Temperatures in Pattaya by month - when is the best time to go on vacation. When is the best time to go to Pattaya? Climate of Pattaya and its seasons Season in Pattaya by month

There are two main seasons in Pattaya - the rainy season, which lasts from May to October, and the dry season, which begins in November and lasts until March. During the rainy season, tropical downpours occur almost every day, but they are usually short-lived and last only an hour or two, after which the sun appears in the sky again. This weather doesn't stop you from sunbathing.

Pattaya Climate consistently hot. During the day, the temperature remains high throughout the year, decreasing slightly after short rains.

At night in Pattaya it is as warm as during the day, but Thais often wear jackets when the temperature drops to +20 :)

High season

In mid-November, when the amount of precipitation begins to decline sharply, the flow of tourists begins to increase sharply, and along with it, prices for tourism services and rental housing also rise.

The peak season in Pattaya comes in the second half of December, when those who plan to spend the New Year holidays here and celebrate New Year and Christmas. Finding suitable accommodation at this time of year is quite difficult, so you should take care of this in advance.

The water temperature off the coast of Pattaya remains virtually unchanged throughout the year.

During the hot season, the thermometer often rises above 40 degrees Celsius, which makes being in the sun at this time extremely undesirable due to the high probability of overheating. Even the indigenous population of Thailand at this time of year prefers to take vacations more often and tries to spend more time near water, air conditioning, or simply in the shade.

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You can find out what the weather is like in Pattaya now by looking at the weather informer. You can find out the weather in Pattaya for 10 days by clicking on the informer on the right.

Low season

Holidays in Pattaya during the rainy season allow you to save a lot of money, since prices during this period for all tourist services and rental housing are noticeably lower. IN low season V Pattaya temperature The water practically does not change, but after rains it becomes cloudy.

The data shown in the graph is very approximate. Rain in Pattaya usually lasts for about an hour, and then the sun shines again.

Pattaya is a year-round resort. Even during the rainy season, it is visited by many tourists from all over the world.

Most of the rainfall in Pattaya during the rainy season occurs from September to October; it is during these months that tourists are not recommended to visit the resort. During the remaining months of the rainy season, you can go to Pattaya without any doubts or fears that your vacation will be ruined. Summer counts good time year for a holiday in Pattaya during the rainy season, since there is an optimal combination of weather conditions - low air temperatures and infrequent rains.

Formally, the rainy season in Pattaya lasts from May to November, but you can relax at the resort almost comfortably all year round. It is during this period of time that the sun does not appear in the sky as often as in the sultry heat. The rains themselves are short tropical downpours that can be waited out under any roof.

Short showers during the rainy season occur several times almost every day, but they average duration does not exceed an hour. After the showers pass, the sun comes out again and you can sunbathe on the beach again.

The sea and sand warm up well by lunchtime, because most of precipitation falls at night or early morning. Many people are deeply mistaken when they think that during the rainy season it is impossible to comfortably swim in the sea or sunbathe under the sun on the beach.

Rainy season by month

Let's take a closer look at the rainy season by month.


In May, a sharp increase in the amount of precipitation begins, with an average of about 180 mm (despite the fact that in April there is only 60 mm). Average air temperature in last month spring is about +33-35 degrees Celsius. This is the hottest month of the wet period. Read more about the weather this month in my article.

June August

In the summer period from June to August, the average monthly precipitation is 120-130 mm, which practically does not interfere with holidays in Pattaya. The average temperature of these months is +30-+32 degrees Celsius.

September and October

These two months are considered the most unfavorable period for a holiday on the coast of Pattaya, since it is in September that the thermometer drops sharply and the amount of precipitation increases. In two months, on average, more than 400 mm of precipitation falls, which is 15 times higher than the winter norm. The air temperature in September and October does not rise above +25 degrees. October is considered the rainiest month of the year. During these two months there is a high risk of flooding. Therefore, I would not recommend going on vacation to Pattaya in September and October.


In November average temperature the air drops another two degrees, but in some sunny days The thermometer column can show a mark of +30 degrees. Precipitation becomes 2 times less compared to the previous two months of the year, but there is still a lot of precipitation - about 140 mm.

In this graph you can see how precipitation is distributed in Pattaya throughout the year.

Benefits of the rainy season

For most tourists, the rainy season is not scary and does not pose any danger, much less can ruin a long-awaited vacation. There are 4 main advantages, why you shouldn’t be afraid to go on holiday to Pattaya during wet season:

  1. There are no constant or prolonged downpours. Most of them take place at night, when most tourists sleep in their rooms or relax in closed entertainment venues. For example, if you come to Pattaya on vacation for 10 days, you can find rain in daytime just a few times. To avoid being caught in a prolonged night shower, it is not recommended to plan long trips at this time of day. It is best to take a walk along the embankment or near the hotel.
  2. Very often it does not rain in the entire city, despite its small size. Therefore, you may be lucky and not find it raining on the beach at all.
  3. Even after a heavy downpour, you can walk in flip-flops and sandals, as the puddles on the roads in Pattaya dry up at warp speed.
  4. The wet season in Pattaya is optimal weather when there is no sweltering heat and you can feel Fresh air. Many people are afraid to visit Thailand due to the high temperatures and scorching sun. These tourists are advised to visit Pattaya for the first time during the rainy season, when it is local residents quite cool.

Sometimes the rain in Pattaya comes suddenly and can pour down like a solid wall for 30 minutes without the ability to run a few meters under it. You must always be prepared for this. But usually before a heavy downpour the wind rises and it suddenly becomes cloudy.

Disadvantages of the rainy season

There are 5 disadvantages of holidaying in Pattaya during the rainy season, which not every tourist confuses:

  • the situation with transport on the roads leaves much to be desired, since the speed of cars and public transport decreases sharply, and these are traffic jams;
  • many taxi drivers charge very high fares because they complain about a broken meter or huge traffic jams;
  • rain can ruin your plans because you don’t know whether it will last 15 minutes or several hours;
  • raincoats during the rainy season are a must-have component of your bag for the holidays; they can be purchased at any 7-11 or Family Mart store;
  • The main disadvantage of the rainy season is the increased humidity. It feels stuffy outside, as if you are in a greenhouse.

In fact, all these shortcomings are not so significant as to decide on a long-awaited and cherished vacation on the coast of Pattaya. The only person I would not recommend going to Pattaya during the rainy season is people suffering from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, since high air humidity can negatively affect your health.

Is it worth going to Pattaya during the rainy season?

Of course, it's up to you to decide. I can say that it is worth it. After all, besides the sea and the beach, there is a lot to do in this resort. In addition to excursions, the mandatory list of entertainment activities must include a visit to the zoo, etc. You can go karting or ride elephants.

Local residents and instructors do not recommend diving during the rainy season, since you will hardly be able to see anything while diving underwater. The sea gets agitated during and after a rainstorm, the water becomes cloudy, and everything is interesting. Marine life hiding in their shelters.

Evening and night long downpours contribute to visiting many entertainment places in Pattaya, most of which are located on the famous and popular. It is located parallel to the city embankment and most of the hotels were built in close proximity to it. There are many bars, restaurants, discos, clubs, cafes, go-go performances and transvestite shows take place every day.

The wet season in Pattaya doesn't mean you have to sit in your hotel room for days on end. On the contrary, from May to August and in November you can comfortably sunbathe, swim best beaches resorts, as well as find a lot of entertainment to your liking and attend many excursions.

One of the decisive factors that influences the decision to come to Thailand is tropical climate . Firstly, this is very unusual for our cold latitudes and people tired of winter are eager for a vacation "fill up" the sun and warmth of Thailand. Many come here for "wintering", and some even for permanent residence.

Secondly, in terms of temperature fluctuations, the climate here is quite even. Amplitude annual temperatures in Pattaya it does not exceed 10 degrees. While in Russia, in the European part it reaches 40-50 degrees, and in the regions of Siberia it reaches 80.

So smooth temperature regime coupled with sea air has a beneficial effect on the body. However, this issue is quite controversial. Thailand is contraindicated for some people . For various disorders of the thyroid gland, tumor processes, cardiovascular and joint pathologies. Moreover, those diseases that would not progress in a cold climate may appear or sharply worsen in a hot tropical climate.

A vacation trip of 2-4 weeks will not bring problems regarding healthy people. Wintering or traveling for permanent residence must be accompanied by doctor’s recommendations, especially if the patient has chronic diseases.

But even Pattaya's even tropical climate is not the same throughout the year. It is divided into seasons, each of them has its own characteristics.

It is believed that in Pattaya, and in Thailand in general, there are only two seasons - the dry season and.

  • January

According to the characteristics, January coincides with December. Minimum humidity, daytime temperatures are around 30 °C. A pleasant time for a trip to the coast of Pattaya, as well as for excursions around the country.

The sea cools down overnight, which gives swimmers even more pleasant sensations, especially in the first half of the day. It's so great to warm up under the scorching sun and plunge into cool water. Such procedures strengthen the immune system and the vascular system.

  • February

In February, rains are still rare, but due to the increase in night temperatures to 23-24 °C, the sea does not have time to cool and increases the daytime temperature by an average of 2 °C. It reaches 32 °C. Humidity is low and the sun is becoming increasingly active. In Thailand you should always use creams to protect your skin. Don't forget about it!

Weather in Pattaya in spring

  • March

"Dry season" comes to the end. In the last ten days of the month you can already experience prolonged precipitation. The air temperature rises another 1 °C. This applies to both daytime and nighttime indicators.

There are a lot of tourists in Pattaya at this time, since February-March are considered ideal months for.

  • April

Last month "high" season. Maximum temperatures reach 33-35 °C during the day and 25-27 °C at night. Tropical rains can be found once or twice a week. However, they are quite short-lived and certainly will not spoil the impression of your vacation.

There is a constant breeze blowing on the coast, so the increase in humidity here will not be felt as much. If you plan to travel to the north of the country or to Bangkok, get ready for the unpleasant effects of the sauna.

  • May

The beginning of the rainy season. Many are afraid of it and do not want to come to Thailand in general, and Pattaya in particular, at this time. This period is marked by a decrease in the number of tourists and, as a consequence, a decrease in prices.

Is it worth it to be so afraid of this notorious "rainy season"?

Temperatures day and night remain the same as in April. But the amount of precipitation increases 3 times. This means that it will rain 4-5 days a week. Its duration increases to 2-3 hours.

Weather in Pattaya in summer

  • June

The beginning of summer in Pattaya is characterized by a decrease in temperature by 1-2 °C. If you multiply this figure by high humidity, then even such a minimum will be noticeable. Total rainfall decreases at all summer months. You can encounter rain 4-5 times a week. However, their duration will not exceed 1-2 hours. Mostly rain goes in the evening or at night.

  • July

July continues the traditions of June. The temperature stays at 30-32 degrees Celsius during the day. It rains often, but more at night. There are quite a lot of Russians coming to Pattaya in July, as this is traditionally Russia's favorite holiday month.

  • August

August – tourist season for Russians and they are not bothered by the presence of rain. Indeed, in many regions of Russia at this time there is much more rain, and the air temperature is 10-15 °C lower.

There is no need to be afraid of rain in August. They go about every other day, the sky is often overcast. But remember that even clouds can penetrate UV rays. Therefore you need to constantly use sunscreens. However, there are enough clear days to get your portion of the sun.
Temperature 31-33 °C, sea – not lower than 27 °C.

Weather in Pattaya in autumn

  • September

The first two autumn months in Pattaya represent the quintessence of the rainy season. There is precipitation almost every day. The average daily temperature decreases by 1 °C.

Let us repeat once again that it is easier to breathe on the coast due to the coastal winds. And after driving literally a few kilometers from the sea, you will find yourself in a sauna. Whether this is good or not is up to you to decide.

  • October

The duration and amount of precipitation in October increases by another quarter. Only towards the end of the month does a downward trend begin to be observed. However, making forecasts is not a rewarding task. And the climate in Thailand is fickle. If in Pattaya it's raining, then 30 kilometers away they don’t even remember the latter.

  • November

"Wet Season" leaves Pattaya, but rain is still not uncommon. In a month you can encounter precipitation for 8-10 days, mainly at the beginning. The humidity is quite high, but on the coast it will be quite comfortable due to the sea breeze. Temperature 29-31 °C.
At this time, it is better to be careful about coming to Pattaya for those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels.

The most cheeky and shocking resort in Thailand, where freedom is literally in the air, is Pattaya, a city on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Thailand, 165 km away from the capital. Read our article on the Tour Calendar, in which we tell you why the most suitable time to travel to the resort is from December to March.

Tourist season in Pattaya

Pattaya was once a modest fishing village. Everything changed during the Vietnam War: thanks to American soldiers this place acquired a reputation as an adult entertainment center, which the city has maintained to this day. Moreover, today Pattaya is the recognized capital of the Asian adult industry, and, according to the RBC news agency, tops the list of the most vicious cities in the world. Entertainment is mainly represented by go-go dancing, fiery parties, massage parlors, beer bars, etc. However, do not forget that Pattaya is located on the coast, and although the resort’s beaches cannot boast of impeccable cleanliness and do not reach the high standards of the rest of Thailand, active There is a wide variety of water activities here. The hot climate and off-season specialization of Pattaya have led to the fact that the tourist season at the resort lasts all year round.

High season

Between November and March, Pattaya turns into a real buzzing beehive, during which time the resort high season. The long period of rain is behind us. The sweltering heat is subsiding - it's time for unbridled fun. Prices for tours and hotel accommodations can be 4 times higher than in the low season. In addition, most hotel rooms are reserved at least 2 months before the arrival date. Therefore, it is recommended to resort to early booking of hotels and tours. In the latter case, this gives a good economic effect. Since Pattaya, despite the desire of the new authorities to get rid of the reputation of a resort for adults, continues to offer immodest “entertainment for adults,” the main tourist flow here is represented by young people and single men of pre-retirement and retirement age. But it should be noted that Pattaya by day and night is different; during daylight hours everything is quite orderly here, and, most importantly, there is something to see. That is why the resort is so loved by many couples who vacation here with their children. As a rule, after 4 months of intense tourist traffic, the population of Pattaya approximately doubles. Firstly, the city has the lowest prices in Thailand for accommodation and food (especially seafood). Secondly, the largest hotel base in the kingdom. And, thirdly, transport accessibility: several charter flights from Moscow have been launched, and the distance from Bangkok airport is quite small.

Low season

From April to October there is a clearly defined low season, manifested in a decline in tourist activity and lower prices in hotels. During this period, you can buy a ticket to Pattaya for ridiculous money. As you know, the main cost of a tour to Thailand is air travel (about 70%), the rest is put toward the hotel. During periods of low demand, airlines reduce air travel rates, as a result of which summer tours to Pattaya are offered by tour operators at very “tasty” prices. However, many are still afraid to fly to the resort during the wet season. And, it must be said, it is in vain, since the peak of rain falls strictly in May and the first two months of autumn. The rest of the time, the amount of precipitation is not critical. Plus, they usually go at night. The only point is that the humidity level in the low season is very high, so holidays at this time are suitable only for tourists who can easily endure the stuffiness.

Beach season in Pattaya

There are no beaches with “bounty syndrome” in Pattaya, and the water quality leaves much to be desired. But entertainment and water sports are in perfect order here. Unpretentious tourists relax on the local sandy coast; everyone else goes to the neighboring islands, which are 40-45 minutes away by boat. Beach season lasts all year round, when the water temperature fluctuates in the range of +27..+29 °C. However, in tropical countries The temperature of the water does not in any way affect the possibility of swimming. Where higher value has a rough sea and its condition. Due to the location of the resort in a closed bay and protection from the winds by a dense ring of mountains, natural disasters in the form of strong storms and hurricanes do not happen here even in the summer, during the monsoon season. However best conditions for swimming are still observed during the “cold” period, from December to February, when the ratio of temperature indicators of water (+27 °C) and air (+31 °C) is optimal.

Best time for excursions

Holidays in Pattaya mean, among other things, an abundance of excursion programs, of which there are over 55 in total. In addition to visiting local attractions (like a crocodile farm, tropical garden“Nong Nooch”, Khmer temples, etc.) here you will be offered trips and sea cruises to tourist sites located in neighboring resorts and islands. Often tourists choose a package to Pattaya in combination with Bangkok, with Bangkok and Samui, or with Bangkok and Krabi, therefore, starting from the desire to choose the best time to participate in excursion programs, the beach component should also be taken into account. In this case, Tour-Calendar sees the optimal period for getting to know the city from December to the end of February - not too hot and quite dry.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Pattaya, being part of Thailand, mandatory notes total public holidays Kingdoms that you can familiarize yourself with. Local festivals and celebrations are no less colorful. There are a lot of them, but I would especially like to highlight the International music Festival, which falls in March, the Pattaya Carnival, traditionally held in April, the Wan Lai Festival in the same month during the Thai New Year, the July Marathon, the Chon Buri Buffalo Race in October, and the Loy Krathong Light Festival on the full moon day of November.

Climate in Pattaya

Pattaya has a hot tropical climate with high temperatures throughout the year. It is more stable than the rest of Thailand, and the monsoon season, which lasts from May to November, is less intense than in the island resorts. The dry season lasts from December to April, characterized by a decrease in relative humidity air.

Pattaya in spring

In spring, Pattaya is quite humid and hot. In the first two months of the season there is little precipitation, but the thermometer is steadily rising. In April at midday it can reach +35 °C. The evenings do not bring relief, as the air only cools to +27 °C. The water in the sea is very warm, so swimming in it, unfortunately, does not have a refreshing effect. Besides, and without that it’s not pure water in city limits at a temperature of 28 degrees it can be a good carrier of various infections, so if you still decide to beach holiday, carefully consider the choice of location for it. In May, precipitation becomes more intense, this is the beginning of the season tropical rains, marking on average 13 days of the month.

Temperature and weather in Pattaya in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Temperature average+29 +31 +30
Temperature during the day+33 +34 +33
Temperature at night+25 +27 +26
Water temperature+28 +30 +30
Rain3 days6 days13 days

Pattaya in summer

The summer months are characterized by fairly hot weather. Average daily temperatures are slightly lower than in spring, and the monthly volume of precipitation is almost 1.5 times less than in May, however, the level of relative air humidity reaches maximum values, so this weather is extremely difficult to tolerate. The sun is less active as it retreats to the Northern Hemisphere, but even on a cloudy day it is very deceptive - sunbathing under open air within a couple of hours you can provide your skin with guaranteed sunburn. The water temperature in the sea at this time is +28..+29 °C, most often it is in a condition unsuitable for swimming due to the high level of pollution.

Temperature and weather in Pattaya in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Temperature average+30 +29 +29
Temperature during the day+33 +32 +32
Temperature at night+27 +26 +26
Water temperature+30 +29 +29
Rain11 days13 days13 days

Pattaya in autumn

The second surge of monsoon activity occurs in September and October. Heavy rains occur almost every day, mainly in the afternoon and at night. As a rule, they pass within an hour, so in the morning everything dries out. The sea is not very rough, but the water is quite cloudy, and we are not talking about comfortable swimming. In the evenings there is still an unbearable stuffiness, which softens a little with the onset of November. This month is a transition month in terms of weather, marking the beginning of the “cool” dry season.

Temperature and weather in Pattaya in autumn

Pattaya has a hot tropical and humid climate with almost stable temperature throughout the year. Thanks to this, the resort is ready to receive tourists all year round. Pattaya's climate can be divided into two main periods: wet and dry. Before the trip, you should take into account your health status, since most likely you will need acclimatization.

Low Season (Rainy Season)

The rainy season in Pattaya begins in May and lasts until October. At this time of year it is very hot here, the temperature sometimes rises above 40 degrees. Due to frequent tropical showers, air humidity remains constantly at 90%. People who cannot tolerate heat and high humidity It is better to avoid traveling to Pattaya at this time of year.

You can sunbathe during the rainy season in Pattaya just like at any other time of the year. Although rains occur frequently, they are short-lived, usually no more than 1 hour.

The downside of holidaying in Pattaya in the low season is that downpours quite often flood the streets and first floors of buildings, but the water does not stay on the mainland for long and quickly goes into the sea.

But this season also has positive sides: Fewer vacationers and lower prices.

High Season (Dry Season)

The high season in Pattaya begins from November to March, when rainfall decreases sharply and the climate becomes drier. This time of year is considered the most favorable for visiting the resort.

The dry season is also often called the “cool season,” but this cannot be taken seriously; during these months, the average air temperature in Pattaya during the day is about 30 degrees Celsius, and at night rarely drops below 21.

Prices for many entertainments for foreigners begin to rise at this time of year, and become especially high during the New Year holidays.

Reviews of the weather in Pattaya by month

The number of rainy days in a month only indicates the fact that it rained, and not that it rained all day without stopping.

During the dry season there is practically no precipitation in Pattaya, but during the rainy season the amount increases several times.

The average daily air temperature in Pattaya throughout the year ranges between 30 and 34 degrees Celsius

The air temperature at night in Pattaya is usually lower than the daytime temperature by about 7 - 10 degrees Celsius.

The water temperature in Pattaya remains unchanged almost all year round, 26 - 28 degrees, which is even higher than the air temperature at night.

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