Rinonorm in the nose instructions for use. Instructions for use of spray and drops "Rinonorm" for adults and children for the common cold. Chemical composition and medicinal properties of the solution

The drug "Rinonorm Teva" is an alpha-adrenomimetic and vasoconstrictor intended for topical use. Next, let's look at its instructions for use. We will also get acquainted with analogues of this medical product and find out what consumers say about it in their reviews.

Release format and composition of this medicinal product

According to the instructions for use for "Rinonorm Teva", the dosage form of this medication is a nasal spray (15 milliliters in bottles equipped with a dispenser). One cardboard box contains one bottle. The active substance is xylometazoline hydrochloride. And the auxiliary components are water for injection along with sodium citrate dihydrate, citric acid monohydrate and glycerol.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

Xylometazoline is an adrenergic agonist used locally in otolaryngological practice. The mechanism of its action is due to the ability to lead to a narrowing of arterioles, as a result of which hyperemia with swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa is reduced, and the amount of secreted secretion is also reduced. A distinct effect of the drug develops, as a rule, within a few minutes, persisting for six to eight hours and manifested by free patency of the Eustachian tubes, nasal passages and sinus openings. As a result of all this, the well-being of patients significantly improves, and the risks of developing complications caused by stagnation of mucous secretions are reduced. Next, we find out in which cases it is customary to prescribe this medication to patients.

Indications for use and contraindications

"Rinonorm Teva" is intended for the symptomatic treatment of the following conditions and pathologies:

  • In the presence of acute allergic rhinitis.
  • Against the background of severe bacterial and viral rhinitis.
  • With exacerbation of chronic sinusitis.
  • As part of the preparation of patients for a diagnostic procedure in the nasal passages.
  • In addition, the medicine is used for otitis media in order to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tubes.

This is detailed in the instructions.

The considered medical product “Rinonorm Teva” cannot be used for treatment in the following cases:

  • For atrophic rhinitis (inflammation of the skin and nasal mucosa during the formation of a crust).
  • During periods after hypophysectomy.
  • Against the background of angle-closure glaucoma.
  • In case of severe atherosclerosis.
  • As part of surgical interventions on the meninges (in history).
  • With the development of hyperthyroidism, arterial hypertension, tachycardia.
  • In case of simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants (for example, Monoamine oxidase).
  • In childhood up to two years of age.
  • Against the background of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Instructions "Rinonorm Teva" for children and adults

The medicine must be used strictly according to the instructions. 0.05% nasal spray is prescribed to children from two to ten years old, one dose in each nasal passage three times a day with intervals between doses of at least six hours. Spray 0.1% is prescribed to children from ten years of age and adults, one dose in each nasal passage three times a day. In this case, an interval between administrations is required, which should be at least six hours.

In accordance with the instructions for use for the “Rinonorm Teva” spray, one dose is called pressing the piston of the bottle. This pressure usually amounts to 0.14 milliliters of medicinal solution. The duration of therapy should not exceed seven days. Before administering the spray, it is recommended to clear the nasal passage of all secretions. Immediately upon administration, you should inhale lightly through your nose.

Side effects from using this medicine

When using Rinonorm Teva, various adverse reactions may occur in patients. Local manifestations include dryness of the nasal mucosa along with a burning sensation. It is extremely rare that irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and oral cavity may occur. Nervous system can respond to receiving this medicinal product irritability, insomnia, headache. And the cardiac and vascular systems usually react with increased pressure and arrhythmia. Other side effects include skin reactions with nausea.


Symptoms of an overdose from Rinonorm-Teva occur very rarely, and this mainly occurs in children. As a rule, signs usually manifest themselves in the form of increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, and in some cases loss of consciousness. If an overdose occurs, patients should be under the strict supervision of their doctor. Symptomatic treatment will also be required.

In severe episodes, alpha-blockers are prescribed to lower the pressure, and intubation with mechanical ventilation may be necessary. The use of vasoconstrictors is contraindicated. In case of accidental use of a moderate or excessive amount of the drug inside, it is recommended to take Activated carbon with a laxative (for example, sodium sulfate), if necessary, do a gastric lavage.

Use during pregnancy and childhood

Drug interactions

As the instructions for "Rinonorm Teva" indicate, tetracyclic antidepressants, if used simultaneously, can increase the systemic exposure to xylometazoline. With the combined use of MAO inhibitors, an increase in pressure in patients is likely.


Analogues of the drug called "Rinonorm Teva" are medicines in the form of "Galazolin", "Grippostad", "Dlyanos", "Doctor Tays", "Rinotaissa", "Influrin", "Xilena", "Xylometazoline", "Xylometazoline-Betalek ”, “Xylometazoline-SOLOpharma”, “Xymelina”, “Xymelina ECO”, “Xymelina ECO” with menthol, “Otrivina”, “Rinomarisa”, “Rinonorm”, “Rinorusa”, “Rinostop”, “Sanorina-Xylo”, "SNUPa", "SOLOXylometazoline", "Suprima-NOZA", "Tizina", "Tizina Xylo", "Tizina Xylo Bio" and "Evkazolin Aqua". A doctor should select a replacement.

Shelf life

The shelf life of this medicine is usually three years. The medication must be stored at temperatures up to twenty-five degrees, protected from light, and, moreover, out of the reach of children. Conditions of release: without prescription. Now let's move on to reading the reviews and find out what people think about this medical product and how effective they think it is.

A runny nose is a common problem, especially in cold period of the year. There are many medications to eliminate them. Experts often prescribe Rinonorm spray for the treatment of this pathological condition, which is an effective and popular remedy widely used in otolaryngology.

The drug contains an active ingredient - xylometazoline hydrochloride, which has a vasoconstrictor effect. This substance ten milliliters of the drug contains one milligram.

The medication also includes auxiliary components:

  • Glycerol.
  • Injection water.
  • Citric acid monohydrate.
  • Sodium dihydrate.

Rinonorm spray belongs to the pharmacological group of alpha-adrenergic agonists, which are widely used in otolaryngological practice.

Active substance has the following effects on the body:

  1. Constricts blood vessels in the nasal passages.
  2. Relieves nasal congestion.
  3. Reduces swelling of the mucous membrane.
  4. Reduces the amount of nasal secretions.
  5. Promotes the elimination of hyperemia of the mucosa.
  6. Reduces inflammatory process in the nasopharynx.
  7. Improves nasal breathing.
  8. Reduces the production of mucous secretions.

The effect of the medicine is observed within ten minutes and lasts up to eight hours. As a result of the restoration of nasal breathing, the patient’s well-being improves. In addition, the spray effectively reduces the risk of developing severe consequences due to secretion stagnation.

From the video you can learn how to properly treat a runny nose:

Rinonorm is produced in the form of a nasal spray. The medicinal liquid in the aerosol is transparent and colorless. The drug is equipped with a cap with a dispenser, which helps to spray the nose with a certain dose. medication. There is a drug for adults and for children.

Children's nasal spray contains a 0.05% solution. Adult Rinonorm is available in a 0.1% concentration of the active substance.

The vial contains 15 milliliters of medicinal solution for injection into the nasal passages.The drug can be stored for no more than three years. After this period, it is not allowed to use the tool.

The storage conditions for Rinonorm aerosol are as follows:

  • Humidity – no more than 75 percent.
  • Temperature regime – no higher than twenty-five degrees.
  • A place where direct sunlight does not penetrate.

In addition, the spray can only be stored in places that are difficult for children to reach.

When is the spray prescribed and how to use it?

Rinonorm is prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of the following pathological conditions:

  1. Rhinitis of viral or bacterial origin.
  2. Chronic sinusitis.
  3. Seasonal hay fever.
  4. Otitis media in acute form.

Specialists prescribe a spray to eliminate caused by acute respiratory infections, SARS, and other respiratory diseases.It is also recommended to use Rinonorm for patients who need to be prepared for rhinoscopy of the nasal passages.

It is important to remember that this aerosol eliminates only such symptoms of diseases as a runny nose, nasal congestion, copious discharge from the nose. Therefore, the treatment of a pathological condition should be complex, depending on the underlying cause of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

The course of therapy and dosage in each individual case is determined only by the attending physician.

Rinonorm is intended for nasal use:

  • Aerosol for adults must be irrigated in each nasal passage. For this, one injection is enough. It is recommended to carry out the procedure three times a day. It is not advisable to use Rinonorm more than seven times a day.
  • For the treatment of children, the rules of use are the same, but an aerosol should be used in a concentration of 0.05 percent xylometazoline.

The duration of treatment with the drug is no more than one week. If you use Rinonorm for longer, the effectiveness decreases because drug dependence occurs. Long-term use of the product can lead to atrophic rhinitis.

Before using Rinonorm, you need to clear your nasal passages of secretions. Before carrying out the procedure, you must shake the bottle with the solution. When administering the medicine directly, it is recommended to inhale lightly through the nose.

To whom and when is Rinonorm contraindicated?

IN official instructions it is indicated that the drug has some restrictions for use:

  • Angle-closure glaucoma.
  • Atrophic runny nose.
  • Hypersensitivity to spray substances.
  • Xylometazoline intolerance.
  • It is not allowed to use the aerosol during the period after hypophysectomy.
  • Rinonorm is not prescribed to women during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when the formation of fetal organs occurs. In some situations, the doctor recommends using a baby spray for pregnant women, but only the benefit to the woman outweighs the risk of harm to the unborn child.
  • Also, medicine is not used to treat runny nose in children who have not reached three years old. Adult spray should not be used by children under ten years of age.
  • Do not use aerosol for. In this case, you should first stop the bleeding.
  • The drug is prescribed to women who are breastfeeding with caution and under medical supervision, since the effect of the drug on a child during lactation has not been studied.

Medical supervision is necessary when treating patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, heart disease, hyperthyroidism and glaucoma.Rinonorm is not recommended for use simultaneously with tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors.

Can the spray cause adverse reactions?

This nasal spray is generally well tolerated by adults and children. However, sometimes side effects may occur when using Rinonorm.

The most common of these reactions are:

  • Feeling of dryness and itching in the nasal passages.
  • Headache.
  • Increased excitability and anxiety.
  • Sleep disorder (drowsiness or insomnia).
  • Dizziness.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Increased blood pressure.

In some cases, skin reactions may occur. Nausea and dyspeptic disorders rarely occur. Dryness of the mucous membranes can spread to the oral cavity and pharynx, and a burning sensation may be felt in these places.

Most often, side effects develop when the rules for using the spray are violated and after an overdose.

If the aerosol is used for a long time, such reactions may also occur. Typically, these phenomena disappear immediately after stopping the use of xylometazoline-based products.

During development side effects the patient should stop using the product and consult a specialist. Usually the attending physician prescribes analogues of the drug, which have identical pharmacological effects on the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

What can replace it?

In pharmaceutical establishments you can purchase analogues of the drug based on pharmacological effects and composition. You can replace the drug with the following nasal products that contain xylometazoline:

  • Galazolin


If during a runny nose you cannot take a full breath due to swelling of the nasal mucosa, use the drug Rinonorm - the instructions for use of the spray contain information on the composition, indications and contraindications, special instructions for complications. The product facilitates the breathing process within a couple of minutes after use. The effect lasts for 6-8 hours.

Nasal drops Rinonorm

The nasal drug Rinonorm is a vasoconstrictor that, through short term after use, cleanse the nasal passages of secretions. In addition, swelling of the nasal mucosa disappears. This effect of the product ensures full breathing, but due to the active substance, complications may arise with prolonged use, and you will become dependent on the drops. To avoid similar problems You must read the instructions for use of the drug, studying the composition, contraindications and method of use.


Depending on the type of spray (adult or child), the amount of the active component varies:

  • For adults. The active substance is xylometazoline hydrochloride 10 mg. Auxiliary components include citric acid monohydrate, water for injection, glycerol 85%, sodium citrate dihydrate.
  • For children. The active ingredient is half as much - 5 mg, and the excipients remain unchanged.

Release form

Rinonorm nasal drops are available in the form of a clear solution without a certain color 0.05% and 0.1%. The liquid is packaged in bottles with a volume of 15 ml, made of dark glass with a special spray nozzle for convenient injection of the drug into the nasal passages and a protective cap. The bottles themselves are placed in cardboard packaging, where the name and basic information are indicated.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The nasal drug is actively practiced by ENT doctors for local use. The spray is an alpha-adrenergic agonist due to the active substance xylometazoline hydrochloride. Due to this, the arterioles narrow, which has a positive effect on the nasal mucosa, reduces swelling, and eliminates hyperemia. When used topically, the active substance is absorbed into the bloodstream in a minimal amount.

Rinonorm spray reduces the amount of secretion in the nasopharynx a couple of minutes after use. This effect lasts for 6-8 hours after local application. There is a resumption of obstruction in the nasal passages, sinus openings and Eustachian tubes. This ensures an improvement in the patient’s health and the absence of complications from secretion stagnation.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use of the drug, the indications for use are as follows:

  • preparing patients for nasopharyngeal diagnosis;
  • acute sinusitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic sinusitis;
  • improvement of the mucous membrane in acute otitis media in combination with rhinitis;
  • acute allergic rhinitis;
  • viral, bacterial acute rhinitis.


Before using the product, you must familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications for the drugs that are listed below:

  • high sensitivity and allergy to individual components of nasal drops;
  • atrophic rhinitis with inflammation of the nasal mucosa, skin, and crust formation;
  • previous hypophysectomy;
  • childhood up to 2 years with spray for children;
  • children under 10 years of age with a spray for adults;
  • use of MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase);
  • taking antidepressants;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • prostatic hyperplasia.

The product should be used with caution if you have the following health problems:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes.

Directions for use and dosage

When using drops, it is important to follow the dosage and the correct sequence of actions. The dose of the drug depends on several factors: the age of the patient, the degree of obstruction of the nasal passages. Before instilling Rinonorm drops, rinse your sinuses, if possible clearing them of accumulated mucus, and then use strictly according to the instructions, observing all dosages. Please take into account the fact that treatment with this remedy lasts a maximum of 7 days, and after that, dependence on the drops and complications may appear.

Rhinonorm for adults

For children over 10 years of age and adults, the drug is prescribed in the form of a spray with a percentage of the active substance of 0.1%. You need to insert the tip of the bottle nozzle into each nostril and press the piston mechanism once. The resulting liquid corresponds to 1 dose. When you inject the solution, take a small breath. You can take the medicine up to 3 times a day.

Instructions for use for children

Rinonorm for children is used when the child’s age is from 2 to 10 years. For this case, a spray with 0.05% of the active substance - xylometazoline - is used. Press the plunger device 1 time into each nostril. From one dose of the product, your child will receive 0.45 ml of the active ingredient. Treatment is recommended for 3-4 days, 1-3 times per day.


If you do not take into account the method of application and dose, using Rinonorm, an overdose may occur. For symptomatic treatment, you need to consult a doctor. If you accidentally ingest the drug in large doses, take a laxative, activated charcoal and perform gastric lavage. Overdose symptoms are as follows:

  • arrhythmia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • gain side effects.

Side effects

When using nasal drops, the following side effects may occur:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • increased excitability;
  • burning, dryness, itching of the nasopharynx.
  • irritation of the nasal mucosa, larynx;
  • nausea;
  • vomit
  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • increased heart rate;
  • temperature increase.

special instructions

If you decide to make your breathing easier by using Rinonorm nasal spray, don't worry about the manageability. The product has no effect on driving or regulating other mechanisms. This property distinguishes it from some analogues. Taking Rinonorm should not be long-term, especially for patients with chronic rhinitis. This is due to the fact that the drops can cause constant nasal congestion up to atrophy of the mucous membrane.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Most experts say that taking Rinonorm drops is contraindicated for girls during pregnancy and lactation. The active substance of the nasal spray is xylometazoline, which narrows not only the vessels in the nasal passages, but also the arteries of the placenta. This helps reduce the flow to the fetus nutrients. Rinonorm during pregnancy can be used only in extreme cases and after consulting a doctor.


Rhinonorm has similar drugs by mode of action, effect or active substance. Information about the analogues of the tool is contained in the following table.




Release form



Vasoconstrictor drug for local use. The action begins in 10 minutes and lasts for 5-6 hours. The active substance is xylometazoline.

Warsaw plant Polfa, Poland

Grippostad Reno

Reduces swelling and hyperemia of the nasal mucosa without disturbing the function of the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membrane, 5 minutes after use. The effect lasts up to 10 hours. The active substance is xylometazoline.

STADA, Germany

drops for adults

drops for children

A vasoconstrictor drug to relieve the symptoms of rhinitis. The effect comes in a couple of minutes and lasts 10 hours. The active substance is xylometazoline.

Sandoz Private Limited, India

Novartis, Switzerland

Preparation for local use. Reduces swelling and hyperemia of the nasal mucosa.

Lance Farm, Russia


The product has a vasoconstrictor effect on the nasal mucosa, removing swelling. Facilitates the breathing process for 10-12 hours. The active ingredient is xylometazoline.

Nycomed Denmark ApS, Denmark

Takeda GmbH, Japan

The vasoconstrictor is suitable for patients with sensitive nasal mucosa. The effect occurs a couple of minutes after use and lasts 12 hours.

Novartis, Switzerland

spray for children

spray, menthol-eucalyptus


In addition to xylometazoline, this vasoconstrictor contains sea ​​water, which improves the condition of the nasal mucosa and thins mucus. In addition, beneficial microelements reduce adverse reactions such as irritation and dryness. The effect lasts 12 hours.

JSC Jadran Galena Laboratory, Croatia

The drug makes breathing easier and improves patency in the nasal passages. The action begins in a couple of minutes and lasts 10 hours.

Synthesis AKOMP, Russia


The vasoconstrictor facilitates breathing during rhinitis, acute respiratory infections, sinusitis, otitis, hay fever.

ZAO Lecco FF, Russia

Pharmstandard, Russia

The product removes swelling and hyperemia. The action occurs within a couple of minutes.

Stada, Germany

Tizin Xylo

The medicine will help clear the nasal passages of accumulated secretions, normalizing breathing. The effect appears after 10 minutes.

Johnson and Johnson

Price Rinonorma

You can buy Rinonorm spray at any pharmacies in Moscow or order it from an online pharmacy store. You can find out the cost of the drug from the table below:



Dosage, ml

Rhinonorm, 0.1%

Ratiopharm, Germany

Rhinonorm, 0.05%

Ratiopharm, Germany

Rinonorm-Teva, 0.1%

Merkle GmbH, Germany

Rinonorm-Teva, 0.05%

Merkle GmbH, Germany

The action and therapeutic effect of the drug Rinonorm become noticeable within a few minutes after use. On average, the symptomatic result - relief of nasal breathing - lasts at least 6 hours. At this moment the patient notes general improvement feeling well, no signs of rhinitis.


The active ingredient in Rinonorm is xylometazoline hydrochloride, a representative of the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists. This substance affects receptors located on the nasal mucosa, causing the development of a vasoconstrictor and anti-edematous effect.

When applied topically, Rinonorm spray works in the following directions:

  • narrows the network of blood vessels;
  • reduces hyperemia and swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • reduces mucus secretion;
  • normalizes airway patency.

According to the instructions for use, Rinonorm spray begins to act within a few minutes after use, facilitating breathing and eliminating nasal congestion, and the results from its use last up to 10 hours.

The maximum course of treatment for rhinitis can last no more than a week; further use of medications with xylometazoline will be less effective and unsafe, since this component can cause drug dependence and complications such as atrophic rhinitis, addiction to the drug.

Before administering the spray, it is necessary to clean nasal cavity from mucous secretions to ensure best contact drug with the nasopharynx. In this case, the therapeutic result will be better.

Release form

Rhinonorm nasal drops, like tablets, do not exist; the only dosage form of the drug is a spray, which looks like a colorless transparent liquid in a bottle equipped with a special dispenser cap.

The drug is available in two forms:

  1. Children's Rinonorm - contains 500 mcg of xylometazoline (0.05% solution).
  2. Rinonorm for adults and children over 6 years of age - the concentration of the active component is doubled - up to 1 mg (0.1%).

Indications and contraindications

Rinonorm drops in the form of a nasal spray are prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of pathologies of the following types of ENT organs:

  • viral or bacterial runny nose that causes inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • , including in the acute stage of the chronic form of the disease;
  • (the instructions for use say that Rinonorm reduces swelling of the Eustachian tube).

Also, the reason for using Rinonorm spray according to the instructions is to prepare the nasopharynx for rhinoscopic examination. The product eliminates signs of rhinitis, facilitating the diagnostic procedure.

Contraindications to Rinonorm:

  • atrophic;
  • xylometazoline intolerance;
  • children under two years of age (Rinonorm for children cannot be prescribed from birth);
  • children under 6 years of age are a contraindication to the use of the spray for adults;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • rehabilitation state of the body after surgical resection of the pituitary gland.

The drug is used with caution in patients suffering from glaucoma, arrhythmia, tachycardia, hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, while expecting a child and during lactation.

Instructions and dosage

According to the instructions for use, Rinonorm for children and adults is prescribed according to individual scheme, depending on the degree of nasal congestion during a runny nose.

In the annotation to the drug you can see a list of recommended dosages:

  1. According to the instructions, Rinonorm for children over 6 years of age and for adults is prescribed in the form of a 0.1% spray, one dose in each nasal passage 1-3 times a day. One press on the vial dispenser corresponds to the entry into the nasal cavity of 0.09 ml of xylometazoline.
  2. For children from 2 to 6 years old, the instructions recommend Rinonorm for children at a concentration of 0.05%. The drug is used by analogy with adults, but a single press on the dispenser of the drug leads to the entry of 0.045 ml of xylometazoline into the nasal cavity.
  3. It is not advisable to use Rinonorm during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that there is no data on the effect of the drug on the fetus, since clinical researches no studies have been carried out regarding this problem. In addition, predict how the body will react expectant mother to contact with xylometazoline, difficult due to the changed hormonal levels in organism. But a prolonged and painful runny nose can be dangerous for the development of the fetus, so sometimes doctors prescribe children's Rinonorm during pregnancy, that is, a drug containing a reduced concentration of the active substance. As a rule, this dosage of the drug is quite enough to eliminate nasal congestion for the expectant mother.
  4. Rinonorm during breastfeeding is also prescribed with caution due to insufficient knowledge of the drug.

Side effects

Most reviews about the drug are positive, and this proves that this medicine successfully tolerated by people of different age groups. But the possibility of developing side effects of the Rinonorm spray should not be ruled out, since such cases have been recorded in the practice of using the drug.

These include:

  • from the side of the central nervous system - headaches, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbances, irritability;
  • from the cardiovascular system - increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • local reactions - dryness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, reactive edema and hyperemia, skin reactions.

Long-term use of Rinonorm can cause addiction to the drug in the form of drug-induced rhinitis with atrophic changes in the nasal mucosa. Therefore, when treating with this remedy, it is important to follow the recommendations of a doctor who will prescribe an individual therapy regimen that prevents the development of side effects of Rinonorm.


Let's look at drugs that can replace Rinonorm.

Galazolin is a vasoconstrictor often prescribed in otolaryngology. The active ingredient is xylometazoline, which promotes vasoconstriction, eliminates nasal congestion, and reduces exudation in the nasopharynx.

Indications for the use of Rinonorm are similar to Galazolin due to the same active substance. The drug is used for acute infectious and allergic rhinitis, otitis, eustachitis, sinusitis. It can be prescribed from the age of two in a special, less concentrated (0.05%) dosage form. Pregnant and nursing mothers are not recommended to use the product.

Otrivin is a vasoconstrictor drug that is effective in treating the common cold. The active substance, like other analogues, is xylometazoline. The remedy is prescribed for infections of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a runny nose, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, eustachitis.

The drug is prescribed to children over two years of age. In rare cases, the attending physician may prescribe Otrivin earlier - in infancy, strictly controlling the treatment process. Expectant and nursing mothers can use the remedy only with the permission of a doctor, provided that the expected therapeutic effect is higher possible risk for a child.

It is undesirable to use drugs based on xylometazoline on their own. Not knowing what Rinonorm helps from, and its effect on the body, the patient, with uncontrolled use of the drug, can provoke the appearance of unwanted reactions. The remedy must be prescribed by a specialist.

According to the instructions, Rinonorm should not be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding without a doctor's prescription. The drug should not be prescribed to children under two years of age. The spray is used up to 3 times a day at the recommended dosage, with a course of no more than 7 days. If unpleasant symptoms appear, the treatment of a runny nose with this remedy should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

Useful video about the use of vasoconstrictor drugs for rhinitis

Often a person has to face the need to use certain medications. Some drugs are designed to relieve fever and fever, others are active antiviral agents. Still others compensate for the deficiency of certain vitamins and enzymes in the human body. In this article we will talk about the drug “Rinonorm”. The price, reviews and method of use of the medicine will be described below. You will also learn some important information. For example, is it possible to use the "Rinonorm" remedy for children (medical reviews will be presented to your attention) or during pregnancy.

Release form, composition and dosage of the drug

The product is available in the form of a nasal spray. Many patients ask whether there are Rinonorm drops. The manufacturer does not provide this form release of medicine.

The main active ingredient of the drug is xylometazaline. Its concentration may vary. So you can find on sale the drug "Rinonorm" for children. Reviews and instructions say that it contains 0.5 milligrams of the active agent. For an adult, this dose is doubled. This spray contains 1 milligram of xylometazaline hydrochloride.

In addition to the main component, you can find water, glycerol, and other substances in the composition of the product.

When the medicine is prescribed: indications

What does the instructions for use say about the drug "Rinonorm"? Reviews of doctors say the following: the medicine is a vasoconstrictor. It perfectly removes swelling from the mucous membranes of the nose and facilitates breathing. However, the spray does not have antiviral or antibacterial activity. That is why it is often used in complex therapy as an addition to the main treatment. Indications for the use of the drug may be as follows:

  • nasal congestion and sneezing caused by allergies;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane during illness;
  • complex treatment of otitis and sinusitis;
  • sinusitis of various types and so on.

Often, the solution is prescribed before various surgical interventions in the nasopharynx and after manipulation, the course of administration can be extended.

Are there any contraindications for using the composition?

“Rinonorm” has good reviews. However, there are a number of contraindications to the use of the drug. These include:

  • character;
  • Angle-closure glaucoma or suspicion of it;
  • state after surgical intervention in the area of ​​the pituitary gland;
  • use of antidepressants.

The product is not recommended for use on children under two years of age. It is also prohibited to introduce adult dosage children under 10 years old. The drug should be taken with extreme caution during pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding.

If you have kidney disease, heart disease or periodically increases arterial pressure, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.

How does the medicine affect the patient?

Reviews of "Rinonorm" are positive. Patients say that the drug begins to act immediately. Within a few seconds after administration, breathing becomes easier and swelling is relieved.

It is worth noting that the composition can affect not only the area of ​​the nasal passages. It also relieves swelling in the adenoids. That is why the medicine “Rinonorm” (for sinusitis) receives positive reviews. The spray allows you to quickly alleviate the patient's condition.

Instructions for use of the medicine

The composition is prescribed in an individual dosage regimen. It all depends on the patient’s age, symptoms and additional drugs for treatment.

Most often, the following method and dosage is used for adults: the drug is injected into each nostril with one or two presses up to three times a day. The interval between administrations should be at least six hours. This scheme should be used for up to one week. Only in some cases may the doctor recommend continuing the course.

How is “Rinonorm” spray for children used? Reviews from doctors speak of the following scheme. The medicine is injected into the nasal passage by pressing the plunger once. In this case, the manipulation can be repeated no more than three times. The course lasts 5-7 days. Any extension is strictly prohibited. If further use of vasoconstrictor drugs is necessary, a medicine with a different active ingredient is selected. Remember that these prescriptions must be given by a doctor.

If your nasal passages are severely congested, you should use the medicine before going to bed. If the drug is used in complex therapy for the treatment of bacterial diseases, then it must be administered before the next dose of antimicrobial agents. This will give the best effect of treatment, since after the swelling is removed, the antibacterial drug will begin to act actively.

Using medication while expecting a baby

As you already know, Rinonorm is contraindicated during pregnancy. Reviews from doctors indicate that the composition can still be used in exceptional cases. In this case, preference should be given to the children's dosage.

The medicine should be used only when urgently needed. It is advisable not to repeat the use of the spray. The composition can have a detrimental effect on the blood flow between mother and child, as it has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect.

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