Exhibition of budgerigars. Czech budgerigar. Lifespan and reproduction in captivity

Exhibition budgerigar CZECH almost 2 times larger than a simple wavy one, this a good choice for those who want a larger parrot than a regular budgie, but are not ready to get a large parrot.

CZECH It is well tamed and learns to talk, it is beautiful and impressive, a good companion, and at the same time does not require special conditions of detention.

Photos of parent stock: "PHOTO GALLERY"

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Differences between CZECH and simple wavy:


· CZECH from the top of the head to the tip of the tail is 22 - 29 cm (according to the standard 24.5 cm), and a regular wavy is 13-18 cm. (they can be larger if they were related to CZECHs, in common people they are half-Czechs);

· CZECH has a fluffy cap and a long beard (with gorgeous beads, if it has a standard color), the beak is practically hidden under them, and a simple wavy has a smooth small head without a tufted cap with a protruding beak, a short beard, and practically no beads;

· CZECHES They have many unusual, beautiful colors, as there is constant selection in this direction. In the usual standard colors, the simple wavy and the CZECH are very different from each other, due to the chic beads on the beard and cap of the CZECH;

· Well, it’s impossible not to mention that the posture of CZECH proud, her chest is like a wheel, and her head is held as if she were wearing a crown!

And here are clear examples of how a big difference between these parrots:

This is a photo of a 3 month old chick "Czech" next to a simple wavy (in this photo you can clearly see the difference in size)

Next are photographs of ordinary wavy birds and Chekhovs. In these photographs it is not correct to compare the sizes of birds, since all the birds are taken from different angles, but here you can clearly see how different they are in appearance!

Video clips from the Royal Parrot Nursery


· CZECHES a little calmer than the wavy ones, due to greater mass bodies, they get tired of flying faster, but at the same time they are no less fun in games and in communication.

3.Taming and learning to talk:

· CZECHES, as a rule, are sold already tame, and therefore it is easier to train them to talk. Each pair of CHEKHOVs has a separate aviary and nesting house, and breeders constantly take the chicks in their hands for the purpose of ringing and monitoring their development, since parents often stop feeding their few offspring 3-5 chicks before they leave the nest, and then breeders have to feed the chicks themselves. While in simple wavy birds, breeding occurs according to a completely different scheme, a common aviary with many birds and nesting houses, parents easily feed their numerous offspring, as a rule, these are 8-10 chicks in one brood, they have a well-developed natural reproductive instinct. And after the chicks fly out of the nest, breeders catch them from the common enclosure. Naturally, the chicks in this case are wild, because they have not yet seen a person, and as a result, the chicks are more difficult to make contact with humans.


· For CZECH you need a more spacious cage (minimum 50*40*35), thicker perches (minimum 2.5 cm in diameter) and, of course, the feeders should have large openings so that the parrot does not get stuck in them.

· There are no special differences in feeding, dry food, vegetables and fruits, mineral stones, fresh water, a course of vitamins, all this is necessary for both simple wavy and CZECHAM.

Standard show budgerigar.

TO today A lot of different races and color variations of budgerigars have been bred, but still, the breeding of the exhibition type budgerigar should be recognized as one of the largest achievements in the field of breeding parrots in general. The appearance of these parrots in the 50s. of our century in England, for amateur breeders in many countries, was the beginning of a sharp rise in the popularity of budgerigars. With the goal of increasing the size of birds, English fanciers have been breeding budgerigars for decades. Eventually, large body sizes began to be passed on to offspring and became fixed genetically. The increase in certain groups of feathers, for example, the mask, head feathers, flight feathers and tail feathers, occurred along with an increase in body size. The exhibition type of budgerigar is so different from the usual type of these birds that breeders and hobbyists from many countries around the world have become interested in it. In order to be able to hold international amateur competitions, international rules assessments and standard of budgerigars. The basic requirements of the standard for the exhibition type of budgerigar included those used by English fanciers. The following is a description of a flawless show parrot according to the current international standard.

Wings and their placement

Fitting tightly to the body, closed at the sacrum, but not crossing. The length of the wing from the bend to the end of the flight feathers should not exceed 12 cm. On each wing there are seven well-developed primary flight feathers. Long-winged birds are not subject to assessment.


Sturdy and squat. The body shape is round, the neck and shoulders are wide. The body from the head to the tip of the tail with a straight back line should resemble an elongated drop. The chest is convex, protruding forward in a graceful arc. A budgerigar should give the impression of a strong and massive, but not overfed bird. The ideal length from the top of the head to the tip of the tail is 24-25 cm.


Straight, even, with symmetrically arranged smooth feathers, it should be a natural extension of the body. It ends with two perfectly developed long tail feathers.


Proud and natural. The angle of inclination of the body to the horizon is 60°. No part of the body should touch the perch.


When viewed from any side, the head should appear large, symmetrical, rounded and wide. The forehead is powerful, high, and forms a smooth arc from the base of the beak to the back of the head.


Preferably not too long, firmly planted. The mandible completely covers the mandible.


When viewed from all sides, it should appear full, short and wide.


Expressive, clean, equally distant from the forehead, crown and back of the head.


Must correspond to the description of the color variation - pure, uniform, of the same intensity, without extraneous shades.

Mask and throat signs

The color of the mask is pure, it is located on the front of the head and is limited by a wide arc on the crown and chin. Six large, perfectly round, equally spaced throat marks, forming an even chain at the bottom of the mask. The two outer marks on either side of the head are partially covered by elongated teardrop-shaped malar spots. The color of the mask, throat marks and cheek patches must correspond to the appropriate color variation description.


Straight, strong, two fingers pointing forward, two back. The claws of the fingers should firmly grip the perch.


The drawing must fully comply with the corresponding description of color variations - clean, clearly expressed, clearly defined.

How the exhibition type of budgerigar differs from birds of the ordinary type is clear from the above description. With all this, we must not forget that selection by color is much more difficult than selection by type. All this is also complicated by the important fact that when breeding exhibition budgerigars, closely related crossing is widely used, which gives both positive and negative qualities in the genotype of birds. It should be noted that exhibition budgies are significantly less fertile than ordinary budgies. The normal number of chicks in a brood is one to four, rarely more. In addition, chicks with various anomalies of growth and development are quite common.

Many birds are often infertile and sick. Based on such factors, it should be noted that exhibition-type budgies require more careful care and compliance necessary conditions maintenance and feeding.

On the territory of the former Soviet Union, exhibition budgerigars appeared only a few decades ago, in the early 80s.

The standard for the exhibition budgerigar "Czech" is copied from S. V. Skorbovenko's book "Budgerigars"

When moving to cities, people still try to be closer to nature, growing flowers on the windowsill or having pets: cats, dogs. The desire to keep some kind of bird at home is no exception, because it is so pleasant to listen to singing, melodious chirping in the morning or when you come home from work. Parrots have become the most popular feathered friends that can be kept in apartment conditions. But there are so many types of them that it’s dizzying, who should you choose? In this article we will look at the most common breeds of parrots that are suitable for keeping at home and their characteristics. Then you will understand which bird is right for you.

Parrots (breeds, names of species) for home keeping

Scientists have estimated that more than three hundred species of parrots live on our planet. Of these, people made a significant part of them as pets. All parrots differ in some way from each other: in size, variegated plumage, peculiar singing, life expectancy. One species of these exotic birds will be more capable of conversation, another - of beautiful melodies, a third - of performing tricks, and the fourth will be talented in various areas. In addition, each parrot, like people, has its own character, from friendly and unpretentious to aggressive and demanding. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a bird and decide which criterion will be most important for you.

In this article we will look at such breeds of parrots as budgies, lovebirds, cockatiels, necklaces and Amazon parrots, cockatoos, grays and macaws. The list starts small and ends with more large species.


Perhaps everyone has heard about budgies. And this is not at all surprising. The popularity of budgerigars is determined by their low price, friendliness, small size, which allows them to be kept even in small apartments, and bright plumage: green, blue, yellow, white, motley. Of course, these are not all the colors that these parrots can be painted in. The natural color is green, but now you can find any combination, for example, a yellow head and a purple body or a lemon head, and the body is half green and blue. You can even hear these unusual names colors like anthracite, pearl, turquoise, lilac, rainbow.

Conventionally, we can say that there are two breeds of budgies - ordinary and exhibition. The latter are distinguished by larger sizes and more pronounced beads on the cheeks. From the name it is clear that exhibition budgies (or Czechs, as they are also called) are suitable for participation in exhibitions.

Budgerigars are flocking birds, this must be taken into account when having such a feathered pet at home. Solo living is not recommended unless you can devote a lot of time to your friend. While you are at work or minding your own business, your parrot may simply get bored.

“Wagies” are excellent at learning to talk, imitate melodies, and learn tricks. There is a common misconception that only males are capable of all this, and only when kept alone. This is not so, females, for example, pronounce words even more clearly than males, and conversation can be taught even in a flock.

Perhaps the only disadvantages of this breed of parrots are the noise and debris that spreads around the cage. But there will be dirt from any living creature, and that’s why the bird is there to sing songs.


These parrots get their name because they mate for life. It is very cute to observe the special devotion of these birds. You will always see them together, if, of course, you buy a couple: a female and a male.

Lovebirds make specific sounds, are very vocal, but are still considered quiet. The quietest of these parrots is the rosy-cheeked lovebird. These birds can be tamed, they make contact with humans, but it is not worth keeping them in the same cage with other parrots, since they are aggressive towards other species.

Corellas (nymphs)

If we talk about medium-sized species, the most popular breed of parrots is the cockatiel. They are also called nymphs. These are funny, smart birds with a funny crest and orange cheeks, they resemble cockatoos, only smaller in size.

Cockatiels also make contact and easily learn tricks, but they are not as capable of imitating a conversation as budgerigars, but you can still learn words with them. They emit a melodic whistle, but express their dissatisfaction with something with a shrill cry.

Necklace parrots

They got their name because of the strip around the neck that resembles a necklace. Only males have it, females do not. Necklace parrots are found in green, blue, grayish blue and yellow colors.

These parrots are easy to care for, very intelligent, capable of conversation, behave carefully in communication, they are easily frightened by careless movements, and at the same time they are freedom-loving. Necklace parrots are interesting to watch. For example, when these birds climb over a perch or branch, they use their beak as another point of support.

Amazons (Amazon parrots)

If we consider breeds of talking parrots, it should be noted that Amazons are considered the calmest. They quickly get used to their new home and are friendly towards humans. These are capable parrots, but the white-headed, yellow-headed and blue-fronted Amazons are considered the easiest to learn words and train. By the way, the natural color of these parrots is bright green with spots of yellow, red, blue and white.

Among the disadvantages of Amazons, one can note the musty smell from the plumage, which arises from poor care, as well as their loudness, which they begin to show only in old age. But all large parrots usually have this disadvantage.


Most often you can find the black-billed cockatoo on sale. This funny, lively bird will bring a lot of joy to all family members. The cockatoo loves to dance to music, while doing squats, bows and movements with its crest. This parrot may not learn many words, but it is very smart, easily opens the door in its cage and loves to repeat the movements of its owner.

The cockatoo's character is not sweet, especially if it is spoiled. If you don't give him enough attention, this parrot will scream loudly until he gets it.


What other breeds of pet parrots are there? Jaco can become a full-fledged member of the family. It is believed that this large parrot has little intelligence, easily learns words, phrases, songs, and can even answer questions and imitate the voices of people or animals. There is an opinion that the red-tailed gray is more gifted in terms of learning human speech, compared to the brown-tailed gray.

This parrot requires a lot of attention, especially in its fledgling years, in order to raise it properly. If the owner has little time for Grays, it is better to get a couple; they do not tolerate loneliness well. Also, these parrots react sharply to any changes, for example, rearranging furniture can cause stress, leading to plucking. Grays express their dissatisfaction with a shrill cry, reminiscent of the croaking of a crow. Therefore, before purchasing this bird, you should consider whether you can tolerate such noise.

In fact, these are not all breeds of parrots that can be kept at home. Before purchasing one or another type, it is worth studying the literature in more detail, revealing the features and nuances of the content, so that there are no surprises later. And remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Among the birds, unpretentious and sociable, is. They are distinguished by their bright plumage, ability to learn, and lively character. How many types of parrots made into pets, it’s hard to count. Each owner has his own unique and unrepeatable pet.

Ornithologists count more than 350 in nature species of parrots. This is one of ancient birds, which the Indians, who were the first to domesticate colorful birds, even considered sacred for the ability to speak.

Types of pet parrots began to replenish from the time of Alexander the Great. His warriors transported birds to the European continent, and parrots settled in the territories of various states.

IN large family Parrot species can be identified by a number of characteristics:

  • body length;
  • bird weight;
  • beak shape;
  • plumage color;
  • the presence of a crest.

A description of all relatives could fill several volumes. Getting to know the main representatives will help you imagine how many species of parrots are there in the world and what extraordinary colors nature endowed them with.

Types of parrots and their names


Homeland - . Large colonies of hundreds of birds inhabit savannas, eucalyptus forests, and semi-deserts. In places where cheerful birds live, there is always a source of water nearby.

In the wild, birds are small in size, graceful in shape, with bright green-yellow or white-blue feathers. The wavy dark lines on the head give the parrots their name.

The character is inquisitive and friendly. It is no coincidence that they have become popular in families with children. They know how to play, can be trained, the birds are sociable and unpretentious to home conditions. They live on average 10-15 years.

As a result of selective selection, many species of budgies by color. In addition to the natural green color, birds have been bred with purple, pink, anthracite, gray plumage and other complex types of color.

Pictured are budgies


The birds are native to the territories of Madagascar. Settle in tropical forests close to lakes and rivers. Medium in size and harmonious in body shape. Among different types parrots You can recognize them by the contrasting color of the plumage on the head, neck, and chest. The beak is large.

The name was given because of the affection couples have for each other throughout their lives. They move away only to the distance from which they can hear their soul mate. They look for food nearby, sit at a watering hole, and rest.

Nests are made in old hollows. They carry blades of grass and twigs between the feathers on their back. At this time they appear large and shaggy. By nature they are lively and agile, they shout a lot.

Highlight 9 species of lovebirds by head color. Birds are able to learn 10-15 words and follow simple commands. Like their relatives, they love swimming.



Nestor's native places in New Zealand. It is comparable in size to . Strong build, strong long legs. Sociable and noisy birds. Some subspecies of nestor live in mountain forests.

The parrot is in danger of extinction due to deforestation, predators, and bird hunting. The well-known subspecies loves highlands. The bird is accused of attacks and pecking off the backs of animals. But the main food of nestor parrots is berries, fruits, and seeds.

In the photo there is a Nestor parrot


The parrot is loved no less than budgies for its sociability, although it does not differ in its talent for learning. But this pet is a master at begging people for treats and opening cage locks.

It is easy to recognize by the funny crest on its head, gray plumage and yellow head color. The beak is short. Elegant birds native to Australia. It is believed that they are actually called nymphs, and the second name is popular, based on their habitat.

The feathers of the crest are sometimes understood to reflect the mood of the parrot. They do not show hostility towards their relatives; they are even placed in cages with budgies.

Corella parrot

Owl parrot

Appearance of a parrot reflects the similarity of the facial oval and plumage structure with. In addition, they are also nocturnal birds. The second name of the parrot is. His homeland is New Zealand. Distinctive features parrots have weak wing muscles, so they hardly fly, but lead a terrestrial life.

They live in the wild rocky corners of the island, among the bushes along mountain rivers. They run and climb trees deftly, clinging to branches with their claws and beak. Since ancient times, they have lived in areas where there are no predators.

The plumage is yellow-green. They feed on moss and berries. The birds have an unusual voice, reminiscent of a scream and a hoarse grunt. Parrots were almost exterminated after the invasion of settlers. Now the species is protected and lives on the islands under the protection of scientists.

Owl parrot kakapo


Large bird, with a protruding crest, the sight of which makes you smile. The parrot is unusually sociable and cheerful. He is ready to continuously demonstrate love and affection for his owner. He shows his talent in his ability to cope with any lock. He readily demonstrates his sense of rhythm and ability to dance at the first opportunity.

Refers to the sight of talkative parrots. Onomatopoeia allows a dog to bark. After training, the parrot can answer a question, say a name, and even sing a short song. The voice is shrill and loud, but the singer’s charm is limitless.

The most common cockatoo is white in plumage with a bright contrasting crown on its head. The color scheme never contains the green and blue shades common in other species. The peculiarity of the cockatoo is its unusual strong beak, which will turn wooden rods and furniture into splinters.

In the wild, it lives in flocks in the Philippine Islands, Australia, and Indonesia. They adapt well. Eating plant foods and insects. They are distinguished by great affection for the chosen one, remaining faithful all their lives. The duration of their century is 70-90 years.

The photo shows a pink cockatoo


An African parrot with amazing gray plumage and high avian intelligence. Conversational qualities are perhaps the most excellent among their relatives. The vocabulary of this a type of talking parrot reaches 1500 words. Although the bird requires careful and competent care, many dream of having such a feathered friend.

There are red-tailed and brown-tailed. In nature, birds live in tropical forests. They fly long distances for food, but return to their usual places to spend the night. Oil palm fruits are a favorite food of parrots.

Domesticated birds need constant communication. All the owner’s affairs must take place with the participation of the pet. He needs to be captivated by games, tasks, conversations, and bathing.

The bird experiences loneliness and lack of attention painfully, and its character noticeably deteriorates. The parrot begins to engage in self-destruction. Plucking its feathers is a sign of social and physiological problems for Grays.

Birds live for about 50 years, maintaining the vitality and energy of an intelligent and inquisitive child. The parrot repays friendship with trust, sincere affection and affection.

In the photo there is a gray parrot

Ara parrot

The most elegant and colorful shimmers with the colors of the rainbow. The large size of the bird is also impressive: the height with the tail reaches 90-96 cm. The beak in the form of a strong hook is noteworthy. According to ornithologists, this is the strongest beak of a parrot.

There are 4 types of birds based on color variety, among which the very rare one. In nature, parrots live in Brazil, America, Mexico, and Peru. They fly beautifully, covering up to 500 km a day. They eat a lot of fruit, so they can for a long time do without water.

Unfortunately, macaw species are endangered. Hunters are trusted and destroy entire species of parrots. Macaws are monogamous. The loss of a partner is accompanied by the inconsolable state of the second parrot. At this time he is very vulnerable.

They are willing to communicate with people, but not everyone will decide to take a pet home. The reason is not only the size and loud cries of the bird, but also the strong attachment to the owner. The macaw will require constant attention and care, as Small child.

Surprisingly smart and capable birds learn to ask for food, drink, express a desire to communicate, and greet their interlocutor. The character of a pet is formed in relation to it.

Ara parrot

Collared Parakeet

In Australia, the homeland of collared parrots, they can be found in parks, next to humans. They got their name from the colored stripe around their head. Very active, variegated in color, love warmth and live in tall grasses and bushes.

The peculiarity of parrots is that they feed on the ground. The diet includes grains, seeds, fruits, berries, and insect larvae. They stay in flocks, show friendliness and trust. Locals They believe that such parrots bring happiness. Life expectancy is up to 30 years.

Collared Parakeet

Ruffled parrot

They live naturally in both Asia and Africa. The size is average, up to 50-60 cm with tail. The color is predominantly green, with a pink rim on the chest, which gave the name to the species. Females and young animals without necklaces. Top part the beak is red, the lower one is black.

Breeding of unpretentious birds has been going on since ancient times. When walking, the bird rests on its beak. The characteristic method of movement is associated with the natural weakness of the legs. The bird's friendly nature and intelligence make it popular among pet bird lovers.

Ruffled parrot

Amazon parrot

A medium-sized parrot, it lives in the savannas of America and the Caribbean islands. Among species of talkative parrots Amazons are in the forefront. The talent for onomatopoeia is combined with playfulness and cheerfulness. You can prepare a circus performance with it. The parrot has an excellent memory.

They have been kept in families for more than 500 years. Communication with a bird brings a lot positive emotions. An excellent companion in all fun, games, and communication. They live up to about 45 years.

Pictured are Amazon parrots

grass parrot

Small birds, up to 20-25 cm long, native to southern Australia. The earthiness of these parrots is associated with tall grasses, thickets in the undergrowth, steppe vegetation. They fly low, over short distances. They run well in search of seeds, fruits and insects.

By color, except natural varieties, parrots of various color combinations have been bred. In captivity, the birds do not cause any trouble, they sing melodiously and lead active life at home. Additional illumination is required during twilight hours, the most important time for birds. The cages must be long for movement along the bottom. They live up to 20 years.

grass parrot

Parrot monk

Birds live in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and South America. The peculiarity is the construction of large nests and proximity to people. The prevalence of monk parakeets in cities can be compared to the common pigeons. Kalita and Quaker are types of monks.

They live in colonies. Monks are considered pests for destroying crops and garden fruits. They especially love apples and peck them on trees. Huge nests, up to 3 m in diameter, are built by several pairs of parrots, constructing a communal apartment.

All have a separate entrance, children's rooms and corridors. Males bring materials and construct the home, while females arrange substrates and exits inside. Monks often become favorites in the house. They adapt and communicate with their owners, distinguishing their names. Much attention is paid to playgrounds. They love music and even sing themselves.

In the photo there is a monk parrot


In Australia, these birds are not considered pests, although they feed on agricultural land. The feed includes weed seeds and larvae of harmful insects, and not just fruits and grain crops.

It has unusual scaly plumage. There are 7 types of rosellas based on their color characteristics. Their size does not exceed 30 cm. Variegated birds move in short flights and quickly run along the ground. Birds are called flat-tailed because appearance and structural features of the tail.

At home, birds are selective about food and are not always ready to breed due to their pickiness towards their partners. But if a family has been formed, then the parents are ready to care for not only their own chicks, but also those of others. They do not tolerate proximity to other parrots and can show zealous aggression. They sing wonderfully, but they don’t want to talk. They are friendly to people.

Rosella parrot

Lori parrots

The name of the birds means “clown” in Dutch. Loris are small in size, from 20 to 35 cm. There are many varieties within the species, with a common feature manifested in the shape of the tongue, adapted to the frequent intake of juicy fruits, tree sap, and plant nectar.

At home, it is important to feed the loris correctly. Flowers, fruits and vegetables, and fresh juices should be in the parrot's diet. Birds show great ability in training and memorizing words. Active, fearless, they themselves choose their favorite owners, to whom they show special attention. They don't like being kept in a cage.



Small birds, up to 35 cm in body length, live in America. Pet owners jokingly call them “gotchas.” The beautiful rainbow hues and interacting with them are a pleasure.

Demanding of affection and attention. Conflict-free and trainable. They are playful by nature and need entertainment, so rings, ladders, balls, bells and other toys are required in the cage.

In the photo are Aratinga parrots

Pionus parrots

The second name of the birds is red-necked parrots. They differ from Amazons in their smaller size. The plumage, at first glance, seems inexpressively gray, but in the sun it shimmers with bright shades of green, red, blue colors. General Feature all types of pionus - a red spot under the tail.

The bird is calm in nature and does not require toys or toys from the owner. special attention. But the bird needs communication and physical activity. The learning ability of the pionus is average, quite sufficient to establish contacts and friendships with this wonderful bird.

Red-lipped parrot

Parrots are one of the most unusual and exotic birds. Thanks to their interesting and original habits, as well as the ability to imitate human speech well, parrots have become one of the most popular pets. They differ not only in plumage color, but also in beak shape, life expectancy, level of intelligence and size.

Top 5 largest parrots

Today, more than three hundred species of parrots are well known and studied.. A significant part of these birds inhabit Australia, Central and South America. Despite the fact that at home you can most often find, and, as well as, in Lately Bird lovers are increasingly giving preference to the largest and most exotic species with unusual plumage.

The leading position in size and cost is deservedly occupied by this representative of the parrot family. The length of some adult individuals reaches 88-98 cm, with the tail accounting for about 40-45 cm. Average length the wing is 35.0-36.5 cm. The weight of an adult, fully formed individual is one and a half kilograms or a little more.

This is interesting! Lovers of exotic pets are happy to have this bird, because, despite its impressive size and very powerful beak, it is a very gentle and loyal, intelligent bird.

A distinctive feature of this parrot is the presence of a very beautiful and bright dark blue plumage, which effectively contrasts with the yellow border around the eyes and the same color spot under the beak. Currently, this species belongs to the category of rare and endangered parrots. In part, this has become the determining factor in pricing and has a negative impact on the ability to purchase such an unusually intelligent and beautiful bird.

This is the only species belonging to the genus Palm Cockatoos. This type belongs to the category of the most ancient and inhabits northern part Australia, as well as Cape York Peninsula, New Guinea and many nearby islands. The size of the parrot is quite impressive. The average body length varies between 70-80 cm with a tail length of a quarter of a meter. The weight of an adult can reach 1 kg. The color of the plumage is slate black, with a subtle and very attractive greenish tint. The beak is massive and very large, black in color.

Important! As the owners of the black cockatoo note, the bird is distinguished by a rather unpleasant, creaking, and sometimes very loud and harsh voice, which accompanies a significant part of its wakefulness.

The crest is quite large, represented by narrow, long, curved back, original ribbon-like feathers. The cheeks are devoid of feathers and are characterized by a red coloration. The unfeathered areas located around the eyes are black in color. Medium sized legs gray. Females are always smaller than males and have a smaller beak.

This species can be considered a true long-liver, and average duration life just under a century. Birds settle in high-trunk tropical forest zones and savannas, gathering in small groups, or lead a solitary lifestyle. The basis of the diet is represented by eucalyptus and acacia seeds, larvae of various insects.

This is a very popular bird, which is highly valued by lovers of decorative feathered pets. The species is highly intelligent and, subject to training recommendations, is capable of remembering approximately seventy words. The body length of an adult varies between 80-95 cm. The wing length is 38-40 cm, and the tail is approximately 50-52 cm. The weight of an adult parrot often exceeds 1.0-1.1 kg. The upper part of the body plumage is characterized by a bright blue color, while the side of the neck, chest and belly area are orange-yellow.

Important! The bird has a strong and loud voice, so it can create certain inconveniences for all household members. To prevent your feathered pet from gnawing on interior items or cutting through the wire of the cage, it must be provided with a sufficient number of toys and surrounded with attention.

The coloring of the tail coverts is bright blue. The throat area and key are black. The blue-and-yellow macaw parrot lives in virgin tropical forest areas, but prefers coastal river areas. Often found in mountain valleys and subalpine meadows. The species is strongly attached to its habitat, and is capable of leading both a paired and solitary lifestyle. It takes root quite easily at home, but requires education and attention from the very first days.

The nocturnal flightless parrot, according to some scientists, may belong to the category of the most ancient of all living bird species. The plumage has a very characteristic yellowish-green coloration with speckles of black. The kakapo has a very sensitive facial disc, vibrissae-like feathers, a huge gray beak, short legs and small wings. The presence of a relatively short tail is also characteristic.

This is interesting! A very unusual feature of such a tropical pet is that it has a strong but pleasant smell, reminiscent of the aroma of honey, herbs and flowers.

Owl parrots do not have the ability to actively fly and are night image life. The skeleton of this bird has significant differences from other species of the parrot family. The owl parrot has shortened wings, the ends of which are rounded. The thoracic region is small, with a low and underdeveloped carina. The average body length of an adult is 58-60 cm with a weight of 2-4 kg. The bird's plumage is soft, with characteristic black stripes on the back. The facial feathers form a kind of facial disc, making the bird slightly reminiscent of an owl. The voice is hoarse, slightly croaking, sometimes turning into loud and shrill sounds.

One of the most prominent representatives of its own kind. Such a parrot is, of course, slightly inferior in body size to the common black cockatoo Goliath, and is also its complete opposite in plumage color. The size of an adult bird varies between 40-55 cm, with a weight of 750-800 g or a little more. Parrots of this species gather in large and very noisy flocks that can cause significant damage to Australian farmers.

Important! It should be noted that the Australian subspecies of the yellow-crested cockatoo are much larger than the subspecies inhabiting the territory of New Guinea.

Adults have a bright yellow crest, which looks very impressive against the background of snow-white plumage.. This is not only a very beautiful and intelligent bird, but also a friendly, affectionate bird that can be tamed easily and quickly, and also becomes strongly attached to its owner. Thanks to its good external characteristics and trouble-free character, the yellow-crested cockatoo has become very popular among all lovers of exotic feathered pets.

The largest parrots that are ideal for keeping at home include species such as the Great Vase Parrot, the Red-fronted Shiny Lory, the Yellow-eared Mourning Cockatoo and the Blue-faced Amazon.

Many people buy parrots to brighten up their gray everyday life and, chatting carefreely, they greeted us after a hard day of work. The choice of bird usually depends on the buyer’s income and his requirements for a particular species. For those who are not ready to spend money on a large parrot, but do not want to buy an ordinary wavy, it was developed wavy boch.

Differences between Czech and ordinary wavy

This species of parrot is an exhibition one and was bred in the Czech Republic, which is why it got its name.

The Czech budgerigar is larger than ordinary parrots and is very different from them with a fluffy cap and a beard with beads. Thanks to this beard, the bird's beak is almost invisible.

Unlike the hunched pose of an ordinary wavy, the Czech sticks out his chest like a wheel and at the same time holds himself like a king.

This bird will not run aimlessly back and forth around the cage; they are calm and, due to their eternal concentration, are much more trainable. It is not necessary to spend long hours with them, repeating the same phrases over and over again; Czechs are able to learn to speak on their own and happily copy the sounds that they often hear in the apartment.

Breed standard

Experts say that it is possible that the show budgerigar is calmer due to its height, reaching twenty-two centimeters or more.

Its wings fit tightly to the body, but do not cross; on them one can find seven developed primary flight wings.

The parrot has a rounded body shape, a convex chest, a wide neck and shoulders. Its head, large and wide from any angle, with a powerful forehead, a firmly set beak, in which one can see the overlap of the beak with the mandible, sits on a powerful and short neck.

The bird's legs have 4 toes, two of which are directed forward and two back, which helps to stay firmly on the perch. A true wavy cape has a uniform color of feathers, in which there should be no extraneous shades.

Features of the view

Buy parrots better in groups, the exhibition budgerigar is very sociable and, like a person, he needs friends. They very quickly get used to the new stop and perceive the separation from each other tragically.

A parrot that is kept alone needs constant communication with a person; you need to start talking to him for 15 minutes a day, increasing the duration of sessions to 40 minutes or more.

You should start with the most difficult words with hissing and whistling sounds, and if the parrot manages to pronounce the word, you must not forget to reward him with something tasty. Males are by nature more sociable than females, they have a pleasant voice and love to copy the sounds and voices of other animals.

If this bird is taken care of, provided with nutritious food and protected from stress, it can live twelve to fourteen years.

In what conditions should the wavy cover be kept? Firstly, people who have cats at home are not advised to have a bird. No matter how lazy and phlegmatic the cat may be, he is a predator and perceives the parrot as food that one day he can taste.

Unlike cats, budgies need to be occasionally fed oranges, tangerines and apples. Initially, they were fed only fruits, as it was believed that budgies were natural vegetarians, but later people realized that this was not the case.

In his natural environment habitat, parrots also eat insects, and when living at home they will not refuse protein foods, for example, a boiled egg. But not all whole fruits can be fed to these birds; the seeds of apples, pears and cherries are poisonous to them, and it is also not recommended to give parrots food from the table.

To feed birds, food enriched with vitamins and minerals must be used, otherwise the parrot will start to get sick and all this can end in tears.

It is best to take a spacious cage, with metal bars, but you cannot keep a parrot there all the time; just like a person, he needs to move a lot and stretch his muscles.

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