T 14 accepted for service or not. "Armata": three heads on one tower. Phased array radar

Russia during the dress rehearsal of the parade, dedicated to the Day Victory, demonstrated its most powerful project since graduation cold war– tank "Armata" T-14.

New tank of Russia: general information

Tank "Armata" T-14 will be a real highlight at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany. Thus, about two hundred units will be involved in the parade, which will take place on May 9 on Red Square. military equipment and 16,500 military personnel. Tank production is carried out JSC "NPK "Uralvagonzavod"

Interesting Facts! In April, the Russian Ministry of Defense lifted the veil of secrecy and showed photographs of the innovative tank, only its turret was covered with fabric, so only its platform could be seen. Today you can see the Armata T-14 tank on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, where other types of new armored vehicles are presented. The tank arrived for the dress rehearsal completely open.

Mass production of a new Russian tank

As part of a large-scale rearmament program, it is planned to produce 2 300 T-14 tanks, with the start of operation of this vehicle scheduled for 2016.

Thanks to so many new tanks in Russian ground forces All outdated tanks that remain from Soviet times will be replaced.

But what is the peculiarity tank "Armata" T-14?

Uninhabited tower

The main feature of this unique combat vehicle is uninhabited tower. Thus, the tank’s crew, consisting of three people, is located in a separate capsule, while the gun is controlled remotely.

Thanks to this design, it significantly increases, firstly, security level the crew itself, whose members are in the armored part of the vehicle; Secondly, effectiveness of the use of tools.

In addition, the new uninhabited tower has become much smaller, making it significantly silhouette decreased tank.

Technical characteristics of the Armata T-14 tank

But on an uninhabited tower innovations of the Armata T-14 tank don't end.

A gun

Smoothbore 125 mm gun produces fire not only with conventional projectiles, but also guided missiles.

The gun's ammunition capacity is 45 shells, while automatic loader– 32 shells. The tank's rate of fire is 10 -12 rounds per minute.

Ammunition located in a special module, which significantly increases the “survivability” of the tank. And all thanks to the fact that the possibility of detonation of ammunition when a projectile hits the vehicle body is eliminated.

Important! "Armata" can fire the following types of projectiles:

  • high-explosive fragmentation
  • surface-to-air missiles
  • armor-piercing sub-caliber
  • surface-to-surface missiles
  • cumulative.

Machine gun

The Armata tank is equipped with a twin (two-barrel) 7,62 -millimeter machine gun, located outside the turret (machine gun ammunition capacity is 1000 rounds, while the same amount of rounds is stored in belts at the rear of the turret).

The tank is equipped with an additional installation with 12.7 mm machine gun called “Kord”, which is installed together with the commander’s panorama (the machine gun’s ammunition capacity is 300 rounds in the belt itself, and the same number of rounds is stored in the spare parts box directly at the rear of the turret).

Electronic systems

The tank is equipped electronic systems that collect and analyze tactical data from various sources. The presence of new electronics can significantly reduce the time between detecting a target and directly hitting it.

On the Armata tank the so-called "reaction time" from 5 - 6 seconds to 3 - 4 seconds, like German and American cars.

The following characteristics have also been improved: target engagement range, which for "Armata" is more 3.5 km. For comparison: outdated Russian tanks this parameter did not exceed 2.5 km, whereas modern American and German cars it is equal to 3 – 3.5 km.


Interesting fact! According to the design idea, the Armata platform can be used for others combat vehicles, for example, for an infantry fighting vehicle or self-propelled artillery installation. This will help reduce the cost of manufacturing the listed types of combat vehicles, as well as simplify their maintenance and repair.

The tank platform is presented in two versions:

  • chassis with a front-mounted engine compartment (or PMTO)
  • chassis with a rear engine-transmission compartment (or RMT).


The tank's armor can withstand hits from anti-tank missiles, while active protection helps intercept shells directly on approach to the tank. Armor resistance is more than 900 mm.

Power point

This part of the Armata tank is powerful diesel engine at 1500 hp

Engine life of the tank(the number of hours that the engine can operate without repair) is 2,000 hours.

Installation weight– about 5 tons.

Additional equipment "Armata" T-14

Among the additional systems of the Armata T-14 tank, the following can be noted:

  • air conditioner
  • aircraft-type radar that can detect dynamic and aerodynamic targets
  • night vision system
  • new armor that allows you to reduce the thickness of the hull by 15%, which will not affect the protective characteristics cars
  • protection from so-called weapons mass destruction
  • IUS chassis (or “digital board”), with the help of which it will be possible to implement launching, control, as well as diagnosing and adjusting the machine
  • seven-wheel suspension, which is controlled using vane shock absorbers;
  • 12-speed automatic transmission (manual shift possible)
  • digital control systems that simplify and speed up the operation of the tank.

Note that the Armata tank, whose mass is about 50 tons, equipped with a powerful diesel engine. The car is able to reach speed 80 – 90 km/h.

Armata tank hull

The hull of the Armata tank deserves special attention, which abounds video cameras high resolution, allowing the crew to control the environment. The cameras operate regardless of the time of day and weather conditions.

SAZ (active protection system)

The tank is equipped with a system active protection entitled "Afghanite" thanks to which it became possible to counter enemy shells and missiles at a distance not exceeding 20 m.

Simply put, this system is a tank anti-missile and anti-ballistic defense that protects combat vehicle from ground and air strikes.

The main goal of the SAZ is to implement interception not only high-speed kinetic missiles, but also impact cores, the approach speed of which is 2,500 - 3,000 m/s.

Dynamic protection

In addition to active protection, the Armata tank (or rather the vehicle's turret) is equipped three dynamic protection blocks, which are containers with pre-installed dynamic protection elements separated by layers of filler.

At the end of February, the next stage of testing of new armored vehicles began, created on the basis of the Armata heavy tracked platform developed by Uralvagonzavod. 20 T-14 tanks and T-15 infantry fighting vehicles are participating in the tests. The purpose of the tests is to check the effectiveness of the protection, which is this moment there is no equal in the world. Tanks and infantry fighting vehicles are mercilessly fired upon from various types weapons. According to the deputy director of the Ural enterprise for special equipment Vyacheslav Khalitov, in the field of armored vehicles, Russia is 8-10 years ahead of the leading tank-building countries, including the USA, Israel, Germany and France.

Invulnerable transformer

Work on creating the platform began at Uralvagonzavod at the end of Soviet power - in 1990. Until the mid-2000s, there was barely a glimmer of life in the defense industry; not much was done. But then progress towards the goal accelerated significantly. The result is a unique product, which will soon begin to enter the army. T-14 tanks and T-15 infantry fighting vehicles are expected by the troops at the end of this year, or, in extreme cases, at the beginning of 2017. By the next decade, 2,300 new tanks will be produced.

A number of revolutionary engineering ideas were used to create the Armata, making the platform “multifacetedly unique.” It is extremely versatile, it is a kind of transformer that can turn into armored vehicles for various purposes with a set of different capabilities. There are 30 transformation options, in which the engine occupies different positions, and a variety of weapons can be installed on armored vehicles in various combinations.

Options for creating a tank, infantry fighting vehicle, and self-propelled artillery unit have already been implemented. It is planned to create a tank support combat vehicle, a repair and recovery vehicle, combat control, military air defense, launcher rocket launcher, logistics support

Being fourth generation armored vehicles (in the West there is only the third generation) all tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and others armored vehicles included in the unified tactical level battle management system. The computerized system, based on the tactical situation, distributes roles and assigns tasks to each unit of armored vehicles - tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled guns. Moreover, for the purpose of secrecy, it is possible to transmit information in radio silence using infrared transmitters.

The protection of armored vehicles is also unique, which is 25-30% more effective than the current third-generation tanks. It has 4 levels.

The first level is to ensure the tank's stealth in the optical, infrared and radar ranges. This is ensured by a number of means. Coatings used in stealth technology are used to absorb radiation from enemy radars. Painting is used to prevent the body from heating up, thereby reducing visibility in the infrared range. Exhaust gases are mixed with outside air. Special aerosol clouds are used, including atomized metal dust, which establish a visual, thermal and radio curtain.

The problem of combating homing ammunition based on IR sensors has been solved in an extremely interesting way. Not only thermal fire traps are used against them, but also the “intelligent method”. The fact is that modern anti-tank missiles, having remembered the “image” of the tank when aiming, i.e. his signature, they are no longer fooled by traps and fly towards the image of a tank. But the T-14, thanks to laser technology, is capable of changing its signature, which leads the IR homing heads to “great bewilderment.”

The second level is active defense: destroying missiles and shells approaching the tank. This protection system is called "Afghanite". It involves detecting enemy ammunition that poses a threat using an optical-location system in the infrared and visible range and using radar. Moreover, the tank is equipped with the latest radar with an active phased array antenna; these are just beginning to be introduced into fifth-generation fighter aircraft.

To destroy shells and missiles, grenades installed in mortars located around the perimeter of the tank turret are used. Grenade fragments flying at an angle of 20 degrees intercept enemy ammunition within a radius of 15-20 meters. The Afghanit also uses a high-precision machine gun, which, based on guidance from the radar, is capable of hitting even sub-caliber projectiles with a high probability (having a smaller diameter than the caliber of the gun barrel firing it, and having increased energy and speed).

And finally, equipment for suppressing enemy ammunition is used using electromagnetic pulse, which burns out the homing electronics.

The third level is dynamic armor protection. The armor on the Armata is two-layer, it uses latest materials, developed at the Steel Research Institute specifically for this project. This includes steel with special properties that does not splinter, and composite materials. The outer layer of the armor is cellular; it serves to have a destructive effect on an incoming projectile. Thanks to this, in 95% of cases the core of the sub-caliber projectile is even destroyed. Well, grenade launchers are not capable of causing any harm to the tank.

Thanks to the use of new materials, it was possible to increase the equivalence of frontal armor to 1100 mm for sub-caliber projectiles and 1400 for cumulative ones.

There is also mine protection. It consists of remote mine detectors connected to a mine destruction system. Thus, mines with magnetic fuses are detonated outside the projection of the tank due to distortion of its magnetic field.

The fourth level is internal protection. The crew is located in an armored capsule, where all the electronics are located. The engine compartment is separated by an armored partition from fuel and ammunition. The crew is protected even in the event of ammunition detonation.

Another advantage that existing tanks do not have is active suspension. One allows you to reach a speed of 80 km/h on rough terrain and increases shooting accuracy.

Tank comparison

When comparing the new tank with the American Abrams, two circumstances should be taken into account. Firstly, the Abrams was created in 1980. It was periodically modernized, but the changes concerned only the instrumentation. The armor has not undergone significant changes. True, it was strengthened in the frontal plane by adding several additional plates. However, this was not decisive for enhancing the survivability of the tank. The weight of the tank only increased, the pressure on the soil increased and, accordingly, the driving performance decreased.

Secondly, the creation of a new American tank is not visible in the foreseeable future. And, therefore, the gap of 8-10 years, which the representative of Uralvagonzavod spoke about, in reality may be greater.

From the point of view of the survivability of the two tanks, the advantage is clearly on the side of the T-14. The Abrams has partial reactive armor protection. There is also passive protection (multi-layer armor), but it is only available in the frontal part and along the sides of the turret. The turret roof and the upper part of the hull are extremely weak - the armor thickness here ranges from 50 to 80 mm.

There is no way to destroy incoming missiles and shells. Quite primitive counteraction (compared to the T-14) to ammunition with homing heads - they are blinded by an infrared beam. In this connection, it is impossible to deceive ammunition with intelligent homing.

The crew inside the tank is not protected in the event of a breakdown of the external armor by an autonomous capsule. In addition, in the T-14 the turret is “non-residential”; it contains weapons: a cannon and machine guns, controlled remotely. The Abrams has a crew member in the turret.

And finally, the “American” does not have the ability to detect and remotely detonate mines. For this purpose, there is a mine clearance vehicle specially built on the Abrams platform.

Both the Abrams and the T-14 have approximately the same weapons. For the main gun and machine guns: three for the Abrams and two for the T-14. It is possible to launch missiles through the gun barrel. However, the T-14’s gun is significantly more powerful - 152 mm versus 120 mm for the “American”. The T-14 gun is even redundant at the moment, it is capable of penetrating armor with an equivalent thickness of 1000 mm, while no tank in the world has such protection. In addition, due to the loading machine, the rate of fire reaches 10 rounds per minute with a target engagement range of 7000 meters. The Abrams has a rate of fire of 3 rounds per minute and a range of 4600 meters.

There is an advantage in the aiming and fire control system. The Abrams does not have a radar. In the T-14, together with an anti-aircraft machine gun, it, as mentioned above, works wonders, hitting not only aircrafts, but also intercepting missiles and shells.

About progressiveness active suspension We have already said the T-14 tank. As for the thrust-to-weight ratio, with equal engine power (1500 hp), it is higher in the T-14 due to its lighter weight (48 tons versus 63 tons): 31 hp/t versus 24 hp/ T. Accordingly, the ground pressure indicators vary significantly: for the T-14 - 0.73 kg/sq.cm, for the Abrams - 1.07 kg/sq.cm. All this eloquently testifies to cross-country ability, maneuverability, and mobility. Maximum speed"Abrams" on rough terrain - 67 km/h, T-14 - 80 km/h.

The T-14 Armata tank, which in Russia has been hailed as a technological miracle, “which has no analogues in the world,” will not be mass-produced and will not become the main combat vehicle of the Russian army. Although the military has been promised such weapons for many years. The country simply does not have the money for it.

The failure of the vaunted tank was acknowledged by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov, who is responsible for the country's defense industry. According to him, there is no point in “swamping the army with expensive Armatas, each of which costs $4 million.” The Russian military today has quite a few T-72s and its updated version, the T-90. Borisov says there is “great demand in the market” for these tanks because they are supposedly cheap and “effective against American, German and French counterparts.”

“If existing armored vehicles, in particular the updated T-72, were inferior to a potential enemy, we would promote the purchase of new weapons. But they are not inferior, which means there is no need to buy anything,” said the Russian official. Borisov's arguments are surprising. After all, if you believe his words, the cost of the Armata tank should be about 4 million dollars. And this is 2 million cheaper than, for example, the German Leopard or the Israeli Merkava tank. The latter in Russia was called the only model that could compare with the T-14. Moreover, a well-equipped T-90 costs the same as a highly touted new one. Russian tank.

However, experts say that the price quoted Russian Deputy Prime Minister, not real. According to analyst Pavel Filgengauer, the cost of a serial T-14 would be at least $8 million. Borisov himself, five years ago, as Deputy Minister of Defense, publicly insisted that Russia urgently needed to work on the Armata in order to put it into service as soon as possible. Because, as he said then, the T-72 and T-90 are already outdated, cannot be modernized, and from many points of view they are inferior to German and Israeli tanks.


"Armata" is just an expensive coffin

Business capital 08/01/2018

Russia has no money for Armata

Bloomberg 07/31/2018

Russian T-80 tank is no joke

The National Interest 07/30/2018

Putin's man wants to create a “Russian Airbus”

Handelsblatt 07/25/2018 “Our army can no longer live with the equipment that remains from the USSR. We must make a big leap and create a new combat vehicle before 2015. And we will do it,” he said in an interview with Ekho Moskvy radio in 2013. Obviously, the T-14 was prepared for the anniversary. The revolutionary machine, which “takes precedence over everything that other countries have,” was supposed to come out on May 9, 2015, during a parade on Red Square. It was the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. And then 16 cars, which had previously been kept secret, drove in front of the stands. But during the dress rehearsal of the parade, the Armata broke down and did not move again. She was barely towed from the square.

Military expert Ruslan Rukhov explained that the designers of the new Russian tank tried to reproduce the advanced developments embodied in combat vehicles of other countries. “Something was spied on, something was stolen. But it takes a lot of time, money and effort to put all this into a single functional integrity,” he explained. Despite all the problems, after the parade in 2015, the director of Uralvagonzavod Oleg Sinenkov promised that his company would produce 2.3 thousand T-14s for the Russian army by 2020. But only those 16 cars that drove around Red Square still exist.

A year ago, Borisov increased the order for the T-90 and specified that the army should expect no more than a hundred new Armatas in the coming years. But now even these modest plans had to be completely buried. Military expert Alexander Golts, commenting on the Armata fiasco, recalled another “technological miracle” of Russia - the Su-57 fighter. In his opinion, this plane will also never reach serial production, remaining a failure. Many years of work on it cost Moscow 3-10 billion dollars.

Goltz emphasized that throughout recent years Russia is experiencing economic agony. And it's time for her to cut her defense budget. However, instead the country is throwing away money to finance developments that it itself cannot afford.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editorial board of InoSMI.

The popular theme of the “Russian invasion” of Europe on all fronts forced Western analysts to conduct an interesting study. Experts from a popular American online publication compared the combat capabilities of the M1 Abrams tank and modern anti-tank systems, which will have to repel a “massive attack from the east.” Experts, of course, put the Russian T-14 tank on the Armata platform as the main competitor of the American tank. . Veteran Before moving on to an analysis of the combat capabilities of the M1 tank, it is fair to mention that this is one of the most combative tanks and one of the most recognizable. M1 managed to fight in Persian Gulf, in Iraq, Afghanistan, and was also used during the conflict in Yemen. This tank, along with the M-16 rifle, 1911 pistol and Apache helicopter, is perceived throughout the world as a real symbol of America - huge, powerful, sweeping away any obstacle in its path. However, the Abrams is not able to fight where it was originally prepared smog. The tank, created for the European theater of operations, took part only in exercises in Europe. Having experienced several unpleasant stories related to the reliability of a gas turbine power plant in the Middle Eastern climate, having been under fire from Soviet/Russian jets anti-tank grenades And anti-tank systems The Abrams was modernized several times, and finally lived to see the moment when, due to the “threat from the east,” attention was paid to the heavyweight again. Before Once again Remembering the “old man”, it is worth analyzing how many tanks and to what level were modernized by American specialists. After all, if you are seriously going to resist the latest tanks enemy, which in terms of technology, reliability and combination of qualities are significantly higher than everything that is already in service, then you will need the appropriate equipment. In 2015, it was reported that the United States was able to transport up to 800 M1 tanks in the A1 and A2 modifications to Europe. The transfer of tanks in other, more modern and protected versions was not reported. Experts explain that in this case, the Americans decided to use the tactics that everyone has been reproaching for the last five decades - to take advantage of numbers, not skill. But considering that for the T-14 (after all, it is considered as the main threat) the very principle of operation of the fire control system has been redesigned, and the shots for the gun have changed a little more than completely, putting your own MBTs that are far from the first freshness against the newest Russian tank is either a big deal a mistake, or a conscious desire to supply more raw materials for frying pans. About hits The analytical materials of Western experts contain a lot of accurate, detailed information, but how and on what basis such data is calculated is a big question. Even if we take into account that the comparison with the Russian T-14 is mainly a modification of the M1A2 SEP v2 or M1A3, which still does not exist, Western experts’ assessment of the American tank in relation to its competitor from Russia raises a number of questions. For example, Western experts openly hint that the M1 and T-14 are different can withstand shells and missiles hitting the turret.Experts from overseas suggest that the American tank, due to its thick rolled armor, will be able to continue the battle after being hit, and the T-14, due to large quantity electronics will be disabled after being hit. To put an end to this issue, you need to turn to specialists who have data on the reliability of military equipment and control/fire equipment. In a detailed story about reliability sighting devices, optics and electronics of the tank, military expert, candidate of military sciences Sergei Suvorov noted that in terms of the “reliable and proven over the years” design of the American tank, foreign experts are openly disingenuous. “To say that if a projectile hits or ricochets the T-14 will fail , but M1 is not - a little tactless. The weapon control complex in tanks is built on approximately the same principle, only the people sit differently. One important detail should also be taken into account: not a single sample of foreign-made weapons and equipment, be it a rifle, a car, a tank or an armored personnel carrier, has ever passed our state testing program,” the expert explained. For all doubters, the expert gave another example . Everyone knows that state tests of armored vehicles include the so-called “firing” experiment, when the tank is hit with heavy weapons, and then study the nature of the damage. The main task of the machine in such a test is to survive. Survive, launch, and, if possible, leave the “execution” site on your own. After completing one of these experiments with a tank support combat vehicle (BMPT), all participants in the project were invited to the “target”. The engineers’ task was to remove components, assemblies and systems developed by their departments from the shot car and test them for functionality. Employees of one of the Russian enterprises, among other things, dismantled their sights from a broken BMPT. “The commander’s panoramic sight was shot with 30-mm shells and a tank “crowbar” - an armor-piercing sub-caliber projectile. You can’t even imagine how surprised the developers and manufacturers of the sight were when, after turning on the power, it turned on and started showing a picture. Not very clear, of course, but the device worked!” says Sergei Suvorov. If this data seems not enough to you, then the hit is worth remembering the hit of an anti-tank missile in the turret of a T-90 tank in Syria. And although the Syrian crew could have paid with their lives for their own sluggishness (immobility, open hatches, disabled COEP “Shtora”), Russian car still saved people, and the activated dynamic protection unit allowed experts to conclude that the information about the destruction of a modern Russian tank through a hit in the turret is a myth. If we take into account the results described above, it turns out that the more technologically advanced T-14 turret, which needs to be protected In addition to dynamic protection units, there will also be active protection; it is not afraid of armor-piercing shots from enemy tanks and anti-tank missiles. One can argue endlessly regarding the impenetrable frontal armor of the American M1, but the fact remains that there were still losses from a rocket-propelled grenade or ATGM missile hitting the M1 turret. And if the “Iraqi” incidents are difficult to analyze due to the heterogeneity of the data, then the recent conflict involving the M1 in Yemen confirmed that there are “Achilles” points in the thick rolled armor of the American. “This, of course, is a big misconception that after hitting the turret M1, for example, from an ATGM, the tank will be able to continue the fight,” military expert Alexey Leonkov answers a popular question. “Given that the Yemeni Houthi rebels used a frankly not new anti-tank missile system, we can conclude that after being hit by a good projectile or a modern missile, an American tank will definitely no longer be able to fire.” A little-known fact: during the war in Iraq, it happened that Americans lost their tanks in confrontation with Soviet T-55s. True, the Americans themselves called such losses “loss of secondary characteristics“- that is, the shell hit the armor, did not penetrate the armor, but a large fire started when the fuel line (oil line) burst inside. The tank burned down, but its loss was not officially counted. Tank tour of Europe Even if we assume that the hypothetical crossing of the European borders of two and a half thousand T-14s did take place, in addition to the exchange of shells modern tanks capable of using anti-tank missiles. The crew of a Russian tank can fire such missiles directly through the barrel of the main gun, and main question This confrontation is about who will discover whom first. And although foreign experts recognize the danger of controlled missile weapons, which can be used in the T-14, for Abrams guided projectiles the maximum firing range American experts determined at 12 kilometers. A serious statement for a massive and protected tank equipped with modern sights. Russian experts, in turn, are asking the question: is there any real world tank battle at a distance of 12 kilometers? “When I was writing my dissertation in 1992, I came across a research paper. So there was a figure given that in the European theater of operations, for which the American tank was once created, the probability tank battle at ranges over 3000 meters less than 1%,” says Suvorov. Therefore, the maximum range indicated by the figure 12 kilometers does not play any role in such a confrontation. If you stop taking the mark into account maximum range at 12 thousand meters and focus on application tactics, then you can find out another interesting detail. When breaking through tank groups, the T-14 will have speed, maneuverability, range, new shots and guided weapon systems, as well as active and dynamic protection on its side. According to independent military expert Alexei Khlopotov, the American M1 in this case will play the role of an entrenched into the deep defense of a tank incapable of active resistance. “The mobility of the American tank is not the highest - the combat radius of the tank is a maximum of 300 kilometers from the refueling point. Therefore, most likely, the heavier M1 will have to sit in ambush and try to fire at the T-14. At the same time, the Russian tank will be able to hit the M1 with the first shot,” he noted. Anti-tank Over the past few years, the evolution of anti-tank missile weapons has stepped up another step. Adherents of the Western school of designing and creating weapons of destruction finally began to move away from the concept of using wires as a means of control, focusing on optical-electronic systems that do not connect the operator with the missile with wires. The result of such R&D was the creation of an anti-tank weapon missile complex“TOW-2B Aero” with a radio command guidance system. In theory, such ammunition on the battlefield promised an increase in range and relative safety for the operator when fired. Experts are confident that despite the successful completion of tests of such a missile, the developers did not take into account a number of factors. Among them is the impact of optical-electronic suppression complexes on ammunition, interference created by the complexes electronic warfare, as well as difficult climatic conditions. It’s as if nothing exists except a rocket flying in a straight line and a stationary enemy tank. Engineers involved in various fields of the military-industrial complex continue to claim that for a real shot to hit a tank with maximum efficiency, they have never come up with anything better than wires. And they have already learned to fight what the American military currently has at its disposal, like the TOW-2B Aero ATGM. It was reported that such a missile can hit tanks from above, but the flight altitude is three meters higher than usual and there are two warheads instead of one the problem will not be solved - on the roofs since 1985 Soviet tanks dynamic protection units were installed, and the use of the new generation Afghanit active protection on T-14 tanks generally eliminates the threat as such. Experts and developers do not give a detailed answer regarding the stability of the protection systems of the T-14 tank in front of the Javelin ATGM, only smiling mysteriously and answering that “this is also taken into account.” American specialists were never able to install anything like this on their tanks. Regarding the active protection systems for the M1 tank, it was decided to opt for the Israeli “Trophy”, but no one is saying exactly how many tanks and in what time frame will be equipped with such a system. The final touch in comparing the combat qualities of the T-14 and M1 can be a dispute about the need to introduce an uninhabited turret and a tank gun of increased power. American experts, who so furiously press on the problematic and futile nature of the uninhabited turret in the T-14, probably forgot that in their home country There have also been attempts to create a vehicle with a similar combat module. It's about about the experimental M1 TTB combat vehicle, which was supposed to combine an easy-to-use automatic loader, an armored capsule for the crew, a redesigned control system and, in the future, a new 140-mm smooth-bore tank gun ATAC. Why American engineers abandoned a complex, but qualitatively different design in favor of a strong loader and increased steel armor is still unknown. By the way, for promising battle tanks developed abroad decades ago, domestic specialists have long found an antidote - a unique 152-mm cannon with high-power ammunition. “The 2A83 gun was created for the Object 195 to combat promising developments NATO countries. But after 1991, all these projects in the West were abandoned. Accordingly, 2A83 went into reserve. Although ammunition for it is being developed now,” military expert Viktor Murakhovsky explains in an interview with Zvezda. Despite the fact that the Russian T-14 and American M1 tanks different eras, and belong to different schools of tank building, American and Western experts generally do not stop comparing the two vehicles, as if forgetting when they were created. The difference in approaches, however, is already visible - while UVZ specialists are working and bringing the T-14 to perfection, American specialists do not seem to be thinking at all about fundamentally different tanks.

How are things going with the production of the T-14 today?


Back in March 2017, due to severe financial situation, into which the enterprise he led ended up, Oleg Sienko’s powers were terminated ahead of schedule. And the number of T-14 tanks built here is not yet in the thousands, but only in a few dozen vehicles. There were 12 tanks in the first pilot production batch (they marched across Red Square in 2015), after which another hundred tanks were ordered for “military tests.”

In 2017, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin stated that tests of the T-14 Armata tank would end in 2018, and from the following 2019, its experimental military operation would begin (for this, apparently, the above-mentioned batch of hundreds was intended tanks). Later, in February 2018, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov (since March 2018, Deputy Prime Minister for Defense-Industrial Affairs), confirmed that the Ministry of Defense has a contract for the supply of two battalions of T-14 tanks for testing. More detailed information was provided in the speech of Deputy Minister of Defense Alexei Krivoruchko at the Army-2018 forum: “... a contract has been signed today for 132 T-14 and T-15 vehicles. We will receive the first nine cars this year, production cars. The contract will be completed by the end of 2021.”

T-14 "Armata"

This means that by 2022 Russian army will have at its disposal only about a hundred T-14s, and accordingly we are no longer talking about thousands of Armatas. These tanks will most likely be sent to one of the heavy brigades (type B), which, according to the states, is supposed to have tanks on the heavy Armata platform (73 units) and heavy infantry fighting vehicles.

The temporary freeze on the start of large-scale production of the T-14 is confirmed by other statements by those responsible for the defense industry, who noted that the T-14 Armata tank is “too expensive for mass purchases.” So on July 30, 2018, Deputy Prime Minister for Defense-Industrial Affairs Yuri Borisov noted: “The Russian army does not have a great need for Armata tanks, and current needs are met by modernizing existing military equipment... We don’t have a special need for this, these The models are quite expensive compared to existing ones. ...if existing armored vehicles, in particular the updated T-72, were inferior to a potential enemy, we would promote the purchase of new weapons. But they are not inferior, which means there is no need to buy anything.”

As for the cost of the T-14, there are naturally no exact figures yet. According to information from the general director of Uralvagonzavod Oleg Sienko in 2015, the cost of one T-14 Armata tank was slightly more than 250 million rubles (at the then exchange rate about $3.7 million), although some experts estimated it at 8 million million dollars. According to later information, the cost of the Armata tank should be about 4 million dollars (this is 2 million cheaper than, for example, the German one costs
“Leopard” or the Israeli tank “Merkava”, and the French “Leclerc” generally costs $8.5 million), but the military was counting on the reduction in price of T-14 tanks by 2020.

T-14 "Armata"

IN last month The topic of possible supplies of T-14 for export is being quite animatedly discussed in the media. As reported by Indian information publication“The Economic Times”, India is considering the possibility of purchasing T-14 Armata tanks to replace outdated modifications of the T-72 as part of the “Multipurpose future ready combat vehicles” program. At the same time, the announced amount of the probable agreement of $4.5 billion (with an estimated volume of 1,770 tanks) indicates that the information about the export of Armata is unlikely to correspond to reality. According to Indian media reports, Delhi plans to pay a little more than $2.5 million for one tank, while even domestic market the price for "Armata" exceeds 3.7-4 million dollars.

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