How to treat a wet cough in a child with allergies. Allergic cough in children: description, causes, symptoms, treatment. Let's understand the reasons

The first year of a child’s life is usually divided into four trimesters. Although this is not without some convention, it reflects the characteristic stages of the baby’s growth and development. The third trimester is the time of preparation of the body for a cardinal event: the child getting up on his feet. And the ninth, last month of the trimester can be called decisive in this regard.

If in the eighth month the child does not sit independently, then, with other favorable indicators, this can still be attributed to his individual characteristics or some random circumstances, for example, a recent illness. But if he doesn’t sit down on his own by the end of the ninth month, he can’t wait any longer. Consult a doctor!

The most common reason such a lag is a neurological disorder.

When did they appear? As a rule, even in the prenatal period, possibly at the time of birth. Although not very pronounced, they could still go unnoticed, and perhaps they appeared for the first time only now, because intensive development in recent months created an increased load on the nervous system and it broke down.

Button test

A healthy baby in the ninth month is very active. He crawls in different directions, sometimes spins very funny around his axis, stands up, grabbing the side of the playpen, and even tries to walk along it. But it also happens: he stood up, leaned on the side, looked triumphantly, pleased with himself and the whole world in general. And suddenly he began to cry bitterly. What's happened? I’m tired of standing, but I still can’t sit down from a standing position.

One of the features of the ninth month is the intensive development of small movements of the hand. Until recently, in order to grasp, say, a cube, a child needed his entire palm, which he used to act as a scoop: he scooped the cube, holding it with the tips of all five fingers. And then one day he was lazy, he carefully took this cube with two fingers, thumb and forefinger. Event, the line has been crossed! The ability to operate with two fingers is given great importance. Some experts, among other indicators of normal psychomotor development They also offer this: can a child at 8-9 months hold a large button between his thumb and forefinger? (Naturally, this is only a test, don’t let your child play with a button!)

“Specialization” of the index finger also occurs, the baby touches an object that interests him with it, masters the pointing gesture: “there”, “there”.

If parents, perhaps, did not pay attention to this considerable success special attention, then one new habit certainly did not go unnoticed: the child loved to pull his cap or scarf off his head. Don’t consider this mischief, don’t be angry, but admire it, because this is also an indicator of normal development.

What else does he like? As before, throw your toys out of the playpen, knock a cube on the table or a cube on a cube - in a word, use your hands. Now he needs appropriate toys: light bowls that can be placed one inside the other, a pyramid of several rings, a box where it is so interesting to throw cubes, balls, rings, then shake them out and throw them again.

Hand work is also food for the mind, for knowledge of the properties of objects, it is an impetus for the first guesses and, finally, it is a very strong stimulus for the development of speech.

The ninth month is the threshold of the first word. The child willingly repeats various sound combinations after an adult - it is estimated that there are about eight of them in his capabilities; He babbles for a long time on his own - sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly, sometimes even dropping to a whisper.

The baby’s progress in understanding speech is very noticeable, if, of course, you constantly talk to him, call him various items, comment on your actions: “Now we’ll get dressed, put on panties... Now a blouse... Here it is, a blouse, oh, how beautiful...”

It doesn’t matter that for now these are only your monologues, they prepare the dialogue and are deposited in the child’s mind. However, he is already capable of responding to you, if not in words, then in facial expressions and action. At your request, he will give you a pen and wave it to your dad leaving for work. He already knows his name, turns around when called, and, being in a good mood, gives you a charming smile.

At the end of the month, you can arrange a small check of the baby’s achievements.

Drink some water (or juice), you say, handing your child a cup.

He readily takes it with both hands and drinks it. Of course, if you pour it full, it will definitely spill and get wet - you need to pour less than half.

Give me Lala, you ask. And he hands you a doll lying nearby that is well known to him.

Try to complicate the task by placing several toys in a row and ask: “Where is Lala (pussy, ball)?” The child finds the named toy first with his eyes, then points to it. Swap the toys and ask the same question. If now the child finds the toy correctly, and even extends his index finger to it, you can safely give both him and yourself a high five. So you're doing great with him! And if he didn’t cope with the task, don’t be upset, repeat the test in two or three weeks; the child has every right to take such an exam at 10 months.

Spoon on the right, bread on the left!

In the ninth month, nutrition becomes more complex. The second, third and fourth feedings consist of several dishes. In this regard, there is a need to set the table at which the child is sitting. Food should not only be tasty, but also have an attractive appearance.

The liquid dish should be poured into a plate, the puree or porridge should be placed on a saucer, and juices, fruit drinks, and jelly should be given from a glass or cup. The table should look beautiful. You need to put a clean napkin in front of the baby. You can't put the whole meal on the table at once.

Before feeding, you need to wash your baby's hands. This has not only hygienic significance. Water is one of the strongest irritants of the nerve endings of the skin. Washing your hands before eating will soon turn into a conditioned reflex, stimulating the secretion of the most active digestive juices, which increase appetite.

The development of the hand, which goes in parallel with the improvement of coordination of movements, opens up completely new opportunities for the child: the time has come to pick up a spoon and learn to eat independently.

It’s more convenient to do this not on your mother’s lap, but at the table, sitting on a high chair. Place a plate of porridge or puree in front of your child (you need to start with thick food!), give him right hand spoon, and on the left - a piece of bread or cracker. And be patient! The first thing the child will do is start banging the spoon on the table and try the plate. Calmly guide his hand, show him how to scoop some food onto a spoon, bring it to his mouth, and be sure to get it on his tongue and not under it.

Of course, a child will not immediately overcome these wisdom. And while he smears food on his cheeks and drops it on the table, you slowly feed him with your spoon, leaving a little for independent exercise. When you finish feeding your baby, wipe his cheeks and mouth with a soft napkin, or even better, wash him and don’t forget to praise him: what a great guy, he eats on his own!

Early use of a spoon not only instills independence skills, but makes the process of eating more attractive for the child, thereby improving appetite. It also has one more, somewhat unexpected advantage: like all other hand training options, it stimulates speech development.

Fish? Meat? Bouillon? What you can and cannot eat.

The child’s diet, his daily menu remains the same, it is advisable to give fish instead of meat only once or twice a week. What's good about her? Fish contains all the essential amino acids needed by a growing body, including methionine, which is not found in meat. It is rich in minerals, B vitamins, its proteins are absorbed more fully than meat proteins. Children are given low-fat fish - cod, hake. The main difficulty is to choose every single bone. It’s easier to do this if you boil the piece in salted water for 5-7 minutes, without bringing it to a boil, then, after removing the skin and bones, pass it through a meat grinder, let it boil - and the fish puree is ready. It can be mixed with vegetable puree, or you can put both on a plate separately.

The first test portions, as always, should be very small - less than a teaspoon. But if your baby has manifestations of diathesis and it turns out, for example, that he does not tolerate carrots or egg yolk, then it is better not to give him fish, since it will most likely cause an allergic reaction in him.

Broth - once a classic dish of dietary cuisine - now has to be squeezed out of the diet, at least for children. Even healthy children should be given meat soups no more than twice a week. The fact is that extractive substances, the same ones that give the broth a unique taste and aroma, are strong allergens. This is especially true for chicken broth extracts.

As a rule, the chicken itself can be given to a child. Chicken meat has some advantages over beef - it contains more complete and easier to digest proteins, it is softer, tastier, and children usually love it. It is better to use the upper, lean part of the carcass, removing the skin from it. As for the now so popular imported chicken legs, they are completely unacceptable for children.

Rabbit meat has almost no contraindications. It is especially beneficial for children due to its high iron content. In the rabbit, it is preferable to use, on the contrary, the rear part, which contains fewer connective fibers.

Quantitatively, the child’s daily diet remains the same as before, that is, no more than a liter, which is approximately 1/8~1/9 of his own body weight.

By nine months, individual characteristics become more noticeable! They affect character, attitude towards food, and physical development. Body weight, for example, by the end of the month may be 8.5 kilograms for some children, 9.5 or even 10 kilograms for others. And all this is the norm.

Walking in general and walking today

The child must attend fresh air every day and as much as possible. This, as they say, is an axiom that does not require proof. Although there is plenty of evidence. Special observations, scientific experiments, and life practice have established that maximum exposure to fresh air strengthens the child, increases his resistance to respiratory infections, and has a beneficial effect on nervous system- in a word, it becomes a universal preventive and often therapeutic agent.

“Indoor” and “greenhouse” children, protected from the slightest breeze, have a higher risk of anemia and developmental delays. physical development, sleep and appetite disorders. Their cheeks are pale and their eyes are sad.

So the Russian pediatrician Professor A. A. Kisel was right a thousand times, who formulated the motto: “A day without a walk is a lost day!”, and even: “A room is a prison for a child!”

So, get some fresh air! Fresh, do you hear? But where is he - that's the question...

Unfortunately, today it is sometimes easier for us to provide our baby with foreign fruits and toys, diapers, walkers and other things than with an ordinary breath of clean air.

If you live in rural areas, or simply in an ecologically safe area, your child is incredibly lucky: you can walk with him as much as you like. The golden rule “not a day without a walk” was written just for you!

But if you are residents big city, with an atmosphere polluted by industrial emissions, every walk has to be thought about and thought about again.

Neither rain, nor wind, nor fog in themselves are an obstacle to the festivities. But if the direction of the wind turned out to be such that it drove all the harmful emissions from factory chimneys into your area, if the meteorological conditions were such that smog, saturated with these emissions, hung over the city? Even the most ardent adherents of daily walks will forgive you if on such a day you leave the child at home or postpone the promenade until the evening, when the air is cleaner.

Sleeping near an open window to some extent, although far from completely, compensates for a missed walk. But again, consider what floor you live on and where your windows face. If the apartment is located high up and the windows overlook the courtyard, on some days an open window in the room may be more useful than walking along a polluted highway. And if you have a ground floor, and even windows facing the street, hurry with your child out of the house to at least a relatively clean green corner! Surely there is a park or square in your area. Is it difficult to get there several times a day (and the child needs three walks of one and a half to two hours)? Try to organize your routine so that you can take a walk in the park at least once, but for longer.

It is not advisable to use crowded city transport. What to do?

The most disadvantaged situation is the baby who is being driven along a city street in a low stroller. The concentration of harmful impurities, and just dust, is high at the bottom, and here the child breathes much dirtier air than, for example, his mother.

It is better for someone who is carried in their arms, but this is difficult for an adult. A backpack bag can help out. If the conditions that orthopedists insist on are strictly observed, this is a good type of transportation to the nearest green oasis.

It's better if you have a regular one in your arsenal high stroller. It is somewhat cumbersome, but the child can sleep in it without bending over, like in a stroller, and sit awake. Just be careful! After all, he now sits down on his own, on his own initiative, and, looking at everything around him, may become interested in something lying on the ground, and, suddenly bending over, fall out of the stroller. Such injuries after 7-8 months are not uncommon.

A child needs a walk not only for fresh air, but also for new experiences and knowledge of the world around him. Take him for a walk in the park. Show (if you have) a pond with ducks, a fountain, flower beds with bright flowers. Let him touch the tree trunk, draw his attention to the older children playing. Let the world around him enter into him with light, colors, and warmth!

What can a baby do at 8 months?

At the age of eight months, a child can already do a lot. He is active, constantly in high spirits, moves a lot, pronounces many sounds, including individual syllables. It is no longer difficult for him to roll over from his back to his stomach and back; he crawls with all his might. A child at this age uses his hands quite skillfully and takes different objects. And he can boast of two lower incisors.

Based on the above, you have the opportunity to independently assess the psychophysical development of your child. If you suspect that his development is delayed in any way, contact your pediatrician for advice.

We have already said that it is dangerous to give a child small items, because he may stick them in his ear or nose, and there may also be a risk of obstruction (blockage) of the airways. But this does not mean that the child should not be given small objects at all. Someday he needs to learn how to handle them!.. Take, for example, buttons. String them on a strong thread and let your baby (but always under the supervision of an adult) play with them. You will see how dexterous his fingers have become.

A nine-month-old child can already sit well - confidently and for a long time, without any help. He needs to be potty trained. Over time, the desire to go to the potty receives a sound designation - in the form of a very serious “ah-ah”. This very “ah-ah” makes life very easy for both mother and child - since it is very important not to miss a session. Gradually teach your baby to say a cute “ah-ah” when necessary.

Don't let your child sit on the potty for more than 7-8 minutes. It is harmful.

Don't distract your child while he's sitting on the potty. He must concentrate on “his business.” Otherwise, the child will sit for a long time. Don't give him toys while he's pottying.

Guests whom you respect and even love came to you, and your baby announced his “ah-ah”. Don’t even think about swearing at the baby, he did the right thing.

If your child sat on the potty for eight minutes and nothing ended, it is possible that after a while he will soil the diapers. In this case, you have every right to express your displeasure to your child. You should make the remark in a stern, but not angry voice. Perhaps not right away, but one day the child will understand why he is being reprimanded.

Your baby is nine months old. You must be prepared for the fact that one day you will see him standing. Of course, he is not yet able to stand without support. But, having grabbed the wall of the crib or playpen, he is already quite capable of getting up on his own. And he can even take a few steps... But then he drops to all fours again. Running on all fours is much more comfortable for him now.
At this age, the child sits freely for about fifteen minutes.

A child gains life experience by watching you or playing. So don't downplay the importance of games. Engage with your baby. The most convenient time for games is before lunch and before the evening swim. You should not disturb your child with games after eating - this interferes with the absorption of food; You should not excite your child with games before bedtime - sleep will be restless.

Teach your child to play independently. Independence in the game develops imagination. But first you must show your baby how to handle the toy. If the toy is collapsible (for example, a pyramid), disassemble and assemble it so that the child can see it. And then let him play on his own.

During the child’s play, it is advisable to exclude extraneous distractions. The child must concentrate on the game - and play calmly. Don't interfere with the game. A child who is accustomed to playing independently grows up independent.

Do not give your child more than two toys at a time. The abundance of toys distracts his attention. If a child wants to see you while playing and screams, do not rush to answer the call. Perhaps your child threw a toy out of the playpen and now wants you to return the toy. Why did you throw it away?.. From this little “misunderstanding” begins the development of a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

As a game, teach your child to use a spoon - his hands are already dexterous enough for this. Also teach them to use a cup and bring its edge to their mouth. These practical skills will soon free up a lot of your time.

In the tenth month, you can weigh your baby no more than once every two weeks. You are already accustomed to this procedure; Moreover, they began to get tired of it (remember the time when they weighed the baby several times a day?). Continue recording your weight on your chart. And the next time you go to see a pediatrician, take the table with you. The doctor will monitor your child's weight dynamics with interest. The data from this table eloquently demonstrates the state of the baby’s health in all months of life.

You have probably already noticed that over time, your child began to gain weight more slowly, and the weight curve took on a flatter shape. Don't worry, this is normal.

In two weeks, the child gains weight from 140 to 200 grams.

As you already understand, children do not develop teeth at any specific time. For some a little earlier, for others a little later. By the tenth month, your baby may have four or even all six teeth (two on the bottom and two or four on top). If your child does not yet have four teeth at this age, wait a week or two - perhaps during this time the missing teeth will erupt. But if they have not appeared after this period, consult your pediatrician: you may need to consult a dentist. Or maybe, for some reason, your child lacks calcium and phosphorus salts, as well as vitamin D.

It happens that parents, concerned about the delay in the teething of the child's teeth, check every hour to see if they have appeared - and feel the baby's gums with their finger. You don't need to do this often. Firstly, this is not a very pleasant procedure; and secondly, you can introduce an infection into the child’s oral cavity. We touched it once and that was enough.

One of the reasons for late teething is a disease called rickets. Due to a lack of vitamin D in the body, calcium and phosphorus are poorly deposited in the bones; bone growth is impaired. This important vitamin is formed in human skin under the influence of sun rays. If you are concerned that your child has not yet developed enough teeth, think about whether your baby is getting enough sunbathing.

Manifestations of rickets (if you do not take urgent and competent measures and do not follow doctor’s orders) can remain for life. Therefore, know that it is better to prevent rickets - even in its most minor manifestations. From the first days of life, keep it under control
“communicate” your child with the sun, and also take care of your child’s constant supply of vitamin D through food. Remember that it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later.

Your child not only sits independently, actively crawls and even stands with support, he is already overcoming obstacles, making persistent attempts to climb onto a bench, stool, or chair. And he succeeds more and more often. This behavior is the age norm. You should not see this as a whim or a manifestation of stubbornness. On the contrary, we need to help. Conditions should be created for the child’s acrobatic exercises - so that there is something to climb on (on a low bench), and so that it does not hurt to fall. The child gets tired of monotony and strives to conquer his peaks. The child's body grows in movement.

What can a 9 month old baby do?

turns babble into sound serenades;
shows the nose, mouth and other parts of the body of the mother, the doll, in the mirror, sometimes correctly “getting” the finger into the right place;
sticks his fingers in all the holes;
knows how to tear and crumple paper, crumples clay in his palm;
can leaf through thick pages of a cardboard book;
sits down independently, sits, walks with support, crawls;
stands up without support;
rhythmically jumps and squats at a support or holding mother's hands.

Safety precautions in the ninth month of a child’s life

Until recently, it seems, the contemplation of toys was enough for the baby, but now he already acts with them very energetically - he squeezes a rubber doll, knows how to roll a ball, puts nesting dolls one into another. True, he often diligently tries to push a larger one into a smaller one or pull a shoe stolen from a doll onto a cube. But this is also the path of knowledge!

Now the baby no longer has enough of a blanket spread on the floor - before you even have time to look back, he will crawl away from this playground and end up in the far corner of the room. This means it’s time to ensure the safety of the space available to the child.

Children love to explore all sorts of cracks, holes, and recesses. You may have already noticed how persistently your child tries to stick his finger into the ear of a rubber hare or into the buttonhole of his blouse. Imagine how tempting an electrical outlet would be for him! And the first thing you should do is purchase blank fuses. If there are wires of electrical appliances, say, a floor lamp, on the floor, check their serviceability. At the same time, see if a child, when busy with a floor lamp, could knock it over on himself? He will also want to pull the tablecloth hanging from the table. What if there is a cup of hot tea on it?

A high chair for children also requires checking, even if it is new, and even more so if you inherited it, as they say, from friends. Are there any small parts or screws that the previous owner has already loosened? Otherwise, your baby will only have to complete the job by pulling them out and putting them in his mouth. Is the device secure enough to prevent you from falling out by pulling forward? Is the chair itself stable, and can a child, leaning back sharply, fall along with it?

When you sit your baby in a high chair for the next feeding, do not place a plate with something hot next to it. Quite a few babies received burns from joyfully slapping their palms on hot semolina porridge...

Don't forget to browse the toys. A child is already quite capable of bringing a rattle to such a state that some small parts are about to fall out of it, or getting to the “filling” of a soft teddy bear. These are usually pieces of styrofoam, and you can be sure that they will be tasted and possibly swallowed.

In general, soft toys already become the most beloved, and affection for some shabby, worn-out bear often persists until school years. Apparently, such a toy not only entertains, but also somehow calms, warms, and is perceived almost as alive and friendly.

When choosing soft toys, choose synthetic fur rather than natural fur. Animals made from synthetics are easier to wash from time to time and cause less risk of allergic reactions. It is also better to wash a new toy first. warm water, then dry and comb; Maybe it will lose a little beauty, but you will be sure that you have washed away the remnants of formaldehyde that are usually used to treat such products. And although it is allowed only in harmless quantities, it is better not to have it at all.

When buying any toy, you have the right to inquire about the certificate for it, find out whether the materials from which it is made are safe for a child, especially what the dyes are. With domestic and imported toys purchased from large stores, this risk is low, since they must go through inspection. Don’t buy baby toys at all from the market!

There should be few toys in the child’s field of vision: five or six. Among them it is permissible to include some light can with a lid. It remains a mystery why children are more willing to play with ordinary kitchen utensils than with expensive toys designed and manufactured by specialists. However, this is not the only riddle that kids ask...

The ninth month of life brings many discoveries for a baby. The child becomes more active and mobile every day, he constantly crawls and explores the space around him. The baby has already become quite comfortable in the apartment, but does not feel entirely confident in unfamiliar places.
You need to help the baby improve old and learn new skills, and for this it is important to know how the child develops at 9 months.

Physical development: skills and abilities

  • At nine months of age, a baby should be able to sit up independently from a lying position and sit for a long time;
  • the baby can crawl well on its belly or can already move on all fours;
  • may be able to rise to his feet, leaning on the hands of adults, take several steps with support, some children can move independently at a side step, holding on to the bed;
  • at nine months, the child should be able to fulfill simple requests - give or pick up certain objects, show named toys or body parts in pictures;
  • At 9 months of age, a baby’s speech begins to sound more and more meaningful; the baby should already master the pronunciation of most sounds and sound combinations with your help;
  • understands the purpose of objects and toys based on their shape and material, rolls round objects, puts square and rectangular ones on top of each other in a tower, squeezes soft ones, tries to put containers into each other;
  • a child at nine months should be able to drink from a cup and gradually acquire independent feeding skills;
  • the baby knows how to repeat the movements of adults - clap his hands, raise his hands, wave them;
  • the child continues to develop a “pincer” grip on the fingers;
  • A baby at nine months can put small objects into a container.

All your actions in the ninth month of your baby’s life should be aimed at helping him master the process of getting on his feet. To do this, you need to strengthen his muscles with the help of massage and stimulate him to active movements.

Emotions and psychological development

The emotional and mental development of a 9-month-old baby also does not stand still. The baby actively explores the world around him and the objects available to him. He looks for the source of sound in musical toys, knows how to get small objects out of containers and sincerely does not understand why large ones cannot be placed there.

The baby's attention is now attracted not only by the faces of the people around him, but also by other parts of the body. He watches with interest how your arms and legs move, and wants to be able to do the same. The baby tries to adopt these skills - he strives to drink from a cup on his own, and puts things on his head that are completely not intended for this purpose as a headdress.

Fear strangers in some children it completely disappears, and they warmly welcome guests, while in others it still persists. Looking closely at new people, babies gradually establish contact with them.

A child at nine months of life begins to react very emotionally to the results of his actions. If the baby managed to open a box or find some kind of toy, he will wildly rejoice at his success, and if he fails, he will burst into tears. You do not need to be afraid of such manifestations of emotions; this is a completely normal mental reaction of children of this age.

Nine-month-old babies become attached to certain things - the baby may fall in love with a certain toy, blanket or piece of clothing, and parting with them can lead to resentment or even hysterics in the baby. The child becomes independent and subconsciously strives to move a little away from the mother. To compensate for the loss of this connection, he replaces it with attachment to certain objects. If your baby asks to put his favorite toy next to him, don’t worry, this is normal.


At nine months, the child becomes more and more independent every day. When bathing him in the bathroom, you can offer your baby a soapy sponge so that he can wash himself; believe me, this process will give him great pleasure. If your baby's skin care is not sufficient, gently offer your help. You can also let your baby dry himself with a towel.

Continue potty training your baby for 9 months, praise him for successes and be upset about failures. You cannot force a baby to sit on the potty against his will, scream and swear if he didn’t want to or didn’t have time to go to the potty, this can frighten the baby and cause him emotional rejection of this item.

Height and weight

During the ninth month of life, the child grows by 1.5-2 cm, his weight increases by about 400 grams. The circumferences of the head and chest are almost equal and average 45 cm. According to statistics, a girl will have less weight and height than a boy.


Adult dietary foods are taking up more and more space in the diet of a nine-month-old baby. Infants continue to eat mother's milk or formula 1-2 times a day, depending on the pediatrician's recommendations and the baby's needs.

Active tooth growth and jaw development require constant stress from the baby, so the baby needs to constantly chew something. Offer your baby hard pieces of apples, pears, carrots, as well as cookies and dried fruit, but do not leave the baby alone with food, as he may choke.


Since the baby should already have mastered almost all the sounds of the language by nine months, all you have to do is regularly engage with him and support him in his desire to pronounce words. To stimulate further articulation experiments, repeat after the child the words and phrases he speaks, confirm that you understand him perfectly.

To communicate with your baby, choose expressions that are familiar to him, constantly comment on what is happening around him and the actions that you perform. The child likes speech games when you need to pronounce sounds either loudly or quietly.

Nine-month-old babies love to imitate the sounds made by animals: meowing, barking, chirping and mooing. And even though your baby may sometimes not pronounce syllables and words quite correctly, encourage him to try and repeat after you.

Games and activities with your baby

A nine-month-old child actively learns about the world around him and the properties of objects through activities with toys. For infants of this age, developing activity centers that have ringing, rustling and melodic elements will be useful. Various boxes with interesting contents will help the baby explore the world, bags of cereals will develop the baby’s fine motor skills.

Activities with a ball, pyramid and toys that have slots for inserting parts different forms, will ensure the development of coordination in a baby of the ninth month of life. Some children can already make towers from blocks on their own, and then destroy them with laughter.

Your baby will be delighted by the toys that “come to life” with your help, dancing and jumping on the bed, nodding their heads, moving their limbs and talking in unfamiliar voices. The child may try to repeat these manipulations after you, and this will mark the beginning of his learning to role-play. So that the baby knows how to use toys, pay his attention during walks to how cars, buses and motorcycles drive, how dogs and cats run, how planes, helicopters and birds fly.

At nine months, children begin to understand that the hidden object does not disappear, but is located under the handkerchief, and that the contents of the bottle can spill out if the container is turned over. Help your child develop himself, study the properties and interactions of objects through games. Hide the toys and ask the child to find them, pour cereal into a plastic bottle with a wide neck and show that the contents can be poured out - the child will definitely repeat after you.

Develop neatness in your baby - ask him to place the toys upside down correctly, and if there is a plastic children's set of dishes, set an impromptu table for soft pets.

This age is the threshold of the baby's first birthday. And today, many children are developing so actively that already at nine months they can, are able and want to do the same things that they could do at one year. So, we will learn about the characteristics of nine-month-old babies, their mental and physical development.

Baby's daily routine at 9 months

During this age period, the baby has two daytime sleeps of 2 hours each and a nighttime sleep lasting about 11 hours. It is advisable to organize at least one nap during the day in the fresh air. The night becomes deeper, and mom has the opportunity to sleep off. As for bathing, it is no longer necessary to do it every day. Evening bathing can be done every other day, and during the day you can only wash the child. The diet remains five times a day. The approximate distribution of wakefulness and sleep looks like this:

6.00-6.30. Climb. Morning toilet. Charger.

7.00. Breastfeeding or formula. Games, activities.

9.30. The second feeding is in the form of fruit puree and porridge.

10.00. Walk and sleep in the fresh air.

13.00. Lunch in the form of vegetable puree with meat or soup, banana.

13.30. Classes, wakefulness.

15.00-15.30. Walk and second nap.

17.30-18.00 Dinner in the form of cottage cheese with fruit juice or porridge with fish.

19.00. Communication with dad and relatives.

21.00. Last feeding with adapted formula or breastfeeding.

21.30-22.00. Going to bed.

A baby's appetite is largely determined by his activity. And if the child does not eat at the allotted time, then you should not shift the meal by 30-40 minutes. Better to skip it. He will eat well at the next scheduled feeding.

Bathing at this age can already be done with games and toys. Positive emotions before bed will help you fall asleep. And it should already be a ritual for the baby with putting on pajamas, a lullaby, and turning on the night light. Up to a year, the baby should sleep on a hard mattress, without a pillow.

Physical development of children at 9 months

By this age, the baby’s limb muscles are already well developed, many are already crawling, starting to walk, increasingly coordinating the position of their body. Some people stick to the support. The movements of the arms and legs become coordinated, the children themselves get up from a lying position, they like to lie on their stomachs, turning their heads in one direction or the other. Kids consciously reach for interesting objects with their whole body and hold them tightly.

During this period, the development of small arm muscles allows children to learn to hold a spoon and learn to eat independently. Children actively move their fingers, perform body turns, bends, and independently change their position on a hard surface.

Boys' height is 71.2-72.3 centimeters, weight - up to 9-9.5 kilograms. As for girls, their weight is 8.2-8.7 kg, height is 68.5-70 cm.

Mental and speech development of a child at 9 months

The child actively explores space and enjoys watching the doors in the room move, the closet opening, listening to sounds, voices, and trying to copy the simple movements of adults. The most exciting activity for him is crawling around a chair, for example, because it is interesting to repeat the same action over and over again. The baby likes to watch mom and dad and their communication. At this age, he already clearly distinguishes between friends and strangers. He may develop a reaction of fear of strangers.

The baby's attention becomes more persistent. He is already able to look at the same object for several minutes. Therefore, his mother should already be reading him children’s books with large images of animals, cars, and fruits. The child tries to repeat their names after their parents, as well as the sounds that living beings make. Children have their favorite toys. He greets them with delight and pays more attention.

At nine months, there are not many crumbs of words in the active dictionary yet. They are simple, consisting of two syllables. These are “baba”, “dai”, “na”, “dada”, “am”, “mama”, “dad”. Each child develops his own active “vocabulary,” which usually only the mother can understand.

The passive vocabulary is broader. This is the name of objects and actions to which the child reacts and which he knows well. Among them are given name. Later, as speech develops, words from the passive vocabulary will become active with their regular repetition.

The child loves to copy adults and the intonation of their voices. For this, parents should praise the baby. Every day you need to introduce your child to new objects and actions, developing memory and attentiveness.

What should a 9 month old baby be able to do?

Now we will see that a child of 9 months can already do quite a lot. Here are the main skills that pediatricians recommend parents focus on:

  1. Plays with objects. These can be books, and children themselves turn their pages, looking at the pictures. Some tear them, and this is nothing more than research, studying the capabilities of their hands. Shifting objects, stroking, feeling, putting in the mouth are basic actions with them at this age.
  2. Learns to stand on his feet. The baby does this from a sitting position, moves his legs, walks, and stands straight for a few seconds without support.
  3. Selects toys. He needs bright and informative ones. Sitting on daddy's lap, he can take it out of his pocket mobile phone. He is interested in exploring adult toys.
  4. Knows how to be stubborn. He shakes his head intensely when he doesn’t want to eat or go into his grandmother’s arms. These are manifestations of one’s self and character. And if he is forced to do something that he does not want, then the child may start screaming.
  5. Looks at himself in photographs and videos. He is interested in watching moving pictures and looking at himself in the mirror. At times he may try to pat or kiss the image.
  6. Recognizes body parts. The child can show where the mother’s nose, eye, hand, and hairs are.

Games and toys for the development of a child at 9 months

At this age, the baby should have musical toys, soft cubes, carousels, balls, cars, dolls. Parents are advised to pay attention to the properties of such toys: the ball rolls, it must be pushed; The piano makes sounds when you press the keys. The baby set should also include a bucket with toys inside, dishes, various rattles, and “rodents” with a special teething gel.

Experts advise mothers and fathers to periodically change toys to keep the baby interested. You should not simultaneously lay out everything in the house in front of the baby.

Children of this age really like the game “Hide and Seek” with covering their heads with a handkerchief; “Big-big!” with pulling the handles up; folding a pyramid.

Games at this age are simple steps with objects: the doll walks, dances, eats; the car drives and hums; the bunny jumps and eats. During them, parents should create an emotional tone: concentrate on the beauty and cleanliness of the doll’s clothes, the softness of the ball, the kindness of the bunny who loves the baby.

Games and toys should help the baby learn the properties of objects, develop finger motor skills, memory, attention, and creativity.

A 9-month-old child scratches, plucks, bites

Bites often accompany the baby's teething process. They itch, they hurt, and such actions are attempts to alleviate their own condition. But biting can be not only a sign of the appearance of chewing organs. Sometimes, at 9 months or a year, a child can begin to pinch and scratch. Sometimes this is a manifestation of aggressiveness and nervousness. In this case, it is worth showing the baby to a pediatric neurologist.

But sometimes mothers themselves can stop such reactions. For example, if a child bites, you can try to make him bite his own hand instead of his mother’s. After this, the baby is very surprised, indignant, cries - and no longer makes attempts to bite adults. The same goes for pinching. When he does this, try to lightly pinch him on the butt at the same moment.

Some psychologists are sure that biting is simply a repetition of the actions of mom or dad, who bite the baby with love, lightly. And he, not knowing how to calculate his strength, does the same, but bites painfully. Experts recommend not focusing on such bad actions. And then, in the absence of a reaction from adults, the child stops such things.

A child at 9 months refuses food, formula, or complementary foods

A complete refusal to eat with the introduction of complementary foods or a sharp deterioration in appetite is a problem that parents of a nine-month-old baby may encounter. And there are no clear solutions to this issue. This may be a manifestation of the crisis of one year, which came earlier, with a demonstration of its character. Then this phenomenon does not last long, perhaps throughout the day, until the baby gets hungry. But he must drink at this time.

If during such periods he remains active, does not cry, and shows the same interest in toys, then there is no need to worry too much. The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes this. He emphasizes that at such moments there is no need to force feed the child! After all, parental insistence may cause the baby to gag reflex. The doctor explains that this can happen to babies in winter months when it works for them biological protection from excess food. And if the child begins to be capricious, cry, close his eyes, then just calmly move the plate away - go for a walk, work up an appetite.

You can try simply seating your baby at the table with all family members who are having lunch or dinner. And then, perhaps, the habit of copying and inheriting the actions of adults will awaken the baby’s appetite. It is also recommended to “feed” his favorite bear in front of the baby. The main thing is not to swear or shout.

Child development at 9 months: Komarovsky

The absence of violence and demonstration of parental superiority are the basis for the healthy development of a child at this age, according to the pediatrician. This applies to feeding and potty training the baby. The latter, according to Evgeniy Olegovich, will happen the sooner the higher the level of physiological development of the baby.

You should not focus on the development of your neighbor’s child, who learned to use the potty at just 9 months.

Repeated “aak” can cause the appearance of conditioned reflex, but this should not be the goal of parents. “Filling the bladder - urinating” - this should be the mechanism of potty training. That is, the incentive is physiological process filling Bladder, and not a sound stimulus (such as “ah-ah-ah” or “ps-ps-ps”). Until one and a half years old, a child cannot yet feel the process of filling it, which means that the skills developed will not be stable. According to Mr. Komarovsky, during this age period it is better to develop independent walking skills, stimulate intellectual development child.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

Many nine-month-old children can already stand independently or even walk with support. They're taking their first steps and you've probably thought about shoes. But the child does not need shoes at home. No matter how much you would like to put him in sandals, you should not do this at home. Walking barefoot on different textures of the apartment (parquet, tile, carpet), the child develops a sense of balance.

Natalia Kalinina

Please tell me why the baby is going bald? Seriously.
My daughter was born quite hairy. I was happy because daddy had just a hat made of hair. I thought at least the second one took her husband’s hair; the first daughter was born practically bald and now her hair is thin and blonde.
The second one, as I said, is quite hairy (especially in comparison with the first daughter). And the more it grows, the less hair becomes. Now she will be 5 months old in a week. And she is almost bald, I understand that they are wiped on the back of her head. It started with this, then in a circle around the head (she turns it in a circle), but now there’s practically nothing on the top of the head, so there’s no way to wipe the hair.
Attaching photo


If your child still does not sit up on his own, be sure to consult a doctor. The main thing is not to miss the neurological pathology, which often manifests itself only at the end of the first year of life. Many diseases that develop in utero cannot be diagnosed immediately after birth.

According to recommendations World Organization Health (WHO) at 9 months the child needs to be introduced to food in pieces. If you previously used a blender or ready-made homogeneous purees, then from 9 months you should abandon them. Just boil the vegetables and mash them with a fork (so that the pieces are safe). This way the child will get used to the fact that food does not have a uniform structure. In addition, this is an important stage for the development maxillofacial apparatus in principle and the formation of the chewing process in particular. Don't delay this.


Traveling with a child is now becoming more difficult. He extremely does not like to go beyond his familiar surroundings and things. A banal visit can turn into tears. But after a while the baby gets used to it, understands that his mother is nearby, and calmly plays in an unfamiliar environment. In addition, he may often check by looking around to see if you are there. It is important for him to know that his loved ones are nearby and he is safe.

The baby is already well oriented in familiar surroundings. He knows exactly where his books are, where the books are, how the rooms in the apartment are located. Many crawl freely around the apartment, and therefore the entire apartment should become a safe zone for children.

He knows who mom and dad are and recognizes himself in the mirror. He begins to recognize himself as a separate person. This is an important stage of growing up.


♦ Sits himself down and sits quietly on his own.

♦ Can move in different ways: crawling on all fours, sitting, on the belly (on the stomach).

♦ Many people can independently stand at the support and move along it.

♦ Take several steps holding the hand of an adult.

♦ Give an object when asked “give” and take it when asked “to”.

♦ Can show some parts of the body: nose, mouth, eyes (while on the parent’s face)

♦ Onomatopoeia may appear: tries to imitate sounds and speech.

♦ Takes pieces of food from a plate independently.

He actively moves around the house, so the entire apartment should be as safe as possible. Be sure to lock all household chemicals. Children can swallow stove cleaner or taste laundry detergent much faster than you think. This is extremely dangerous! All household chemicals should be stored out of the reach of children.

How to play

All kinds of activities are the basis of activities at this age. Please note that the parts must be large so that a child cannot swallow them, and safe in composition and color. Most children will want to try out the bright and beautiful parts of a construction set, sorter or logic puzzle.

How it feels and how it behaves

A child's vision is almost equal to that of an adult. He can see well both far and close, can focus his eyes and follow a fast-moving object. Hands and eyes are coordinated, motor skills develop along with vision. So, for example, a baby may see a toy at the other end of the room and crawl towards it.

The baby sleeps about 12-16 hours a day. Some children can sleep during the day for 2 hours in a row, others, on the contrary, sleep for 20-30 minutes, but several times.

The child's hearing is already well developed. He knows his name and responds to it. If you ask “Where is dad?”, he tries to look for dad with his eyes.

How speech develops

Try to pronounce the names of things. The child begins to understand that everything has its own name. Very soon he will identify words with objects. Now there is a process of accumulation of passive vocabulary. Very soon, when the baby begins to speak, these words will come in handy.

Parents' task

The child understands how to get your attention. Try to communicate with him more, so he will learn more about his native language. Now he is forming. You need to encourage this desire, and very soon you will be surprised by your grown-up baby.

Now is the time for the baby's temperament to show. Some are calm and balanced, others, on the contrary, are mischievous pranksters. Some are smiling and cheerful, others are shy and modest. Whatever your baby is, he has his own opinion on what is happening.

During the first year of a child’s life, individual characteristics of his development appear both in the activity of his movements and in what he can do, and therefore it is difficult to say exactly at what point a turning point in his development should occur. We should not forget that when we talk about a nine-month-old child, we mean many children of this age, but not all. For everyone, a certain sequence in the development of any one area is preserved. For example, a child will first learn to stand, and only then walk. First, he will “rake” the small objects he likes into his fist, and only then will he learn to grab them with the characteristic movement of his thumb and forefinger. Regardless of the developmental level of a nine-month-old baby, you can notice a curious change that is expressed in the speed of his movements, whether playing or traveling around the house - the baby becomes more skillful and energetic. At approximately the same age, the child better remembers current events and copes quite successfully with simple problems. Try to offer him food he doesn't like, he will immediately push the spoon away. If you put a toy under his sweater, he will immediately lift the bottom edge of it and the toy will fall out.

Motor skills

By nine months, most babies are crawling well. Most often using their hands and knees, children successfully overcome obstacles and maneuver on various surfaces. Other kids prefer the fifth point as the main means of transportation. Some people make one leg a push and move with peculiar jumps. There are children who mainly rely on their arms, first pushing them forward and then pulling their entire body. There are specimens that move on all fours with straightened knees, resembling newborn foals on still unsteady legs. While many babies show significant new motor skills at nine months—standing, walking, climbing steps, getting off the couch—others seem to stagnate. In this regard, all children have their peaks and relative valleys. For a while, kids quickly learn new things, then they need to practice and consolidate their achievements, and then learn something else. However, it often happens that in some respects the child’s development seems to have made no progress at all, while in another area he has developed interesting achievements. Nine months is an important age for development various groups muscles. Some children spend a lot of energy trying to get up as quickly as possible, while others “work” more with their hands, all the time trying to take something, explore, turn, and this and that. Special meaning they buy spoons here. Children begin to understand that a spoon exists not only to hit some surface with it, but is also used as a tool with which food enters the mouth. And although your baby may turn the spoon over before it reaches his mouth, he still understands that food is first put on the spoon and only then put into his mouth.

Learning to walk

We anticipate your questions: Why teach walking? Isn't it dangerous to learn to walk? Will the child's legs and spine become bent? He will go anyway, is it necessary to speed up this process?..

We ourselves are absolutely sure that an UNPREPARED child should not be forced to walk, lift him to the wall of the bed and watch him tremble like a reed in the wind. In order for a child to learn to get up, stand, and walk, you must work with him a lot. Then it will be an easy, painless, completely natural process that cannot harm the child.

As soon as you feel that the child is standing easily (leaning on his hands, straightening his legs, or crawling to the bars and rising from his knees), you can begin to intensively teach him to walk. If you have been working intensely with your child since birth, this moment may come at four months (an age that, according to previous ideas, is absolutely incredible). What should you start teaching?

Stand without support, with your back to the support. The soft surface makes it fun to fall.

Climb and stand on your own many times a day while holding onto horizontal bars.

We narrow the width of the bed with an additional wall, which we strengthen only during the lesson, or with a thick slat. This helps a child at four months make attempts to move along a narrow corridor. Having installed such a wall, you will immediately see that the child has the opportunity to alternately raise his legs and squat. It is convenient for him to hold his hands on the “railing” on the sides, and not in front of him.

Walking on the bed behind the moving axis back and forth, back and forth: just let it not be very thick so that the child can confidently grip it with his hand (we described it in the chapter “Sports Corner”). In the first month you don’t have to secure it, just move it along the sides (without weights on the edges). Tuck the stick if your child's fingers slip.

You need to walk a lot on the floor, holding the child by two hands and taking part of the weight on your hands, so that it is walking, although with a load, but certainly not the maximum.

For a child who has been walking along the bed and by the hands for 1-2 months, you can come up with a “leash” that widely covers the stomach and shoulders. You hold him from behind and on top, ready to protect him from falling. You can make such a leash from an old shirt by cutting holes for the child’s arms, and you will hold him by the empty sleeves while walking.

By five months, we begin to practice walking in a walker, introducing this in short bursts. When you start the walker, check to see if there are any wires dangling anywhere, otherwise the lamps will suddenly fall to the floor. Make sure that there are no newspapers lying on the sofa, for example, because they will certainly be stuffed into your mouth... Instead, hang interesting and harmless objects, like jingling balls, boxes, shiny lids, so that they are worth walking around the apartment for. Already two or three days of walking in a walker completely transforms the child, incredible progress is felt. Very soon he begins to control the direction of movement and gets where he wants (we are talking about the age of 4.5 months!). It would be nice if he couldn't get to the stove - don't forget about that.

Doman writes that there is no need to teach a child to walk by the hand so that the child’s vestibular apparatus can rely only on itself. But this in no way applies to the age of four, five, six months, when you need to try to walk a lot on the floor (it would be nice to be barefoot - we don’t want to hear the word “cold”). You are not in any hurry; the vestibular apparatus will still have time to learn everything if your child reaches six and a half to seven months. It seems to us that this is the optimal age at which a trained “Doman” child should take his first independent steps.

In order to encourage these first steps, we narrow the width of the bed (using a movable wall) to exactly the size of the arms spread out to the sides, so that the child can move to any of the walls at will. After this, we attach some new, very interesting toy to one of the walls of the bed and begin to increase the width of this space by millimeters. So the child needs to stretch, then take half a step and stretch, and at some point take his hands off and take the first step without support. Remember to soften all corners in the bed, remember to protect your forehead and back of your head. Several days of such activities lead you to victory: the child understands that it is possible to let go of his hands.

We repeat once again that exercises when he stands with his back to the support, does not hold on, but only feels the support with his back and the back of his head, and is not afraid to fall forward on something soft - they greatly speed up the first step.

WALKING SHARPLY INCREASES A CHILD'S MOTOR INTELLIGENCE. And, besides, you have an active ally. He HIMSELF now performs the most complex movements, having begun to walk at an age when civilized humanity has barely begun to crawl. Happy childhood is over. In the following chapters we will start playing sports.

Undoubtedly, this is a real miracle of the world when a child takes his first independent step - it is impossible to get used to it.

Ability to see, hear, feel

Many children at nine months already choose their favorite toy or blanket. A dirty teddy bear thrown into the morning wash can create crisis situation. Despite the problems that a “favorite toy” can cause, this early attachment seems to us important event in child development. It testifies to the baby’s ability to distinguish objects perfectly. The new teddy bear is violently rejected if they try to console the child with it in the absence of the old “friend,” because the baby already remembers what his favorite toy looks like, even when it is not around. The child’s ability to distinguish sounds manifests itself at this age as noticeably as the ability to distinguish objects by their appearance. The baby is especially attentive to sounds that help him understand the events taking place: the buzzing of a razor means that dad has woken up, the slam of the refrigerator door means breakfast is ready, knocking on the window glass means it’s raining. At nine months, the child not only distinguishes objects and sounds well, but partly already knows how to “plan” his actions. This ability is especially obvious when the baby is faced with a task with two actions. If you put a “barrier” in the form of another toy in front of his favorite truck, the child will push the obstacle to the side and get the car. By moving the flowers to the other edge of the coffee table - away from the child, you will see that this will not stop his curiosity, the baby will crawl around the table and get to the object that interests him. In such situations, the child demonstrates the ability to coordinate two actions. In essence, it uses one action as a means to perform a second. Something similar to planning actions is also manifested in the way the child holds familiar things in his hands. Just two months ago, any object, once in the hands of a baby, went through a certain stage of childhood experiments: he was examined, shaken, beaten, put in his mouth, etc. Now, when a child takes something in his hands, his actions are purposeful, and he knows the purpose of the objects. He shakes the rattle because that's what it's there for. He brings the cup to his mouth, crumples a piece of foil, rings the bell - as if he is aware that objects serve different purposes, and he performs certain actions in order to achieve a certain goal. At nine months, the child develops another hobby. Having put the toy in the box, the baby immediately knocks over the box, puts the toy back in, and the story repeats itself. Such repeated actions can be considered as a kind of game of hide and seek. The child checks whether the toy hidden in the box continues to exist. Now that the baby is aware of the permanence of objects, he is attracted to a wide variety of “hide and seek” options. Seeing that you have a small toy in your fist, the child will try to open your fist. The kid invents his own games - he likes to open kitchen cabinets, take out all sorts of pots and pans and scatter them around the house. Alas, there is practically no hope that this game will soon lose interest for the child.

We understand our child

A nine-month-old child understands the meaning of words better and better every day. When they ask him: “Where is mom?”, “Where is dad?” - He looks from one parent to the other. The baby is already following simple commands and, hearing: “Give mom a spoon,” will hand the spoon to mom. However, it would be better if the mother reinforces her request with an outstretched hand or makes a request while he is looking at the spoon. For the baby it's interesting game, and if he once understood what needs to be done, he will be happy to play again and again. Starting to connect the sound of words with their meaning, the baby builds his own figurative vocabulary. And although most of his babbling may be just a sound game; he is already beginning to pronounce some words in the appropriate context. He will say “dad” when he sees that a male guest has appeared in the house. The child’s first words most likely will not be those that indicate demands (such as “give”); usually he tries to name close people, pets, or pronounces words that the mother uses to accompany habitual actions. At this very early "conversational" stage main role parents play. If mom and dad react to a baby’s successful attempt to say a word with noisy delight and increased attention to their “talking miracle,” the child begins to understand that using a word correctly is funny and pleasant. When the baby fulfills a verbal request and his intelligence is noted by his parents' enthusiasm, he will try even harder. At nine months, the child continues to enjoy playing back-and-forth games. One of the most favorite activities of children is to take off their parents' glasses. Almost as popular is the game “I’ll eat you” - the baby puts his little hand in his dad’s mouth, and dad pretends that he’s going to bite it off, then the child pulls out his little hand and laughs triumphantly. A variant of this game is the game “the horned goat is coming,” when dad “attacks” the baby’s tummy, and he “defends” himself from the attack. A more relaxed version of the game “back and forth” can be considered the game of “telephone”. Take a toy or real device (of course, the real one must be unplugged) and take turns talking into the phone with your child. Mom imitates a call, picks up the phone and comes up with some short phrases, like: "Hi, how are you? Are you having breakfast?" Then she hands the phone to the child and says, “Now it’s your turn.” Soon the baby will get used to the phone and will definitely mutter some of his “phrases” before hanging up. If a child often plays with his peers and has a constant “buddy,” you can observe how children themselves play a similar game, albeit in a more primitive form. Your baby transmits soft toy peer, he hands it back to your child, and then everything starts all over again. At the same time, the children smile, are quite happy, and it is absolutely clear that this is just a game, and there is no trace of conflict.

Activities with a child

A nine-month-old baby does not take the word “no” seriously - for him the whole house seems big magical game. He wants to explore and touch everything, so taking this into account, before the children's invasion you need to check all the contents of the house for stability. Any room in which a child may find himself alone or with parents engaged in other activities should be thoroughly combed. It is necessary to think not only about what the child can do “now,” but also about what he will learn to do in a month: what cabinets and drawers he will try to open, what wires he will pull, what trinkets he will want to explore and throw on the floor, where they will naturally break. While walking around your home looking for dangerous places, at the same time think about what things might be useful for children's games. Arrange so that in every room where you and your child will spend time, there is a for him a supply of toys or other objects suitable for play.Parents often provide their baby with a low-lying shelf in the kitchen, a drawer in their bedroom and a basket in the living room filled with things that may interest the child and which he cannot break If you have time to sit quietly and play with your child, be sure to give him the opportunity to start the game himself.If the baby discovers that there are many new and interesting items in the accessible basket: keys, videotapes, dried fruits, curlers, etc., this may make him want to play - give you some thing in order to immediately get it back.

Game time

New discoveries Ring the bell Give your child a bell and show him how to ring it. "Tactile" game Give your baby a box with different pieces of fabric that he will be interested in touching. Be sure to put there pieces of rough, hard material and smooth, silky ones. A well-chosen set may include a small square of linoleum, a playing card, a large cork, a piece of velvet or satin and a sponge. By taking pieces of these objects out of the box and putting them back in, the child begins to distinguish between materials tactilely. Turn over the toys Place the toys in front of the child, turning them upside down (for example, the teddy bear will be standing on its head, etc.). See if the baby will correct the “situation” of his friends. Adhesive tape Place a piece of adhesive tape on the back of your child's hand. The child will be interested in tearing off this tape. Hat on a child's head When your baby sits in front of the mirror, put a hat on his head. He will love watching his reflection take off his hat. Improved coordination Play pats with your child Play pats with your child. Help him clap your hands, and then hide his hands under the blanket. The baby will watch with interest as his hands disappear and reappear. Roll the ball Roll the ball towards the child and when the child returns it to you, send the ball back to him. Invite other family members to join you. A soft ball is best suited for this purpose. How to sit on the floor If a child has learned to pull himself up and stand up by holding onto something, but still doesn’t know how to sit back down, help your baby by handing him the end of a towel or some kind of stick; This will make it easier for your child to return to a sitting position. Give your child a pyramid If a child puts a “ring” on the pyramid rod at least once, he will do it again and again. The game can be made even more interesting if the rod is swung from side to side. Toys in a clear box Place the toys in a clear plastic box. Let your baby try to remove the lid. If he doesn’t succeed, open the lid yourself and give the child the box again - let him continue his efforts. Upside down saucepan Turn the saucepan upside down and give it to your child. See if he figures out how to turn it over. Your child already knows a lot about how things should be arranged. Play "give me a toy" Put three different toys in a box. Name one of the toys and ask your child to give it to you. If he does it correctly, feign noisy delight. Pulling Scarves Take several colored scarves and tie them together. Pass the scarves at one end into a cardboard tube and let your child pull all the scarves through it. See if the child can push the scarves back into the tube.
Food for development The process of cooking is interesting for children of all ages, and even Small child may be involved in it. Give your baby a saucepan, a lid and a spoon, or some empty box or bag. Copying your actions, he will shake an empty rice bag over the saucepan, and then stir it with a spoon and hit the saucepan with this spoon. Changing time How to change clothes for a fidget Changing the diapers of a nine-month-old baby is no easy task. As a rule, it is easier for you to catch a crawling baby than to keep him in place for changing clothes. This repetitive process can be sped up a little by distracting the child's attention with some song "for the occasion." How to catch a child You can organize this process differently, turning it into fun. When a child tries to crawl away from you, grab him by the legs and drag him back: “I caught you!” Play this a few times. This will be a fun game for your baby, and besides, he will get tired, and you will have some time at your disposal, enough to calmly change him. Puff pad for powder When changing your baby, give him a clean down jacket or a wad of cotton wool and show him how to rub his tummy, arms, nose or cheeks. This activity will bring pleasure to the child, and he will behave calmer. In addition, you will have a chance to talk with your baby about parts of the body (“where is our nose”, “where are our eyes”, etc.). Spider, spider The old “family” feelings will take on a new shade if, to the accompaniment of some lively melody, a “spider” runs along the child’s leg, and then along the stubble. With the "spider" the baby will burst into laughter, just like during a fun game. Bath time Let your child wash himself Give your baby a bath cloth and a towel for drying. Show him how to wash himself and how to dry himself with a towel. Of course, preparation for “self-washing” and the “washing” itself will require more time. Oop-op Children love to follow commands. Support your "bouncing" baby and command him to "op-op!" When your child stops "jumping", stop saying "op-op!" This game can make a whole fun stop-and-go series. The child is already beginning to enjoy words, and at the same time this is useful training for him. Rest time Look at a book with your child

What else to read