Slavic knives. Boot knife: history, description, wearing features. What did a Russian “shoemaker” look like?

(the text is a compilation of a number of articles from scientific works and the practices of a number of modern pagans)
We are so accustomed to the knife that when we use it every day, we don’t think about what kind of object we own. It is like the air we breathe; we only notice it when it is absent. The word knife itself is known to everyone, from baby to old man, but few know how it appeared. Our ancestors used it in battle long swords, sabers, spears, when it came to hand-to-hand combat, short foot swords attached to the leg were used. Over time, the word sword fell away, and knife was shortened to a short word - knife. We still use this word to designate this ancient object. Where there is history, there are traditions and rituals. And there are many rituals associated with the knife, and this is logical. There are more than thirty names for the knife itself!
Berestyannik, dezhnik, karnachik, kvashennik, dagger, treasure trove, rivet, gag, logs, hammer, mower, pigtail, kosnik, mower, bone cutter, jamb, kotach, kshennik, shovel, misar, musat, woman’s knife, penny knife, man's knife, chef's knife, carving knife, nosik, secretok, cutter, chapel, chapel - 31 and that's not all.
The use of a knife at the dinner table required compliance with certain rules. A knife for cutting bread at dinner, in the family circle, was given only to the owner, when everyone was already at the table; the owner took a loaf of bread and drew a cross over it with a knife, and only after that he cut it and distributed it to family members.
The knife should be with the blade facing the bread. It was not allowed to eat from a knife, so as not to become evil (here the connection with murder and bloodshed is expressed - directors widely use this technique in films).
You couldn’t leave the knife on the table overnight—the evil one could have killed you. Not
If you gave someone a knife with its point, there would be a quarrel with that person. There is another explanation, but that will come later.
The knife served as a talisman against evil spirits, so they didn’t give it to a stranger, especially if they knew that the person was bad, because the knife can become “infected” with its dirty tricks
The knife was widely used in rituals, during love spells, in folk medicine etc. In maternity rituals, a knife was placed under the pillow of the woman in labor, along with fragrant herbs and three woven wax candles, to protect against evil spirits.
When the baby appeared, the father forged a knife himself, or ordered it from a blacksmith, and this knife accompanied the boy, youth, man all his life.
When a child was brought into the house, after the naming ceremony, a knife, along with coal, an ax and keys, was placed on the threshold of the house, over which the parents and the child had to step (step), and often the child himself was applied to objects lying on the threshold.
The knife, along with other sharp and hard objects: scissors, keys, arrows, pebbles, animal teeth, was placed in the child’s cradle immediately after his birth, which was supposed to make up for the “insufficient hardness of the child” and was not removed until his first teeth appeared.
If a child did not begin to walk for a long time, a “tow” was tied to his head. Without a spindle, the mother spun a long and thick thread and made “fetters” out of it, which she used to entangle her legs. standing child, took a knife and cut the “fetter” between the feet on the floor. The ritual was called “cutting the bonds” and was supposed to help the child quickly learn to walk.
When cutting a child's hair for the first time, he was seated on a table, usually on a casing, under which a spindle or comb was placed for a girl, an ax or knife for a boy.
In men's associations, parties, artels, everyone was obliged to carry a knife or dagger made specifically for combat use and not used anywhere else.
The use and carrying of a knife was strictly regulated.
There are three known wearing methods:
1- on the belt,
2- in the boot top,
3- in the pocket on the chest.
We are interested in the position “on the belt”, because it is considered more ancient.
During the ritual, the knife was often shown hanging on the belt, while on weekdays it was carried secretly. Hanging knife; (dagger) on the belt was very functional in wartime.
Everywhere in the Tver region they emphasize the connection of the combat knife with the concept of manhood, honor, and courage. The ban on carrying a knife was perceived as an insult to male dignity.
Everywhere among the Slavs, a knife and scissors were used to protect persons in a situation of “transition”: pregnant women, women in labor, newborns, and especially unbaptized children and newlyweds. A pregnant woman carried a folding knife in her pocket to protect herself from the evil eye. Along with other sharp objects and thorny plants, the knife was placed next to the woman in labor (stuck into the door frame, placed under the pillow, under the bed) to protect her from damage and evil spirits. When leaving home in the six-week period after giving birth, the woman in labor had to take a knife with her, usually tucking it into her belt, hiding it in her pocket or in her bosom, so that she could not be spoiled and so that she could not harm anyone with her ritual impurity. A knife, along with a needle, salt, coal, a piece of bread, a piece of brick from the stove and other amulets were placed under a child’s pillow or cradle, stuck into the cradle from below to protect him from the evil eye, to prevent evil spirits from reaching him that could exchange him on his cub. When the newlyweds left the house, heading to the church, a knife was stuck in the ground in front of them, and all the wedding participants stepped over it. When building a house, the knife was placed under the front corner with the tip pointing to the west, so that no one could harm the house and household, so that it would “prick itself” on the knife. Before putting on a new shirt, a knife was passed through it to neutralize the damage. When they were poking, winding or weaving, a knife was tucked into the belt to protect the work from the evil eye.
The knife was widely used to protect against evil spirits and fight against them. With a knife, like other iron objects, they drew magic circle to protect yourself from evil spirits during Christmas fortune telling at a crossroads or when picking up a fern flower on Kupala night; a person who is oppressed by pestilence must circle the house with a knife three times (Bosnian Herzegovinian). A knife, scythe, ax, sickle was placed on the threshold, on the window, stuck in the doorposts and gates so that evil spirits could not enter the house: sometimes it was believed that the sorcerer could not enter the house at all, because there, along with the icon and cross, there is a knife. The knife was placed in bed at night to protect oneself from the zmora (Serbian, Croatian, Dalmatian), striga (Horvian), vampire (Serbian), brownie (v-bel), walking dead man (s-rus). The knife was placed in the coffin of an “unclean” dead person: a sorcerer (poles) or a vampire (yu-slav), so that they would stab him if they wanted to rise from the grave after death. To save the deceased from the fate of a vampire, they stuck it in front of his head while he was lying in the house. big knife(Bosnia).
In cattle-breeding magic, the knife was used as a talisman for livestock against damage, disease, predatory animals, witches and sorcerers. During the first herding of cattle, a knife, as well as scissors, a sickle, a scythe, an ax and other iron amulets were placed under the threshold of the barn, placed in the gate at the entrance to the pen, making sure that the cattle stepped over them, and also stuck into the ground or above the doors , through which the cattle passed, they dragged them with them when walking around the herd, and waved them crosswise over the cattle. On “dangerous calendar dates, for example, on Kupala, along with other sharp objects and thorny plants, a knife was stuck into the wall, roof, doorways of the barn, placed under the threshold, believing that in this case the witch would not be able to penetrate the barn and take away the milk ( forest.).
When using a knife for protective purposes, actions such as sticking a knife and crossing with a knife had special semantics. In addition to the fact that sticking was one of the ways to place a knife in a protected space (by sticking it into a cradle, wall, door frame, belt, etc.), in a number of cases it could acquire stopping semantics. To prevent thunder from hitting the tree under which the person is standing, a knife is stuck into the tree (forest). If you “dreamed” about a dead person, to stop it, they stuck a knife inside the bowl (poles.).
Sticking a knife, on the one hand, blocked the path of danger, and on the other, symbolically “fenced” the carrier of danger to one place. It was believed that the whirlwind could be stopped by sticking a knife into the ground - in this case, the whirlwind would spin in one place until you remove the knife (woodland). When a hail cloud approached, they stuck a knife into the ground to turn the hail away from the crops (Serb.). To prevent fleas in the house, during thunder they stuck a knife into the ground and said: “Thunder, thunder, for fleas” (Ukrainian). When the bride was sent to the young man's house, a knife was stuck into the ground in the courtyard of her house to protect her from damage (woodland). A charm knife stuck into the ground protected a person or cattle from attacks by wolves (V.-Bel.); on St.'s day Yuri, during the first pasture of cattle they stuck a knife under the threshold of the hut so that the wolf would not touch the cattle (in white). If the cow did not return home for the night, the healer would “spot” the lost cattle by sticking a charmed knife into the wall of the passage.
The knife is a symbol and a necessity. The knife has been and remains one of the most important objects that accompany a person throughout his history. Nowadays we sometimes stop noticing it, because the knife dissolves among many other things surrounding a person’s life. But in the distant past, a knife was often the only metal object that a person possessed. IN Ancient Rus'(IX-XII centuries) a knife was an attribute of any free person. A knife hung on every woman's belt. A child, at a certain age, received a knife that he never parted with. Why was this subject given such importance?
The knife was not only an everyday functional item. Ancient people perceived the world through the prism of magic. That's why magic functions the knives that our ancestors believed in were no less important. He had many magical properties, which he shared with his owner, and they tried to never give him into the wrong hands. They swore on it. They protected themselves from witchcraft. The groom gave it to the bride upon engagement. When a person died, the knife went with him and was placed in the owner’s grave.
This is, of course, a somewhat idealized picture. IN real life they lost knives and bought new ones, lent them, gave them as gifts, and those that had served their purpose - knives sharpened almost to the butt - were simply thrown away. The knife was a universal and most common tool. This is confirmed by the fact that knives are often the most common finds during excavations. In Novgorod, at the Nerevsky excavation site alone, 1,440 copies of knives were found. During excavations of ancient Izyaslav, destroyed by the Tatars, 1358 knives were found.

From the extensive theoretical part above, you have the opportunity to choose dozens of methods for using a knife by a modern pagan in your life, including in ritual practice.
It remains to make a small recommendation for the ritual knife spell, which is based on the NLG of several practitioners and the processing of ancient spells.
For ritual religious practices, a knife is a frequently used tool.
In rituals associated with cutting off and restriction, a knife is used if the ritual process involves “reification of the unmanifested.”
To make many protective and ritual objects, a knife is used to apply sacred graphics.
In addition, the ritual knife is used to bring animals to the required place, if by lot it fell to be brought with a knife.
Thus, there can be three ritual personal knives. Chisel, ritual knife, knife for making sacrifices. You can combine all functions in one. It's optional.
The dedication of a knife is not much different from the dedication of any other ritual object. Several conditions must be met.
– The knife must be purchased directly for this purpose.
– When purchasing, you cannot haggle or take change.
– The knife should not be used for anything other than its intended purpose.
– A self-forged knife must be completely forged on its own - from the ore to the product, no one should touch the material. Otherwise, it’s better not to bother blacksmiths with these tips unnecessarily, and if you are not a blacksmith, prepare the finished product.
Direct sanctification.
(this is not dogma, just advice)
Do not forget about APPEALS to all those Forces to which you resort for help, and the demands of these forces!
The purchased knife should lie in running water for a full moon in such a way that the moon “sees it.”
After cleansing, the knife must lie for the waxing moon on a natural altar or temple of a predetermined God. If he “leaves” the altar, it means he is unfit.
It’s not a bad idea to leave the knife hanging on a tree so that the Winds blow through it, at least for a full week.
A PART of the ritual is published that directly concerns the knife spell - in general, look for advice on the stages of the rituals in our group!
After preparing the place and all stages of the beginning of the ceremony, the central part begins:
1. additional binding to the owner. Drop blood onto the blade so that it spreads and dries on its own. Do not specifically wash or rinse off. CAUTION – DO NOT CUT YOURSELF WITH THE KNIFE, BUT DRIPP YOUR BLOOD ON IT.
Ritual Knife Spell:
In the presence of living fire, the spell is pronounced three times.

There is an iron pillar, on that pillar there is an iron man, he tempers the iron tightly - firmly, the iron is sharp, the iron is strong, what lay in the ground did not lie, what burned in the fire, did not burn out, was not wasted in running water - It was filled with strength, It was not carried by the winds - it was full of strength, strength in strength, strength came out, both in height and in depth, and will overcome everything, here and here and everywhere, be sharp as a word, be quick as lightning, where I say you will go, then you will cut it, so that there was nothing superfluous, nothing else, everything was according to my word, everything was in my will, everything was good and healthy!
(put a lock on the conspiracy in your own way - some with an action, some with a verbal formula, think about it yourself)))
After three days at night, I take a knife under my pillow during the day. Further store with ritual objects, act at your own discretion.
Also, an example of a plot for a knife, the plot has been greatly revised, and rather it is entirely creative))):
On the Okiyan sea, on the island of Buyan, there stands an iron pillar. On it is an iron man, He tempers damask steel, he speaks and pronounces these words to the iron:
I speak to all Spirits, Earthly and Heavenly, Underground and Underworld, to all Forest, Meadow, Field, Water and Swamp, Wind and Mountain, Naughty and dissolute Demons, And from evil people for all malice and wickedness, for envy and jealousy, for all decay, for a dashing look and other evil, dirty lessons, and evil witchcraft rumors, and witchcraft spells, and for all ailments, and all sorts of harm to the belly!
You will not be there during the days or at night, neither at the Dawn nor at the Evening, nor on the roads, nor at the crossroads, nor in the village, nor at the crossroads,
Not near rivers and banks, Not near mountains and valleys, Not near forests and swamps, Not in a house, not in any building! Where this iron is there, there is no lie! (The lock is at your discretion.)

In conclusion, I will also add a spell, in a small treatment for cleansing, using a knife. (processing is highlighted in CAPITAL LETTERS - the rest is authentic)
In the golden stone is the THRONE OF GOD.
There is a table, Mother Presveta MOKOSH sits on the throne, holding a copper dish and a knife. Then I will cut off the portions and the portions, and the lessons, the cuts - from the bones and from the ears, and from the clear eyes, from the white hands, from the playful legs, from the heel veins, from a single vein, from a single bone, from a single joint, from a girl from simple-haired, from the white-haired woman, from the peasant from Tsernek. Just as they came, go to the old master, to the old ataman! At dawn, and at dawn, and at midnight - and every day, and at every hour! SO BE IT! . (Rinse it in the water, whether it be for livestock or for a person, or for a child, or for someone else. Pour water into a vessel, take a knife in your hands, lower it into the water and speak.)

Unusual national knives characteristic of small peoples living in some specific natural conditions. Both the traditional knife of the indigenous peoples of the north, Ulu, made from slate, and the Malay parang, ideal for cutting a path in the jungle, fit this description. Our Slavic ancestors, who inhabited the middle latitudes, preferred to carry multifunctional knives of simple design and medium size, which could be used both as a weapon and as a working tool. So, what kind of knives did our distant (and not so distant) ancestors have and which of them do we use now?

Guy's knife

Its name corresponds to its place of origin - the Kamchatka village of Paren. The design of the paren knife is very similar to the products common in Finland. Currently, the term “parensky knife” means a hand-forged knife with a blade made of heterogeneous composite material - they say that with parensky knives it was even possible to remove shavings from the blades of ordinary table knives. Today, the village of Paren has become a remote village, and the technology for making knives is considered lost - so those same Paren knives remain in people’s memory only in the form of legends. The knives now manufactured under this name have little in common with these legends.


It’s also a 1943 model reconnaissance knife, also known as HP-43. The Cherry knife replaced the HP-40 army knife, which remained in service in the armies of the USSR and Warsaw Pact countries until the 60s. Why did this knife get the name “Cherry”? The fact is that on the guard of the knife there is a mark - the letter “P”, quite similar to this berry. "Cherry" is still in service with Russian security forces. Of course, from a later date of manufacture.

Scout knife

Although edged weapons finally faded into the background by World War II, this did not negate the fact that a soldier needed to have a simple knife in his arsenal. But strange as it may sound, before the military actions taken Soviet Union against Finland the Red Army did not have any special blade in service. And only after the end of the Finnish company something significant happened for Soviet soldiers event - the appearance of a scout knife of the 1940 model.

Knife "shoemaker"

Russian boot knife- as the name suggests, they were hidden behind the top of the boot. A convenient way to transport when your hands are full and an additional means of protection in case of a dangerous situation. The shoemaker is mentioned in the printed version of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” published in the 19th century.

Underside knife

A combat knife or dagger with a long and narrow faceted blade was called a podsaidashny or podsadachny knife. Its name comes from where it is worn - under the saydak (bow case), on the side of the belt. That is why it is difficult to say exactly what shape these knives were - historians have the opinion that all large ones were called sideknives combat knives indiscriminately if they were worn on the belt under the sidek.


A mower, sometimes also called a “woman’s axe,” is a large utility knife with a wide and thick blade. It was usually made from a piece of a scythe (hence the name), and when the scythes stubbornly refused to break, from any scrap metal that came to hand. It’s safe to call a mower the Russian equivalent of a machete - this huge, rough knife is successfully used for cutting branches from felled trees, clearing grass from grassy fields, chopping bones, and even scraping the floor in a house.

Bogorodsky knife

The name of this carving tool comes from the village of Bogorodskoye - the center of traditional wood carving, whose symbol is the well-known toy - “Blacksmiths”, depicting a man and a bear who take turns hitting an anvil with hammers, you just have to pull the movable bar. The Bogorodsky knife has a straight short blade. Successfully used for both coarse and fine carvings. It is often made by carvers for themselves, so the design, shape of the handle and the cost of such knives can vary greatly.

Samsonov hunting knives

Egor Samsonov was a modest Tula craftsman, but the knives and daggers he made were considered standard hunting knives among the Russian aristocracy and were considered favorites of Emperor Nicholas II. After the death of the master in 1930, eminent metallurgists struggled for a long time over the mystery of the strength of the so-called “Samson knives”, which look so laconic and even ascetic, but the solution was never found. The exact number of knives produced by the workshop is unknown, according to some sources - 3356 pieces.


In Russia, a knife that came to us from Finland for a long time It was considered exclusively a weapon of criminal elements and was even banned until 1996. However, its true purpose is completely different. The Finnish knife is multifunctional, it is perfect for cutting meat, cleaning fish, and is indispensable on a hike and for household needs. The Finnish blade is characterized by a short straight blade, a bevel of the butt like a clip-point or “pike” in Russian, and a mounted handle.

Yakut knife

Not a single sphere can do without the traditional Yakut knife - bykhakha, the design of which has not changed for many centuries. economic activity Sakha people. Its shape is ideal for long, painstaking work, allowing it to be done with minimal costs energy. The blade profile is asymmetrical. The slightly convex left (if you hold the handle towards you) side of the blade is sharpened, unlike other knives with an asymmetrical profile, which, as a rule, are sharpened on the right side. There is a logical explanation for this: the convexity on the blade makes it easier to process wood, cutting meat and fish (including frozen fish), and skinning animals.

Handmade Slavic knives: Damascus steel on the official website. The best store in Russia.

According to archaeological excavations The Slavs had knives almost from the very beginning of the formation of society. Over time, the knife changed and improved. On this moment The knives have a very attractive appearance and excellent quality. We make all our knives by hand and when you receive your product, it will look even better in your hands than in the photo. We love our work and are proud of it.

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Russian knives

The knife helped the Slavic ancestors solve many issues. Such as:

  • economic
  • food production (hunting, fishing)
  • ritual

I would like to say more, the knife in Slavic tradition played a huge role and is considered part of the Russian (and many other peoples) costume. Centuries-old history Our people's life is filled with ups and downs, but at all times Russian knives have been distinguished by their quality and aesthetics. Continuing the glorious tradition of our ancestors, our craftsmen make masterpieces that truly delight their owner.

Slavs have knives

The traditional Slavic knife is part of the culture and tradition of our ancestors. In Rus', a knife was considered a sign of a free person. Just recently back in Russian Empire the sale of weapons was permitted and did not require any special permits. The situation changed only in 1900 - 2000, when a sharp refusal began at the behest of the state. Early in 1900, knives were distributed throughout Russia in huge quantities.

Damascus steel

Creating Damascus steel takes a lot of time and effort, but it is worth it. In order to make a product from of this material requires a deep understanding of blacksmithing and talent. For many people, Damascus steel is super high-tech and represents the highest bar in knife and ax making. The most important quality is that the layers are alternated to achieve ideal parameters. All work is done by hand and the product in your hands will look much better than in the photo. In addition to the fact that the knife has the highest technical characteristics, it also enchants with its beauty and aesthetics. Our craftsmen are number 1 specialists in Russia and for almost 10 years there has not been a single bad review. The works are really very worthy and would be suitable as a gift for the most dear people your heart and of course for yourself.

Shop (official website) knives

Our website is an official store that operates thanks to the work of hundreds of people. The Slavic site is a huge platform that is engaged in the development and promotion of old Slavic crafts. We have united the best specialists into one team and are guided primarily by quality. At your service we can offer a huge selection of knives from the best blacksmiths in Russia. Good job in kind hands. Glory to Rod!

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Knives reviews

In order to see reviews, you need to find a group on the VKontakte social network called: Slavic Shop Grad. In the discussions you will find reviews and if it is convenient for you to place an order through social network, then write to Natalya Slavina. The order will be placed as soon as possible short time. An individual approach to each buyer.

Since ancient times, a knife has been both a weapon and a household item. Difficult o list all areas of activity where a knife was and is used: cooking, pottery and shoemaking, making wooden products, hunting.

In addition, a knife has always been considered a worthy and expensive gift. After all, sacred properties have always been attributed to the knife. And the use of these weapons was often accompanied by special rituals and conspiracies.

In ancient times, a man received a knife almost immediately after birth.The father forged a knife for the newborn with his own hands or ordered it from a blacksmith. Often, a knife, along with other sharp and hard objects: scissors, keys, arrows, pebbles, animal teeth, was placed in the boy’s cradle. It was believed that this provided strength, endurance, and strength of character. These items were removed from the cradle after the child’s first teeth appeared. When cutting a child's hair for the first time, he was seated on a table, usually on a casing, under which a spindle or comb was placed for a girl, an ax or knife for a boy. The knife was used as a talisman in many rituals and love spells. He protected from evil spirits, gave strength and confidence. A knife should not be given to a stranger. In the minds of our ancestors, the knife was a powerful carrier of energy, both good, creative, and aggressive and destructive.

Knife in battle.

The Byzantine chronicler Procopius of Caesarea in the 6th century wrote about the weapons of the Slavs: “The warriors’ shields are made of ox leather, light, and all weapons are light - spears made of strong wood..., cubit-long swords and short knives, as well as scabbards for them, are successfully made.” The above quote describes combat equipment Slavic warrior of the 6th century. It is also known that several centuries later the knife did not lose its status military weapons. It is known that the strong and combat-ready squad of Prince Svyatoslav was armed, including with shoe knives. Researcher Maria Semenova writes: “Each warrior had with him a knife, a convenient household and camping tool, which, of course, could serve in battle. The chronicles, however, mention their use only in heroic martial arts, when finishing off a defeated enemy, as well as during particularly stubborn and brutal battles.”

When challenging an enemy to a fight, a knife was also used. In this case, the weapon was stuck into the ground or into the “mat” if it happened indoors. Currently, scientists call knives longer than 20 cm “combat” knives.

Combat knives: 1 – skramasaks, 2 – underside knife, i.e. worn during saadak, 3 – boot knife, 4 – traveling knife, 5 – daggers.

The knife as an attribute of masculinity.

There have been cases in Rus' when the ban on carrying a knife was perceived as a direct insult to male dignity.

Usually the knife was worn on a belt or in the top of a boot. The first method is considered more ancient. During holidays or rituals, the knife was usually shown and put on display. It is believed that most rituals associated with sticking a knife into the ground are associated with fertility. Mother Earth, Mother Cheese-Earth personified feminine and fertility. And a knife or dagger, respectively, is masculine. The knife entering the ground symbolized the fertilization of the earth. It is not for nothing that on some ancient figurines the idols very clearly depicted a dagger instead of the male reproductive organ.

But the perception of the earth as a woman, and the knife as a symbol of the masculine principle, was rather not sexual, but epic, global, universally giving birth.

Knife at the dinner table.

The attitude towards the knife at the table was no less solemn. For example, bread was cut either by the owner of the house or by the eldest woman. When the family gathered at the table, the owner would cut the bread decorously and with great respect, placing it on his chest. It was forbidden in ancient times, and is still considered a bad omen, to eat from a knife. The knife was placed on the table only with the blade facing the bread. At night, all sharp objects were removed from the table to avoid quarrels and conflicts.

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