Work on holidays according to the labor code. Before weekends or holidays. Average working day: formula

Work is an integral part of the life of each of us. Labor relations are strictly regulated by law to protect the rights of workers and employers. The law clearly defines the duration of working hours in order to ensure the protection of the employee’s health, as well as to provide the employee with the necessary time for self-development and professional development.

Working hours

How many hours per week can you work, according to the Labor Code? Labor legislation Russian Federation and Ukraine determines the optimal length of the working week at forty hours, which are distributed throughout the week according to the work schedule. A working week can be five days, and then the working day will last 8 hours. If you work with one day off per week, then your working day cannot be longer than seven hours. However, there are features of the organization of working time, provided that:

  • your working day is not standardized;
  • you work at night;
  • you are working overtime;
  • you work part-time;
  • you need a shorter working day;
  • you are interested in the peculiarities of organizing the working time of persons under the age of majority.

Irregular work

So we know that time working week does not exceed 40 hours. What is an irregular working day? What is the maximum number of hours you can work per week? Yes, with irregular working hours you may be involved in the labor process beyond the permissible working day in most cases. However, you should definitely know:

  • this situation cannot be permanent;
  • in the case of an irregular schedule, you have the right to compensation in the form of additional leave;
  • your work is not overpaid.

In what cases might an irregular schedule apply to you personally? If you:

  • be part of the technical and economic personnel, management level;
  • an employee whose work cannot be strictly measured in terms of duration;
  • an employee who allocates time at his own discretion;
  • yours work time according to the nature of the activity, it is divided into shares of indefinite duration.

Night work

There are other types of organization of working time beyond the eight hours required by law. What should you keep in mind if you have to work at night? Firstly, night work is determined solely by production needs. If you work at night, your working day should automatically be reduced by one hour, and you are also entitled to additional rest time.


However, in some cases, your working hours may exceed the normal 40-hour week. We are talking about overtime work. Overtime is considered to be activity in excess of the duration of the working day established by current legislation. Such work is permitted in exceptional cases provided for by law and is usually associated with emergency situations. Overtime work can be organized in the following cases:

  • carrying out work to ensure the country's defense capability;
  • the need to prevent disasters, accidents, as well as to quickly eliminate the consequences of emergency situations;
  • carrying out public works By public services, transport, communications;
  • the need to complete work that, due to various types of unforeseen circumstances or delays for technical reasons beyond the control of the employee, could not be completed within the required time frame, in the case where the cessation of activity may cause damage to state or public property.

And you also need to know that work beyond the norm can only be carried out with the permission of the enterprise trade union and should not be more than four hours for two consecutive days for each employee and more than one hundred and twenty hours per year.

Part-time work

Sometimes work at the main place of work does not bring the material rewards necessary to solve pressing financial problems. The birth of a child, health problems among relatives, the desire to improve material and living conditions - these are just some of the reasons that force you to look for additional sources of income. The most common option is part-time work. How is this type regulated by law? labor activity and how many hours a week can you work part-time?

According to regulatory documents, part-time work should be considered the performance by an employee, in addition to his main activity, of other regularly paid work under the terms of an employment contract during time free from his main work activity. How is the working time of a part-time employee calculated? The total duration of part-time work activity during a calendar month cannot exceed the norm by half or by a calendar month at the rate of forty hours per week. As a result, the duration of part-time work cannot exceed twenty hours per week.


In some cases, the normal working week is reduced, but this does not affect pay. For which categories of workers is a reduced working day allowed? How many hours per week can you work with a reduced working day? Part-time work is allowed for:

  • Workers employed in so-called hazardous industries (the list of such positions is approved by law) - no more than thirty-six hours per week.
  • For teachers primary classes(first to fourth grades) - maximum four hours of teaching per day (twenty-four hours per week); here, however, you need to take into account that we are talking about teaching work, the time that the teacher spends working with documentation is not taken into account.
  • Teachers of secondary schools (middle and high age categories schoolchildren) - three hours a day (eighteen hours during the week).
  • Boarding school teachers - five hours a day (thirty hours during the week).
  • Preschool teachers and methodologists - six hours a day (no more than thirty-six hours during the week).
  • Doctors and paramedical staff of hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, outpatient clinics - a maximum of six and a half hours a day.
  • Doctors of outpatient clinics and clinics who are engaged only in outpatient treatment of patients, dentists, prosthetists - five and a half hours during the day.

Features of the length of working time for persons under the age of majority will be discussed below.

Labor activity of minors

What do you need to know if you are faced with the work of minors? Whether you are an employer or a parent, you will be primarily interested in how many hours per week a minor can work. Persons no younger than fourteen years old can carry out labor activities. For minors, a separate length of working time is established:

  • persons from sixteen to eighteen years old - up to thirty-six hours during the week;
  • persons from fifteen to sixteen years old - up to twenty-six hours during the week;
  • Pupils between the ages of fourteen and fifteen who work during the holidays may work no more than twenty-four hours a week;
  • Young people under the age of majority cannot be employed in overtime work.

It should be remembered that minors can only work with the permission of the medical commission and upon presentation of the appropriate document.

Features of women's work

Many people are interested in how many hours per week can women work under the Labor Code? Women work a normal forty-hour week, but exceptions are allowed in some cases. A woman has every right to a shorter working day if she:

  • pregnant;
  • raises a child up to fourteen years of age;
  • is the mother of a disabled child under her care;
  • cares for a disabled person or seriously ill family member (if there is a medical certificate).

In this case, wages are calculated based on hours worked. In addition, it is unacceptable for the above categories of women to be involved in work beyond legislative norm without their consent.

Thus, the length of the working day is strictly regulated by labor legislation, which defines various options for working hours. You can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Before talking in detail about the standard working time (hereinafter also referred to as NW), you should understand the basics: what it consists of and what it affects. In this article, we examine in detail how the standard working hours for 2017 are calculated.

Annual challenge

To produce any type of product, including in completely different sectors of industry and production, and the agricultural sector, it is necessary to use the labor skills of the relevant personnel. From getting a kitchen stool to creating a jet plane, any product or product is still produced with human participation.

A group of specialists, a large team or an individual master in his sector of activity spend a certain amount of time on work. Therefore, when planning production processes and mutual cooperation with other companies and buyers of manufactured products, the manufacturer must calculate working hours in advance for each specialty involved in his enterprise. Ultimately, this affects the number of employees who can be hired by the organization.

In short, management, together with the human resources department and standard-setters, have to calculate the NIR every year.

How to determine the annual rate

First, let's explain the term itself. By general rule standard working time is the number of hours spent on work during a calendar period. Usually. The basis is 40 hours a week.

Today it is calculated on the basis of the procedure set out in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2009 No. 588n (hereinafter also referred to as the Procedure).

According to the provisions of this regulatory act, the length of the working week (with a norm of 40 working hours, and sometimes less) is divided by the number 5 (if a person works on a 5-day schedule) and multiplied by the number of working days in a year. Then, from the result obtained, the number of hours by which the working days were shortened, which occur right before official public holidays, is subtracted:

  • New Year;
  • 9th May;
  • other similar holidays.

By law, a working day and at the same time a pre-holiday day are usually considered shortened by 1 working hour.

The standard working hours for the next year must be calculated before the end of the previous year. In this case, you need to take into account:

  1. Requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation adjusting working days and holidays for the next year.

So, regarding the period of 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 756 dated August 4, 2016. It states that the following rest days will be postponed:

  • 01/01/2017 to 02/24/2017;
  • 01/07/2017 to 05/08/2017.

It is possible that for a newcomer to the field of labor regulation, these procedures will seem confusing and difficult to understand. However, only by taking into account all these regulations and by-laws can one find out how the standard working hours for 2017 and subsequent working periods are correctly calculated.

Amount of working hours in 2017

When determining it, the following provisions should be taken into account:

  • even if an employee works 5 or 6 days a week, Sunday is considered a day off;
  • It is possible to postpone a day off for individual specialists only if the enterprise objective reason does not have the ability to stop the work process on the weekend. That is, staff must perform their duties both on Saturday and on Sunday. This is stated in Article 111 of the Labor Code;
  • Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a list of holidays upon the occurrence of which workers rest.

The Labor Code also includes the New Year holidays (from 01.01 to 08.01 inclusive) as holidays. Christmas is also classified as a holiday with a designated day off.

In addition, a holiday that falls on a weekend carries over such a day of rest. This principle works every year. The only exceptions are the first 8 days of January - New Year and Christmas. The fact is that the transfer of rest days to the New Year holidays does not automatically occur. Every year, the Government of the Russian Federation, in a separate order, approves the days when enterprise employees rest and do not go to work. This point is stipulated by part 5 of article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the law (Part 1 of Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the length of the working day on the eve of an official holiday should be shortened by 1 hour.

All of the above requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as taking into account the Procedure, are the basis for calculating working time for the calendar year. Speaking specifically and in numbers, the standard working hours for 2017 will be as follows:

Average monthly NRT for 2017

Meanwhile, knowledge of the total annual time for work does not give full picture working hours each month. Full accounting requires being aware of the average monthly working time (each month separately).

For these purposes, the quantity matters calendar days in a month. It can be from 28 to 31. Thus, 2017 is not considered a leap year. In addition, each month has its own number of holidays and weekends. And it varies significantly. For example, in January, a full 8 days in addition to the weekend were declared non-working. But April and October in 2017 have no non-working holidays at all.

Thus, the average monthly number of working hours can be used to plan the work process. It is necessary to collect together all the data for a particular year and the duration of work in it, calculated in hours.

It is generally accepted that the average amount of working time per month is obtained by dividing the total annual amount of hours by 12. So, for employees with of different durations The labor standard for working hours for 2017 is shown in the table.

Other NRVs for 2017 in Russia

In practice, accounting and human resources departments need additional data on working time standards for 2017. The information will be more complete if you know that in 2017, with a 40-hour work week:

  • total number of working days – 247;
  • weekends and holidays – 118 days;
  • shortened days – 3.
Quarterly working time table in 2017
Quarter Working days Working hours
1st57 520
II61 488
III65 520
IV64 511

Local features

The above figures apply to the entire Russian Federation. But some regions may declare their own days of rest associated with local religious holidays. Namely, on the basis of Article 4 of the Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” dated September 26, 1997 No. 125-FZ.

There are also additional provisions that allow the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to make some calendar dates holidays for reasons other than religious ones. This is Article 6 of the Labor Code and paragraph 8 of the letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 10, 2003 No. 1139-21.

In such cases, the calculated standard working hours for 2017 will look different than generally for Russia.

Local weekends have a significant feature. If they are introduced, then the region will compensate itself for all losses in income.

Accounting for employee category

It is necessary to calculate the NIR taking into account the category of specialist and the specifics of the work. So, in some cases, staff working time should be cut. Despite the fact that other employees of this company who work the same schedule do not receive changes in their work routine.

For example:

  • Article 92 of the Labor Code talks about the working time limit for employees with disabilities of the first two groups. They can be employed at the enterprise for a maximum of 35 hours per week;
  • if there is work with hazards of the 3rd or 4th degree - no more than 36 working hours;
  • Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation limits the working time of minor employees. Duration – no more than 7 hours a day. And if he is under 16 years old, then a maximum of 5 hours at work.

Each enterprise takes these points into account and takes into account the time spent on the work process as a whole.

Production calendar taking into account the standard working hours for 2017

You can often find a production calendar at enterprises or on the Internet, which takes into account all work shifts, holidays, weekends, changes in working hours, etc. (see figure below). It should be noted that such a calendar stands somewhat apart from the Labor Code and Procedure, since it does not have official recognition. It cannot be considered a normative act.

However, in practical use The calendar is very convenient, which is why it is often used. Accountants use it to calculate paid days (for example, on sick leave), and the HR department uses it to schedule employee vacations.

That is, such a calendar is compiled independently on the basis of a regular calendar, where weekends and holidays are indicated. It can be purchased at any bookstore before next year. Everything is laid out in detail in it based on the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Government regulations. In such a calendar, the duration of working hours is prescribed for each day of this year. Of course, its size should be such that all the necessary notes fit.

An enterprise that calculates working hours for staff should carefully monitor annual changes in the calendar and the coincidence of holidays and weekends. It is also necessary to constantly review the news and not miss the appearance of changes or additions to regulations labor legislation that regulates working hours for any profession and/or category of workers.

Definition of rest time according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: this is time free from work or outside the working hours stipulated employment contract or other approved documentation. The duration of work and rest for each organization is prescribed in internal regulatory documentation, namely in the company’s local acts (LNA).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for several types of rest. Let's take a closer look at them.

The Labor Code defines working hours as the hours of work during which the employee performs his labor functions. Functionality is indicated in job descriptions.

Work periods are specified in the internal labor regulations. The standard is a 40-hour, five-day week, eight working hours a day.

However, in enterprises where continuous work is envisaged, or where the company’s goods and/or services are in demand around the clock, work and rest times differ from the standard. A shift work schedule is introduced for employees, which means establishing a schedule for employees in which the number of working hours per day changes.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for 5 types of rest time:

  • during the working day (breaks for nutrition and restoration of performance);
  • after each working day/shift (daily);
  • at the end of the work week (weekends);
  • public holidays;
  • vacation.

Each type of rest time has certain legislative requirements.


During a working day/shift, the duration of a break can range from thirty minutes to two hours. This type rest during working hours is not included.

There are enterprises whose working conditions require continuity of the process, and there is no possibility of providing employees with a break for food and rest. In this case, the law obliges to provide workers with time for rest and food and to count these breaks as working time.

An employee may work part-time (for example, on an external part-time basis), and if his work volume is limited to four hours, a break may not be provided.

How does the employee conduct given time not regulated by the administration. No one can oblige an employee to eat food in a designated place.

If the organization has a room where staff can have lunch, this is an advantage, but the employee has the right to leave the work area during the break and use this time slot at his own discretion.

The company's internal documentation, which is approved in accordance with the established procedure, records the time of breaks. It may be general throughout the organization, or may differ for certain categories of employees, if this condition necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise.

For a separate category of workers who carry out their activities in cold conditions or rooms in which the temperature is lower than required by sanitary standards of the year, the employer is obliged to provide breaks for heating.

Weekly rest

The Labor Code establishes the duration of continuous weekly rest. It is equal to forty-two hours. Compliance with this rule is also mandatory when establishing other operating modes, for example, daily schedules in continuous production.

The general day off is Sunday; with a five-day work week, there are no separate days off.

Options for shift work schedules depend on the intensity of labor and the specifics of production. When introducing them, the enterprise establishes from two to four shifts.

At 24/7 work The following graphics are acceptable:

  • daily work, every other day;
  • 11 hour shift, day, night, two days off;
  • 11 hour shift, two days a day, two days a night, three days off;
  • 11 hour shift, two days in two.

Working time standards for the current calendar year are specified in the production calendar. Having drawn up work schedules for the year, you can select an interval so that the duration of work in it does not exceed the established norm of working hours, and enter a summarized accounting of working hours in accordance with it.

Nighttime rest must be taken into account when scheduling.

Night shifts (the night time frame is legally defined from 22:00 to 06:00) is physiologically difficult work, so the shift time is reduced by one hour.


State holidays are fixed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and change to federal level. If, when forming the production calendar for the next year, state holidays coincide with Saturday or Sunday, then The Government of the Russian Federation is obliged to approve the schedule for transferring these days no later than November 30 of the current year.

Based on the data, a production calendar is formed, which contains information about the number of working days and days off. Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes non-working holidays, in total there are 14 of them per year. If holidays fall during the vacation period, then its duration increases by the same number of days.

Involvement in work on holidays occurs with the written consent of the employee, is formalized by order and is paid additionally. However, in the event of emergency situations and liquidation of their consequences, the consent of employees is not required.

This rule does not apply to disabled people and working mothers or single fathers with children under three years of age. If the employer decides that this category of employees needs to be present on weekends and/or holidays, then he is obliged to inform the employees, upon signature, of their right to refuse to go out on a non-working day.


Type of rest time - vacation is divided into two categories:

  • paid;
  • unpaid.

There are two types of paid leave: basic and additional.

The right to receive annual basic paid leave appears to any employee registered in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation after 6 months of work in the organization, regardless of whether he works full time/shift or during other working hours, with some exceptions.

The calculation of the period for which leave is due begins from the day of registration for work. For example, an employee got a job on April 28, 2017, respectively, the period is determined by the following time frame: from 04/28/2017 to 04/27/2018.

Annual basic paid leave is provided with a duration of 28 calendar days (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For each month worked, the employee is entitled to 1/12 of the vacation, more precisely in days it is 2.33, at the rate of 28 days/12 months. However, after working for 11 months, the employee has the right to complete rest in the amount of 28 calendar days.

Vacations are provided in accordance with the schedule approved by the organization no later than two weeks before the new year. The staff must be familiarized with it against signature. The external part-time worker is provided with the same dates that he agreed on at his main place of work.

Most employers practice dividing vacation into two equal parts, which essentially does not contradict Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But the law provides for the employee’s consent to this procedure. Often, the employer is confronted with a fact about this state of affairs even before applying for a job.

Accepting these conditions or exercising the right of Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is a personal matter for the employee. But such a division increases the chance of getting ½ vacation at the desired time, or rather in the spring-summer period.

The main purpose of this period is to provide employees with more time to restore their working capacity, taking into account the specifics of work activity, age or other conditions. The legislation provides for a procedure for recalling leave, after which the employee retains the right to use the remaining part.

Also, by agreement of both parties, vacation may be postponed to dates other than the schedule. But failure to provide it for more than one billing year in a row is strictly prohibited, including administrative liability in accordance with Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Cash compensation is paid for unused vacation only upon dismissal, if the employee decided not to exercise the right and take all vacation days before dismissal (Article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Note! If an employee decides to exercise the right granted by Article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this does not mean that the employer is obliged to immediately provide the employee with leave. The start date of the vacation is agreed with the employer if it is not indicated in the schedule for the near future. That is, the employer has the right to set the start date for vacation after the expiration of the two-week notice period.

The second type of paid vacation is additional vacations. They are enshrined in the provisions of Article 116 of the Labor Code. However, this right exists only for separate category workers:

  • employed in work with hazardous and/or dangerous conditions labor. These jobs are determined special assessment working conditions carried out in the organization;
  • employed in jobs of a special nature;
  • those employed in jobs with irregular hours;
  • working in remote areas(Far North or equivalent).

The legislation gives the employer the right to determine by internal decisions the categories of employees who may be granted additional leave, entering them into the LNA.

The employee has the right instead additional rest apply for monetary compensation, with the exception of the category of employees specified in the first paragraph of the list.

Additional and main vacations are summed up. There are no maximum duration limits, unlike limits.

If an employee falls ill while on vacation, and this fact is confirmed by a sick leave certificate, then the vacation period is extended by the number of days on which he was ill.

Unpaid leave includes leave without pay wages. This type of holiday is provided by good reasons which the employee sets out in writing. However, the decision is at the discretion of the employer.

Only in some cases, indicated in Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee in 2019 is required to be granted leave without pay.

  • These include:
  • wedding;
  • birth of a child;

death of a close relative. However, there are categories of employees to whom the employer is obliged to provide leave without pay. These are WWII participants, working pensioners, parents and wives of contract employees, as well as working disabled people.

In regulating rest time issues, the Labor Code did not undergo any changes in 2019. According to the letter of the law, an employee has the right to breaks during work shift, as well as vacations, and the employer is obliged to provide them.

Labor legislation sets a limit on the amount of time per week and month during which a person performs his work duties. This period is called “normal working hours”.

What are the normal working hours per week?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes specific numbers only within a week. According to Article 91 of the above code of laws, the normal working hours per week cannot be more than 40 hours.

This figure is set subject to certain conditions:

  • The man fulfills his job responsibilities full time work day;
  • He is not given a reduced work shift;
  • The person does not belong to the category of part-time workers.

In addition to the fact that the legislator establishes a 40-hour work week, the duration of continuous rest during the week is also regulated. It is equal to 42 hours and is prescribed by Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In practice, this means that every 7 days a person must have at least a specified number of hours of rest; therefore, it is impossible to go to work 7 days a week, no matter how long the shift is.

How is normal working time per month calculated?

Since the legislator stipulates the rules only for working hours within one week, and working hours are generally recorded on a monthly basis, the question arises: what is the normal working time per month?

This figure will depend on the number of working days in a particular month. That is, it will be installed separately for each month, and in different years this value for the same month may not be the same.

A five-day work week with two days of rest is taken as the starting point for calculating the required norm.

As a legislative act that sets out the relevant norms for all months calendar year There is a production calendar, which is approved for one year.

Duration of the working day according to the Labor Code 2018

The Labor Code says nothing about how long the working day should be. Therefore, the answer to the question: a full working day - how many hours - will depend on the schedule established for a particular position.

  • Five-day work week and two days of rest. In this case, a full working day will be equal to 8 hours.
  • Six-day work week with one day of rest. In this case, the duration of the working day will be equal to 7 hours on ordinary days, and will decrease to 5 hours a day, after which a day off begins.
  • Going to work according to schedule. In this case, the duration of the shift is not regulated, that is, it can even be a day, but the norm of 40 hours per week should not be exceeded.

The employer has the right to determine the working schedule at the enterprise, and he can use several schedules at once, depending on the position and work requirements.

Duration of working hours when working part-time

When the work performed is not the main one, the normal working hours cannot exceed the regulated values:

  • Four hours a day if a person is busy with his main job;
  • A full work shift on the day when he takes a break from his main job;
  • More than half of the monthly norm for working hours.

These values ​​are provided for in Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

That is, a part-time worker cannot be registered for more than 0.5 rates, regardless of whether he is external or internal.

Note! If a part-time worker is employed at less than half the rate, then the rate of hours worked per month should be reduced. For example, if a person works at 0.25 times the rate, then for him the normal working time is not half, but only a quarter of the maximum value approved by the production calendar.

Average working day: formula

Average duration working day is determined in accounting and economic calculations rational use working time fund. Most often it is calculated in the following cases:

  • With a work week that lasts six days;
  • For positions that have an irregular schedule;
  • For people who are often required to work overtime;
  • For positions that have a shift work schedule.

The average working day is calculated using the formula:

Note! If a person works a five-day week, with a regular working day, then calculate average value does not make sense, since it will be equal to the actual work shift, that is, 8 hours.

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation regulates what length of working hours is considered normal. It is equal to 40 hours during the week. The standard work schedule is a five-day week with an 8-hour workday and two days off. Based on this, the monthly working time standard is established. The duration of the work shift is not regulated, but the employer must take into account that every week the employee must have at least 42 consecutive hours of rest. For part-time workers, the normal working hours in the Russian Federation are halved compared to the norm for a full-time worker.

Lunch rules Breaks to ensure rest and food are defined in Article 108 of the Labor Code. Their duration is from 30 to 10 minutes. These periods are not included in working hours and are not paid accordingly. IMPORTANT IN new edition The document under consideration has been amended, according to which, if the shift duration is 4 hours or less, the employer has the right not to provide such a break. This is regulated by the PVR. If the production situation does not allow citizens to be provided with a lunch break during working hours, the employer must take care of the possibility of eating within the paid time period of work. This includes all breaks shorter than 30 minutes. Features of a medical examination during working hours according to the Labor Code The Labor Code (Article 213) defines two types of medical examinations. 1.

Features of working hours according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation


The shift length of such workers (employees of cinema, media, theaters, circuses, etc.) is regulated by a collective agreement, taking into account the maximum weekly workload. for other categories, the length of the shift depends on the specifics of the work, part-time work, and other factors.

  1. For part-time workers – 4 hours or less. If a part-time worker does not have a main job on one of the days, it is permissible to work in an additional place all day.
  2. For crew on ships – 8 daily hours.


For women working on ships in the Far North and for minors on ships – 7.2 hours.

  • For drivers – 8 hours on a five-day schedule, 7 hours on a six-day schedule.
  • Please note: Continuous rest must last at least 42 hours a week according to Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The period is calculated from the end of work until the weekend.

    What is the length of the working week in the Russian Federation according to the labor code?


    Home/Working time The concept of “time” in the world of work is characterized by specific quantities and figures, in contrast to the general philosophical concept. It is strictly regulated by law. The main legislative act is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF).

    A number of changes were made to it, which came into force on June 29, 2017. In particular, the conditions for implementation were clarified labor responsibilities when establishing a part-time schedule, payments for overtime work.
    The topic is covered in the chapters of the fourth section. Every citizen needs to know the rights guaranteed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The essence of the concept of “working time” Working time is the total period of performance of individual labor duties, determined by the contract and the temporary work permit (rules). internal regulations), and other periods not related to actual work.

    Duration of the working day according to the Labor Code 2017

    For students aged 14 to 16 years - only 2.5 hours, and for students aged 16 to adulthood - 4 hours. Length of working day for disabled people For disabled people Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits working in excess of the daily norm, but does not establish the norm itself. This is due to the fact that each disease is individual, some disabled people can work without restrictions, and some do not have the opportunity to work at all.

    Every disabled person, before employment or after receiving a disability, must contact a clinic that issues a medical report in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 441n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 2, 2012, which approved the Procedure for issuing medical certificates and reports (Procedure). The conclusion contains an assessment of the health status of a particular disabled person based on an examination.
    According to clause

    We take into account working hours according to all the rules

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In other cases, the employee’s request is taken into account in accordance with production interests. For example, a health worker asked to set her rate from 0.25 to 0.75, and then - 0.75 rate. The employer set the rate at 0.25, and the court recognized his actions as correct (see appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated October 16, 2014 No. 33-35065/14). Working time schedule according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Working time regime is its distribution over a period (days, weeks, etc.).

    It is installed local acts organization, for example, internal labor regulations. Should be installed:

    • length of the working week (5, 6 days);
    • alternation of workers and non-working days(its absence is considered to be contrary to Part.

    Working hours according to the labor code - types and features

    Establishing 2 shifts per week for 24 hours is illegal, since in this case the weekly working time will be 48 hours. If the weekly working time exceeds 40 hours, it is necessary to agree with the employee whether he wants to work overtime.

    It is optimal to set one shift for 24 hours, and the second shift for 16 hours. Based on the foregoing, the legislator has not established the normal shift length for general categories of workers, however, when fixing it, it is necessary to proceed from the maximum working time per week.
    How the number of daily working hours is distributed depending on the number of working days in the week. In the usual mode, the working week is usually five or six days. It is also possible to include a smaller number of days in the work week - depending on the characteristics of a particular organization and labor regime (Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). A five-day work schedule is considered classic.

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    Working hours are set taking into account the wishes of representatives of the above categories, taking into account production conditions. IN work books This mode of operation is not noted.

    Part-time working hours can also be established on the initiative of the manager (for example, for the purpose of organizational changes) with the consent of the trade union body. Working hours of doctors according to the Labor Code A special category is presented medical workers. The quality of their services may be significantly reduced as a result of processing. Therefore, a week of working time is established for them according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, reduced by 1 hour (lasting 39 hours). There is a four-stage gradation of health workers with different weekly working hours.

    Length of the working day according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in 2018

    Length of the working day according to the Labor Code in 2016-2017 Normal duration shifts How the number of daily working hours is distributed depending on the number of working days in the week Length of the working day for minors Length of the working day for disabled people Length of the working day for workers in hazardous and hazardous work Other categories of workers for whom the law determines the number of daily working hours Part-time working hours Duration of the working day before weekends and holidays How to fix the duration of the working day for all employees of the organization or for a specific employee Duration of the working day according to the Labor Code in 2016-2017 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 91 defines what working time is.

    Length of the working week according to the Labor Code 2017

    • Work on the eve of rest before the weekend with a six-day work week should not last longer than 5 hours.
    • Uniform holidays for all are approved (Article 112). Payment for overtime Overtime and performance of work duties during weekend periods (days) are paid at a double rate (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or more to the following persons:
    • employees hired on a piece-rate basis - at a double rate;
    • at daily rates - double daily salaries (or more);
    • for hourly rates - double hourly rates according to the tariff (or more);
    • for holders of an official salary - no less than the proportional part of the established salary for an overworked hour (day) in excess of the amount of the salary.

    When calculating payment in the indicated cases, only fixed payment amounts are taken into account without taking into account incentive payments, compensation and social charges.

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