Vera Glagoleva and her husband. Vera Glagolev biography. What happened next

It is impossible to imagine Russian cinema without this man. Bright actress, who easily pulls off comedic and dramatic images, has become the standard of simple Soviet woman. Vera Glagoleva, whose biography will be discussed below, realized herself not only as a sought-after actress, but also as a director.

“Random” debut

Vera was born in 1956. Her parents, teachers, had nothing to do with cinema. The girl herself, like her older brother Boris, did not think of getting on the screens. Vera's grandfather, who served in the 30s design bureau for the production of high-speed trains, they allocated an apartment on Patriarch's Ponds, where she spent her childhood. Only at the age of 6 years did the girl move with her parents to a new apartment.

The biography of Vera Glagoleva knows a lot interesting facts, testifying to the time when she was just beginning her first creative steps. However, as was said earlier, she did not want to become an actress. While still in high school, Vera took up athletics seriously, was fond of archery, joined the youth team and even became a master of sports. True, the roads of fate still led her to the set. In 1974, having barely graduated from school, Glagoleva went on an excursion to the Mosfilm studio. Whether it was an accident or not, then the assistant director, who was preparing the production of a new film, drew the attention of her. Thus Vera received main role Simka in the teenage melodrama “To the End of the World.”

Love is nearby

The film was directed by Rodion Nakhapetov. The biography of Vera Glagoleva also includes an interesting fact that will be of interest to all her fans. On the set of Nakhapetov, who older than Glagoleva for 12 years, literally fell in love with an 18-year-old girl. A relationship began between them that was not immediately accepted by others. Be that as it may, Nakhapetov became Vera Vitalievna’s first love, she soon married him and starred in several of his films.

Impressed by Glagoleva’s performance, Anatoly Efros invites her to the youth drama “On Thursday and Never Again.” He was satisfied with the work of the unprofessional actress and invited Vera to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Glagoleva long remembered the missed opportunity, but then she refused to accept the invitation.

No breaks

Born in the late 70s new star- actress Vera Glagoleva. Vera's biography notes the fact that she played her first roles in a dramatic role. She was so successful in this that she long years became a trump card. In 1978, Vera starred in the films “Enemies” and “Suspicious”, and later tried herself in the genre of military epic, playing a minor role in “Starfall”. During the same period, Glagoleva’s first daughter Anna was born. Now she dances leading roles at the Bolshoi Theater, but she started out as an actress. It is noteworthy that in the film “Sunday Dad” she starred with her mother, playing the daughter of her heroine.

Personality, character, features of images

Vera Glagoleva is distinguished by a unique manner of performing each of her roles. And this despite the fact that she does not have the appropriate education. She harmoniously combines fragility and plasticity, which allowed her to become the leading actress of the 80s.

The biography of Vera Glagoleva contains information that characterizes her from the other side - in 1990 she made her debut as a director. It was the drama “Broken Light”, in which she also played the main role. Success in the new role was warmly received by critics - not so much that Glagoleva felt like a great director, but enough to sometimes sit in the director's chair.

She will embody this very “sometimes” more than once during her creative activity. The biography of Vera Glagoleva is also interesting because some of her works as a director have won prestigious awards at various festivals. So, this applies to the films “Order”, “Ferris Wheel” and “One War”, which deserved the “Golden Phoenix” and “Pacific Meridian”. In 2012, Vera Vitalievna filmed the comedy melodrama “Casual Acquaintances,” and two years later she set a high bar for herself - a free adaptation of Turgenev’s play, which “resulted” in the film “Two Women.” Glagoleva managed to invite Hollywood actor Ralph Fiennes to play the main male role.

Public favorite Vera Glagoleva: biography, personal life

Any success brings with it a wave of speculation and gossip. Vera Vitalievna was no exception to general rule and fully felt the “benevolent” attitude of the press, which willingly washed her bones not only in connection with the release of the next film, but also because of her divorce from Rodion Nakhapetov. In 1980, his second daughter, Maria, was born. And although she starred in her father’s film “Contagion,” she did not become a professional actress. For a long time she lived in America, and has now returned to Russia.

Acquaintance with businessman Kirill Shubsky grew into official marriage, from whom Glagoleva’s third daughter, Nastasya, was born. After graduating from VGIK, today the girl is engaged in producing activities.

Biography of actress Vera Glagoleva: main achievements

The track record of the beloved star of the Soviet screen includes more than 60 films, in which Vera began acting in her teens. The actress often appeared before the audience in a variety of roles, but the main one, of course, remains her dramatic path. She appeared on television more than once, participated in talk shows, and was remembered for such films as “Descended from Heaven,” “Marry the Captain,” and “Poor Sasha.” Having accumulated over many years invaluable experience, Glagoleva generously shares it with aspiring actors - she heads the theater workshop at the Ostankino Institute of Radio Broadcasting.

Soviet and Russian actress, director, producer, screenwriter. Honored Artist of Russia (1995), People's Artist of Russia (2011).

Vera Glagoleva. Biography

Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva born January 31, 1956 in Moscow. While studying at school, Vera practiced archery and achieved success: she became a master of sports and competed for the Moscow youth team. Vera did not intend to act in films or enter a theater university, but chance decided everything for her. In 1974, at the age of 18, immediately after graduating from school, she was noticed at Mosfilm by members of the film crew of Rodion Nakhapetov, who was preparing to shoot the film “ To the edge of the world» according to the script Viktor Rozov.

The role of the girl in love Sima went to Glagoleva. The film received a prize at the Ljubljana Film Festival. A successful film debut not only predetermined the choice of profession, but also played a big role in Vera’s personal life. Despite the age difference (Rodion Nakhapetov was 12 years older than Glagoleva), the director and young actress got married.

Vera Glagoleva about meeting Rodion Nakhapetov: “I knew very well the films with his participation - “Lovers and Tenderness.” And she was a little in love with his on-screen hero. I was in awe of him, as if I were an adult. serious person, who at the age of 30 has already achieved a lot in life.”

Vera Glagoleva directed the Workshop of the theater department of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino". In 2014, the actress and director released the film Two Women, in which Ralph Fiennes played the main role. In 2016, she completed filming the film “ Clay pit».

The creative life of Vera Glagoleva

In 1977, Glagoleva played Varya in the film of the famous Anatoly Efros"Thursday and never again." The film actress’s performance made a strong impression on the director, and he invited her to the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, which he then directed. However, on the advice of Nakhapetov, Vera refused the offer, which she later regretted.

Vera Glagoleva about education: “I always didn’t have enough time to study, I worked all the time, and this seemed more important. At one time, Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros said that I didn’t need this. In fact he only person, from whom I would really like to learn. Unfortunately, fate decreed that he passed away too early.”

Nakhapetov filmed Glagoleva in all his films of that period: “ Enemies», « Don't shoot white swans», « About you" Vera was also invited by other directors: she played Zhenya in “ Starfall» Igor Talankin, Shura in Semyon Aranovich’s film “Torpedo Bombers”.

Her signature combination of fragility combined with inner strength turned out to be very appropriate in Russian cinema of the 1970-1990s. Glagoleva became widely known for her role as independent journalist Lena in Vitaly Melnikov’s melodrama “Marry the Captain” (1983).

In 1995, Vera Glagoleva was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In 1986, Vera Glagoleva was named best actress of the year according to a survey by the magazine “Soviet Screen” (for his role in the film “Marry the Captain”).

In 1990, Vera Glagoleva made her debut as a director, directing the film “ Broken light"about the dramatic fates of unemployed actors. Since the late 90s, the actress has starred mainly in the TV series: “Waiting Room”, “Maroseyka, 12”, “ Heiresses», « Island without love", "Wedding ring ", " A woman wants to know..." Among her films released in wide release at this time are “Poor Sasha” (1997) and “ It is not recommended to offend women"(2000).

In 2005, Vera Glagoleva returned to the director's chair, filming the drama " Order"with the participation of Alexander Baluev. In 2007, she released the melodrama “Ferris Wheel” (2007) with Alena Babenko in the title role. It was released in 2010 New film“One War” - a drama about the fate of women during the Great Patriotic War. Glagoleva called this film her most serious film work.

At the beginning of 2013, the melodrama “ Casual acquaintances", directed by Glagoleva, and the main roles were played by Victoria Tolstoganova and Kirill Safonov. In the summer of 2014, at the Window to Europe film festival in Vyborg, Glagoleva presented her new film “Two Women” based on the play “ A month in the village» Ivan Turgenev.

Vera Glagoleva spoke about the film “Two Women”: “This play has been staged and filmed so many times in so many languages ​​that it is obvious: it is international. I want today’s viewers to recognize themselves in the heroes of our film – even if they are dressed in nineteenth-century clothes. Yes, life criteria have changed, but the moral problems remain the same. Who is this story addressed to? Anyone who is looking for sincerity in modern world who has not lost the ability to “hear” with his heart, who is not afraid to love.”

For 2017, it was planned to release two projects with the participation of Vera Glagoleva: in social drama " Clay pit”about the life of three women in the province, Vera Vitalievna acted as a director, and in the comedy drama “Noah Sails Away” by Alexander Kott, she played the main role, which became the last in her life.

Personal life of Vera Glagoleva

After 14 years life together, in 1989, the union of Nakhapetov and Glagoleva broke up. Rodion left for America, Vera remained in Russia. In her marriage to Nakhapetov, she gave birth to two daughters - Anna and Maria. Eldest daughter Anna became a ballerina and was accepted into the Bolshoi Theater troupe. Anna played the role of the daughter of the heroine Glagoleva in the film “Sunday Dad”. Having already made a career in ballet, she continued to act in films - in the films “Upside Down”, “Russians in the City of Angels” and “The Secret of Swan Lake”. In 2006, Anna married Yegor Simachev, son former soloists Bolshoi Theater ballet by Nikolai Simachev and Tatiana Krasina. In December 2006, Anna gave birth to a daughter, but she and Simachev divorced.

The second daughter of Glagoleva and Nakhapetov, Maria, married a businessman and moved to the USA; in 2007, she gave Vera Glavgoleva a grandson, Kirill. After the birth of her son, Maria lives in Moscow. She starred in her father's film "Contagion."

Second time Vera Glagoleva married a businessman involved in shipbuilding, Kirill Shubsky. They met at the Golden Dick film festival in 1991. On November 16, 1993, the couple had a daughter, Anastasia. The girl graduated from VGIK, starred in the films “Ferris Wheel”, “ Ca de Bou” and “A woman wants to know...”. Since 2015, Anastasia Shubskaya has been dating the famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. In 2016, the couple got married in the USA, but the celebration was postponed a year later and took place in the summer of 2017 in a complex near Moscow "Barvikha Luxury Village".

Rumors that actress Vera Glagoleva had health problems appeared in the media in 2016. However, Glagoleva herself denied the information that was disseminated in the press and said that she was indeed in the hospital, but no serious problems She is not in good health.

Vera Glagoleva died on July 16, 2017 in Germany at the Black Forest-Bar clinic, which is located near Baden-Baden. Vera Vitalievna flew to Germany for examination. The actress passed away at the age of 61. According to the actress's relatives, she died after a long illness. Later it became known that Vera Glagoleva had stomach cancer.

Anastasia Shubskaya, youngest daughter Vera Glagoleva, published a post on Instagram dedicated to her mother: “Our beloved... unique and only... there are no words and no strength... you are near and we feel it... #forever.”

She was fragile and unpredictable, vulnerable, but at the same time very strong and principled. Vera Glagoleva is a brilliant actress and a true master of disguise, a sought-after and extraordinary actress who did not break under the burden of circumstances and blows of fate.

Vera Glagoleva became famous after the release of the films “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, “Torpedo Bombers”, “Marry the Captain”, “Maroseyka, 12”.


Vera Glagoleva was born on January 31, 1956 in Moscow. Dad Vitaly Pavlovich taught physics and mathematics, mother Galina Naumovna was a teacher in the lower grades.

The family lived in the very center of the capital, near the Patriarchs, in the apartment that was left to them from their maternal grandfather. In the 1930s he designed high-speed trains. Grandfather was famous person, worked in the People's Commissar of Railways. He was shot in 1938. My maternal grandmother worked as a doctor. She was also arrested in 1938, but was not shot, but as the wife of a traitor, she was sent to the Akmola camp for wives of traitors to the Motherland.

In addition to Vera, the eldest son was still growing up in the family.

When the girl was six years old, the family moved to their own apartment in Izmailovo. They lived there for four years. In 1962, the Glagolevs were sent to the GDR, where for 5 years they taught the children of Russian diplomats at school No. 103 in Karl-Marx-Stadt. In 1966 they returned to Moscow again. Vera really liked archery, and she began to actively engage in this sport, despite the fact that she was a rather fragile and tender girl.

Only a year has passed, and Vera has already managed to become a master of sports and entered the capital’s national team. Archery is more of a men's activity because you have to constantly lift weights - one bow weighed as much as 16 kg.

Dad insisted that Vera go to the section rhythmic gymnastics, but she liked boyish games, such as Cossack Robbers. The girl also liked shooting because the athletes had very beautiful uniforms. white, which looked great paired with green onions.


Vera Glagoleva did not study at theater university, but nevertheless managed to become famous actress, popular and in demand. My first experience in cinema took place literally after graduation. high school. In 1974, she accidentally found herself in the Mosfilm film studio, where she witnessed preparations for the filming of the film “To the End of the World...”. The pretty girl attracted the attention of one of the participants in the process, and he invited Vera to try her hand at cinema. They just needed an actress to play the role of the girl Sima, who defends her feelings.

In 1977, Glagoleva received an invitation from director A. Efros to participate in the film “On Thursday and Never Again.” Vera got the role of the girl Varya. Efros was simply delighted with the performance of the young actress, and after filming invited her to his theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Glagoleva refused, although she later regretted her decision many times.

In the 80s, her career took off - Vera is constantly invited to film sets, she played in several dozen films. Among the most interesting are “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, “Starfall”, “Torpedo Bombers”.

But real popularity came to Vera after filming the film “Marry the Captain,” in which she got the role of journalist Elena. Initially, the film was supposed to have four main characters, but they decided to rewrite the script and leave one journalist, Lena. Glagoleva did an excellent job with this role; her heroine appeared in all her restlessness and ostentatious independence. After the release of the film, Glagoleva received the title of best actress of the year, according to the magazine “Soviet Screen”.

After this there was work in the film “Sincerely Yours...”, directed by. She played Ekaterina Korneeva, who managed to find a way out of all difficult situations that arose in her destiny. After the release of the film, a large audience decided that this was a story about themselves, about their difficult destinies. Glagoleva became a popular favorite.

The crisis of the 90s had virtually no impact on creative biography actresses - she is filmed a lot and often. She played strong, resilient and independent women. All her heroines were positive, because the directors did not even think of offering her to play a bitchy role - the actress had too soft and trusting appearance.

In the new century, Vera Glagoleva began to be offered roles in TV series. During these years she starred in the films “Maroseyka, 12”, “A Woman Wants to Know”, “ Wedding ring" The actress's filmography includes more than four dozen roles.

Photo: Vera Glagoleva in the TV series “Moroseyka 12”

In 1996, Vera Glagoleva became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2011 she received the title People's Artist Russia.

In 2008, Vera Glagoleva was one of the jury members who evaluated KVN. From 2011 to 2014, she was the head of a workshop at the Moscow Ostankino Institute (MITRO).

Vera Glagoleva was invited to work in an enterprise, which she never refused. She collaborated with the Anton Chekhov Theater and the Tabakerka Theater-Studio.

Directing career

In 1990, the actress made her debut as a director. She directed the film “Broken Light,” which addressed the problem of unemployed actors. But the film hit the screens only eleven years later.

In 2005, Vera Glagoleva herself wrote the script and directed the film “Order”; in 2008, she became the director of the film “Ferris Wheel”, which was awarded the Grand Prix of the 1st Russian Film Festival called “Golden Phoenix”.

In 2010, Glagoleva shot another film called “One War.” This film became her favorite and most serious project. The film tells about the difficult life of women during the war years.

In 2012, Glagoleva filmed the melodrama “Casual Acquaintances,” and in 2014 she became a screenwriter, director and producer of the film “Two Women.” It was a real international project, because the main characters were played by Russian, French and British actors. The film was awarded numerous international awards, was greatly liked by domestic and foreign critics and became a real revival of the film adaptation of classic works.

Personal life

The actress’s personal life did not work out right away. Her first husband was a director, whom she met at the Mosfilm film studio in 1974. Her chosen one was twelve years older. Their marriage took place in 1976. In 1978, their daughter Anna was born. She continued the glorious tradition of her parents - Anna is an actress and ballerina. She is a member of the Bolshoi Theater troupe and actively collaborates with cinema. She acted in several of her mother's films. She was married to Yegor Simachev, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Polina, in 2006.

Photo: Vera Glagoleva with her husband and daughter

In 1980, a daughter, Maria, was born into the family of Nakhapetov and Glagoleva. Together with her husband, she went to the States, studied computer graphics in special school. She divorced her first husband, moved to Moscow and married again. In 2007, she gave Vera a grandson, Kirill, and in 2012, a grandson, Miron.

In 1991, Rodion and Vera divorced, he left for America, and she and her children remained in their homeland.

Literally immediately after the divorce, Vera Glagoleva met her second husband. His name was Kirill Shubsky, he had his own business, and he was 8 years younger than Glagoleva. The romance developed very quickly, and soon their wedding took place. In 1993, they became the parents of a daughter, Anastasia, who was born in one of the private clinics in Switzerland. Vera was very happy in this marriage; her husband managed to completely protect his talented wife from everyday problems, and provide her with every opportunity for creativity.

In 2005, rumors spread in the press about illegitimate son Shubsky, who was born by gymnast S. Khorkina. Glagoleva did not comment on this “event”; the marriage did not break up, and even became stronger and more durable.

To preserve her youth and beauty, Vera did not torture herself with constant exhausting workouts and did not take any medical supplies. She preferred playing sports and physical exercise, sometimes she even thought about plastic surgery, but she did not have time to resort to it.

Cause of death

Vera Glagoleva died on August 16, 2017 in Germany. She was only 62, but oncology took its toll dirty business. Kirill Shubsky said that Vera had been struggling with the disease for a long time, but in 2017 she participated in the Moscow Film Festival and married off her daughter Anastasia. Her chosen one was hockey player A. Ovechkin. Glagoleva was already seriously ill at that time, but did not show it so as not to spoil her daughter’s most important event in her life.

Photo: Funeral of Vera Glagoleva

Her death shocked not only her family and friends, but also the general public. Her death was a real tragedy not only for fans of the actress, but also for ordinary viewers who saw her films at least once in their lives.

The resting place of Vera Glagoleva was the Troekurovskoye cemetery in the capital. She was buried on August 19, after a farewell ceremony, which took place at the House of Cinema. The farewell was crowded; it was attended not only by relatives and colleagues, but also by numerous colleagues. The farewell lasted several hours, because there was a whole line of people who wanted to see the actress off. last way.

Vera Glagoleva was a real actress, talented and very famous. This is exactly how she will remain in the memory of grateful fans who enjoy watching films with her participation.

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In the personal life of this wonderful actress and director there were many bright moments and difficult periods, but she was able to find the strength to overcome them and become happy again. Vera Glagoleva's first husband, director Rodion Nakhapetov, went to America to work and met another woman there, leaving his wife and two small daughters in Russia.

Vera Glagoleva and her first husband

She didn’t even think that she would become an actress - throughout her childhood, Vera Glagoleva was actively involved in sports - archery and planned that this would become the defining direction of her biography. An incident intervened in plans for the future, forcing them to change them completely.

One day, in the company of friends, Vera accidentally went to Mosfilm, where the assistant director for the selection of actors saw her and offered her to take part in auditions for the film “To the End of the World.” Nahapetov, who directed this film, immediately drew attention to the talented, self-confident girl and entrusted her with the main role in his film. This was the beginning of their friendship and then their romantic relationship.

In the photo - Vera Glagoleva with her first husband

Rodion was twelve years older than Vera, but this did not become an obstacle to them getting married a year after they met. Three years after the wedding, Glagoleva gave birth to a daughter, Anna, and two years later another daughter, Maria.

Glagoleva starred in several films of her first husband, and in general she has more than fifty film roles to her credit, although she never received any special acting education. In the late seventies, Nakhapetov left for America, first for the sake of new job, and then started an affair with his manager there. The news that her husband had another woman came as a real shock to Vera, but she bravely survived this blow of fate, and only work helped her cope with all her experiences.

Vera Glagoleva and Kirill Shubsky

A few years after the divorce, at the Golden Dick film festival, Glagoleva met shipowner businessman Kirill Shubsky, whom she soon married. Their acquaintance was accidental - Shubsky sat down at Vera’s table in a restaurant and recognized her as famous actress and fell in love at first sight.

Returning to Moscow, Kirill immediately found Glagoleva to present a luxurious bouquet of red roses for the holiday of Faith, Hope and Love and set up a date.

In the photo - Vera Glagoleva with her second husband Kirill Shubsky

He began to persistently court the actress, seeking her favor. The persistence of the young admirer did not go without reward - Vera Glagoleva not only reciprocated his feelings and agreed to marry Kirill, but also decided to take a step that no one expected from her - despite her demand in cinema, she left her job and, together with Shubsky, For two years she went to Switzerland, where they got married, and where her third daughter Anastasia was born.

Vera Glagoleva’s second husband is twenty years younger than her first husband, Rodion Nakhapetov, and eight years younger than the actress herself. Today, together with her second husband, Glagoleva lives in her own house on Nikolina Gora. When all of them big family gets together, it's a real holiday for everyone.

The actress's daughters also chose creative professions– the eldest Anna became a ballerina and not only dances at the Bolshoi Theater, but also acts in films, the youngest Anastasia graduated from the production department of VGIK, starred in several films, and Vera Glagoleva’s middle daughter Maria became a computer graphics specialist.

The actress believes that her second husband completely changed her life and allowed her to feel happy again. Despite the divorce from Nakhapetov, she tried to ensure that he maintained a trusting relationship with his children, and he supports his daughters in everything.

1. Actress Vera Glagoleva- a native Muscovite. Her parents worked as teachers: her father taught physics and biology, her mother was a teacher. primary classes. The family lived in the historical center of the capital, on the Patriarch's Ponds, in an apartment that was given to Vera's maternal grandfather, who worked in the thirties as a designer and inventor of high-speed trains.

2. In her youth, Vera Glagoleva did not think about becoming an actress; she was much more attracted to sports. She received the title of Master of Sports in archery and competed as a member of the Moscow youth team.

Vera Glagoleva. 1984 Photo: RIA Novosti / Galina Kmit

3. Vera Glagoleva’s debut as an actress took place in the director’s film Rodion Nakhapetova"To the edge of the world…". She got the role by accident: Glagoleva was seen by the director’s assistants in the buffet of the Mosfilm film studio, where she came with a friend, and was offered to try out for the role. The auditions were successful, Glagoleva starred in the film, and soon she married Rodion Nakhapetov.

4. Vera Glagoleva, who became one of the most successful domestic actresses of her generation and played about fifty roles in films, did not have acting education. Nevertheless, her skill was highly valued: the famous theater director Anatoly Efros invited Glagoleva to the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, but she refused.

Vera Glagoleva in the film “Marry the Captain,” 1986. Photo:

5. One of best works The actress's career became the role of a photojournalist Elena Zhuravleva in the film "Marry the Captain." Thanks to this role, Glagoleva was recognized as the best actress of the USSR in 1986, according to a survey by the magazine “Soviet Screen”.

6. In 1989, Glagoleva’s husband Rodion Nakhapetov went to work in the USA, and their marriage broke up. For Glagoleva, this became an occasion to try herself in a new creative role: in 1990, she directed the film “Broken Light” as a director.

Actress Vera Glagoleva with her daughters and husband Rodion Nakhapetov. 1987 Photo: RIA Novosti / Valery Plotnikov

7. In the 2000s, Vera Glagoleva finally tried herself in the theater. She played in the enterprise performances “Russian Roulette. Female version”, “Emigrant pose”, “Under the blue sky”. Theater projects with Glagoleva's participation had big success from the audience.

8. Vera Glagoleva’s second husband was a businessman Kirill Shubsky. The daughter of Glagoleva and Shubsky Anastasia, a graduate of the production department of VGIK, married a Russian hockey star in 2016 Alexandra Ovechkina.

Anastasia Shubskaya and Vera Glagoleva. Photo:

9. In 1995, Vera Glagoleva was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In 2011, for her great achievements in the field of cinematic art, she received the title of People's Artist of Russia.

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