Countries on the Mediterranean Sea. Hospitable countries and the best resorts of the Mediterranean

Today the Mediterranean Sea washes the shores of 22 countries. Considering that the states of the Mediterranean Sea are located in the subtropical climate zone, excellent conditions are created for the creation of resort bases. Today the Mediterranean coast is favorite place for most tourists from all over the world.

Mediterranean cruises are an opportunity to see with your own eyes past eras, visiting monuments of antiquity, masterpieces of the Middle Ages and outstanding creations of our time. Every day of such a trip brings new impressions, new states of the Mediterranean: the sandy beaches of Tunisia and Malta, ancient Pompeii and the formidable Vesuvius, the leaning tower of Pisa, the wide boulevards of Nice and Barcelona, ​​the canals of Venice and the museums of Florence.

Cruises most often pass through European Mediterranean countries. Tourists visit Italy - the country of sun and wine, spaghetti and olive oil, haute couture and masterpieces of world architecture. And after a busy trip through its famous cities, you can relax on the sunny beaches of the island of Sardinia or stroll through the gardens and olive groves of picturesque Sicily.

Beautiful Spain is another Mediterranean country - a picturesque area with upscale resorts, rich nature and ancient cities. And, of course, sea cruises in the Mediterranean are not complete without visiting Mallorca and Ibiza.

In France, every city is a cultural monument or historical museum, a winemaking center or a luxury resort. Paris, Nice, Cannes, Bordeaux, Marseille, Avignon – attractions are found here at every step. The country's landscapes are no less picturesque: the snow-white peaks of the Alps, beautiful beaches of the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, medieval castles, vast vineyards and charming old distilleries.
Malta is another amazing country included in many Mediterranean cruises. This is a contrasting island, the north-eastern coast of which is densely populated, and almost lifeless South coast ends with steep cliffs towards the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Here is Valletta, a medieval walled city, one of the few remaining in Europe.

Morocco is a Mediterranean country that brings an oriental flair to Western Mediterranean cruises. It is located at the junction of European and Islamic cultures and lies on the border of the greenest mountains in Africa and the largest desert in the world.

The African countries of the Mediterranean region are no less colorful. For example, Tunisia is one of the world's oldest resorts with many historical monuments, sandy beaches and a dynamically developing tourist infrastructure. In addition to traditional beach holidays and modern hotels, Tunisia is home to ancient oriental architecture, unusual cuisine and numerous colorful markets.

Almost all countries washed by the Mediterranean Sea have their own famous resorts. Most of all, Russians love the countries of the Balkan Peninsula. The resorts of Montenegro and Croatia especially stand out.

Montenegro is a Mediterranean country famous for its resorts. Ada Boyana is the southern beach of the country, with a total length of 3.8 kilometers. The beach is covered with the best sand in the entire Adriatic. Ada Boyana Island has a triangular shape. On two sides the shores of the island are washed by the Boyana River, and on the third by the waters of the Adriatic Sea. On the island you can find excellent hotels, good entertainment - everything your heart desires. The resort town of Becici is another pride of Montenegro. The local resort is famous for its stunning Mediterranean nature, and the 2-kilometer golden pebble beach is famous all over the world.

Another Mediterranean country, Croatia, also has something to boast about. In particular, these are the beaches of Brela. Here the water is so clear that you can see the bottom even at a depth of 50 meters. By far the most popular resort in Croatia, which in 2004 became the sixth in the world and the first in Europe.

Today, the states of the eastern Mediterranean have greatly succeeded in developing tourism infrastructure. The beaches of Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus, and Greece annually attract tens of millions of tourists. But, for example, tourists are in no hurry to go to Lebanon or Syria.
If you want to relax like a king, then the city of Limassol (in Cyprus) is already waiting for you.

If you want to diversify your vacation, then in addition to the already well-known resorts in Greece, Turkey or Italy, you can go to Algeria or Libya. Now countries are actively developing their resort beaches. They certainly have potential.

Countries of the Mediterranean basin, traditions and cultures of different peoples, architecture of different eras, endless sea expanses, picturesque islands and hot sun - all these are sea cruises in the Mediterranean, allowing you to see beyond a short time such different and such distant countries.

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Definitely for fans comfortable rest cruise ships were created and special routes and on-board entertainment programs were developed. Having bought such a cruise, you will not need anything! Your ship will carry you along the waves like a floating luxury hotel.

Everyone at school read ancient Greek legends. And even if he didn’t read avidly, he clearly heard the names of gods and heroes. A trip to Rhodes can completely immerse you in the atmosphere of past millennia and give you a chance for a miracle. Maybe you'll get lucky! Take a risk!

If you are going on a New Year's tour of the Mediterranean, be sure to include Greece in your itinerary. Holidays in this country will give you a feeling of ongoing wonder, which is so important for both adults and children to feel at this time of year.

Another Mediterranean country that is definitely worth visiting on a cruise is Israel. The Promised Land will amaze a traveler of any religion with its inner grandeur, and visiting religious shrines will be of interest not only to believers.

Perhaps the most amazing and unusual sea on the planet is the Mediterranean. It separates three different ones, but at the same time serves as a meeting place for a wide variety of cultures, nations and religions. Which countries are washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and which of them do tourists most like to visit? You will learn about this from our interesting article.

Mediterranean: history and geography of the region

Which countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea? What famous cities are located on its shores? Before answering these questions, you need to study in detail the geography and history of this region.

Mediterranea - this is the name of the Mediterranean in English language. This historical region occupies the entire basin of the sea of ​​the same name - the cradle of European and Arab navigation. Ancient civilizations and powers arose on its shores - Phenicia, Ancient Hellas, the Roman Empire. The latter at one time controlled the entire region. Which countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea today?

The total area of ​​the region, according to various scientists, ranges from 4 to 5 million square kilometers. On its territory there are states from two continents and three parts of the world.

Which countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea? Largest cities

Geographically, culturally and mentally, the Mediterranean is divided into three zones (parts): European, Asian and African.

So, which countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea with its waters? These include 21 independent states. These are Spain, France, Italy, Monaco, Malta (an island republic located directly in the water area), Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

The unrecognized countries of Palestine and Northern Cyprus, as well as two overseas territories of Great Britain (Gibraltar, Akrotiri and Dhekelia) also have access to the Mediterranean Sea.

What cities are washed by the Mediterranean Sea? On the shores of its waters there are thousands settlements. Among the largest and most famous cities in the Mediterranean are the following: Barcelona, ​​Marseille, Cannes, Genoa, Napoli, Dubrovnik, Athens, Istanbul, Antalya, Alexandria, Tripoli.

Structure of the Mediterranean: islands, archipelagos, seas

Scientists claim that the Mediterranean Sea is nothing more than a relic of an ancient body of water on a planetary scale - the Tethys Ocean. The Black, Caspian and Aral seas are also its remnants.

The modern Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by a narrow route. It passes between two high rocks, named in ancient times. An interesting fact: in the Mediterranean Sea, hydrographers identify a whole series of more shallow seas. For example, on the maps of this part of the planet you can find the Adriatic, Aegean, Ionian, Cyprus and others.

What washes the Mediterranean Sea? Several large Apennine and Pyrenean islands protrude deeply into its waters. In the waters of the Mediterranean there are also a large number of islands, varying in size. And almost each of them is very attractive to tourists. It is worth mentioning a few of the most famous islands of the Mediterranean: Crete, Malta, Sicily, Rhodes, Ibiza and Mallorca.

Synthesis of cultures and peoples

“The sea in the middle of the Earth” - that’s what it was called in ancient times. This geographical toponym, having been slightly transformed, has survived to this day. Indeed, this is where various peoples, cultures, religions and civilizations have met for centuries. As a result, a unique ethnocultural situation has formed in the Mediterranean.

Already in the third millennium BC, the so-called Aegean civilization arose here, which consisted of several cultures and was complicated by Sumerian influences. Mixed ethnic groups could also be observed within the state of Carthage. Even later, the synthesis of European and Eastern traditions formed a powerful power here - Byzantium.

Thus, cultural syncretism is more than typical for the Mediterranean region. It is this fact that makes it extremely popular among tourists from all over the world.

Tourism in the Mediterranean

The countries of the Mediterranean Sea are visited annually by tens of thousands of tourists from different parts of our planet. The attractiveness of this region is further enhanced by the fact that it is entirely located within a mild subtropical climate.

Of course, the most The best way to experience the Mediterranean is a cruise vacation. It allows you to visit several countries and dozens of interesting cities at once. During such a cruise, a tourist can see with his own eyes how monuments combine with modern creations.

In the Mediterranean, tourists most often visit Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Tunisia and Croatia.

Holidays in Turkey

Each Mediterranean country boasts its own first-class resorts. And the most famous resort country in this region is, of course, Turkey!

This state has today been very successful in developing its tourism infrastructure. Relaxing here is both interesting and very comfortable. Moreover, Türkiye is ready to offer holidays for every taste and wallet size.

Excellent hotels, wonderful beaches, delicious cuisine and getting to know the vibrant local culture - this is what awaits every tourist who decides to visit Turkey. In addition, in a very short time you can see many interesting sights here.

Which cities in Turkey are washed by the Mediterranean Sea? This is the largest metropolis of Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya and Mersin.

Spain and Italy

In the western part of the region is the state of Spain. Tourists value this Mediterranean country for its picturesque landscapes, beautiful nature, sunny first-class resorts and ancient architectural monuments. As a rule, no cruise bypasses Mallorca and Ibiza. But true connoisseurs of architecture should definitely visit the city of Barcelona.

Another European Mediterranean state is Italy. The country of sun, pizza and spaghetti attracts a huge number of foreign tourists. Lovers of unity with virgin nature go to Sicily, but connoisseurs of cultural and historical monuments go to Rome. The internationally recognized center of high fashion - the city of Milan - is also located here.

Balkan countries of the Mediterranean

Five of them have access to the Mediterranean Sea and all of them have enormous tourism potential.

The most attractive of the Balkan countries for tourists is Croatia. Even 20 years ago it fought for its independence, and today it receives thousands of tourists every year. Vacationers are amazed by the unique purity of sea water in Croatia and the huge number of coastal islands.

Montenegro is also famous for its excellent resorts. In particular, the 3.8 kilometer long Ada Bojana beach boasts the cleanest sand in the entire Adriatic.

Albania is gradually gaining popularity among tourists. This country benefits from its beautiful landscapes and extraordinary color. Only in Albania can you taste delicious dishes local cuisine in an abandoned concrete bunker from the last century!

African Mediterranean countries

Of course, tourists do not ignore the African states of this region. Egypt has long gained fame as a resort and tourist country. But even countries such as Libya and Algeria are actively developing their resorts and cities for potential holidaymakers.

Cruise ships are increasingly visiting the ports of Morocco. This state, being located right at the junction of East and West, Islamic and European cultures, a priori arouses interest among tourists.

Tunisia is another Mediterranean state, on whose territory a large number of historical and architectural monuments and museums with ancient artifacts have been preserved. And after a rich cultural program, a tourist here will also be able to fully relax on one of the beautiful beaches. Another feature of Tunisia is its colorful and colorful markets.


Now you know how many countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea. There are 21 of them in total. The Mediterranean is a unique and very attractive region for tourists. First of all, they strive to get to Turkey, Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Croatia. After all, these countries have a lot of attractions, and the infrastructure is in perfect order.

1. Montenegro, Kotor. Labyrinths of old streets. Kotor does not reveal its secrets right away. At first, you wander through the intricate streets, discovering courtyards and hunched churches hidden from view. Only later, when you break out of the labyrinth of alleys, do you discover a huge fortress wall that entwines the city from above and amazingly does not fall down from the cliff. You can spend almost the whole day walking around the fortifications, and it’s better to start early in the morning, before the sun heats up the stones. Montenegrin Kotor lies between the coast of the Bay of Kotor and the Lovcen mountain range. Walking through the alleys and fortress of Kotor, you can read the history of the city: it was founded in Roman times, Kotor was part of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Later there were several centuries of Serbian rule - and again Italian, or rather Venetian, which was clearly reflected in the local architecture. As expected, each era has left its mark on the appearance of Kotor. You should definitely visit the main square, see the arsenal and the city clock tower, built from impressive stone cubes. Be sure to visit the Cathedral of St. Tryphon, built in the 11th century and is an amazing example of the harmonious interweaving of Romanesque Gothic and decorative elements in the Baroque style, look at the canopy of the 9th century and the frescoes of the 14th. The Church of St. Luke (12th century), an example of Romanesque and Byzantine architecture, is the best preserved church in the Old Town. After the walk, it is worth tasting the local gastronomy, the main feature of which is a combination of elements of Italian, Turkish and German cuisine, seasoned with Montenegrin flavor. A win-win option is traditional smoked carp in sauce and rich fish chorba. How to get there? Direct flight from Montenegro Airlines or Transaero to neighboring Tivat, then by bus to Kotor. Where to live? In Palazzo Radomiri, an 18th-century baroque palace carefully converted into a boutique hotel (, from €100). 2. France, Menton. Lemon Festival. The charming town of Menton has everything typical of the French Riviera - winding streets with ancient houses, gastronomic pleasures, luxurious botanical gardens, a casino, the long promenade of the Promenade du Soleil and the old port. At the same time, unlike Nice, a predominantly quiet, intelligent public comes to Menton. The city is surrounded by mountains, thanks to which the climate here is very mild and warm. It is not surprising that this is where the best lemons in the region are grown, to which the entire Fete des Citrons festival is dedicated - at the end of February, a real citrus madness reigns in Menton with a carnival procession and replicas of famous buildings standing on the streets, building material for which the same lemons are used. A cultural experience can be gained at the Jean Cocteau Museum (quai Monleo, 2, entrance €6), located in an ancient bastion, and enjoy the purest example of Baroque architecture in the Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel. For lovers of Russian history, it makes sense to visit the Russian cemetery - Botkin and Lunacharsky are buried here, and explore the church Holy Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, built in 1892. For those interested in botany: there are several parks in the city, the most outstanding is Jardin-Serre de la Madone (, entrance €8). If you get bored, you can always take a ride through neighboring Monaco to Nice or go to Italy - the village of Ventimiglia is only a couple of kilometers away. It also makes sense to take a car and drive south along the E74 federal highway to the Mercantour National Park (about an hour’s drive): there are mountains, rare animals and rock paintings from the 2nd millennium BC. How to get there? By plane to Nice, then by train or bus (ticket from €13 one way). Or by train from Paris. Where to live? Hotel with sea terrace in the heart of Menton (from €55 per day, 3. Great Britain, Gibraltar. Overlooking Africa. In the traditional imagination, Gibraltar evokes only mythical associations. The Pillars of Hercules, the Moors, a unique geographical location, an endless struggle - sometimes bloody and merciless - for a place in the sun. The state is so fabulous, unreal and distant that the very thought of traveling there seems, if not seditious, then utopian. It's like the dream of a city break to the Emerald City. Gibraltar is a British overseas territory in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, and it is very real. Start studying this historical place follows from Cape Europe, where the border between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic passes. This is the most southern point Gibraltar, from where you can see the southern Pillar of Hercules, which is already in Africa. In addition to a mosque and a Catholic church, there is a classic 19th-century lighthouse here. Gibraltar City Museum (, £2) is worth a visit to see the ancient artefacts. Some are tens of thousands of years old. Among them there is even an Egyptian mummy. The main attraction of Gibraltar is Mount Tariqa, whose height is 426 m. You can climb to the top (more precisely, to the platform located at an altitude of 412 m) by cable car. If you look north from here you will see the sandy beach of the village of La Caleta, also called Catalan Bay in honor of the first settlers. Nearly half of the state's area is dedicated to the Upper Rock Nature Preserve. Only in Gibraltar do Barbary macaques live - magots, which are also the unofficial symbol of the country. Dolphins are found in abundance in the surrounding waters. How to get there? You can only fly to the local airport from England; you can apply for a visa at the British Embassy, ​​but an ordinary English one will not work; you need an overseas territories visa. For more information, visit Where to live? In the center of the Old Town, the O'Callaghan Eliott Hotel has a rooftop pool and terrace (, from £120 per night). 4. Northern Cyprus, Famagusta. Othello's Castle. The unrecognized Turkish republic of Northern Cyprus is not the most obvious place to vacation, and few people have heard that you can get to the territory under UN blockade. But those who decide will definitely not regret it - the northern part of Cyprus was the most populated and beautiful before the 1974 war, which divided the island into Greek and Turkish parts. Here you will find sparsely populated beaches inhabited by turtles, forgotten cities and fortresses in the mountains. North of Famagusta, in the Pentadaktylos mountains, there is the legendary crusader fortress of Kantara, the monastery of the Apostle Andrew and the beautiful ancient city of Salamis. Near Famagusta itself there is the dead city of Varosha - a closed area with abandoned hotels and streets overgrown with trees. Famagusta itself does not look like a ghost town at all, although in the center medieval buildings calmly coexist with vegetable gardens and roosters, and modern houses are being rapidly built on the outskirts. The best place for immersion in the history of the Crusaders, Genoese and Byzantines is difficult to imagine. The historical part is surrounded by a ring of powerful fortress walls built in the 13th century. The starting point is one of the main attractions - the Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque, the former Gothic Cathedral of St. Nicholas, built by the Cypriot kings of the Lusignan dynasty in the 14th century. Don't miss the sycamore tree growing near the main entrance - it is believed that this spreading tree is one of the oldest on the entire island. Be sure to check out Othello Castle - Othello's castle, apparently, this is where famous events from Shakespeare's book took place. As some researchers claim, the prototype of the story of the jealous Moor was the fate of the local military leader Cristoforo Moro, Venice's envoy to Cyprus. How to get there? The legal route to unrecognized Northern Cyprus is from Southern Cyprus. Direct flights from Moscow to Larnaca (Aeroflot,, or Cyprus Airways, Where to live? At the family-run Blue Sea Hotel ( 45, Dipkarpaz, Famagusta, 5. Italy, Cinque Terre. Villages on a cliff. To decide whether to go down to the Cinque Terre or not, you should stop on a cliff above one of the towns and see how grapevines stretch along the steep slopes, and the houses shimmer with all colors below... A thin strip of Liguria stretches from the south, smoothly transitioning from the Italian Riviera to the French Riviera. Until the mid-20th century, there were two ways to get to the five villages of the Cinque Terre - either on foot or by sea, so there were few hunters. Five tiny towns - Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore - stretch one after another in a chain, crashing into the sea, gnawing out pieces of land from the gray rocks. The beauty of these places blossomed in isolation from the world, and even our turbulent century cannot change this. In the 1960s, tunnels were cut through the rocks and railway from Genoa to La Spezia. So the locals got a job, and the tourists got a new iconic point on the map of the Mediterranean. There are no pompous hotels with intrusive service, no cars, only modest but bright, like children's candy, narrow houses with textbook green shutters, trains and eco-buses. This place is ideal for comprehending a purely Italian concept dolce far niente- sweet idleness. The best way to come here is by train, rent an apartment somewhere and completely surrender to the local rhythm of life - regularly buy a newspaper in the same place, bask in the sun in the morning and drink perfect Italian coffee. Or you can go on an excursion to the local vineyards surrounding the mountains. Local grapes are used to make white Chinque Terre with a light and tart taste. In the evening, be sure to order a glass, and for dessert - a fortified scacchetra. There are enough restaurants in every village. The most remarkable is located in the Belforte tower in Vernazza (Guidoni, 42, How to get there? To Genoa, and then by train or car towards Livorno. Where to live ? IN cozy room, furnished in traditional style, in the center of Manarola ( 6. Croatia, Trogir. Peka in a pot. It’s easy to get lost in the labyrinth of narrow (some of them difficult for two to pass through) medieval streets paved with cobblestones – and it’s just as easy to get out to the sea, because Trogir stretches along the coast. Having delved into its stone labyrinth, it’s good to walk around, looking at the details of the masonry, skillful carvings, and along the way visiting particularly remarkable houses. The history of Trogir, like almost any Mediterranean settlement, officially dates back to the 3rd century BC. At various times, the city was influenced by the Greeks, Romans, Croats, Venetians and Austrians. Each era left its mark, and as a result, a Old city, a living embodiment of Romanesque architecture alongside Renaissance and luxurious Baroque. The best panorama of the Old Town and the coast opens from observation deck Kamerlengo fortress. The fortress is a living reminder of the Venetians who treacherously captured the city in 1420. Be sure to climb the 47-meter bell tower cathedral St. Lovro (Trg Ivana Pavla II, entrance 15 kn), go down and admire the Romanesque portal from 1240 and the treasury. If you are hungry, there are many restaurants waiting for you in the center, full list can be found at Taverns on the embankment offer tourists dishes of fresh fish and seafood. True, if you are a meat lover, then you should definitely try the traditional dish of Croatian cuisine - peka. They cook the bake in a frying pan covered with a hot lid, and when the lid is opened before your eyes, the smell of meat soaked in spices and vegetable juice really makes your head spin. Especially if you add a glass of local wine - grashevina - to your meal. How to get there? Direct flight to Split (for example, Transaero). Further from Split by bus. Where to live? B&B Vanjaka (, from €50) - several neat rooms with an authentic atmosphere in a 17th-century house. 7. Lebanon, Byblos. City of legends. IN modern world everything changes at a catastrophic speed - the old goes away, the new appears, but it’s nice to realize that there is something unchanged, almost eternal. For example, the relatively small Lebanese city of Byblos, one of the most ancient cities on earth. Almost all the houses are built on old foundations, myths are intertwined with reality, and archaeologists, having started excavations in the 19th century, cannot stop to this day. Having once settled on the warm shores of the Mediterranean Sea, people never left here. And it seems that the inhabitants of Byblos are doing the same thing they did 5,000 years ago - they still plant vegetables and fish. In the old harbor, protected from the sea by a rocky cape, modern fishermen bring fish for sale, just like their Phoenician and Egyptian predecessors. Walk a couple of minutes and in front of you are the remains ancient city, the famous Crusader castle and the old market square. To get a better taste of Byblos, just walk along its streets and alleys, touch the old walls with your hands, many of which have been preserved since the Middle Ages. Feel free to explore - friendly locals will be happy to tell you about their city's history. While exploring the ruins, do not miss the well, next to which Isis mourned Osiris, as well as the tombs of the Phoenician kings (19th century BC). Do you want some simple entertainment? Visit the nearby wax museum. Don't skip a trip to the local market - numerous shops hide a lot of oriental treasures. After a tiring day, stop by Byblos Fishing Club in the old port - they are reputed to have the best fish. How to get there? To Beirut take a direct Aeroflot flight or with a transfer with Turkish Airlines, then by bus or car. Where to live? The coastal, family-run Ahiram Hotel is a two-minute walk from the main attractions (, from €100). 8. Greece, Corfu. In Darrell's footsteps. The capital of the island of Corfu, Kerkyra, is similar to its own name, in which you can hear noise and cheerful rustling. You immediately imagine cheerful Greeks dancing, singing and at the same time roasting lamb in the streets. This is exactly what Kerkyra is like, filled with sounds, on holidays, which happen here quite often. Rich in history, Corfu has absorbed the features of cultures of different peoples - from the Greeks and Venetians to the French and Russians. And therefore, on ordinary days, this city continues to make noise, frying tourists and local residents. Kerkyra is so different and so densely filled with life that a day there is like traveling to several cities at once. Walking along the long Liston street filled with shops, cafes and, of course, tourists, you remember the Parisian Rivoli. Try the specialties of Corfian cuisine at the Aegli restaurant here ( ) - they are highlighted separately in the menu. Then, dying from the heat, you climb to the top of the old fortress and find yourself in a completely different dimension, where everything resembles Durrell’s Corfu - with singing cicadas, floral-coniferous smells and heat. And then you look into the cool, quiet temple of St. Spyridon, the patron saint of the island. It is believed that he needs to pray for financial well-being(try it, they say, it really helps!). Next is the historical center, which is located between two fortresses - Paleo-Frurio and Neo-Frurio, respectively the Old Fort and the New Fort. And when finishing your trip, don’t forget to drink at least one frappe in Kerkyra - here this literally antipyretic drink is prepared absolutely incomparably. How to get there? To Athens by direct flight (Aeroflot, Transaero, from 12,000 rubles), then Olympic air ( - from €50. There are also direct charter flights, for example, Transaero (3 times a week). Where to live? For example, in cozy Elea Beach (from $50) on the seashore. Or at Dassia Margarita, also near the seashore (from $45). 9. Spain, Soller. Set off on an old tram. If you don’t know what awaits you in Soller, the beauty and charm of a small town in the west of Mallorca will give you more emotions than the rest of the island. Tiny Soller rightly claims to be one of the most romantic places, if not in all of Europe, then at least in the Mediterranean. Among the charms of Soller are sunsets, orange and olive groves, authentic island architecture, views of the choppy curves of the Tramuntana mountain range and, of course, the turquoise sea with its cozy beaches. Historically, most of Mallorca's cities are not on the coast, but in the interior of the island. Soller is no exception: the core of the city is located at a distance from the coastal part, they are separated by about three kilometers. An ancient tram, launched almost a hundred years ago - in 1913, runs from the center to the port part of Soller and the beautiful crescent-shaped bay. From Soller, the treasures of western Mallorca are within easy reach: just a few kilometers away is the village of Deia, a very popular destination for many artists, writers and musicians of the 20th century. You can get to Deia from Soller not only by car, but also on foot. A little further south of Deia is Valldemossa. This city became famous thanks to George Sand and Frederic Chopin. The islanders themselves, in particular the residents of Palma, love to wander its streets. Using a three-kilometer road tunnel, opened just a decade and a half ago, you will find yourself in the ancient Alfabia estate (, entrance from €5.5). It was built during the time of Arab rule - the spirit of that era is combined here with medieval art in the Spanish manner. The estate is open all year round, excluding December and Sundays. And next to it is the excellent Can Penasso restaurant ( ) . How to get there? To Palma de Mallorca, and then by train for €10 or by taxi. Where to live? On the seafront, in the Aimia Hotel (, from €90), a spa hotel consisting of 43 rooms. 10. Türkiye, Izmir. Ancient cities. Izmir is not the most obvious place in Turkey. Few holidaymakers make it to this city, which meanwhile ranks third in terms of population, and is sometimes not inferior to Istanbul in terms of nightlife and dynamism. Despite the fact that Izmir grew out of ancient Smyrna, it is a very Turkish city - with jutting minarets of mosques, Turkish-style architecture, old Jewish quarters and a market in the city center. Only the ancient agora and a good collection of jewelry and sculptures at the local history and art museum remind of the Greek influence. The key place of the city is Konak Square, from which you can get to the ever-bubbling market - in addition to shopping arcades, hidden in its depths is a mosque, a caravanserai and a couple of excellent cafes and hookah bars. On the other side of Konak with its famous clock tower, the Cordon embankment stretches out like a regular crescent - on the wide street you can have a great picnic overlooking the sea or sit in Balikci Hasan ( ) - one of the best restaurants in the city, popular with locals. There is always fresh fish and excellent meze. The Jewish quarter of Mithatpasa with its labyrinth of narrow streets and old synagogues is also worth a visit. In search of nightlife adventures, you should head to the Alsancak area - there are many bars and clubs here. LouJain ( ) - one of the best. - You can take a break from the bustle of the city in ancient Ephesus - one of the largest and most impressive museums in the world under open air(four hours of travel one way). Or go to Bergama (two hours away) to see the ruins of Pergamon - they are not as spectacular as those of Ephesus, but there is a good archaeological museum here. How to get there? Turkish Airlines with a transfer in Istanbul (RUB 11,428). Where to live? The Marlight Boutique Hotel (, from €60) has well-decorated rooms with Art Deco elements and a spa.

Countries and resorts of the Mediterranean Sea: maps, photos and videos. Holidays in the Mediterranean, hotels, beaches, water temperature off the coast of resorts.

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The cradle of civilizations, the apple of discord and the oldest trade routes - all this is the “sea in the middle of the earth”, whose waves wash the shores of 22 states, most of which were able to derive direct tourist benefits from this remarkable neighborhood. It is on the numerous coasts of the Mediterranean Sea that the world's most famous resorts are located, to which millions of vacationers from all over the world flock every year. The countries of two continents - Africa and Eurasia, as well as numerous islands and archipelagos provide all the conditions for a complete beach holiday: although not always warm, but sufficient clear waters, a sandy or pebble coast with a remarkably wide coastline, lush fruit-bearing nature and a lot of historical ruins in the surrounding area. What is especially pleasant is that a holiday in the Mediterranean bush can be classified as budget: a little more expensive than domestic “souths” and at the same time a whole range of entertainment and, for now, alas, a level of service that is mainly unattainable in the homeland.

Mediterranean countries

Let us not bend our hearts when we say that the Mediterranean is one of those successful tourism destinations in all respects, capable of offering the demanding tourist almost everything, immediately and at reasonable prices. There’s just so much to be had on the hospitable shores of the “middle sea”: plant-based relaxation in flip-flops and a swimsuit, interesting excursions to the sights of almost any period known to historical science, authentic items of souvenir interest, rich opportunities for learning foreign languages ​​“with immersion”, and terribly tasty, and most importantly healthy Mediterranean cuisine, on whose dishes more than one generation of centenarians has been raised.

Another one characteristic feature Mediterranean, a balm for the heart of an attentive tourist, exceptional variety nationalities, languages, cultures.

Everyone will find something to their liking: praying at the Western Wall in Jerusalem or burning through what they have acquired through “backbreaking labor” at golden parties in Monaco, inhaling the smell of eternity in the Giza Valley or listening to the chirping of cicadas in emerald Corfu, following in the footsteps of the Grand Duchesses on the streets of Istanbul or looking at Fez drowning in the red midday haze.

Other pleasant bonuses of the destination include a short flight (most resorts can be reached in no more than 4 hours), a unified visa regime (we’re talking about Schengen), which allows you to go to your neighbors along the coastline for the evening without any hassle, or in some cases, even lack of visa formalities - like in Tunisia or Turkey. Among other things, the Mediterranean is the most financially accessible of the foreign resort seas - you can find a holiday here starting from 200 EUR “from the nose”. Finally, the climate here is closest to the “universal” climate - swimming season from May to October, absence of sweltering heat in summer and mild, moderately sunny winters. The only downside is the extraordinary popularity of Mediterranean beaches, which in terms of the number of bodies square meter The squares easily resemble the Klondike of the Gold Rush. However, for fans of secluded relaxation, the Mediterranean Sea has in store several secret corners, such as small greek islands, where nothing prevents you from consigning everyday life to oblivion.

The Mediterranean Sea is a unique basin that separates three continents. The Mediterranean countries include European Union, Asia and Africa. Tourists always associate the Mediterranean with a mild climate, warm water, delicious food and have a good rest. The area of ​​this world's largest sea is more than 3 million square meters. km, and it includes the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov. Let's consider which countries wash the waters of the Mediterranean and where it is better to relax according to your interests.

It washes 21 states. All these countries are located on the gentle coasts of the largest sea in the world, and the coastal zone of these countries is distinguished by comfortable beaches and warm, gentle waters. Let's look at where the Mediterranean Sea is located on the world map with the countries around it. On the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea there are resorts in the following countries:

  1. Morocco - Tangier and Saidia.
  2. Spain - Alicante, Almeria, Barcelona, ​​Cartagena, Ibiza, Malaga.
  3. Algeria - Bejaia, Oran, Annaba.
  4. France – Cote d'Azur, Nice, Cannes, Saint-Tropez, Corsica.
  5. Tunisia – Kelibia, Monastir, Bizerte.
  6. Italy – Alghero, Sardinia, Syracuse.
  7. Libya - Tripoli, Kufra, Misrata, Ubari, Tobruk.
  8. Monaco - The entire state is one whole resort.
  9. Egypt - Alexandria, Dellis, El Alamen, Baltim.
  10. Malta - Valletta, Sliema, St Julian's, Bugiba.
  11. Israel - Nahariya, Haifa, Ashdod, Acre, Herzliya.
  12. Slovenia – Portoroz, Isoloa.
  13. Lebanon - Juni, Tyre.
  14. Croatia – Dalmatia, Istria.
  15. Syria - Latakia, Badrouseigh, Al-Samra.
  16. Bosnia and Herzegovina – Neum.
  17. Turkey - Izmir, Bodrum, Marmaris, Kemer, Antalya, Alanya, Belek.
  18. Montenegro – Budva, Milocer, Petrovac.
  19. Cyprus – Larnaca, Limassol, Protaras, Tuscany.
  20. Albania – Vlora, Himara, Saranda.
  21. Greece - Crete, Kythira, Methoni, Rhodes.

Also, such countries on the Mediterranean Sea as the Palestinian State and the Northern Region of Cyprus, as well as Dhakelia, Gibraltar and Akrotiri have access to sunny beaches. Undoubtedly, the most popular among tourists from this list of countries are Greece, Spain, Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, Italy and France. This is where beach lovers from all over the world flock, because there are equipped best beaches and resort areas.

Depth of the Mediterranean Sea - maximum and average

The depth of the Mediterranean Sea is quite varied and depends on the region. Conventionally, the Mediterranean can be divided into three main basins - western, central and eastern. What depth is in each of the basins can be seen on the depth map, because the bottom topography of such a huge reservoir differs in structure in each region. Maximum depth observed off southern Greece in a deep-sea trench and is 5120 m. However, the average depth of the Mediterranean Sea does not exceed 1540 m.

The length and width of the Mediterranean Sea is not indicated accurately; the fact is that the basin is constantly changing its boundaries and it is almost impossible to calculate exact values. The length of the Mediterranean Sea from the northernmost to the southernmost section is approximately 3200 km, and from the western to the easternmost point 1200 km. The total area is 2,500 sq. km. Water temperature in winter months 12C°, and in the high summer season 25C°.

An interesting fact: scientists believe that the Mediterranean basin is nothing more than the remains of the ancient prehistoric Tethys oceanic basin, which covered the main part of the planet with water. In addition to the Mediterranean, these remnants also include the Aral and Caspian. Today, the Mediterranean is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by a strait called the Strait of Gibraltar, this is known to everyone, but not many know that this strait passes between two rocks that were on Earth in the times of ancient heroes and were then called the Pillars of Hercules.

To understand what washes the Mediterranean Sea, you should look at geographical images of the planet. On satellite images and paper maps you can see that four largest peninsulas crash into the waters of the Mediterranean Sea: the Apennine, Balkan, Iberian peninsulas and Asia Minor. Also in the Mediterranean waters there is a cluster of the largest islands, which are also loved by tourists, in the first place are Sicily, Ibiza, Crete, Mallorca, Malta and Rhodes.

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