Concave forehead. What forehead shape can tell you about a person

The shape and contour of the forehead can say a lot about a person. By studying the science of physiognomy, you can learn to “read” a person’s face. Let's see what the shape of the forehead says about a person.

Shape 1. Wide forehead

A wide forehead is a sign of intelligence. these people are deep thinkers. They are noble people with high hopes. They tend to be self-confident and have strong mental abilities, which makes them strong at strategic thinking. They are persistent. They can also be hidden or discreet.

Shape 2. Narrow forehead

People with small foreheads have deep feelings. They are intuitive and creative. They listen more to their hearts than to their minds. They often prefer to spend time alone.

Shape 3. Straight forehead

These people are intelligent. They are honest and sincere. These people can also be very dedicated to their work. They are committed to their ideals and tend to resist any change.

Shape 4. Curved forehead

People with round or curved foreheads are bright and friendly. They are usually the life of the party. They radiate happiness around them.

Shape 5. M-shaped forehead

This forehead forms, as it were, two arches in the shape of the letter M, which is a sign of vivid imagination. These people are dreamers. Many of these people are representatives of the arts.

Shape 6. Mountain Shape

Such a forehead occurs on tender and good people. These people are sociable and love to work in a team. They do not take on leadership roles per se, but they are not shy. They know what they want and they know how to achieve it because they are confident in themselves.

Shape 7. Forehead with pointed ends

People are stubborn, but persistent, they are not easily swayed; they are a little rebellious and do not shy away from their aspirations.

Forehead - wide - a sign of a great mind that lacks energy and constancy. If a person has a wide forehead, he is always in search, rushing from side to side and cannot find his place in life, because something does not suit him. Perhaps from a great mind. A person with a short and compressed forehead has a strong character, he knows well what he needs. His analytical mind is occupied with important problems, he is constant and reasonable in his intentions. The arched outline of a person’s forehead speaks of meekness and pliability, while a forehead with straight lines is a sign of the hardness and rigidity of human nature. A convex forehead indicates weakness, meaninglessness and human indifference; such people, as a rule, do not strive for anything, they do not care about anything in this life and it is very difficult to interest them in anything.

A person’s forehead sloping back is a clear sign of intelligence, developed imagination and excellent taste. It is inherent creative people(musicians, artists). A perpendicular, short and narrow forehead indicates narrow-mindedness, lack of imagination and sensitivity. These are very cruel, heartless people who are not at all interested in the opinions and problems of others. Without regret, they can offend and offend anyone, even those closest to them. A square forehead - don’t be surprised, there are such people - is a sign of prudence, prudence, sedateness and caution. A person’s narrow forehead hides a stubborn, persistent person, who is difficult to convince of anything, who is also unkempt, greedy and gluttonous.

People with a wide and large forehead are lazy and sloppy, while people with a long forehead are distinguished by good qualities, a penchant for natural sciences, meekness, kindness and courtesy. A small forehead, in turn, is a sign of delicacy and a frivolous attitude towards life. Such people live by the principle that someone must do everything for them. A rough forehead, covered with small depressions and pits, indicates that the person is cunning, calculating, but not rude or narrow-minded.

How to determine character by forehead

The forehead, more than other facial features, deserves special and in-depth study, since considered as a whole it can tell about morality and individual character.

How to determine character by forehead?

The forehead shows the wealth or poverty of mental abilities, passion, clarity, calm or restlessness of the soul, wisdom or madness, innocence or depravity. Finally, he bears indelible marks life's storms, joys, sorrows, as well as the seal of happiness or unhappiness.

Based on their shape, foreheads are divided into two types: flat and convex.

Viewed from the front, they are divided into four classes: quadrangular, round, pointed and oblong.

Finally, in terms of size, foreheads are medium, low, wide or narrow.

What does the shape and size of the forehead mean?

A narrow and flat forehead with angular outlines means a person of a coarse mind, indicating firmness and inflexibility of character. Its owner is a narrow-minded subject and devoid of talents. He will remain an eternal undergrowth, no matter what care is taken to develop his abilities. In such a person, disobedience and stubbornness are developed to the extreme. Without showing open resistance, he will always hide it in his head. Carefree, heartless, cowardly, he is not distinguished by any positive virtues. This person has no chance of achieving a high position in life unless he decides to radically change his character. If stubbornness overcomes good intentions, all his life he will be under someone wiser guidance.

A high and rounded forehead indicates a lively and whimsical mind, an ardent and too strong imagination, originality, and absurdity. And finally, a fiery, cool and quirky character. Such a person always acts according to calculation; he is completely unfamiliar with any feelings of the heart.

The forehead betrays a personality capable of exact sciences. However, he will be unhappy in his personal life.

Oblong and oval foreheads belong to dreamy, idealistic and enthusiastic persons with a rich, ardent and poetic imagination. Individuals who act arbitrarily and under the power of inspiration. Gifted with intuition and insight, they comprehend everything with extreme ease, so they rather guess everything than study it.

Extreme flexibility of mind helps them study a huge number of subjects and at the same time almost without teachers. A person with this type of forehead is likely to become a polyglot and do brilliant career. In any case it extraordinary abilities will show up in the best possible way.

Character on the forehead. A perpendicular forehead distinguishes a calm and slow person who overcomes obstacles with the help of patience and perseverance. It is difficult for such a person to predict a brilliant career as a researcher, but he will become an excellent owner, especially if he was born and lives in rural areas. Perhaps he will make a wonderful breeder in any field of agriculture.

A forehead that is not too slanted back indicates an impressionable character. Its owner is a person whose thoughts appear after action. Characterized by carelessness and spontaneity. Such a trait indicates a lively, unbridled imagination, a brilliant mind. In addition, a person with such a forehead has predominant artistic tastes. This is an actor from God. He should devote his life to the stage or cinema. Then his whole life will be a magnificent carnival in which he will be the king.

Foreheads sloping back, with sinuous outlines, indicate an original mind in which glimpses of genius are mixed with vague and incoherent thoughts.

Such people have an ardent, chaotic and fiery imagination.

Eccentric personalities, capable of captivating with the novelty of ideas and richness of images. The character is amazingly quirky and strange. This type of forehead most often predicts a career as a writer or philosopher. If a person begins to work on his abilities, he can achieve a lot in these areas. However, the desire for complete independence will make him an anarchist, an outsider living against the laws of society.

A person with a sloping forehead is distinguished by a belated and mediocre mind. Developing abilities requires a lot of time, work and outside help. The person has a great desire to learn, has a simple and pure soul, devoid of any guile, and a meek, gentle, sensitive character. The fate of a wonderful teacher of children awaits him. This subject is unlikely to become the leader of any movement or large organization.

A low forehead with straight lines and tilted forward indicates a callous, decisive, and extremely stubborn nature. This is a man without any imagination, insensitive, acting on calculation, full of evil will and contradicting everything. If certain qualities are present, such a subject can become the leader of a political party or, in the absence of such qualities, a criminal group. But one way or another, his evil determination will lead him to what he wants.

Character on the forehead. Foreheads inclined forward, rounded and convex at the top indicate great but vague abilities that give rise to the most strange and eccentric ideas and thoughts.

Genius and madness collide and struggle in a similar forehead, the shape of which indicates a systematic and inventive mind, subordinating everything to mathematical formulas. This person passionately loves the most abstract and difficult problems, constantly thinks and avoids real life. This feature distinguishes artists, especially surrealists. In addition, this person can reach heights in the philosophical sciences.

Convex foreheads indicate very scanty mental capacity, to a heavy, dull and limited mind.

The owner of such a forehead is careless, he lacks common sense, but he is endowed with extraordinary tenacity.

To this we must also add a silent character, gloomy anger and the development of animal passions. Such a person is predisposed to crime and senseless cruelty.

If he does not consciously fight his vices, he will turn into a maniac or a professional killer.

Low foreheads and furrowed with deep wrinkles belong to people with a hot, ardent and quick-tempered character. They are always unhappy and contradict everything. It is very difficult to agree with them on anything and live together, because they get angry for the most insignificant reasons. They are quarrelsome, petty, find fault with everything and always want to be right. Such individuals impose their will and opinions on others and cannot tolerate contradictions. Stubbornness and carelessness lead them to delusions and numerous mistakes. They have many enemies because they make people afraid of themselves. These people are very unhappy in their personal lives, especially in their relationships with children. An unyielding character can lead to an unsuccessful career.

A quadrangular forehead indicates good organizational and mental abilities, free from any eccentricity and acting under the influence of reason and common sense.

A forehead like this indicates a mind that reasons and reflects before acting. Such a person is characterized by decisiveness and cold calculation. The individual has all the qualities of a wonderful leader in any field.

He will achieve his goals, and thanks to his reliability, he will quickly rise through the ranks.

The forehead is very bony, convex in the middle, indicating a thoughtful character, good memory and great caution.

A person with such a forehead is extremely stubborn, has logic and composure. This is an observant and calculating person who acts only after long reflection. The character is contemplative, focused and diplomatic. This person will have a career as a historian or literary critic.


Is a high forehead a sign of great intelligence?

Maybe we can speculate?) Something from life...

Does nature give external "marks" to smart people?


If you remember Conan Doyle, a sign of an intelligent person was developed brow ridges (Moriarty’s conversation with Holmes). Generally speaking, Lombroso worked in this field. He didn't just write about criminals. In his work “Genius and Madness,” he, in addition to considering almost all geniuses to be abnormal, says that most of them had a disproportionately large skull and high forehead. Socrates, Rousseau, Byron, Lenin. You definitely can’t call these people fools.

If this is so, then it is worth talking about hydrocephalus in childhood, increased intracranial pressure and related features nervous system(hyperactivity, increased excitability, and so on), and related features of thinking.

The book is interesting. But personally I think it's just clever man(able to think correctly) has no external “marks.”

Of course, everything in this world is interconnected.

A large forehead is a sign of intelligence.

A big butt is a sign of healthy teeth.

Large eyes are a sign of constipation.

Large ears are a sign of good hearing.

Grape marmalade

No. This definition implicitly implies two logical connections: a high forehead - a large brain and a large brain - its significant “power”.

If the first can still be justified to one degree or another purely physically and geometrically, then the second can no longer be. The decisive factor is not the amount of brain matter and its volume, but the establishment of neural connections among themselves, the number of interactions of brain cells. Everyone has the ability for intellectual activity healthy people approximately the same physiological base, almost all differences are determined by the conditions in which a particular personality developed, and intellectual power can be developed (above the initial level) very significantly.

Most likely, a high forehead is nothing more than a feature of the shape of the skull and hairline. Often, Delhi has similar data to its parents, but this does not mean that mental development will be similar. There are gifted people, talented people with an extraordinary mindset and no connection with the width of the forehead has been traced. Although quite often these people are wayward and straightforward.

Physiological characteristics and intelligence are not related to each other.

For example, the foreheads of Newton, Pascal, Descartes, and Pushkin were clearly no different large sizes, and those of Kafka, Proust or Stalin were generally low and narrow, which did not in the least prevent these individuals from showing extraordinary talents and have excellent mental abilities.

A high forehead is a sign of good constitution of the skull and wide bones.

Just like baldness, this is a sign that the human body does not have enough vitamins and various substances to maintain healthy hair.

If a girl has a high forehead, should she pin her bangs back or not?


I have a narrow forehead and I always wore bangs and envied girls who were awarded a high forehead. Look at how many actresses with high foreheads, I can’t name one with a narrow one. It’s just that if you’ve worn bangs all your life, it will take a long time to get out of the habit, you will always feel like something is wrong. Start growing it slowly. Well, from the beginning, remove it to the side, curl it slightly as if you are adding volume, do it less and less and in the end then it will just get in your way and you won’t even notice how you start to completely remove it back. This was the only method that helped me, it was very difficult to see myself without bangs, but in this way I prepared my friends so that they wouldn’t make round eyes when I appeared in a new image. People also find it much more difficult to tolerate changes in those around them.
  1. Oval face: forehead slightly wider lower jaw, cheekbones are pronounced, the face gently tapers towards the chin.
  2. Round face: The length and width of the face are approximately equal, wide cheekbones, a relatively low forehead and a narrow jaw.
  3. Rectangular face: high and pronounced forehead, elongated chin, wide cheekbones.
  4. Square face: equal height and width of the face, low forehead and wide cheekbones, pronounced jaw line.
  5. Triangular face: wide forehead and cheekbones, narrow chin.
  6. Pear-shaped face: wide jaw, forehead line shorter than cheekbones.
  7. Diamond face: wide cheekbones and equal length lines to the forehead and jaw.

How to determine your face type

Method one

We will need a large mirror, a felt-tip pen or marker (it is better that it is easy to wash). Remove your hair from your face and go to the mirror. Remember to straighten your back and square your shoulders. Looking straight ahead, trace the outline of your face with a felt-tip pen, not taking into account the ears and volume of hair. At the same time, try not to move so that the drawing is as accurate as possible. Are you done? Step aside and evaluate the resulting figure.

Method two

Using a centimeter, measure your forehead, cheekbones and jaw at their widest point, as well as the vertical distance from your forehead to your chin. Compare the resulting indicators: which line is the widest? which is the narrowest? How much longer is the face vertically than horizontally? Match the answers with the description of each type of face.

Remember that a face that fits perfectly into a certain form, can be found rarely. More often you come across variations of the main seven types. Determine which shape is closest to yours and follow the recommendations selectively.

Oval face

Stars with oval faces: Cindy Crawford, Gwyneth Paltrow, Charlize Theron

Considered ideal. When correcting other face shapes, we will strive specifically for oval contours. For the lucky owners of an oval face, any haircut and styling will suit you; you can safely experiment with makeup and eyebrow bending. Within the framework, of course.

Round face

Owners of round faces: Kirsten Dunst, Drew Barrymore, Christina Ricci

If this is your face shape, congratulations! You will look younger much longer than your peers. The soft, smooth features of a round face add tenderness and femininity to your appearance. But to look even better, you need to harmonize the contour of your face: visually stretch it vertically.


Suitable for you:

  • Loose straight hair with strands on the sides. They will hide cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Volume or combing on the top of the head will visually lengthen the face.
  • Oblique bangs, side parting, asymmetrical haircut will distract attention from the roundness.
  • Soft waves starting below the jawline if you want to curl your hair.

Not suitable:

  • Hair completely tied up in a high bun or ponytail. This will draw attention to your open cheeks.
  • Voluminous, voluminous hairstyles and large curls above the jawline. They will visually expand the cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Rounded haircuts like a bob will make your face appear rounder.
  • Straight bangs will make your forehead look smaller and flatten your face.

Eyebrow shape

On a round face, short eyebrows with a high rise will look best. Long thin eyebrows can add unnecessary width.


When putting on makeup, pay attention Special attention darkening of the temples and the area under the cheekbones. Don't overdo it with light shades under the eyes and at the top of the cheekbones.

Rectangular face

Famous rectangular faces: Cobie Smulders, Sandra Bullock, Andie MacDowell

A rectangular (also called elongated) face shape is similar to an oval face, but with more pronounced cheekbones and a high forehead. To balance the rectangle, you need to smooth out sharp corners, visually reduce the forehead-chin line and widen the cheekbones.


Suitable for you:

  • Graduated haircut or curls along the contour of the face. This will soften the features.
  • Curls in the area of ​​the cheekbones or extended on the sides of the bob. This will help enhance your cheekbone line.
  • Thick or thick bangs down to the eyebrows will hide a high forehead.
  • Hair length just below the chin. This will help widen a narrow, long face.

Straight hair loose on the sides or combed back, as well as high hairstyles with a backcomb, are not suitable. They will elongate the face even more.

Eyebrow shape

Give your eyebrows a horizontal shape. This will visually expand the contour of the face.


You can use a little trick: two foundations, one tone darker than the other. Darken the forehead and chin areas, and apply a lighter shade to the middle part of the face. Make sure to blend the base well without leaving a sharp color transition. Finally, highlight top part cheekbones, adding a little highlighter.

Square face

Stars with square faces: Paris Hilton, Olivia Wilde, Helena Bonham Carter

Women belonging to this type can be proud of their beautiful cheekbones and a clear jawline. And to look your best, it is enough to visually elongate the vertical of your face and soften its features.


Suitable for you:

  • Hairstyles with soft and smooth lines and color transitions.
  • Delicate rounded curls and curls placed on the sides of the face.
  • Soft asymmetrical bangs or side swept bangs. It will visually soften and distract attention from a heavy chin.
  • Long straight hair will lengthen your face and hide sharp cheekbones.
  • Volume or backcombing on the top of the head will raise the forehead and elongate the forehead-chin vertical.

Not suitable:

  • Straight lines in a haircut: your face is already rich in clear lines, you shouldn’t overload the image.
  • Hair up to the chin and above, especially if trimmed to a straight line, accentuates the chin and makes it heavier, as well as adding extra volume to the cheekbones.
  • Straight, long or short bangs will hide your forehead and shorten your face.

Eyebrow shape

Don’t forget about proper eyebrow correction: choose a rounded shape or a horizontal one.


Use a simple technique: lighten the face along the central vertical (middle of the forehead - nose - middle of the chin) and slightly darken along the edges (sides of the forehead - temples - cheekbones).

Triangular face

Stars with heart faces: Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon, Victoria Beckham

A wide and high forehead is usually considered a sign of intelligence. And if you have a triangular face shape, then you can be proud of an attractive, pointed chin. And yet we strive for the oval, remember? Therefore, our goal is to visually narrow the widest line, the forehead line.


Suitable for you:

  • with volume below the cheekbone line (ideally, the widest part should be at chin level). This will instantly balance the upper part of the face.
  • Wide straight or oblique bangs.
  • Hair of any length with strands that curve towards the chin: they will visually expand it. The ideal length for you is below the chin and above the shoulders.
  • Among short haircuts, a long asymmetrical bob will look best.

Not suitable:

  • Volume at the top of the head. Backcombing, highlighted strands, combed bangs, and steep curls at the temples will make your forehead heavier.
  • Facial styling. They will open up your graceful cheekbones and chin, increasing the disproportion.
  • Short haircuts that completely reveal the face.

Eyebrow shape

Rounded arched eyebrows will look good. They will distract attention from a narrow chin.


In everyday makeup, it will be enough to just slightly darken the tip of the chin and the edges of the forehead.

Pear-shaped face

Owners of pear-shaped faces: Kelly Osbourne, Renee Zellweger, Queen Latifah

In another way, such a contour can be called an inverted triangle. With the help of hair, eyebrow correction and makeup, we will widen the forehead line and narrow the chin.


Suitable for you:

  • Volume on the top of the head, raised bangs and combing will work to your advantage and balance the heaviness of the lower part of the face.
  • A side parting will distract from the verticality of the face and chin.
  • A high, fluffy bun with loose strands will focus the eye on the top of your head.
  • Oblique elongated bangs will balance the forehead and chin.
  • Curls curled below the chin with volume above the temples are also perfect.

Not suitable:

  • Highly pulled hair (ponytail, smooth bun) focuses attention on the heaviness of the lower part of the face.
  • Volume at the level of the cheekbones or chin will visually make the forehead narrower.
  • A straight parting - a straight line in the middle of the face - will unnecessarily highlight the nose and chin.

Eyebrow shape

Elongated horizontal eyebrows will perfectly elongate the forehead.


Use foundation or highlighter to lighten the upper part of your face slightly.

Diamond face

Stars with diamond-shaped faces: Taylor Swift, Lisa Kudrow, Sophia Loren

A diamond-shaped face shape is often called a diamond shape. It differs from oval in its narrower forehead and chin and prominent cheekbones. This means that you need to expand the upper part of the face, divert attention from the middle and hide excess length.


Suitable for you:

  • Long oblique bangs and side parting. This will visually enlarge the forehead and reduce the elongation of the face.
  • Volume above the temples and below the cheekbones will balance out prominent cheekbones.
  • Lush bangs, laid straight or to the side, will shorten the elongated vertical face.
  • High, lush styles with strands left along the cheekbones will expand the forehead line and smooth out the cheekbones.

Not suitable:

  • Volume at the level of the cheekbones will further expand the middle part of the face.
  • A straight parting will visually increase the length of your face.
  • Short haircuts above the chin (especially without bangs) will emphasize its fragility and increase the preponderance towards the cheekbones.
  • Sleek, flat bangs will make the top of your face appear smaller.
  • Excessive volume at the crown will visually lengthen the face vertically.

Eyebrow shape

Girls with a diamond face should try raised eyebrows with short tips.


In makeup, just smooth it out with concealer dark color lateral parts of cheekbones.

Every face is beautiful and unique. Know your features and know how to not only hide them, but also profitably. Sometimes you can follow the recommendations exactly the opposite to highlight the uniqueness of your facial features.

A high forehead is not only a sign of intelligence and distinguishing feature aristocrats, but also a facial feature that, with an illiterate choice of haircut or styling, can significantly worsen appearance its owner. This directly applies to those girls whose upper part of the face visually pushes back the hairline. To find out which hairstyles and haircuts are suitable for a large forehead, turn to stylists for help.

How to balance facial proportions

There are two main ways to correct imperfect facial proportions with a large forehead: visually reduce it and shift the emphasis to other parts of the face.

What will help correct the shape of a face with a high forehead: table

For girls with a wide forehead, a hairstyle with hair length up to the chin is considered optimal. It could be , or . Such haircuts focus attention on the level of the chin, thereby correcting the imbalance of proportions. However, it is not enough to simply visually correct the shape of the forehead; you need to evaluate how new hairstyle goes well with other facial features.

For people with small chins, you should choose haircuts that focus on the earlobes.

A haircut with volume in the earlobe area will correct the triangular shape of the face

For an elongated and rectangular face shape, lush hairstyles are suitable, which will create additional volume.

Lush hairstyles will visually expand a narrow face

Video: haircuts for girls with narrow faces

For those with pronounced cheekbones, hairstyles that accentuate the chin area are ideal.

A hairstyle with an emphasis on the chin will balance the upper and lower parts of the face.

The most difficult thing is for those girls who, in addition to a high frontal part, also have a heavy chin. In this situation, you have to correct two points at the same time. To correct the proportions of square-shaped faces:

  • haircuts with the effect of “torn strands” in the area from the cheekbones and uneven voluminous bangs;
  • and long side bangs.

An excellent example of the competent use of these techniques is Bruce Willis' daughter Rumer Willis. The photo below shows how, with the help of properly selected haircuts and styling, she smoothes out her features.

A well-thought-out hairstyle will make a large forehead invisible

Examples of hairstyles, cuts and coloring for a high forehead: photos

Let's consider successful options that will help visually reduce the forehead and improve the proportions of the face.

Face correction with bangs

As mentioned, bangs are a great way to hide a wide forehead. Depending on the hair type, they may be various shapes, length and thickness:

  • long curtain bangs: this option is ideal for those who like to style their hair rather than wear their hair down;
    Slight carelessness in the hairstyle sets the right accents
  • dense bangs of any shape: oblique, straight or arched. This option is ideal for those with thick hair;
    Thick bangs perfectly hide a large forehead
  • torn or graduated bangs of any length and shape. They are suitable for girls with thin hair;

    Chopped bangs do a great job of distracting attention from the forehead
    Graduated bangs add dynamism to your look
    Long, uneven bangs soften the contours of the face
  • very short bangs that visually bring the hairline closer. Most often, such bangs are made for short haircuts, but there are exceptions. It is worth noting that short bangs in combination with straight long hair will make the upper part of the face even more noticeable, so you should not resort to this technique.

    Short bangs are an effective technique for visually reducing the forehead

Asymmetrical women's haircuts

This type is characterized by the fact that the length of the hair on one side is much shorter than on the other. Asymmetrical hairstyles can be with or without bangs.

Asymmetrical haircuts will never leave the catwalks and streets because they are easy to do and leave room for creativity.

You can braid all your hair, or you can leave some of your hair loose
Using braids, you can create both everyday and festive hairstyles.

Another great option to divert attention from the upper part of the face is to braid a headband braid. In this case, the length of the hair and the preferred braiding option do not matter, but, as in the previous method, they should be braided, covering the frontal area or even lowered to its middle.

Braids with headbands create romantic looks

When haircuts with an emphasis on cheekbones are mentioned, many people immediately think of the classic bob. And this option is really ideal for correcting the shape of the face: the main emphasis of this haircut is on the cheekbones. Bob is executed as on short hair, and on long ones. The proportions will be balanced due to the volume created by the master.

Without exaggeration, bob is one of the most popular salon hairstyles. There is a legend that the first dancer to have this haircut was Irene Castle in 1915.

Cascade from the middle of the face shifts the emphasis to the cheekbones

Placing accents using coloring

If you can't find the perfect haircut to correct a large forehead, then you can do it with coloring. Depending on the type of face, you need to accentuate the area of ​​the cheekbones or chin with a sharp transition of color. For example, using the “shatush” or “ombre” coloring technique. And the sharper the contrast between colors, the more reliably your flaw will be hidden.

Contrasting coloring attracts the eye

By creating volume in the chin area, you can also visually reduce the height of the frontal part, harmonizing the proportions.

Haircuts that accentuate the chin can be either with or without bangs.

Hair twisted into large waves or small curls creates beautiful volume, diverting attention from the upper part of the face.

There are many ways to style with waves, choose the most gentle one
Hairstyles with curls are incredibly feminine

Haircuts and hairstyles to avoid

It’s worth remembering that emphasizing this part of the face and only aggravating the problem will:

  • sleek hairstyles, especially with a tight bun or ponytail;
    Choosing a smooth hairstyle or a tight bun for a girl with a wide forehead would be a mistake. Such a bouffant will further disrupt the proportions of the face.
  • straight, smooth hair that lies flat along the face. Please note that the problem is especially aggravated when the hair is parted down the middle. A deep side parting, on the contrary, will help hide a large forehead.

    Girls with a high forehead should prefer a side parting to a straight parting.

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