Moist evergreen tropical forest plants. Useful plants of tropical forests. Disappearance of tropical forests

Our environment is sometimes taken for granted. Even something unique, like , is forgotten. It seems like a little knowledge and a push in the right direction can make people appreciate environment. So why not start with the wonder that is the rainforest?

Despite the fact that tropical forests cover less than two percent of the Earth's total surface area, they are home to about 50% and. They are also found on all continents except Antarctica. This is very amazing! Now let's see what plants are found here. Of the 40,000 species, in this article you will learn about the 10 most amazing plants tropical forest that will excite your mind and help you get to know each other better amazing nature of our planet.


Bananas are one of the amazing plants of the rainforest. Even though they look like trees, bananas are not trees but giant herbaceous plants. After a year, they reach a full height of 3 to 6 m. The flowers eventually develop into fruits and then mature and are used as food by humans and animals. Banana stems can weigh almost 45 kg and are almost 93% water.

Spreading: Central America, South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, as well as non-tropical regions such as the United States of America, thanks to modern agricultural technology.


Orchids are the most big family plants in the world. Species vary greatly in weight and size, with some petals reaching 75 cm in length and inflorescences growing up to 3 m in length. They can also come in a variety of colors, with the exception of black. Orchids grow on rocks, in soil, underground and on other plants, relying on certain insects or birds for pollination.

Spreading: extremely well adapted and grow in Central America, South America and along the Andean mountains.


What would you do if you didn't have a cup of coffee in the morning? Surely it would be terrible. You can thank the rainforest coffee plant for your coffee. It is capable of growing up to 9 m in height, but is considered a bush or shrub. Coffee fruits resemble grapes and contain two coffee beans inside. It takes six to eight years for the plant to grow, and its lifespan can reach 100 years.

Spreading: In Ethiopia, Sudan, and also Latin America More than two-thirds of the total number of coffee trees on the planet grows.

Brazilian nut

Rising taller than all other trees in the rainforest, the Brazil nut can reach over 50 m in height. The plant is widely known for its fruits rich in nutrients. The outer layer of the fruit is so hard that only agouti - large rodent with sharp teeth can damage it.

Spreading: tropical forests of Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru.

Beautiful spurge

This beautiful plant Found in tropical forests as a bush or tree. You might think that the red part of the plant is the flowers, but they are actually bracts. The flowers are small yellow clusters in the middle of the leaves. Also, to clear up the rumors, they are not poisonous, although some believe they are.

Spreading: Mexico and Central America.


The cocoa tree is an evergreen plant whose fruits are pods containing 20 to 60 reddish-brown cocoa beans. To obtain 500 g of cocoa, 7 to 14 pods are required. It is very important that the cocoa is harvested correctly.

Spreading: grows below an altitude of 300 m above sea level in regions that receive about 10 cm of rainfall per month. Cocoa originated in the Amazon rainforest and can be found in southern Mexico today.

Hevea brasiliensis

This tree can grow up to 40 m in height. Hevea brasiliensis is characterized by its milky white sap, which is commonly called natural rubber, and is used to produce rubber. The tree is used to produce rubber at the age of six years.

Spreading: Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia.


This genus of plants includes almost 200 species distributed in tropical America. Depending on the species, these plants can grow up to 4.5 m in height. Flowers can be colored in shades of red, orange, yellow and green. The bracts actually hide the plant's flowers and protect the nectar so only certain birds, such as hummingbirds, can get to them. Butterflies also love to feast on sweet nectar.

Spreading: Central and South America.


This strong, wind-resistant tree has an extensive root system and bark containing a milky sap called latex. The egg-shaped fruits contain a grainy yellow fruit inside and taste similar to a pear. Counts the best fruit in Central America, and even rainforest mammals love to snack on them. First chewing gum was created from the fruit of the sapodilla by the Aztecs!

Spreading: southern Mexico, Belize and northeastern Guatemala.


Bromeliads include more than 2,700 species that grow on the ground, on rocks and on other plants. These beautiful plants have bright flowers. One of the most famous representatives of the bromeliad family is the sweet, wonderful fruit, the pineapple! Bromeliads even sometimes provide shelter for frogs, snails and salamanders, where they remain for life.

Spreading: Central and South America. One species is also found in West Africa.

The rainforest is home to many amazing plants, including those that many of us enjoy; Therefore, it is very important to preserve this unique. Imagine living without bananas, coffee, chocolate, pineapples and beautiful orchids. This is absolutely sad!

Tropical forests are the “lungs” of our planet, the most precious treasure, “the big pharmacy of the Earth.” For many years it was believed that they produced colossal volumes of oxygen, but this turned out not to be the case, but humid climate promotes perfect air filtration and removal of contaminants. A lot of medicinal plants grow in this area, which are used in folk and official medicine. Where a huge number of birds, predators, artiodactyls, and amphibians live, they all somehow coexist in the same territory, surprising travelers with their large numbers.

Distribution of tropical forests

It will immediately become clear where tropical forests grow if you explain that they seem to “encircle” the planet along the Equator. They are located in humid equatorial, dry tropical, temperate, presenting a clear line, interrupted only by mountains and oceans. Vegetation changes depending on air temperature and precipitation. Rainy areas are covered with evergreen flora, drier regions are characterized by deciduous plants, and then there are savanna forests. In both South America and Africa, monsoon forests are located in the west, savanna forests in the east, and equatorial forests in the middle.

Forest levels

The description of the tropical forest will be more understandable if it is divided into tiers. Four main levels can be distinguished. The topmost ones are evergreen trees up to 70 m tall; they mostly have green caps only on top, but underneath there are bare trunks. These giants can easily withstand hurricanes and temperature changes, sheltering the remaining tiers from bad weather. The main owners here are eagles, butterflies, the bats. Next comes the forest canopy, consisting of 45-meter trees. The canopy level is considered the most diverse, containing approximately 25% of all insect species. Scientists agree that 40% of the species of all plants on the planet are located in this layer, although it has not been fully studied.

Next comes the middle level, called the undergrowth, where snakes, birds, lizards live, and the number of insects is also huge. The forest floor contains animal remains and rotting plants. Such stratification is more typical for the humid tropics. For example, selva - forests South America- is divided into only three levels. The first is grass, low plants, ferns, the second is reeds, low shrubs, young trees, the third is 40-meter trees.

The species of flora and fauna that predominate in them depends on where tropical forests grow. For example, mangroves are common in equatorial and tropical latitudes in tidal zones sea ​​coasts. Plants grow here that are accustomed to doing without oxygen and thrive in salty soil. Their roots create an excellent habitat for oysters, crustaceans, and commercial fish species. On mountain slopes in areas of fog condensation, moss or fog forests grow, characterized by low night temperatures.

Arid regions are dominated by savannah and tropical forest, but are dry. The plants here are evergreen, but xeromorphic and stunted. In regions of equatorial and tropical zones with variable climates, variable-humid forests grow, characterized by deciduous crowns and a small number of vines and epiphytes. They are found in South America, Africa, Sri Lanka, India and Indochina.

Rainforest climate

In tropical rainforests, the air temperature ranges from 20°C to 35°C, it rains here almost every day, so the humidity remains at 80%, and in some regions reaches 100%. Not in the subtropics pronounced seasonality, temperature is characterized by stability. On the mountain slopes, where fog is observed, it is warm during the day, but at night a sharp cooling down to 0°C is possible. Climate tropical forests varies depending on the belt. In the tropics heat And low humidity, at the equator there is a lot of moisture and very hot, and at subequatorial belt The weather depends on the monsoons.

Trees of the tropics

Trees in tropical forests differ significantly from trees in temperate forests. climate zone. The peculiarities of their development are influenced weather, because there is no seasonality at the equator, it rains almost every day, and the air temperature is 25-35°C. If in Russia giants grow in several centuries, then 10-15 years are enough there. Each type of tree sheds its leaves at a strictly defined time, this can be once every six months, once every 2-3 years. They also bloom when they want; many representatives of the flora delight with flowers once a decade. The trees mostly have large, leathery leaves that are strong enough to withstand heavy rainfall. More than 600 species of bamboo, chocolate cola, marang, jackfruit, mango, etc. grow in the tropics.

Exotic shrubs

The question of whether a shrub layer exists in tropical forests remains quite controversial. In subtropical and temperate zones it exists, but in the equatorial region it does not. Of course, there are representatives of shrubs there, but there are very few of them and own level they won't create. Along with them grow herbaceous phanerophytes, which retain their trunk for one to several years, and low-growing trees. This includes representatives of the scytamine, marataceae, and banana families. Most shrubs belong to dicotyledonous species; their leaves are large but tender.

Rainforest grasses

IN virgin forests live incredibly beautiful, bright, with unusual appearance birds. Each separate part Sveta can boast of some of its own species of birds. For example, in the tropics of Asia live turrets, according to appearance they resemble partridges, only slightly larger. They run fast, so in case of danger they do not take off, but run away as best they can. The forests are also home to bush chickens, pheasants, and royal peacocks. IN American tropics you can find a tinamous - a poorly flying bird with short, but very strong legs. Well, how can we not remember the bright, cheerful and talkative parrots, without which the tropics are not tropics. In addition, motley pigeons, trogons, woodpeckers, flycatchers, and hornbills live on the equator. The Amazon forests are home to hummingbirds, tanagers, cock of the rocks, cotingas and many others.


The fauna of tropical forests amazes with its diversity and richness of species. The largest number is represented by a group of monkeys that live high in trees and in impenetrable thickets. The most interesting of them are the cebids, marmosets and arachnids of the family. Marmosets are characterized by a very small size; they reach no more than 15 cm in length; cebids can boast long tail, with which they cling to branches, and spider monkeys have flexible and long limbs.

But animal world The tropical forests are not limited to monkeys alone; anteaters, sloths, and porcupines also live here. Among the predators, the predominant representatives are felines - jaguars, jaguarundi, ocelots, panthers, and from the canine family - bush dogs. There are also ungulates - tapirs, horned deer. Tropical forests are also rich in rodents - opossums, marsupial rats, bats, agouti.

Amphibians of the tropics

Large and reptiles are also characteristic of the tropical forest. Photos of exotic snakes, frogs, crocodiles, chameleons, lizards are no longer considered rare. Amphibians are found in all parts of the world, but they are found in greatest numbers in tropical rainforests because they are attracted to warmth and moisture. At the equator, they live not only in water, but also on trees, in leaf axils, and in hollows. Salamanders live in the tropics, many poisonous snakes, widespread received water anacondas and land boa constrictors.


Looking at what animals live in the tropical forest, we can assume that the insects here are no less colorful, unusual and dangerous. These small creatures are attracted to the tropics by warmth, high humidity and a wide variety of food - animal remains, numerous plants. At the equator you can find bees and wasps that are familiar to us, only here they are larger in size and have a bright, shiny color. Among them there are representatives with long legs, blue wings and a large body; they are able to tame large beetles and spiders. On many shrubs there are swollen trunks - these are ant nests. Ants in the tropics protect plants by eating leaf-eating insects.

Beetles do not play a significant role in the life of tropical forests, but every traveler will be fascinated by their diversity and diversity. These insects are a natural decoration of this forgotten by God terrain. Of course, we cannot help but recall tropical butterflies; in South America alone there are more than 700 species of these beautiful creatures. Animals and plants of tropical forests represent a special world unknown to people. Researchers annually make their way deep into the thickets to lift the veil of secrets that this area holds and to find new representatives of flora and fauna.

Animals and plants of tropical forests.

Trushnikova Yulia, 2nd grade, MAOU secondary school No. 91, Tyumen

It's very hot and humid here.

Abundance of heat and moisture - here main reason the fabulous wealth and diversity of plants and animals in the tropical rainforest.


The weather here is amazing. Before sunrise, the forest is cool and quiet. The sun rises and the temperature begins to rise. The heat sets in and the air becomes suffocating. Clouds appear in the sky, lightning flashes, thunder rumbles and the downpour begins. The water flows as if in a continuous stream. Tree branches break and fall under its weight. Rivers overflow their banks. It usually doesn't rain more than an hour. Before sunset, the sky clears, the wind subsides, and soon the forest is plunged into darkness.

Plants of the tropical forest.

Tropical rainforest is multi-tiered, evergreen, extremely rich in the number of plant species.

The trees of the upper tier rise to 80-100 m in height. The longest land plants grow here - palm vines (rattans), stretching for 300-400 m.

Plants of the tropical forest.

IN lower tiers The tropical forest is gloomy, hot and stuffy, like in a greenhouse. Tree trunks are entwined with woody and herbaceous vines, ferns, and orchids.

Plants of the tropics

  • Dictyophora mushroom
  • Rafflesia
  • Orchid
  • Banana

Plants of the tropics

  • Sundew, predator plant

Nepenthes plants are predators

  • Victoria water lily leaves

Animals of the tropical forest.

Among tropical animals there are: formidable predators, and completely safe rodents or lizards. Colored parrots fly in the forests and giant butterflies, large spiders are hiding on the leaves, monkeys are swinging on the vines.

The rainforest is very rich in animals. It is home to many different monkeys. A long, prehensile tail helps monkeys climb trees deftly. The spider monkey has a particularly long and prehensile tail.

Another monkey, a howler monkey, wraps its tail around a branch and holds it like a hand. The howler was named for its powerful, unpleasant voice.

There are many bats in South America various types. Among them are blood-sucking leaf-nosed insects that attack horses and mules, and vampires.

There are many in tropical forests various snakes and lizards. Among them are boas and anacondas, reaching 11 m in length. Many snakes, due to the protective coloring of their skin, are little noticeable among forest greenery.

There are especially many lizards in the tropical rainforest. Geckos sit on the trees. An interesting iguana lives both in trees and on the ground. This lizard has a very beautiful emerald green color. She eats plant foods.

Near ponds in the thicket of the forest you can see a tapir. The animal reaches 2 m in length. He, like a pig, loves to wallow in puddles.

Most strong predator tropical forest - jaguar. This is a large yellow cat with black spots on its skin. She is good at climbing trees.

Among the predators of southern Asia, the most famous is the Bengal tiger.

Leopard attacks domestic animals; he is cunning, brave, and dangerous to humans. There are black leopards (panthers).

Of the birds, the hoatzin is of great interest. It's pretty large bird with a big crest on his head. The hoatzin's nest is placed above the water, in the branches of trees or thickets of bushes. The chicks are not afraid of falling into the water: they swim and dive well. Hoatzin chicks have long claws on the first and second fingers of the wing, which help them climb branches and twigs

There are more than 160 species of parrots in the tropical forests of South America. The most famous are the green Amazon parrots. They learn to speak well.

This is a hornbill.

Only in one country - in America - live the smallest birds - hummingbirds. These are unusually brightly and beautifully colored fast-flying birds, some of them the size of a bumblebee.

The tropical forests contain a diverse world of insects. Very large diurnal butterflies are numerous.

IN tropical zone South America has a lot of spiders. Among them, the largest is the tarantula spider.

Why are tropical forests needed?

Tropical forests are very necessary for our planet. Plants growing in them absorb carbon dioxide and provide oxygen most our Earth. Tropical forests are home to a huge number of different inhabitants of the Earth. If the tropical forests disappear, then all these living creatures will lose their home or simply die out, just like the dinosaurs went extinct.

Tropical forests, due to their ruggedness, keep many secrets from people. And when there are secrets that have not yet been discovered by anyone, life in the world is much more interesting.

Thank you for your attention!

The world of rainforest flora is different huge variety. Among the trees that grow on the coasts you can find a coconut palm. Their fruits, coconuts, are very useful and are used in cooking and cosmetology.

Here you can meet different types banana plants, which people use as fruits and vegetables, depending on the stage of ripening.

banana plant

One of tropical plants is mango, among which the most famous is the Indian mango.

The melon tree, better known as papaya, grows in forests and is of great economic importance.

Melon tree, papaya

Breadfruit is another representative of forests where nutritious fruits are highly valued.

One of the mulberry family is marang.

The durian plant can be found in tropical rainforests. Their flowers grow directly on the trunks, and their fruits are protected by spines.

Morinda citrusifolia is native to South Asia and has edible fruit that is part of the diet of some Pacific Islanders.

Pitaya is a vine-like rainforest cactus that has sweet and edible fruits.

One of the interesting tropical plants is the rambutan tree. It reaches a height of 25 meters and is evergreen.


Small evergreen guava trees grow in tropical forests.

Fast growing evergreen tropical tree Persea americana is nothing more than an avocado plant that is found in many forests.

Perseus americana, avocado

Various types of ferns, mosses and lichens, lianas and epiphytes, bamboos, sugar cane, and cereals grow in tropical forests.

Rainforest levels

Typically, a tropical forest has 4-5 tiers. At the top, trees grow up to 70 meters. These are evergreen trees. In seasonal forests they shed their leaves during dry periods. These trees protect the lower levels from wind, precipitation and cold. Next, the crown tier (canopy) begins at a level of 30-40 meters. Here the leaves and branches fit together very tightly. It is very difficult for people to reach this height in order to explore the world of flora and fauna of the canopy. They use special methods and aircraft. The middle level of the forest is the undergrowth. A unique living world has formed here. Then comes the bedding. These are various herbal plants.

The flora of tropical forests is very diverse. Scientists have not yet studied these forests much, since they are very difficult to navigate. In the future, new plant species will be discovered in tropical forests.

The most useful plants of tropical forests, Exotic fruits, medicinal plants. Encyclopedia of the 54 most interesting species plants that can be useful to humans in tropical rainforests. ATTENTION! I recommend that all unfamiliar plants be considered poisonous by default! Even those that you are simply not sure about. Tropical rainforests are the most diverse ecosystem on our planet, and therefore here I have collected only those plants that can be useful to humans in any way.

1) Coconut tree

Sea coast plant that prefers sandy soils. In a lot useful substances: vitamins A, C and group B; minerals: calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron; natural sugars, proteins, carbohydrates, fatty oils, organic acids. Coconut milk often used as an alternative to physical solution for its high content of various salts and microelements. Coconut milk will help you regulate the body's salt balance.

  • Coconut palm has a reputation as a strong aphrodisiac and normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system. Milk and coconut pulp restore strength well and improve vision;
  • Improve work digestive system and liver;
  • Normalize thyroid function;
  • Relaxes muscles and helps with joint problems;
  • Increase immunity and resistance to various infections, reduce the adaptability of bacteria to antibiotics;
  • Coconut pulp and oil, thanks to the lauric acid they contain (this is the main fatty acid contained in breast milk), normalize cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Help the body with flu and colds, AIDS, diarrhea, lichen and gallbladder diseases
  • They have anthelmintic, antimicrobial, antiviral wound healing effects;
  • Reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as cancer and degenerative processes.

ATTENTION! A fall coconut on the head can be fatal! This is the cause of death for many people!

2) Banana

If you want to quickly restore your body's low energy levels, there is no better snack than a banana. Studies have proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for 1.5 hours of vigorous work. Good food product, due to the high amount of carbohydrates it contains, it can be eaten instead of the potatoes we are used to. Helps with many diseases, such as anemia, ulcers, reduces blood pressure, improves mental capacity, helps with constipation, depression, heartburn. The peel helps get rid of warts. One banana contains on average 60-80 calories. Banana contains: chemical elements, like iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. By eating 2 bananas during the day, you will replenish the body's need for potassium and two-thirds for magnesium. In addition, bananas contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, PP. The substance ephedrine contained in bananas, when consumed systematically, improves the activity of the central nervous system. nervous system, and this directly affects overall performance, attention and mood.

3) Papaya

Papaya leaves, depending on their age, processing method and, in fact, the recipe itself, are used to reduce high blood pressure, treating kidney infections, stomach pain and intestinal problems. Papaya fruits are used in the treatment of fungal diseases and ringworm. Papaya fruits and leaves also contain the alkaloid carpaine, which has an anthelmintic effect, which can be dangerous in large doses. Papaya fruits are not only in appearance, but also in chemical composition very close to melon. They contain glucose and fructose, organic acids, proteins, fiber, beta-carotene, vitamins C, B1, B2, B5 and D. Minerals are represented by potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron.

4) Mango

Mangoes normalize intestinal function; two green mangoes a day will protect against diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, and also prevent bile stagnation and disinfect the liver. When eating green fruits (1-2 per day), the elasticity of blood vessels improves, due to the high iron content in the fruits; mango is useful for anemia. And the high content of vitamin C makes it an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency. Eating more than two unripe fruits per day may cause colic and mucosal irritation. gastrointestinal tract and throat. Overeating ripe fruits can lead to intestinal upset, constipation, and allergic reactions. Mango contains a large number of vitamin C, B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, E, contains folic acid. Mango is also rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Regular consumption of mangoes strengthens the immune system. Due to the content of vitamins C, E, as well as carotene and fiber, eating mango helps prevent colon and rectal cancer, and is a prevention of cancer and other organs. Mango is an excellent antidepressant, improves mood, and relieves nervous tension.

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