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The most important thing to remember is don’t nag a man about “when will we?!”, don’t whine, don’t complain about life. Such actions cause a backlash. Well, who would like to get married under a stick?

If you want him to propose to you, analyze yourself. If you don't like yourself, change. You need to take a sober look at yourself from the outside, put yourself in a man’s place and ask “do I want to marry myself?” If the answer turns out to be negative, think about the most interfering factors and eventually get rid of them.

Be sure to communicate with the man, listen to him carefully, and help with advice. Men value attentive listeners; it is very important to become his confidant.

Don't pretend to be something you're not. Don't overdo it with decorative cosmetics, who likes to go to bed with one woman, but wake up with a completely different one? Do not wear provocative clothing, do not use false hair or nails. Men want to see a woman next to them without pretense and camouflage. This doesn't mean you need to stop taking care of yourself.

The main thing is to really want to get married

Men value emotional stability. They prefer adequate women; only a few like emotional roller coasters. If you are prone to hysterical manifestations, react to stress too violently, do not “hold” the psychological stress, seek help from a psychotherapist, do yoga or meditation, calm your emotions. Men really need a source of calm.
Don't forget about your sense of humor. Men highly value this quality. After all, a good joke is sometimes worth a lot.

Be seductive. Demonstrate your sexual interest in a man, try to diversify your sex, be different. Men traditionally look for a wife not only as a friend, but also as a lover.

Be proud of your man, encourage him, praise him. Support. If something doesn’t go at all according to plan, don’t nag, don’t gloat. Support is what men are looking for in a future life partner. You can be whatever bad hostess you want, but don't be a bad support. Eliminate “I knew it” and “I told you so!” from your vocabulary.

Have a romantic dinner. Talk to your man gently and optimistically about your plans. Tell him that you feel very good with him, that you are crazy about him. Communicate your desire to get married in the future. Don't push, don't be too serious.

Be confident. Men cannot take women seriously who consider themselves nothing. A proud, independent woman is an ideal companion.

When you love a man very much and feel that it is him, but this happy thought has not yet occurred to him, the question immediately arises - how to force him to marry? When starting a relationship, every woman hopes that it will end in marriage.

How to force a man to marry you and do you need it?

A man is like a frightened animal; he can love a woman very much, but commit himself to serious marriage ties take your time. The stamp in the passport plays a significant role only for a woman; for a man it does not matter.

Before you make a man want to get married, you need to think things through. Marriage is a serious matter: it is not only a happy ending to a fairy tale, it is also the beginning of a new family life, where the girl it's already underway not alone, but next to your loved one. It's troubles and happy Days, these are ups and downs, this is everyday life and daily work.

If a girl is ready for the challenges of everyday life: washing socks, cooking, washing dishes and solving all sorts of everyday problems To hear the long-awaited offer, let's get acquainted with the little tricks.

What not to do?

Freedom - men are very freedom-loving and do not tolerate any restrictions. Women love to take control of everything. This is a huge mistake. If you do let your loved one go, don’t call every minute. This can cause not only irritation and caustic ridicule from friends, but also discourage the desire to get married.

Deprivation of personal space can lead to conflict. A life sentence will not inspire a man to legalize a supervised marriage.

Under no circumstances should you impose. There is no need to push a man to propose.

Men prefer unselfish girls. You can't show that his money is of interest. There is no need to order expensive dishes in a restaurant or accept overly expensive gifts.

A man should not be forced to choose and talk about his past relationships. He may think that he is just another man in love story women.

Forget bribery. Wedding gift The girl's parents in the form of an apartment or a car will humiliate a real man and please the gigolo.

To tie a man with the help of pregnancy - bad idea, this has not stopped any man yet.

To become the best and most delightful for a man, so that he understands that this woman is his one and only, you must adhere to several rules.

A woman should live a varied life interesting life. She must improve internally and externally. A man shouldn't be bored with her. She should arouse his interest, she will become the mystery that he wants to solve every day.

It is very important to make friends with your man’s family and impress them. good impression. The girl's task is to convince her beloved's mother that she will become a good wife and daughter-in-law.

A man wants to know that he is cared for. He wants to come home after work and feel the aroma have a delicious dinner. A woman should be able to cook well and also take care of herself. Appearance A woman, no matter where she is, must be ideal.

A man, without being intrusive, must be convinced to marry with arguments. Create a positive environment around him that will make him think that family life- This is wonderful. You can go with him to visit a happy married couple, watch a video where the matter ends with a wedding.

Sex comes first for some men. If you want to be with your loved one, become a charming lover for him, so that he understands that it cannot be better. Sexy lingerie, take the initiative in bed, loosen up, and it will soon yield results. A man will treat his woman better. We must learn to trust him.

If a woman truly loves a man, she trusts him completely. She will not suspect him or be jealous. Jealousy is a complex. Self-doubt complex. You need to work on yourself to become a self-sufficient person, to become the main character, the queen. Such a woman has no competitors. Men don’t like hysterics, you don’t have to be a Druzhba sawmill, otherwise you might end up alone.

Secret phrases

In fact, it is not very difficult to force a man to marry - first of all, you need to work on yourself.

The hackneyed phrase “men love with their eyes, and ladies with their ears.” Not at all, men also melt under affectionate words. There are secret phrases that any man is fooled by. Here are some of them:

  • You are my hero;
  • Are you a genius or are you that smart?
  • You are my beloved, you are the best, brave;
  • I miss you, I love you so much;
  • You makes me laugh;
  • You understand me;
  • You excite me;
  • I feel good with you;
  • I love your hugs;
  • I'm going crazy from your gaze.

As you can see, this is not a conspiracy, it's just psychology. All phrases must be pronounced sincerely from a pure loving heart, and only then will it have an effect. In our turbulent age of the Internet, social networks Women are tormented by the question - how to keep a man at a distance?

The casket opens simply - you need to constantly maintain his interest and reinforce his feelings. Separation is not a drama, it is completely surmountable circumstances. Separation in this case acts as an assistant; it gives time to get to know each other better and sort out your feelings. Using special programs, you can arrange video meetings and talk about your feelings with your loved one. You can engage in self-education, take care of your appearance, improve your culinary art.

How to force a man to marry you if you are in a civil marriage?

If the couple is in a civil marriage, then the wife’s pregnancy can push the man to marry. But this does not happen in all cases. If people love each other, they will want to create a legal family so that the child can grow up in such a family. If they don’t want children, then nothing will come of such an idea. Term civil marriage 5 years, if the couple has not signed, then they will no longer sign.

First of all, you must change yourself in order to force common-law husband marry. Change your image, change your hairstyle, clothes, sign up for a dance, go to a bachelorette party, be cheerful and positive - this will make him afraid of losing the woman he loves. The passion of a hunter must awaken in a man; he must conquer his woman again and again.

You can bring the situation to such a point that the man himself will insist on marriage.

How to force a man who has been married to marry?

We hasten to please you, there are such ways. You can marry a man a second time after a divorce.

  • A man who has been divorced for a long time in his soul misses the comfort and coziness that only a woman can create. If she shines both in bed and creates masterpieces in the kitchen, then most likely a man will single out such a woman, and her chances will increase. No need to curry favor. You have to be natural and caring.
  • If a woman is financially secure, this will push a man into marriage, but this is not the best option.
  • Show him your ability to empathize and share his views on career and politics.
  • You need to get into the man’s hobbies and try to understand them.
  • You need to admire them, but very subtly. It's not just words, it's also a look or a touch.
  • Don't speak badly about ex-wife, this humiliates a man and a woman “washing bones” looks very bad.
  • You should definitely meet your relatives - if possible.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnancy should be resorted to only if he wants a child.

The most important thing is love. She rules the world and human actions, and if she knocks, open the door wide and let her into your home. If there is love, then there will be no need to resort to all sorts of tricks; the man himself will propose marriage.

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Everyone has thought about this since childhood. But time passes, and some girls have never met their prince, while others have already met their beloved for a long time, but he still doesn’t talk about the wedding. How does a man come to the conclusion that a couple is already getting married? What gives rise to such thoughts in his mind? The website Svadbaholik.Ru will tell you several ways to get a man to marry you.

Method number 1. Together forever

This is the most honest way to get married - for love. The classics of the genre require that the initiative in this case come from a man. The girl must prove to her boyfriend that she will be the one for him ideal wife. Afterwards, you can discuss the possibility of giving your relationship an official status.

Method number 2. Meeting before entering the registry office

If your loved one is passionate and frivolous, then this method will undoubtedly suit you. Give your partner a few days' notice young man that you are going to a party, entry with passports and dress code. But in order to organize everything at the registry office without a groom, you need friends there.

If you don’t have such acquaintances, then you can accidentally arrange a date at the registry office and, as if by chance, walk into it. And then the girl should invite the young man to surprise his family and friends: submit an application. It is important that you are near the registry office during its opening hours. If you love each other, trust each other, want to be together, then your boyfriend will not hesitate and apply. The main thing is that no one changes their mind later.

Method No. 3. We are no worse than others

Everyone around you is already married, but your boyfriend is still hesitant to propose marriage. What to do in this case? How to force a man to marry? A girl should constantly remind her beloved that all his friends are already married, and your girlfriends are married. And why are you worse than others?.. This will force your young man to speed up his decision.

Method number 4. We're having a baby

Girls have been using this method for a long time. If your young man is a playboy type, then this news will more likely upset him than make him happy. Such news immediately obliges you to live together, so this may frighten your loved one.

The behavior of your fiancé after the wedding will be unknown if you made up your pregnancy. In this case, this method will definitely not bring family happiness, so it would be better to choose another way to force a man to marry.

Method No. 5. "Sissy"

To marry " mama's boy“One thing is enough: to please his parents. To do this, you need to carefully prepare: find out from your boyfriend what his mother likes, what she is interested in, what interests her. It is necessary to choose the appropriate outfit; it will be better if it matches the taste of the groom’s mother. Behave modestly, not provocatively. You can consider that success has been achieved if the mother begins to tell you about her son, about all his merits. If your loved one’s mother likes you, you will no longer need to think about how to force a man to marry, his mother will do it for you.

Method number 6. If your beloved is a careerist

This method is suitable for men who already hold a high position in a company. The proposal to sign must be constructive and must be clearly thought out. The main thing is that it shows concern for the career of your loved one. Give convincing arguments that you need to sign, say that after giving the relationship an official status, promotion career ladder can't be avoided. If your loved one agrees, then you must find out where and when the registry office works in order to submit an application.

Method No. 7. End of the world

Convince your chosen one that you really believe in the end of the world, so you need to have time to sign before the end of the world. Tell your loved one that you want to live this year to the fullest. If you don’t know how to force a man to marry you, then you can try this method. It is suitable for romantic couples.

But before you use one of the above methods, think about whether you really want to live your life with this person, whether you love him.

The ring on the finger symbolizes reliability, love and respect. Beautiful ladies want to live a long and long life with their loved one. happy life. Men, in turn, are in no hurry to propose marriage, since they are freedom-loving by nature. They are satisfied with the fact that a woman is nearby and supports them. Hard time and prepares delicious dishes.

What not to do

You should not make common mistakes that will kill a possible marriage in the bud. Below are practical recommendations on how to avoid misunderstandings.

  1. Let your man enjoy freedom, do not limit your living space. He must understand that when he gets married, the opportunity to see friends or have fun will not disappear. Don't impose, don't pester, don't nag. It is important to convey to your companion the idea that he will not lose himself when a stamp appears in his passport.
  2. Don’t engage in blackmail: “You marry me, or I’ll leave for someone else!” A self-respecting man will not fall for such provocations; the gentleman will automatically develop a defensive reflex. Don't drive your partner into a corner, don't rush into a marriage proposal, guide him slowly, remain patient.
  3. Don't try to please your loved one. Many ladies buy glossy magazines and sit on forums looking for answers to questions: “How to have sex?”, “How to get a man to marry?”, “How to please your mother-in-law?” And so on. The gentleman will be much more sensitive to you if he notices that his companion has her own opinion, desires, and life priorities.
  4. Don’t be fooled by talk that a stamp in your passport won’t change anything. Insist on a position that speaks of reliability and an inextricable connection between partners. Many men try to “move out” of a marriage proposal, confidently claiming that the couple does not stand strong enough on their feet.
  5. It is important to remember forever - a man in love will do everything to take you as his wife. Excuses like “now is not the time”, “let’s wait for the summer” only prove the frivolity of intentions. If you hear the phrase: “I don’t deserve you,” this means only one thing - he doesn’t want you.
  6. Stop being capricious. Whining about wanting to get married, wear Nice dress, buying diamond rings will only make things worse. A man will begin to defend himself by all means, because he will not want to take a bore with a difficult character as his wife.
  7. Under no circumstances should you resort to the “folk” method - pregnancy. A woman will never keep a man with a child, and besides, this is a vile step. Perhaps you get married and live together for 2, 3, 6 months, but eventually you will need to sign a divorce. Understand that becoming a single mother is not the best prerogative in life.
  8. Do not try to force your partner to see a psychologist to discuss his attitude towards marriage. Ladies believe that men are cowardly creatures who are unable to take responsibility, but this misconception is extremely wrong. If they are 100% sure that they love their soul mate, then they will undoubtedly come to the desire to start a family.
  9. Don't hurt a man's ego by trying to buy a partner. A statement like “Parents have decided to give the keys to an apartment in the center as soon as we get married” will offend the partner and push him away. Every man strives to give a woman everything she needs. If he agrees, do not try to marry the gigolo.
  10. Don't let your boyfriend persuade you to understand that marriage does not bring any benefit. He may say “We are already good together” or “I love you, what else do you need?” Such statements indicate dislike for his soul mate; to a certain extent, the man is still looking for the “better” option.
  11. Never tell your boyfriend what you spent best years life, it will hurt and humiliate him. Do not try to express the pain of not wanting to get married with tears or constant hysterics, this is the wrong policy.
  12. There's no need to sound like a bitch if you really aren't. Maintain your dignity, behave naturally, do not try to crush your companion under your thumb. Be relaxed, do not burden communication with prolonged silence or caustic remarks.

It is difficult to force a companion to marry, it is much easier to direct him to true path. Let's look at the important aspects in order.

Step #1. Find out your attitude towards marriage
The first step is to find out a man’s attitude towards starting a family. Try to bring your partner into dialogue. Find out how he plans to develop relationships, whether he strives for marriage, whether he is thinking about it.

To take advantage psychological technique That's right, start a simple dialogue about upcoming wedding friends. You can also watch a movie or TV series where everything works out for the best for a married couple.

Don't ask the question "Are you even going to marry me?" directly, approach from afar. Don’t become intrusive, frame the question differently: “Darling, how do you feel about such an important step as marriage?”

Step #2. Make friends with family and friends
It's no secret that a man's behavior is influenced by his environment, take advantage of it. Find mutual language with your partner’s mother, make friends with his friends, become a good friend.

Behave lightly, do not touch on serious topics. It is important to create a good impression so that after meeting you, your relatives will buzz the man’s ears: “She is ideal for you,” “They marry people like that,” “Look at her: smart, beautiful, well-mannered.”

The main ally you need to connect with is your partner's mother. Show that you are worthy of becoming a good wife to her son. Agree with her in 80% of the statements; at first, do not rush to express your own opinion. Become a friend to your mother, tell her your secrets, ask for advice.

Step #3. Encourage a man to get married
If a man doesn't give a specific answer regarding whether he wants to get married, give him a nudge. The main thing is to make it clear that life will be better after marriage. Tell them that friends constantly fly to the islands to celebrate their anniversary. Simply invite your companion to read interesting book with a romantic plot and a happy ending, where the relationship ends with a wedding.

Provide irrefutable evidence that will make a man think. Convey the message that the relationship must develop, otherwise you will go out like a match. Try to communicate only with cheerful married couples who find an outlet in each other. A man must understand that complete unity of souls will occur at the moment of marriage.

Step #4. Surround your partner with care and attention
A man chooses a caring and loving woman, become her. Surround your partner with attention for a while so that he gets used to good things. Pamper your loved one delicious desserts, pack him lunch for work, send him romantic SMS.

Reconsider your own attitude towards sex, add some spice. Buy lace underwear, dance a striptease, cook a romantic dinner.

As soon as the man gets used to it, go to your relatives for a couple of days so that your partner gets bored. The main thing is not to fill the refrigerator with food. Otherwise, the man will understand that he is fine without you.

Leaving your gentleman alone hungry in terms of food and sex is the best stimulant on the way to marriage. To all the claims “You’re not going anywhere,” answer directly: “I’m an unringed lady, I’ll do whatever I want.”

Step #5. Be perfect

Try to be perfect in everything: cooking, cleaning, sex. Take care of yourself, your partner should be proud of you. At every opportunity, remind him that you love him. Ultimately, a man chooses as his wife the girl who believes in him more than himself. Become a support in everything, but don’t go too far. Refuse sweet flattery, as a result of which your partner will put on a crown and stop praising you.

Show that you are a great friend. Buy a bottle of good wine, sit in a cozy environment and just chat. Find out if something is bothering him, find words of consolation. Try to convey the unity that unites you.

Step #6. Trigger fear of loss
The main misconception of a man is that she is not going anywhere. Refute this fact. During cohabitation start slowly hinting that you are an unringed young lady who owes nothing to anyone. Your partner should become wary and begin to be afraid of losing you. Don't speak too seriously, translate the words into a light joke with a grain of truth.

Make it clear that you are not a submissive gray mouse or furniture that is always at hand. Show character and independence in terms of gatherings with friends, shopping, and courtship. Jealousy will motivate a man to take action, but don't overdo it.

Gradually instill in the gentleman the fear of loss, do not say a word about the wedding. Pretend that you are not against a civil marriage, but you want to take a walk, and the ring is a trifle. As a rule, after such manipulations a man gives up.

It is not difficult to force a man to marry if you have a little cunning and patience. Become your partner's friend, find a common language with his mother and friends, pamper your partner with desserts and passionate sex. Show that married life is not a sentence, but friendship, respect and boundless adoration.

Video: how to get a man to marry you

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