The tale of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs summary. Fairy tale: "Snow White" (short version). House in the forest

Who in the world is the cutest, the most rosy and the whitest? Of course, this is the beautiful Snow White! Having learned that young princess surpassed her in beauty, the evil stepmother ordered the servant to get rid of her stepdaughter. Having spared the girl, he took her into the forest, where the poor girl was destined to die from hunger and wild animals. But the beauty finds a house in the forest, inhabited by seven friendly gnomes. New friends invite Snow White to live with them and ask to become their sister. But the evil stepmother is angry again - the magic mirror tells her that Snow White is still alive and there is still no one more beautiful than her in the whole world...

Watch the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”:

Watch the cartoon “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”:

It was in the middle of winter, snowflakes were falling like fluff from the sky, and the queen was sitting at the window - its frame was made of ebony - and the queen was sewing. She was sewing, looked at the snow and pricked her finger with a needle, and three drops of blood fell onto the snow. And the red on the white snow looked so beautiful that she thought to herself:

“If only I had a child, white as this snow, and ruddy as blood, and black-haired, like the wood on the window frame!”

And the queen soon gave birth to a daughter, and she was as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black-haired as ebony, and therefore they called her Snow White. And when the child was born, the queen died.

A year later the king took another wife. That was beautiful woman, but proud and arrogant, and she could not stand it when anyone surpassed her in beauty. She had a magic mirror, and when she stood in front of it and looked into it, she asked:

And the mirror answered:

You, queen, are the most beautiful in the country.

And she was pleased, because she knew that the mirror was telling the truth. During this time, Snow White grew up and became more and more beautiful, and when she was seven years old, she was as beautiful as a clear day, and more beautiful than the queen herself. When the queen asked her mirror:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

It answered like this:

Still, Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful!

Then the queen became frightened, turned yellow and green with envy. From that hour she saw Snow White - and her heart broke, so she began to hate the girl. Both envy and arrogance grew like weeds in her heart, higher and higher, and from now on she had no peace, day or night. Then she called one of her huntsmen and said:

Take the child to the forest, I can’t see her anymore. You must kill her and bring me her lungs and liver as proof.

The huntsman obeyed and led the girl into the forest, but when he pulled out his hunting knife and, just about to pierce Snow White’s innocent heart, she began to cry and ask:

Oh, dear huntsman, if you leave me alive, I will run far into the dense forest and never return home.

And because she was beautiful, the huntsman took pity on her and said:

So be it, run, poor girl!

And it was as if a stone had been lifted from his heart when he didn’t have to kill Snow White. At that time, a young deer just ran up, and the huntsman killed it, took out its lungs and liver and brought them to the queen as a sign that her order had been fulfilled. The cook was ordered to boil them in salt water, and angry woman She ate them, thinking they were Snow White's lungs and liver.

And the poor girl was left in big forest alone, and she became so scared that she looked at all the leaves on the trees, not knowing what to do next, how to help her. She started to run, and ran over sharp stones, through thorny thickets, and they jumped around her wild animals, but they didn’t touch her. She ran as long as she could, and then it was already getting dark, she saw a small hut and went into it to rest. And in that hut everything was so small, but beautiful and clean, that you could not tell it in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen.

There stood a table covered with a white tablecloth, and on it were seven small plates, each plate had a spoon, and also seven small knives and forks and seven small goblets. There were seven small beds standing against the wall, one next to the other, and they were covered with snow-white blankets. Snow White wanted to eat and drink, and she took a little bit of vegetables and bread from each plate and drank a drop of wine from each goblet - she did not want to drink everything from one. And since she was very tired, she tried to lie down in bed, but none of them were suitable for her: one was too long, the other was too short, but the seventh turned out to be just right for her, she lay down in it and, surrendering to the mercy of the Lord, fell asleep .

When it was already completely dark, the owners of the hut came, and there were seven gnomes who were mining ore in the mountains. They lit their seven lamps, and when it became light in the hut, they noticed that someone was with them, because not everything was in the same order as it was before. And the first dwarf said:

Who was that sitting on my chair?

Who ate from my plate?

Who took a piece of my bread?


Who ate my vegetables?

Who took my fork?

Who cut with my knife?

The seventh asked:

Who was it that drank from my little cup?

And the first one looked around and saw that there was a small fold on his bed, and asked:

Who was that lying on my bed?

Then the others came running and began to say:

And there was someone in mine too.

The seventh gnome looked at his bed and saw Snow White lying in it and sleeping. Then he called the others, they came running, began to scream in surprise, brought seven of their light bulbs and illuminated Snow White.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! - they exclaimed. - Which one, however? beautiful child! “They were so happy that they didn’t wake her up and left her sleeping in bed.” And the seventh dwarf slept with each of his comrades for an hour, and so the night passed.

Morning has come. Snow White woke up, saw seven dwarfs and got scared. But they were kind to her and asked:

What is your name?

“My name is Snow White,” she answered.

How did you get into our hut?

And she told them that her stepmother wanted to kill her, but the huntsman took pity on her, and that she ran all day until she finally found their hut. The dwarves asked:

If you want to run our household, cook, make beds, wash, sew and knit, keep everything clean and in order - if you agree to this, you can stay with us, and you will have plenty of everything.

“Okay,” said Snow White, “with great pleasure.”

And she stayed with them. She kept the hut in order, in the morning the gnomes went to the mountains to look for ore and gold, and in the evening they returned home, and she had to prepare food for them when they arrived. The girl remained alone all day, and therefore the good gnomes warned her and said:

Beware of your stepmother: she will soon find out that you are here, be careful not to let anyone into the house.

And the queen, having eaten Snow White’s lungs and liver, again began to believe that she was the first and most beautiful of all the women in the country. She went to the mirror and asked:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered:

You, queen, are beautiful,

But Snow White is there, just over the mountains,

At the seven dwarfs behind the walls

Then the queen was frightened - she knew that the mirror was telling the truth, and she realized that the huntsman had deceived her and that Snow White was still alive. And she began to think again and come up with ways to kill her; She felt no peace of envy because she was not the most beautiful woman in the country. And then, finally, she thought of something: she painted her face, dressed as an old merchant, so that it was impossible to recognize her. She went through the seven mountains to the seven dwarves, knocked on the door and said:

Snow White looked out the window and said:

Hello, kind woman, what are you selling?

“Good goods, wonderful goods,” she answered, “the laces are multi-colored.” - And the queen took out one of the laces, showed it, and it was woven from colorful silk.

“We can let this honest woman into the house,” thought Snow White, opened the door bolt and bought herself a beautiful cord.

How it suits you, girl,” said the old woman, “let me lace you up properly.”

Snow White, not expecting anything bad, stood in front of her and let her tighten the new laces, and the old woman began to lace, so quickly and so tightly that Snow White suffocated and fell dead to the ground.

“You were the most beautiful,” the queen said and quickly disappeared.

Soon after, in the evening, the seven dwarfs returned home, and how frightened they were when they saw that their dear Snow White was lying on the ground, not moving, not moving, as if dead! They lifted her and saw that she was laced tightly, then they cut the laces, and she began to breathe little by little and gradually came to her senses. When the dwarves heard what had happened, they said:

The old merchant was really an evil queen, beware, don’t let anyone in when we’re not at home.

And the evil woman returned home, went to the mirror and asked:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered her, as before:

You, queen, are beautiful,

But Snow White is there, just over the mountains,

At the seven dwarfs behind the walls

A thousand times more beautiful!

When she heard such an answer, all the blood rushed to her heart, she was so frightened - she realized that Snow White had come to life again.

Well, now,” she said, “I’ll come up with something that will surely destroy you.” “Knowing the witch’s witchcraft, she prepared a poisonous comb. Then she changed her clothes and turned into another old woman. And she went over the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs, knocked on the door and said:

I sell good goods! Selling!

Snow White looked out the window and said:

Perhaps we can take a look,” said the old woman, took out a poisonous comb and, lifting it up, showed it to Snow White.

The girl liked him so much that she let herself be deceived and opened the door. They agreed on a price, and the old woman said: “Well, now let me comb your hair properly.”

Poor Snow White, not suspecting anything, allowed the old woman to comb her hair, but as soon as she touched her hair with the comb, the poison immediately began to take effect, and the girl fell unconscious to the ground.

“You, beautiful woman,” said the evil woman, “now the end has come for you.” - Having said this, she left.

But, fortunately, it was late in the evening, and the seven dwarves soon returned home. Noticing that Snow White was lying dead on the ground, they immediately suspected her stepmother, began to find out what was the matter, and found a poisonous comb; and as soon as they got him out, Snow White came to her senses again and told them all that had happened. And once again the dwarves told her to be on her guard and not open the door to anyone.

And the queen returned home, sat down in front of the mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered, as before:

You, queen, are beautiful,

But Snow White is there, just over the mountains,

At the seven dwarfs behind the walls

A thousand times more beautiful!

She heard what the mirror was saying, and she trembled and trembled all over with anger.

“Snow White must die,” she shouted, “even if it costs me my life!”

And she went to a secret room, where no one had ever entered, and prepared a poisonous apple there. It was very beautiful on the outside, white and ruddy, and anyone who saw it would want to eat it, but whoever ate even a piece of it would certainly die. When the apple was ready, she painted her face, dressed as a peasant and set off on her journey, across the seven mountains to the seven dwarves. She knocked, Snow White stuck her head out the window and said:

No one is allowed in, the seven dwarfs forbade me to do so.

Yes, that’s good,” answered the peasant woman, “but where will I put my apples?” Would you like me to give you one of these?

No, said Snow White, I was not ordered to take anything.

What is it, are you afraid of poison? - asked the old woman. - Look, I’ll cut the apple into two halves, you’ll eat the brown one, and I’ll eat the white one.

And the apple was made so cunningly that only its rosy half was poisoned. Snow White wanted to taste the beautiful apple, and when she saw that the peasant woman was eating it, she, too, could not resist, stuck her hand out of the window and took the poisoned half. As soon as she took a bite, she immediately fell dead to the ground. The queen looked at her with her evil eyes and, laughing loudly, said:

White as snow, blush like blood, black hair like ebony! Now your gnomes will never wake you up.

She returned home and began asking the mirror:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror finally answered:

You, queen, are the most beautiful in the whole country.

And then her envious heart calmed down, as far as such a heart can find peace for itself.

The dwarves, returning home in the evening, found Snow White lying on the ground, lifeless and dead. They picked her up and began to look for poison: they unlaced her, combed her hair, washed her with water and wine, but nothing helped - the dear girl was dead and remained dead. They put her in a coffin, all seven of them sat around her and began to mourn her, and they cried like that for three whole days. Then they decided to bury her, but she looked exactly alive - her cheeks were beautiful and rosy.

And they said:

How can she be like this? damp earth bury?

And they ordered a glass coffin to be made for her, so that she could be seen from all sides, and they laid her in that coffin, and wrote her name on it in gold letters, and that she was the king's daughter. And they carried that coffin to the mountain, and one of them always remained with it on guard. And the birds also came to mourn Snow White: first the owl, then the raven, and finally the dove.

And for a long, long time Snow White lay in her coffin, and it seemed that she was sleeping - she was white as snow, blush as blood, and black-haired as ebony. But it happened that one day the prince drove into that forest, and he ended up in the house of the gnomes to spend the night there. He saw a coffin on the mountain, and in it the beautiful Snow White, and read what was written on it in golden letters. And then he said to the dwarves:

Give me this coffin, and I will give you whatever you want for it.

But the dwarves answered:

We won't give it up even for all the gold in the world.

Then he said:

So give it to me. I can't live without seeing Snow White.

When he said this, the good gnomes took pity on him and gave him the coffin.

And the king's son ordered his servants to carry him on their shoulders. But it so happened that they tripped over some bush, and the shock caused a piece of a poisonous apple to fall out of Snow White’s throat. Then she opened her eyes, lifted the lid of the coffin, and then stood up herself.

Oh, Lord, where am I? - she exclaimed.

The prince, filled with joy, replied:

“You are with me,” and he told her everything that happened, and said:

You are dearer to me than anything in the world, let’s go with me to my father’s castle, and you will be my wife.

Snow White agreed, and they celebrated a magnificent and magnificent wedding.

But the queen, Snow White’s stepmother, was also invited to the celebration. She dressed up in Nice dress, went to the mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered:

You, Madam Queen, are beautiful,

But the young queen is a thousand times more beautiful!

And then the evil woman uttered her curse, and she became so scared, so scared that she didn’t know how to cope with herself. At first she decided not to go to the wedding at all, but she had no peace - she wanted to go and look at the young queen. And she entered the palace, and recognized Snow White, and from fear and horror, as she stood, she froze in place.

But iron shoes had already been placed on the burning coals for her, and they were brought, holding them with tongs, and placed in front of her. And she had to step her feet into the red-hot shoes and dance in them until she finally fell dead to the ground.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is one of the most famous fairy tales in the world, first published in 1812 by the Brothers Grimm in their Book of Old European folk tales. However, this tale was passed on from mouth to mouth even earlier, for centuries. Walt Disney's animated film released in 1937 made this story popular throughout the world, and since then it has been regarded as a work of art. fiction. However, recent research shows that the famous fairy tale is not so fictional. /website/


The fairy tale tells of a beautiful princess who was born with very white skin, so her mother named her Snow White. After the queen's death, the girl's father married a woman who was narcissistic and evil. She had a magic mirror, she often asked him: “Who in the world is the cutest, the most ruddy and the whitest?” The mirror always answered: “My queen, you are the fairest of all.” But one day the mirror said that Snow White is now the most beautiful woman in all the land. The stepmother was very angry.

Snow White's stepmother speaks to the magic mirror. Photo: Wikipedia

Snow White's evil stepmother called the hunter and told him to take Snow White into the forest and kill her. But the hunter took pity on the girl and let her go. Snow White came across a tree in the forest small house, she could barely stand on her feet from fatigue, so she lay down on one of the beds and fell fast asleep. When she woke up, she saw seven dwarves looking at her in surprise. They told Snow White that if she kept things clean and cooked for them, she could stay with them.

Snow White and the dwarfs lived in contentment and harmony until the magic mirror told the queen that Snow White was alive and still the most beautiful of all. The queen disguised herself as an old woman and came to Snow White with a poisoned apple. After taking a small bite from the apple, the girl fell unconscious. The dwarves decided that she had died, so they built a glass coffin and placed her inside.

One day a handsome prince passed by and saw Snow White in a coffin. He immediately fell in love with her and convinced the dwarves to let him take the coffin in order to bury the girl with dignity. While he and his friends were carrying the coffin, they tripped over tree roots, causing the coffin to nearly fall to the ground. A piece of the poisoned apple fell from Snow White's throat and she woke up. The prince confessed his love to her, they soon got married, and, as they say in all fairy tales, they lived happily ever after.

The prince awakens Snow White. Photo: Wikipedia

Snow White - Margaret von Waldeck?

In 1994, German historian Eckhard Sander published the article Schneewittchen: Marchen Oder Wahrheit? ("Is Snow White a Fairytale?"), revealing that he had discovered a historical account that may have inspired the Brothers Grimm to write the tale of Snow White.

According to Sander, the tale of Snow White was based on the life of Margarethe von Waldeck, a German countess, daughter of Philip IV, born in 1533. At the age of 16, Margaret was forced to leave for Brussels, her stepmother Katharina forced her to do this. There Margaret fell in love with Prince Philip, who later became King of Spain.

Margaret's father and stepmother disapproved of the relationship as it was "politically inconvenient". Margaret died mysteriously at the age of 21, apparently by poisoning. Historians speculate that the King of Spain, who was also against their affair, may have sent Spanish agents to kill Margaret.

What about the seven dwarves? Margaret's father owned several copper mines that used child labor. Due to harsh conditions and slave labor, many died in early age, but those who survived had severely deformed limbs and stunted growth due to malnutrition and hard physical labor. That's why they were called poor gnomes.

As for the poison apple, Sanders believes it stems from a historical event in Germany where an old man was arrested for giving poisoned apples to children he believed were stealing fruit from his orchard.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Photo: Wikipedia

Alternate version - Maria Sophia von Erthal

According to historian Karlheinz Bartels, Snow White was based on Maria Sophia Margaretha Katharina von Erthal, born on June 15, 1729 in Lohr am Main, Bavaria. She was the daughter of Prince Philipp Christoph von Erthal and his wife, Baroness von Betendorff.

After the death of the Baroness, Philip married Claudia Elisabeth Maria von Fenningen, Countess of Reichenstein, who was said to have disliked her stepdaughter. In the castle where they lived there was a “talking mirror” (currently located in the Spessart Museum), made at the mirror manufactory in Laura in 1720.

The dwarves in Mary's story are associated with the mining town of Biber, located west of Lor, among the seven mountains. Low and narrow tunnels were only accessible to miners vertically challenged who wore bright hoods like gnomes.

The historian argues that the glass coffin may be linked to the famous glassworks in Laura, while the poisoned apple may be linked to the deadly poisonous nightshade, which grows in abundance around the town.

In the Disney film, the Seven Dwarfs are depicted with colorful hoods, like those worn by miners near the town of Lore. Photo: (Joe Penniston/Flickr)

No one will ever know how the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came about, as the Brothers Grimm often combined events that actually happened with fantasy and imagination. However, some historical background should have been in a famous fairy tale.

Brothers Grimm

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

It was just the middle of winter. Snowflakes swirled merrily outside the windows of the royal palace - exactly like a round dance of white butterflies. Then they rushed from side to side, like mischievous girls playing burners. They floated slowly and importantly, like ceremonious ladies at a court ball.

Old people said that this is a kind troll-wizard sitting on top of the high mountain and turns the hand mill. If collected snow flakes, put them in a pot and say: “Pot, cook!” - It will turn out to be a nice porridge.

Well, no,” the very old people argued, “it’s Grandma Metelitsa who fluffs her feather beds.” And snowflakes fly to the ground - light, like fluff. As soon as the efficient craftswoman sits down at the spinning wheel, there you have silver yarn!

The young queen placed her spinning wheel closer to the window, opened the black frame, very expensive wood- after all, royals don’t make window frames out of just anything! They broke into the room Fresh air and a gang of snowflakes, children's voices were heard - children were playing in the garden in front of the royal windows. They chased white butterflies, threw snowballs, and made snowmen. One already wore the king’s old hat with a colorful feather. The other, with a carrot nose, looked so much like the First Minister that it made the Queen laugh.

Suddenly she cried out quietly: the spindle pricked her finger. Three drops of blood fell onto the snow, as if ruby ​​beads had scattered.

And the queen wished:

If I have a daughter, let her be white and tender as snow, rosy like blood, and black-haired like this shiny, precious tree. I'll call her Snow White.

At the end of winter, she gave birth to a girl - white, ruddy and black-haired. Holidays with illumination and free royal treats were announced throughout the country. Cheerful crowds gathered under the windows of the castle; neighboring kings and emperors sent messengers with gifts and congratulations. The sorceresses also gathered. With one voice they said that Snow White is a lovely child. The last one to trudge in was the oldest evil witch. But they didn’t even let her say a word: after all, it was known that she wanted to marry her great-granddaughter to the king of this country.

A year later, disaster struck - the young queen died. The king grieved and grieved and married again. On the poor princess. Her dowry was so-so: an old chest, several cardboard boxes for hats and a crystal mirror, which, as they said, was inherited by the new queen from her great-grandmother, a witch. On the frame, the master mirror artist skillfully carved the inscription: “Whoever breaks me will break his heart.”

The Queen often talked with her only friend:

Tell me, mirror, to me -

And the mirror always said:

Ah, queen, why my answer?
You, madam, are no more beautiful!

And this was the absolute truth. Long silken hair flowed over the queen's shoulders. The look was powerful and commanding. Even the king, a brave warrior, bowed low to her. And all the courtiers were soon convinced that they were beautiful Blue eyes Her Majesty always remained prickly and cold, like pieces of ice.

More than anything else, the queen loved holidays and new outfits. She has already bought three hundred and thirty-three new dresses, three hundred and thirty-three hats, and three hundred and thirty-three pairs of gloves. To the great horror of the royal treasurer, foreign merchants were the most dear guests in the palace. Luxurious fabrics from mysterious India, silvery Russian furs, and fragrant goods from hot Arabia had to be paid in gold coin. But the queen only smiled and ordered to get ready for the next ball.

It was noisy and fun in the palace on such days! Thousands of candles were lit, music thundered, and guests arrived in gilded carriages. In the evenings, multi-colored rocket stars exploded over the old park, and cannon salvos thundered.

The guests looked at the hostess with delight:

The world has never seen such a beauty! And she’s so kind and generous! True Queen!

Meanwhile, Snow White grew up. The court flatterers reported to the queen that her stepdaughter spent all her time among the grimy cooks and gardeners, she took care of the flowers herself and - horror! - darns the linen. (But what’s wrong if a girl helps her elders wash the dishes or sews a button on her apron herself?)

The Queen, seeing Snow White, winced:

Fi! This is what it means to be among servants all the time - the princess smells of the kitchen and barnyard.

But one day the queen became alarmed - she was informed that a famous old artist had painted a portrait of Snow White, and traveling troubadour singers had composed a song about her.

And the queen asked:

Tell me, mirror, to me -
Who is the most beautiful in our country?

The mirror replied:

You are beautiful, queen
But still the young maiden is more beautiful.

The queen was speechless from unheard-of insolence, turned yellow with anger, and green with envy. She harbored a fierce hatred for Snow White in her heart. Like a shadow, she wandered around the palace and kept figuring out how to get rid of her stepdaughter.

It became boring in the royal palace. No music played, no guests arrived in carriages, no cannon shots thundered. It was announced even to overseas merchants that the queen was ill and was not receiving guests.

But one day the trumpets began to sing cheerfully again - it was the ambassador of one emperor who had arrived. He had already hinted to their Majesties more than once that only crown prince his country may be a worthy groom for Snow White. True, the prince is still very young, and since he has read various books about evil wizards, nasty witches and fire-breathing dragons, he only dreams of knightly deeds.

But, the ambassador assured, our prince will forget everything when he sees Snow White.

And so it happened. The young prince fell in love with Snow White, asked for her hand and, having received her consent, announced that he was going to buy gifts for the bride.

I'll make mine too wedding gift“, dear prince,” the queen said kindly. And her eyes sparkled unkindly.

She called the forester to her and looked at him so that he turned cold with fear.

Take the girl into the forest and kill her. Otherwise I will order your head to be cut off. And I will not have mercy on your family. If you kill Snow White, you will bring me her heart.

The forester, however, was nice and kind person. He took the girl into the thicket and told her about the order of the queen-stepmother.

A fairy tale about how a stepmother was jealous of her stepdaughter Snow White. The girl was more beautiful, so the evil woman wanted to destroy her in the forest. But there Snow White saw a house with gnomes, where she began to live. The heroine was saved from the evil tricks of her stepmother by a handsome prince.

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Fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs read

It was in the middle of winter, snowflakes were falling like fluff from the sky, and the queen was sitting at the window - its frame was made of ebony - and the queen was sewing. She was sewing, looked at the snow and pricked her finger with a needle, and three drops of blood fell onto the snow. And the red on the white snow looked so beautiful that she thought to herself:

“If only I had a child, white as this snow, and ruddy as blood, and black-haired, like the wood on the window frame!”

And the queen soon gave birth to a daughter, and she was as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black-haired as ebony, and therefore they called her Snow White. And when the child was born, the queen died.

A year later the king took another wife. She was a beautiful woman, but proud and arrogant, and she could not stand it when anyone surpassed her in beauty. She had a magic mirror, and when she stood in front of it and looked into it, she asked:

And the mirror answered:

You, queen, are the most beautiful in the country.

And she was pleased, because she knew that the mirror was telling the truth. During this time, Snow White grew up and became more and more beautiful, and when she was seven years old, she was as beautiful as a clear day, and more beautiful than the queen herself. When the queen asked her mirror:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

It answered like this:

Still, Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful!

Then the queen became frightened, turned yellow and green with envy. From that hour she saw Snow White - and her heart broke, so she began to hate the girl. Both envy and arrogance grew like weeds in her heart, higher and higher, and from now on she had no peace, day or night. Then she called one of her huntsmen and said:

Take the child to the forest, I can’t see her anymore. You must kill her and bring me her lungs and liver as proof.

The huntsman obeyed and led the girl into the forest, but when he pulled out his hunting knife and was about to pierce Snow White’s innocent heart, she began to cry and ask:

Oh, dear huntsman, if you leave me alive, I will run far into the dense forest and never return home.

And because she was beautiful, the huntsman took pity on her and said:

So be it, run, poor girl!

And it was as if a stone had been lifted from his heart when he didn’t have to kill Snow White. At that time, a young deer just ran up, and the huntsman killed it, took out its lungs and liver and brought them to the queen as a sign that her order had been fulfilled. The cook was ordered to boil them in salt water, and the evil woman ate them, thinking they were Snow White's lungs and liver.

And the poor girl was left alone in the big forest, and she became so scared that she looked at all the leaves on the trees, not knowing what to do next, how to help her. She started to run, and ran over sharp stones, through thorny thickets, and wild animals jumped around her, but they did not touch her. She ran as long as she could, and then it was already getting dark, she saw a small hut and went into it to rest. And in that hut everything was so small, but beautiful and clean, that you could not tell it in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen.

There stood a table covered with a white tablecloth, and on it were seven small plates, each plate had a spoon, and also seven small knives and forks and seven small goblets. There were seven small beds standing against the wall, one next to the other, and they were covered with snow-white blankets. Snow White wanted to eat and drink, and she took a little bit of vegetables and bread from each plate and drank a drop of wine from each goblet - she did not want to drink everything from one. And since she was very tired, she tried to lie down in bed, but none of them were suitable for her: one was too long, the other was too short, but the seventh turned out to be just right for her, she lay down in it and, surrendering to the mercy of the Lord, fell asleep .

When it was already completely dark, the owners of the hut came, and there were seven gnomes who were mining ore in the mountains. They lit their seven lamps, and when it became light in the hut, they noticed that someone was with them, because not everything was in the same order as it was before. And the first dwarf said:

Who was that sitting on my chair?

Who ate from my plate?

Who took a piece of my bread?


Who ate my vegetables?

Who took my fork?

Who cut with my knife?

The seventh asked:

Who was it that drank from my little cup?

And the first one looked around and saw that there was a small fold on his bed, and asked:

Who was that lying on my bed?

Then the others came running and began to say:

And there was someone in mine too.

The seventh gnome looked at his bed and saw Snow White lying in it and sleeping. Then he called the others, they came running, began to scream in surprise, brought seven of their light bulbs and illuminated Snow White.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! - they exclaimed. - What a beautiful child, however! “They were so happy that they didn’t wake her up and left her sleeping in bed.” And the seventh dwarf slept with each of his comrades for an hour, and so the night passed.

Morning has come. Snow White woke up, saw seven dwarfs and got scared. But they were kind to her and asked:

What is your name?

“My name is Snow White,” she answered.

How did you get into our hut?

And she told them that her stepmother wanted to kill her, but the huntsman took pity on her, and that she ran all day until she finally found their hut. The dwarves asked:

If you want to run our household, cook, make beds, wash, sew and knit, keep everything clean and in order - if you agree to this, you can stay with us, and you will have plenty of everything.

“Okay,” said Snow White, “with great pleasure.”

And she stayed with them. She kept the hut in order, in the morning the gnomes went to the mountains to look for ore and gold, and in the evening they returned home, and she had to prepare food for them when they arrived. The girl remained alone all day, and therefore the good gnomes warned her and said:

Beware of your stepmother: she will soon find out that you are here, be careful not to let anyone into the house.

And the queen, having eaten Snow White’s lungs and liver, again began to believe that she was the first and most beautiful of all the women in the country. She went to the mirror and asked:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered:

You, queen, are beautiful,

But Snow White is there, just over the mountains,

At the seven dwarfs behind the walls

Then the queen was frightened - she knew that the mirror was telling the truth, and she realized that the huntsman had deceived her and that Snow White was still alive. And she began to think again and come up with ways to kill her; She felt no peace of envy because she was not the most beautiful woman in the country. And then, finally, she thought of something: she painted her face, dressed as an old merchant, so that it was impossible to recognize her. She went through the seven mountains to the seven dwarves, knocked on the door and said:

Snow White looked out the window and said:

Hello, kind woman, what are you selling?

“Good goods, wonderful goods,” she answered, “the laces are multi-colored.” - And the queen took out one of the laces, showed it, and it was woven from colorful silk.

“We can let this honest woman into the house,” thought Snow White, opened the door bolt and bought herself a beautiful cord.

How it suits you, girl,” said the old woman, “let me lace you up properly.”

Snow White, not expecting anything bad, stood in front of her and let her tighten the new laces, and the old woman began to lace, so quickly and so tightly that Snow White suffocated and fell dead to the ground.

“You were the most beautiful,” the queen said and quickly disappeared.

Soon after, in the evening, the seven dwarfs returned home, and how frightened they were when they saw that their dear Snow White was lying on the ground, not moving, not moving, as if dead! They lifted her and saw that she was laced tightly, then they cut the laces, and she began to breathe little by little and gradually came to her senses. When the dwarves heard what had happened, they said:

The old merchant was really an evil queen, beware, don’t let anyone in when we’re not at home.

And the evil woman returned home, went to the mirror and asked:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered her, as before:

You, queen, are beautiful,

But Snow White is there, just over the mountains,

At the seven dwarfs behind the walls

A thousand times more beautiful!

When she heard such an answer, all the blood rushed to her heart, she was so frightened - she realized that Snow White had come to life again.

Well, now,” she said, “I’ll come up with something that will surely destroy you.” “Knowing the witch’s witchcraft, she prepared a poisonous comb. Then she changed her clothes and turned into another old woman. And she went over the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs, knocked on the door and said:

I sell good goods! Selling!

Snow White looked out the window and said:

Perhaps we can take a look,” said the old woman, took out a poisonous comb and, lifting it up, showed it to Snow White.

The girl liked him so much that she let herself be deceived and opened the door. They agreed on a price, and the old woman said: “Well, now let me comb your hair properly.”

Poor Snow White, not suspecting anything, allowed the old woman to comb her hair, but as soon as she touched her hair with the comb, the poison immediately began to take effect, and the girl fell unconscious to the ground.

“You, beautiful woman,” said the evil woman, “now the end has come for you.” - Having said this, she left.

But, fortunately, it was late in the evening, and the seven dwarves soon returned home. Noticing that Snow White was lying dead on the ground, they immediately suspected her stepmother, began to find out what was the matter, and found a poisonous comb; and as soon as they got him out, Snow White came to her senses again and told them all that had happened. And once again the dwarves told her to be on her guard and not open the door to anyone.

And the queen returned home, sat down in front of the mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered, as before:

You, queen, are beautiful,

But Snow White is there, just over the mountains,

At the seven dwarfs behind the walls

A thousand times more beautiful!

She heard what the mirror was saying, and she trembled and trembled all over with anger.

“Snow White must die,” she shouted, “even if it costs me my life!”

And she went to a secret room, where no one had ever entered, and prepared a poisonous apple there. It was very beautiful on the outside, white and ruddy, and anyone who saw it would want to eat it, but whoever ate even a piece of it would certainly die. When the apple was ready, she painted her face, dressed as a peasant and set off on her journey, across the seven mountains to the seven dwarves. She knocked, Snow White stuck her head out the window and said:

No one is allowed in, the seven dwarfs forbade me to do so.

Yes, that’s good,” answered the peasant woman, “but where will I put my apples?” Would you like me to give you one of these?

No, said Snow White, I was not ordered to take anything.

What is it, are you afraid of poison? - asked the old woman. - Look, I’ll cut the apple into two halves, you’ll eat the brown one, and I’ll eat the white one.

And the apple was made so cunningly that only its rosy half was poisoned. Snow White wanted to taste the beautiful apple, and when she saw that the peasant woman was eating it, she, too, could not resist, stuck her hand out of the window and took the poisoned half. As soon as she took a bite, she immediately fell dead to the ground. The queen looked at her with her evil eyes and, laughing loudly, said:

White as snow, blush like blood, black hair like ebony! Now your gnomes will never wake you up.

She returned home and began asking the mirror:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror finally answered:

You, queen, are the most beautiful in the whole country.

And then her envious heart calmed down, as far as such a heart can find peace for itself.

The dwarves, returning home in the evening, found Snow White lying on the ground, lifeless and dead. They picked her up and began to look for poison: they unlaced her, combed her hair, washed her with water and wine, but nothing helped - the dear girl was dead and remained dead. They put her in a coffin, all seven of them sat around her and began to mourn her, and they cried like that for three whole days. Then they decided to bury her, but she looked exactly alive - her cheeks were beautiful and rosy.

And they said:

How can you bury it like that in damp ground?

And they ordered a glass coffin to be made for her, so that she could be seen from all sides, and they laid her in that coffin, and wrote her name on it in gold letters, and that she was the king's daughter. And they carried that coffin to the mountain, and one of them always remained with it on guard. And the birds also came to mourn Snow White: first the owl, then the raven, and finally the dove.

And for a long, long time Snow White lay in her coffin, and it seemed that she was sleeping - she was white as snow, blush as blood, and black-haired as ebony. But it happened that one day the prince drove into that forest, and he ended up in the house of the gnomes to spend the night there. He saw a coffin on the mountain, and in it the beautiful Snow White, and read what was written on it in golden letters. And then he said to the dwarves:

Give me this coffin, and I will give you whatever you want for it.

But the dwarves answered:

We won't give it up even for all the gold in the world.

Then he said:

So give it to me. I can't live without seeing Snow White.

When he said this, the good gnomes took pity on him and gave him the coffin.

And the king's son ordered his servants to carry him on their shoulders. But it so happened that they tripped over some bush, and the shock caused a piece of a poisonous apple to fall out of Snow White’s throat. Then she opened her eyes, lifted the lid of the coffin, and then stood up herself.

Oh, Lord, where am I? - she exclaimed.

The prince, filled with joy, replied:

“You are with me,” and he told her everything that happened, and said:

You are dearer to me than anything in the world, let’s go with me to my father’s castle, and you will be my wife.

Snow White agreed, and they celebrated a magnificent and magnificent wedding.

But the queen, Snow White’s stepmother, was also invited to the celebration. She dressed up in a beautiful dress, walked up to the mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered:

You, Madam Queen, are beautiful,

But the young queen is a thousand times more beautiful!

And then the evil woman uttered her curse, and she became so scared, so scared that she didn’t know how to cope with herself. At first she decided not to go to the wedding at all, but she had no peace - she wanted to go and look at the young queen. And she entered the palace, and recognized Snow White, and from fear and horror, as she stood, she froze in place.

But iron shoes had already been placed on the burning coals for her, and they were brought, holding them with tongs, and placed in front of her. And she had to step her feet into the red-hot shoes and dance in them until she finally fell dead to the ground.

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is one of the best fairy tale stories created in the 19th century. Who wrote the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"? These were Wilhelm and German linguists who wrote fairy tales in their free time from their main work. Many of the brothers' works are known all over the world, such as "The Brave Little Tailor", "Hansel and Gretel", "The Town Musicians of Bremen". Among these stories, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, published in Germany in 1812, occupies a special place.


On a winter day, the queen was sitting by the window, doing needlework, and suddenly pricked her finger with a needle. A drop of blood appeared. She looked out the window and wanted to give birth to a child, white as snow, red as blood, with hair as black as pitch. Soon this happened, the queen gave birth to a daughter - white, ruddy, black-haired. But the problem is that a woman died during childbirth. The king grieved, and a year later he married another woman.

Stepmom and stepdaughter

The king's new wife did not like his daughter, the beautiful Snow White.

The authors presented the classic plot of the confrontation between an unkind stepmother and an unloved stepdaughter as a temporary triumph of hatred over innocence with the inevitable destruction of evil forces at the end of the story. This is how I was born the main idea fairy tales "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". It is that good must triumph sooner or later.

The Brothers Grimm worked on a dictionary German language, when they came up with the idea of ​​writing the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” the main idea of ​​which was to overcome the difficulties that befell the princess. Her natural kindness helped the girl pass all the tests. This is also the main idea of ​​the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. The benevolent nature of the princess, whom her stepmother forced her to wear torn clothes and do the most menial tasks, did not allow her to become bitter. The princess was cheerful, and even when she had to wash the stone steps of the palace with a rag, she sang.

Everyone loved the princess. Pigeons cooed, landing on her shoulders, birds flew in from the forest to communicate with the girl. Only the stepmother hated her stepdaughter for her beauty. And this is also the main idea of ​​the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. Love and evil, how far they are from each other!

evil witch

At this very time, the queen was communicating with her magic mirror. Every day she listened to laudatory speeches from the enchanted reflection that she was “the loveliest in the world, the most rosy and white.” However, one morning the magic mirror said that the queen was no longer the most beautiful in this world. It was a blow to the vanity of a vain woman. The stepmother was furious and called the huntsman, her confidant.

The Queen ordered the hunter to take Snow White to the forest so that she would pick a bouquet of meadow flowers, and then kill her hated stepdaughter. To prove that the princess was dead, the huntsman had to bring her heart in a box.

The escape

However, in the forest, Snow White was so sincerely happy about the birds, the sun and the flowers that the hunter, who also had a daughter, dropped the knife and repented of his planned crime. He warned the princess about the impending danger, advised her to run away and not appear in the palace again. Frightened Snow White ran into the forest, hoping to find salvation there.

The girl suffered in the dark forest - tree branches whipped her in the face, sharp thorns of wild rose hips tore her dress. Eventually she fell on the grass and fainted. The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” lies, among other things, in the heroic fortitude of the defenseless princess. In the morning she woke up with the first rays of the sun, small animals were running around - chipmunks and bunnies, squirrels and hedgehogs. Everyone wanted to meet Snow White and help her in some way.

House in the forest

Tired of unexpected adventures, the princess allowed her new forest friends to take her deep into the forest. A lonely house stood among the trees. Snow White went inside and was dumbfounded, everything in the house was so neglected. There was a mountain of dirty dishes piled in the washtub, and cobwebs hung everywhere. The girl, without hesitation, rolled up her sleeves. She decided to clean an unfamiliar room, but she didn’t think about whether anyone would appreciate her action. Work began to boil, everyone helped Snow White forest animals and the birds that came with her.

The main idea in the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” about friendship and mutual assistance hovered in the plot all the time while the cleaning was going on. The atmosphere of common work was permeated with goodwill; everyone washed the dishes together, swept the floor, and then settled down to rest together.

While Snow White and her many assistants, animals and birds, were making little people, the owners themselves were working in the mine to extract precious stones. Their united work also reflects the main idea (in the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”) - perseverance and perseverance always lead to good results.

Princess on the farm

Snow White's house cleaning is coming to an end, and she also managed to put a huge cauldron on the fire in which to cook porridge. And now the last dirty plate has been washed, the house has become clean and cozy. The princess goes up to the second floor, counts the miniature oak beds, poorly made, and concludes that seven little people live in the house. Then she tells herself that the morning is wiser than the evening, and goes to bed. Her forest assistants settle in right away.

The seven dwarves, meanwhile, collect the gems they mined during the day and go home. As they approach the house, all seven of them stop in their tracks - smoke is coming from the chimney, the windows are clean, and there is the smell of a hot lunch. The distrustful gnomes decide that an evil monster has settled in the house and is waiting to destroy them all.

Plucking up courage, the gnomes look into the door, then enter, looking around. There is no danger, the room is tidy, there is a boiler on the fire with delicious porridge. Having suffered through fear, the little people finally go up to their bedroom. Introducing them to Snow White is a whole performance. The gnomes are afraid of the uninvited guest, but curiosity takes over, and soon a real friendship begins between them and the princess.

Snow White asks the owners of the house not to kick her out, and as a sign of gratitude promises to wash, cook, clean and do everything around the house while the dwarfs are at work. Seven little people happily agree, because they are tired of cooking tasteless food and washing dishes. Lunch time is approaching, the porridge is ready, but first, Snow White makes everyone wash their hands with soap and only then allows them to sit down at the table.

Queen's machinations

Meanwhile, the huntsman brought his mistress the heart of a wild deer in a box and colorfully told how he dealt with Snow White. The queen believed, but the next day the fragments of the broken magic mirror gave her a secret - it turns out that her stepdaughter is alive and is in the forest, in the house of the forest gnomes. Then the evil witch decided to kill Snow White - she brewed a potion, drank it and turned into an unhappy old woman. She took small things, as if for sale, and went into the forest.

After waiting for the gnomes to go to work, the witch came out of the forest, approached the house and knocked on the door. Snow White opened it, greeted the ragged beggar woman and asked how she could help her. The old woman asked for water, and then, as if as a sign of gratitude, she handed the princess a beautiful cord, offering to buy it and lace her dress. Snow White did just that, and the sorceress tightened the lace on the princess’s back so much that she suffocated and fell dead.

The dwarves returned from work and saw Snow White lying unconscious. The lace was untied, and the girl came to her senses. The dwarves made her promise that in future she would not open the door to anyone.

The evil witch, meanwhile, learned from her magic mirror that her stepdaughter was alive and again hurried into the forest, wanting to kill Snow White at all costs. She appeared in a different guise and knocked on the door. This time too, the princess believed the old woman and accepted a comb from her, with which she combed her magnificent hair. The enchanted comb immediately knocked her unconscious, and the witch hurried to hide.

The dwarves again saw Snow White lifeless, but this time they managed to bring her to her senses. The princess again promised not to let anyone into the house again. However, soon, when the dwarves went to work, her stepmother visited again, deceived Snow White and offered her to eat a piece of a ruddy apple. The princess at first refused, fearing a catch, but when the old woman divided the apple into two parts and ate one half that was not saturated with poison, the girl trusted the “good old woman” and took a bite. The poison acted instantly, and Snow White fell into eternal sleep.

Crystal coffin

Sobbing little people gathered around the sleeping Snow White. They did not dare to bury the princess in the ground, so they built a coffin made of crystal with solid gold trim, decorating it precious stones. Snow White lay in the coffin, still as beautiful and as if she was waiting for some miracle. The scarlet lips were fresh, the cheeks were rosy, and the white skin was set off by black curls scattered over the shoulders. The dwarves hung the coffin in a shallow cave near the house, and one of them was nearby all the time so that no one would disturb the princess’s peace.


One day, a prince from a neighboring kingdom drove up to the little people's house, hoping to spend the night. He saw a beautiful princess in a crystal coffin and asked the dwarves for permission to take her to his palace. They, after consulting, gave their consent. As the coffin was being carried, Snow White shook and a piece of the poisoned apple fell out of her throat. She woke up and stood up.

Soon the princess and the prince got married. Seven dwarves were invited to the ball. They also called the stepmother, put red-hot shoes on her, and she danced in them until she fell dead.


This is how the Brothers Grimm's work "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" ends. in her endless kindness. The writers managed to fully convey the emotional mood present throughout the entire plot. Immortal literary work Brothers Grimm, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, the idea of ​​the fairy tale, its content, picked up by the entire global creative community and implemented with impeccable authenticity in various performances and productions, has been delighting children and adults all over the world for decades. The most famous version of the fairy tale, which was created at the Walt Disney film studio in 1937, was written by Ted Sears, a Hollywood producer.

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