We develop the baby from 0 to one year. Development of a baby up to one year old by month - what a child should be able to do in each month. Correct development: physical and mental

A long time ago, before they invented modern means, cleaning windows was not considered a problem. People used ordinary vinegar, water and a rag - and in a matter of minutes they could admire their home street through a sparkling clean window. The speed in this matter also depends on the availability of skills and experience.

Nowadays, store shelves are filled with cleaning products for a specific purpose. Advertising billboards and posters with these products filled busy highways and television. And, interestingly, the “secret” element in detergents is ordinary vinegar. In the 21st century, people are accustomed to modern style life, although it becomes more complicated. Some people are used to thinking: why do you need to cut garlic with a knife if more than 40 devices have appeared for this, or why clean it with an ordinary rag when special napkins have been invented? But wouldn't it be better to use cheap and effective window cleaning products? The effect is the same.

Methods for washing windows:

  1. Before you get started, you need to take a cotton swab, a toothpick, a sponge, a napkin, a linen rag, warm water, vinegar. We clean all openings with a toothpick and a stick to remove dirt. We wash the window frames with a sponge soaked in warm soapy water and wipe with a dry cloth. Then pour clean water into a bucket (calculating 1 liter of water + 2 tablespoons of vinegar). We wash the glass with a wet linen rag and, therefore, with a dry one or a sheet of magazine. All! The windows shine and shine!
  2. Another way to quickly clean a window. You should prepare a solution: 2 tbsp. l. starch, a little blue, 100 ml of ammonia, 100 ml of white vinegar, 4 liters of lukewarm water. Pour into a spray bottle and spray onto the glass, rinse with water and wipe with a paper towel.
  3. Another good way– wash windows with chalk solution. After drying, wipe with a clean cloth.
  4. Housewives will be impressed by the harvesting method - potatoes. We wipe the glass with half of it, rinse it with water and wipe it with a napkin.
  5. If someone wants to do this job even faster, then you can purchase a magnetic brush and the window will be transparent in 4 minutes! So, we make a soap solution and spray it on the glass. Now we fix the double-sided brush in any corner and move along the path so that the water flows in the desired direction (left, right and vice versa). Wash it a second time with a brush clean water. We remove the magnetic “assistant”. Wipe the corners with a dry cloth.
  6. And yet, some housewives use modern napkins made of ultra-fine fibers, which leave no streaks, leave no scratches, and even wipe away fingerprints. Simply moisten it with water and wash the window. The unusual microfiber fabric has a high ability to absorb moisture. Wipe a second time with a strongly wrung-out cloth.
  7. The window washer with a scraper and a squeegee became famous. This special squeegee is designed for regular and tall windows. Use a scraper to remove dirt, and use a rubber squeegee to wash off all remaining dirty water. And no unpleasant marks or drips.
  8. For those who do not have such devices, there is a simple mop, on which we wrap a rag and wash the outer window with water and vinegar, then wipe it.
  9. An interesting way to clean windows can be done using car windshield wipers.
  • Clear the windows of all unnecessary things.
  • When washing frames, do not use soda - it destroys the structure and corrodes the paint.
  • It is advisable to wash windows not in hot or windy weather, otherwise there will be stains.
  • To prevent condensation from collecting on the windows, you can wipe with glycerin and alcohol (1:10). And, of course, regularly ventilate the room so that there is normal humidity in the house.
  • In winter, we wipe frozen glass with salt water. In addition, this solution will add shine to the glass.
  • Start washing from the inside, then the outside.
  • At the end of the work, it is better to wipe vertically and then horizontally to avoid streaks.
  • Do not allow the windowsill to get wet. By following these rules, your windows will last longer. Although this work occurs twice a year, from time to time it is necessary to wipe the frames and glass dry from water and dust.

As you can see, you can adapt and clean your apartment without extra costs or harm to your health.

The consequences of frequent use of modern detergents may be irreversible. Many people have an allergic reaction to rapidly evaporating substances that are part of window cleaning products, for example. Also, the use of household chemicals deteriorates the window profile and rubber bands for sealing. Therefore, let's try the most simple remedies homemade, which were described above. They do not cause allergies, have no pungent odor and are effective. It is important to look for low-toxicity and eco-friendly window cleaning products.

No matter how long the world exists, there will always be people who have innovative abilities. They make up everything best methods for cleaning the house. Many people ask themselves: “Well, what else can you come up with, there are already a lot of different means.” And yet, over time, something new, interesting and productive appears. From time immemorial, inquisitive women have been in search of useful tips for home, soul. And many will agree that the amount of necessary information is now incredible. Thanks to the Internet, libraries of businesswomen can be called “living encyclopedias.” They can easily answer any question about cleaning the house, cleaning windows, etc.

Real wise woman protects his reputation, therefore he monitors order and cleanliness. It is true what they say that windows are the “eyes” of an apartment. But this hard work can be fun if you organize window cleaning with the whole family. This will significantly speed up and facilitate the work. In addition, such joint activities strengthen the family. The benefit of cleaning the house and cleaning the windows is that a person will receive a positive charge of energy from the result of his labors.

Stains on windows are a big nuisance that many housewives face when cleaning. No matter how they try to eliminate them, stains still appear again and completely ruin appearance window. A similar situation happens with mirrors and other glass surfaces, so this problem is of a very large scale, and almost all modern housewives are racking their brains to find ways to solve it. You still don’t know how to wash your windows so as not to leave streaks on them? Do you want to understand how you can wash your windows without wasting time and labor? Management will be able to answer all your current issues– now you will know how to quickly wash windows.

How to clean windows - popular products

Do you want to clean your windows efficiently without leaving streaks behind? Then you will have to spend time searching and choosing a suitable detergent that can cope with stains. In this regard, you can go in two ways, each of them has own merits and features:

  • Buying a store product. Today, the choice of detergents for treating windows and mirrors is amazing. There are both cheap and very expensive products, between which there is practically no difference - the high cost of expensive brands is determined by the popularity of the brand. The store-bought product can be used immediately after purchase; moreover, it has an optimal composition, so you can quickly wash the windows without any effort. There is only one drawback to store-bought products - you will have to spend your money and time to buy them.
  • Folk recipes. How to clean windows if you have no desire or opportunity to use store-bought products? Folk recipes come to the rescue, of which you can remember a lot. If you continue reading the guide, you will learn how to clean windows without detergent, using only solutions and compositions that you prepare yourself at home.

Only you can decide how to wash windows without streaks - a store-bought or homemade product. If you trust store-bought products, but they won't give you desired result, try one of the recipes below. You probably won't regret using this folk remedy.

How to prepare for window cleaning?

Do you need to wash your windows so that the result pleases you for a very long time? In this case, ordinary cleaning will not be enough - you need to be well prepared for the process. So, you need to prepare the following things:

Now that you are prepared to clean your windows, you can begin this procedure. Are you using a store-bought product? You can start now. Do you want to make your own product? Best Recipes below!

Homemade window cleaner recipes

Are you interested in how to wash windows without streaks at home using folk recipes? Luckily for you, there are many home remedies that can help you deal with stains:

  • Newsprint. Auxiliary, which allows you to wipe the surface of the windows dry and completely get rid of stains. Newspaper absorbs excess moisture well, and the lead it contains gives the glass a special shine that cannot be achieved in other ways.
  • Chalk. Another way to properly clean windows without streaks. First of all, the windows are washed with warm soapy water, then wiped generously with crushed chalk. A few minutes after the window has dried, the remaining chalk is carefully removed using a dry, clean rag.
  • Vinegar. A warm vinegar solution in water is excellent as a basic window cleaner. After this treatment, it is enough to rinse the window with clean water to make it clean.
  • Starch solution. It is necessary to mix starch with water (one tablespoon per liter), add 50 g of bleach (per liter of water), mix and use for washing windows.
  • Salt. An additional product that must be added to the solution. Gives windows shine.

The question of how to wash windows at home has been fully resolved. Now it remains to find out exactly how to clean windows so as not to leave streaks on them. There are many recommendations.

How to wash windows correctly - a complete guide

Not everyone knows how to wash plastic windows (as well as any other structures) without streaks, which is why further detailed instructions will be very useful for you:

  1. Before you can properly clean a window, you need to clean the window frames. Wooden frames can be cleaned using warm soapy water and washing powder diluted in it. In this case, it is necessary to dose the water - too much moisture can damage the wood. Varnished wooden frames can be washed with cold strong tea to remove dirt and add shine. Plastic and aluminum window frames can be easily washed with water or one of the previously mentioned home recipes. For best cleaning, use a stiff sponge.
  2. How to properly wash windows if the frames are completely washed? Prepare a window cleaning solution and then soak a sponge in it. The glass must be wiped with vertical movements from top to bottom. You should not wash windows first in one direction, then in another - this is guaranteed to leave streaks on the glass. How can you clean windows without streaks? It is recommended to use sponges and sponges made from natural materials– they absorb water much better and prevent stains from remaining on the surface of the glass. Now you can move on to the next step.
  3. How to clean windows until they shine when you have already treated all surfaces? It's time to work with the screed. If you don’t have this device, you can get by newsprint. Walk over the windows with a screed or paper from top to bottom, removing all moisture and dirt, then wet the window and repeat the pass again. This must be done until all water and dirt have been removed from the window.
  4. The final stage is wiping the surface of the washed glass with a completely dry cloth, which will get rid of the dust stuck to the windows, as well as completely erase the stains. How to wash windows well at this stage? Rub very intensively - do not spare any effort. As a result, the window should become completely transparent, as if it were not there at all. After washing the windows, go over the frames and window sills with a cloth again, preventing dirt and dust from getting on the glass. At this point, window cleaning can be considered complete - you can rest after the work done.

As you can see, cleaning windows cleanly and quickly at home is not so difficult if you approach this matter from the right side. Choose the best store-bought products and complement their strength with homemade recipes, select good sponges and other devices necessary for washing windows, so that the result of your work is guaranteed to please you. Now you know how to quickly wash windows without streaks - use these skills in Everyday life so that your windows always remain clean!

In fact, windows are the eyes of the home in which we live. The cleaner and neater they are, the more light will penetrate into the house, the more beautiful it will look. It is important to know how to properly wash windows so that there are no streaks left on them, and any dirt is completely eliminated.

"Grandma's" method against mild stains

If you live away from large businesses and busy roads, then you're in luck. Your lungs and windows will not become covered with a greasy film as a result of smog. Cleaning the windows well in such a situation is not difficult.

Usually windows are washed one at a time. We finished with one, and only then moved on to the other. It is easiest to clean the inside of the window, since it is less dirty and is easy to reach. Here is the sequence of actions on how to wash windows in any ordinary house or apartment:

  • First you need to take a bucket or basin, pour warm water into it and dilute a little powder or soap.
  • The window must be washed with an ordinary soft cloth, thoroughly wiping off dirt, traces of flies, thoroughly wiping the frame, handles, and sashes.
  • Rinse the windows with clean water using another clean cloth.
  • To absorb excess moisture and prevent streaks, the window must be thoroughly rubbed with newspaper, having previously crumpled it tightly. This procedure helps to achieve impeccable cleanliness and shine.

It's quite old, but quite effective method, which was used back in the days Soviet era. Since then, newspapers have not changed a bit, and still clean glass without leaving streaks.

For minor stains, there is another, modern and simple way to wash the windows in your apartment. To do this, you need to know that there are window wipes and special detergents. The instructions on the label will help you use them correctly.

Instead of a rag, you can take a special window squeegee, which comes with a sponge and a rubber scraper. Then you will very quickly wet the glass with foam and immediately wipe off this foam along with the dirt. This method is often shown in videos.

What to do if the windows are very dirty

Please note that it is impossible to bring windows to a heavily soiled state. Firstly, this causes them to deteriorate, and secondly, the time required to wash them increases; thirdly, a more effective product is required to wipe the window without streaks and additional effort.

Serious work awaits all housewives in winter. In our region, the winter period is accompanied by frosts and big amount precipitation, so practically no one wipes the windows on the street side in winter. During this time, they manage to become covered with a layer of dirt and soot. Let's find out how to properly wash windows in this situation.

The first step is to bring the frames, moldings, and glazing beads into a clean appearance. They are washed with a regular sponge using any detergent. In order not to constantly run to the bath and wet the sponge, water is collected in a small container, for example, a basin.

After the frame is finished, you can wash the glass part itself. For the glass, prepare new warm water, into which we pour a product like “Mr. Muscle” or liquid soap. The water is foamed and applied to the window using a sponge or a special mop.

If the dirt is heavy, then you need to wait a little (2-3 minutes) for the dirt to soak.

You can pour the soap solution into a bottle and quickly spray it over the surface with a spray bottle or use a special liquid product. Today, it is quite unusual to wash anything without such products. Some of them act instantly, while others will need to be applied several times to avoid dirty streaks and clean the glass thoroughly.

In the next step, you must apply a rag (sponge) soaked in clean water, or a mop with a scraper. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse off the dirty foam.

Finally, the glass and frame are completely wiped with a clean and dry microfiber cloth or just a soft, lint-free cloth. It helps get rid of possible stains and remove remaining moisture.

A few secrets and tricks

There are little secrets that help you avoid streaks on windows and clean quickly and efficiently.

  • Wash your windows on a damp or cloudy day, this will allow the water and liquid detergent to dry longer, and you won't have to wet the sponge again.
  • If you want to achieve maximum transparency and shine of the glass, then you need to wash it with the addition of ammonia. This will remove all greasy stains on both frames and glass.
  • To wash a painted wooden frame, it is best to use liquid soap.
  • If you use a mop or scraper, move it from top to bottom and at a slight angle so that all the liquid flows down.

Perhaps someone will be interested in how to wash windows using non-standard methods. Let's look at several of these methods.

  • You need to take ground chalk and mix it with vodka. Enough vodka is added to form a white mixture, similar to liquid sour cream. This mixture is used to quickly and shine the window.
  • To clean marks left by flies, use fresh onion. It is cut in half and rubbed onto glass. After this, everything is washed off with water.
  • If you add starch to the water (a tablespoon per liter), then the shine of the glass is guaranteed.
  • When you wash off the foam with clean water, you can add a little vinegar to it. This will help repel flies so they won't hang around the window.

You can make a table showing the features of some funds.

Many of us have a tradition of washing windows twice a year: in the fall before the onset of frost and in the spring after it. However, it would be a good idea to wipe the glass much more often. After all, does it really take a lot of effort to spray from a spray bottle and make a couple of hand movements?

Surely every housewife had to think about how to wash windows without streaks at home. After all, without shining glass you will never be able to achieve a feeling of perfect cleanliness in your home. But for many, cleaning windows continues to be a task that they don’t want to start at all. Just imagine how difficult it is to get rid of hated divorces. Fortunately, experienced housewives they know how to deal with the problem quickly and effortlessly. Let's try to figure out what kind of “secret” information these lucky women have.

Proper preparation is the key to success

A good housewife always has in her arsenal special devices, helping her clean up. To clean windows you will need:

  • sponge (it is desirable that one side is hard - this will remove heavy dirt);
  • rags (microfiber or coarse linen cloth is best suited for washing windows);
  • dry newspapers;
  • basin or bucket.

That's all, actually. Having the tools listed above, you can easily clean the windows well, because our grandmothers made do with only these equipment.

However, progress does not stand still. Now in every store you can buy useful things that make life much easier for the housewife. So, for washing windows, a special brush that looks like a sponge on one side and a rubber scraper on the other can be very useful. How to use such a device will be discussed a little later.

But when cleaning windows, you can’t do it with just tools; you also need special tools that will help you effectively wash windows at home.

What can you use?

The choice of cleaning product depends on how dirty the window is and how quickly the housewife wants to make it crystal clean. What could it be?

  1. 1 Water. This remedy is the most affordable of all possible. And it is quite suitable for the windows of a country house or village house, because far from roads and large enterprises they are protected from the appearance of severe pollution. However, city residents, as a rule, have to resort to more “strong” means.
  2. 2 Vinegar. This product was popular back in the days when there was not such an abundance of home cleaning products on store shelves. The acid eats away dirt, after which it can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

When searching for an answer to the question of how to wash windows so that there are no stains, many housewives become aware of “grandmother’s” proven methods for solving this problem. Following the experience of generations, for high-quality cleaning of windows you can use:

  • salt;
  • starch;
  • dentifrice;
  • chalk crushed into fine crumbs;
  • bleach.

Some people prefer to go to the store and buy a special window cleaner. It could be:

  • a special spray that is applied to the glass and then simply removed with a dry cloth;
  • a cleaning solution that must be diluted in water;
  • gel;
  • paste;
  • glass cleaning wipes, the use of which does not require the use of water or any cleaning agents.

It is difficult to say what is better for cleaning windows. Each housewife eventually finds her “own” method that allows her to return cleanliness to the “eyes of the house.”

Ideal cleaning algorithm

When thinking about how to properly wash windows, you should take into account the sequence of actions suggested below. It is recommended to follow it, regardless of which product was chosen for washing.

  1. 1 Completely empty the window sill of all objects on it (most often, of course, flower pots).
  2. 2 Pour warm water into a basin or bucket and add grated laundry soap, liquid soap, dishwashing liquid, a little washing powder or a special product intended for cleaning the house.
  3. 3 Dampen a rag in the solution and wash the window frames on both sides, the window sill, and the handles. You can effectively remove dirt from openings and cracks using a cotton swab (or a toothpick with cotton wool wrapped around it).
  4. 4 Empty the bucket or basin and fill the container with clean water, with which you can wipe the window again.
  5. 5 Replace the dirty water again.
  6. 6 Wash the glass (how to do this will be described below) first from the inside, then from the outside.
  7. 7 Wipe the frames and window sill again with a damp cloth to remove any remaining product that runs off during glass washing.

By adhering to this algorithm, you can avoid unnecessary effort and wash your windows as quickly as possible.

If the window is wooden, then when washing the frames you should remember that:

  • Soda cannot be used as a cleaning agent, as it corrodes the paint and can damage the structure of the structure;
  • It is best to use liquid soap or dishwashing detergent diluted in plenty of water.

Most modern city apartments have plastic windows, the care of which also requires compliance with certain recommendations.

  1. 1 When washing frames in this case, do not use powder cleaning agents, as they can damage the profile by scratching it.
  2. 2 If purchased detergents are used, they should not contain acid, gasoline or solvent, as these substances can damage the structure and change its color. It is best to choose alcohol-based cleaning products.
  3. 3 The optimal solution for those who do not know how to wash plastic windows is to prepare a concentrated solution of liquid or laundry soap.
  4. 4 After drying, metal fittings plastic window it is necessary to treat it with machine oil, and the rubber seal with silicone grease.

Now that the frames and window sills are washed, you can start washing the glass. As a rule, it is at this stage that many housewives have difficulties. Let's try to figure out how to wash window glass quickly and without streaks.

Folk remedies for cleaning glass

Many housewives use folk remedies. As a rule, the products necessary for their preparation are always at hand.

Such products are usually applied to the glass using a sponge or cloth and then removed with a dry cloth or newspaper. A special double-sided brush can be used to apply the cleaning composition:

  • wipe the glass with a sponge soaked in the solution;
  • the product is removed using a rubber scraper (like windshield wipers on a car), movements should be made from top to bottom at a slight angle.

The cleaning solution can be prepared by diluting it in 3 liters of water:

  • 6 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 3-6 tbsp. l. powdered chalk or tooth powder;
  • 3 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 150 g of bleach;
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. dishwashing liquids;
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. ground laundry soap using a grater.

For heavily soiled glasses, you can prepare more effective remedy, if you use one of the recipes below.

  1. 1 In 4 liters of warm water, dilute 100 ml of ammonia and white vinegar, a little blue and 2 tbsp. l. starch. Place the resulting product in a container with a spray bottle. When washing windows, spray the solution onto the glass, spread with a rag or sponge, remove with a dry cloth, paper napkin or newspaper.
  2. 2 Wipe the glass with raw fresh potatoes cut in half, then rinse with cool water and wipe dry.
  3. 3 Grind the chalk into powder and dilute it with vodka until it reaches the consistency of liquid sour cream. Grind the glass with the resulting slurry, remove with a damp cloth and wipe dry. This method is suitable for those who want to wash their windows as quickly and without streaks as possible.
  4. 4 Very often you can find black dots on window glass - marks left by flies. To get rid of them, you need to cut a fresh onion in half and wipe the glass with it.

Let's go to the store: shopping supplies

Sometimes you have neither the time nor the desire to bother with preparing cleaning solutions, then you can resort to store-bought window cleaning products.

The method of use of such products depends on the form of their release. Usually they are applied to glass in pure form or pre-diluted in water. The composition of such products differs little; it usually includes:

  • water;
  • alcohol or acid;
  • Surfactants (surfactants);
  • ammonia (used to add shine, not found in all products);
  • antistatic or silicone (added to some products to protect the glass from excessive dust and dirt settling on it).

There are also special wipes for cleaning glass. According to the manufacturers, their use does not imply additional use any devices or detergents, just wipe the glass. However, many housewives claim that the use of such napkins is effective only in cases of light contamination.

Despite the fact that there are window cleaning products, both home-made and store-bought, a large number of, their use does not always guarantee the absence of divorces.

How to avoid soap streaks: secrets and subtleties

By following the window cleaning sequence suggested above and using the detergent correctly, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of streaks. However, there is something else you need to know to avoid this trouble.

One of the most important rules, which experienced housewives recommend learning to avoid stains, says: wash the windows on a cloudy day, when there is no rain or wind. The fact is that under the rays of the scorching sun, water and detergent quickly dry out, leaving streaks. It is also difficult to avoid annoying traces during strong wind or rain.

Another valuable secret is to make circular movements from top to bottom when washing glass.

When thinking about how to quickly clean windows, you should not forget about the final touch of this procedure: polishing the glass. This simple measure will allow you to remove stains if they do appear while washing the windows. So, you can polish the glass until it shines by rubbing it vigorously in a circular motion:

  • crumpled newspaper;
  • a piece of suede material;
  • a special napkin;
  • old nylon stockings or tights.

Wise people never tire of repeating that knowledge is power.

Indeed, if the hostess owns quality information about how to properly wash windows, this task no longer seems to her as something painfully difficult.

Following simple tips, you can make this process not only fast and efficient, but also enjoyable. It’s so wonderful to contemplate the crystal purity of the window, through which the rays of the sun easily penetrate into the house!

Hello, dear readers! With the arrival of spring, housewives have more troubles in connection with washing windows. Everyone wants to know how to wash windows without streaks. In this article you will find useful recommendations that will make your work easier.

It's not spring yet, but it's no longer winter

Winter doesn’t want to give up its position this year, but housewives have already started cleaning the windows. Nowadays there are many means to clean windows quickly and without unnecessary hassle, but the trouble is that stains remain.

First tip: it is best to wash windows in cloudy weather. Let's try to do without chemicals: soap the glass with a chalk solution, after drying, polish it with a dry cloth, then with newspaper. Use half a raw potato to peel the glass, then polish it as well.

Another way:

  • Let's do it soap suds, wet a cloth.
  • We will wash the windows along with the window frames. To keep it clean, wipe it with a dry cloth.
  • Let's prepare a solution - 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. vinegar.
  • We wash the glass and wipe it with crumpled newspaper.

You can prepare the remedy at home:

  • Starch - 2 tbsp.
  • blue
  • ammonia - 50 ml.
  • water - 2 l

Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, spray it on the window, rinse with water, and wipe with a paper towel.

Make a solution with ammonia, soak a fine-fiber cloth in it, wash the dirty areas, then wipe dry with a dry cloth.

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How to clean high windows in an apartment?

Special devices with a scraper are available for sale. First, wash off the dirt with the rubber side of the mop, then use a scraper to walk vertically along the surface.

Tall windows can be washed with a regular mop: wrap a cloth around it, soak it in a vinegar solution, rinse well, then wipe dry.

To prevent windows from sweating, you can wipe them with alcohol and glycerin (10:1).

Many housewives are interested in whether it is necessary to wash windows in winter? Cleanliness never hurts, so in winter you also need to clean up. It is not necessary to wash it in cold weather, but when it warms up, the shutters should be washed thoroughly.

To do this, prepare a saline solution: 1 liter. add 10 tbsp. salt. Wash the inside first and then the outside. Wipe first vertically and then horizontally. Salt will dissolve the ice and give the surface a beautiful shine.

Many people have adapted to cleaning windows with a vacuum cleaner, especially between the sashes. They put on a nozzle that makes it easy to get dirt out of any crevices and work! If the outside temperature is below 5, then you can adapt a steam generator.

At what temperature are windows washed in winter? It's best when the temperature approaches zero. IN severe frost There is no need to risk your health; wash double-glazed windows only from the inside.

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Cleaning up in spring

Never wash shutters in bright sun or wind. The products manage to create a film on the glass that produces unsightly stains. Towards evening, when the sun leaves your window, start cleaning. Never use washing powder, as it is difficult to wash off and produces very noticeable stains.

Traditional methods of washing windows

Try the best folk remedies

  1. Good remedy: pour vinegar or ammonia into lightly salted water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter), rinse the glass, then rinse with clean water. Next, wipe with a microfiber cloth, polish with newspaper or used tights. Dazzling shine guaranteed!
  2. Some housewives add a little blue or copper sulfate. In these cases, the shutters take on a bluish or greenish tint.
  3. Add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of water. starch, rinse, then polish with a microfiber cloth or crumpled newspaper.
  4. Add 3 tbsp to 1 glass of water. l. chalk, treat the glass, leave for a few minutes, then wipe with a napkin until shiny.
  5. In a bucket cold water dilute 200 g of tooth powder. Wash the windows, then rinse them with clean water, dry them thoroughly, and polish them with newspapers.
  6. Stubborn grease on glass can be easily washed off with a solution of dishwashing detergent. Try not to get them on plastic frames.
  7. Automotive glass and mirror cleaners can help remove dirt and grease.

How to wash wooden frames?

A soap solution is suitable for these purposes. Cut a piece of laundry soap, whip up foam and wash. Then rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

How to wash white plastic on windows?

White plastic will turn yellow if washed with dishwashing or window cleaner. Therefore, use a regular soap solution: cut a piece of soap into warm water, shake it well, the solution is ready!

By the way, to remove dirt from the corners of the glass unit, use cotton swabs or toothpicks. To reduce dust from outside settling on plastic frames, you can use an antistatic agent. Subsequent cleaning will become faster and easier.

If you still decide to buy ready-made products, then avoid buying with abrasive substances, such as talc, marble powder, clay, pumice. They clean well, but can leave scratches where dust will accumulate much faster.

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For novice housewives, it’s a good idea to know the sequence of work.

  • Wear gloves to avoid damaging the skin of your hands.
  • Pour clean water into a bucket and wet a napkin.
  • Remove any accumulated dirt from the glass.
  • Dirty water replace with a clean one, wash the window frame and window sill.
  • Apply the cleaning agent to the glass and wipe with a cloth.
  • Rub with newspaper until shiny.

Another tip: after washing the glass, wipe it with a mixture of water and glycerin so that it remains clean and shiny for a long time.

To keep your shutter glass sparkling, invest in a hand-held window cleaning brush. First, rinse the surfaces with any of the above means, then with fresh water, then remove the water with a scraper.

How to wash windows on a balcony or loggia

If you have sliding shutters on your balcony, then cleaning them can be done as easy as pie. Just take it off, wash it and put it back. Don't know how to remove the frame?

  1. Using a small screwdriver, pry up the plugs next to the rollers.
  2. Remove the window from the guides, that is, take the sash by the edges, lift it slightly, pull the bottom edge towards you, then lower it.
  3. Use a brush to clean the rails.
  4. Put the sashes in place.

Using this technique, you won’t have to worry about how to wash the outside of the loggias. To remove shutters less often, wipe the double-glazed windows with a glycerin solution.

If your balcony has swing shutters, then your problem can be solved very quickly - choose one of the products and wash.

If there are no shutters on the balcony, that is, it is tightly packed, then buy a mop with rubber tips. Soak the soft part of the mop in any solution and remove dirt from the glass.

Soak it in clean water, then run clean water over the glass surface again. Then use the rubber side of the mop to collect the water, working from top to bottom. With a mop you can quickly clean even high openings.

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