Ravshana Kurkova: “I married everyone with whom I had an affair. The ex-fiancé of Ravshana Kurkova is dating her copy Biography of Ravshana Kurkova

Ravshana Kurkova ( maiden name Matchanova) is a popular Russian film actress of Uzbek origin. Place of birth: Uzbekistan, Tashkent. In addition to Uzbek blood, Arab and Tatar blood also flows through the veins of the actress.

Beautiful, graceful, smart and talented Ravshana is the idol of many fans of her work. Despite the fact that the girl grew up in creative family, the parents did not want their daughter to have such a profession, constantly urging her to choose a more serious one. But she knew from childhood that Ravshana would work in the world of cinema.

This summer, the actress turned 37 years old. But she clearly doesn’t look her age, and therefore, most of Ravshana’s fans are interested in her height, weight, age, how old is Ravshana Kurkova. When they say the number 37, no one believes it. Ravshana is a tall girl (180 cm), weighs 50 kg. It must be said that no one has ever seen the actress out of shape. Most likely, the girl’s thinness is due to her genes, since she is not keen on sports or dieting.

When you search online for photos of Ravshan Kurkov in his youth and now, you can find pictures of the girl in which she is very young. Today the actress does not look aged, but a mature woman in her prime.

Biography of Ravshana Kurkova

What was the childhood of the now popular actress like, how did she reach such heights in her career, who is she married to - all this is contained in the fascinating biography of Ravshana Kurkova.

It is known that Ravshana Kurkova’s father, Bakhram Matchanov, was a theater worker, and Ravshana Kurkova’s mother, Rano Kubaeva, acted in films. Ravshana’s grandmother played a big role in raising the girl, who helped raise her granddaughter while Rano’s mother received her education in Moscow. Unfortunately, Ravshana's parents divorced. Soon, Ravshana and her mother moved to the capital. Then, the girl felt out of place, but later she realized that Moscow was her city, a city of opportunities.

Ravshana Kurkova went to music school, she also studied English for admission to a London university. Nevertheless, the girl chose Russia, refusing to study in London. Then Ravshana worked in many jobs that at least somehow overlapped with filming (make-up assistant, assistant director, etc.). At the same time, Ravshana attended acting courses at VGIK.

Filmography: films starring Ravshana Kurkova

The first experience was filming on a television project, thanks to which a talented girl with unusual appearance filmmakers noticed. At first, Ravshana got small roles in episodes. In the late 90s, she played in one film (“Happy Birthday!”) with her mother Rano.

IN leading role The aspiring actress first starred in the short film “Medusa”. After Ravshana starred in the film “Three Girls,” she gained popularity. A very significant role of Ravshana, which made her recognizable throughout the country, was the role of the rich schoolgirl Angela. After this, the young actress received dozens of offers from famous directors. Ravshana Kurkova has a large filmography: “The Capercaillie in the Cinema”, “Moms”, “What Men Do!” and many more interesting films.

Personal life of Ravshana Kurkova

The personal life of Ravshana Kurkova, like almost every beautiful, popular actress, is very confusing. My first love and my first marriage happened while I was still a student. Husband Semyon Kurkov, photographer. The marriage did not last long. The reason for the divorce was unsuccessful pregnancy Ravshan, because of which the relationship gradually went wrong. The actress decided to leave her husband's last name.

Next, Ravshana ties the knot with actor Artem Tkachenko. In 2008, the actress left her husband because of his frequent trips to the left. According to the actress, her husband was not ready for family life and did not want to have children.

In 2012, Ravshana met a new love, whose name is Ilya Bachurin. But last year the couple ended their relationship.

Family of Ravshana Kurkova

As it turned out from many interviews, Ravshana Kurkova’s family is the most valuable thing she has. She is very grateful to her parents for her childhood, to her grandmother for severity and love, to her grandfather for warmth and kindness. Since the grandmother actually raised Ravshana, she is not only grateful to her, for the actress the grandmother is the standard of female wisdom.

Perhaps due to the fact that Ravshana’s father worked in the theater and her mother acted in films, she chose this profession. Only one thing is known, you can’t get into the world of cinema without talent, which means who Ravshana is today is, first of all, the merit of the actress herself.

Children of Ravshana Kurkova

There is no information on the Internet on the topic of Ravshana Kurkova’s children. Perhaps, if not for the tragedy that happened to Ravshana due to a miscarriage, she would already be a mother. Then, this became a blow for the spouses Ravshana and Semyon. The fetus died in utero at 5 months.

Ravshana was so stunned that she could not believe what had happened, refusing to induce artificial labor. But the doctors insisted, because there was a threat to her life. Unfortunately, after a miscarriage, the family broke up. Today the actress is already 37 years old, but has no children yet.

Ravshana Kurkova's ex-husband - Semyon Kurkov

The first and already ex-husband of Ravshana Kurkova is Semyon Kurkov. The young people met at the institute. The romance broke out very quickly. Soon, the lovers got married. The news of Ravshana’s pregnancy became joyful. But the child was not destined to be born. After the miscarriage, the couple divorced, unable to cope with grief. It is almost impossible to find a photo of Ravshana’s first husband on the Internet. After the divorce, the actress decided to keep her husband's last name. There is no more news about Semyon Kurkov. And Ravshana herself is reluctant to share her memories of her first marriage.

Ravshana Kurkova's ex-husband - Artem Tkachenko

The second and now ex-husband of Ravshana Kurkova is Artem Tkachenko. He is a native of Kaliningrad, 2 years younger than Ravshana. The couple registered their relationship in 2004. The marriage broke up four years later. Some say that Artem was the culprit because of his wild life, while others blame Ravshana for this, attributing to her an affair with another man.

After divorcing the actress, Artem married for the second time. Today he has a son from his second marriage and a son from his marriage with his current wife Ekaterina Steblina. Judging by family photo V in social networks, Ravshana’s ex-husband is happy.

Ravshana Kurkova nude

The actress is famous for her unusual beauty, and therefore photographs on the Internet where Ravshana Kurkova is naked are incredibly popular. Indeed, who wouldn't want to admire beautiful body young and famous Russian actress? Surely there are no such people. Nude photos of Ravshana Kurkova are not uncommon.

She is a regular at nude photo shoots for various fashion magazines. There are also candid photos made for advertising branded women's underwear. The actress can afford such candid photographs because she looks gorgeous and has something to show.

The photo of Ravshana Kurkova in Maxim magazine aroused great attention and delight. Gorgeous photo shoot famous magazine, where the actress is naked and in a swimsuit, just drive Ravshana’s male fans crazy.

Candid photos of Ravshana Kurkova are the most popular. Of course, a beautiful young woman cannot help but attract attention. Kurkova herself was never ashamed to show her body, of course, because it is perfect. Now, fans of the actress are looking forward to new photos of Ravshana, in which she is dressed to a minimum.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ravshana Kurkova

Ravshana Kurkova’s Instagram and Wikipedia are available online. The Wikipedia website contains short biography Ravshans, filmography and some facts from personal life. The actress has 1 million 800 thousand subscribers on the social network, which indicates Ravshana’s great popularity. Here she regularly adds latest photos. It’s very interesting to see how they live famous actress where he goes, who he meets.

On Instagram you can see photographs from the set, beautiful photo shoots of Ravshana. The girl willingly shares her daily routine, news and work moments. Fans of Ravshana are always interested in stopping by and seeing how the popular actress lives. By the way, not so long ago, the girl added a photo with a young man. It's possible that this new love Ravshany. The guy is clearly younger actress, but in photographs they look like peers, and look beautiful together.

Actress Ravshana Kurkova, one of the most beautiful representatives of both women of her nationality (Uzbekistan) and Russian bohemia. For this reason, she always received male attention in abundance. Like all women with a bright appearance, her biography and personal life is filled romantic stories and tragic breakups. Each husband of Ravshana Kurkova or the man with whom she fell in love is a separate story.

Ravshana Kurkova's husband photo

First official husband Semyon Kurkov became Ravshan. Ravshana met a young photographer while still at the institute at one of the parties. They fell in love and soon got married. Ravshana's pregnancy was joyful and welcome for the young family. But unfortunately, the child died in the fifth month, and doctors had to induce artificial birth. For Ravshana and her husband it was a terrible blow. The couple was unable to fully cope with this grief and soon broke up. There are practically no photos of Ravshana Kurkova’s husband, Semyon Kurkov, on the Internet. After the divorce, Ravshana decided not to change and keep her surname Semyon, apparently in Moscow the surname Kurkova is more harmonious than her maiden name - Matchanova.

In 2004, the actress married actor Artem Tkachenko. Ravshana Kurkova and her husband were happy for 4 years. But disappointment and mutual reproaches for a wild life and reluctance to have a child, Artem, and photo shoots for Ravshana men’s magazines led to the couple’s breakup in 2008. After his divorce from Ravshana, Artyom Tkachenko was already married twice. From both of them, the actress’s ex-husband received a son and, judging by the photographs on social networks, he is quite happy.

In 2012, Ravshana fell in love again and Ilya Bachurin became her chosen one. The acquaintance took place at the closing of Kinotavr 2012. The press immediately called them one of the most beautiful couples in Russia. Ilya Bachurin at that time was general director film concern called "Glavkino", Ilya beautifully, and sometimes pathetically, courted Ravshana, but having proposed to her, he was refused, the explanation was simple that the stamp in the passport is not the most important thing in family life. The whirlwind romance again failed to overcome the four-year threshold, Ravshana was again left alone.

In 2016, fate brought Kurkova together with the young director Ivan Kornev. Ivan was much younger than the chosen one, but he won Ravshana’s heart. Unfortunately, the busy work schedule of both representatives of the film industry led to the fact that rare and short-term meetings led the relationship to a dead end. Ivan Kornev never became the actress’s husband.

In August 2017, Ravshana Kurkova gets married again. Now Stanislav Rumyantsev, a 27-year-old actor, has become the gentleman of her heart. They got married after 6 months of dating and life together. Kurkova and Rumyantsev met at M. Didenko’s immersive performance “Black Russian” and in January Ravshana and her husband went on vacation to Thailand together. After that we lived in Europe for some time. They recently got married secretly in Sochi.

Ravshana reacts very painfully to questions about children, because if not tragic death firstborn, she could have been a happy mother a long time ago and who knows how her life would have turned out then. Therefore, on social networks she never comments on hints that it is high time for her to give birth. Now Kurkova is 37 years old, but she is still childless. Ravshana believes that at her current age it is necessary to get everything from life and is not yet thinking about having children.

The actress is at the peak of her career, which is why many are so interested in who Ravshana Kurkova’s husband is. The girl was married twice, divorced twice. Have no children.

The actress’s first husband is photographer Semyon Kurkov. After the divorce, Ravshana kept her husband's surname. The couple met at one of the parties when they were still students. Marriage followed immediately. Ravshana became pregnant. It seemed that happiness was already close, but then a tragedy happened - at 5 months the girl lost her child. The husband and wife were unable to cope with the loss together, scandals became more frequent, and they divorced.

Kurkova does not like to remember this moment in her life. Ravshana doesn’t like being asked about ex-husband or current young man. Personal should remain personal, she believes.

Ravshana Kurkova’s second husband is Artem Tkachenko. They got married in 2004, but divorced 4 years later. Kurkova was tired of her husband’s nocturnal lifestyle. For him, parties and get-togethers were important, not family. Ravshana dreamed of a child, but her husband was against it. After divorce ex-spouses They remained friends and even played in one film together.

Ravshana Kurkova with her husband photo

Now Ravshana Kurkova is in a relationship. She is dating Ilya Bachurin, he is the general director of the Glavkino company. They had known each other for a long time, but began dating after a vacation in Bali. Kurkova admits that they are different people, but on important issues their opinions converge. For her Ilya - a real man, so capable of making decisions. With him you can feel weak and not be afraid of it. Bachurin has two adults with whom Kurkova has good friendly relations.

husband of Ravshana Kurkova photo (Bachurin)

TO ex-wife Ravshan also treats her man with respect. Many are surprised by this, but this is an indicator of a non-conflict character and good upbringing.

Perhaps Bachurin - future husband Ravshana Kurkova. The actress has finally found her happiness; one day her most important dream will come true - to have a child.

On the eve of the premiere of the film “What Men Do!” the actress told KP about her life priorities and why she acts in films that she herself is often not ready to watch

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Ravshana Kurkova, for a long time popular among budding artists, this year seems to be taking off to the heights of popularity. She has several main roles ahead of her - in the scandalous "Blizzard" based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy, in the Channel One project "And in our yard." Well, in the very near future Kurkova, who became famous thanks to the series “Barvikha,” can be seen in the upcoming comedy “What Men Do.” Before the premiere of the film, the actress spoke frankly with a KP correspondent about her life priorities and why she acts in films that she herself is often not ready to watch.


- Ravshana, if you look at your filmography, we can conclude that you are thrown from one extreme to another - either the Estonian film “The Temptation of St. Anthony”, which was greeted with an ovation at the festival in Karlovy Vary, or now this is a comedy about sex...

You need to understand that in modern cinema, actors do not always play only where they want. Especially if these are actors who love to work. Unfortunately, we do very little work that is truly interesting from a professional point of view. And I, in fact, have two options - either release “The Temptation of St. Anthony” once every five years, or work actively and find something for my growth in each project. Hence I have such a diverse filmography, in which the series “Barvikha”, and an Estonian author’s film, and much more coexist.

- So, after all, arthouse is closer to you than commercial comedy?

I prefer honest projects, and commercial cinema can also be honest. Take the same “Temptation” - I am very proud of my role in this movie, but I understand that this one is, at best, for ten viewers out of a hundred. The remaining 90 perceive cinema as entertainment; many already have a difficult life to watch terrible dramas.

- “What Men Do” fits the definition of an honest project?

For a certain part of the audience - certainly. There are films like “American Pie” and “The Hangover” that don’t make it difficult for the viewer to engage in intellectual work. And a person who likes jokes about sex will probably find this movie funny. These are probably mostly people under 30 years old.

- The film being released has already managed to create a stir with its trailer, which mercilessly exploits grassroots humor. Didn't the presence of these kinds of jokes bother you when you read the script?

If you take my heroine, then all half-vulgar humor bypassed her. I have a pure romantic comedy with the hero Kostya Kryukov. In a word, I am very different from the other heroines of this film - such a proper girl, a smart journalist. If any of the viewers want to come look at my naked butt or breasts, they can safely skip this film, because they are not there.

- Is the issue of nudity on screen important for you in general?

Previously, I was categorical in this regard - I will not undress. Now I understand that everything depends on the material. If the scene with me naked is key, that is, one that you simply cannot do without, then of course I will undress.

- The film “What Men Do” apparently did not meet this criterion of yours?

No, I’m not ready to show my boobs for the sake of my boobs. And I don’t think I’ll ever be ready. But in general, let's be honest - now all of us involved in the creation of the film will burn in the hell of public indignation, which turns on every time people discuss sex on the screen, or, worse, engage in it. Will the company that made the film sink because of this? I highly doubt it. Will we, artists, drown? Also unlikely. Be that as it may, box office receipts indicate that our audience watches comedies much more willingly than dramas or thrillers. And demand creates supply.

- The fact of the matter is that any comedy about sex in Russia is for some reason perceived as a direct insult to the nation that gave the world Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. And in the USA there is both “American Pie” and Salinger, and no one is outraged by this. Why is that?

Do we make a lot of films based on Tolstoy and Dostoevsky? Youth in total mass, let me tell you something terrible, he almost doesn’t read. And then you need to understand that great literature is not entertainment. It is unlikely that you open Anna Karenina to relax after a hard day. As for the taboo topic of sex... This is simply a feature of the national mentality that comes from Soviet Union, in which, as we know, there was no sex. But in general it’s difficult for me to talk about this topic, because ordinary life You can call me a prude too - I don't consider what happens in the bedroom a subject for discussion. Films, of course, are a different matter. But we all need to get used to the fact that movies about sex can be different - there are films of the early Woody Allen, and there are those like “What Men Do.”


- Based on films and shootings in glossy magazines, a stereotypical idea has developed about you - beautiful the right girl from a good family. It turns out that you have found your image?

Sometimes this stereotyping gets in the way because of course I want to try something different. I had to convince the wonderful director Olga Muzaleva that I could play the main role in the Channel One television series “And in our yard,” which will be released this year. This is a four-part story, I play an Uzbek guest worker girl who works in Moscow as a janitor to feed her three children. Thanks to the stereotype, they didn’t even want to invite me to audition; the director simply couldn’t imagine me in the role of a guest worker. And I immediately realized that this role should be mine. First of all, I know Uzbek language. Secondly, I came to Moscow in 1997 and remember very well what it was like to survive in this city in very difficult times. In the end, I put on an Uzbek dress, drew bruises under my eyes, and still got to the audition. And after some time the director called me and said that I was approved, and in response I sobbed with happiness into the phone and said “thank you.”

- Apparently, the audience also has their own beliefs about you. You are often credited with having affairs with the actors with whom you have love on the screen?

This happens all the time, but I can assure everyone that my on-screen love has never turned into a real romance. It’s not that taboo... But I still come to work to work, and not to fall in love or make friends against someone. On my set, all the receptors that are responsible for anything other than acting automatically turn off.

- In several of your old interviews, you said that the only love for you is work.

Now I'm just in love. (It recently became known that Ravshana is dating the head of the largest film concern in the CIS, Glavkino, Ilya Bachurin - Ed.) And at the same time, of course, she is in love with her work.

- So the priorities have changed?

No, both loves are equal. You can’t say what you love more – your leg or your arm?

- Hands and feet cannot come into conflict, unlike professional and personal life.

Honestly, I can’t imagine such a conflict if the relationship is built on mutual respect. It is clear that I always weigh all the decisions I make at work - how each of them will affect the person I love. But in any case, the decision is mine, no one can force me to make it.

-You now speak like an experienced person - after all, you have already had two marriages.

Thanks for reminding me.

- I don't think you forgot.

No, of course. Just considering that I married almost everyone I met... (Laughs) So, I’m an experienced person, yes. Continue.

- From the outside it seems that men have a hard time with you.

It’s not hard for men with me, it’s hard for boys with me. I have a man who is stronger than me - and this is exactly what I need. And I have enough wisdom to be a woman with this man.


Ravshana Kurkova

Born on August 22, 1980 in Tashkent. At the age of 17, she moved to Moscow with her family. In the Russian capital she graduated from the philological department of the Moscow pedagogical university and the Shchepkin Theater School. Has been acting in films since the age of 12. In the second half of the 2000s, she often played in TV series (“Thief-2”, “One Night of Love”). She became famous after starring in the series “Barvikha” on TNT.

Ravshana divorced her first husband, photographer Sergei Kurkov, after the tragedy - she lost her child in the fifth month of pregnancy. From 2004 to 2008 she was married to actor Artem Tkachenko, known for the films “Swordbearer” and “Indigo”.

Every girl dreams of becoming a princess, every woman wants to be loved and desired - a Beauty Queen. This is a story about two women, mother and daughter. They seem funny, arouse pity, their relationship is tragic and comical at the same time. But their desperate desire to live is striking. I want Maureen and Meg to be happy...

Ravshana Kurkova – Russian actress theater and cinema, who became famous after participating in the series “Barvikha”. Many viewers are familiar with her heroines from the series “Island unnecessary people”, “And in our yard”, “Women in love”, films “Unreal Love”, “Without Borders”, “What Men Do”.

Childhood and family of Ravshana Kurkova

Ravshana Bahramovna Kurkova (nee Matchanova) was born on August 22, 1980 in the capital of Uzbekistan - sunny Tashkent. The entire family of the actress is connected with the world of art. Father Bahram Erkinovich Matchanov is an actor at the Ilkhom Theater, mother Rano Jalilovna Kubaeva is a film actress and director, uncle Rauf Kubaev is a director and screenwriter.

After the birth of her daughter, 18-year-old Rano Jalilovna left for Moscow to complete her studies at VGIK. Ravshana was raised by her grandmother, a well-known obstetrician-gynecologist in Tashkent. She was a person of the old school and kept a tight rein on her granddaughter: she was not allowed to go out late, and even telephone communication was limited. Until the fifth grade, her grandfather took her to school by the hand.

The grandfather was a gentler man, he often read books to his granddaughter and told exciting stories from his life, and taught him to play chess. They often sat together in the evenings and dreamed, looking at the stars. Ravshana has the warmest memories of her grandfather.

Since childhood, Ravshana loved to spend time with her dad at the theater during rehearsals or with her mother on the set. The parents were against it because they did not want their daughter to repeat their path. They wanted their daughter to get a more “serious” profession, such as a doctor, like her grandmother. Ravshana herself dreamed of becoming a ballerina for a long time.

At the age of 12, Ravshana Kurkova played her first role in the film “The Secret of Ferns” directed by Rashid Malikov. To do this she had to cut her hair long hair, which Ravshana worried about for a very long time. After some time, Ravshana’s parents separated, and the girl and her mother moved to Moscow. At first, she really missed Tashkent; everything in the capital seemed foreign to her. In addition, in those years the national question, and the streets were filled with skinheads. But everything worked out - Ravshana had a close circle of friends, favorite places and hobbies.

In the capital, she entered a music school, where she studied piano and vocals. Later she entered a specialized lyceum at a branch of the University of London, where all lessons were taught in English language. After graduating from the lyceum, Ravshana decided to stay in Russia and entered the philological faculty of Moscow Pedagogical State University.

What's in Ravshana Kurkova's bag?

At the same time, the girl attended directing courses at VGIK and studied acting at the Shchepkinsky Theater School under the guidance of teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna Pyshnova.

IN student years Ravshana met photographer Semyon Kurkov at a party. The young people began an affair and after some time they got married. In the fifth month of pregnancy, Ravshana lost her child, after which the relationship with her husband went wrong, and they decided to separate. After the divorce, Ravshana decided to keep her husband’s last name – Kurkov. Read more about all of Ravshana Kurkova’s husbands below, in the “Personal Life” section.

Acting career of Ravshana Kurkova

After graduating from university, Ravshana Kurkova worked for a year on the Stolitsa channel as a talk show editor, and her experience also includes the positions of assistant director and assistant make-up artist. She took on any job just to be on the set and watch the magic of the birth of a new movie.

Ravshana Kurkova answers questions

Later, Kurkova began acting in episodic roles: in 1998 she played in the film “Happy Birthday!”, which also starred her mother Rano Kubaeva. In 2002, she appeared in the series “Thief 2. Happiness for Rent,” and in 2006, two films with Kurkova’s participation were released: “Ostrog. The Case of Fyodor Sechenov" and "Insatiable".

Recognition came to Ravshana Kurkova in 2007, after filming the action-packed comedy “Three Girls,” where she played Maya, one of the main characters. Ravshana’s work was awarded a prize at the international film festival “New Cinema. 21st century" for Best Actress.

In 2008, the actress starred in the horror film “Dead Daughters” directed by Pavel Ruminov. After that, Ravshana began to receive more offers: over the next year she appeared on screens in the films “I’m Standing on the Edge,” “One Night of Love,” “Officers 2,” “The Temptation of Saint Tynu,” “Indian Cinema,” “Bros.”

In 2009, the actress was cast in the role of Angela Konkulova from the youth series “Barvikha”. The plot was built around the relationship between Rublev’s “golden youth” and ordinary children studying in the same class elite school"Castalia". Two years later, Ravshana appeared in the continuation of the series - “Golden”.

According to Ravshana, Angela is her complete opposite. Angela is only concerned with popularity, fashionable things, boys and parties, while Ravshana for a long time devoted everything free time studies.

Ravshana Kurkova reads the poem “All important phrases”

By the way, Ravshana was much older than the other main characters - Lyanka Gryu, Andrei Dementiev, Anna Mikhailovskaya, Marina Orlova and others. However, she convincingly played the schoolgirl leader of the class.

This was followed by the roles of Vera in the film “The Capercaillie in the Movie” (2010), Nelly in the TV series “Island of Unnecessary People” (2011), Bonnie in the comedy “Shattered” (2011), Christina in the anthology film “Moms” (2012), Alice in Sarik Andreasyan’s film “What Men Do!” (2013).

In addition to filming films, Ravshana starred in the video “Tenderness” of Yaroslav Maly’s solo project Machete and in the video “Compose Dreams” by Vladi from the group “Casta”. The Italian fashion brand Patrizia Pepe chose Ravshana to represent their brand.

Evening Urgant: Ravshana Kurkova

It is worth noting Ravshana’s participation in the series “And in our yard...”, where she got the role of the janitor Mavlyuda. Girls with a tragic fate: her husband went missing, she was left with three children, and a local policeman (Sergei Puskepalis) demands to evict her from the basement. They manage to find mutual language and form an ideal tandem to solve complicated crimes. Overall the series received positive reviews, and this is largely due to Ravshana.

Personal life of Ravshana Kurkova

A beauty with a bright oriental appearance has never been deprived male attention. Her first husband was photographer Semyon Kurkov, with whom she broke up after Ravshana lost her child.

The gynecologist told me: “An abortion is necessary, the fetus died a month ago. If you delay, blood poisoning will begin. And then your life will be in big question.” After these words, everything swam before my eyes. It seemed as if my heart was stopping.

In 2004, the actress married actor Artyom Tkachenko. Their marriage lasted four years. According to Ravshana, the reason for the divorce was the wild lifestyle of her husband, who also did not want to have children. After the breakup, they remained friends, and in 2012 they starred together in the film “May Rain”, reincarnating as former spouses.

In 2012, Kurkova introduced the public to a new lover - entrepreneur, director of the Glavkino Group of Companies Ilya Bachurin. They met during Kinotavr. Alas, the actress again failed to build strong family– in 2016, the couple announced a breakup.

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