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Which country has the largest submarine fleet? June 3rd, 2015

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It would seem that we can roughly estimate and say which country will have the largest number of submarines. But I didn't succeed. Maybe you can do it?

Think and say. Which? And under the cut, in reverse order, there will be the TOP 10 countries by the number of submarine fleets...

Every year, countries spend billions of dollars on their militaries. Army, air Force and the Navy receive generous amounts of funding to maintain the existing level of combat readiness, developing and purchasing more and more new weapons. Over the past few centuries, the powers of the world have quickly realized the importance and necessity of the navy. Not only a symbol of power and wealth, a strong fleet can project power and be used as political instrument, protect commercial lines and deliver your troops anywhere in the world.

For many nations, one of the most important and versatile components of their navies is the submarine. The first submarine was built in the 17th century. Over the next few hundred years, the submarine went through a large number of evolutions, greatly improving its mobility, practicality, lethality and overall capabilities. Today, submarines are a formidable force that terrifies a potential enemy. Today we look at the 10 largest submarine fleets in the world. This list is based on total number diesel-electric and nuclear boats from the state.

10. South Korea - 14 submarines.

Starts this list submarine fleet South Korea. The Republic of Korea Navy currently operates a fleet of 14 diesel-electric submarines. Currently, 12 of these submarines are German submarine Type 209 and Type 214, while two midget submarines are built in Korea. small boat The Type 214 has eight torpedo tubes and the ability to fire anti-ship missiles and mines.

9. Türkiye - 14 submarines.

All Turkish Navy submarines are diesel-electric boats and belong to the German Type 209 variant. These submarines are among the most exported types. Costing approximately $290 million, the Type 209 is capable of firing Harpoon anti-ship missiles. Starting next year, the Turkish Navy plans to replace the Type 209 with more modern German Type 214 diesel-electric submarines.

8. Israel - 14 submarines.

When you think of a maritime power, Israel certainly does not come to mind. From a military point of view, most people see Israel as a land power. And yet it is known that the Israeli Navy currently has 14 submarines (although most online sources report lower numbers). The most famous boats here are the Dolphin. Built in Germany since 1998, the Dolphin-class submarines are diesel-electric and are capable of carrying and firing Israeli nuclear weapons.

7. Japan - 16 submarines.

Today, Japan's submarine force consists of diesel-electric submarines. The oldest of them was built in 1994. Japan's newest submarines are the Soryu class. They are created using latest technologies, have a range of 11,000 kilometers and can fire missiles, torpedoes and mines.

6 India - 17 submarines.

Currently, the vast majority of India's submarine force consists of diesel-electric submarines built in Russian and German shipyards. These vessels have enabled India to project its power in coastal waters and the Indian Ocean for the past 25 years. More recently, steps have been taken to create an Indian nuclear submarine fleet. Russia's lease of an Akula-class submarine and India's development of its nuclear weapons program are clear signs that India would like to significantly expand the capabilities of its submarine fleet. Given the time and cost involved in building nuclear submarines, it is likely that diesel-electric boats will remain the backbone of the Indian Navy for the next few years.

5 Iran – 31 submarines.

No, that's not a typo, Iran actually currently has the fifth largest submarine fleet in the world. Over the past few years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has begun developing new surface ships and submarines. Submarine forces have been, and largely remain, focused on coastal and offshore operations. Persian Gulf. The most modern submarines are three Russian-made diesel-electric Kilo class submarines. Built in the 1990s, these submarines provide Iran with a patrol capability of over 11,000 kilometers and represent real threat for any naval forces approaching the Iranian shores.

4. Russia – 65 submarines.

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With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the Soviet Navy, like most Soviet military forces, was underfunded and under-maintained. Over the past few years, this situation has changed, as Russia seeks to reform and modernize its armed forces. The Russian Navy's submarine fleet is one of the branches of the armed forces that has benefited from this reform. Russia has about 30 nuclear submarines. New submarines are now being actively built, and it is likely that the submarine forces of the Russian Navy will soon be able to improve their position on this list in the coming years.

3 China - 69 submarines.

Over the past 30 years, China's military has undergone a program of massive expansion and modernization. In addition to ground and air force, the submarine fleet has undergone significant development in order to expand its functionality. China currently has about 50 diesel-electric submarines, which form the backbone of its submarine fleet. In addition, China has several nuclear ballistic missile submarines as a nuclear deterrent.

2 USA – 72 submarines.

The US Navy's submarine force is, surprisingly, not the first on this list. However, despite the fact that America has the second largest submarine fleet in the world, nevertheless, perhaps, they have the most powerful submarine fleet. Currently, the vast majority of US submarines are nuclear-powered, which means they are limited only by the amount of food and water they can carry when conducting ocean operations. Currently, the most numerous submarines are the Los Angeles class, of which about 40 are in service. Built between 1970 and 1990, the Los Angeles-class submarine costs about $1 billion, displaces nearly 7,000 tons, and can dive to depths of more than 300 meters. However, the US has now begun to replace these boats from the time cold war new and more modern Virginia-class submarines costing about $2.7 billion.

1 North Korea– 78 submarines.

Korean fleet People's Army ranks first on this list, with 78 submarines. All North Korean submarines are diesel-electric and all displace less than 1,800 tons. The potential danger of this force was demonstrated in 2010 when a small 130-ton Yono-class submarine sank the South Korean corvette Cheonan. However, North Korea's submarines are largely considered obsolete. The bulk of the submarine fleet consists of old boats Soviet era and small homemade coastal submarines. North Korean small submarines are very good at operating in shallow waters and riverbeds. During war, they can be used for mining, reconnaissance in enemy harbors and transporting special forces to enemy shores.

The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

Submarines form the main backbone of Russia's naval armament. They are capable of performing a number of strategically important tasks. They are used to destroy enemy ships, various underwater and surface objects, as well as hit targets in the enemy’s coastal waters. In addition, they are able to quietly perform combat missions and leave places of temporary deployment. It is believed that the submarine fleets of the Russian Federation and the United States are the most powerful, and these powers share the palm in dominance over the World Ocean.

How the nuclear submarine fleet was born

In the middle of the last century, in 1954, the Nautilus was launched, which is considered the first nuclear submarine launched by the United States. Development of the SSN 571 type submarine vessel began in 1946, and its construction began in 1949. The basis for the design was the German military submarine of the 27th series, the design of which the Americans changed beyond recognition and installed a nuclear power plant in it. Before the beginning of 1960, the production of the first nuclear submarine project EB 253-A, better known as Skate submarines.

Just 5 years later, at the beginning of 1959, Project 627 appeared, which became the first nuclear submarine of the Soviet Union. It was immediately adopted by the Navy. Soon after this, Soviet designers developed Project 667-A, which was originally intended for use as a strategic missile submarine cruiser (SSBN). Actually, the adoption of the 667s into service as combat units is considered to be the beginning of the development of the second generation of nuclear submarines of the USSR.

In 1970 of the last century, Project 667-B was adopted and approved in the Union. It was a nuclear submarine called "Moray". It was equipped with a powerful naval DBK (ballistic missile system) "D-9" for intercontinental use. Following this submarine, Murena-M (project 667-BD) appeared, and already in 1976 the Soviet fleet received the first series of missile-carrying submarines, project 667-BDR. They were armed with missiles that had multiple warheads.

The further development of the submarines of the leading countries was carried out in such a way that the design was based on silent propellers and some changes in the hull. Thus, in 1980, the first attack submarine appeared, which became Project 949 III generation. To perform a number of strategic tasks, it used torpedoes and cruise missiles.

A little later, Project 667-AT appeared, the flagship of which was the K423 nuclear submarine. It was adopted in 1986 by the Soviet fleet. It is also worth noting that this project managed to survive to this day. Like other Russian nuclear submarines, the active combat units of the fleet include the Project 667 model K395.

One cannot fail to note the Soviet submarines created in 1977. They became a modification of the project 667 ─ 671 RTM, of which 26 units were built by the end of 1991. Soon after this, the first domestic multi-purpose nuclear submarines were created, the hull of which was made of titanium - Bars-971 and 945, known as Barracuda.

Is half a hundred a lot or a little?

The Russian submarine fleet has 76 submarines in service. various classes, including SSBNs, AMPLs (multi-purpose), diesel, as well as special-purpose vessels. The question of how many nuclear submarines there are in Russia can be answered this way: there are 47 of them. It should be noted that this is very a large number of, since the construction of one nuclear submarine today costs the state over $1 billion. If we take into account ships being re-equipped and in ship repair yards, then the number of nuclear submarines in Russia will be 49. For comparison, we present some data on the submarines in service with the superpowers. The American submarine fleet has 71 submarine combat units, while Great Britain and France each have 10 units.

Nuclear-powered heavy missile-carrying cruisers

Heavy missile carriers are considered the largest and most dangerous in terms of defeating enemy force and destructive ability. There are 3 such nuclear submarines in Russian service. Among them is the missile carrier "Dmitry Donskoy" ( heavy cruiser TK208), as well as “Vladimir Monomakh”. They were built according to Project 945. Their weapons are presented missile system"Mace".

Cruiser TK-17 "Akula" type, which is integral part Project 941UM, is in service with the submarine fleet and is called “Arkhangelsk”. The TK-20 boat is called “Severstal”, and it was also built according to this project. One of the reasons for their decommissioning is the shortage of P-39 ballistic missiles. We also note that these ships are among the largest in the world, and their total displacement is about 50 thousand tons.

At the beginning of 2013, the flag was raised on the nuclear submarine K-535 (Project 955 “Borey”), named after Yuri Dolgoruky. This submarine became the lead submarine missile cruiser of the Northern Fleet. Less than a year has passed, and in December the Pacific Fleet received the K-550. This nuclear submarine is named after Alexander Nevsky. All boats are IV generation strategic missile carriers.

Strategic nuclear submarines "Dolphin"

Project 667-BDRM represents nuclear submarines of the Russian Navy in the amount of 6 units:

  • "Bryansk" ─ K117;
  • "Verkhoturye" ─ K51;
  • "Ekaterinburg" ─ K84;
  • "Karelia" ─ K118;
  • "Novomoskovsk" ─ K407;
  • "Tula" ─ K114.

In mid-1999, the nuclear-powered cruiser K64 ceased to be an active unit of the Navy and was removed from service. All Russian nuclear submarines (photos of some can be seen above) included in the project are in service with the Northern MF.

Project 667-BDR. Nuclear boats "Squid"

In terms of their number in the Navy, modern Russian nuclear submarines of the Kalmar class are right behind the Dolphins. The construction of boats under Project 667BDR began even before the beginning of 1980 in the USSR, so most of the nuclear submarines have already been decommissioned and become unusable. Currently in service Russian fleet There are only 3 units of such submarine cruisers:

  • "Ryazan" ─ K44;
  • “Saint George the Victorious” ─ K433;
  • "Podolsk" ─ K223.

All submarines are in service with the Russian Pacific Fleet. Ryazan is considered the “youngest” of them, since it was put into operation later than the others, at the end of 1982.

Multi-purpose nuclear submarine

Russia's multi-purpose nuclear submarines, which were assembled according to Project 971, are considered the most numerous in their class (Shchuka-B). They are capable of destroying targets in coastal waters, on the shore, as well as hitting underwater structures and objects located on the surface of the water. The Northern and Pacific fleets are armed with 11 nuclear submarines of this type. However, 3 of them will no longer be in operation for various reasons. For example, the nuclear submarine "Akula" is not used at all, and "Barnaul" and "Bars" have already been transferred for disposal. The Nerpa K152 submarine has been sold to India under contract since 2012. Later it was transferred to the Indian Navy.

Project 949A. Multipurpose nuclear submarine "Antey"

Russian nuclear submarines of Project 949A are present in the amount of 3 units and are part of Northern Fleet. 5 Antey nuclear submarines are in service with the Pacific Fleet. When this submarine was conceived, it was planned to put 18 units into operation. However, the funding shortage made itself felt, so only 11 of them were launched.

Today, Russia's Antey-class nuclear submarines are in service with the fleet in the amount of 8 combat units. Several years ago, the submarines “Krasnoyarsk” K173 and “Krasnodar” K178 were sent for dismantling and disposed of. On September 12, 2000, a tragedy occurred in the Barents Sea that claimed the lives of 118 Russian sailors. On this day, the Antey 949A Kursk K141 project sank.

Multi-purpose nuclear submarines "Condor", "Barracuda" and "Pike"

From the early 80s to the 90s, 4 boats were built, which were projects 945 and 945A. They were named "Barracuda" and "Condor". According to the 945 project, Russian nuclear submarines Kostroma B276 and Karp B239 were built. As for the 945A project, it was used to create the Nizhny Novgorod B534, as well as the Pskov B336, which were initially put into service with the Northern Fleet. All 4 submarines are still in service today.

Also in service there are 4 submarines of the multi-purpose project "Pike" 671RTMK, including:

  • "Obninsk" ─ B138;
  • "Petrozavodsk" ─ B338;
  • "Tambov" ─ B448;
  • “Daniil of Moscow” ─ B414.

The Ministry of Defense plans to decommission these boats and replace them with a completely new class of combat units.

Nuclear submarine 885 type "Ash"

Today, the SSGN Severodvinsk is the only operational submarine of this class. On June 17 last year, a ceremonial flag raising took place on K-560. Over the next 5 years, it is planned to create and launch 7 more such vessels. The construction of the Kazan, Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk submarines is already in full swing. If “Severodvinsk” is a project 885, then the remaining boats will be created according to the project of an improved modification 885M.

As for weapons, the Yasen nuclear submarines will be equipped with supersonic cruise missiles of the Caliber type. The firing range of these missiles can be 2.5 thousand km, and they are high-precision projectiles whose main task will be the destruction of enemy aircraft carriers. It is also planned that the Kazan nuclear submarine will be equipped with fundamentally new equipment that has not previously been used in the development of underwater vehicles. Moreover, in a row technical characteristics, primarily due to the minimal noise level, detecting such a submarine will be very problematic. In addition, this multi-purpose submarine will be a worthy competitor to the American SSN575 Seawolf.

At the end of November 2012, tests of the Caliber missile system were carried out. The shooting was carried out from the submerged Severodvinsk submarine at ground targets from a distance of 1.4 thousand km. In addition, it was launched supersonic rocket type "Onyx". The missile launches were successful and proved the feasibility of their use.

November 4th, 2014

The underwater surprise from Russia for America and Europe marks a real REVOLUTION in the field of military SUBMARINE SHIP BUILDING.

With the advent of the new Russian submarine Lada, an entire era of American “dominance at sea” will become a thing of the past; Washington will actually lose its main tool for “projecting power” to remote regions and risks finally losing its global geopolitical role.

IN Lately In the West, anti-Russian militaristic hysteria is growing like an avalanche. Having discovered that instead of a pliable liberal “Russia” in the vastness of Eurasia, a historical, traditional, imperial Russia suddenly revived, angry and offended by decades of humiliation and insults from the arrogant and deceitful Western Sodom, the “free” European and American media filled with panicky headlines about Moscow’s “military preparations.”

As soon as we launch a rocket from the cosmodrome in Plesetsk or from an underwater missile carrier in the Barents Sea, or send our air missile carriers on patrol along the European borders, this immediately becomes a reason for countless accusations of “militarism and imperialism”, “nuclear saber rattling”, “ intimidation of the international community,” etc. nonsense. Meanwhile, many truly important news that are directly related to changes in the military-strategic balance of power in Eurasia pass by the attention of the general reader.

Here is one such news...

Photo 2.

On October 13, 2014, the RIA Novosti news agency, citing a source in the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, reported: “In Russia, a decision has been made on the serial production of air-independent power plants (VNEU) to equip future Project 677 Lada submarines.” Testing of the experimental prototype of the VNEU at the stand was completed successfully. The next tests will be carried out directly on the boat.”

This message went practically unnoticed, even among military observers no one paid attention to it special attention. But in vain! For this decision marks a real revolution in the field of military submarine shipbuilding.

Photo 3.

Balance Breakers

In order for the reader to understand how significantly new Russian submarines with VNEU will be able to change the balance of power between Russia and the United States, I will give just one example. “Four to six of these submarines,” Vice Admiral Viktor Patrushev said in an interview with RIA Novosti at the end of 2010, “can completely cover such closed or semi-closed water areas as the Black, Baltic and Caspian Sea. Their advantages are obvious to any naval specialist.”

On my own behalf, I would add that the deployment as part of Russian Navy an additional two or three Lad formations can fundamentally change the balance of power not only in the Baltic, Caspian and Black Sea, but also in the North, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. In the North, in the Barents Sea, such boats are capable of guaranteeing protection of the deployment routes of Russian submarine strategic missile carriers from any encroachment by anti-submarine forces of the United States and NATO countries, which will significantly increase combat stability the naval component of our strategic nuclear forces.

Now our missile carriers are carrying military service mostly under the ice of the Arctic, where they are practically inaccessible to enemy influence. The Americans can detect, track and hit our submarine cruise only at the stage of its transition to the combat patrol area. And the Ladas of Project 667 are ideally suited to counter American nuclear submarines spying on our “strategists,” since they can hear them at distances much greater than the Americans are able to hear the Lada. In such conditions, defeating an enemy submarine - either by the Lada on its own, or by targeting it with anti-submarine aircraft and surface ships - becomes a matter of technology.

Concerning Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic and Indian Ocean, then the presence in their waters of a sufficient number of submarines like the Lada practically nullifies American naval power there, the core of which is carrier strike groups (ACGs). Also in Soviet times Project 641B diesel engines managed to break through the anti-submarine defenses of aircraft carriers and sometimes surfaced right under the noses of the stunned American admirals. And only a small underwater range, lack of long-range missile weapons Yes, the inability to remain submerged for more than 3 days gave the Americans a chance in this confrontation with Soviet submariners.

Today, provided that the Lada is truly capable of remaining under water for up to 25 days, its ammunition will include a powerful anti-ship missile system similar to the Caliber, and reconnaissance and guidance of submarines to the AUG will be carried out using layered reconnaissance, including space grouping, the vaunted US aircraft carriers will no longer have such a chance! This means that the entire era of American “dominance at sea” will become a thing of the past; Washington will actually lose its main instrument for “projecting power” to remote regions and will finally lose its global geopolitical role.

Photo 4.

More about VNEU - what is the point?

Today, all submarines according to the type of power plants are divided into two types: submarines with a nuclear power plant (nuclear reactor) and diesel-electric submarines (DEPL), moving on the surface using a diesel engine, and underwater using electric motors that draw energy from batteries.

Nuclear submarines appeared in the Soviet Navy in the late 50s of the last century. The first nuclear submarine of Project 627, called Leninsky Komsomol, entered service in 1957. From that moment to this day, nuclear submarines have been the main impact force our fleet, being carriers of a wide range of the most formidable weapons - from strategic intercontinental missiles and tactical nuclear torpedoes to high-precision cruise missiles long range, which form the basis today Russian forces strategic non-nuclear deterrence.

Nuclear submarines have a number of outstanding advantages: an almost unlimited time spent under water, high speed underwater and great diving depth, the ability to carry a huge amount of a wide variety of weapons and equipment. High energy availability achieved by enormous nuclear power power plant, allows you to build boats of very large displacement and place on them not only a lot of weapons, but also highly effective hydroacoustic systems, communications, electronic reconnaissance and navigation.

But, alas, the main advantage of a nuclear power plant, its power, is at the same time the source of the main drawback characteristic of nuclear submarines. This disadvantage is a lot of noise. The presence on board a nuclear submarine of a nuclear reactor (and sometimes two) with the entire complex of associated mechanisms: turbines, generators, pumps, refrigeration units, fans, etc. – inevitably generates a huge number of different frequency oscillations and vibrations and requires sophisticated technologies to reduce noise levels, which are the main unmasking factor of any nuclear submarine.

But a diesel-electric submarine is practically silent underwater. Electric motors powered by battery energy do not require turbines or other high-noise equipment. Therefore, diesel-electric submarines sneak in the ocean depths, making virtually no noise, like a dangerous predatory fish, tracking down unwary prey.

However, this fish can stay under water for a relatively short time - only a few days. Moreover, it moves very slowly in the ocean depths, saving its energy reserve, which is simply insignificant compared to atomic “sharks”. And the lack of energy, in turn, imposes serious restrictions on displacement, weapons and other key characteristics DEPL. In fact, these boats are not completely “underwater”, they can rather be called “diving”, since they spend most of the time on deployment routes on the surface, and even in combat patrol areas they are forced to regularly surface and turn on the diesel engine to recharge their batteries .

Photo 5.

Unified periscope complex “Parus-98″ and fencing for the cabin of the submarine “St. Petersburg” pr.677 LADA with retractable devices, December 2005 (based on photo by Oleg Karpenko,

For example, the newest Russian diesel-electric submarine of Project 636.3 has a submerged range of only 400 miles. And it moves underwater mainly with an economical speed at a speed of 3 knots, that is, 5.4 km/h. Therefore, such a boat cannot pursue its prey underwater. She is forced to rely on intelligence data, which should lead her to given point on the deployment route of enemy ships. Hence the main method of combat use of diesel-electric submarines - the so-called. "veil", i.e. deployment of submarines in a line perpendicular to the course of the probable movement of the target, at certain intervals from each other. At the same time, the entire group of submarines participating in it is controlled from an external command post, which creates additional unmasking factors and reduces the combat stability and effectiveness of the submarine group. If we also take into account that the depth of the layered anti-submarine defense of a modern American aircraft carrier strike group is over 300 miles (i.e., more than 550 km), it becomes clear how difficult it is for our diesel-electric submarines to resist such an enemy.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the cherished dream of all submariners is to create a submarine with a fundamentally new power plant, which will combine the advantages of nuclear and diesel-electric submarines: power and stealth, greater autonomy of underwater navigation and low noise...

Photo 6.

The fairy tale has become reality

So: Russian submarines of the 677th Lada project with an air-independent power plant are precisely a major breakthrough in this direction, taking the Russian submarine fleet to fundamentally new frontiers.

“Ladas” are small, their displacement is almost half that of the famous “Varshavyanka”. But the complex of its weapons is very serious and unusually large. In addition to the traditional mine and torpedo weapons DEPL (6 torpedo tubes 533 mm, 18 torpedoes or mines), Project 667 is the world's first non-nuclear submarine equipped with specialized launchers for cruise missiles (10 vertical launchers in the middle part of the hull). Moreover, these missiles can be both operational-tactical, strike-anti-ship, and long-range missiles designed to hit strategic targets deep in enemy territory.

Main command post of submarine pr.677 (drawing by TsKB "Rubin",

But most important feature The new Russian submarine is VNEU, an air-independent power plant. Without going into details that are interesting to specialists, we note that the presence of VNEU will allow the Ladas to remain submerged for up to 25 days, that is, almost 10 times longer than their famous “big sisters” - the Varshavyanka Project 636.3! At the same time, the noise level of the Lada will be even less than that of the famous Warsaw “ black hole", which the Americans nicknamed it because it is almost impossible to detect.

NATO countries have long been trying to equip their submarines with such VNEU. Germany and Sweden are the trendsetters in this area. Since the late 90s, German shipbuilders have been building small submarines of Project 212\214, equipped with a hybrid power plant. It includes a diesel engine for surface propulsion and battery recharging, silver-zinc batteries themselves, and VNEU for economical underwater propulsion based on fuel cells, including tanks with cryogenic oxygen and containers with metal hydride (a special alloy of metal combined with hydrogen).

Photo 7.

Equipping the boat with such an anaerobic installation allowed the Germans to increase the time it spent underwater to 20 days. And now German “babies” with VNEU of various modifications are in service with Germany, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Israel, Korea and several other countries.

The Swedish concern Kockums Submarin Systems, in turn, at the end of the last century began building Gotland class submarines with VNEU based on the so-called “Stirling engine”. When using it, these boats can also stay under water without recharging the batteries for up to 20 days. And now there are submarines with Stirling engines not only in Scandinavian countries, but also in Australia, Japan, Singapore and Thailand.

But neither the German nor the Swedish submarines, which are small, essentially coastal boats, can be compared with the Russian Ladas - neither in their tactical and technical characteristics, nor in the variety and power of weapons. Our Project 667 submarines are, in all respects, new generation ships of unique quality in this class!

General view and fragment of the quasi-conformal direction-finding antennas of the GAS (bow and side) of the Lyra SJSC (photo probably of the Kronstadt submarine, 2009, from the Deep Blue Sea archive,

Central Design Bureau Rubin, the main designer of submarines in Russia, designed the Lada so that it is capable of delivering salvo torpedo and missile strikes against sea and stationary ground targets from both torpedo tubes and specialized vertical missile silos. Due to the unique hydroacoustic system, our boat has a significantly increased target detection range. It can dive to 300 m, has a full submersible speed of up to 21 knots, and has an endurance of 45 days. To reduce the noise of the boat, vibration isolators and an all-mode electric propulsion motor are used. permanent magnets. The boat's hull is covered with Molniya material, which absorbs sonar signals.

Little is known about the VNEU of our boat. Just like the Germans, it will be based on an electrochemical generator. But it will be fundamentally different in that the hydrogen necessary for the operation of VNEU will be produced directly on board by processing existing diesel fuel. Therefore, the Russian VNEU will be much more economical than its German counterpart, which will increase the time the boat is continuously under water to 25 days. At the same time, the Lada will cost significantly less than the German boats of project 212\214.

By 2020, the Russian fleet expects to receive 14 units of these new 4th generation non-nuclear submarines.

Photo 8.

And now a little more about the performance characteristics:

Project 677 submarines are designed to conduct independent operations on sea lanes against enemy submarines and surface ships in a limited area, carry out anti-submarine defense in coastal areas, narrow areas and strait zones, lay minefields and other tasks.

The Project 677 submarine is made according to the so-called one-and-a-half-hull design. The axisymmetric, durable body is made of AB-2 steel and has the same diameter along almost the entire length. The bow and stern ends are spherical in shape. The hull is divided along the length into five waterproof compartments by flat bulkheads; by means of platforms, the hull is divided in height into three tiers.

The lightweight body is given a streamlined shape, providing high hydrodynamic characteristics. The fencing of the retractable devices has the same shape as that of Project 877 boats, at the same time, the stern empennage is cross-shaped, and the front horizontal rudders are placed on the fencing, where they create minimal interference with the operation of the hydroacoustic complex.

Photo 9.


The submarine is equipped with 6 torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber. 2 TAs of the upper tier are adapted for firing remote-controlled torpedoes. The ammunition capacity is 18 units, which can include universal torpedoes (SAET-60M, UGST and USET-80K types), anti-submarine missile torpedoes, cruise missiles, mines (22 DM-1 types). It is possible to use Shkval high-speed anti-submarine missiles.

The firing system allows you to fire ammunition individually and in a salvo of up to 6 units. The mechanical loading device "Moray" allows you to automatically reload torpedo tubes. The entire cycle of preparing the complex for the use of weapons and firing are automated and carried out from the operator’s console from the main command post of the submarine.

For air defense there are 6 Igla-1M MANPADS.

Coordination of the operation of all electronic weapons is ensured by the Lithium combat information and control system.

The Lyra hydroacoustic complex includes highly sensitive noise direction-finding antennas. The complex includes a bow antenna (L-01) and two onboard antennas at the bow end of the submarine. The antenna dimensions have been increased to the greatest possible extent. They occupy most of the surface of the nasal tip.

In addition to the stationary antennas, the submarine is equipped with an exhaust towed hydroacoustic antenna with an exit point in the upper vertical stabilizer.

The navigation complex includes an inertial navigation system and ensures the safety of navigation and the generation of data on the location and movement parameters of the submarine with the accuracy necessary for the use of weapons.

The unified periscope complex UPC "Parus-98" includes:

  • commander's periscope of non-penetrating type "Parus-98KP" with optical and TV channels (daytime and low-level) with variable magnification 1.5-12X, with video recording;
  • optocoupler mast of non-penetrating type “Parus-98UP” (universal periscope) with TV channels (daytime and low-level) with variable magnification 1.5-12X, laser rangefinder channel;
  • Radar KRM-66 "Kodak". Includes active and passive radar channels, combined antenna post of channels. The radar system has a high-secrecy channel in active mode and provides complete information to both surface and air conditions without unmasking the submarine;
  • digital complex of radio communications "Distance". The set of radio communication equipment allows for reliable two-way radio communication with coastal command posts, ships, vessels and aircraft when in surface and periscope positions. To receive command messages when at great depths, there is an exhaust towed radio antenna. The antenna is released from a durable housing;
  • navigation complex "Appassionata" with an inertial navigation system and a satellite navigation system GPS / GLONASS. Navigation accuracy - deviation of location coordinates for 2 days - 5 km when changing courses up to 6 degrees / min.

Photo 10.

Power plant

The boat has a diesel-electric main power plant, developed according to a full electric propulsion scheme. It consists of a diesel generator set located in the fourth compartment consisting of two 28DG DC diesel generators with rectifiers (1000 kW each), two groups of storage batteries of 126 elements each (total power - 10580 kWh), located in the first and third compartments, an all-mode brushless low-speed propulsion motor with excitation by permanent magnets of the SED-1 type with a power of 4100 kW.

The selected power of diesel generators allows not only “normal” charging of the battery, but also a specially developed accelerated charging mode, which can significantly reduce the time the submarine is in the periscope position. The absence of a brush current collector increases the operating safety of generators.

Electric motor SED-1 on a test bench at the Rubin Central Design Bureau for MT (photo from the Rubin Central Design Bureau for MT)

Photo 11.

The all-mode propulsion motor performs the functions of the main propulsion motor and the economical propulsion motor. It drives a seven-blade, low-noise, fixed-pitch propeller with saber-shaped blades. Also, the submarine has 2 remote screw columns RDK-35. The highest underwater speed reaches 21 knots; when moving on the surface, the boat develops a speed of 10 knots. The cruising range in diesel operating mode under water reaches 6,000 miles; in a similar position, when moving at economical speed, the boat can cover 650 miles.

The submarine is equipped with a universal rescue complex of the KSU-600 type for remote automatic release of PSNL-20 life rafts (2 pcs., in the superstructure in front of the retractable devices fence).

All living quarters of the submarine are located in the third compartment. There are cabins for all crew members: for the command staff - double, for the commander - single.

For meals there is a wardroom with a pantry. All food supplies are stored in special pantries, refrigerated and non-refrigerated. Newly developed galley equipment, with its small size and energy consumption, is capable of quickly preparing hot food.

Fresh water is stored in stainless steel tanks. Replenishing water supplies is possible using a water desalination plant that utilizes diesel heat. In general, the water supply is quite sufficient for both drinking and hygienic purposes (washing dishes, showers). Habitat conditions and supplies of fuel, food and drinking water provide autonomy for 45 days.

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Underwater surprise from Putin - “Balance Breakers”

Answer Moria4oku to the commentary on the article: “Russia will put an end to the naval hegemony of the United States,” where I did not raise the question of the superiority of diesel engines over the nuclear hulks of the United States, it was about nullifying their basis of naval power: the Carrier Strike Group (AUG) and several other devices!

Project 677 Lada submarines are designed to destroy enemy submarines, surface ships and vessels, protect naval bases, sea ​​coast and maritime communications, reconnaissance. So: Russian submarines of the 677th project “Lada” with an Air-Independent Power Plant (VNEU) are precisely a major breakthrough in this direction, taking the Russian submarine fleet to fundamentally new frontiers.

“Ladas” are small, their displacement is almost half that of the famous “Varshavyanka”. But its weapons complex is very serious and unusually large. In addition to the traditional mine-torpedo armament of diesel-electric submarines (6 533-mm torpedo tubes, 18 torpedoes or mines), Project 667 is the world’s first non-nuclear submarine equipped with specialized launchers for cruise missiles (10 vertical launchers in the middle part of the hull). Moreover, these KR can be both operational-tactical, strike-anti-ship, and long-range missiles designed to hit strategic targets deep in enemy territory.

But the most important feature of the new Russian submarines is VNEU– Air-Independent Energy Installation. Without going into details that are interesting to specialists, we note that the presence of VNEU will allow the Lada to be submerged until 25 days, that is almost 10 times longer than their famous “big sisters” - “Varshavyanka” of project 636.3! At the same time, the noise level of the Lada will be even less than that of the famous Warsaw “black hole”, which the Americans nicknamed it because it almost impossible to detect.

NATO countries have long been trying to equip their submarines with such VNEU. Germany and Sweden are the trendsetters in this area. Since the late 90s, German shipbuilders have been building small submarines of Project 212214, equipped with a hybrid power plant. It includes a diesel engine for surface propulsion and battery recharging, silver-zinc batteries themselves, and VNEU for economical underwater propulsion based on fuel cells, including tanks with cryogenic oxygen and containers with metal hydride (a special alloy of metal combined with hydrogen).

Equipping the boat with such an anaerobic installation allowed the Germans to increase the time it spent underwater to 20 days. And now German “babies” with VNEU of various modifications are in service with Germany, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Israel, Korea and several other countries.

Swedish concern Kockums Submarine Systems, in turn, at the end of the last century began the construction of submarines of the class Gotland with VNEU based on the so-called "Stirling engine". When using it, these boats can also stay under water without recharging the batteries for up to 20 days. And now there are submarines with Stirling engines not only in Scandinavian countries, but also in Australia, Japan, Singapore and Thailand.

But neither the German nor the Swedish submarines, which are small, essentially coastal boats, can be compared with the Russian Ladas - neither in their tactical and technical characteristics, nor in the variety and power of weapons. Our Project 667 submarines are in this class in all respects new generation ships unique in their quality!

A prototype of an air-independent power plant (VNEU)

The St. Petersburg installation makes it possible to produce hydrogen, necessary for generating electricity, directly from diesel fuel and in exactly the quantities necessary to ensure electric propulsion under water. Western analogues They propose to pump hydrogen into special containers, which increases the fire hazard of the submarine. Energy capacity domestic installation400 kW. The best foreign analogues produce no more 180 kW, the Russian VNEU allows the use of standard diesel fuel and does not require complex shore maintenance. At the same time she has no moving parts. In terms of acoustics, this is a big advantage.

Central Clinical Hospital "Rubin"- the main designer of submarines in Russia, designed the Lada so that it is capable of delivering salvo torpedo and missile attacks on sea and stationary ground targets both from torpedo tubes and from specialized vertical missile silos. Due to the unique hydroacoustic system, our boat has a significantly increased target detection range. It can dive to 300 m and has a full submersible speed of up to 21 node, autonomy – 45 days. To reduce the noise of the boat, vibration isolators and an all-mode rowing electric motor with permanent magnets are used. The boat's hull is covered with Molniya material, which absorbs sonar signals.

Remote screw column RDK-35

Little is known about the VNEU of our boat. Just like the Germans, it will be based on an electrochemical generator. But it will be fundamentally different in that the hydrogen necessary for the operation of the VNEU will be produced directly on board by processing existing diesel fuel. Therefore, the Russian VNEU will be much more economical than its German counterpart, which will increase the time of its continuous stay under water to 25 days. At the same time, the Lada will cost significantly less than the German boats of Project 212214.

By 2020, the Russian fleet expects to receive 14 units of such new non-nuclear submarines of the 4th generation.

The deployment of an additional two or three Lad formations within the Russian Navy can fundamentally change the balance of forces not only in the Baltic, Caspian and Black Sea, but also in the North, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. In the North, in the Barents Sea, such boats are capable of reliably covering the deployment routes of Russian submarine strategic missile carriers from any encroachment by the anti-submarine forces of the United States and NATO countries, which will significantly increase the combat stability of the naval component of our strategic nuclear forces.

Unified periscope complex UPC "Parus-98"

Now our missile carriers carry out combat service for the most part under the ice of the Arctic, where they are practically inaccessible to enemy influence. The Americans can detect, track and hit our submarine cruise only at the stage of its transition to the combat patrol area. And the Ladas of Project 667 are ideally suited to counter American nuclear submarines spying on our “strategists,” since they hear them at distances much greater than the Americans are able to hear the Lada. In such conditions, defeating an enemy submarine - either by the Lada on its own, or by targeting it with anti-submarine aircraft and surface ships - becomes a matter of technology.

Device No. 1 SJSC "Lira" - bow quasi-conformal noise direction-finding antenna of a large area L-01 Onboard quasi-conformal noise direction-finding antennas GAS in the bow of the hull

As for the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, the presence in their waters of a sufficient number of submarines like the Lada practically nullifies American naval power there, the core of which is carrier strike groups (ACGs). Back in Soviet times, Project 641B diesel engines managed to break through the anti-submarine defenses of aircraft carriers and sometimes surfaced right under the noses of stunned American admirals. And only a small underwater range, the absence of long-range missile weapons and the inability to remain submerged for more than 3 days gave the Americans a chance in this confrontation with Soviet submariners.

Today, provided that the Lada is truly capable of remaining under water for up to 25 days, its ammunition will include a powerful anti-ship missile system similar to the Caliber, 6 bow 533-mm torpedo tubes with an air-fired firing system and an automatic rapid silent reloading "Moray" (2 upper tier TAs are adapted for firing remote-controlled torpedoes).

According to the technical specifications for the creation of the submarine, it was planned to install 4 torpedoes with an ammunition load of 12 torpedoes. Ammunition - mines, 18 torpedoes (SAET-60M, UGST and USET-80K types), Shkval torpedo missiles and Biryuza anti-ship missiles (Club-S), launched from torpedo tubes or 22 mines of the DM-1 type, and reconnaissance and guidance of submarines to the AUG will be carried out using layered reconnaissance, including a space group, the vaunted US aircraft carriers will no longer have such a chance! And this means that An entire era of American “supremacy at sea” will become a thing of the past.

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