A story about how fish spend the winter. Wintering carp in a pond at the dacha. Where to look for carp in winter

All summer long, a backyard pond with bright carp pleases the eye, but autumn comes and it’s time to think about wintering. Carp can be left in the pond for the winter, provided that the depth of the reservoir is more than 2.5 meters. Koi carp cannot withstand temperatures below +2 degrees.

The best range is 10 - 16 degrees, but in a pond such temperatures do not exist in winter, so some hobbyists transfer the fish to wintering in basements in bathtubs or special aquariums.

Planting Density when overexposed it can be quite large - 10 liters. by 10 cm of body length.

  • Fish are not fed during the winter!!

But the fish must leave to meet the winter well-fed and fattened. In summer, you need to feed them with high-quality balanced food. For example, fish do not disdain earthworms. We must remember that they will live off their reserves all winter.

IN aquarium There should be at least a little filtration, maybe even mechanical, because... Nitrophizing bacteria work very weakly at this temperature. There must be an intensive air supply.

Now let's talk about wintering under ice

An important factor in good wintering fish in a pond is the readiness of the reservoir. Before cold weather, all organic debris that has accumulated over the summer and excess vegetation from the bottom of the reservoir are removed. The bottom of the pond must be clean and all fish waste products must be removed. To get rid of all organic residues, you can add special products that contain special strains of bacteria that feed on cellulose, as well as bacteria that live in low temperatures ah under the ice and help get rid of the formation of harmful gases (methane, hydrogen sulfide, etc.).

If you leave the fish to spend the winter in the pond, then take care to clear a small area of ​​ice: the fish should have light, this is very important for them.

You also need to ensure proper aeration in winter. Aeration at this time it is needed not to saturate the water with oxygen, but to remove harmful gases from under the ice. The aerator should be placed in the middle layers of water, but in no case at the bottom. Water in a calm state usually stratifies into several zones. In winter, the warmest water is at the bottom. Therefore, the aerator should not be used to disturb temperature regime. After all, during wintering, even a temperature difference of 2-3 degrees is very important for fish.

Summer feeds winter. It's hard to disagree with this proverb. All living beings prepare in advance for this harsh time of year. A person stocks up on fuel, insulates his home, and prepares food for future use. Animals, insects and fish are preparing for winter. However, everyone does it differently. Animals gain fat, and with the onset of cold weather they change their summer coats to winter ones. Insects and reptiles huddle in shelters and fall asleep, fish become lethargic, bury themselves in silt, fall into suspended animation, or look for deep bottom holes in which to wait out the winter.

Winter is a real test for river inhabitants. The surface of the reservoir is covered with ice, which does not allow the water to become saturated with oxygen. sunlight is also becoming a big deficit. Not only are winter days incredibly short, but the ice, covered with a thick layer of snow, prevents light from penetrating into the pond. The water becomes cold, which significantly reduces the activity of river inhabitants. Their movements become sluggish and slow.

In such conditions, most fish cannot lead active image life. They sink to the bottom, bury themselves in the silt, and fall into suspended animation. Life processes in their bodies slow down. They exist only due to the reserves that they were able to accumulate in the summer.

However, not all fish dive into hibernation. Some of their species look for deep places (wintering holes), gather in flocks, and wait out the winter in such a sedentary state. Only predators, fish that spawn in winter, and those species that make seasonal migrations remain active.

But let's get back to those river inhabitants, which winter in their reservoirs. Let's see what happens to water when its temperature decreases. The answer is quite simple - its density increases. It becomes maximum at four degrees. Denser layers sink down, and less dense layers rise up. Natural convection of water occurs. Only its upper layers freeze. In order for a reservoir to freeze to the bottom, all the water must be cooled to four degrees. But this happens quite rarely, and only affects small and shallow bodies of water.

As the temperature drops, all life processes in the reservoir slow down. Stop growing aquatic plants, plankton does not reproduce. At the same time, the amount of food consumed by fish decreases. This forces fish of the same type and size to look for deep holes, gather in them, and thus overwinter. Their life processes slow down, the body becomes covered with mucus, which, according to existing opinion, performs protective function, which comes down to scaring away predators. At least until it gets warmer, they don’t touch them.

This is how all heat-loving fish, such as tench, carp, bream, and crucian carp, overwinter. In winter, they practically do not consume food, but subsist only on summer reserves, which are enough for three winter months. The fish are practically motionless, as evidenced by bedsores on their abdomens.

Winter has virtually no effect on predatory fish. They practically do not react to a decrease in water temperature. Perch and pike continue to hunt actively, which is what ice fishermen take advantage of. At the same time, pike prefers deep and dark places, where roach, bleak and ruffe usually spend the winter. Active in winter time There remains also pike perch, which hunts at great depths, in dark places, far from the shore.

With the onset of winter, catfish leave deep holes and rise closer to the surface, trying to choose places with fast current. This is due to the fact that it is here that the water is maximally saturated with oxygen. Burbot does the same. It's not called winter fish for nothing. At this time of year he is very active. Burbot does not tolerate warm water well. At 27 degrees it dies. In summer, this fish is sluggish and inactive. It sinks to the bottom and gets buried under snags. It becomes active only in autumn, when the water temperature drops to 15 degrees. Fishermen say that it is at this time that the burbot begins to eat. Spawning for this fish also coincides with the winter period. Females select areas of the bottom with a rocky surface and lay eggs.

In fresh water bodies of the northern part of Russia, including Far East, there is whitefish. It is also considered winter. Its spawning period coincides with the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. Whitefish feed on organisms that live on the bottom, as well as on the eggs of spawning fish.

Fish that migrate seasonally can live in both salty and fresh water. These include, for example, sturgeons that live in the Azov and Caspian seas. With the beginning of winter they enter the rivers, and in huge flocks swim to spawning grounds.

The Azov anchovy behaves somewhat differently. With the onset of winter, it migrates to the warmer waters of the Black Sea. Other fish make similar migrations. Caspian herring is moving closer to the south. The Far Eastern flounder does the same. Arctic fish simply descend to depths of up to 300 meters and practically stop consuming food.

Yanilkina Nadezhda Mikhailovna

MBOU "Secondary School No. 5", Chistopol RT

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Testing and measuring materials for the textbook edited by M.M. Razumovskaya, "Russian language. 5th grade"

Test №1. Control dictation with grammar task (input)

Came autumn time. Costs inclement weather. Yesterday it blew sharply cold wind. He plucks leaves from trees and spreads them throughout the groves and along the roads. The last birds are flying away. Yesterday the rooks flew away. Before flying away, they circle over the grove for a long time, screaming. At dawn, the rooks sat on the birches, got up and disappeared.And we have winter guests. Siskins and goldfinches are sitting on a birch tree. Birds peck at tasty birch and alder seeds. Red-breasted bullfinches settled on a rowan tree and pecked at berries. Winter guests will look for food everywhere.Grammar task
1. Label the parts of speech: option 1 in sentence 4, 2 paragraphs, option 2 in sentence 3, 2 paragraphs

    Find in the dictation text a word with an unstressed checkable vowel in the root (1st option), an unchecked vowel in the root (2nd option), indicate the spelling

    *Indicate the declension and case of all nouns in the 8th sentence of paragraph 1 (option 1), in the 7th sentence of paragraph 1 (option 2)

Test No. 2. RR. Composition “Memorable day of summer holidays.”

Goal: teach how to write a narrative essay; teach how to use an artistic style of speech in an essay.

Test No. 3 for the section "Phonetics. Orthoepy".



    On purpose.

Verbal, speaks, silence, sad, clarifies.

Thinly, sonorously, holiness, from-ra-the-same, Light.

They pour, Leshka, cannonball, stump.

b, f, m, g, g.

    Continue with the definition.

Phonetics is...


    Make a phonetic analysis of the word hammer.

    Make a spelling analysis of the word Certainly.

    Which word has an unpronounceable consonant sound? Emphasize it.

Screw, joyful, screwed, glass, wordsmith.

    Underline the word with incorrect syllable division.

Frosty, dim, money, bright, bright.

    Underline the words in which the letters e, e, yu, i make two sounds. Explain why.

Copy, clear, stranded, Luda.

    Underline the sound that does not have a pair for deafness:

t, s, w, r, v.

    Continue with the definition.

Orthoepy is...

Test No. 4. Test dictation “Days of late autumn” with grammar task

Live nature sensitively responds to the seasons. The last leaves have fallen from the trees. A carpet of wet leaves covers gardens and parks. You walk on such a carpet and hear the bright stars of the foliage rustling under your feet. Large drops of night rain hung on the bare branches.But life goes on. Several titmice flew overhead and disappeared into the thicket of the park. An ordinary gray mouse rustles in a pile of leaves. She is looking for food, stocking up for the winter.Real cold weather is coming soon. The snow will dress the thickets, forests and copses in a white outfit.Grammar task:

    Will write it oute from the text 5 words with unstressed vowels, verifiable or unverifiable stress. Underline the correct letter.

    Write down the words with b at the end and indicate the part of speech in brackets.

    Underline the grammatical basis of the sentence: option 1 - 1, 3; Option 2 – 2.5 sentences 1 paragraph.

Test No. 5. R.R. Exposition of "The Little Badger".

Textbook (exercise 383)

Goal: to teach how to write a presentation close to the text, after preparatory analysis, based on the presentation plan; teach to preserve in presentation the characteristics of an artistic style language means.

One day we walked with Jack and Barsik through the forest. I picked mushrooms, Jack hunted for birds, and Barsik looked for various beetles and worms under the leaves. We wandered around for a long time and finally came out into a clearing. The most a good place sit, relax.

I sat down under a bush and wanted to sort through the mushrooms in the basket. Jack lay down in the cold next to me, and Barsik rustled in the bushes. He got out, ran up to us and suddenly began to move his nose: he smelled something.

He ran straight from us to the hollow stump and started raking up the dust with his paws. I didn’t understand what it was. I just hear someone buzzing and humming. I looked: a wasp came out of the hollow, another, a third... a whole swarm. Everyone is circling and buzzing over Barsik, but he doesn’t care. His fur is thick, try stinging him! He ate some maggots and came straight to me as if nothing had happened. And the wasps are behind him. I threw the basket of mushrooms and ran. Jack also started to run away.

And yet they didn’t escape. One wasp stung me on the neck, and another stung Jack right on the lip. One Barsik was not injured. He feasted on the larvae, and Jack and I had to pay for his delicacy.

Test No. 6 on the topic “Meaning, structure and spelling of words.”


A cheerful man walked along the ground. He carried a backpack on his back, walking along the highway, turning onto paths, pushing through thickets. One day he settled down to rest, lit a fire, and hung up the kettle. But he did not manage to have tea. Forest ants built their home near the birch tree. A large anthill has grown near a tree for a long time. By evening the anthill continued its vibrant life. And the cheerful traveler was preparing for dinner and did not notice how insects crawled under his tent, into his backpack, under his folded things. He was unable to sleep well that night and in the morning he left the place where he spent the night without regret.

Grammar task

Option 1.

    Write down words with deafening or voicing of consonant sounds.

    By the wayincreased select and write down words with the same root.

    By the waytree Find a full-voice version in the text and write it down with a preposition.

    Parse the wordkettle by composition. Think of and write down words with the same suffix.

Option 2.

    Perform a phonetic analysis of the wordrest.

    Write down several words in which the number of letters and sounds does not match.

    Come up with and write down phrases using the indicated words in literal and figurative meaning:golden, fox

Test No. 7. Control dictation " White lanterns "with a grammar task in the section "Syntax and punctuation"

Early spring flowers are not known for their strong scent. They smell a little like honey, but more like forest freshness. The smell is a bait for insects. Insects carry pollen from flower to flower. In April it is light in the lower floor of the forest. All the flowers are clearly visible, because the trees have not yet put on leaves.

But May came, the leaves of the trees became large and wide. And we are happy about the warmth and say: “Hello, blue May!” The lilies of the valley are already glowing and nodding their white heads. The bright forest spring ends with lilies of the valley, and the shady forest summer begins.

Additional tasks

- Is it necessary to check for full consonance in the root of a word? Give reasons for your answer.

1st option -trees;2nd option -heads.

- Write out a complex sentence, parse it syntactically and make a diagram.

Test No. 8. RR Essay-description based on the painting by K.F. Yuon "Russian Winter".

Textbook (exercise 262)

Goal: to consolidate the skills of writing a descriptive essay based on a picture; teach to describe a winter landscape.

Test No. 9. R.R. Presentation with elements of description according to L. Lench.

Goal: teach how to write a statement in the 3rd person; to develop the ability to preserve the structure of the text, linguistic means characteristic of the style of speech.

A large black, very beautiful cat with a lovely green-eyed muzzle approached a young sticky woman near the sidewalk, stood up on her hind legs and began sharpening her claws on her thin trunk.

I know this cat. He is very smart, brave, with great feeling self-esteem beast. Dogs are afraid of him and people respect him. He easily repels dog attacks with well-aimed blows of sharp claws, never humiliating himself to the point of flight. He treats people condescendingly - he allows himself to be stroked and even provided with small services. The owners let him out for a walk in the yard. After the walk, he independently returns to his third floor and sits in front of the apartment door, patiently waiting for it to open. If someone appears on the landing, the cat, looking at the person with its wise, mysterious eyes, will pleadingly and briefly blather, as if saying: “Please press the bell button, you see that I cannot do this myself.”

Test No. 10. Control dictation " How do fish winter? "with a grammar task for the section "Verb"

The winter river is gloomy and dull. The sun does not shine through the water, the sand does not shine, and the underwater grasses do not bloom.

The fish stand in deep silence, not moving. Even in the fall, fish gather in herds and choose a place for wintering,

Wide flat bream rises to the surface before wintering, lies here and says goodbye to light and air. Then he quickly rushes into the depths and lies on the bottom. Carp choose a muddy bottom.

Cheerful, agile perches love to settle down for the winter among stones. Pike and pike perch sleep in rows in dark hollows.

Time will pass By spring, the sun will drive away the ice and look into the river. The fish will wake up and swim, their gills will swell.(According to L. Karpov)

Grammar task:

1 option

- Emphasize members of sentence-B deep silence...


- Form from verbdance all forms of inclination.

2 option

- Emphasize the parts of the sentence: Pike and pike perch sleep in rows in dark hollows.

- Write out the verbs from the sentence and analyze them morphologically.

- Form from verblisten all forms of inclination.

Test No. 11 on the topic “Noun”

Working on the text

Restless Tail

Our...l...l...sing tent. Once upon a time, a squirrel had lunch here and left behind a whole heap of plucked nubs.

Cm...true lies...lives a...mok (ball) of red fur. Probably, the squirrel was eaten by a marten, and only the end (tip) of the squirrel...of its tail (tail) is lying around.

A silver... ridged spider (spider) wrapped itself in a web (cobweb) and made a nook for itself in the squirrel's fur. I touched the p...uk (spider) with my finger. He got scared, quickly climbed up and swayed on the cobweb... (cobweb).

I picked up the tail (tail) and stuck it in the empty cartridge case. Damn that tail (xVostik) turned out: when I look at it, I am drawn to wander around looking for l...ice tents.

(According to G. Snegirev)


-Rewrite the text, inserting missing letters and missing punctuation marks

Replace nouns (where possible) with nouns with diminutive suffixes.

- Label the past tense verbs in the text with letters.etc.

- Write the declension of nouns in the text.

- Perform a morphological analysis of wordspicked up spider.

- Highlight the suffixes with which diminutive nouns are formed.

Test No. 12. Exposition "Childhood Friend".

childhood friend

I decided to take up boxing.
Mom got itfrom the bottom of a healthy person's basketTeddy bear. And she threw it on my sofa. (and suggested using it as punching bag)
- Look how tight it is. The belly is fat. Look how it rolled out! Why not a pear?
I was delighted. I placed the bear on the sofa, so that it would be more convenient for me to train with it and develop your striking power.
He sat in front of me looking so chocolatey, but shabby. He had different eyes. One of his own is yellow, glass, and the other large white one is made from a pillowcase button.
Teddy bear is pretty looked at me cheerfullywith your different eyes.He spread his legs And stuck out his stomach, and both raised his hands as if joked that he was already rented out in advance...
He sitting on the couch(,) my ex most best friend, a true childhood friend. Sits, laughs with different eyes,and I want to train the power of impact against him...

(127 words)

Test No. 13 (final). Dictation " Oak » with grammar task


Oak - amazing plant. It grows hundreds. Lightning will strike it, scorch it with fire, and still in the spring green leaves will bloom on its black branches.

The oak begins to bloom later than all the trees. The forest is already green, and the oak alone turns black in the open field. But the oak tree stays with leaves in the fall longer than any other tree. When frost sets in, the leaves on the oak tree will wither, curl into tubes and do not fall off all winter.

In the oak grove, wild boars feed on acorns at night, and an owl lives in the hollow and a bat hibernates.

Sometimes you look across the river, far from the forest, young oak trees grow. You are surprised! The wind could not carry heavy acorns there. This jay picked up the acorns in the fall, hid them and forgot about them, and they sprouted. (109 words)

Grammar task:

1 option


3. Disassemble the words according to their composition: “fall”, “oak”, “leaves”

4. Phonetic analysis the words "autumn".

Option 2

1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence. Oak is amazing plant.

2. Morphological analysis words acorns

3. Disassemble the words according to their composition: “turns black”, “tubes”, “grows”

4. Phonetic analysis of the word “lightning”.

"How fish winter" by L. Karpov

The frost covered the ponds, rivers, and lakes with a thick cover of ice. Only in the ice hole, as in an outlet, is clear, quiet water visible. The winter river is gloomy and dull. The sun does not shine through the water, the sand does not shine, the water grasses do not bloom... In deep silence among the hills and valleys of the river bottom, fish stand motionless. They stand in large herds, with their heads all in one direction. They don't move their fins or their tail. Only the gills rise slightly - they breathe. Even in the fall, fish gather in herds and choose a place for wintering.
In summer, the fathead catfish walks slowly in the most deep places, moving his long mustache, looks for a hole or rut that would be deeper and more spacious. He loves to lie in such pits. He sleeps during the day, and at night he goes out hunting: he will grab a fish, and grab a crayfish, and eat a frog. But in winter he lies in the hole completely motionless.
A wide, flat bream before wintering, as soon as the first ice appears off the coast, quickly rises to the surface, rolls over on its side in the water and lies there for several minutes, as if saying goodbye to light and air. And then he rushes headlong into the depths and falls to the bottom. Bream lie in rows, like firewood in a woodpile, without any movement.
Carp choose a muddy bottom and burrow into the mud. Sometimes they will find a soft hole and lie down in it with the whole herd.
The cheerful, agile perch loves stones and half-rotten trees that have fallen to the bottom. Hugging closely to each other, lowering their red fins, perches fall asleep in such places for the whole winter.
Herds of minnows and ruffes fall to the sand in a wide ribbon. At the top, right under the ice, near the grass and reeds, silvery herds of roach stand motionless. Pike and pike perch sleep in rows in dark hollows.
The voracious pike has trouble sleeping. Narrow, with predatory eyes, with a huge mouth, no, no, and she will walk along the river and swallow sleepy fish. But her movements are slow, not like in the summer, when she rushes at her prey like lightning.
And only one burbot walks lively and cheerfully along the river all winter. He walks nimbly between sleeping schools of fish, looking for and swallowing young sleepy fish. But as time goes by towards spring, the sun will drive away the ice and look into the river. The fish will wake up and swim, swelling their gills... And the burbot will no longer rush after them. Lethargic, half asleep, he will begin to look for a place to hibernate. He will hide under a stone or under an uprooted tree and fall asleep like the dead for the whole summer, until the very frost.

1. Fill out the table

Title of the story

2. In which section of the library can this story be placed?

A) Fairy tales B) Stories about children C) Science fiction

D) I love Russian nature D) Stories about animals


4.Is the statement true?

The winter river is gloomy and dull.

Herds of minnows and ruffes fall to the sand in a narrow ribbon.

And only one burbot walks along the river lively and cheerfully all summer.

5. Match the columns with arrows

In winter it lies in a hole completely motionless.

Wintering of fish is a very interesting branch of biology. One can say more, this is a unique phenomenon in nature.

As winter approaches, life in all bodies of water changes, and radically. Firstly, daylight hours decrease, the water temperature drops, and gradually the reservoirs begin to become covered with an ice crust, and snow also falls on top. That is, it becomes dark under water. The inhabitants of the reservoir have four whole months ahead, during which they will have to endure conditions of cold, twilight and severe oxygen deficiency.

During this period, almost all fish stop consuming food, their activity decreases, almost to zero. The process of their growth and metabolism is suspended, and the heart rate decreases. The reaction to external stimuli also drops to almost zero. Life in their body is only fueled by the fat accumulated in the summer.

Because in the kingdom of fish there are different types these creatures, they hibernate in different ways.

For example, heat-loving fish (tench, bream, carp) begin to prepare for winter already at the end of autumn. How? Very simple. They gather in large flocks. Moreover, a school usually consists of fish of the same age and species, and form so-called wintering pits.

Wintering pits are places in the depressions of the bottom of a reservoir where water accumulates. a large number of fish

In these pits the fish remain for almost three months without any movement, pressing tightly against each other. Often, by spring, the lower layer of fish develops bedsores in the abdominal area.

Already a month after the reservoir freezes over, the oxygen regime in the wintering pit deteriorates significantly. And some fish, such as catfish, cannot tolerate it. Therefore, the catfish settles for the winter above the wintering hole, closer to its exit.

And here predatory fish(pike, perch, pike perch) do not go to wintering pits. And the fish in these pits are not touched, because they secrete mucus, which serves as an insulating agent for them. In winter, predators feed on fish, which do not react at all to the ice shell and do not swim away from their usual habitats. These fish include roach, bleak, and ruff. They constitute the winter diet of fish predators.

In winter, the behavior of predators under water also changes. Scientists observing their behavior in winter have divided them into three types in relation to light. Thus, perch is considered a twilight-daytime predator, pike is a crepuscular predator, and pike perch is a deep-seventh predator.

At the very beginning, when the ice covers the pond, undersea world darkness covers. This is what twilight fish are quick to take advantage of. In the underwater kingdom begins " bloody massacre”, which people called “first ice”.

Burbot - loves winter, and can barely bear it summer heat. He sleeps in the summer. And with the onset of winter, its activity reaches its climax, the burbot has fun, intensively fattens, and successfully reproduces. Moreover, if a burbot turns one year old, it switches from plankton to a fish diet.

There are also features of wintering fish. For example, if a reservoir is shallow and freezes to the very bottom, what should the fish that live in it do? And in such reservoirs you can often find common crucian carp and dalia fish, black in color. So, with the onset of winter, these fish burrow into the mud. When the icing reaches the very bottom, they become “prisoners of an ice prison.” The most interesting thing is that even in such captivity the fish do not die; they have an amazing endurance to low temperatures. In the spring, these fish come to life, thaw, defrost, fatten and even leave offspring.

So, it turns out that all fish are different and they winter differently, just like people.

What else to read