by their own rules. And we girls need to know these rules in order to understand what game to play and how to win. The more competently you show yourself in relations with your lover, the more points you will earn in the eyes of the chosen one as his girlfriend, wife and mother of future children.

Not one step back, or Rule One

All people make mistakes, but men never. The statistics of the "Hunting School" (a sample of five thousand men) happily informs us that the probability of a man admitting his mistake tends to zero. This is especially true if the woman turned out to be right. A man, of course, can apologize, but with what pleasure he will blame everything on circumstances. He will say that he was forced: "I did not want to, but it happened." The most amazing thing is that, most likely, he is telling the truth, and the most difficult thing is to look at this truth through male eyes. I warn you right away, the ones who will be guilty in his story will be: colleagues, bosses, the situation, but not himself.

The only intention that he pursues at this moment is a desperate desire to stay for you. good guy. After all, it is when a man has not lived up to your expectations that he is most afraid of being bad. He himself perfectly understands that he is to blame. When a woman constantly points out to a man his mistakes and recalls old sins, then sooner or later he will begin to meet your worst expectations.

As soon as a man is wrong and you are right, you inevitably face a choice: be right and continue to defend your point of view, or be happy and look at the situation through the eyes of a man. And you will choose the second if you value your relationship. As long as you accept his truth, as long as you look at him with faith and admiration in your eyes, he will strive to match his reflection in the eyes of the woman he loves.

One step forward, two steps back, or Rule Two

A man when meeting is not looking for Serious relationships. He is quite enough "regular frivolous". Remember how often it sounds: “I want to get married!”, But you are unlikely to hear about the fact that “I want to get married.”

Any attempt to enter a name young man in the marriage certificate is perceived by him as an aggressive encroachment on his freedom. And a man is very jealous of his personal space. Only after some time, more and more deeply realizing how good he is with this girl, the man begins to let her into his personal space.

But you need to "master" the male territory as if you were a cat, slowly and carefully moving forward on soft paws. As soon as you show your claws or declare that you have the right to his space, the man will immediately take a step back or to the side, reminding you that you are only a guest in his house, even a welcome one.

If you want to marry the chosen one - act! Siege, ambush and caution - these are your trump cards on the way to female happiness. This fortress cannot be taken by storm.

Dust in the eyes, or the third rule

All men boast, but each does it in his own way: someone beautiful wife, somebody new car, and someone by the number of books read.

When a woman admires a man, he feels special. And at that moment a miracle happens: simple guy suddenly wings grow behind the back. Now he is a superman and is ready to kill the villain, in the sense, to cope with any problem.

Therefore, admiration is what every representative subconsciously expects and dreams of. strong half humanity. Thirst and need for admiration is manifested in rivalry with friends, in an effort to throw dust in the eyes of women. He boasts himself and subconsciously waits for approval from the outside. As in childhood. After all, if he is "hoo" what a wonderful - it must be noticed.

When you hear any revelation from a man, don't stop him, don't try to dispel his illusion of omnipotence. Fantasy, even if it is far from reality, can become reality if you allow yourself to believe in it.

Brevity is the sister of talent, or the Fourth Rule

Communication plays a different role in the life of a man and a woman. For girls, the process of communication is a pleasure in itself. For guys, it's just a way to get information. And everything they hear, they perceive as it is. Ornately constructed phrases and indirect requests do not find a response in the male soul. The simpler the sentence is constructed, the more likely it is that you will be understood correctly.

A girl who is in a relationship with a young man sincerely believes that her beloved should read her thoughts or at least guess about her desires. But the more the request is veiled, the more hints, the more difficult it is for a man to guess what they want from him. In this mutual misunderstanding lies the cause of female disappointment. And the man has a counter reaction - irritation. He feels that they are dissatisfied with him, but he cannot understand what he is doing wrong and why cannot he simply say what is required of him?

It just so happened that a man is a logical and handsome creature, but he is used to speaking briefly and clearly, getting specific answers to his questions and simply does not know how to do it differently. By explaining your needs as clearly as possible, you make it easier for him and get what you need: a new iPhone, going to the movies or affectionate SMS at night.

"Iron Mask", or Rule Five

In the harsh world of men, it is not customary to show emotions. real hero always wearing a mask: no one should see his face. The ability to "keep the brand" and hide experiences is hallmark the strongest half of humanity. A man who has trouble at work is the most withdrawn, laconic and gloomy creature in the world. All he wants when he has a difficult period in his life is for the household, along with the woman he loves, to leave him alone.

At this moment, various bad thoughts enter the woman’s head, and she begins to think about them. Going through worst options development of relations, the girl is offended and withdraws into herself, and then the young man has one more headache. Or he begins to interrogate his beloved with predilection about what plunged him into world sorrow. A man, in order to cope with something - to survive betrayal, resentment or solve a difficult task - needs to digest it in himself.

And we have to be patient. After all, after a man solves his problems in his head, we will receive a well-deserved reward: he will return in a wonderful mood and ready to communicate.

Herd instinct, or the sixth rule

herd instinct not a relic of the past, he still drives contemporary representatives the strongest half of humanity and is manifested in the male desire to unite in companies. There are three signs by which men unite in groups.

The first is by age. People of the same age have something to remember, because their childhood passed at the same time and the culture of this period will always be close to them.

The second is interest. The direction of male interests can lie in any area.

The third is the presence of a common enemy. In these groups, the most high level adrenaline and testosterone and the most intolerant attitude to life, often multiplied by a heightened sense of justice.

In each men's group there are topics in which our boys show the most reverent interest. Sex, sports and/or politics is what occupies hot men's minds when we are not around.

If you are not happy that a young person spends too much time in the company, you can either enter his environment and become part of the group, or take frequent absences with friends as a personal space and calmly go about your business. You can enter the immediate environment of your loved one by accepting the following settings:

  • First, your man has great company.
  • Second, you like the place where they gather.
  • Third - we are talking about the desire to meet and chat with his friends. If we get a refusal, we return to point three in a couple of days or weeks.
  • Fourth - his friends are your friends!

"The Dying Swan", or the Seventh Rule

There is no more defenseless and attention-hungry creature than a sick man. Indeed, even in conscious infancy (the age of three years or more), your boy was taught that if he is sick, he is the center of the universe. Now you can not do a lot, everyone walks on tiptoe and talks in whispers. And it's so nice when you are looked after, and the disease gives carte blanche to this.

So at this moment, the prospect opens up before you to show yourself with the best side. With your hands to cook so useful in its "dying" state chicken bouillon, spoon-feed, straighten the blanket and put his favorite movies on DVD. And if you want to breathe life into your "dying swan" to the maximum, then you can do it all in a nurse's dressing gown from a sex shop.

Men and women have different psychology, and this can cause disagreement in a relationship. But everything is in your hands: write the script of your life on your own, become the director and the main character of the story of your own happiness.

There are many factors that unite people into groups, and no less number of features that make these groups unique and unrepeatable. Two groups of people, divided by gender, these are men and women, differ in many other parameters, such as mindset, type of thinking, way of presenting and perceiving information. These differences are so strong that it is often compared that men are from Mars and women are from Venus.

To help find out what is going on in men's heads, how to come to an understanding with a man and why men think, react and act differently than women, that part of psychology is called upon that studies all the movements and nuances of the male soul - male psychology.

The quality of the relationship between men and women depends on whether the human race. It is women who are responsible for creating and maintaining a family, for procreation. And for women, as creators and keepers of the hearth, it is important to know the approach to the strongest half of humanity, and be able to negotiate and manage with them, like the famous saying “husband is the head, wife is the neck: where I want, I turn there.”

Even 50 years ago women's life it was possible to describe how they used to say in Germany "three K - kinder (children), kuhe (kitchen), kirche (church)". Development of technologies and expansion of spheres consumer services sets the pace and rhythm in many areas of life. And now, today, women, on a par with men, occupy responsible positions, earn money, develop and improve themselves. And men have learned to provide themselves with comfort and a home without wives, with the help of “smart” home appliances and consumer services. Even children living with their father after a divorce, or fathers having children from a surrogate mother and raising them on their own, are far from uncommon. What is the reason?

  1. Losing communication skills. In this age of a variety of communication technologies designed to expand communication, it is direct eye-to-eye communication that is becoming rare and its skills are being lost. People prefer to communicate indirectly, through chats and messages. Emotions, as an important part of communication, remain behind the scenes. And in face-to-face communication, men and women are lost and cannot smooth out sharp corners and prevent possible conflicts.
  2. Priority shift. The development of technology and household services completely covers all the basic needs of men and women. For busy business ladies without husbands, there are "husbands for an hour", specially trained carpenters, plumbers, electricians who are able to solve many household issues on a reimbursable basis without further words and persuasion. For no less busy men, it is much easier to call an employee of the relevant service departments to cook food, clean up the house, wash, iron, raise children, and even accompany them on trips. For men, this is much easier and calmer than enduring cavils and reproaches from a girlfriend or wife.

Centuries-old history has proven that it was the associations of people - families, clans, communities that survived better in difficult situations, supporting and helping each other. And to this day, and to this day, it remains so. It is a loving family that allows a person to feel all the happiness of his being.

Not to mention that it is better for children to grow up in a complete loving family. The principle of imprinting works in this case too. Children who grew up in single-parent families, without an example of complete loving family, and are unable to create one themselves.

Marriage and the relationship between a man and a woman is, first of all, a huge work. And work is not only in everyday terms, but also in communication. Work to achieve mutual understanding in the family. Work to preserve and increase joint love and happiness. And the leading violin in this hard work belongs to women. It is in their nature to be wiser than men.

And knowledge of male psychology will be a great help in building bridges between the inhabitants of the planets Mars and Venus. Articles on the topic of male psychology on the site will help to understand these issues in more detail.

Someone said that a man and a woman are creatures from different planets. They coexist together on Earth, create families, but they are not able to fully understand each other. For many generations of women have been trying to find the key to male psychology, but to no avail.

Men's thinking is a real mystery for women

Most relevant for ladies, no doubt, to comprehend the psychology of men in love and relationships. Thousands of broken women's hearts around the world, broken families, a persistent trend towards an increase in the number of divorces simply oblige the representatives of the weaker sex to study the psychology of men.

Women are trying to comprehend the way of thinking of men and build a system of harmonious relationships. From time immemorial, the keepers of the hearth have been trying to tame and domesticate these restless hunters.

Psychology of love

Specialists in behavioral motives have recently found the answer to the question, what is the psychology of men in love. They identified four main functional motives:

  1. leadership in everything and in relationships, first of all;
  2. the primordial need to conquer prey, and in this case a woman;
  3. the need after an exhausting hunt to find relaxation at the hearth;
  4. the desire to constantly attract female attention.

Let us now consider how these motives look in practice.

It is no secret that the psychology of a man in love is based on the conquest of the lady of the heart. And the more inaccessible the beautiful prey, the stronger the hunter gets excited. This instinct is inherent in every man and is decisive in the psychology of love. The male, seized by attraction, is ready for any exploits and recklessness in the name of his beloved. the main objective- a woman's heart.

However, the girl should not get involved in the role of impregnable prey for too long. The ardor and excitement can fade away, and the man will lose interest. Women's cunning lies in the ability to catch the moment when feelings are heated to the limit, and you can already move into the category of a well-deserved trophy.

A girl should not be naive to believe that gifts, exploits, increased attention and passionate confessions will last forever. This is the prerogative of the flower-candy period. No need to be too offended by a man for his absence, when the relationship is already quite long.

Important psychological aspect typical male behavior is his desire for leadership. A man wants to be the head of the family, leading in relationships. He demands respect for himself and does not tolerate attempts to lead himself.

Such behavior is largely predetermined by the characteristics of traditional education. From childhood, a little girl is prepared to be a wife and mother, offering her dolls and dishes as toys. The boy, on the contrary, is taught to be strong and courageous. Psychology family life laid almost from the cradle.

A man should feel like a leader

The psychology of men in love is contradictory. On the one hand, he wants independence, and on the other, home comfort and attention. Men love to be praised, admire their merits. A woman should do this as often as possible. Attention to the man will turn into care for the woman herself.

The most difficult aspect of a man's psychology is his polygamy. He will always pay attention to other representatives of the fair sex. The task of a woman is that the comparison is in her favor.

If a woman is wise and builds relationships correctly, then her chosen one will not seek comfort on the side.

Knowledge of the psychological instinct of a man - the best remedy to build harmonious relationships.

Psychology of marriage

The psychology of men in marriage is even more complex. New pitfalls await a woman on this path:

  • fear of entering into marriage, which is presented as a complete restriction of freedom;
  • the desire to be a leader manifests itself even more, and it does not depend on who financially supports the family;
  • man thinks that household- a purely female sphere.

A man does not tolerate any encroachment on freedom. Marriage seems to him a burden, so the thought of a stamp in the passport can lead him to a state of panic.

Spouses must have personal space. Mutual friends and spending time together are just as important for a happy family life as the opportunity to spend an evening without a significant other. This applies to both men and women.

The wisdom of a woman lies in the skillful manipulation of the basic instincts of a man for the benefit of a common family hearth. He should feel like the head of the family, even if in fact he is not.

Psychology of sexual relations

A happy relationship is impossible without harmony in intimate life. Sex is an important part of the study of male psychology:

  • a man must be sure that his partner is always happy with him;
  • a man wants to be a leader and in sexual life, but sometimes gives the partner the opportunity to dominate to bring a little variety;
  • if a man is not satisfied with sex with a partner, then, alas, he will begin to look for pleasure on the side.

A woman should always remember that sexual psychology men is based on his desire to be the best for his partner. She must constantly praise him and be extremely careful in case of failures in bed.

When the first passion subsides, harmony in sex will be ensured by love, mutual understanding and knowledge of the subtle nuances of the partner's preferences.

It is important for a man that a woman is satisfied. This gives him self-confidence.

One of the common mistakes of female behavior that can destroy an alliance is jealousy and suspicion. Knowing about the natural polygamy of male psychology, some women cannot overcome distrust in themselves. Constant control, reproaches and scandals will only repel a man who will perceive them as an encroachment on his freedom.

During lovemaking, a man must be sure that his partner is in seventh heaven with pleasure. In no case should a woman be restrained and embarrassed to show emotions. In some cases, it will not be superfluous to even play along.

Every woman can learn to bind a man to her. To do this, you just need to study the psychology of the stronger sex well and be able to correctly apply this knowledge. Strong harmonious relationship- this is by no means a myth, but the result of painstaking work in which both should participate.

Love and understanding will become companions of the couple where both partners have studied the psychological signs of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the current relationship. Male psychology is a task that is quite up to the teeth of a wise and patient woman.

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