A conspiracy to get promoted at work. A strong spell for attractiveness and beauty for women

Working for many years in the same company, fulfilling every requirement of the instructions and instructions of your superiors, being loyal to your employees - it’s all about you. But you remain like this long years in one place - a conspiracy for a promotion at work, which you can read on your own, without proper preparation, and get a well-deserved promotion.

Read also a series of ritual spells and rituals so that you do not get fired from your job.

Conspiracy to get a promotion at work

A promotion conspiracy can be very different, however, we will next consider the two most effective and efficient ones that will help you advance in your career.

Conspiracy to favor the authorities

Often a person does not receive a promotion not because he is a bad worker or ignorant, but because his superiors do not take him seriously or even show their dissatisfaction. In this case, a conspiracy to please the boss will come to your aid.

In this version of the ritual, buy 300 grams of toffees or caramels in the store on the first day of the lunar calendar - you should not take change from the money in the store. Bring them home and in place - sprinkle them with holy water, place them in a dark place, leaving them overnight. Then, in the morning, you should come to work early and walk around your office counterclockwise, at every sharp corner, throwing a handful of candies. At this moment it is worth saying:

“That sharp corner - but it spreads sweetly, the anger of the authorities - there it quietly smolders and burns out, it doesn’t know me.”

So go around every sharp corner.

Call to the Higher Powers

This ritual is carried out for a month - every morning, at the same time, just getting out of bed, say the following ritual words:

“Heavenly powers help me - hasten my successful career.”

This ritual is simple to perform, however, many people talk about its effectiveness.

Ritual for promotion

This ritual helps to “fly up” the career ladder and win favor with colleagues and senior management. It is held on - exactly on this date Higher power most favorable to the one asking.

On your own birthday, you should wear a new item of clothing to work - a tie or a belt, and wear it for 3 working days, reciting the words of a ritual spell over it:

“I’m putting on a new thing - new career I strive for myself, there will be service for me, there will be a friend for me, in my work there will be prosperity, and among good people understanding."

The enchanted item will be your amulet - you can wear it before upcoming negotiations or when things are going downhill. To enhance the effectiveness of the ritual ceremony itself, soak the item in clean water for three days and then spray your workplace with it.

In addition to this ritual, you can resort to another magical ritual - it is performed if there is another contender for the higher place you want. In order for the authorities to choose you, write the last name, first name, and patronymic of your competitor 7 times on a piece of paper. Then cross out each word with a straight line and say:

“I close your thoughts, deeds and decisions - I will get everything I want.”

This sheet of paper should be rolled into a tube and placed in glass containers, seal it and then go outside, find a secluded place and, facing west, say loudly:

“You are always behind me, in any of your business and in every of my endeavors. All rewards for me are all obstacles for you, honors for me are problems for you.”

Then throw the glass container over your left shoulder and go back home or to work without looking back or speaking to anyone.

To increase your salary

In order for your bosses to raise your salary and reward you with bonuses more often, you can resort to the help of a strong and effective ritual with candles. To carry it out, buy 4 candles in advance: white, black, green and Brown accordingly, they symbolize the elements of nature. You will also need a candlestick, essential oil or a dry cinnamon stick and a patchouli leaf and a container with water and a towel.

The ritual should be carried out exclusively in complete solitude and no one should disturb you. Sit down at the table, light a black candle - look at its flame, imagine how your problems burn out in it, then put it in the candlestick. Sprinkle it with a finely ground patchouli leaf, then drop a few drops of its essential oil on it. Place it in the center of the table.

Afterwards, wash your hands of the essential oil or the smell of the patchouli leaf and proceed to the next manipulations. All remaining candles are sprinkled with ground cinnamon or sprinkled essential oil cinnamon. Take a white candle in your hands - a symbol of purity and hold it in your hands for a while - think about good things, place it next to the black one, but higher than it in level. Next, take the green one - a symbol of prosperity and, holding it in your hand, place it on your right hand, but the brown one is the work itself, place it on your left side.

  1. For a white candle: “What I ask is all mine by right” .
  2. On black: “My sorrow will burn, but the enemy is defeated” .
  3. On a brown candle: “May good luck come to me - so be it.”
  4. To green: "May good luck come to me."

Let all the candles burn out until the very end.

Spell for good luck in your career

To successfully climb the career ladder, you can resort to a spell for good luck in the career ladder. This ritual has been known for a long time and is considered the most effective and efficient - you should buy homemade, full-fat milk, preferably evening milk, and let it sit overnight. In the morning, take a wooden spoon and skim the settled cream from the milk, while saying:

“When I collect all the cream, I’ll take all the best for myself. So good luck in business will come to me, and all the fattiest and sweet things will be with me. I’ll take the cream for myself - I’ll leave the rest to you.”

After cream you should drink it, but milk should be poured down the tree or given to animals.

For career growth

In this case, you can resort to the help of one of two rituals - effective and efficient.

So that the boss doesn't find fault

To carry out this ritual, purchase a new new thing in the store and wear it on yourself for three days - it’s best if there is some detail, small and insignificant. The main thing when putting it on every morning is to read the words of the following plot three times:

“I put on this new thing - I improve my career, I will prosper - the authorities understand.”

Then place it at your workplace - it will serve as an amulet and talisman for you.

Fountain pen ritual

To carry it out, you take your pen, which you use to write at work, and say the following words over it:

“This pen will serve me well and will bring me good luck and success.”

Say them three times over your pen over the next week - then use it at work. All these simple rituals do not require special preparation and can be carried out independently by each person, bringing good luck and success at work.

Have you been working in your company for many years, always fulfilling plans, submitting reports on time, and conscientiously fulfilling all instructions from management, but you still sit in one place and can’t wait for a promotion? Then a conspiracy for a promotion at work can help you; you need to read such conspiracies already at first, only you noticed that you don’t seem to be noticed at work as soon as it comes to a promotion.

Unfortunately, in such moments, justice does not always take place; often friends of the bosses, envious colleagues, or simply lucky people receive promotions. In this case, you simply need to attract good luck to yourself, and turning to the Higher Powers helps very well with this.

Conspiracies for those who can’t wait to get promoted.

There are many such conspiracies and prayers, but you need to choose the one that will suit you. After all, each person is individual, with different energy, character, environment, etc. You can only find out which method is right for you by trying and being guided by your intuition.

A conspiracy to please the boss

Effective conspiracies for promotion at work.

Often you are not promoted due to the manager's biased attitude towards you. And you do everything right, and never let him down. And he is still unhappy. In such cases, a conspiracy to please the boss helps a lot. To do this, you first need lunar day By lunar calendar come to the store and buy three hundred grams of caramel candies. Under no circumstances should you take change from the store! Bring these sweets home, sprinkle them with holy water. Put them in a dark place and leave them in the house overnight. In the morning before work, you will need to walk around the room in which you work, so as not to attract attention to yourself! You need to go around counterclockwise and throw a handful of candies at each corner. While pronouncing the words

“The sharp corner spreads sweetly, the anger of the authorities quietly smolders.”

Distribute the caramel so that there is enough for each corner.

Conspiracy to help the Heavenly Forces

This plot must be completed within a month. Every day always at the same time, preferably in the morning at the beginning of the day, say the words

“Heavenly Powers, help me, hasten my career.”

This conspiracy, although very simple to implement, has proven itself very well and has helped many.

Conspiracy for a new thing

For this plot, you need to buy yourself a new thing, it can be a shirt, trousers, or a dress. The color of clothing should be discreet. It is also necessary to clean the workplace before the ritual so that it also looks like new. This plot must be carried out on a new moon. On this day, when putting on a new, clean thing, you should say a prayer:

Just as a new thing is put on, so a career is grafted onto me.

May my service be good and successful!

And the management and colleagues are understanding. Amen

Conspiracy for career advancement.

And you should do this for three days in a row. Read a prayer every time you put on your new clothes. After three days, the item must be rinsed in cold water. But you can’t pour out this water; you will take it to work on the fourth day and sprinkle all the corners with it.

This is a very powerful conspiracy, and by carrying it out you can confidently count on a promotion up the career ladder.

You must also remember that all conspiracies and prayers must be carried out completely alone! Nobody has to watch this. You cannot tell anyone about your ceremony, even best friends and relatives. As soon as anyone finds out, immediately magical powers will be destroyed, and all your actions will be in vain!

Advice. It is very important not to doubt the power of conspiracy and prayer. Your faith increases magical properties This ritual reduces the time it takes for your wish to come true!

It is also necessary to understand that in order for the conspiracy to take effect and your wish to come true, it takes time! The mechanisms of heavenly forces are launched immediately as you perform the ritual! But to get the result you need to wait a little. Therefore, one should not rush and carry out strong conspiracies more often than necessary.

Do all these simple rules and or along the career ladder will definitely lead you to success!

Video “Conspiracy to achieve success at work”

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Comments from site visitors

    I have been working in one place for several years now and there has been no promotion at all during these years. Although I sometimes work at night, I try, but there is still no offer for a promotion. Although my colleagues are more successful and everything is fine with them, and by the way, some of them came later than me to get a job and are already higher than me in status. Why is that? We urgently need to carry out your plot, and then I hope that I will be promoted at work and everything will be OK.

    There are invisible people. They always do something, sometimes they even bring great benefit, but they are simply not noticed. I worked for one company for five years until I freaked out and decided that I needed to do something about it. I've searched the entire Internet! When I came across this conspiracy, at first I thought: but this is too much. But I decided to check it out anyway. The movement began a week and a half later. Everyone somehow immediately remembered me, everything somehow started spinning and I achieved my goal in two months! So guys, while you’re sitting here in disbelief, someone is acting!

    I'm currently up for a promotion at work. It’s just that our boss faces a choice. He gives only one place - deputy. There are only five candidates, including me. That is, the boss arranged a competition for us, gave us a task, whoever fulfills it best will take the place of his personal deputy. I really want this place. I’ve been working for this boss for ten years now, and I think I deserve this place. I’ll make your spell, suddenly it will work, and luck will be on my side. If only it were like this.

    Regarding “don’t tell anyone”, that’s for sure!!! My classmate, with whom I studied together, boasted that her meteoric rise explained by the fact that she casts a spell on her boss. Less than a month has passed since she was miserably thrown out of work with a scandal, and now she cannot get a job anywhere. This is how her power responded to her!

    I worked for two years, and a colleague who had been working for three months was promoted because she became friends with the boss. I simply don’t have the strength to look at this injustice. She spends an entire hour of working time with a cigarette (I don’t smoke), returns from a break slowly like a peahen (I’m in a hurry to get back to the hall as quickly as possible), if there is no work, she sits at the checkout chatting, and I go to the warehouse and stock the goods in the hall. And where is the justice? I want this promotion, I will do your plot.

    We also recently needed to sell a car, and we had to sell it quite quickly, since we needed money urgently. In order not to waste time, we decided to resort to the help of magic. We made a spell for salt and holy water, as described here (I have been using your articles and advice for a long time - it helps a lot in life - thank you). Within a week after the ceremony, they sold the car, and quite successfully! There is no need to complicate your life if you can make it easier with the help of magic)). I think so).

    My husband has been working in the same position for who knows how many years. I am angry with him, and all our quarrels are just because of this, although I seem to understand that he has nothing to do with it, there is much more stronger than strength that hinder his progress. That’s why I tried to cast spells on him, I really want everything to work out, I’m very worried about him.

    I have been working for the company for 4 years. There have been no career successes for the last 2 years. It seemed that I worked no worse than others, was friends with my bosses, participated in forums, but they promoted anyone except me. My wife started talking quietly about conspiracies, and I laughed. A month later I was appointed head of the department. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or my wife’s conspiracies

    I have interesting story with a promotion. I worked as a secretary and knew everything about the structure and principles of work. All the meetings took place before my eyes. I knew everything about our company. I was still studying part-time, I didn’t even dream of a promotion; there were candidates better and more experienced than me. Now I am deputy head of economic issues. Conspiracy was done for the pleasure of the boss

    I wanted a management position even before joining this company. I had everything: education, experience, skills. I made a plot for a new thing for three days in a row! I waited almost a year and it worked!!! I never stopped believing that everything would work out!

    If this had not happened to me, I would never have believed it. Conspired to help Heavenly forces for a month, said the right words every day always at the same time. The changes happened gradually and no one suspected anything. And I'm happy with mine new position and received my first salary!

    I have ordinary story: I worked, I worked from morning until night, I gave it my all, but no one noticed it. One day I decided that I had had enough: either a promotion or I would quit. I read all the advice and started casting spells. Six months later I was appointed assistant manager, and a year later deputy

    It’s very disappointing when your boss doesn’t appreciate your work and qualifications. To achieve a promotion in the service, I turned to conspiracies. I did everything according to the article for a month and made a conspiracy to help the Heavenly forces. It's very simple and effective method, as many write. I am waiting

    The work was a burden to me, I performed my duties as if automatically. I wanted something different. Our boss was just going on maternity leave; her position was empty. I decided to use a spell for a new thing; besides, updating your wardrobe is always nice. I was not appointed boss, but I am her right hand, now I have a higher salary and the work is more interesting.

    I’ll put in my 5 cents, as the immediate supervisor in whose direction the employees carried out the conspiracy. More precisely, we had one employee in the team, for whom everyone was always to blame, especially for her mistakes and mistakes, she never admitted her guilt. And so she was advised to carry out some conspiracies in order to improve relations in the team. Imagine my surprise when I arrived at work in the morning, she was already in the office, but before she was always late and there were sweets everywhere. To be honest, it didn’t help her and there was no promotion. Sometimes you have to look at yourself

    It really helps, but everyone’s situation is different. There are a lot of organizations where “our own” people work and other employees who must perform duties both for themselves and for “that guy”, when she couldn’t stand it anymore, she made a conspiracy. And a lucky chance turned up, my colleagues got sick, I had to drag out work for three people for a week, but soon I was given a bonus and a new position

    I had two years left before retirement, but as luck would have it, they posted a plan to reduce staff and we “old guys” were in the forefront. For a month I made a conspiracy to help heaven and it helped. They left me and calmly worked until I retired and turned 55. So, if you follow everything, everything will work out.

Self-confidence is the main component of success in life. But for this you need a strong character, which not everyone has naturally.

Powerful rituals

Magic spells that give strength and allow you to feel confident in any situation are very popular. life situations. It should be remembered that any conspiracy to give strength acts psychologically. Therefore, during the ritual, the appropriate mood is very important. The following is a description of the ritual in which a conspiracy is used to give strength; it always gives a guaranteed result. But at the same time, before it is carried out, care should be taken to get rid of existing acquired complexes. We need to get rid of the inner panic fear before any changes. Only after this, a conspiracy to give strength activates courage and fearlessness in a person.

To gain self-confidence, it is recommended to pray to St. Luke. This is a very unusual biblical figure. It is believed that he can help heal any disease. But St. Luke most strongly patronizes those who want to gain strength and self-confidence. The plot is read in the evening during the full moon in a secluded place and in absolute silence. You need to turn clockwise around yourself three times and cross yourself.

After this, you should say the following magic words:

“I, Slave(s) of God(s) ( given name) I look at St. Luke - and I understand that I can and can do everything in life. Help me, Saint Luke, to preserve and increase my inner strength. With your help and under your supervision, I will endure everything, I will stand everywhere and will not bow my shoulders.

Give me, Saint Luke, enough reason to always make wise decisions. And so that no force could shake the confidence in one’s strength. May my inner strength grow and increase day by day. And confidence in the correctness of your actions only strengthens. Be present in my life, Saint Luke, and support me in moments of doubt. Amen".

Simple conspiracy

In order to increase internal strength, you can use another conspiracy. His words sound like this:

“In a dark moonless and starless night, in a deserted desert there is no fear. It is found neither in water nor in fire. Which means you won’t find it in any military affairs, nor in a fist fight. Do not see fear in the face of the deceased and do not feel it in earthly court. Therefore, there will never be fear in the soul of God’s Servant (s) (proper name). Amen".

As a rule, any conspiracy to give strength should be read at least seven times. In this case, all words should be pronounced clearly and without hesitation.

Sexual impotence in men is often a psychosomatic problem. Because drug treatment turns out to be ineffective or helps to obtain short-term results. Magic spells against impotence - an absolutely harmless practice. They can be used either independently or in combination with traditional therapy for male problems.

During meditation, a person concentrates on the words of the spell that he pronounces. A special ritual helps to enhance the effect. At this time, the person is immersed in a trance, and a powerful charge is formed around him, which is connected to the energy field and fed through the egregor. This technique is used in most religious movements, eastern practices, and when teaching martial arts.

With the help of magic you can not only get what you want, but also increase your energy potential. When reading a potency plot, you should disconnect from other problems, let the spoken words pass through you, and concentrate on the desired result.

When using ready-made rituals, all recommendations should be strictly followed. Otherwise, the ritual will not only not bring the desired effect, but may also harm the patient.

Conspiracy from your wife or lover

If you notice a cooling of your beloved man (husband or dear friend), you should not let everything take its course. Not every member of the stronger sex can admit to problems with potency. Most people attribute love failures to overwork, age or illness.

However, erectile dysfunction can happen at any age. Wise woman will try to help her man without letting him feel inferior. You can improve the situation by reading the conspiracy on male power. It has a fast action. It only takes a few days to strengthen potency and regain desire.

It is not necessary to inform your husband. Men have different attitudes towards witchcraft. It is impossible to harm with such a ritual, but to return to your Honeymoon- is quite real.

They read a plot for male power late in the evening on the waxing moon. It is advisable that there is no one else in the room where the ritual will be performed. You will need personal items, a photograph, and your loved one’s underwear.

Don't be afraid that you won't be able to cope, since you've never done anything like this. Energy loving woman, aimed at supporting a man, works better than the rituals of professional healers.

Conspiracy to strengthen erection

It helps men who are just beginning to experience deterioration in their erection. You will need clean, but not new, men's underpants. They should be folded in four and then ironed, saying:

“As the warmth comes from the sun, so go my warmth to my husband, the servant of God (Name). Just as people rejoice when they taste sweet honey, so may the servant of God (Name) be joyful near me. Strengthen your strength, increase, preserve and multiply. May my husband be wise in speech and strong in deeds. In the name of God, our heavenly father. Amen".

Ritual for impotence

This ritual is suitable for all men, regardless of age. You need to read the conspiracy against impotence at night, in a whisper, when your husband is sleeping:

“God bless, help my husband. Let the member of God's servant (Name) become erect, like the neck of a bottle. Let him stand straight, cheerfully and stubbornly, for physical and ardent love. Amen."

The spell should be pronounced quietly so as not to wake the man. This is a very old conspiracy that helped our great-grandmothers save their marriage. The ritual must be performed three nights in a row.

You can’t skip it, otherwise it won’t work. It also helps in the treatment of male infertility.

Conspiracy to increase male libido

This curse is read over food. It is best to use baked game or seafood. Treat your man to something tasty. The ritual is performed in the evenings for three days in a row. Before preparing the dish you should say:

“Praise the name of the Lord Almighty, Amen. In a distant sea, and in the ocean, there is an island, and on the island stands a giant cedar with iron roots and a mighty top. The wind cannot break the cedar, the whirlwind cannot bend the cedar. So let my beloved (name) stand a hundred veins and one is the strongest. So that it stands like a beautiful maiden and a mare woman. So that my husband (Name) has a penis that becomes stronger than a strong one and stronger than a strong one. And my beloved (Name) would be ardent at the sight of me, bright in love, hot in affection. Let everything come true as it turns out. Amen."

A woman who reads such a plot will be in for a surprise in the form of a husband who suddenly desires her and an unforgettable passionate night.

Charmed water

A ritual is performed over water, which the husband must then drink. You can add it to tea or coffee. Place water in an open ladle or pan and bring to a boil. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the water, read:

“As in the seas and oceans, and on one island, a miracle trunk grew. It will not bend under the winds, nor will it break under the rains. Its roots are mighty, its branches are iron. So even if my husband (Name)’s penis stands up, doesn’t bend, stands up, doesn’t fall, and only grows stronger when he sees me. And it will be like this forever. My word is strong. Amen."

It is better to speak water in the morning. Tea or coffee served in the morning will not arouse suspicion, but will be a manifestation of your concern.

Quick ritual with a candle

You will need a church candle and a recent photograph of a man. You must light the candle with a match. When the candle lights up, repeat twelve times:

“The candle burns hot. Fire changes into gold. Attracts the beloved husband. It will illuminate where it is dark, and strengthen what is weak.”

You can check the results of the candle within a few hours after the slander.

Using runes and rune symbols

Runes are a unique heritage of the Vikings and the first Slavs. Runes are used by both black sorcerers and white magicians. Runic becoming for impotence - a very strong spell, which not everyone can remove to the white magician. But the man himself or his beloved can easily cope with this task. Using runes, you can create your own sexual amulet. It will help not only restore desire and increase potency, but also strengthen your love union.

So, to treat sexual dysfunction, you should create a runic script of four symbols: Ingvaz, Kano, Gebo. Wear the symbols without removing them for one to three weeks. Runic script normalizes hormonal background, stimulates the functioning of the prostate, is responsible for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system.

After the specified period, change the ligature. Now you will need the following runes: Vunyo, Ingvaz, Yera. These symbols affect ejaculation, enhance orgasm, and increase the ability to conceive.

This two-phase formula for treating male problems allows one to cope with psychosomatic impotence, erectile dysfunction, increases the duration of sexual intercourse, restores a man’s faith in his own strength, makes him sexually attractive, and increases fertility (a man’s ability to become a father).

Runes can be made from wood or leather. Runologists recommend activating the symbols with a drop of a man’s blood. The first and second ligatures are worn alternately. If it is not possible to carry runes with you all the time, put them under your pillow or in your chest of drawers with your underwear.

Mantras to increase potency

For those who don't know, a mantra is a spell that, when repeated many times, has an effect on the mind, body and individual items. To heal with a mantra, you must accurately reproduce the required sound combinations.

The healing properties of the mantra are not immediately noticeable. To obtain a therapeutic effect, you will have to practice. Over time, vibrations intensify, the body begins to work in unison with the Energy of the Cosmos, which has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, and on improving potency in particular. To connect to the Cosmic Channel you need to repeat the mantra a hundred times for three weeks.

Mantras are divided by endings. The masculine endings are “um”, “ptah”, the female ones are “tham”, “pvaha”, and the neutral ones are “namah”, “pamah”. What is the secret of the healing effect of the mantra? By pronouncing certain sound combinations, you trigger vibrations that correspond to the sounds being spoken. The resulting vibrations come into resonance with the organs or systems of the body. Mantras restore vital energy, increase tone, and help restore erectile function in men.

Sytin's moods for male power

Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich - psychotherapist, has the scientific title of Doctor of Science and is a member of the MAN ( International Academy sciences). The professor has been practicing medicine for about 50 years, and today he heads the Scientific and Methodological Center of the Russian Federation, specializing in providing psychological rehabilitation without drug therapy. Sytin’s methods are used in such industries as astronautics, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the Armed Forces.

Sytin’s method for treating sexual disorders in men has become widely known. The basis of this technique is unique moods that influence a man’s subconscious. Sytin believes that the power of words can work wonders. His healing moods, consisting of positive statements, fight the consequences of incorrect thinking and lifestyle, changing the patient’s ideas about himself.

It is better to watch discs with the healing moods of Dr. Sytin in the evening before bedtime for normalization blood pressure, relieve tension, fatigue. In the morning you should give preference to infusions that help restore tone and vitality that make a person believe in himself.

Recipes of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is a hereditary healer. And her recipes were inherited from her great-great-grandmothers. All of them are time-tested, and their effectiveness is confirmed by millions of patients.

The healer advises how to cope with sexual impotence in men: immediately after sunset, read a special prayer, and then speak over a glass of clean water. After which the water must be drunk by the person for whom it was spoken.

“Our Lord, one, true, generous, righteous, merciful, loving of mankind, may your mercy descend upon the servant of God (Name), may his strength be strengthened. Forgive him all his sins, direct him to fulfill your will. Grant him goodness, protect him from envy. Amen."

“There is a trunk in the field, it has been bare since birth. There is a branch on the trunk that does not break in the storm, and does not bend in the wind. So (Name)’s penis would not break or bend, but would rise upward at the sight of the girl. As I say, so be it! Amen."

The plot should be repeated three times on the waxing moon.

Prayers for potency

The Christian Church clearly defines adultery as a mortal sin. But if you family man problems of a sexual nature arise, then holy prayer can help him. The prayer can be read by the man himself or his wife.

Reverend Pelageya is considered the protector of family happiness and men's health. Christians celebrate Palazhka Day on October 21st. As the legend goes, Palazhka was a dancer and kept woman. But after hearing the sermon of Bishop Nonnus, Pelageya converted to Christianity, repented, distributed her savings to the poor, became a nun, and lived as a hermit. For a long time, wives whose family life is not going well have prayed to Palazhka.

It is worth noting that our ancestors associated a man’s sexual capabilities with the success of his household, business, and family. It was believed that if a man is not as strong in bed as before, this will negatively affect the harvest from his fields, the growth of livestock, and his children will go down the “crooked path.”

The main advantage of non-traditional methods of treatment such as spells or prayers is their complete safety. At the first signs of sexual dysfunction, feel free to use these healing methods. Also, spells or prayers can become an additional component of complex therapy for erectile dysfunction.

Video on topic

In this article:

Every woman wants to be attractive, it is important for her to be paid attention to, complimented, and admired. For many centuries, female beauty was of enormous importance, beauty was the subject of real worship, and later - the subject of creative inspiration. Songs and poems were dedicated to women for their attractiveness; paintings were painted and sculptures were made from them. But today, appearance is no less important; it still rules the world.

In the century high technology women have enormous opportunities to be beautiful. Thousands of varieties cosmetics, various beauty salons, fitness centers, and even plastic surgery stand guard female beauty. They will help not only emphasize the advantages of appearance, but can also significantly change this very appearance. Today everything is in the hands of women.

Magic and female attractiveness

But not everything is so simple. Unfortunately or fortunately, there is no clear relationship between a woman’s happiness and her attractiveness. Haven’t you heard stories that even the most beautiful often remain lonely, and maybe this is your problem?

You like yourself and everyone tells you that you are very attractive, but... female happiness you still haven't found it? It's simple, it's about energy, spiritual attractiveness.

These methods will never be superfluous, they positive influence a colossal number of women have tried energy

Conspiracy or magical ritual on attractiveness can have different purposes. The first version of the ritual is aimed at increasing your sexual energy, opening female chakras and attracting the attention of men in this way. The second version of the ritual for attractiveness helps to physically improve the performer’s appearance, improve her skin, remove wrinkles and much more.

Ritual for the waxing moon

This magical ritual is aimed at improving facial skin. The ritual must be performed during the waxing moon or during the new moon, which symbolizes rebirth and a new beginning. The female performer must be dressed in long White dress, trousers and jeans are out of the question; you need to emphasize your femininity.

Take a teaspoon of aloe juice and half a spoon of fresh honey. Mix the ingredients in a clay or crystal bowl until you get a homogeneous mass. Now you need to wash your face in clean spring water and apply the resulting mixture to it. During this, you need to read the words of the conspiracy seven times:

“You, thorny flower, yes you, sweet honey, remove old age from my face, strengthen my feminine beauty, so that all the young girls envy me, the servant of God (name), and the young men all lick their lips at me. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

After saying the last lines, you need to wash your face seven times with clean warm water, saying:

“As water is on the face, so is beauty on the face, as water is on the face, so is old age forever from my face.”

This ritual must be performed at night, on the moon, for seven days.

Ritual for physical and spiritual attractiveness

This magical ritual has rich history, it has been used by women and girls since time immemorial, and in many families it was passed down by word of mouth from the older generation to the younger. The beauty of the ritual lies in the fact that it is very universal; with its help you can eliminate shortcomings in your appearance, as well as get rid of problems on the spiritual plane that prevent a woman from gaining the attention of men, becoming charming and desirable.

The entire ritual should take place in a state of peace and silence.

The spell used in this ritual must be recited on your own thing that you use constantly, it is best if it is an object with which you improve your appearance, for example, a comb or a small mirror.

After the ceremony, in order for the spell to work, the enchanted item must always be kept close to you.

But don't forget about simple rule, which applies to all magical actions without exception: no one should see or hold the enchanted thing except the performer.

Conspiracy words:

“My treasure is a treasure, my treasure is a love pledge. I will put you in prison, and I will bewitch you to a beautiful maiden. In the name of an Angel, in the name of an Archangel, draw the suitors to the servant of God (name). I will be beautiful, I will be blush, I will be desirable to men, and as spicy as grass. Let the fellows be sad for me, let them yearn and grieve. In the world they will remember me at the feast. On land and on water, remember me everywhere. I will be bright to them, like the light of the sun, clear, like the face of the moon, warm, like a soft wave. I will be among all the girls, but there is only one such woman. My words are strong, my desires are true. No one can thwart my plot, no one can whisper it, no one can find stronger words to reprimand me. Just as people believe in God and bow to their mother church, so everyone will love, desire and respect me. Everyone will greet me with a smile on their lips and follow me with their eyes for a long time. My word is true, as I said, so it will be. Amen".

Ritual to attract the attention of the opposite sex

This ritual is similar to the previous ritual in terms of effectiveness; it also affects both the physical and spiritual levels and is a universal remedy if you want to feel desired and attractive.

Take a new mirror or one that only you use

The ritual must be performed after midnight. Before doing this, take a bath or go to the shower, but when performing the ritual, your hair should already be completely dry. We put a small mirror on the table and place burning lights on both sides. church candles. You need to sit directly in front of the installed mirror, comb your hair with a wooden comb and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Beyond the sea-ocean, stands the ancient island - Buyan. On that island there stands a strong tower, made of black stone, icy stone, eternal, indestructible. In that tower there is a dark dungeon, a cold dungeon. There is no light in that dungeon. And a beautiful girl sits there. That prison is guarded by three fierce dogs, three gray beasts with burning eyes and sharp claws. Those dogs do not allow the beauties to come into the white light and show their unwritten beauty to people. First dog, hear me, cool down, calm down. Second dog, and you hear me, go into eternal sleep. And the third dog, hear me, and quickly run away. How the animals leave. So the girl will be born into the light of God. Through the night, through the day, through the ocean and the sea, through dope and flame, and through a charmed mirror. Descend, beauty, onto the hair of God’s servant (name), give her your youth, your beauty, your strong strength. Now the servant of God (name) will be dear to everyone, good to everyone, desired by everyone. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading last words You need to quickly turn the mirror over and place it with the reflective side on the table. Now we blow out the candles, first the one on the left, then the right one. Before. When you go to bed, you need to put the comb used in the ritual under your pillow and not take it out for the next seven days. Until the end of this week, you cannot look in the mirror to which you have spoken the words of the conspiracy.

Magic ritual with a ring

To attract the attention of the opposite sex, you need to buy a ring made of any metal, the main thing is that it has a small red stone. The ring should be wrapped in a silk scarf and left in a dark place in the room for one week. During this period, no one should find the used ring, otherwise the ritual will be very unsuccessful.

After a week, you need to clamp the ring in right hand and read the words of the conspiracy on it:

“Go, good fellows, to an honest holiday, to a pure holiday, to Christ’s holiday. Just as Orthodox people admire the icon of the Mother of God, so they will admire me, the servant of God (name). May I be more beautiful than the sun, more desirable than other maidens and women. I will be dearer to them than all gold and silver. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

What else to read