How much and how to boil eggs. How long to cook eggs after boiling water. How to boil a chicken and quail egg hard-boiled, soft-boiled and in a bag


Bird eggs are an integral part of our diet. We eat them as a separate product and use them in preparing many of the most different dishes, from starters to desserts. And perhaps the simplest thing for breakfast is boiled eggs: nourishing, tasty, healthy and quick. But it often turns out that the cooking did not go according to plan, and in the end either the white turns out to be too soft or the yolk turns out to be hard. Where was the mistake made, and how can we understand the science of boiling eggs correctly?

About how eggs are good for human body, known from time immemorial. True, several decades ago materials appeared that proved the harm of this product. The reason for this was the cholesterol contained in egg yolk. Unscrupulous “specialists in various areas“raised this substance to the rank of enemy of humanity, finding it in most products.

As a result, we ended up with a lot of low-fat products of dubious quality on the shelves and marketing gimmicks in the form of vegetable oil labeled “Cholesterol Free.” But new studies of the effect of this substance on the body have shown: cholesterol can be “good” and “bad”, and the former does an excellent job of removing the latter from the body.

  • animal protein (13% of the total composition), digestible by 98%;
  • vitamins A, B (in particular B3, B6, B12), D, E, K, responsible for metabolism and immune support;
  • iodine, iron, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium, which ensure the synthesis of hormones, hematopoiesis processes, and cell nutrition;
  • sulfur, which maintains healthy appearance of nails, skin and hair;
  • choline and lecithin, which are necessary for the proper functioning of brain cells and nervous system;
  • cholesterol, which is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone and is also building material for liver and brain cells and preventing the formation of sclerotic plaques;
  • amino acids are the “building blocks” for the cells of the whole body.
  • Note! Despite their benefits, eggs are an allergen. Therefore, they are contraindicated for people prone to allergies, as well as for patients diabetes mellitus.

    It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of eggs and their nutritional value, but for some people they can be harmful

    Like any product, eggs, in addition to their benefits, can also cause harm if consumed in excess. An important criterion in determining the required quantity are indicators such as age, general state health and level physical activity.

    A nutritionist will help you determine exactly how many eggs will be good for you at a given time. But there are average age standards that you can build on.

    The most common chicken eggs:

  • children under 2 years old - 2-3 yolks per week;
  • children 4-6 years old - 3-5 eggs per week;
  • adults - 1-3 pcs. in a day;
  • athletes - 10 pcs. and more.
  • Egg white is very important for athletes: it is involved in rapid growth muscle mass.

    Chicken eggs are the most popular and used

    The second most popular are quail eggs:

  • children under 3 years old - up to 3 pcs. in a day;
  • children under 10 years old - 3 pcs.;
  • over 10 years old - 4 pcs.;
  • athletes - athletes - 14-20 pcs.
  • These eggs contain useful components, as well as nutritional value, 5 times more than chicken eggs. In addition, they do not contain salmonellosis, which is of great importance for baby food.

    Quail eggs are very healthy and nutritious

    Turkey eggs rightfully occupy second place in terms of benefits for the human body after quail eggs. Each egg (about 75 g) both in weight and content essential microelements will replace 2 chicken ones.

    Turkey eggs are considered the second most beneficial after quail eggs.

    Duck eggs are also often used as food. Please note that they are much fattier than chicken and quail. Therefore, if there is excess weight It is not recommended to eat more than 1 duck egg in 2 days.

    Still exotic in our latitudes, but not so rare, are ostrich eggs. One such egg in volume and nutritional value replaces about 30 chicken eggs.

    One ostrich egg in volume and nutritional value will replace 30 chicken

    Before you start boiling the eggs, be sure to check their freshness. Knowing certain rules will help you check the quality of the product.

  • The fresher the egg, the more difficult it will be to peel it when cooked. If you are dealing with homemade eggs and want to cook them hard-boiled or in a bag, use eggs that are older than 4 days. A store-bought product will already be “old” by the time of purchase.
  • To ensure that the protein quickly curls during cooking and does not leak out if the shell cracks, add salt to the water or add vinegar to it.
  • Neither the taste nor the quality of eggs depends on the color of the shell. The color of the eggs is affected by the breed of the chicken and, to some extent, what it is fed.

    The color of the shell depends on the breed of chicken, and is not an indicator of taste and quality

  • Many housewives are afraid of salmonellosis, which allegedly often contaminates chicken eggs. Remember that salmonella can only be found on the shell, not inside the egg. Just wash it with soap before putting it on the boil.
  • Before cooking eggs, let them sit at room temperature for 10 to 15 minutes, especially if you just took them out of the refrigerator. If you immediately put them in boiling water, the shells will burst.
  • The easiest way to determine the freshness of eggs is to place them in a container with cold water. A rotten egg will float, a fresh one will sink to the bottom.

    A stale egg will not sink in a glass of water

  • Another method of determining freshness is to carefully examine the shell. In a fresh egg, it is rough to the touch and matte; the rotten one is smooth, as if covered with gloss.
  • U fresh eggs the shell cannot be soft and covered with dark spots.
  • Look at the light through the egg by holding it close to the light bulb. If you notice dark spots, feel free to throw away the product.
  • You can also shake the egg. If it disappears, you will notice that the yolk is flopping around.
  • What can you use to cook eggs?

    What do you need to boil eggs? In fact, not so much: suitable sized dishes and water. And, of course, a source of fire or heating. It can serve as:

  • bonfire (open fire);
  • stove, including Russian;
  • gas or electric stove;
  • microwave;
  • oven;
  • double boiler;
  • multicooker;
  • egg boiler.
  • There are many known cases of using even electric kettle. This method is especially often used by students. The process is complicated by the fact that the device turns off immediately after the water boils and is not equipped with a temperature regulator.

    The most common way to boil eggs is in a pan of water.

    No matter how simple the process is, it is human nature to simplify it even more. Therefore, a special device was invented - an egg boiler. It contains a heating element, a container containing water, and a grid on the surface of which the eggs are laid.

    Cooking is done by steaming.

    Details about cooking methods Boiled eggs can be:

  • three types
  • soft-boiled - both the white and the yolk turn out runny;
  • into the bag - the white remains a little soft, the yolk remains runny;
  • hard-boiled - the white and yolk become hard.

    The degree of readiness of eggs depends, first of all, on how long you keep them in boiling water

    How to boil soft-boiled eggs

    Please note that it is not customary to completely peel eggs prepared in this way - they will most likely spread. You need to cut off the top with a sharp knife and eat the egg with a teaspoon or dessert spoon.

    Soft-boiled eggs are eaten with a teaspoon, removing the “lid” from the sharp edge with a knife.

    You can cook soft-boiled eggs in several ways. The first is this:

  • Place the eggs in a suitable container, such as a saucepan, and add enough water so that the layer is 1 cm higher.

    Fill the eggs in a saucepan with water

  • Pour in 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Instead, you can add the same amount table salt. Turn on the fire.

    Add table salt or vinegar

  • Wait for the liquid to boil, then reduce the heat to low.
  • If you want the white and yolk to remain runny, cook for 2 minutes. Stretch the time to 3 minutes so that the white layer becomes denser, while the yolk inside remains liquid.
  • Turn off the heat, drain the boiling water from the pan and rinse the eggs thoroughly in cool water: this will allow them to cool quickly.

    Cool the finished eggs in cold water

  • Second way:

  • Pour water into the pan. Place on the fire and wait until it boils. Add vinegar or salt.

    Place a pot of water on the fire and wait until it boils

  • Drop the eggs into the water one at a time using a spoon or slotted spoon.

    Place eggs into boiling water with a spoon

  • After the water boils again, cook for 1 minute, then remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.

    Boil the eggs for 1 minute, then let them sit covered

  • Place the eggs in a bowl of cold water and leave until completely cool.
  • In a modern kitchen there are many assistants - technical appliances. For example, a multicooker in which you can boil eggs almost the same way as in a pan of water or steam.

    Third way:

  • Pour 1.5 cups of water into the bowl. Install a steaming rack. Place the eggs on it.

    Pour water into the multicooker bowl and place the eggs on the steaming rack

  • Cook on the steamer setting for 3 minutes.
  • When the multicooker notifies you with a signal that the cycle has ended, transfer the eggs to another bowl and rinse with running cold water.

    Be sure to fill the finished eggs with cold water.

  • In exactly the same way, eggs can be boiled in a double boiler and an egg boiler. The difference in preparation may be quite insignificant; in this case, you will read more in the instructions for the device. By the way, steaming helps the yolk to be located exactly in the middle of the egg, without moving to the side.

    Egg cooker steams eggs

    Video: boiling soft-boiled eggs

    How to cook eggs in a bag

    Perhaps this is the most the hard way. It is difficult to capture without a certain skill the very time when the egg is no longer soft-boiled, but not yet hard-boiled. The cooking methods are the same as before, but you will need literally a couple of minutes more.

    Egg in a bag: dense white and viscous yolk

    When you cook eggs using the first method, keep them in the water after boiling for 4-5 minutes. This will make the yolk almost liquid or viscous.

    When using the second method, do not remove the lid from the pan for 6-7 minutes after turning off the heat.

    Steaming using a slow cooker or double boiler will take 5-6 minutes. Please note that the time may vary slightly for some device models due to different power levels.

    Remember to cool the eggs immediately after removing them from the boiling water, because the process of coagulating the yolk and white continues while they are hot.

    How to cook hard-boiled eggs

    It is believed that this method is the simplest: put the eggs in boiling water and let them cook, they won’t get any cooler. But it turns out that here it is very important to observe exact time. In overcooked eggs, the white becomes hard, as if rubbery, and the surface of the yolk becomes gray shade.

    A properly boiled egg has a firm but crumbly yolk.

    If you are poaching eggs in a pan of cold or boiling water, you only need to boil them for 7-8 minutes. This way the yolk will become dense, but retain its friability, and the white will cook well. When cooking using the “steam” method, extend the time to 10 minutes.

    To ensure that the finished egg has the correct shape, make a careful puncture with a thin needle from the bottom, blunt side, where there is a air chamber, limited by film.

    Cooking rules for children

  • Be sure to wash the eggs thoroughly under running water, preferably with soap. This will eliminate the possibility of salmonellosis infection.
  • For babies, cook eggs exclusively hard-boiled so that the yolk and white are thoroughly cooked.
  • When you start feeding your baby eggs, use only the yolk, as the white can cause an allergic reaction.

    For complementary feeding of babies, it is especially important that the eggs are fresh and of high quality.

  • Cooking eggs specifically for salads

    You probably love various salads, and you know that eggs for them can only be cooked hard-boiled. That is, the yolk should be dense, crumbly and not viscous in the center. And one more important point- it cannot be gray, otherwise it will affect appearance. This means that it is important to observe the cooking time for eggs in this case as well.

    For salads you need to boil hard-boiled eggs

    The most common problem with hard-boiled eggs is that they are difficult to peel. The shell is almost never separated from the protein. To avoid this, use the following tips.

  • Try not to use very fresh eggs that were laid less than 4 days ago for hard-boiling. If there is no other choice, cook them 1–1.5 minutes longer.
  • 10-20 seconds before the end of the cooking time, tap the shell with a knife so that a crack appears. Through it, water will get inside the egg, which will separate the white from the shell.
  • As soon as you finish boiling the eggs, immediately place them in cold water.
  • Peel the eggs under running cold water.
  • Table: time required to cook eggs of different birds

    How to prepare a poached egg (without shell)

    There is another very interesting way preparing boiled eggs - poached. They are used for sandwiches, soups and even some salads.

    To cook an egg without a shell, do the following:

  • Place a pan of water on the stove, pour in 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar (tall, grape, apple - to taste), and lightly add salt.
  • While the water is boiling, beat the egg into a separate bowl so that the yolk is not damaged and remains intact.
  • When the water boils, start stirring it exactly in a circle. Carefully pour the egg into the center of the resulting funnel.
  • Reduce the intensity of the fire: the water should boil slightly, but under no circumstances boil.
  • Look closely at the squirrels. As soon as it curls and turns white, remove the egg with a slotted spoon and transfer it to a napkin to dry slightly.

    Poached eggs can be used in soups and sandwiches

  • The poached egg is ready, in this form you can use it in your favorite dishes.

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    Boiling eggs is very easy, but even experienced housewives Sometimes things happen that could have been avoided. Let's find out the rules for preparing this product.

    How long and how should you boil eggs?

    We are talking about chicken eggs. Cooking them is not particularly difficult for any housewife.

    Cooking rules you need to know:

    • It is not advisable to immediately put cold eggs that have just been taken out of the tray into water in order to immediately turn on the heat. Because of the difference temperature regime, the peel will burst.
    • Cooking: Keep an eye on the time or set a timer.
    • Fresh product takes longer to prepare than usual. If the eggs are less than 4 days old, the cooking time is increased by 3 minutes.
    • To obtain whole eggs without cracked shells, use a small saucepan. If there is a lot of space, then they will float and touch each other.
    • Cooking - medium heat, the water should not boil violently.
    • To prevent damage to the shell, it must be pierced before cooking. Take a thick needle and pierce the egg from the blunt end, very carefully. If this is not done, then the probability is more than 80% that it will crack.

    Methods for boiling eggs

    How to boil soft-boiled eggs (rare yolk)? There are 2 cooking methods, let's consider both:

    • Take a small saucepan, put the eggs, pour in water so that it covers the eggs by only 1 cm. Cook for a minute in boiling water, then you need to remove the container from the stove and leave for 6 minutes (on the timer). The yolk will set, the white will be runny. And 7 minutes, if you need the white and yolk to be a little denser.
    • The second method is similar to the first: you also need to put the eggs in a cooking container, add water directly from the tap, and put them directly on the stove, turning on high heat. From the moment of boiling, reduce the heat and count 3 minutes on the timer, if you need the egg to be semi-liquid, 4 minutes for the white to set and the yolk to remain runny, and 5 minutes if you want the white to be dense, the yolk is the same, but with a soft center .

    Boil hard:

    • Place eggs in a saucepan, add water, wait for it to boil.
    • Using a timer, count 6 minutes to get a barely runny yolk and 7 minutes to boil the eggs for the salad.
    • After cooking, you need to drain the boiling water, pour in cold water, and leave the eggs for a couple of minutes. As soon as you can remove the eggs from the water with your bare hands (they should cool slightly), you need to take them out and put them on a plate.

    Undercooked eggs will be runny when cut open and the yolk will be darker than that of a properly cooked egg. If overcooked, then the yolk will be dense with a grayish coating (on taste qualities this has no effect), but the protein will turn out “rubbery”.

    Other ways to boil eggs

    Weld using other devices:

    • in the microwave: in a cup of salted water for 10 minutes, if the power of the device is 500 W;
    • in a slow cooker - 5 minutes and 12 are allotted for this;
    • in a double boiler, the cooking time increases by 6 minutes (i.e. you need to cook for 18 minutes);
    • in a special device - only 7 minutes, and in a pressure cooker no more than 5;
    • try boiling an egg without the shell in a container with closed lid, put it in just boiled water;
    • You can finish cooking the eggs if you are not satisfied with the result. To do this, you need to put them back in the water (cold), wait until it boils and cook for a while (for example, 3 or 4 minutes). Then, as usual, leave in cold water and clean when cool.

    How long should you cook the eggs of other birds?

    Every housewife knows how to cook chicken eggs, let's find out how to cook feathered eggs:

    • quail eggs are boiled for 1 to 3 minutes from the moment of boiling;
    • ostrich boil for 1.5 hours or more;
    • goose 5 (soft-boiled) minutes and 15;
    • Duck eggs are boiled for only 12 minutes;
    • guinea fowl eggs – 5 minutes;
    • and turkeys - no more than 10 minutes exclusively in salt water.

    Chicken eggs are one of the most ancient and healthy foods for humans. They contain all the most valuable substances for the body in optimal proportions. Thanks to this, eggs are 98% digestible by humans. Fresh produce contains the bactericidal protein lysocine, which disappears with aging. The bactericidal properties of a fresh product decrease with aging. One tenth of the weight comes from the shell, more than 50 percent is the white and a third is the yolk. Energy value – 157 kcal per 100 grams of product. One medium-sized chicken egg, weighing 47 grams, contains 73.8 kcal. The egg consists of 74% water, 12.8% nitrogen-containing substances. The remaining few percentages are distributed between fats (11.5%), carbohydrates (0.9%) and minerals (0.8). The greatest nutritional value has a freshly laid egg, since the bactericidal substance lysocin, which is part of it, loses its bactericidal properties over time.

    Which eggs are healthier: hard-boiled, soft-boiled or raw?

    Studying the question of the greatest usefulness of eggs depending on the cooking time, scientists have still not come to a consensus, despite ancient origins product. It is recognized that boiled chicken eggs are digested worse than raw ones. At the same time, during cooking, a number of substances and vitamins beneficial to human health are destroyed. Because of this, boiled eggs are not very well digested. They require more calories to be absorbed by the body than they supply. Therefore, eggs are often present as ingredients in various weight loss diets.
    Crude protein is well absorbed by the body if significant muscle loads were applied before consuming it. It is healthier to eat the yolk raw, but there is a possibility of salmonella infection through the raw yolk. You can add citric acid or citric acid to the raw yolk before use. Apple vinegar, since all microbes die in an acidic environment. At the same time, the taste characteristics become worse. So unless you are an athlete doing... muscular types sports, it is safer to eat hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs. Raw eggs are absorbed by the body by 50%, and boiled by 90%.
    30 years ago, scientists declared chicken eggs to be a source of cholesterol that is harmful to blood vessels. Nowadays, this product has been rehabilitated, and we can again please ourselves with fried eggs, hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs for breakfast.
    Cholesterol in eggs is 213 mg, and according to the norm, a person should not consume more than 300 mg per day. Today scientists know that in addition to cholesterol, eggs also contain phospholipids, which in turn lower cholesterol levels in the blood, that is, these products themselves regulate required quantity cholesterol. Therefore, today no one prohibits eating one or two eggs a day without harm to health.

    How long to cook?

    Cooking time depends on several factors:
    Freshness level. For fresh chicken eggs, the cooking time increases by 3-4 minutes.
    Cooking time depends on the size of the eggs and the intensity of the heat under the saucepan. It has been experimentally determined that eggs with white shells cook faster than those with brown shells.
    The white shell is thinner than the brown one, which is why it cracks more often during cooking and the egg cooks faster in it.
    Boil hard-boiled eggs after boiling for 7 to 10 minutes.
    To determine how long to boil hard-boiled eggs to obtain the desired consistency, it is better to buy a timer and empirically find optimal time, which you then stick to.
    Approximate time for boiling eggs of varying degrees of readiness:
    Lightly cooked white and runny yolk - 3 minutes,
    Classic soft-boiled egg - 4 minutes,
    Eggs in a bag - something between soft-boiled and hard-boiled - 5 minutes,
    Hard-boiled egg – 8 minutes.
    It is not advisable to overcook hard-boiled eggs.

    1. Firstly, in overcooked eggs, the yolk shell acquires an unpleasant gray-blue tint.
    2. Secondly, overcooked protein becomes rubber-like in consistency and loses its taste.

    How to boil chicken eggs?

    Never place cold eggs directly from the refrigerator into hot water. The shell will probably crack when boiling. After refrigeration before cooking, it is better to keep them for 15 minutes at room temperature. Then pick up a saucepan the right size. The eggs should fit tightly on the bottom of the pan. If the eggs lie too loosely, they may break against each other during boiling. A cracked testicle will look unsightly after cleaning. Pour enough water so that the water level covers the eggs by 5 centimeters. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook further over low heat. On high fire and with intense boiling, the white becomes rubbery, and the yolk takes on an unpleasant hue. To prevent the shell from cracking during cooking, you can pierce its blunt end with a sewing needle. As a result of this manipulation, the shell will not burst and will be easier to clean.

    How to peel?

    Freshly laid eggs are difficult to peel. It is incredibly difficult to clean them beautifully in order to put them in a salad or decorate the table with them. The date and time when the eggs were laid by the chickens is indicated on the store packaging. Unfortunately, buyers do not always pay attention to this valuable information.
    Sometimes people ask how long to boil hard-boiled eggs so that the shells can be cleaned better? Cooking time does not affect shell cleaning. The freshness of the egg matters. To easily clean the shells after cooking, drain the boiling water and add cold water instead. Leave the saucepan like this for 5 minutes. To prevent the water from heating up quickly from hot eggs, you can add pieces of ice to the pan.

    Hard boiled eggs in an air fryer

    How to boil eggs in an air fryer


    Rinse raw eggs in warm water, this will warm them up, which will protect them from cracking.

    Place eggs on the middle rack of the air fryer. Cook at 200 Cº and average speed fan for 20 minutes.

    If you want to get eggs “in a bag”, then cook for 10 minutes. For large eggs to cook evenly during cooking, it is better to turn them over after half the time has elapsed.

    Methods for preparing eggs are known, if not to everyone, then to many, but none of them lose their relevance throughout the day. At first glance, boiling eggs is a simple matter, but even here there are difficulties and pitfalls. Properly boiled eggs are the key to successful and delicious dish, which will delight the whole family.

    Eggs are incredibly nutritious and useful product. Eating a few eggs for breakfast can easily replenish daily norm squirrel. In addition to being eaten on its own, eggs are also an ingredient in various soups, salads, baked goods and other dishes. However for different recipes required varying degrees eggs are ready. How long to boil eggs? For any method there are certain requirements.

    Make sure eggs are fresh

    First of all, you need to make sure. Insufficiently fresh eggs can ruin the entire dish. Before wondering how long to boil an egg, you need to check if it is fresh. You can easily do this by placing it in lightly salted water.

    The rotten one will float, the egg with a short shelf life will rise a little, and the freshest one will remain at the bottom. This stage is extremely important, since the freshness determines how long the eggs need to be boiled. For example, the freshest ones usually take a little longer to cook.

    You should not boil eggs in a large container or over high heat. In this case, when boiling, the eggs will jump and hit the walls of the pan and each other - this increases the risk of cracks. A medium or small saucepan and slightly boiling water will be optimal for cooking - this way the eggs will be safe and sound.

    Place in the “correct” water

    You cannot put cold eggs straight from the refrigerator into hot, much less boiling, water. Due to a sharp change in temperature, the eggs will simply crack, and you risk going hungry.

    This can be easily corrected by first rinsing the eggs in warm or hot tap water - this will keep them warm and prevent them from cracking during cooking. You can also put the eggs in cold water and gradually bring it to a boil - this method of cooking is called “cold setting”. This reduces the cooking time slightly.

    You can add a pinch of salt to the pan. It will ensure rapid coagulation of the protein - so, even if the eggs crack, they will not leak out. You can also pierce the egg with a needle from its blunt end. Don't worry - the protein won't leak out, it's quite viscous. And this small hole will compensate for the pressure, and the egg will not crack.

    Watch the cooking time carefully. It only takes a couple of minutes to make a mistake, and the egg will turn out completely different from what you planned. Please note that it is most difficult to boil an egg in a bag - this method requires careful control of time, as it is difficult to catch the desired consistency.

    It’s true, it’s very easy to set eggs to boil and forget about them, but in this case they will be overcooked, become “rubbery” and completely inedible. Always time yourself when boiling eggs.

    Contrary to erroneous belief, the color of an egg does not affect its taste at all. The color of the shell depends solely on the breed of chicken. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the yolk: the brighter one contains more nutrients.

    Everyone has different tastes: some prefer semi-liquid whites and yolks, others like cooked whites and a tender runny yolk, while others only accept a fully cooked egg. Cooking methods vary by literally a few minutes, so you need to know exactly how long to cook the egg until it reaches the consistency you want.


    A hard-boiled egg is the most common cooking option. In this case, both the yolk and the white are dense and fully cooked. Hard-boiled eggs are consumed in their pure form and also added to salads, sandwiches and other dishes.

    There are two ways to boil hard-boiled eggs: cold and hot. When cold, as mentioned above, the eggs are placed in cold water and brought to a boil. The cooking time is 7-8 minutes from the moment of boiling.

    Hot laying means eggs at room temperature. They are carefully placed in boiling water, usually with the help of a ladle, making sure that the eggs do not hit the sides or bottom of the pan. Boil hard-boiled eggs while hot for 8-10 minutes. Remember that the freshest eggs need to be cooked about 3-4 minutes longer!

    For easy peeling, place the eggs in cold water immediately after boiling. It is also convenient to peel an egg by rolling it between your palm and the table - the surface of the egg will become cracked and the shell will be easily removed.

    With this method of cooking, the egg turns out almost liquid, the white only slightly thickens around the edges. This cooking option is considered the most useful - the maximum is retained in the egg. useful substances. A couple of soft-boiled eggs for breakfast will give you a productive morning and energy for the rest of the day.

    They cook very quickly and easily, but require exceptional freshness of the products. For a soft-boiled egg to be ready, 2-4 minutes are enough, depending on the required consistency. You must first wash the eggs thoroughly to prevent any contamination of dirt and bacteria. Soft-boiled eggs are also cooked using a hot and cold mixture.

    In a bag

    As mentioned earlier, poaching an egg is one of the most difficult, but also exquisite, methods of preparation. Such an egg is obtained with a dense cooked white and a runny yolk, which appears as if “in a bag”. Typically, a similar result is achieved with 4-5 minutes of cooking from the moment of boiling.

    You may not be able to poach an egg correctly the first time, but don't despair: this dish is worth trying again. Moreover, it should be remembered that large eggs usually cook 1-2 minutes longer.

    You can also prepare an egg in a bag in another way: cook for a minute, and then leave in still hot water for 7 minutes.

    Features of boiling quail eggs

    IN Lately Quail eggs are deservedly gaining popularity. Compared to chicken, their concentration of nutrients is much higher. For example, they contain much more protein, as well as vitamin D and A, which prevents the development of rickets.

    Quail eggs never contain salmonella or cholesterol, so they do not cause allergies, and even small children can eat them. Quail eggs also help in the treatment of gastritis, pancreatitis and other intestinal diseases.

    Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

    How to boil eggs and how long does it take to boil a soft-boiled egg, in a bag, or hard-boiled, so that the yolk of the boiled egg is soft and tasty? How to properly boil a chicken egg in water so that it does not crack and is easy to clean? How to cook a poached egg at home? We suggest you find out the optimal cooking time for chicken and quail eggs and how to cook eggs.

    Conventional boiling of eggs at home often creates certain inconveniences during cooking. When buying eggs, as a rule, you choose whole ones, without cracks, you inspect them from all sides, but as soon as you put the egg in cold water, doubts begin about what heat to cook quail eggs and regular ones.

    How to boil regular eggs

    Usually, when you want to boil a delicious egg with a soft yolk, problems begin with the consistency of the egg yolk. As a result, in addition to the hard yolk, the eggshell on the egg burst, almost all the white leaked out, or the eggs turned out tasteless and overcooked. To top it all off, a boiled egg is very difficult to peel. Each of us longs to enjoy a perfectly cooked hard-boiled, soft-boiled, or pouched egg.

    To achieve an excellent result, you need, firstly, to look at the packaging - it indicates the batch number, date and shelf life of the eggs. This is a kind of hint for the buyer, which not everyone pays attention to. But practice shows that it is completely in vain. After all, knowing the packing date, we can clearly determine what can be prepared from fresh eggs and what needs to wait.

    Advice from the Wonder Chef. Fresh village or store-bought chicken eggs, which are 4-6 days old, are cooked longer than usual by 1-2 minutes, depending on the size. In addition, a fresh boiled egg is quite difficult to peel, since the shell does not break off in large pieces, but only in small pieces. As a result, the protein turns out uneven and unappetizing.

    An ugly protein won't look good on a plate.

    How to cook eggs correctly

    1. The size of the pan for boiling eggs is very important!
    2. To prevent the eggs from knocking on each other and bursting while boiling, you need to select a small saucepan.
    3. The amount of water in the pan should be such that each egg is completely hidden under water.
    4. To avoid cracked shells and leaked whites, cold eggs should not be immersed in hot water before cooking.
    5. Eggs should be placed in cold water. The temperature difference negatively affects the eggshell, and it cracks during cooking.
    6. When cooking several eggs at once, for example, place them in the pan carefully and separately.

    What heat should you use to cook eggs?

    How and how long should you boil eggs so that both the yolk and white are tasty and soft? After the eggs boil, the heat must be reduced and the further cooking process continued over low heat. Strong boiling will make the egg rubbery, and when cooked it will become gray. Such an egg can hardly be used for

    To increase the boiling point and to avoid cracks, add a pinch of table salt into the water. In order to better peel the shells from boiled eggs, after the allotted time in the instructions, the finished eggs are immediately dipped in cold water for 1-2 minutes.

    How to properly boil hard-boiled eggs

    How to boil eggs and how many minutes of time should be measured after the water boils if the eggs need to be hard-boiled? The answer seems simple - put the eggs in cold water and let them cook like... But in order to properly boil an egg for, it is important to know how to hard-boil eggs so that they peel well and are soft.

    Cooking time depends not only on the size of the eggs, but also on the color of the shell. It has been empirically proven many times: hard-boiled eggs cook faster with white shells. With brown shells, it takes longer for the hard-boiled eggs to cook until done.

    The fact is that dark eggshells are stronger, perhaps even thicker, than light eggshells. Surely you have more than once encountered the fact that white eggs burst during boiling much more often than brown eggs with a brown shell.

    Boiling hard-boiled eggs, at first glance, seems to be the most in a simple way. But if you keep eggs in boiling water longer than necessary, they become hard, tasteless and are not even suitable for cooking your favorite

    What you need to add to the pan to prevent eggs from cracking during cooking:

    • water;
    • eggs;
    • salt, vinegar or citric acid.

    We suggest you learn a few secrets so that a chicken egg does not burst and the shell remains intact during cooking.

    What to do to prevent eggs from bursting during cooking

    We select strong eggs without cracks in the shell and inspect each egg. If you did not have time to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, you can warm them up by holding them in warm water.

    1. First, rinse the eggs under running water.
    2. Using carefully, place one egg at a time into a small saucepan or ladle, this is necessary so that the eggs do not “jump” when boiling and do not hit each other.
    3. Pour cold tap water over the eggs until they are completely covered.
    4. Bring eggs to a boil.

    How long to boil hard-boiled eggs to avoid cracking?

    Once the water boils well, reduce the heat. Boil hard-boiled eggs for 7-8 minutes over medium heat so that the yolk is soft but not runny.

    Remove the hard-boiled eggs from the boiling water and cover with running cold water. Leave the hard-boiled eggs in cold water for 1-2 minutes.

    How to properly boil soft-boiled eggs

    Eggs for boiling should always be at room temperature, no matter what kind of water they are dipped into - cold or hot.

    A soft-boiled egg is ideal for breakfast not only for children, but also for adults. We have the right to eat 1-2 warm, tasty soft-boiled eggs in the morning in combination with toast or butter, saturating ourselves with a full breakfast.

    To properly boil soft-boiled eggs, you need to follow general rules, proceed in the same way as in the previous recipe: put them in cold water, bring them to a boil and measure the cooking time.

    How long to boil a soft-boiled egg in boiling water

    In boiling water (meaning after boiling the eggs in cold water), how long to boil a soft-boiled egg is easy to determine, based on the size of the egg and how it needs to be boiled, what type of soft-boiled egg. There are different types of “soft-boiled” eggs, and it is more correct to divide the soft-boiled egg into two types.

    • You need to cook a soft-boiled egg for 3 minutes in boiling water - from the moment the water boils.

    For the second option, in which the white is more solid, but the yolk is still liquid:

    • The boiling time for soft-boiled eggs will be exactly 4 minutes in boiling water.

    Not everyone likes soft-boiled eggs. But the method of boiling soft-boiled eggs is considered more beneficial for health and normal digestion than hard-boiled eggs.


    How to boil an egg so that the yolk is soft

    To keep the yolk soft, it is better to boil the egg in a bag. Poaching an egg is one of the popular ways to cook chicken eggs. Boiled eggs with a soft yolk are considered a type of soft-boiled egg.

    Eggs in a bag are loved by those who do not like soft-boiled eggs with a runny yolk or hard-boiled eggs with a hard yolk. The pouch represents the middle state of a cooked soft egg between a hard-boiled and a soft-boiled egg.

    Preliminary preparation and cooking itself are done similarly to the methods mentioned above. The only difference between poached eggs is the cooking time. How long you need to boil eggs in a bag is calculated in minutes.

    How long to boil an egg in a bag after boiling

    Many children only eat eggs boiled in a “bag”. Not kids, of course, but older children, schoolchildren, for example, who can cope with this task themselves simply and without much effort.

    For a tasty and proper “bag”, the egg can be boiled exactly 5 minutes after the water boils.

    Poached eggs: what they are and how to cook them

    To prepare a poached egg at home, the main condition is strictly fresh chicken eggs, otherwise a real egg bag - a classic poached egg - will not work.

    Poached eggs are eggs boiled in a pouch, but without the shell. In this unusual method of boiling eggs, water can be replaced with milk or broth: vegetable or.

    How to properly cook poached eggs: recipe

    1. Boil water or other selected liquid in a wide saucepan (about 1.5 liters), add a little salt for taste.
    2. Then carefully break a clean egg and release its contents into a cup or bowl.
    3. Next, transfer (release) the egg into a slightly boiling liquid so that it does not sink to the bottom of the pan, but floats on the surface. If it does settle, carefully remove it with a spatula and continue cooking at a gentle simmer for about 3-4 minutes, until the protein hardens.
    4. Then, with a large spoon or ladle, take out the finished whole poached egg and serve it on the table, in fish, meat, hot and cold, under and with others, sprinkle with herbs.

    Poached food is very tasty boiled eggs Anyone who has never boiled a chicken egg in this way is advised to definitely do so.

    How to boil quail eggs so they are easy to peel

    Quails are not susceptible to salmonellosis and quail eggs do not cause allergic reactions in children. Quail eggs are considered cleaner than chicken eggs and are ideal for healthy baby food.

    Quail eggs are several times superior in vitamins and nutrients to chicken eggs.

    The size of quail eggs is very tiny, therefore, the cooking time for quail eggs differs from chicken eggs.

    How long to cook quail eggs

    Boil a soft-boiled quail egg for 2 minutes.

    Boil a hard-boiled quail egg for 5 minutes.

    Quail eggs, in addition to classical cooking, are widely used in cooking and...

    How long to boil eggs

    Summarize. You already know what needs to be done so that the egg does not burst while boiling and the shell is cleaned well. We remind you how many minutes to cook eggs.

    How long to boil chicken eggs:

    • soft-boiled – 3-4 minutes;
    • hard-boiled in a saucepan – 7-8 minutes;
    • hard-boiled in the microwave – 1 minute;
    • in a bag – 5 minutes;
    • The poached egg is cooked for 3-4 minutes.

    How long to cook quail eggs:

    • soft-boiled quail eggs need to be boiled - 2 minutes;
    • Hard-boil quail eggs - 5 minutes in boiling water.

    If you liked and found this article useful, we will be very glad. We ask you to share your recipes with us in the comments. It is very important to be able to boil eggs and know how to boil an egg so that the yolk is soft, tasty and the shell is easy to clean.

    Friends! Perhaps you know or have heard about new methods - how to boil eggs in special forms, egg boilers and other devices. Write to us!

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