Herbs for weight loss and fat burning. Herbs for weight loss: the best preparations

Herbal medicine takes pride of place among effective methods restoration of health. They are used for complex treatment various diseases and are successfully used in the fight for beautiful body and renewal human life. The main advantage of this method of body correction is the naturalness and safety of using plants, which cannot be said about modern medicinal methods of treating obesity.

There is an endless amount medicinal plants that can reduce excess weight, but they all have differences.

1. Plants that reduce appetite:

  • kelp,
  • corn silk,
  • nettle,
  • fennel,
  • parsley,
  • flax seeds.

They tend to swell when they enter the stomach, which leads to appetite suppression and rapid satiety. Remember that appetite is conditioned reflex and it arises not at all due to a feeling of hunger, but due to delicious aroma and nice looking dishes

2. Choleretic plants. For example:

  • parsley,
  • sagebrush,
  • angelica

Their action is based on stimulating the functioning of the gallbladder, which helps improve the functioning of the esophagus. That is, these herbs accelerate the elimination of harmful substances, reducing body volume.

3. Diuretic herbs for weight loss:

  • burdock,
  • cowberry,
  • horsetail

Their mild laxative effect allows the body to cleanse itself of toxic substances and lose weight.

4. Laxative plants:

  • dill,
  • anise,
  • chamomile,
  • senna

Decoctions of them cleanse the intestines, improve metabolism and remove toxins.

5. Herbs for weight loss that burn fat. These include:

  • alfalfa,
  • turmeric,
  • ginger,
  • common dandelion, etc.

These plants improve digestion and absorption of food. And thus, they prevent the deposition of fat on the waist and buttocks.

The above herbs for weight loss can be used in combination with others to achieve maximum results. You will learn more about this below.

Herbs that promote weight loss - it's important to know

  1. To avoid unwanted consequences after When using herbal teas for weight loss, follow the system. It is necessary to take decoctions in strictly regulated doses.
  2. Reducing fat layers with the help of effective herbs for weight loss should take place in courses.
  3. The maximum period for using infusions of effective herbs for weight loss is 8 weeks. But you can take a 14-day break and repeat the course etc Iema of herbal medicine.

Collection of herbs for weight loss

The use of medicinal plants in the treatment of obesity gives excellent results, but not in the near future. Will have to wait. On average, about one kilogram is lost per week. excess weight. But this is the main advantage of this method of reducing volumes. Gradually losing weight will protect you from additional stretch marks and sagging skin.

Which herb is contraindicated for weight loss?

Despite his natural origin, herbal infusions can be harmful if used incorrectly, so it is not recommended to use herbs for:

  • chronic diseases,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • tendency to allergies,
  • individual intolerance.

Herbal recipes for weight loss

Preparing herbal infusions does not take much time. Let's look at recipes for the most popular medicinal plants for getting rid of extra pounds.

Herb for weight loss, hellebore

Despite its enormous advantages, hellebore contains poison in its roots. It should be taken orally strictly according to the instructions:

  1. Pour 50 mg of hellebore powder into 150 ml of clean still water and drink on an empty stomach.
  2. Take this herbal medicine daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

The results after consuming this plant are a surge of strength, improvement in the overall well-being of the body and gradual loss of excess weight.

Bardakosh - herb for weight loss

It is interesting to note that bardakosh is the ethnic name of the well-known marjoram spice, which is used in cooking by many peoples of the world. Marjoram has a bitter-pungent taste and a spicy, sweetish aroma and brings great benefits to the body:

  • Increases the volume of secreted gastric juice, which ensures rapid breakdown and absorption of food.
  • Promotes the removal of toxins and toxic toxic substances.
  • Restores nervous system and women's health.
  • Treats depression.
  • Gets rid of extra pounds.

How to prepare an infusion of bardakosh:

  1. Pour one teaspoon of bardakosh with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink twice daily.
  2. Pour a teaspoon of bardakosh with water and cook in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Strain the drink and take in small portions throughout the day between meals.

Judging by the reviews, marjoram gently cleanses the intestines, and naturally relieves those losing weight from fatty layers.

Senna - herb for weight loss

This plant contains active substances, which have a laxative, antiseptic effect and enhance intestinal motility. Thanks to these properties, the body is gently cleansed of toxins and extra pounds.

  1. To cleanse the intestines, steep a tablespoon of the herb in a glass of boiling water for half an hour. Drink a quarter glass on an empty stomach once a day. The laxative effect occurs 6–8 hours after taking the decoction.
  2. To enhance the effect, add 100 grams of prunes to a tablespoon of herb and pour boiling water over it. Take this decoction in the morning before meals and in the evening an hour and a half after meals.

Chicory - a diuretic herb for weight loss

Chicory is a storehouse of useful and needed by the body substances:

  1. The high content of inulin (one of the types of fiber) ensures the restoration and proper functioning of the intestinal microflora, prevents dysbiosis and constipation.
  2. This plant is very useful for diabetes mellitus and obesity, chicory reduces the glycemic index of foods. It improves general state patients with diabetes and reduces cravings for sweets.
  3. The presence of vitamins of almost all groups has a beneficial effect on the skin, tones and rejuvenates it, and accelerates the process of restoration of collagen fibers.
  4. Thanks to its diuretic effect, chicory removes excess fluid from the body, which promotes the rapid breakdown of fat deposits.

To ensure that your chicory drink only benefits you, use a powder that is labeled as a natural extract of the plant without sweeteners, colors or flavors and take it as follows:

  1. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of chicory powder into 150 ml of boiling water.
  2. Drink the drink no more than 3 times a day before meals, do not take the drink after 17:00.
  3. In the store, be sure to ask for a copy of the quality certificate for this product.
  4. A month after you start taking chicory, take a break of at least two weeks.

Herbs for weight loss, reviews

To get rid of excess weight with the help of herbal infusions and not harm the body, you need to adhere to the basic rules for taking herbal medicines:

  • When preparing a decoction of herbs for weight loss, strictly follow the proportions medicinal herbs and water.
  • Do not increase the number of decoctions taken per day.
  • Be sure to take a break after finishing the course of treatment.
  • In case of discomfort, rash, stomach upset and other signs side effects Stop using the decoction immediately and consult a physician.

Herbal teas for weight loss, recipes

You can use several medicinal herbs at the same time to reduce weight, combining them with each other depending on the needs of your body.

Option 1

This collection is perfect for gentle cleansing of the intestines, getting rid of toxins and removing excess fluid from the body. To prepare it, prepare in equal proportions:

  • senna leaves,
  • dandelion,
  • mint,
  • dill,
  • parsley

Pour 30 g of the resulting mixture into 1000 ml of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Let the broth cool, strain it. You can add honey and lemon. But this is at your discretion. Take 70 ml before meals, but no more than 4 times a day.

Option 2

The composition of this herbal collection is aimed at stimulating metabolism, which ensures accelerated burning of subcutaneous fat, enhances intestinal motility, tones, strengthens the skin and prevents aging. For cooking you will need the following ingredients in equal quantities:

  • green tea,
  • dandelion,
  • dried ginger,
  • dried horseradish

Mix all the ingredients, add 1000 ml of water to 100 g of collection and cook in a water bath for 25 minutes. Cool the infusion and drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Herbal teas for weight loss, bath recipes

To feel light and relieve fatigue, taking a bath with aromatic herbs is considered an excellent remedy. By choosing the right composition of medicinal herbs for baths, you can not only cheer up and restore strength, but also gradually improve the contours of your figure.

Option 1

  • mint,
  • St. John's wort,
  • rosehip flowers,
  • nettle,
  • orange essential oil.

Take all herbs in equal proportions. Pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture into a liter of boiling water and let it brew. Strain the broth and add 6-7 drops of essential oil. Add the resulting infusion to a bath with warm water.

Mint and St. John's wort will enhance the diaphoretic effect on the body, rosehip will provide skin essential vitamins, nettle will give it elasticity, and orange oil will do a great job with cellulite. To achieve maximum effect, take a bath 2 times a week.

Option 2

Take 200 grams of the following herbs:

  • lavender,
  • chamomile,
  • Linden,
  • sage,
  • mint.

Pour the collection with two liters of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Strain the broth and add it to the bath.

By preparing this herbal infusion, you can enjoy a wonderful aroma, relax, improve metabolism and make your skin elastic.

Herbal teas for weight loss, reviews

The use of medicinal herbs for figure correction is auxiliary on the way to slimness. Remember that to achieve desired result using herbal infusions alone may not be sufficient. Herbal mixtures for weight loss, reviews of the use of which you will find anywhere, can be very diverse in composition. Here you can experiment a little and choose the components that suit you best. Try to add to herbal medicine physical exercise, balanced eat and believe in yourself. Good luck to you and have a great mood.

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Fight with overweight- it’s not an easy matter. Everything that can help you lose even an ounce is used: diets, exercises and all kinds of fat burner supplements, which are not always beneficial for the body. The best alternative to overseas drugs is herbs that grew in their native lands. Their use has been practiced since ancient times, and traditional medicine has accumulated many recipes that will help women and men get in shape faster. But first you need to find out which herbs help you lose weight effectively at home and how to use them correctly.

IN old times there were no pharmacies where you could buy a pill for any ailment. They were treated with prayers, spells and herbs. Nowadays, few people turn to traditional medicine.

Losing weight with herbs takes longer and is more difficult. But it is much safer than chemical pills with a bunch of side effects that sometimes block the joy of the achieved result. And the effect from them is short-term, and you need to start taking them again.

Herbs act on a completely different principle. They slowly but surely cleanse the body, removing waste and toxins, putting all organs in order and normalizing metabolic processes. The effect of herbal medicine lasts much longer.

Herbs that help you lose weight and their effects

Those who are a little familiar with traditional medicine know that each herb is endowed with some property: it soothes or has an expectorant effect. Accordingly, there are plants that affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes in the body. Knowing the effects of a particular herb can improve your diet. Plants can be used individually or in collections.

To improve metabolism

It happens that a person eats a little, but the excess weight does not go away. The cause may be a slow metabolism. You can disperse it with the help of herbal infusions or seasonings. But here you have to be careful. These herbs have a side effect that manifests itself in increased appetite. When taking them, you should not get carried away, hoping that the more you drink the infusion, the faster you will lose weight. What to drink to improve metabolism:

For burning fat

The principle of action of fat-burning herbs is as follows: when they enter the body, they activate blood circulation, accelerating it. As a result, the speed of lipid metabolism processes increases, and fat deposits begin to melt. Toxins and waste are also better removed. The body is cleansed. Here is a list of these herbs:

To reduce appetite

Diets involve reducing not only the calorie content of food, but also its quantity. This can lead to a constant feeling of hunger. Herbs can help reduce appetite while the body adjusts to a new diet:


Overeating, often accompanied by constipation, leads to accumulation in the intestines large quantity leftover food that is difficult for the body to cope with. Because of this, fermentation processes begin in the stomach, which are accompanied increased gas formation, bloating and discomfort. Herbs with a laxative effect increase the production of bile, which helps digest food. They also improve intestinal motility, which makes cleansing the body easier. These herbs, when used regularly, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but you should not get carried away with them to avoid addiction:

  • joster (berries);
  • buckthorn (bark);
  • licorice;
  • anise;
  • Caucasian hellebore.


Herbal diuretics have no effect on fat cells, but only remove excess fluid from the body. After all, obesity is often accompanied by edema. If you discontinue herbs with a diuretic effect and drink large amounts of water, the swelling will return again. This will continue until the weight returns to normal. It is also worth considering that these herbs are capable of removing not only liquid, but also vitamins and microelements. It is worth taking care of taking additional multivitamins. For this reason, diuretic herbs should not be abused:

Rules for losing weight with herbs

In order for the weight loss process to be successful, herbs alone will not be enough. Only in conjunction with proper nutrition and physical activity, fat burning will be effective.

There are several rules on how to properly take herbal infusions and decoctions so as not to harm the body.

Medicinal herbs can be taken individually or combined or purchased as a herbal mixture for weight loss that burns fat. Decoctions, infusions, and teas are prepared from them. Some can be ground in a mortar or coffee grinder and added to food as a seasoning. The main thing is to follow the dosage indicated on the package or in the recipe.

Experts recommend taking diuretics and fat-burning herbs before bed; accelerating metabolism some time before training; but laxatives are better on the eve of the weekend, since going to the toilet may be repeated, and the desire to go there will catch you at the most inopportune moment.


If time permits, you can prepare a decoction. This method allows the herbs to more fully release their active substances into the drink, resulting in increased effectiveness of the drug. Decoctions should be prepared in a water bath: pour boiling water over the herb and place the container in a pan of water (not cold, preferably warm). Bring to a boil and hold for a certain time. Cool the broth and strain. Take 50 ml first before meals, then increase to 200 ml.

  1. Mix crushed strawberry and birch leaves, fennel, mint, nettle, and rose hips in equal parts. Pour water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. mixture for 1 tbsp. liquids. Boil for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Dill seed and chopped burdock roots 2 tbsp. l. pour 2 cups of boiling water and cook for 20-30 minutes.


Much easier to prepare. The herb should be poured with boiling water and left to steep until it cools completely, unless a specific time is specified.

You can use a thermos- you get a steam, something between a decoction and an infusion.

Tea with drainage effect

Acts as a diuretic, but more mildly than medications. Herbal tea mixture can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy or made yourself. There are many recipes for the drink, here are the most popular:

Monastic tea.

A well-known and effective remedy for combating excess weight. The recipe was developed back in the 19th century and has remained unchanged since then. The herbs included in the collection complement each other, enhancing the effect of each. The drink removes excess fluid from the body, suppresses hunger, and cleanses the intestines. Compound:

Five most effective herbs for weight loss

This list will help you decide which herbs to drink to lose weight in your belly and your whole body. Of course, collecting from plants is better, because it works in different directions. There are situations when only one plant is needed for certain purposes.

Senna (cassia, alexandria leaf).

The herb has a laxative effect. It is better to drink it at night; it is advisable not to eat anything after drinking it. It is important to choose the right dosage, since a small amount may not work, and a large amount will cause severe diarrhea.

Over time it becomes addictive. Sold in pharmacies in the form of dried herbs and tablets.

Hellebore Caucasian.

A popular but not safe means of losing weight. Has a powerful choleretic effect.

Poisonous! Contraindicated for people with heart disease and adolescents. Therefore, it must be taken with extreme caution and for no more than 6 months. The maximum daily dose for an adult is 300 mg.


Widely used in folk medicine to treat skin lesions and as a hemostatic agent. But it also helps very well for weight loss. You should drink it alternating with linden infusion.

Stevia (honey herb).

It tastes sweet. It can be added to tea instead of sugar. Normalizes glucose levels in the body and reduces hunger.

Bardakosh (marjoram).

The famous seasoning is indispensable in the kitchen. Few people know that it is effective in the fight against excess weight, as it reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism in the body.


Like all medicines, herbs have contraindications. They cannot be used in the following cases:

  • allergic reactions;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • liver and kidney problems;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Therefore, before using these weight loss products, it is better to consult a doctor.

Eating herbs to help you lose weight is a simple, but effective way put your figure in order. Herbal medicine is the oldest method of getting rid of many diseases, including excess weight. The result will be better if you approach the problem of losing weight comprehensively, namely: eat moderately and connect physical exercise. Those who have chronic diseases should agree on a herbal regimen with their doctor.

Effective herbs for weight loss

To determine which herb for weight loss is suitable in a particular case, we classify plants according to their effect on the body.

  1. Herbs that give a feeling of fullness, thereby suppressing appetite
  2. Choleretic and diuretic herbs for weight loss.
  3. Herbs that regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Herbs for weight loss that burn fat.
  5. Herbs with laxative effect.
  6. Herbs that improve metabolism.

Herbal infusions for weight loss: recipes

Herbs can be taken separately, depending on their availability in the pharmacy, tolerance and taste preferences, and in the form of herbal teas for weight loss. Reviews from people who have improved their figure in this way indicate that the greatest effect is achieved by combining plants from different groups.

To obtain a healing drink, take a tablespoon of the mixture per 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then filter and consume.

Examples of herbal recipes for weight loss:

  • 20 g each of dandelion root, fennel fruit, parsley fruit, 60 g of buckthorn root. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • 40 g each of yarrow and St. John's wort, 20 g of cystosira bearda. Take half a glass after meals.
  • 10 g each of coltsfoot and senna leaves, 20 g each of birch leaves and corn silk, 60 g of blackberry leaves. Drink half a glass before breakfast and lunch.
  • Create an individual collection of herbs for weight loss: take one herb from the listed groups in equal parts. Drink on an empty stomach.

Popular infusions for weight loss

It may be difficult for someone who is using herbal medicine for the first time to figure out which herb is more effective for weight loss. To begin with, it’s easier to use common recipes for weight loss infusions, reviews of which are available in numerous sources.

Ginger infusion for weight loss

This fanciful shaped root is both an active fat burner and an excellent helper in strengthening the immune system. Sold in almost any supermarket or market.

The easiest way to add ginger is to green or black tea. To do this, finely chop or grate the root. The smaller the pieces, the spicier the drink will be, so just a few “chips” are enough for one serving. Place ginger and tea leaves in a teapot, add boiling water in the required volume, let it brew for 20 minutes. It is more effective to take this drink a few minutes before meals or even replace a snack with it.

A drink made from ginger, lemon and honey has an even stronger effect on the body. Place two tablespoons in a container. spoons of grated ginger root, add juice from one citrus, pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover. Leave for about an hour, by which time the drink will have cooled to room temperature. Add a tablespoon of honey, wait until the honey dissolves. Drink 100 ml half an hour before meals. Course – 1 month.

When excess weight is too much, try this recipe. Finely chop 4 cm of ginger root and 3 cloves of garlic, place in a glass container, pour in 2 liters of boiling water, and close with a lid. After 2 hours, filter. Drink one glass half an hour before meals. Course – 1 month.

Ginger alcohol tincture is also popular. Unlike previous recipes, this drink has a long shelf life and minimal consumption. Grate 400 g of root, place in glass containers, pour a liter of vodka and close tightly. Place the container in a dark place and shake periodically. After two weeks, filter. Take the resulting tincture before meals, twice a day, a teaspoon, or dilute with a small amount of water.

Herb hellebore for weight loss

A plant that helps in the fight against many ailments. Hellebore gets rid of extra pounds thanks to its strong laxative effect. An infusion of it gently and delicately cleanses the intestines of feces, normalizes metabolism and water-salt balance, reduces swelling, and removes toxins. Hellebore has both diuretic and choleretic properties. Normalizes blood pressure and reduces sugar levels. All this contributes to smooth weight loss, without starvation and stress.

Hellebore – poisonous plant, especially its root, but it is precisely this that is used in medicinal purposes, therefore a strict dosage is necessary. If you purchase crushed plant root at a pharmacy, then adhere to the dosage indicated on the package.

Prepare the hellebore infusion in the evening. Place the required volume of extract in a glass container and add some water at room temperature, for example, half a glass or a glass. Take in the morning, 2 hours before meals - both infusion and sediment.

During the day, try to move more, then the effect of the herb on the body will be more complete. This is why taking the infusion at night will not give results.

The intake of hellebore begins with a very low concentration - 50 mg of dry herb per day for 10 days. Then, provided you feel well, take 100 mg for the next 10 days. Then 10 days - 150 mg. Next 5 months 200 mg. Take a break for at least a month. In case of exacerbation chronic diseases The dosage cannot be increased until the condition improves.

The plant has contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, childhood, heart and liver diseases, kidney stones and gallbladder. Be sure to discuss the use of this herb with your doctor.

An overdose of the plant is dangerous, as it can lead to severe poisoning, including cardiac arrest.

Senna herb for weight loss

This herb is also known to have a laxative effect, and quite a strong one. Before taking it, you must get your doctor's approval. And the course itself should be carried out no more than a week with strict adherence to the dosage.

Contraindications to the use of senna infusions or tablets: pregnancy, lactation, constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, intestinal diseases.

Senna herb enhances intestinal motility, prevents the absorption of fats by the intestinal walls, and promotes the removal of old feces and waste. Thanks to this, smooth weight loss occurs.

The leaves of this herb are mainly used not in pure form, but as part of collections or added to teas.

  • Pour a tablespoon of crushed plant leaves into a glass of water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Then leave for 20 minutes, filter. Drink the broth at night, 2 hours after dinner, and do not eat anything that day. The course of admission is 1 week. Start with a third of a glass. If there is a strong laxative effect or abdominal pain, reduce the amount of decoction you take. If you feel well, gradually increase the dosage, bringing it to a whole glass by day 7. Store in a cool place for no more than a day.
  • Make a collection: 20 g each of senna, stinging nettle, dandelion, parsley (fresh), 10 g of fragrant dill and peppermint. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, cover the container, leave for 3 hours, then filter. Take the drink after meals. Course – 1 month. During the first half of the month, gradually increase the volume of infusion you drink to two glasses, and in the second half of the month, gradually reduce it to one glass.
  • Make a mixture: 50 g of senna, 100 g of dried apricots and raisins, 200 g of figs, 400 g of prunes, 100 g of rosehip syrup. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon morning and evening.

Bardakosh herb for weight loss

Another name for this plant known to us is marjoram, used as a seasoning for various dishes. The spice contains pectin and tannins, which help cleanse the intestines, resulting in weight loss. Bardakosh also has a diuretic effect, which also leads to getting rid of extra pounds. Antioxidants carotene, rutin, vitamin C in the plant improve blood circulation and nutrition of body tissues. A essential oils in a drink made from bardakosh, they dull the appetite.

For weight loss purposes, the spice is consumed before meals. Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of herb and leave for 20 minutes. Another option is to simmer for 20 minutes in a water bath. Strain and take in portions half an hour before meals, no more than 1 glass per day.

Like other folk or medicinal remedies, it is advisable to take marjoram after consulting with a specialist. Spices are excluded from the diet for gastritis, colitis, and ulcers. In addition, bardakosh should not be taken together with other diuretics or laxatives, as this can lead to severe diarrhea, dehydration, and upset stomach and intestines. Also, do not combine this spice with other products containing essential oils.

Diuretic herb for weight loss

The action of diuretic herbs is based on the removal of intercellular fluid, which leads to weight loss. Therefore, for the purpose of losing weight, they can be used only when there is water retention in the body, to prevent edema.

You should not get carried away with this method of losing weight, because abuse of diuretics leads to dehydration and metabolic disorders. It is advisable that both the collection and the intake schedule be prescribed by the attending physician or nutritionist, especially if there are chronic diseases. Uncontrolled use of diuretic herbs can cause various problems in the body: abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, fatigue, weakness, hypokalemia, dysbiosis, melanosis of the large intestine.

To avoid dehydration, drink more water when taking diuretic herbs.

Do not take herbal drinks in an unlimited, haphazard manner. Always strictly adhere to the prescribed schedule and dosage.

Do not take herbal drinks for a long time. Losing weight with herbs should be carried out in courses, usually 1-2 months, then a break.

Be prepared for the fact that losing weight with the help of herbal medicine occurs slowly, depending on the body’s reaction - no more than 1 kilogram per week. In this case, the result is more stable and long-lasting.

There are many diets that help you get rid of extra pounds, remove inches from your waist or hips. However, not all of them will provide health benefits. Traditional healers recommend losing weight with the help of natural medicinal plants. Find out everything about what herb to drink for weight loss, how to infuse a drink at home or make a herbal mixture.

What herbs help you lose weight

In the distant past, it was difficult to find a house in Rus' in which various herbs would not hang at the entrance: St. John's wort, chamomile, thyme, coltsfoot. Our ancestors used them as a home first aid kit. Today the popularity of herbs and medicines traditional medicine has decreased, but in vain, because a properly composed mixture will help get rid of many diseases.

Each plant in nature has its own purpose: some are good for relieving the runny nose, others treat radiculitis. Losing weight with herbs will be effective if you can correctly arrange the plants together. To achieve results, it is important to be able to distinguish the principles of the influence of herbs on the body, and they can be fat burning, diuretic or laxative, improving metabolic processes or reducing appetite.

Fat burning

The first thing that anyone who wants to lose a few extra pounds should focus on is cleansing the body. Almost all herbs for weight loss that burn fat are aimed at this effect. Accumulating in the body, they begin to stimulate active blood circulation, help remove toxins and improve lipid metabolism. Ask folk experts what herb you can drink for weight loss and the answer will be:

  • parsley with dill;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • caraway;
  • yarrow;
  • mess;
  • green tea.


It is worth noting right away that neither herbal diuretics nor pharmaceutical ones will help you burn a layer of fatty tissue. When taking herbal diuretics, fluid leaves the body, which will immediately return if you drink an extra glass of water. However, diuretic herbs for weight loss can also be useful. For example, if fat man has a tendency to swelling. Herbs with diuretic effects include:

  • goose cinquefoil;
  • horsetail;
  • dandelions;
  • immortelle;
  • Tibetan barberry - goji berries;
  • corn silk;
  • tansy;
  • lingonberry leaves.


Excessive accumulation of food debris in the intestines can lead to fermentation in the intestines, gas, bloating and general intoxication. Herbs for digestion and cleansing the body will relieve you of similar problems. They normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, delicately cleanse the intestines, remove toxins and other decay products. What herb to drink for weight loss with a laxative effect? The following plants are suitable:

  • buckthorn bark;
  • anise;
  • Caucasian hellebore;
  • licorice;
  • joster berries.

Improves metabolism and promotes weight loss

Slow metabolism is a common problem for people suffering from overweight. Herbs that speed up metabolism in the body will help increase energy consumption. However, you should drink tinctures from such plants with caution: they can increase your appetite. If you are not afraid of such side effects, then try making herbal decoctions for weight loss:

  • ginseng;
  • guarana;
  • coltsfoot;
  • birch buds and leaves;
  • red pepper;
  • ginger;
  • nettle;
  • celery.

To reduce appetite

The main rule of most diets is the need to reduce not only calories, but also the amount of food consumed per day. Not many people who lose weight find this barrier easy. The following herbs for reducing appetite and losing weight will help muffle the feeling of increasing hunger and be content with a small portion of healthy food:

  • fucus;
  • flax-seed;
  • spirulina;
  • marshmallow root;
  • medicinal angelica;
  • bran;
  • sage.

How to lose weight with herbs

Fat burning with the help of herbs must be combined with dietary nutrition and in an active way life, but this will not be enough for efficiency. When losing weight using medicinal herbs, it is extremely important to consider several rules:

  • Infusions, teas, decoctions for weight loss, etc. cannot be taken whenever you want. As with any other dietary nutrition, needed here systems approach. Otherwise, such weight loss methods may cause digestive problems, liver or kidney problems, bile stagnation, allergic reactions or other problems.
  • Any herbal weight loss drinks should not be drunk for too long. The optimal course of a plant-based diet is one and a half to two months. Then the body will need a break to recover.
  • You should not believe the assurances of traditional healers that it is possible fast weight loss on herbs 25 kg per month. The extra centimeters and kilograms will go away slowly, approximately 600-900 grams per week. But the result will be much more stable than following a simple diet.
  • Diuretic plants not only remove harmful substances from the body and relieve fluid stagnation, but they also flush out calcium. To protect your bones, teeth, hair, nails, in parallel with such drinks when losing weight, you need to take special vitamin supplements.

In addition, not everyone can practice herbal medicine. Losing weight with herbs is strictly contraindicated for people with abnormal liver function or kidney pathologies, gastrointestinal disorders or allergies. Many herbal teas should not be drunk after conception or while breastfeeding. breast milk. In order not to guess what herbs to drink to lose weight in the stomach or other parts of the body, you need to consult a doctor or an experienced herbalist before taking it. The specialist will definitely tell you about all the details, contraindications, but will also determine the optimal dosage.

How to take herbs for weight loss

From medicinal herbs you can prepare wonderful decoctions, make tinctures, and brew tea. Sometimes herbal teas for weight loss, grind in a mortar and use as a flavor enhancer for snacks or savory baked goods. In order to correctly calculate the dosage, you should strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of the herbal mixture for weight loss or in folk recipe. It is worth remembering that herbal diuretics and fat-burning supplements should be taken before bed. Herbs to speed up metabolism - before training, and diuretics and laxatives for weight loss - on weekends or after work.

Normalize work digestive system, special decoctions for weight loss help reduce appetite and cleanse the intestines of toxins. You need to drink them before each meal, first half a glass, then increasing the dosage to 200 ml. Try preparing decoctions using the following two recipes:

  1. Take equal parts of strawberry leaves, mint leaves, birch leaves, fennel, nettle and rosehip. Mix all the herbs well and measure exactly 1 tbsp. l. Fill the composition with two hundred milliliters hot water and place on top of a pan of boiling water. Boil the weight loss drink for a few minutes, cover with a plate or lid. Let the weight loss drink brew for several hours.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of dill seeds and the same amount of burdock hot water. Place the bowl in a steam bath, cover with a lid and simmer for 20-30 minutes. Before taking the herbal decoction, cool and be sure to strain.


If you don’t have time to stand at the stove, but want to say goodbye to those extra centimeters, then try preparing an infusion of herbs for weight loss according to one of the following recipes:

  1. In a glass, mix equal amounts of dill and flax seeds, dried chamomile, buckthorn and some dandelions. Pour boiling water over the mixture and place a saucer on top of the glass. Brew the weight loss infusion for no longer than 15 minutes, then remove the herbs and drink the drink immediately.
  2. Combine equal amounts of nettle leaves, common yarrow and nettles. Pour boiling water over the dry mixture and let the herbs steep for a few minutes. Then cool the infusion slightly and take 1/3 cup per day.
  3. Steep sage, angelica and flax seeds for 20 minutes. Strain the cooled decoction for weight loss through a sieve with fine holes and take each time before meals.

Drainage tea

When losing weight, this drink will relieve puffiness and help remove unnecessary fluid from the body. However, unlike diuretics from the pharmacy, they act much softer and more delicately, and you can prepare drainage teas from herbs for weight loss in your own kitchen, spending mere pennies on making a collection. Convince yourself of this by mastering a few simple recipes:

  • Grate fresh ginger root. Mix it with half a garlic clove, 10 grams of liquid honey and 30 milliliters of lemon juice. Pour boiling water over the resulting set of ingredients and drink throughout the day.
  • Let two tablespoons of calendula steep in 400 ml of boiling water for about 10-15 minutes. Pass the weight loss drink through a fine mesh sieve and take ½ glass an hour before meals.
  • Take 6-8 currant leaves, birch leaves or coltsfoot inflorescences. Pour boiling water over the composition of herbs for weight loss and drink herbal tea throughout the day.

What are the most effective herbs for weight loss?

Many weight loss experts recommend using a multi-component pharmacy herbal collection for weight loss. This approach allows you to get several effects at once: cleanse the intestines of toxins, burn subcutaneous fat, get rid of fluid, speed up metabolism, reduce food consumption. However, not everyone can follow this approach when losing weight. In this case, herbalists suggest choosing just one effective herb.


Senna is considered one of the most common laxative herbs in Russia. However, you need to drink it with special care, because weed for weight loss has such unpleasant side effects like diarrhea and colic. In addition, the Altai herb senna is addictive when used regularly. Therefore, teas, extracts or infusions from it are drunk for no longer than one month.

To prepare a cleansing infusion, you need:

  1. Take half of one teaspoon of herb, pour one cup of boiling water.
  2. Cover the infusion with a lid for 10 minutes, then filter the liquid.
  3. It is advisable to drink the drink on an empty stomach, in small sips.
  4. If necessary, you can add a little honey to the infusion.

Caucasian hellebore

This weight loss herb contains a huge amount of useful antioxidants, so hellebore is able to cope with several tasks at once: support the functioning of the liver and kidneys, help remove excess fluid, protect the body from harmful toxins. Hellebore herb for weight loss is prepared according to this principle:

  1. Take two teaspoons of crushed hellebore leaves and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Then wrap the container with any thick cloth and leave for at least 2 hours.
  3. The herbal medicine should be drunk 1 glass a day every morning for two weeks.


In folk medicine, mistletoe is used as a hemostatic plant and is often used to treat abrasions, wounds or burns. However, it will also be very useful for those who want to quickly say goodbye to kilograms. The herb mistletoe for weight loss is used in the form of a tincture with the addition of linden, which must be drunk according to a certain scheme:

  1. On the first day, prepare a drink consisting of 4 tbsp. l. linden leaves steamed in a liter of boiling water. Before drinking, the linden herb must be steeped for 2 hours.
  2. The next day, replace the linden with the same amount of mistletoe herb.
  3. On the third day for the drink, take only 2 tbsp. l. mistletoe for the same amount of water.
  4. On the fourth day herbal tea you need to add juice from one lemon.
  5. To lose weight, you need to drink the fat-burning infusion throughout the day, replacing regular water with it.

Honey stevia

Still wondering what herb to drink for weight loss? Then try stevia. This is the lowest calorie plant, because per 100 grams of leaves there are only 18 kilocalories. The herb stevia for weight loss is a treasure trove useful properties. It helps remove cholesterol, normalizes glucose levels in the body, helps give up sugar, suppresses the feeling of hunger and stimulates the immune system. Stevia can be added to your daily tea and coffee. Often the leaves of the herb are added to compotes or cocktails for weight loss, and they are used to sweeten porridges and dietary desserts.


The herb with the amazing name bardakosh is familiar to many cooks, because in the kitchen it is a famous seasoning - marjoram. In cooking, it is often added to fish dishes, soups or vegetables, used in canning, for preparing alcoholic beverages and flavoring tea. In folk medicine, bardakosh is good for weight loss. It helps speed up metabolism, remove waste products and reduce appetite. The herb is brewed like regular tea, carried in a thermos, and drunk in small sips.


Since ancient times, herbal medicine has helped people treat many diseases, as well as solve problems related to appearance and excess weight. Today, many women are thinking about how to lose weight with the help of herbs. It is this method, with an integrated approach to the problem, that gives good results.

Collection recipes

What herbs to drink to lose weight should be decided, taking into account their particular effects on the body. To get slim and beautiful figure The following fees can be used.

Infusion of buckthorn bark, dandelion root, fennel and parsley fruits, mint leaves

To cleanse the body, combine buckthorn bark and dandelion root, fennel and parsley fruits, leaves peppermint(buckthorn 40 grams, the rest 15 grams each). Pour boiling water (2 tablespoons – 2 glasses of water). Insist for half an hour. It is better to drink before breakfast.

Corn silk decoction

To reduce appetite, brew corn silk in a thermos at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per glass of boiling water. Drink this drink 5 times a day, 25 ml at a time.

Infusion of chicory and burdock roots

To normalize the metabolic process and gradually lose weight, brew a mixture of 2 teaspoons of chicory and 4 teaspoons of burdock root with a glass of boiling water. Leave for about an hour. The entire drink should be drunk per day, divided into 3 doses.

It’s not enough just to know which herbs help you lose weight, it’s important to use them correctly. This is the only way you will get a good result.

Herbal system

You can brew herbs for weight loss separately, but herbal infusions have a greater effect. For better understanding How to lose weight with herbs, there are several points to consider. First of all, taking herbal infusions and infusions should be systematic, since the unsystematic use of herbal medicine in unlimited quantities will certainly lead to either an allergic reaction or a prolonged intestinal disorder.

Do not take herbal infusions for too long a time; herbal medicine should take certain courses. The average course lasts from 1.5 to 2 months. After one course there must be a break.

The process of losing weight with the help of herbal remedies is relatively slow - you will lose approximately 500-800 grams per week. Moreover, the effect of this procedure is longer than that of a regular diet.


Many people think that herbal remedies are absolutely harmless compared to dietary supplements and diets. You shouldn't be naive in this regard. Even the most harmless weed can often cause problems in the functioning of the body. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to consult a therapist regarding the use of this or that collection.

Taking herbs for weight loss is strictly contraindicated if a person has chronic liver disease, gastrointestinal tract, kidney. Herbal medicine is undesirable during pregnancy. Allergy sufferers need to take herbs especially carefully.

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