VIN diesel now. Vin Diesel: interesting facts from the life of an action star. Moving to the Big Apple

On July 18, 2019, actor, producer and Hollywood's most famous bald head Vin Diesel turns 52. In honor of this event, we present 10 interesting facts from the life of a popular handsome man.

The owner of one of the coolest off-screen aliases in show business has a rather ordinary and unmemorable name. His name is Mark Sinclair Vincent.

Among English-speaking viewers, Diesel is also known for his deep, velvety voice. According to the actor, he got a sexy baritone at the age of 15, and since then telephone conversations he often pretended to be a grown man. Around the same time, the actor went to the gym and began to exercise with big weights, thanks to which today we see on the screen 102 kg of purest splendor.

Discovering in yourself creativity, 26-year-old Mark decided not to wait for favors from fate and made his first film on his own. So in 1994, in just a few days, he wrote the script and managed to shoot the short film "Many Faces", in which he played the main role. He also produced the picture with a budget of $ 3,000. As a result, the film received positive reviews and was even shown at the Cannes Film Festival.
frame from the movie "Many Faces"

Before becoming a professional actor, Diesel tried to impress girls by doing rap and breakdancing. Unfortunately, there is not much evidence left, but there is something:

Legends can be made about the purposefulness of the birthday man: when after " black hole" And " The Chronicles of Riddick The studio decided not to shoot the third part, the actor did not abandon the plan and decided to do everything himself again. He had not only to remove all the savings from the accounts, but also to mortgage his own house. As you know, luck favors the brave: at the worldwide box office " Riddick raised nearly $100 million.

Today, Vin Diesel is one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood and regularly gets into Forbes lists. Its "market value" is estimated at $75 million.

Apart from financial well-being, the actor boasts a number of fans - he is one of the most popular users of Facebook, where more than 100 million people follow his life.

Despite the close attention of the public, Diesel manages to keep his personal life under wraps. And he, by the way, proud father three children: his girlfriend, Mexican fashion model Paloma Jimenez, in 2008 gave birth to his daughter Hania Riley, in 2010 - the son of Vincent Sinclair, and in 2015 - another daughter, who was named Pauline, in honor of the deceased Paul Walker.

Everyone knows that even brutal men have their phobias and weaknesses. Vin Diesel, for example, said that his "biggest fear" is to crash into a wall and split his lip. It's a little strange for a person who starred in dashing action games, where half of the tricks are .

Another weakness of the actor is the game "Dungeons and Dragons". Vin Diesel is an experienced roleplayer and is very proud of it!

And a few films from the ivi catalog with which you can celebrate the birthday of the birthday man: Black hole Chronicles of Riddick Riddick fast and furious Fast & Furious 4

The millennium divided the life of an actor into two parts: in the past century, Vin Diesel constantly needed money and fought for the right to work in Hollywood, and in the new, XXI, the actor became a star with eight-figure fees. How did this transformation take place? Thanking Diesel for her is relatives and friends who supported and believed in his talent in time.

Vin does not draw a clear line between blood relatives and close friends. He treats each of them like a member of his family. The audience instinctively feels his affection and respect for his colleagues on the set, and this adds to the attractiveness of the films. Vin Diesel is the real head of the clan and the soul of any company in life.

Mark Sinclair was born in California on July 14, 1967, minutes after his twin brother. She and Paul weren't twins and didn't look much alike in appearance. Their mother, Delora, worked as a psychologist and part-time astrologer. The boys' father separated from her before the children were born.

The Sinclair family lived in poverty, therefore, having met her future husband, Delora happily agreed to move to him in New York. The woman's hopes for well-being soon dissipated. Her husband, Irwin Vincent, was an actor and owner of a tiny studio. He shared his income with ex-wife and two children.

The boys were not bought expensive toys and smart clothes, but they had plenty of entertainment. Their stepfather took them to rehearsals at the acting studio and took them to various performances. Restless Mark copied the poses of the performers and memorized the monologues spoken. This useless occupation at the age of 7 allowed him to earn his first fee.

He and the yard company entered the neighboring theater to examine the costumes and props, but the director caught the eye of the guys. She invited them to the stage and asked them to read a few phrases with expression. Mark, out of habit, immediately learned them and uttered them without hesitation.

Playing on the theater stage

With that hooligan trick, Mark's work in the theater began. At first, he was paid $ 20 for the performance, over time the rate was raised to 40. His stepfather studied with him acting skills and believed that the stepson was making progress, but at the age of 17, Mark left the stage. Financial situation The family has not improved over the years, and after graduation, the guy decided to look for a more profitable occupation.

IN high school he was thin and stooped, but thanks to enhanced sports training, he pumped up muscles. The athletically built young man was hired as a bouncer in the New York club "Tunnel". There he saw different people. With some, Mark was at enmity and fought, with others he became close friends. It was then that he changed his name to the sonorous pseudonym "Vin Diesel", reflecting his seething energy.

Vin was encouraged by his stepfather to get an education and become a professional actor. Under his pressure, the guy entered the Hunter College department classical literature. He wrote good stories and hoped to eventually write a film script. In The Tunnel, Vin met movie stars more than once, and his other dream was to master the profession of an actor and fame.

In 1987, he came to Los Angeles and visited all the acting studios that he found in the directory. Expecting worthwhile roles, Diesel participated in extras, but this did not bring much money. Nevertheless, he appeared in an episode of Penny Marshall's drama Awakening, which was nominated for an Oscar.

He liked the city, and Vin believed that, being so close to Hollywood, he would not be left without offers. For a whole year he hoped to get a call from the studio and worked in a TV store. At least they paid well. In the end, he was tired of the monotonous work on television and empty expectations, and the actor returned to New York to the Tunnel club team.

Since the studios didn't have roles for him, Vin decided to produce the film himself. He earned something in the TV store, then replenished the budget with a bonus from "The Tunnel" and shot the short film "Many Faces" for $ 3,000. He wrote the script and music himself and played the main role in the film.

The picture was about people different cultures living in New York and their destinies. Diesel tried several times to abandon his work on the 20-minute film, but his stepfather did not allow him to do so. With his help, the novice producer and screenwriter edited the tape and sent it to the selection committee of the Cannes Film Festival. The tape was included in the program of the festival in 1995, and it received good reviews.

The beginning of an acting career

After the first success, Diesel again went to conquer Los Angeles. In his luggage was his own short film and participation in the film nominated for an Oscar. Not really hoping to get a movie offer, he reinstated himself as a presenter in a TV shop.

Vin scheduled himself new goal- to make a feature film, and this idea was not cheap. In almost a year, he and his friend John Sale raised $50,000. For both, it was a huge amount, but the enthusiasts boldly invested it in the production of the picture according to Diesel's script. The film was called The Tramps and included many of the stories Vin had heard or experienced at the Tunnel Club.

In January 1997, the picture was shown at the American festival "Sundance", and she, like earlier "Many Faces", deserved the praise of critics and viewers. Vince, who starred in the title role, presented the film and received a prize for it. This money went to its promotion, but Diesel failed to pay for the release of the DVD.

However, his tenacity and attempts to meet the film industry at festivals and screenings helped to advance Vin's acting career. Finally, agents began to send him invitations to auditions.

The first success was an acquaintance with Steven Spielberg and participation in his film Saving Private Ryan. After the release of the screen, the picture was a resounding box office success and 11 Oscar nominations, of which she received 5.

Diesel, who played the main character's fellow soldier, won the 1999 Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Performance by a Group of Actors. The second bonus was the opportunity to watch the work of the Hollywood "heavyweight" Spielberg.

Diesel stayed on the site for a long time and recorded the process of filming on camera. The director was very pleased with this.

Also in 1999, he voiced a robot in Brad Bird's cartoon The Steel Giant. This work did not receive much recognition due to a bad advertising campaign organized by the studio.

In the 2000s, Vin Diesel began shooting in three successful franchises at once: films about space criminal Richard Riddick, race car driver Dominic Torreto and super agent Xander Cage.

In addition to charisma and ability to work, Diesel has stubbornness and integrity. In this regard, he refused to participate in films if he was not satisfied with the image of the hero. The actor carefully studied the scripts and insisted on making changes to them. Initially, the studios preferred not to deal with the recalcitrant candidate for the role, but a few years later they noted that his paintings bring in considerable income and agreed to cooperate with him.

"Chronicles of Riddick"

In the film "Black Hole", released on television in 2000, Vin played the main role. Pirate Riddick with eyes glowing in the dark, bravely fighting space creatures on unfamiliar planets, was liked by the audience.

Diesel's fee amounted to several million dollars, and he was able to help his family and strengthen his position in Hollywood by hiring the best agent.

The series continued in 2004 with The Chronicles of Riddick, and in 2013 with Riddick.

Series "Fast and the Furious"

Dominic Torreto became Vin Diesel's favorite role. In fact, he played himself, and the crew members turned into his close friends. A lover of racing and high-speed cars leads a team of the same adherents of extreme sports and emerges victorious from the most dangerous adventures.

The cumulative fees of 8 Fast and Furious films, 6 of which starred Vin Diesel, amounted to almost $ 5 billion. The actor likes to remember how he prepared for the first film by participating in underground races.

In 2013, the Fast and the Furious team suffered a great loss. Paul Walker, Diesel's friend and on-screen brother-in-law, died in a car accident. At first, Vin was going to stop filming the franchise, but then he completed work on the 7th film and dedicated it to his departed colleague. In some episodes, Walker's brother was filmed.

"Three X's"

Super agent Xander Cage in the action movie "Three X's" turned out to be spectacular, fearless and with a killer sense of humor. He managed to save the world and conquer beautiful girl performed by actress Asia Argento.

Due to disagreements with the studio, Vin did not star in the second film, but returned to the fans in the third, in 2017. Xander has matured a little, but his character hasn't changed a bit. He still did the impossible and amazed the audience with strength and energy.

Work in the Manhattan club "Tunnel" contributed to the numerous acquaintances of Vin with girls. long relationship the guy did not start with them, preferring short-term novels. On the set of The Fast and the Furious, Diesel was enamored with Michelle Rodriguez, but they only dated for a few months.

The actor prefers to hide his personal life. He was credited with novels with Asia Argento and Playboy magazine models, but he began to appear only with the Mexican beauty Paloma Jimenez. The couple had a daughter, Hania Riley, in 2008, a son, Vincent, in 2008, and Pauline, named after Paul Walker, in 2015.

Having achieved success in Hollywood, Diesel found work for the whole family there. His mother and stepfather advise him during the finalization of scripts, stepbrother and sister participate in the process of producing films, and brother Paul runs the editing studio. Diesel also opened a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with his family.

Awards and nominations

The turning point in Diesel's career came after filming the movie Saving Private Ryan. For her, he, among other performers of secondary roles, received the US Screen Actors Guild Award for the best performance of roles by a group of actors.

A similar "Best On-Screen Team" award was given to him at the MTV Movie Awards for "Fast and the Furious" in 2002. Vin did not escape the "Golden Raspberry" for the role of Riddick. Two years in a row, in 2002 and 2003. he was awarded the Best Actor award at the MTV Movie Awards.

Vin Diesel loves computer games and voices the series about Riddick. In 2002, he registered Tigon Studios and launched his own game, Wheelman.

Since the actor is a media person and the success of films depends on his physical form, he is actively involved in sports. Paloma Jimenez helps him keep track of his nutrition. With a height of 180 cm, he supports a weight of 85 kg.

Wine - Godfather Paul Walker's daughter Meadow Rain.

Vin Diesel now - latest news

Films with Vin Diesel earn fabulous sums at the box office, so Hollywood studios invite him to lead projects. It is expected that the Fast and the Furious franchise will be replenished by 2020 with two more films.

The actor is also busy shooting films based on the comics "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "The Avengers" in the role of Gurt. In 2017, Diesel took third place in the list of the highest paid actors and is confidently striving for the top line of the table.


Many people love Diesel for his roles. He tried to participate in comedies, but quickly left this genre. Everyone wants to see the actor in a racing car speeding down the highway and defeating villains in battle on Earth or uncharted planets.

Vin is not going to disappoint his fans and is preparing for the usual chases and fights in new films. He, as usual, works out the characters' characters, so they will not be soulless automatons, but real heroes. They will get some of the perseverance and good nature of the performer.

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Vin Diesel (real name - Mark Sinclair Vincent) was born July 18, 1967 in New York. Mother - Delora, worked as a psychiatrist and was fond of astrology. The future actor did not know his father. He was raised by his stepfather Irwin.

Vin has a twin brother Paul, stepbrothers younger sister Samantha and younger brother Tim. The adoptive father worked as a theater manager and taught acting at New York University. He often took children to performances and films, instilling in them a love of art from childhood.

Vin Diesel: “My mother is always with me, I always remember her, I always tell something about her. In fact, I think that my mother could very well be the head of the Irish mafia, it's hard to argue with her. But the main thing is that she is ready for anything for us. It's better not to quarrel with our family. Mom will smear anyone who encroaches on a member of our family.
The quote is taken from the magazine "7 Days", No. 20 (05/16/2013)

In 1974, a seven-year-old boy climbed into the theater with his friends to play with props. The children were noticed by the director and, instead of calling the police, they were given the texts of the scripts, which they read. After that, she suggested Vin, who was the best at voicing his role, small earnings and acting in her productions.

After the premiere of the play "Dinosaur's Door", Diesel's game was recognized as so successful that he decided to become a theater actor. In his youth, Vin stubbornly engaged in power sports

He became a star by finding his own niche in cinema - the extreme action genre. And even if there is no deep meaning in these pictures - but they have a lot of adrenaline and main character, looking at which you can easily believe that he really can do it all. Vin Diesel is a brutal superman and a man who has achieved success solely by his own work.

Vin Diesel's real name is Mark Sinclair Vincent. He was born in New York, USA on July 18, 1967. He did not know his real father, and since childhood, together with his twin brother Paul and two more children, he was brought up by an adoptive father who led a theater company. Mother worked as a psychologist. Vin acquired his first acting experience by accident at the age of seven. Together with his friends, he entered the local theater with the intention of breaking something. But the hooligans were stopped by a certain woman who offered everyone a role in the play and $20 in addition, on the condition that the boys would go to rehearsals after school.

Vincent has been actively involved in sports since school, and at the age of 17, thanks to his impressive muscles, he got a job as a bouncer in a fashionable New York night club"Tunnel". At the same time, he came up with his pseudonym - Vin Diesel. After graduating from school, the big man Vin entered Hunter College in the department of English literature, and for the first time began to write scripts. After studying for three years, he decided to break into Hollywood, but his talents were not appreciated there, and a year later Vin returned to New York with nothing.

Here, his mother gave him a book, Fiction Film for the Price of a Used Car, a guide to making low-budget films. After reading it, Diesel decided to make his own film. He wrote a screenplay about an unlucky actor based on own experience, and for 3 thousand dollars he shot the short film "Many Faces", where he himself played the main role. In 1995, this film entered the program of the Cannes Film Festival and received positive reviews. Vin went to Los Angeles again and worked in a TV shop selling light bulbs for two years. He managed to save up $50,000 to make the feature film Tramps (1997), where he was again a screenwriter, director, and actor. The film was screened at the Sundance Independent Film Festival and again received critical attention, but was not a commercial success.

Disappointed, Diesel again left for New York. Steven Spielberg himself found him there - it turned out that the famous director was impressed by the film "Many Faces" and is ready to offer Vin a role in his new film "Saving Private Ryan" (1998). And although the hero of Diesel - Private Caparzo - was killed before the middle of the picture, working with Spielberg opened many doors in Hollywood for the actor.

Diesel got his first lead role in the sci-fi action movie Pitch Black (2000), where he played space criminal Richard Riddick. And it was Rob Cohen's film about street racers Fast and the Furious (2001) that made him a real star. A bright dynamic tape with many tricks has collected more than 200 million dollars in the world box office, and Diesel has earned 2 million. Next joint film with Cohen - the thriller "Three X's" (2002), was even more successful. After the not-so-great Singles (2003), The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) followed with a $150 million budget. Diesel's fee has already amounted to 11.5 million. In addition, in 2002 he founded the game studio Tigon Studios, which produces computer games about the adventures of Riddick.

After moving away from the role of a superhero in the successful comedy The Bald Nanny: Special Assignment (2005) and the frankly failed court drama Find Me Guilty (2006), the actor again took up roles that were more suitable for his image. And if the fantastic thriller "Babylon N.E." (2008) turned out to be not too box office, then the 4th part of the Fast and the Furious, which is released in the spring of 2009, has every chance to fix it.


  • Hannibal the Conqueror, 2011
  • Rockfish, 2010
  • Fast & Furious 4 (Fast & Furious), 2009
  • Babylon N.E. (Babylon A.D.), 2008
  • Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, The, 2006
  • Find Me Guilty (2006)
  • Bald Nanny: Special Mission (Pacifier, The), 2005
  • Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury (The), video, 2004
  • Sci-Fi Channel: The Lowdown - The Chronicles of Riddick, TV, 2004
  • The Chronicles of Riddick, The, 2004
  • Single (A Man Apart), 2003
  • Three X's (xXx), 2002
  • Knockaround Guys, 2001
  • Fast and the Furious (Fast and the Furious, The), 2001
  • Black hole (Pitch Black), 2000
  • Boiler Room (Boiler Room), 2000
  • In a black hole (Into Pitch Black), TV, 2000
  • Many Faces (Multi-Facial), 1999
  • Iron Giant (The), 1999
  • Save Private Ryan (Saving Private Ryan), 1998
  • Tramps (Strays), 1997
  • Awakenings, 1990

Vin Diesel, whose real name is Mark Sinclair Vincent, was born on July 18, 1967 in one of the districts of New York. He and his twin brother Paul were raised by the same mother Delora, a psychiatrist by profession, but the children never saw their own father. Vincent never spoke exactly about his nationality, but noted that, in addition to Italians and Americans, there were other ancestors in his family.

When the boys were three years old, stepfather Irwin appeared in the family, who was the head of the theater and a teacher of acting at the university. Thanks to him, Vincent showed an interest in stage play as a child, as his stepfather took the children to performances, as well as movie premieres.

creative career

Mark started his career in the theater quite by accident. A seven-year-old boy, along with friends, entered the New York theater, intending to play with stage props there. But the juvenile bandits were noticed by the director, who did not drive them away, but made them read the script of the production, after which she invited Vincent to play on stage. The first performance of Diesel was the children's play "The Door for the Dinosaur", where the boy played very successfully.

Mark performed on the theater stage for almost ten years, which allowed him to master acting. In his youth, the future actor was thin, so he began to visit the gym, where he diligently pumped his muscles.

Pictured is Vin Diesel as a child

When Vin Diesel turned 17, he decided to leave the theater to work and study. At that time, Mark was already a tall and muscular guy, so he easily got a job as a bouncer in a famous New York nightclub. It was at that time that the future actor changed his image: he began to call himself Vin Diesel and shaved his head. Vin, recalling the turbulent years of his youth, said that while working at the club he broke up fights and made acquaintances with girls, and on rest days he came there to have fun and get to know the girls again. In addition, Diesel studied at Hunter College, and also wrote small scripts, as he dreamed of not only acting in films, but also creating them. In 1987, the future star, having dropped out of college and work at the club, went to conquer Los Angeles. But there he was disappointed, as no one noticed his acting abilities. In order not to return home, Diesel began to work as a salesman in a TV store. A year later, he decided to return to New York to do what he loved there.

The beginning of an acting career in the film industry

In 1990, the film "Awakening" was released, where the actor played his first, but a small role. Vin's mother gave him a book by Rick Schmidt, which taught him that you can create your own painting without imposing Money. Diesel liked the idea, and he started developing the full-length tape "Tramp", but then he abandoned this work and decided to create something easier. In the early 1990s, the actor wrote the script for the film "Many Faces", in which he became a producer and director. Also, Diesel himself starred in the title role and wrote the music for the film. This 20-minute short was screened at the 1995 Cannes Film Festival to critical acclaim.

Thanks to the successful work, the actor moves to Los Angeles, where he again gets a job in a TV store to earn money for the conceived project "Tramp". Eight months later, Vin was able to complete the film, playing the lead role in it. Despite the fact that the tape was shown at the film festival, he did not have enough funds to promote it, so Diesel returned to hometown. But this time, fate was favorable to him: during the premiere of The Tramp, the actor was noticed by Steven Spielberg, who after a while invited him to take part in new tape"Save Private Ryan." This picture was released in 1998, having received an unprecedented success, and Vin Diesel, among other actors, was nominated as the best performer of the roles by a group of actors. By the way, this is his first film, for which he received his first fee.

Successful work and recognition of talent

In 2000, three film projects were released with the participation of the actor, but it was the role of the criminal Riddick, who was fighting alien monsters on an unknown planet, in the science fiction film Black Hole that brought him visible success. The project collected at the box office an amount that became twice the cost, however, during the filming, the actor was injured and had to undergo treatment in the hospital. But Diesel gained worldwide fame in 2001 when he appeared in the movie Fast and the Furious as Dominic Toretto, who led a gang of car robbers. On the set, the actor met Paul Walker, who also plays one of the main roles. After the release of this film project, the MTV channel presented Diesel with an award in the nomination "Best Screen Team" for the role of Dominic Toretto.

In 2002, the film "Three X's" was released, where Vin created the image of an athlete performing extreme stunts, and was also the executive producer of the project. The actor also starred in the film "Single", but it did not arouse much interest among moviegoers. At the same time, Diesel took part in the filming of The Chronicles of Riddick, but work on it was suspended several times, so the project premiered only in the summer of 2004. Then there were roles in the comedy "The Bald Nanny: Special Assignment" and in the film "Find Me Guilty." Previously, the actor refused to star in 2 Fast 2 Furious, but then took part in the third part of the sequel 2 Fast 2 Furious: Tokyo Drift, although he appeared there in a cameo role. In 2006, Vin was invited to star in a film, the script of which was written according to the popular computer game, but he refused, as he took part in the fantastic action movie Babylon AD. The premiere of this large-scale film project took place only in 2008, but the film did not live up to expectations and was a huge commercial failure.

In 2007, the shooting of the film "Fast and the Furious 4" began, where the actor worked with the former cast. In early 2008, the historical tape "Hannibal the Conqueror" appeared on the screens, which Diesel dreamed of filming five years ago. In 2009, Fast and Furious 4 premiered, and Fast and Furious 5 was released in 2011. In 2009, the performers of the main roles of Fast and the Furious 4 came to Moscow to present their film project. But on that visit, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez and Jordan Brewster did not hold press conferences, but only did a photo session on the panoramic roof of the Ritz Hotel, after which they went to the premiere at Pushkinsky. In 2011, the stars of Fast and the Furious 5 again visited Moscow, where Vin Diesel confessed his love for Russia on the stage, in which, according to him, there are many beautiful girls, good food and vodka. This time the actor famously drove through the streets of the city, after which he wanted to shoot the continuation of his saga in Russia. Later, the action movie star said that the filmmakers, discussing the issue of the filming location, also considered Russia among the options, but still chose Rio de Janeiro.

In 2013, Diesel's hero Riddick returned to the screens in the new films Riddick: Backstab and Riddick 3D. Also in the spring of 2013, the continuation of the high-speed saga, Fast and Furious 6, was released. While working on Fast & Furious 7 in November 2013, Paul Walker tragically died, so the producers stopped work on the film project for a while. To complete the film, the creators invited younger brother Paul, Cody Walker, who looks a lot like a brother. In November of this year, the first trailer for Fast & Furious 7 was released, and its premiere is scheduled for next spring. This year, moviegoers watched Guardians of the Galaxy, based on the Marvel comic book series of the same name, in which Diesel voices Groot. The Fast and the Furious star was sure that the humanoid he got in the comic was a very complex and strange character. Vin is currently filming a new film project, The Last Witch Hunter, where he plays an immortal witch hunter and will appear in the frame with hair and a beard.

Vin Diesel's personal life

In 2002, while filming The Fast and the Furious, Diesel struck up a close relationship with co-star Michelle Rodriguez. This passionate romance lasted for several months, then the actress broke off this relationship, believing that they were not suitable for each other. Vin did not worry about this for a long time and soon began to meet with the Czech model Pavla Harbkova, who took part in several frames of the film "Three X's". But this romance was short-lived: the model was not satisfied with Diesel's constant trips to the shooting. The actor, who was still unmarried by the age of 40, did not like to advertise his personal life, thereby allowing rumors to be fanned that he was gay. Diesel for a long time did not comment on these speculations, but then could not stand it and said that the rumors about him were complete nonsense. According to the star, he simply does not want to become an object of surveillance by the paparazzi, who bring all the details of the personal life of celebrities to the pages of publications.

Video in which the actor with his family on the Hollywood Walk of Fame:

It soon became known that the Fast and the Furious star began dating Mexican model Paloma Jimenez. And in 2008, the couple had a daughter. In one interview, the actor said that during childbirth he was next to Paloma, and then, when she gave birth to a baby, he even cut the umbilical cord. Despite his stern appearance, Diesel turned out to be gentle and loving father. In September 2010, Vin and Paloma became parents for the second time: the couple had a boy. In one interview, the actor admitted that he does not mind having a bunch of kids, whom he simply adores, but does not want to marry his beloved yet.

Relationships with family and colleagues

In his interviews, Vin Diesel talks a lot about his mother Delora, claiming that he became an actor only thanks to her. According to him, for the sake of her children, the mother is ready for anything and it will be very bad for someone who offends at least one of the family members. Delora always said about her son that he was only a tough and stern guy on the outside, but inside he was very kind and sentimental. The action movie star himself does not even hide that he is - Sissy. Vin Diesel has a twin brother, Paul, and half-sisters, Samantha and brother, Tim, with whom he is family business. Paul, who is completely different from his brother, is engaged in film editing in Hollywood, and is also an editor of the actor's own projects. Half-sister Samantha is the executive producer of one of his companies.

Pictured: Vin Diesel and Paul Walker

During the filming of the film "Fast and the Furious", the Hollywood actor became friends with his colleague Paul Walker, with whom they were associated with many years of filming in the high-speed saga. But on November 30, 2013, a car accident occurred in California that claimed Walker's life. As it became known, the sports car, in which the actor was a passenger, crashed into a pole at high speed, and then into trees. The funeral of Paul Walker was held on December 3 in California. Vin Diesel took his death hard close friend. In memory of him, the Fast and the Furious star posted an 18-minute video on Facebook, in which friends are captured during filming, numerous interviews and on vacation.

Also on the set of the film "Fast and the Furious" Vin Diesel very closely communicates with Dwayne Johnson the Rock (Dwayne Johnson). Ten years ago, the actors were just good friends, but before this film project they had not had to work together. In one interview, Johnson said that he and Diesel are like brothers who, for the sake of fun, can fight each other at any time.

Interests and hobbies

The action star simply loves to play video games, but he used to hide his hobby from everyone. When the actor met Spielberg, who turned out to be just as big a fan of games, he stopped being shy and in 2002 created a computer company, Tigon Studios, to develop and sell games. In the computer game Vin Diesel (Wheelman), the main character not only looks like an actor, but also speaks in his voice.

In early January, the Fast & Furious star posted a 7-minute video on Facebook with the caption, "You know how much I love music." In it, the actor danced so enthusiastically to the new compositions of Katy Perry and Beyoncé that he collected for a short time half a million "likes" from netizens. As it turned out later, Vin Diesel decided to have fun, and the reason for this was the most appropriate: his film project "Riddick" was at the top of the DVD charts.

This August Charitable organization Ice Bucket Challenge held an ice flash mob to help people suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Its essence was that the participant of the action pours a bucket of ice water on himself and passes the baton to the next one. If he refuses to pour himself, then he must contribute $ 100 to the fund. Diesel, who took the baton, posted a video on Instagram in which he called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to support a charity event and pour ice water over him.

His appearance the actor began to actively engage in the years of work in a nightclub, which required the image of an athletic guy. But even now, Vin Diesel often disappears in gym, thanks to which he has (with a height of 182 cm, a weight of 102 kg and a volume of biceps - 43-48 cm) a powerful torso, which has become the envy of many colleagues in the shop. In addition, his skin has a delicate bronze tint, which the actor receives in tanning salons. In order for the body to be strong and resilient, Diesel uses both strength and cardio training, and also pays great attention to a balanced diet, which contains a lot of protein, vegetables and fruits.

During his acting career, more than 20 tattoos could be seen on the actor's body, but most of them are fake and were made for a specific role. These temporary symbols inflicted on him famous master Christian Kinsley, who used special paint and water for this. The most famous of Diesel's tattoos are the image of three X's on the neck, remembered by many moviegoers, then the abbreviation ELEPHANT on the left hand, which meant the relationship of his character to prison inmates.

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