Working time as a basis for remuneration: basic concepts, rules of establishment and accounting. How is the normal working time per month calculated? How to create a work and rest schedule during daily shifts

The concept of “time” in the world of work is characterized by specific quantities and numbers, in contrast to the general philosophical concept. It is strictly regulated by law. The main legislative act is the Labor Code Russian Federation(TC RF).

A number of changes were made to it, which came into force on June 29, 2017. In particular, the conditions for implementation were clarified labor responsibilities when establishing a part-time schedule, payments for overtime work. The topic is covered in the chapters of the fourth section. Every citizen needs to know the rights guaranteed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The essence of the concept of “working time”

Working hours are the total period of performance of individual labor duties, determined by the contract and the PVR (rules internal regulations), and other periods not related to actual work. Other periods legally include:

  • forced downtime associated with technical, economic and other reasons;
  • time for eating without leaving the workplace, if separate breaks are not provided for these purposes;
  • breaks special purpose for heating;
  • time to feed the baby.

The manager must agree on the length of the designated periods with the trade union body. Certain employees (for example, certain categories of drivers) are entitled to breaks for gymnastics.

For your information

The working period usually includes the preparation of the site for work and final activities. Not included here: the time period for getting home, changing clothes.

Classification of types of working time according to Labor Code

Stand out different types time spent on work: normal (40 weekly working hours), reduced, incomplete, irregular.

A working day is:

  • normal duration - usually 8 hours (standard);
  • incomplete volume;
  • shortened duration;
  • with a duration not included in the standard (overtime, irregular work).
For your information

There are also other versions of the working day developed in the collective agreement of the enterprise.

Standard working hours

The standard working time according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 91) is the number of hours worked by agreement for a certain calendar period. The maximum limit that cannot be violated is established by law. Exceptions are also possible in legally established cases.

A legally defined limitation on working hours contributes to:

  • protecting the health of employees, preventing overwork, improving working capacity;
  • on-the-job training, advanced training, and personal development;
  • improving labor productivity.

Standardization is influenced by working conditions, age, health characteristics, and other factors. The duration of a week's work according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation should not exceed the norm of 40 hours. Alternative options There are incomplete or shortened weeks for certain categories. Monthly, quarterly, and annual standards are established by the executive branch in accordance with the law.

Working hours per week labor code It happens:

  • of five days with 2 days off;
  • of 6 days with 1 day off;
  • in the form of a sliding schedule with days off;
  • another option that takes into account the specifics of the enterprise.

In order to comply with standards, overtime hours and work during weekends are taken into account.

Working hours

The concept of working hours (Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) includes several parameters:

  • length of the work week;
  • shift period (daily work period);
  • breaks for various purposes;
  • alternating periods of work and compulsory rest;
  • taking advantage of the possibility of irregular work;
  • start (end) time of the working period daily;
  • other regime moments.

The working day can be irregular, in shifts, flexible, divided into parts. It is reflected in local acts, PTR. Individual solutions for individual citizens are possible.

Rules for irregular work

It is possible to involve employees in occasional labor operations beyond the working period. The need for irregular work (Article 101 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is determined by order of the employer when this rule is fixed in the employment agreement.

Rules for engaging in irregular work

  1. When ordered by the manager, the employee's consent is not required.
  2. The duration of processing is not limited by law. Their period is possible both before the shift and after its completion.
  3. It is possible to involve persons with irregular hours in additional work if this activity is specified in the employment contract. Such involvement can only be episodic and not systematic at all.

If a manager abuses the rights of an employee, the latter has the right to go to court.

Working time recording according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Time tracking is the measurement of compliance with time standards. The employer is responsible for keeping records of actual working hours worked. What is the purpose of the “Working Time and Calculation Sheet”? wages" It records attendance or absence from work, lateness is recorded, sick leave, periods of downtime, and overtime are noted.

Accounting can be daily, weekly, or cumulative. The summed monthly, quarterly, and annual rates are calculated. This is optimal for shift work and transport work.

The summary accounting is divided into 2 categories.

  1. Daily work periods are not equal in time. In this case, hours worked for the entire accounting period are taken into account. They must comply with the norm.
  2. Fixed daily routine. As the hours in a shift increase, the number of days for weekly rest increases.

Summarized accounting for monitoring hours worked is carried out for different accounting periods.

Preparatory activities

In addition to the main ones, preparatory activities are included in the taken into account working time.

Preparatory steps include:

  • elaboration constituent documents, all types of documentation;
  • preparation, bringing the workplace into proper condition;
  • delivery and report on manufactured products.
Additional Information

Some other periods with preparation functions are included in the work schedule for individual employees. For example, a medical examination before the driver leaves the line. Preparatory activities do not include: time from home to work, changing clothes, lunch time.

Setting working time standards

Working hours are coordinated according to technical regulations and the collective agreement. A schedule is being developed, alternative modes of work, their volume individually incomplete, reduced . All coordination issues in the schedule are determined by orders. Information about the time actually worked is highlighted in the report card.


When establishing the necessary labor intervals, it is important to comply with federal legislation and correctly draw up regulations.

Optimal development and setting of working time directly affects productivity, maintains efficiency, prevents fatigue, which leads to mistakes, and has a bad effect on health. This is why compliance with established standards is so important. The permissible maximum values ​​must not be exceeded.

Norms for working hours

for all categories

The length of the shift for various categories of workers is not precisely established by law, but it is necessary to comply with the weekly norm of 40 hours. Labor productivity is recognized as maximum during the working week according to the five-day principle. 2 days off contribute optimal rest, which has a beneficial effect on labor efficiency.

for minors

Their psyche and body as a whole are still in the process of formation. In this connection, the length of one shift of working time according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation cannot exceed:

  • 4 hours for employees 14-15 years old;
  • 5 hours for employees 15-16 years old;
  • 7 hours for employees 16 -18 years old;
  • 2.5 hours for those combining work and education aged 14-16;
  • 4 hours for those combining work and education aged 16-18.

for invalids

For disabled people, the standard is established according to a medical report and an individual rehabilitation program. It is determined by the results of the examination under Article 11 of the Law on Persons with Disabilities. Each case is considered individually, taking into account the nature of the disease. For some, labor activities are completely prohibited in order to protect their identity.

working hours for those whose work involves dangerous and harmful conditions

Their change cannot legally exceed:

  • 8 hours (with a weekly schedule of 36 hours), up to 12 hours with the consent of the working citizen, maintaining the maximum weekly norm;
  • 6 hours (with a weekly schedule of 30 hours), up to 8 hours with the consent of the working citizen, maintaining the maximum weekly norm.
Additional Information

An increase in the duration of shifts of working hours according to the labor code with the consent of citizens is allowed as an exception in agreement with the Federal Service for the Protection of Human Welfare.

for creative workers

The shift length of such workers (employees of cinema, media, theaters, circuses, etc.) is regulated by a collective agreement, taking into account the maximum weekly workload.

for other categories

The length of the shift depends on the specifics of the job, part-time work, and other factors.

  1. For – 4 hours or less. If a part-time worker does not have a main job on one of the days, it is permissible to work in an additional place all day.
  2. For crew on ships – 8 daily hours. For women working on ships in the Far North and for minors on ships – 7.2 hours.
  3. For drivers – 8 hours on a five-day schedule, 7 hours on a six-day schedule.
For your information

Continuous rest must last at least 42 hours a week according to Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The period is calculated from the end of work until the weekend.

When establishing working hours, the following elements should be clearly defined:

  • length of the working week;
  • schedule of rest days, vacations;
  • fixed shift start and end times;
  • fixed break periods.

All this is documented in the collective agreement, VTR.

Breaks according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

During the working day, various types of breaks are provided. According to Labor Code standards, some of them are paid due to their inclusion in working hours. Other breaks in work time the worker uses it for his personal interests with the right to be removed from the territory of the enterprise. For example, for lunch.

Also during working hours, breaks may be allocated according to the Labor Code:

  • for heating workers, which is necessary when performing duties in cold period in rooms without heating or on the street with inclusion in the work schedule;
  • for sleep during certain types of work, for example, for a dispatcher civil aviation one unpaid hour;
  • technical interruptions caused by production needs.

Paid are some types of breaks.

  1. For feeding infants every 3 hours for 30 minutes. These breaks can be added up and used at the end of the day.
  2. Special rest periods for civil aviation dispatchers.
  3. Time periods for heating.

Breaks are designed to reduce fatigue and increase productivity.

Inadmissibility of “smoking breaks” during working hours

It is no secret that unauthorized rest is often arranged during working hours: drinking tea, talking, putting oneself in order, going to the store, so-called “smoke breaks”. This is far from a small thing, as some people think. The employer has the right to apply penalties such as a reprimand, reprimand, or fine. If you are regularly distracted from your main duties during working hours by personal matters, even dismissal is possible if there have been several disciplinary sanctions before.


Rest time is strictly regulated by law. And if the work day begins at 9.00, then all activities not related to the main professional duties must be completed before that. For being late for a period of time exceeding 15 minutes, disciplinary action. Absence from work for 4 hours.

Lunch rules

Breaks to ensure rest and food are defined in Article 108 of the Labor Code. Their duration is from 30 to 10 minutes. These periods are not included in working hours and are not paid accordingly.


IN new edition The document under consideration has been amended, according to which, if the shift duration is 4 hours or less, the employer has the right not to provide such a break. This is regulated by the PVR.

If the production situation does not allow citizens to be provided with a lunch break during working hours, the employer must take care of the possibility of eating within the paid time period of work. This includes all breaks shorter than 30 minutes.

Features of medical examination during working hours according to Labor Code

Payment for processing

Overtime and performance of work duties during weekend periods (days) are paid at a double rate (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or more to the following persons:

  • employees hired on a piece-rate basis - at a double rate;
  • at daily rates - double daily salaries (or more);
  • for hourly rates - double hourly rates according to the tariff (or more);
  • for holders of an official salary - no less than the proportional part of the established salary for an overworked hour (day) in excess of the amount of the salary.

When calculating payment in the indicated cases, only fixed payment amounts are taken into account without taking into account incentive payments, compensation and social charges. An alternative day of rest (or several) may be provided upon request. In this case, the amount of payment (single) is due only for the day worked (initially a non-working day).


Each of the illuminated concepts of working time has a lot of nuances. For example, flexible working hours. Many subtleties are taken into account when summarizing labor time, seasonal work, during probationary period, in other cases. The nuances may have legal, professional specifics and be reflected in the employment contracts of specific enterprises.

For your information

An individual manager, based on a legally defined 40-hour week, has the right to calculate optimal options daily time for work. At the same time, we must not forget about the norms of the law, without exceeding the duration for individual categories workers.

Working time is the most important parameter of the labor process. Section IV of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives basic definitions and specifies terms associated with the concepts of the labor regime.

recommended for use at any enterprise when planning the distribution of man-hours. In our article we will tell you what it is and what this norm is in 2017.

How is the annual rate determined?

First of all, it is necessary to define the norm itself. Working hours are called standard total hours that an employee is required to work during a certain period of time (year, quarter, month, week).

Standard working hours for 2017 is calculated in accordance with the procedure established by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2009 No. 588n (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure). According to this regulatory act, the length of the week (the norm is 40 hours, but sometimes it can be less) must be divided by 5 and multiplied by the number of working days per year (for a 5-day working week). Then, from the resulting figure, it is necessary to subtract the hours by which working days were reduced before non-working holidays during the year (for example, before May 9, March 8, etc., working days are reduced by 1 hour).

Norms for the year are calculated before the end of the previous calendar year, taking into account the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the annually adopted resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation regarding the transfer of holidays falling on Sunday or Saturday, work on which is not allowed. At the same time, the decision, according to Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must be adopted and put into effect no later than a month before the end of the calendar year.

For 2017, Resolution No. 756 dated August 4, 2016 is in effect. It established that the following rest days are postponed:

  • January 1 - February 24;
  • January 7 - May 8.

About the number of working hours in 2017

Counting standard working hours for 2017, the following rules must be taken into account:

  1. Sunday is a day off regardless of whether employees are working five or six days a week. It is only allowed to postpone the day off for certain categories of workers to another day if the enterprise for any reason cannot suspend its work for the weekend and someone is forced to work on Sunday or Saturday (Article 111 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  2. There is a list of holidays during which work is not performed (established by Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This includes the New Year holidays from January 1 to January 8 (excluding January 7, since this is also a holiday when work is not done - Christmas), Victory Day (May 9), etc.
  3. If a holiday falls on a weekend, the day of rest is postponed. This rule always applies, with the exception of the period from January 1 to January 8, that is, the New Year holidays and Christmas. Transfers on these days do not automatically apply and are separately approved by the Government of the Russian Federation every year in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 112 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  4. The duration of work on the day before the holiday is reduced by 1 hour (Part 1 of Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Based on these requirements of the code and taking into account the Procedure, the norm for the year is calculated. Specifically general standard working hours for 2017 is:

  • for a week of 40 hours - 1973 working hours;
  • for a week of 36 hours - 1775.4 hours;
  • for a week of 24 hours - 1182.6 hours.

Average monthly working hours in 2017

The total number of hours tells little about how work is progressing month by month. That is why, for complete accounting, it is necessary to know how many hours of work there are per month. It is important to take into account both the number of days in a month - from 31 in some months of the year to 28 in February (2017 is a non-leap year), and the number of holidays and weekends falling in a particular month. This quantity can vary greatly. In particular, in January there are 8 additional non-working days - in 2017 this will lead to the fact that those working on a five-day week will have 10 days off (January 9 and 10 fall on Saturday and Sunday). At the same time, in April or October there will be no non-working holidays at all.

Accordingly, to plan working time, a value such as the number of working hours on average per month can be used. To do this, you can use the data already given above on the total annual labor time in hours.

To find out the average number for a month, you need to divide this number by 12 (the number calendar months per year). As a result we get the following:

  • for a 40-hour week - 164.42 hours;
  • for a week of 36 hours - 148.03 hours;
  • for a week of 24 hours - 98.55 hours.

Other time standards for 2017 in Russia

Also, the work of the accounting department or human resources department at the enterprise may require other working time standards for 2017. Here are the basic data for a 40 hour week:

  • total days when work is carried out - 247;
  • weekends and holidays - 118;
  • shortened days - 3.


  • in the first quarter - 57 working days, 520 hours;
  • in the second quarter - 61 days, 488 hours;
  • in the third quarter - 65 days, 520 hours;
  • in the fourth quarter - 64 days, 511 hours.

The data presented apply to Russia as a whole, but it must be remembered that local non-working holidays are also allowed in the regions. In particular, Art. 4 Federal Law “On freedom of conscience and religious associations” dated September 26, 1997 No. 125-FZ allows local authorities in the regions to do this upon request religious organizations. Additionally Art. 6 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 8 of the letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated June 10, 2003 No. 1139-21 allow local authorities to introduce days off for other reasons. The only limitation here is that all associated revenue losses or increased budget expenses must be compensated by the region in which such a decision was made.

In addition, when calculating the standard hours, one must not forget that it also depends on the category of the employee. In some cases, the duration of work - either for a week or for a day or shift - must be reduced, even if for all other employees of the same organization the usual procedure applies (i.e. 5 days, each of which contains 8 working hours, totaling - 40). In particular, Art. 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that for workers with disabilities of the first 2 groups, a week cannot be more than 35 hours, and for those employed in hazardous work of the 3rd or 4th degree - no more than 36 hours. Also Art. 94 indicates that minor employees should not work more than is established by law (7 hours a day, if they have not yet turned 16 years old - 5). All this must be taken into account when calculating the norm for the enterprise and its further application.

Production calendar for planning and recording working hours for 2017

Quite often, all information regarding working hours, holidays and weekend transfers is presented in the form of a production calendar. Unlike the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or the Order mentioned above, such a calendar is not valid normative act and is not officially approved, but is very convenient to use, so it is often used in practice. In particular, it can be used by accounting departments (for example, to calculate paid sick leave days) or human resources departments (for example, to plan and schedule vacations).

Production calendar for next year You can either download it from our website or compose it yourself. To compile it yourself, it is enough to take a regular calendar indicating the numbers, months and days of the week and mark it in accordance with the laws and the procedure for transferring holidays established by the Government of the Russian Federation. If desired, you can even specify the duration in working hours of each day of the year in the calendar.

Lunch rules Breaks to ensure rest and food are defined in Article 108 of the Labor Code. Their duration is from 30 to 10 minutes. These periods are not included in working hours and are not paid accordingly. IMPORTANT The new edition of the document under consideration has been amended, according to which, if the shift duration is 4 hours or less, the employer has the right not to provide such a break. This is regulated by the PVR. If the production situation does not allow citizens to be provided with a lunch break during working hours, the employer must take care of the possibility of eating within the paid time period of work. This includes all breaks shorter than 30 minutes. Features of a medical examination during working hours according to the Labor Code The Labor Code (Article 213) defines two types of medical examinations. 1.

Features of working hours according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation


The shift length of such workers (employees of cinema, media, theaters, circuses, etc.) is regulated by a collective agreement, taking into account the maximum weekly workload. for other categories, the length of the shift depends on the specifics of the work, part-time work, and other factors.

  1. For part-time workers – 4 hours or less. If a part-time worker does not have a main job on one of the days, it is permissible to work in an additional place all day.
  2. For crew on ships – 8 daily hours.


For women working on ships in the Far North and for minors on ships – 7.2 hours.

  • For drivers – 8 hours on a five-day schedule, 7 hours on a six-day schedule.
  • Please note: Continuous rest must last at least 42 hours a week according to Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The period is calculated from the end of work until the weekend.

    What is the length of the working week in the Russian Federation according to the labor code?


    Home/Working time The concept of “time” in the world of work is characterized by specific quantities and numbers, in contrast to the general philosophical concept. It is strictly regulated by law. The main legislative act is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF).

    A number of changes were made to it, which entered into legal force on June 29, 2017. In particular, the conditions for carrying out labor duties when establishing a part-time schedule and payments for overtime work were clarified.
    The topic is covered in the chapters of the fourth section. Every citizen needs to know the rights guaranteed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The essence of the concept of “working time” Working time is the total period of performance of individual work duties, determined by the contract and the internal regulations (internal regulations), and other periods not related to actual work.

    Duration of the working day according to the Labor Code 2017

    For students aged 14 to 16 years - only 2.5 hours, and for students aged 16 to adulthood - 4 hours. Length of working day for disabled people For disabled people Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits working in excess of the daily norm, but does not establish the norm itself. This is due to the fact that each disease is individual, some disabled people can work without restrictions, and some do not have the opportunity to work at all.

    Every disabled person, before employment or after receiving a disability, must contact a clinic that issues a medical report in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 441n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 2, 2012, which approved the Procedure for issuing medical certificates and reports (Procedure). The conclusion contains an assessment of the health status of a particular disabled person based on an examination.
    According to clause

    We take into account working hours according to all the rules

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In other cases, the employee’s request is taken into account in accordance with production interests. For example, a health worker asked to set her rate from 0.25 to 0.75, and then - 0.75 rate. The employer set the rate at 0.25, and the court recognized his actions as correct (see appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated October 16, 2014 No. 33-35065/14). Working time schedule according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Working time regime is its distribution over a period (days, weeks, etc.).

    It is established by local acts of the organization, for example, internal labor regulations. Should be installed:

    • length of the working week (5, 6 days);
    • alternation of working and non-working days (its absence is considered to be contrary to Part.

    Working hours according to the labor code - types and features

    Establishing 2 shifts per week for 24 hours is illegal, since in this case the weekly working time will be 48 hours. If the weekly working time exceeds 40 hours, it is necessary to negotiate with the employee whether he wants to work overtime.

    It is optimal to set one shift for 24 hours, and the second shift for 16 hours. Based on the foregoing, the legislator has not established the normal shift length for general categories of workers, however, when fixing it, it is necessary to proceed from the maximum working time per week.
    How the number of daily working hours is distributed depending on the number of working days in the week. In the usual mode, the working week is usually five or six days. It is also possible to include a smaller number of days in the work week - depending on the characteristics of a particular organization and labor regime (Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). A five-day work schedule is considered classic.

    Error establishing a connection to the database

    Working hours are set taking into account the wishes of representatives of the above categories, taking into account production conditions. IN work books This mode of operation is not noted.

    Work time part-time regime can also be established on the initiative of the manager (for example, for the purpose of organizational changes) with the consent of the trade union body. Working hours of doctors according to the Labor Code A special category is presented medical workers. The quality of their services may be significantly reduced as a result of processing. Therefore, a week of working time is established for them according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, reduced by 1 hour (lasting 39 hours). There is a four-stage gradation of health workers with of different durations weekly working period.

    Length of the working day according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in 2018

    Length of the working day according to the Labor Code in 2016-2017 Normal shift duration How the number of daily working hours is distributed depending on the number of working days in the week Length of the working day for minors Length of the working day for disabled people Length of the working day for workers in hazardous and hazardous conditions hazardous work Other categories of workers for whom the law determines the number of daily working hours Part-time working hours Duration of the working day before weekends and holidays How to fix the duration of the working day for all employees of the organization or for a specific employee Duration of the working day according to the Labor Code in 2016-2017 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 91 defines what working time is.

    Length of the working week according to the Labor Code 2017

    • Work on the eve of rest before the weekend with a six-day work week should not last longer than 5 hours.
    • Uniform holidays for all are approved (Article 112). Payment for overtime Overtime and performance of work duties during weekend periods (days) are paid at a double rate (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or more to the following persons:
    • employees hired on a piece-rate basis - at a double rate;
    • at daily rates - double daily salaries (or more);
    • for hourly rates - double hourly rates according to the tariff (or more);
    • for holders of an official salary - no less than the proportional part of the established salary for an overworked hour (day) in excess of the amount of the salary.

    When calculating payment in the indicated cases, only fixed payment amounts are taken into account without taking into account incentive payments, compensation and social charges.

    Legal assistance!

    Moscow and region

    St. Petersburg and region.

    Federal number

    What is working time, how to find out how much you need to work during the day, week or month, when you can rest - these are questions every employee asks himself, since his salary directly depends on the correct answers to them. Actual information standards for the working day, month and year, time recording methods are also necessary for accounting and personnel employees, who must be able to take into account the working time of various categories of personnel in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

    Time to work

    When hiring, the employee’s responsibilities, his salary, and his salary, which directly depends on the time worked, are discussed. In addition to the employment contract, it is useful for a newcomer to study the internal company rules; these documents contain all the main provisions regarding labor regulations.

    The working day must be of sufficient duration to ensure the required productivity and include time for rest before a new shift. The state also legally limits working hours.

    The working day includes time for preparatory, main and final work

    Functions of working time: protective (have time to rest), production (have time to produce a product or provide a service), guarantee (work no longer than allowed by the state).

    The usual length of time for work is no more than forty hours a week. The duration of work for a month, quarter or year is calculated based on this norm. The weekly rate cannot be increased, although a working week of 40–48 hours is sometimes considered acceptable.

    The length of the working week was first established at the legislative level back in the 30s of the 20th century. It was then that the corresponding norms appeared in international documents.

    For those who need protection from the state, a reduced duration of work has been established. For disabled people, working minors, and nursing mothers, it is important to consider how the working day is used. These categories of workers should have the opportunity to relax, maintain their health and develop personally.

    Therefore, during the week, children 14–16 years old can work no more than 24 hours, teenagers 16–18 years old and people with disabilities (groups I, II) - no more than 35 hours, in hazardous work - no more than 36 hours a week.

    For disabled people, reduced working hours are provided

    Harmful production presupposes the presence of factors that, when exposed to the human body, lead to diseases. Among them: noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation, a chemical effect that causes carcinogenic and mutagenic changes in the body.

    Another working time option is part-time. They agree on a part-time work schedule when applying for a job, but it is possible to switch to part-time work at any time. A part-time day is established indefinitely or for a certain period.

    The standard working time is 40 hours per week, shortened working hours can be 24, 35 or 36 hours (for certain categories of workers).

    Correctly keep track of working hours in the interests of both the employer and employees

    Working day (shift)

    A working day with a 40-hour week lasts 8 hours (Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To calculate the duration of work during the day, we divide the standard working time by 5 (five days). On the eve of the holiday, people work one hour less.

    Check out complete guide on introducing a shift schedule:

    For those who work six days a week, the working day on Saturday should not be more than 5 hours.

    A work shift can last up to 12 hours (workweek - 36 hours) or up to 8 hours (workweek - 30 hours or less), this is fixed in the agreement between management and employees and industry standards.

    Table: working day and working week for different categories of workers

    Category Working week, hours Working day (shift), hours
    General case 40 8
    Children from 14 to 15 years old no more than 24 4
    Children from 15 to 16 years old no more than 24 5
    Children from 16 to 18 years old 35 7
    Disabled people of groups I and II 35 in accordance with the medical report
    Working with harmful and dangerous conditions labor 36 8
    Working with harmful and dangerous working conditions
    30 6

    Operating time for a period (month, quarter, year)

    We divide the weekly amount of work time (normal 40 hours or shortened - 24, 25, 36 hours) by 5 and multiply by the number of days of work per month (five-day week), from the quotient we subtract those hours by which the working days were shortened before the holidays (if it is a holiday follows a day off, then on the day before the holiday they work as usual).

    They work one hour less if the days December 31, February 22, March 7, April 30, May 8, June 11, and November 3 fall on weekdays.

    Let's calculate the operating hours for February 2018.

    We have: 28 calendar days, Sunday falls on the numbers: 4, 11, 18, 25.

    In February there are 4 full weeks of 40 hours, one holiday and one pre-holiday day (minus one hour).

    40 * 4 – 8 – 1 = 151 hours.

    In total, we will work 151 hours in February.

    The annual amount of working time is determined according to the same principle. We divide the weekly fund (40, 36, 35, 24 hours) by 5, multiply by the number of weekdays in a year for a five-day period. From the total we subtract the amount of hours by which we reduced working days before the holidays.

    How to correctly fill out a time sheet:

    So, the working week is 40 hours (normal) or 36, 35 or 24 hours (shortened), the working day lasts 8, 7, 6 or 4 hours, respectively. Sometimes the working day is extended to 12 hours; this decision is fixed in the internal regulations.

    Table: working time fund for the fourth quarter of 2017 (five days)

    IV quarter
    Working hours, hours Rest time, days
    40 hour
    a week
    36 hour
    a week
    24 hour
    a week
    October 176 158,4 105,6 9
    november 167 150,2 99,8 9
    December 168 151,2 100,8 10

    Let's calculate working hours and rest periods for normal and shortened durations for 2018.

    Table: working time fund for 2018 (five days)

    2018 Working hours, hours Rest time, days
    40 hour
    a week
    36 hour
    a week
    24 hour
    a week
    January 136 122,4 81,6 14
    February 151 135,8 90,2 9
    March 159 143 95 11
    April 167 150,2 99,8 9
    May 159 143 95 11
    June 159 143 95 10
    July 176 158,4 105,6 9
    August 184 165,6 110,4 8
    September 160 144 96 10
    October 184 165,6 110,4 8
    november 168 151,2 100,8 9
    December 167 150,2 99,8 10

    A normal work week lasts five days a week or 40 hours, with an average of 21–22 working days or 160–170 hours per month.

    Time to relax

    Yours free time the employee spends taking into account personal needs without working during this period.

    Rest time includes:

    • lunch break (during the day),
    • rest after work,
    • vacation,
    • non-working days
    • weekend.

    In addition to lunch, there may be other breaks during the day, for example, related to the peculiarities of production (working technology), or time for heating and rest. But the time of feeding a child up to one and a half years old (Article 258 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is not a rest break. If they work no longer four hours per day, there may not be a lunch break (to clarify this, look at the internal regulations).

    Break during the working day, rest after work shift, vacation, weekends are types of recreation

    Rest: types and restrictions

    A lunch break can take from 30 minutes to 2 hours; this is non-working time, so it is not paid. When you can take a break and how long it lasts is determined by internal company rules (agreements).

    A day off is the period from the end of work (shift) to the start of work (shift) on the day following the day off. The duration of the weekend is no more than 42 hours (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). All workers have days off; on a six-day week, Sunday is a day off; on a five-day week, Sunday and one more day determined by internal company rules (Article 111 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An organization's day off does not necessarily have to coincide with a traditional day off. If production or labor organization at the enterprise requires it, any other day of the week can become a day off.

    Days closed due to holidays:

    • New Year holidays (January 1–8).
    • Christmas (January 7).
    • Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23).
    • International Women's Day (March 8).
    • Spring and Labor Day (May 1).
    • Victory Day (May 9).
    • Russia Day (June 12).
    • National Unity Day (November 4).

    If the holiday falls on a weekend, as, for example, in 2017, November 4 is National Unity Day (Saturday), then the working day following the holiday - November 6 (Monday) - becomes a day off. Sometimes weekends may be postponed to other days; in this case, the Government issues appropriate instructions.

    Availability of holiday non-working day in the working month should not in any way affect the salary of workers.

    You can be called to work on a day off or a holiday with the written consent of the worker. But in emergency situations, such as preventing disasters or eliminating their consequences, or a production accident, going to work is mandatory (Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Involving a worker in performing work functions on weekends and holidays is paid additionally.

    In so-called continuously operating organizations, even on holidays, employees go to work and perform their functions (for example, emergency renovation work, public service). At these same enterprises, it is impossible to reduce working time by an hour before a holiday, so employees are given additional time to rest or (with their consent) paid for this working time as overtime.

    Now about vacations. Every year, an employee has the right to rest for 28 calendar days. For some professions there is additional leave, it lasts at least 7 days. Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation explains who is entitled to it:

    • to all people working in harmful and dangerous industries;
    • those who have irregular working hours or special working conditions;
    • workers in the Far North.

    Every year, every employee must rest for at least 14 days in a row.

    Working beyond the established norm

    Issues of increasing working hours are discussed in Article 97 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Options for working beyond normal limits are overtime or irregular work hours.

    If a person works more than 40 hours a week, performing his duties at this time, then such work is called overtime (Article 99 of the Labor Code). Overtime work usually does not last long (when there is an urgent need to complete some unfinished business or project), and management issues a corresponding order.

    Periodically as directed by the employer individual employees are involved in performing additional work on an irregular schedule (Article 101 of the Labor Code). Non-standard hours are available for some positions and will be discussed during the hiring process.

    Part-time work

    In his free time from his main job, an employee can work at another job that is paid regularly. Such employment is called part-time work. In the employment contract for a combined job there will be a note stating that the work is performed part-time.

    You can work in a position combined with your main place for no more than 4 hours a day. On days when the employee has a rest at his main job, he can work part-time full time. In a month, a part-time worker can work no more than 50% of the normal working time, that is, with an established 40-hour work week, it turns out that no more than 20 hours.

    But it is possible to combine positions at the main job, if during the working day the employee agrees to do a larger amount of work for additional pay. You can combine work in the same or another profession (position). This is possible if service areas increase, the volume of work increases, or someone needs to be temporarily replaced. The worker shall formalize his consent to perform additional work in writing.

    If the amount of work time is always the same from day to day, its duration is established by law, then they keep a daily record of the time worked.

    If the company works according to a schedule or goes to work on a shift, and only the weekly work time standard is observed, then weekly records are kept.

    It happens, due to the peculiarities of production, that the norm of work time during the day and week is not maintained, then the work time is recorded for a designated period - a month, a quarter or a year. This control option is called summarized accounting; in this case, the total operating time for the period should remain in prescribed by law intervals.

    Working hours are recorded using a time sheet in the T-12 form

    Video: instructions for recording work time

    The time allocated for work may have a normal, reduced or incomplete duration. Normally, weekly employment does not exceed 40 hours, this corresponds to an eight-hour working day, with a lunch break lasting from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Every year, an employee is entitled to 28 days of vacation, and people with irregular schedules are also entitled to additional vacation. Salaries are calculated based on time worked; to record it, fill out special form report card.

    No. 125-FZ dated June 18, 2017 “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” (it comes into force on June 29, 2017). The amendments affected the issues of establishing and paying for part-time work and irregular working hours. There are also changes in terms of remuneration for overtime work and for work on weekends and holidays. We'll tell you what an accountant needs to know about the new payroll rules effective June 29, 2017.

    Part-time work: important amendments

    Normal length of the working week, in general case, should not exceed 40 hours (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). During the week, working time must be distributed in such a way that its total duration does not exceed the specified limit. Most often you can find this option - an eight-hour working day with a five-day working week with days off on Saturday and Sunday.

    However, in addition to the normal working hours, part-time working hours may be established. Part-time work involves working part-time during the week, or during a working day or shift. Issues of establishing part-time working hours are regulated by Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    An example of establishing part-time work

    An employee is busy not five working days, but four, or not eight hours per shift, but six.

    Partial time: how it can be installed

    From June 29, 2017, employers have the right to simultaneously assign an employee a part-time day and a part-time week. For example, a four-hour schedule on Monday and Thursday. Before this, Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allowed to shorten either a week or days.

    Also, in Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, from June 29, 2017, a rule appeared that an employee can have a part-time working day, dividing it into parts. For example, two hours in the morning and three hours in the evening. Previously, there were no such provisions in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    This is how part one of Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is read after amendments have been made to it:

    When will it be necessary to take into account the wishes of employees?

    The employer can transfer any employee to work with a part-time schedule at his request. However, in some cases the employer is obliged to establish a part-time working schedule for the employee. This must be done as requested:

    • pregnant woman;
    • one of the parents (guardian, trustee) with a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 18 years of age;
    • an employee who cares for a sick family member in accordance with a medical certificate.

    The adopted amendments supplemented, from June 29, 2017, the provisions of Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with a new norm stating that the above categories of working time and rest time, including the duration of daily work (shift), the start and end time of work, the time of breaks in work, must be established in accordance with the wishes of the employee, taking into account the production (work) conditions of the given employer.

    Thus, for example, a pregnant woman may want her work day to start two hours later than usual. The employer will be obliged to take this kind of wish into account when establishing part-time work. Similarly, at the request of the employee, the time of, say, a lunch break or shift can be changed.

    Prohibition on establishing irregular working hours

    An irregular working day is a work mode when some employees may, by order of the employer, if necessary, be involved in work outside the working hours established for them (Article 101 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    A feature of an irregular working day is the nature of work when, for reasons beyond a person’s control, it is not possible to perform all of one’s functions during working hours. For example, establishing irregular working hours for a lawyer will help to attract him to participate in court hearings that take place outside the normal working day.

    But is it permissible to establish an irregular working day for an employee who is employed part-time? Can. Let us explain why.

    The introduction of an irregular working day means that a person works outside the working hours established for him, including outside part-time working hours: a day or a shift (Article 101 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, for an employee who works part-time, the employer has the right to establish an irregular working day.

    The law commented on Article 101 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation since June 29, 2017, supplemented by the rule that an irregular working day may be established for an employee working on a part-time basis. But only if two conditions are simultaneously met:

    1. the agreement of the parties to the employment contract establishes a part-time working week;
    2. a person works full time (shift).

    Thus, it turns out that if a person works, for example, part-time (shift) in a part-time work week, then he cannot be assigned an irregular working day. After all, then the two above conditions are not met.

    Now the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits the establishment of both irregular and part-time working hours. If the employment contract contains both conditions, then the contract should be amended after June 29, 2017.

    Who can now be left without lunch?

    Article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the rules governing the establishment of breaks for rest and food. It is stipulated that the lunch break is fixed in employment contracts or in local acts (for example, in the Internal Labor Regulations). In this case, the duration of the lunch break cannot be less than 30 minutes and more than two hours.

    The law being commented on clarifies that from June 29, 2017, employees can be left without a lunch break if they work for four hours or less. A provision regarding this must be included in employment contract or in the Internal Labor Regulations. Before this, the rules were the same for everyone. The break must be regardless of the length of the working day.

    Overtime pay: less confusion

    The employer's management may require a person to work overtime. It should be understood as work outside the established working hours (Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    Overtime work is work at the request of the employer outside the established working hours:

    • in addition to daily work (shift) (with daily recording of working hours);
    • in excess of the normal number of working hours for the accounting period (with cumulative accounting of working hours).

    Article 152 “Payment for overtime work” of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that overtime work is paid for the first two hours of work at least one and a half times the amount. And in the following hours - no less than double the amount.

    Now Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has been supplemented with a new paragraph. It says that the rules of Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation apply to work beyond the norm only on weekdays. If an employee works on weekends or holidays, then his work is paid according to Article 153 “Payment for work on weekends and non-working holidays” of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. That is, no less than double the amount.

    It turns out that now for overtime on weekdays, employers must pay employees one and a half times the salary per hour of work for the first two hours of work. And for the remaining hours beyond two hours of work on weekdays - at double the rate. Let's give an example of a calculation.


    The rate per hour is 100 rubles. The worker was late for three hours on weekdays. His salary for the first two hours of work will be: 100 rubles. x 2 hours x 1.5 = 300 rub. For the third hour, the salary will be 200 rubles. (100 rubles x 1 hour x 2). In total, the employee will receive 500 rubles for part-time work. (300 rub. + 200 rub.).

    For work on weekends or holidays, the salary will be paid double.

    For example, the daily rate is 1000 rubles. This means that for working on a day off, the salary will be 2000 rubles (1000 rubles x 2).

    Let us add that Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has also been amended to the effect that if only part of the working day (shift) falls on a weekend or non-working holiday, then an increased amount must be paid for the actual time worked on the weekend or non-working holiday (from 0 to 24 hours).

    As of June 29, 2017, hours in excess of normal working hours do not need to be counted as overtime. The employee only needs to be paid double for work on a non-working day (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, a standard day is 8 hours, and an employee worked 10 hours on a holiday. The company will pay them double. There is no need to pay time and a half for the extra two hours as overtime. Before the amendments were made, such a conclusion followed only from the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2005 No. GKPI05-1341.

    We believe that the commented amendment will protect against disputes with employees. After all, it is now stipulated that the employer pays double the amount only for hours worked on days off. If an employee worked part-time, he will receive double pay for part of the day.

    What else to read