The change of seasons of the year occurs due to... The movement of the earth and the change of seasons. The endless waltz of the Earth and the Sun

These didactic materials will help your child quickly learn and remember the names of the seasons and months. Download and print the calendar picture; you will need to hang it in a visible place so that the child often sees the calendar with his eyes during the day. He will involuntarily scroll through his memory the names of the seasons, winter, spring, summer and autumn months.

Naturally, before this it is necessary to familiarize the child with these seasons. Start your story with winter. Be sure to tell the signs of what happens in nature at this time of year, what the weather is like, so that the child can feel and vividly imagine full picture season.

in winter the day is short. The sun is low and warms weakly. Snow falls. Cold. People wear winter clothes. In winter we celebrate everyone's favorite holiday - New Year.

in spring the day is getting longer. The sun is warming better. It is getting warmer. Snow is melting. Streams are flowing. Leaves appear on the trees. Grass begins to grow. Flowers are blooming. Migratory birds arrive. People wear demi-season clothes. The most famous spring holidays are March 8 and May Day.

In summer the sun is high, shining brightly, warming well. The weather is hot. Flowers bloom and berries appear. people wear summer clothes. You can swim in natural reservoirs and sunbathe.

in autumn the day is getting shorter. The sun is lower. It's getting colder. The harvest of vegetables and fruits is ripe. Leaves are falling from the trees. Migratory birds fly south. It rains often. People wear warm clothes. The most famous autumn holiday- day of knowledge.

And winter is coming again...

Do not forget to discuss the very concept of “seasons”, what a year is. Children often confuse “season”, “time of day”, “week”, “month” and simply “time”, immediately distinguish between these concepts. Riddles will help with this:

There is a tree in the royal garden. On one side the flowers bloom, on the other the leaves fall, on the third the fruits ripen, on the fourth the branches are pruned. What kind of tree is this? (year)

These birds fly in a line,
And they won't come back anymore.
There are seven birds in every flock,
You all know them! (Days of the week.)

twelve brothers
They wander after each other,
But they don't overtake each other. (Months.)

The bridge stretches
For seven miles,
And at the end of the bridge -
Golden Mile. (A week.)

They come every year
To visit us:
One gray-haired
Another young one
The third gallops
And the fourth one is crying. (Seasons.)

Invite your child to come up with his own story about the seasons.

Don't forget to tell your child that a year consists of 12 months, and each season has 3 months.

Calendar seasons

Further knowledge can be deepened by dividing what happens in nature into months, as shown in the pictures. Ask your child questions: “When do the leaves fall from the trees?”, “When will we go swimming in the river?” and the like in order to retain the material well in memory.

There are calendars on sale with a moving hand for studying the seasons and months of the year. You can make such a calendar with your own hands by simply printing out a drawing and attaching a cardboard arrow.

Cards, coloring pages and riddles will help children consolidate their knowledge about the seasons.


You need to cut along the lines.

IN kindergarten or at home you can make an applique from colored paper on the theme of the seasons. Sample:

How to learn the names of the months with your child

A simple poem will help you remember the months:

January was walking through the snowdrifts, the king of all winter frosts!
February caught up with him - he lost his shawl from the blizzard.

March came running for his shift and the ringing rang: “Spring, let’s start!”
April sailed along the streams, he carried drops in his pocket.

The leaves of May rustled: “Take off your warm jacket!”
The dandelion carried June. Do you want a miracle? Just blow!

And in July, and in July we had a holiday at sea!
August was buzzing with bees and sitting like a mushroom in the forest.

In golden September we forgot about the heat!
The wind blew in October: let's pick up yellow leaves!

November froze us and threw the first snow on the ground.
December is upon us, ending a long year!

(c) Irina Gurina

Or another poem:

We have learned the names of the months and their order, now you can tell your child the secret of how to determine/count the number of days in a month using their fists :)

Don't forget to tell us about leap year!

Thirty days are always in September,
In April, June and November.
One day more in other months,
Only February doesn’t want to catch up.
There are only twenty-eight days in it,

Change of seasons - a natural phenomenon, which we treat as a completely ordinary thing, but, nevertheless, this process is caused by the most global astrophysical “cataclysms.” We cannot notice them even with the naked eye, like, for example, an eclipse of the Sun, and yet they are there.

To put it simply, seasons are periods into which the annual cycle can be divided. Moreover, this division is quite arbitrary - after all, in the weather and climate sense, there is no completely clear boundary for the change of seasons. For example, the main characteristics of winter are cold and snow (for middle zone Russia, for example). However, March can sometimes be much colder and snowier than January. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “March comes, put on three trousers.” So when we talk about the change of seasons, we must understand what exactly we are talking about. Relatively speaking, the seasons are divided according to the way they are determined. And there are several of these methods.

The author of the photo above took pictures of the same place every day for a year. The result is collected in one photo - conditionally, each vertical line corresponds to one calendar day. It’s clear, isn’t it?

The most common thing for us is to determine annual cycles using the calendar. This is the most conventional division, invented by man solely for convenience. The names of the months and their beginning are conditional; in different calendars it is defined, let’s say, schematically. Suffice it to remember the difference between (which we now use) and Julian calendar. The latter was in use before the 1917 revolution. And he still uses it Orthodox Church. By Gregorian calendar the change of seasons occurs approximately 13 days later. Who caught Soviet times, remembers that we celebrated the Day of the October (!) Revolution on November 7, although it actually happened on October 25.

By the way, the division into 4 seasons (each lasting 3 months) is accepted among most peoples of the world, but not among all. For example, the Sami calendar has eight seasons, while the Hindus have six.

The astronomical method of determining the time of year is less conventional and independent of humans. In the astronomical method of determining summer, autumn, winter and spring, the starting point is not specific dates in the calendar, but the moments in time at which solstices and equinoxes occur. At the solstice, winter and summer begin, and at the equinox, spring and autumn begin. So, for example, in 2015, winter began on December 22 (2014) at 4:48 a.m., spring on March 20 at 10:45 p.m., summer on June 21 at 4:38 p.m., and autumn on September 23 at 8:20 a.m. Obviously, from the point of view weather conditions, this is more like the truth.

Why do cyclical climate changes occur?

The main reason for the change of seasons is known - the seasons change due to the fact that the Earth has a tilted axis. As a result of this, in different moments time our planet receives different quantities heat and sunlight at different latitudes.

From September 22 to March 21, the Earth is in such a position relative to the Sun that its northern hemisphere faces the star for less of the day and Sun rays fall at a smaller angle, which means it heats up less sunlight. In the Southern Hemisphere at this time everything is just the opposite. Six months pass, and our planet is already moving to the opposite point of its orbit. And again, due to the tilt of the axis, the Northern Hemisphere faces the Sun with its surface for much more time, and, therefore, receives more heat. This is, in fact, how the seasons change.

Seasons as 4 equal ranges

In mid-latitudes, a formal, calendar division of the year into 4 equal periods is often used. For example, in most countries in the northern hemisphere the following start and end dates for the seasons are accepted:

  • Winter - from December 1 to February 28 (for leap years - until February 29)

Mechanism of changing seasons

The main reason for the change of seasons is the tilt of the earth's axis relative to the ecliptic plane. WITH spring equinox In autumn, the northern hemisphere receives more heat than the southern hemisphere. The rest of the time, the southern hemisphere receives more light than the northern.

If there were no axis tilt, then we would not have seasons, and day and night would last the same throughout the year. Quantity solar energy, reaching a certain point on the earth, would be constant. Now the planet's axis is at an angle of 23.5°. In the summer (from June) in the Northern Hemisphere it turns out that northern latitudes receive more light than the Southern ones. The days are getting longer and the position of the sun is getting higher. At the same time, it is winter in the southern hemisphere. The days are shorter and the sun is lower.

Six months later, the earth moves in its orbit to the opposite side Sun. The slope remains the same. Now it's summer in Southern Hemisphere, the days are longer and there is more light. It's winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Change of seasons in different climate zones

  • In the Equatorial belt, winter and summer are rainy seasons, while spring and autumn are relatively dry.
  • In the tropical zone, the cold season is the rainy season, and the hot season is the dry season. It is worth noting that in deserts there may not be rain even during the cold season.
  • In the temperate zone in the oceanic climate zone ( Western Europe, Atlantic coast North America) the bulk of precipitation occurs in autumn and the first half of winter. In cold times, snow cover is established in part of the belt. Spring and summer bring occasional rainfall along with cyclones. In the zone of temperate continental and continental climate (Eastern Europe, Southern Siberia) autumn and winter are much drier, and the wettest are summer months. In the monsoon climate zone ( Far East) precipitation falls almost exclusively in the summer in the form of intense downpours; winters are dry and snowless.
  • In the Arctic and Antarctic zones, the change of seasons is expressed primarily in the change polar day and polar night. Due to the ongoing ice age, there is little seasonal variation in precipitation and temperatures remain below freezing.



See what “Time of year” is in other dictionaries:

    Season Dictionary of Russian synonyms. time of year season Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Synonym dictionary

    season- Periods during the year lasting several months, with characteristic climatic features, caused by changes in intensity solar radiation or differences in moisture (in temperate zone There are four seasons - winter... Dictionary of Geography

    season- season - Topics Oil and gas industry Synonyms season EN season ... Technical Translator's Guide

    season- ▲ season s, specific, weather time of year part of the year characterized by certain weather. stand (it's summer). ▼ winter, transitional season ↓ warm weather cm … Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    season- Syn: season... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    Winter, a season that has lasted in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth since winter solstice(December 21 or 22) until the vernal equinox (March 20 or 21). In everyday life the months are December, January, and February; in the Southern Hemisphere... ...

    Summer, a season that lasts in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth from summer solstice(June 21-22) until the autumnal equinox (September 23). In everyday life, L. is called the months of nurses, July, August. It is winter in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth at this time. Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    The hottest time of the year, lasting from the summer solstice to the autumn equinox, therefore, in the north. hemisphere from June 9 (21) to September 11 (23), and in the southern hemisphere from December 11 (23) to March 9 (21); thus, in the north. hemisphere L.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    - “ANOTHER TIME OF THE YEAR”, Russia, VGIK, 1992, 28 min. Experimental film. Director: Andrey Karpenko (see Andrey KARPENKO). Scriptwriter: Andrey Karpenko (see Andrey KARPENKO). Cameraman: A. Saleh... Encyclopedia of Cinema

I'm a terrible creep. I can’t imagine how I would have to live in London, St. Petersburg or Novosibirsk. I want to live in Greece... On the seashore... Yes, it’s not for nothing that scientists consider the Mediterranean the optimal area for human comfort. And since I was born and live in Ukraine, sometimes I have to endure winter. It’s good that we have little snow and not too cold. Almost like the Mediterranean Sea.

Change of weather at the address: orbit of planet Earth

Our planet is designed in such a way that revolves around its axis and Sun. Of course, not as accurately as the globe shows us, but it’s similar.

And here she is flies in orbit for a whole year. During this time, it rotates around itself 364 times. AND deviates from the axis to the sun then southern, then northern part .

Seasons vary in the mid-latitudes of the northern and southern hemispheres. For example, when it is winter here, it is summer in Australia. And vice versa. To the poles, as usual, solar heat doesn't get it. And at the equator there is an eternal solarium.

Winter and summer

I watch Game of Thrones, so the combination of Ice and Fire immediately comes to mind. I'm sure you know what I mean. A country must be really huge to at the same time in different parts of it people were freezing from the cold in bear coats, and in another - they ate grapes or languished at a construction site under the scorching sun.

All over the planet no larger country, how Russia. True, there are no African-Russian settlements here. But this country embraces people who are accustomed to both endless winter and sultry summer.

They were born and live here representatives of European and Asian type: With big eyes and fair skin or narrow eyes.

Features of the native region

Here, as in my country and in other countries located in the temperate continental climate zone, there is a unique phenomenon.

4 season in all its glory:

  • we know what it looks like snow;
  • watching it grow green grass and flowers appear on the trees;
  • in the summer we swim in the gentle sea;
  • we can't stop looking at autumn picturesque colors deciduous forest.

In my country, wheat, sunflowers, and buckwheat grow well. Every village has at least one beekeeper, and every garden grows potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, melons...

We are lucky that in the summer the planet turns towards the sun with the side where we live. And he gives us winter so that we can rest from working on the land and appreciate the warm days.

Even in childhood, we notice that nature around us is constantly changing. It’s hot and sunny outside, the greenery is lush and we know that it’s summer. But then a month passes, then another, and it becomes cooler, leaves begin to fall, and it rains. It's autumn. After autumn comes snowy winter, which, in turn, gives way to spring, when the snow melts and streams run. And then summer comes again. Why does the season change? Let's try to figure it out.

Our planet Earth, which is spherical in shape, revolves around a star called the Sun. The Earth makes a complete revolution around the Sun in exactly one year. At the same time, the Earth also rotates around its axis, making one revolution per day. It is due to rotation around its axis that the change of day and night occurs on Earth.

The points through which the Earth's rotation axis passes are called poles. In the Northern Hemisphere, such a point is called the North Pole and it is located in the North Arctic Ocean, and in the Southern Hemisphere there is the South Pole, which is located on a continent called Antarctica.

Astronomers have long discovered that the Earth's axis is tilted relative to the plane in which the Earth rotates around the Sun. Due to this tilt of the earth's axis different times The height of the sunrise above the horizon varies throughout the year. For example, in the summer the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun and you can notice that at noon the Sun is high above your head, almost at its zenith. At the same time, the Sun warms the surface of the Northern Hemisphere so well that summer comes there and all nature blossoms. In summer the days are very long and the nights are short. And in areas close to North Pole In summer the sun does not set beyond the horizon at all and polar day sets in.

When the Earth makes another half revolution around the Sun, the Northern Hemisphere will be tilted in the direction opposite to the Sun, and winter will come. The sun will rise very low above the horizon. The day will become short and the night will be long. Due to the short daylight hours and the low altitude of the Sun above the horizon, the surface of the Northern Hemisphere warms up poorly and winter sets in. In the polar regions, in winter there is a polar night, when the Sun does not rise above the horizon at all.

In the Southern Hemisphere, everything happens exactly the opposite - in June, July, August there is winter and snowing, and in December, January, February, summer time begins.

In intermediate positions of the Earth between “winter” and “summer”, when Northern and South pole equally distant from the Sun, spring or autumn periods begin, depending on the hemisphere. In autumn and spring there are two special days when equal to night. Such days are called equinox days.

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