Behind-the-scenes rulers of the world. Secret rulers of Russia: operators and opera

Jews: Sephardic Rockefeller (money lender) (does not agree with the author - Rockefeller according to various sources, German by origin, not Jewish - Paladin) against Ashkenazi Rothschild (money changer). If we make a short excursion into history, we remember that from time immemorial the main The Ashkenazi business was barter. They sat on trade routes from east to west and from north to south and didn’t do a damn thing, they just exchanged money for money, goods for goods.

David Rockefeller

The Ashkenazi Rothschilds are money changers from their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
Their banking empire arose from profits from exchange rate margins and was strengthened by commodity-money barter schemes, such as tea for opium in trade with China in the 19th century.

David Rothschild

The Sephardim are another matter.

It was their “wise men” who formulated the usurious doctrine of Deuteronomy-Isaiah. It was they who ruled the Old and New Testament up and down because they needed it to be ingrained in the brains of current generations of people that usury is not theft, but a respectable business. And, by the way, Jesus overturned the shops of the money changers in the temple, but not the moneylenders. This is what the Sephardic “wise men” wanted.

Usury is the national business of the Sephardim - the Rockefellers.

Thus, we have the two largest financial groups of our time:

1. Conventional name “Rockefeller group” (Sephardim) – J.P. banks. Morgan Chase; City Bank; Bank of America exercises control: partly the Fed, the US military-industrial complex, world oil. Ideology – liberalism, globalism, neoconservatism. Economic doctrine - monetarism, manipulation of the discount rate (the amount of surplus), free market, unhindered movement of capital and goods.

2. The conventional name is the Rothschild-Baruch group (Ashkenazis) - banks HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Standard Charter, exercise control: partially the Fed, gold, precious metals. metals, global drug trafficking. Ideology: socialism. Economic doctrine - Marxism, closed economy, restrictions on the movement of capital and goods (allows speculation on exchange transactions in currency and goods).

3. There is a third group - Santander - the financial empire of the Vatican. They can conditionally be called “old Sephardim.” Those who started out trading in the relics of saints, and now trade in works of art, antiques, artifacts, etc.
If you are right about the struggle between Sephardim and Ashkenazim around the papal throne, then perhaps the sweaty hands of Rothschild's Ashkenazim are already approaching (or have approached) these assets.

Ashkenazi money changers are the Rothschild banking group (HSBC: Hong Kong-Shanghai Banking Corporation, Standard Chartered, Goldman Sachs), rooted in the 18th century in the infrastructure of the British Empire. Money changers keep control of turnover noble metals, precious stones and such “reserve liquidity” as drugs.

Sephardic moneylenders are the Rockefeller banking group rooted in the United States in the 19th century (J.P. Morgan - Chase, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch). They manage the financial flows of the oil economy and the military-industrial complex.
Relations between these groups, as you well know, are strained, to put it mildly. In the 60s, the Sephardim came up with a grandiose plan to solve the “Ashkenazi issue.” As you know, the Rothschilds relied on gold (the Rockefellers on oil). Having untied the USD from its peg to gold in 1972, the Rockefellers dealt a blow to their enemies, gold prices immediately fell, the printing press began working at full capacity, and a long period of stimulating demand began (the consumption race).

At this time, the Rothschilds, apparently, were wiped out from the Fed, and they moved to develop a new “working body” - China. Henry Kissinger's 1972 visit to Beijing opened the door for this. Deng Xiaoping's visit to the United States in January 1979 established a regime of “constructive cooperation” between the United States and China. And immediately in February 1979, China launched a “counterstrike in self-defense” against Vietnam. From that moment on, a new “thug” was in charge of order on the Rothschild opium plantations in the Golden Triangle.

By 2008, the Rockefeller group, despite the tricks of raising the price of oil and loading the US military-industrial complex, the war on terrorism, attacks on Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the missile defense program, was unable to maintain the global credit and financial system based on paper USD from sliding into the first wave of the crisis. Rockefeller banks began to burst like soap bubbles.

And then the Ashkenazim returned to power in the United States. In January 2009, US President B.H. Obama took office. Who, during the election race, promised to withdraw troops from Iraq (you won’t see Rockefeller’s Sephardi Iraqi oil!), and to strengthen the contingent in Afghanistan (we’ll protect the poppy fields of Rothschild’s Ashkenazis from the hands of the dirty Taliban!).

What about the Sephardim, did they wash themselves? No. Here is the quote: “... the Rockefeller banking group and their henchmen, who personify the “neoconservatives” in the Republican and current Democratic administrations of the United States, grouped under the roof of the supra-systemic Masonic order of the Illuminati.

The goal of these neoconservative advocates of the policy of “controlled chaos” is to clash the interests of different clans within the Chinese leadership and, above all, the party elite, senior army circles and the leadership of the security forces in relation to internal and foreign policy China.

The instruments for achieving the goal of destabilization are terrorism, separatism and extremism controlled from abroad. The proven theaters of military operations for these “three evils” are the Tibet and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Regions of the PRC.

The technology for managing unrest includes within Chinese network organizations such as the East Turkestan People's Revolutionary Party. “Hidden conceptual groups of operational management” in contact with foreign intelligence services.

And also taken abroad open organizations national-separatists such as the “World Congress of Uyghurs”, who, against the backdrop of unrest, organize noisy protests at the PRC embassies for wide coverage in the media, and play the role of a cover (diverting attention to false targets).

As for the “07/05/09 incident” in Xinjiang and its further development, it was inspired by the Illuminati, provoked by the intelligence services of globalism (MI6, CIA, MOSSAD) and organized by their agents exactly according to the scenario of the events of 2005 in Uzbek city Andijan. The task of the Illuminati in the “07/05/09 incident” is to take advantage of the activity of the Chinese leadership in reforming the global financial system based on the US dollar, to pit Chinese clans against each other with different understandings of the path to the exaltation of China and to make the Chinese leadership itself responsible for the mass riots with the loss of life.

The counter-game of the Ashkenazis - the group of US President Obama B.H. and the Rothschild banking group, is to fully expose the “three evils” situation in Xinjiang and allow the Chinese leadership to identify and suppress the domestic collaborators of the American neocons.

What is noteworthy here is that the moves on the “great chessboard” of US President Obama on the eve of the G-8 summit were:

Beginning on 07/02/09 the largest, after the occupation of 2001, military operation USA in Afghanistan “Strike of the dagger” in the Helmand River valley to push the Taliban into the tribal zone on the border with Pakistan.

A visit to Moscow to resolve the issue of US military transit to Afghanistan through Russian territory.

And an agreement with Turkey on the issue of countering “controlled chaos” in Kurdistan. An important sign of precisely this understanding of the processes is the Statement of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs published on 07.07.09, which expresses grief (over the outbreak of Uyghur pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism).

And, most importantly, the hope is that the Chinese government will take quick measures to detain the organizers of the riots and with all the power of the state will prevent the recurrence of such incidents (which have a Turkic nationality and Islamic religious basis).”

This is for whom Obama B.H. pulls chestnuts from the fire. For Ashkenazi Rothschild!

And now one more subtle point.

Both Sephardim and Ashkinazim adore all sorts of dedications, oaths of allegiance and other ritual paraphernalia.

The place of initiation of high-ranking mercenaries of the "old Sephardim" (Vatican) is Velazquez's painting "Las Meninas" in the Prado Museum in Madrid.

Why this particular picture was chosen will become clear if you read what is stated below.
There are several nested levels of meaning in the above picture. This is at a minimum:

1. The first semantic series is a description of what is clearly depicted on it. In the center of the composition is the five-year-old daughter of the Spanish King Philip IV, Infanta Margarita, surrounded by a retinue of maids and dwarfs. On the left, Velázquez depicted himself working on a large portrait of the king and queen (Anne of Austria), who are reflected in the mirror directly above the head of the infanta. The tiny Infanta Margherita was brought in to entertain the royal couple during the tedious seances. Two state ladies, in Spanish “meninas”, who gave the name to the whole picture, are bending over her attentively. The one who gives the infanta the vessel was called Dona Maria Sarmiento, the other was Isabella de Velasco. Behind Isabella, from the twilight, comes a woman in monastic attire, Doña Marcela de Ulloa, and the guardadamas - a court rank obliged to accompany the infanta everywhere. The favorite pastimes of the Spanish court have not been forgotten: the tiny dwarf Nicolasito Pertusato kicks the calmly dozing huge dog. The ugly dwarf Maria Barbola stands sedately nearby. The action takes place in the spacious chamber of the royal palace, allotted to the artist as a workshop. Quite in the distance can be seen the figure of the Queen's Marshal, Don José Nieto. Throwing back the heavy curtain (veil), he looks into the door, and the stream sun rays pours into the darkened hall.

2. The second semantic series is what the artist depicted in the picture and the one who is now looking at this picture. It looks as if the royal couple is right in front of the painting. The artist’s gaze is also directed there. But the object of the artist’s attention can only be recognized in the mirror located on the opposite wall of the royal chamber, in which the object (“Their Majesties”) is reflected. Velazquez found a way to connect the action of the picture with reality so much that everyone who sees it involuntarily feels like a character: the artist draws the one who stands in front of him; the one who stands in front of the artist is reflected in the mirror hanging on the opposite wall of the royal chamber; in the mirror hanging on the opposite wall, a portrait of the King of Spain (with his wife) is reflected; the one who looks at the picture finds himself in the place of the one whom the artist paints - in the place of the one who stands “as if” outside the picture in front of the artist and his canvas and also looks at the scene reflected in the picture.

3. The third semantic row - whose vision did the artist depict in his painting? There is also a version of the description of the painting “Las Meninas”, according to which in order for the reflection in the mirror of the king and queen to be visible to the viewer of the picture: the king and queen must sit (on the sofa) and thus the mirror must be level above them, and the viewer ( the viewer) can see their reflection only if he stands behind them (behind them, behind the scenes). This may indicate that the viewer standing in front of the picture “seems to” be included in the role of the one who stands behind the backs of the kings... that is, he is in the role of a “behind the scenes” observer.

In other words, the viewer of the picture for a moment becomes the one who stands behind the backs of the kings, “behind the scenes,” the true rulers.

But Medvedev is not there.

The ritual of initiation (hiring) among Ashkenazis is simpler. One of the ancient locations of their “wise men” was Jerusalem (“the wise men” of the Sephardim were at that time in Babylon, now Baghdad).

So the mercenary must approach the wall of the destroyed temple, ingenuously touch it with his hand and take an oath of allegiance.

This is how Obama B.H. did it. during his private visit to Israel shortly after taking office as US President.

But Medvedev, they write (and again the source of information is not specified), the Israeli rabbis were not allowed to take the oath, and he performed the ritual somewhere on the way. A hint that he has not yet reached the wall of the temple. Let him first become a real president, without Putin.”

Gardiner Philip, Osborne Gary



I dedicate this part of this book to my parents, Eric Osborne and June Day, and to my daughter Lee.

Gary Osborne

Dedicated to my father and mother as a token of gratitude for their constant help and support.

Philip Gardiner


This is a story that some would prefer not to tell at all, but which nevertheless needs to be told to the public. On these pages, almost everything that you, the reader, previously considered to be true is called into question. Just as a magician hides the mechanics of his tricks from the audience with smoke and mirrors, so the true history of the secret priesthood of the Light-Raisers was safely hidden behind a thick cloak of symbols, misinformation and lies. It's time to rip it off.

Most of the symbolic systems of the world arose during the era of the formation of various cults and societies, beliefs and worldviews, and therefore such symbols can be interpreted on many levels. If we take on faith the religious element of this secret knowledge, then our knowledge will be limited to this. If, on the other hand, we choose to ignore the religious element, we can gain insight into the hidden meaning behind the symbols. We will also make sure that this meaning is almost the same throughout the world.

While working on my other book, I began to notice these undoubted analogies and came to the realization that there was a very ancient secret society spread almost throughout the world. Members of this society even have a similar name: The Shining Ones, or Emitting Light. Since then, the more analogies I found, the more they amazed me. It seemed that a veil of mystery had been lifted before me: and since I learned how to look, I really began to see the hidden. I became convinced that the truth was always before our eyes. When ancient texts are presented to us in the light of new perspectives and concepts, we suddenly begin to see the meaning of the true story that has always been in front of us. Muhammad tried to proclaim this truth, but religious authors chose to manipulate it and created the religion of Islam in its modern form. It seems that many people are well aware that there is much more to history and religion than meets the eye, but few see the big picture, and even fewer dare to admit it.

When I met with Gary Osborne, it turned out that he also believed in the reality of the “underground current” and in his reflections came to the same conclusions. And together we decided to take on the task of uncovering mysteries and secrets that had been hidden from society since ancient times.

I knew an old man, a now deceased writer, who once told me: “You will never be able to publish this book. The heirs and successors of the Illuminati reliably control the mass media and everything that happens in them. Keep your book away from them and you will have a chance, but what you say will no longer be accepted as truth.” He meant that we should not follow our feelings and publicly declare that the views inherited from the Radiators of Light still exist among the powerful of this world today. But the fact remains that secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians and even the modern Knights Templar keep secrets that were once held by the Light Radiators. We have no right to hide this, just as we have no right to destroy evidence of this.

Truth is everything. We can't do anything without her.

Philip Gardiner


This is intended as an essay only. This is the first touch to a reality that is almost unknown and unexplored. No matter how you approach it, you are invariably captivated by the multi-layered complexity, like a labyrinth, because it does not carry a harmonious order in the abstract sense, but, on the contrary, resembles an organism tightly closed in itself, or, better to say, the “Art of Fugue” (1).

Thus begins the famous book Hamlet's Mill by Giorgio di Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, published in 1969. As this remarkable work demonstrates, our distant ancestors felt the need to preserve the advanced knowledge they had acquired, passing on complex information in the form of stories and anecdotes about the gods , all kinds of living creatures and people. However, the mystery, the solution to which the authors of “Hamlet’s Mill” could not find, was why the ancients sought to encrypt this knowledge. Such was the mystery that lay before us.

It may be hard to believe, but there is indisputable evidence that advanced technical knowledge existed already in ancient times, at the dawn of mankind (2), and that some unknown culture encrypted hints of this knowledge in them. The key tool through which this knowledge was transmitted and disseminated were myths and legends, passed down from generation to generation, for the most part by commoners who were unaware of the hidden meaning contained in these stories and tales (3).

In the course of our research, we discovered that many of the largest monuments of world literature, architecture and art, both ancient and modern, contain hidden keys, small fragments of the most important data, elements of a composite “picture-riddle”. Such fragments of carefully encrypted data are found in various religious texts and esoteric works, especially in the sacred texts of Hinduism and the writings of alchemists, Hermeticists, Kabbalists, Sufis, as well as Masonic, Rosicrucian, Gnostic, Templar and Theosophical secret schools.

One of the most fruitful branches associated with the “underground current” is, of course, art: sculpture, painting, graphics, book illustrations, created over many centuries and containing a whole set of symbols, secret codes and sacred geometry. We also find this ancient knowledge encrypted in buildings and all kinds of structures erected not only by our distant ancestors, but also by some creators living in our time.

In his book The Edge of History, William Irvine Thomson refers to the fact that wisdom and knowledge encoded in this way demonstrates that the primitive cultures that preserved them were not the beginning of an era, but the end of something else. Analyzing the technologies that we have today, and the myths that serve as an allusion to some other technical and scientific era, we can count on forgiveness for the assumption that humanity in its development has described another full circle and that this has already happened many times.

It is difficult to pinpoint the geographical coordinates of the region of myths: seemingly reliable but fragile evidence is often intertwined with completely meaningless graphs and diagrams and presented in a narrative that is often tedious and characterized by extreme floweriness, and therefore it is sometimes difficult to decide what is meant by that or other logical system. But we believe we are close to understanding why our distant ancestors encrypted this data and information - these keys to the knowledge they once possessed.

We both became convinced that this encrypted information was connected to an ancient system of knowledge developed by some mysterious, primitive, shamanistic-based culture known throughout as the Light Radiators. This unique culture disappeared in the distant past, although its influence is still noticeably felt today.

This ancient knowledge very different from modern ideas about the world inherent in the majority of humanity. It is more holistic in nature and associated with deep wisdom and spiritual perfection, which are in sharp contrast to the "meager" and "primitive" origins from which we are accustomed to believe they originated.

We wish to emphasize that, like modern humanity, none of the early traditional civilizations that we know of had a holistic and comprehensive understanding of this ancient knowledge system. It is obvious that this system belongs to the distant past of human history, reached subsequent generations in a fragmentary form and was misinterpreted and perceived, and subsequently degraded under the influence of new systems of ideas that constantly arose at new stages of history. We also believe that over the centuries prominent figures deliberately encrypted certain key themes in myths, legends, stories, art and architecture in order to preserve them for subsequent generations.

Jews: Sephardic Rockefeller (usurer) versus Ashkenazi Rothschild (money changer). If we take a short excursion into history, we remember that from time immemorial the main business of Ashkenazis was barter. They sat on trade routes from east to west and from north to south and didn’t do a damn thing, they just exchanged money for money, goods for goods.

David Rockefeller

The Ashkenazi Rothschilds are money changers from their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
Their banking empire arose from profits from exchange rate margins and was strengthened by commodity-money barter schemes, such as tea for opium in trade with China in the 19th century.

David Rothschild

The Sephardim are another matter.
It was their “wise men” who formulated the usurious doctrine of Deuteronomy-Isaiah. It was they who ruled the Old and New Testaments backwards and forwards because they needed it to be ingrained in the minds of current generations of people that usury is not theft, but a respectable business. And, by the way, Jesus overturned the shops of the money changers in the temple, but not the moneylenders. This is what the Sephardic “wise men” wanted.

Usury is the national business of the Sephardim - the Rockefellers.
Thus, we have the two largest financial groups of our time:
1. Conventional name “Rockefeller group” (Sephardim) – J.P. banks. Morgan Chase; City Bank; Bank of America exercises control: partly the Fed, the US military-industrial complex, world oil. Ideology – liberalism, globalism, neoconservatism. Economic doctrine - monetarism, manipulation of the discount rate (the amount of surplus), free market, unhindered movement of capital and goods.

2. The conventional name is the Rothschild-Baruch group (Ashkenazis) - banks HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Standard Charter, exercise control: partially the Fed, gold, precious metals. metals, global drug trafficking. Ideology: socialism. Economic doctrine - Marxism, closed economy, restrictions on the movement of capital and goods (allows speculation on exchange transactions in currency and goods).

3. There is also a third group - Santander - the financial empire of the Vatican. They can conditionally be called “old Sephardim.” Those who started out trading in the relics of saints, and now trade in works of art, antiques, artifacts, etc.

If you are right about the struggle between Sephardim and Ashkenazim around the papal throne, then perhaps the sweaty hands of Rothschild's Ashkenazim are already approaching (or have approached) these assets.

So, Ashkenazi money changers are the Rothschild banking group (HSBC: Hong Kong-Shanghai Banking Corporation, Standard Chartered, Goldman Sachs), rooted in the 18th century on the infrastructure of the British Empire. Money changers maintain control over the circulation of precious metals, precious stones and such “reserve liquidity” as drugs.
Sephardic moneylenders are the Rockefeller banking group rooted in the United States in the 19th century (J.P. Morgan - Chase, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch). They manage the financial flows of the oil economy and the military-industrial complex.
Relations between these groups, as you well know, are strained, to put it mildly. In the 60s, the Sephardim came up with a grandiose plan to solve the “Ashkenazi issue.” As you know, the Rothschilds relied on gold (the Rockefellers on oil). Having untied the USD from its peg to gold in 1972, the Rockefellers dealt a blow to their enemies, gold prices immediately fell, the printing press began working at full capacity, and a long period of stimulating demand began (the consumption race).
At this time, the Rothschilds, apparently, were wiped out from the Fed, and they moved to develop a new “working body” - China. Henry Kissinger's 1972 visit to Beijing opened the door for this. Deng Xiaoping's visit to the United States in January 1979 established a regime of “constructive cooperation” between the United States and China. And immediately in February 1979, China launched a “counterstrike in self-defense” against Vietnam. From that moment on, a new “thug” was in charge of order on the Rothschild opium plantations in the Golden Triangle. By 2008, the Rockefeller group, despite the tricks of raising the price of oil and loading the US military-industrial complex, the war on terrorism, attacks on Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the missile defense program, was unable to maintain the global credit and financial system based on paper USD from sliding into the first wave of the crisis.
Rockefeller banks began to burst like soap bubbles.
And then the Ashkenazim returned to power in the United States. In January 2009, US President B.H. Obama took office. Who, during the election race, promised to withdraw troops from Iraq (you won’t see Rockefeller’s Sephardi Iraqi oil!), and to strengthen the contingent in Afghanistan (we’ll protect the poppy fields of Rothschild’s Ashkenazis from the hands of the dirty Taliban!).
What about the Sephardim, did they wash themselves? No. Here is the quote: “... the Rockefeller banking group and their henchmen, who personify the “neoconservatives” in the Republican and current Democratic administrations of the United States, grouped under the roof of the supra-systemic Masonic order of the Illuminati.
The goal of these neoconservative advocates of the policy of “controlled chaos” is to clash the interests of different clans within the Chinese leadership and, above all, the party elite, the highest circles of the army and the leadership of the security forces in relation to China’s domestic and foreign policy.
The instruments for achieving the goal of destabilization are terrorism, separatism and extremism controlled from abroad. The proven theaters of military operations for these “three evils” are the Tibet and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Regions of the PRC.
The technology for managing unrest includes within Chinese network organizations such as the East Turkestan People's Revolutionary Party. “Hidden conceptual groups of operational management” in contact with foreign intelligence services.
As well as open national-separatist organizations such as the “World Congress of Uyghurs” that have been brought abroad, which, against the backdrop of unrest, organize noisy protests at the PRC embassies for wide coverage in the media, and play the role of a cover (diverting attention to false targets).
As for the “07/05/09 incident” in Xinjiang and its further development, it was inspired by the Illuminati, provoked by the intelligence services of globalism (MI6, CIA, MOSSAD) and organized by their agents exactly according to the scenario of the events of 2005 in the Uzbek city of Andijan. The task of the Illuminati in the “07/05/09 incident” is to take advantage of the activity of the Chinese leadership in reforming the global financial system based on the US dollar, to pit Chinese clans against each other with different understandings of the path to the exaltation of China and to make the Chinese leadership itself responsible for the mass riots with the loss of life.
The counter-game of the Ashkenazis - the group of US President Obama B.H. and the Rothschild banking group, is to fully expose the “three evils” situation in Xinjiang and allow the Chinese leadership to identify and suppress the domestic collaborators of the American neocons.
What is noteworthy here is that the moves on the “great chessboard” of US President Obama on the eve of the G-8 summit were:
The beginning of 07/02/09, the largest US military operation in Afghanistan since the 2001 occupation, “Strike of the Dagger” in the Helmand River Valley to push the Taliban into the tribal zone on the border with Pakistan.
A visit to Moscow to resolve the issue of US military transit to Afghanistan through Russian territory.
And an agreement with Turkey on the issue of countering “controlled chaos” in Kurdistan. An important sign of precisely this understanding of the processes is the Statement of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs published on 07.07.09, which expresses grief (over the outbreak of Uyghur pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism).
And, most importantly, the hope is that the Chinese government will take quick measures to detain the organizers of the riots and, with all the power of the state, will prevent the recurrence of such incidents (which have a Turkic nationality and Islamic religious basis).

This is for whom Obama B.H. pulls chestnuts from the fire. For Ashkenazi Rothschild!
And now one more subtle point.
Both Sephardim and Ashkinazim adore all sorts of dedications, oaths of allegiance and other ritual paraphernalia.
The place of initiation of high-ranking mercenaries of the "old Sephardim" (Vatican) is Velazquez's painting "Las Meninas" in the Prado Museum in Madrid.

Why this particular picture was chosen will become clear if you read what is stated below.
There are several nested levels of meaning in the above picture. This is at a minimum:
1. The first semantic row is a description of what is clearly depicted on it. In the center of the composition is the five-year-old daughter of the Spanish King Philip IV, Infanta Margarita, surrounded by a retinue of maids and dwarfs. On the left, Velázquez depicted himself working on a large portrait of the king and queen (Anne of Austria), who are reflected in the mirror directly above the head of the infanta. The tiny Infanta Margherita was brought in to entertain the royal couple during the tedious seances. Two state ladies, in Spanish “meninas”, who gave the name to the whole picture, are bending over her attentively. The one who gives the infanta the vessel was called Dona Maria Sarmiento, the other was Isabella de Velasco. Behind Isabella, from the twilight, comes a woman in monastic attire, Doña Marcela de Ulloa, and the guardadamas - a court rank obliged to accompany the infanta everywhere. The favorite pastimes of the Spanish court have not been forgotten: the tiny dwarf Nicolasito Pertusato kicks the calmly dozing huge dog. The ugly dwarf Maria Barbola stands sedately nearby. The action takes place in the spacious chamber of the royal palace, allotted to the artist as a workshop. Quite in the distance can be seen the figure of the Queen's Marshal, Don José Nieto. Throwing back the heavy curtain (curtain), he looks through the door, and a stream of sunlight pours into the dimly lit hall.
2. The second semantic row is what the artist depicted in the picture and the person who is now looking at this picture. It looks as if the royal couple is right in front of the painting. The artist’s gaze is also directed there. But the object of the artist’s attention can only be recognized in the mirror located on the opposite wall of the royal chamber, in which the object (“Their Majesties”) is reflected. Velazquez found a way to connect the action of the picture with reality so much that everyone who sees it involuntarily feels like a character: the artist draws the one who stands in front of him; the one who stands in front of the artist is reflected in the mirror hanging on the opposite wall of the royal chamber; in the mirror hanging on the opposite wall, a portrait of the King of Spain (with his wife) is reflected; the one who looks at the picture finds himself in the place of the one whom the artist paints - in the place of the one who stands “as if” outside the picture in front of the artist and his canvas and also looks at the scene reflected in the picture.
3. The third semantic row - whose vision did the artist depict in his painting? There is also a version of the description of the painting “Las Meninas”, according to which in order for the reflection in the mirror of the king and queen to be visible to the viewer of the picture: the king and queen must sit (on the sofa) and thus the mirror must be level above them, and the viewer ( the viewer) can see their reflection only if he stands behind them (behind them, behind the scenes). This may indicate that the viewer standing in front of the picture “seems to” be included in the role of the one who stands behind the backs of the kings... that is, he is in the role of a “behind the scenes” observer.
In other words, the viewer of the picture for a moment becomes the one who stands behind the backs of the kings, “behind the scenes,” the true rulers.
They write that during his visit to Spain, Putin was taken to Meninas and shown what the world looks like “from behind the scenes.”
But Medvedev is not there.
The ritual of initiation (hiring) among Ashkenazis is simpler. One of the ancient locations of their “wise men” was Jerusalem (“the wise men” of the Sephardim were at that time in Babylon, now Baghdad).
So the mercenary must approach the wall of the destroyed temple, ingenuously touch it with his hand and take an oath of allegiance.
This is how Obama B.H. did it. during his private visit to Israel shortly after taking office as US President.

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There are moments in the year when a special, well-known nostalgia awakens again in our tired soul: yes, we have matured, and even grown a little old, but somewhere deep inside us there still lives a small, lonely and touching child, yearning for magic.

This child suddenly wakes up in our hearts, and we, serious people, who has no time for anything, sadly declares that he misses him, that he really, really wants something bright, sincere and kind.

There are moments in...

Now, largely thanks to fantasy literature, everyone is well aware of such creatures as gnomes - little people who live in underground cities and do not really like meeting people. We all probably read fairy tales in childhood that tell about this mysterious little people.

And here is the time to remember the famous proverb: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.” It turns out that there are real facts proving that from time immemorial there have been mysterious underground cities...

This guy is not easy! Oh, it’s not easy! Why are astrologers silent?

What forces ensured Obama's rise to the presidency of the United States?

Does he have any secret features?
Is someone standing behind his back and secretly manipulating him?

Why did everything so unusually smoothly... “come together” in his fate?

... For Barack Obama, the presidency was never an end in itself.

It was and is an instrument for the implementation of his Plan. Even missions!

His main goal was and is the restructuring of America as a whole...

II. Fabulous Wisdom
These living fairy tales...!
They very zealously guard their hidden truths from us!

They won't let us see them!
Why did the fabulous face hide their ancient Wisdom from us?

Maybe the fairy tale language turned out to be too difficult for us?

Maybe fairy tales, with their many faces, seem to laugh at us, showing us our own imperfections?

The main symbols of fairy tales
Fairy tales have traveled with us a long way in our evolution. It is difficult to say that all the original words remained on...

Imagine an ordinary anthill. There is a strong collective organization there, where every ant...

For several days we argued about the need to publish this material and, as a result, supporters conspiracy theories won again. Of course, it is much easier to blame all our troubles on the world behind the scenes, Masonic lodges, the “bloody hebnya” and other evil spirits. However, in an article by Andrei Gromov recently published on the portal, there are some features that convinced even the skeptical editorial staff of the Baikal24 news agency. Firstly, the identity of the author of the proposed theory. Secondly, support for this theory from serious Russian analysts and economists. Thirdly, the modern aspect of the theory, which describes recent events well and makes it possible to predict the near future.

The author of the theory of “operators and opers” is a senior partner of the consulting group “Ministry of Finance”, professor High school economics Alexander Volkov. In the ranking of the website “The Art of Corporate Wars”, the Ministry of Finance CG is in first place among raider companies in Russia.

Alexander Volkov was ideological inspirer this “group of intellectuals” who created problems for the powers that be through exclusively legal means. The Ministry of Finance has to its credit the fight against the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on full repayment the infamous GKOs. (1988-1989). The long-term litigation ended in a complete victory for Volkov’s “Ministry of Finance”. Alexander Volkov himself is considered one of the best experts in the field of protecting companies from hostile takeovers and forced mergers.

He also became one of the authors of the book “The Advancing Skeleton. The source and two components of bureaucratic capitalism in Russia." Its co-author is Alexander Privalov, who is remembered by television viewers as one of the hosts of the “However” program on Channel One. IN professional life Alexander Nikolaevich - scientific editor and CEO"Expert" magazine, dean of the Higher School of Journalism at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, author of more than 1000 books, scientific papers and articles.

According to journalists, Alexander Privalov is an “ardent supporter” of the “operators and operas” theory, believing that it quite accurately describes the reasons for what has happened over the past 20 years in the country. In addition, the theory also provides answers to some seemingly rhetorical questions. For example, why the authorities often make absurd decisions or what are the true reasons for the “outbursts of dislike” towards Russia on the part of the West. In general, about everything in order (published in abbreviation):


We are talking in his office somewhere in the Arbat alleys: two rooms are all that remains of that legendary company “Minfin”. We talk for a long time, or rather, he does most of the talking, I don’t even ask questions as much as I try to think about his words. And he speaks. Slowly, calmly, without any agitation; as if he were reasoning out loud. He talks about the system of power, about the seizure of assets, reluctantly - he is no longer so interested in the details of his old theory - about “operators” and “operators”. I'm listening to. And gradually the story of the capture (or, more precisely, absorption) of a huge country is taking shape in my head. The story is compelling, cohesive and complete. And behind her another one looms, new story, which is just beginning and in which only the starting positions and the general contours of the actions determined by these positions are clear.

However, first things first. Probably, it’s right to start this kind of story not from the beginning, but from the point “here and now.” Just like they do in films: they show some event from the “here and now”, and then the title “five days ago” appears, and we get an explanation of how the characters got to this life and situation.

So. Here and now we have bureaucratic capitalism, that is, a system where property is managed and controlled by officials. However, this is not entirely true. From the picture that Volkov paints and which does not at all contradict everything that I know and see, it is clear:

– An official is not a subject of the system. It has no directive functions. He cannot independently set and formulate tasks. The official, as an object of control, only receives the signal and broadcasts it.

For this, he is provided with a “fixed source of income in the form of rent.” Each bureaucratic chair (“not a person, but a chair”), in one way or another, is assigned a rent - the opportunity to receive income. That is, taking bribes, stealing, and so on. And this is not corruption (rust corroding the system), it is, on the contrary, - structural element systems.

Who is the subject of the system? Who has directive functions, who formulates and sets tasks? Chekists. And we are talking not only and not so much about current employees and leaders of the FSB, but about the system in which key role played by former intelligence officers (how this system is organized and managed will be discussed a little later).

And there is almost no conspiracy theory here. That is, it is not a matter of secret rulers governing the country with unknown levers - the levers are completely known. Most of the financial flows most of assets are directly controlled by these same security officers. Volkov puts the figure at 60%. And this is precisely direct control. The remaining 40% (well, maybe 39.2 percent, for example) is controlled by them indirectly, through the same officials, large businessmen (who are essentially the same officials, only with a different form of rent). If desired, this property can at any time come under the direct control of the security officers. But these are already assets that are easier to control through indirect levers - there is a lot of fuss, but little money. And officials need to collect rent from something.

At this point, it’s probably time to roll the credits “five days before” and start the story all over again, that is, talk about how it happened that the country was controlled by the security officers. However, first it would be good to clarify the issue of security officers. Who are they? What are they?

Entrance to the KGB social elevators consists of a filter system. There is a primary selection, then a staff of current employees regional structures. When a person gets into these structures, he has functions and powers that he must perform and implement. If he copes and shows the necessary qualities, he is promoted further. He gets into the system. He begins to work with specific enterprises under the supervision of senior comrades. That is, at this stage a system hierarchy arises, parallel to the service one. Here the key role is played by “senior comrades” - and these are not only senior officers, but primarily former employees. Financial flows flow through them, they supervise and direct them. They make decisions and set tasks (within the allocated powers and resources). They, on the one hand, are no longer intelligence officers and do not directly substitute the system, on the other hand, they have all the powers and capabilities to use regular employees and structures of the FSB. Well, further – those who are singled out for certain qualities and included in the system grow and gradually grow into “senior comrades” who already receive powers and resources to resolve issues.

It is very important that this system excludes literal unity of command at the top level. If in such a system there is only one decision-maker, then it becomes too dependent on him and therefore extremely unstable. Therefore, the top level should be distributed across a group or even groups of heads


Foreign trade operations in the USSR were carried out through a system of foreign trade associations. They were created specifically to carry out direct export-import operations, as well as for the purchase of equipment, including for military production. In addition, through these enterprises, funds necessary for solving foreign policy problems were accumulated in Western accounts (assistance to workers' parties, friendly regimes, funds for conducting intelligence operations, for the same unofficial or semi-legal purchase of equipment). And, naturally, the activities of these enterprises and the accumulation of funds occurred to a large extent through offshore companies.

These enterprises had two very important features for us: firstly, they, naturally, worked under the direct control of the KGB. For example, Sovcomflot (as Volkov says, having worked with various shipping companies for many years) at the time of its creation consisted of 15% professionals and 85% security officers. Probably, somewhere there were other ratios, but in all these foreign trade structures there was overwhelming control of the security officers. And secondly, all these associations were built into the Soviet planning system. That is, their activities were based on planning. There was a clear plan for everything: for moving finances into the country, for allocating resources for purchases.

The fund accumulation system was fully operational by the end of 1972. And in the fall of 1973, the oil crisis began. Oil prices quadrupled during 1974 (from 3 to 12 dollars per barrel). The plan for moving funds for 1974 remained the same, but much more money arrived in the accounts where funds were accumulated - a significant balance was formed. In the spring of 1979, the revolution in Iran caused a new wave of the oil crisis. From 1979 to 1981, prices almost tripled. The amount of funds deposited in special accounts increased sharply again. And finally, in 1980, Reagan announced a new economic policy (“Reaganomics”) and began by raising the refinancing rate to 20%. Money rushed to America from all over the world - including our “remainders”, which doubled in a short time.

Volkov took the very name “operators” from an FBI report on the Russian mafia in the United States. It describes a group of 15 to 20 people, concentrated primarily on the West Coast, who were called "operators" because they did little more than manage bank accounts.

So, there is money, a lot of money, associated with a system of foreign trade organizations, completely controlled by the KGB, which are managed by a group of people directly connected with the KGB.

How could you keep that kind of money? Why weren't they stolen by those who carried out operations with them? Who made decisions about the direction of money flow? Nothing but an internal party is being invented here. A fairly independent, cohesive group, with an internal charter, mutual responsibility, distributed powers and collective leadership. Bonded, besides all this, by the fear of physical destruction.

To what extent were they controlled by the leadership and the KGB system? Initially, it was a structure created and completely controlled by the KGB. However, according to Volkov, the very logic of the structure of such structures (closed, cohesive groups) suggests that time works to strengthen their independence. By the mid-80s, it was a group that retained deep formal (in particular, at the level of obligations and the associated fear of physical destruction) and informal connections with the “office,” but was independent enough to make decisions outside the system of the Soviet hierarchy. Let's get back to money:

At some point, this money became so significant that it itself became driving force.

Money that has grown, strengthened and established itself in the West in a market economy environment, but belongs to the USSR, from which it is cut off - and not only territorially, but also at the level of technological cycles. How can I get them back? The Soviet economy can buy more grain with it, spend it on consumer goods, on machines for the defense industry... that is, eat it up and waste it. But money and those who managed it exist in a different system, where money is not wasted, but grows and multiplies. At the same time, this money can best multiply by returning back to its homeland, but only to a country with a different economic system And technological cycle. And not just multiply. With their help, a close-knit group, relying on the powerful system of Soviet intelligence services, can literally take over (or rather, absorb) a huge country.

Of course, we are not talking about the fact that perestroika and the subsequent collapse of the USSR were solely the result of the activities of a group of “operators”. There are certainly many factors at play here. But still, the significance of what game and on whose side the structures associated with the KGB are playing, which also have enormous financial resources behind them, should not be underestimated.


Whatever the funds in the accounts of offshore companies controlled by security officers, it was impossible to simply buy up a huge country and its assets. The collapse of the USSR and the Soviet economy opened up this opportunity, the implementation of which took almost 20 years.

Late Soviet Union is a country controlled and governed by the party and economic elite. Moreover more weight It was the economic elite who had in this design. Directors of large factories, heads of mining associations. The collapse of the Soviet system dealt a severe blow to it, but it still remained a real force, and all the significant assets of the country were under their control. And these same dashing 90s - they are also about the struggle for property and power between party activists and security officers. And October 1993, and the loans-for-shares auctions, and the consolidation of oil assets in Eastern Siberia by YUKOS - about this. Well, maybe not only about this, but also about this.

What resources did the “operators” have? Money. In Russia in the early 90s, no one had real money anymore. But they were in the world. And one of the main tasks was to prevent large foreign money from entering Russia. It wasn't that difficult. Big money is careful and understanding money. It was only necessary to clearly explain to everyone who was interested that investing in Russia is extremely risky. And it was successful - the money did not go to Russia.

Special people were very careful to ensure that the money of the security officers was a monopoly.

But money itself is just money. They needed those through whom they pass, those who buy up vouchers, create companies, participate in loans-for-shares auctions and obtain licenses. We need economic counterparties through whom money is transformed into assets. And these must be the best, the luckiest and, most importantly, controlled.

Volkov talks about various companies (for example, Sovintorg) that were on the same path as YUKOS in the early 90s. Some of them coped with the tasks - and we worked with them further. Someone couldn’t cope, turned out to be ineffective (as an economic counterparty or as an insufficiently controlled structure) - and they were wiped out. And if you carefully study the history of this or that oil or metallurgical giant of the 90s, then in the confused scheme of offshores there will certainly be an offshore with strange name, which was created in the 70s - early 80s and from whose accounts the main investments for everyone came major transactions initial period.

At one time, Alexander Privalov, examining the first trial in the case of Lebedev and Khodorkovsky, was perplexed: why suddenly Khodorkovsky’s lawyers did not raise the question of who really owns the offshore companies “Kilda” (created in 1974) or “Dzhamblik” (created in 1984) ), to which all the key threads of the accusation converged. By the way, an offshore company named “Dzhamblik” in 1996 is already the owner of a large block of shares in the Bratsk Aluminum Plant and other assets of the Cherny brothers’ empire.

However, the operators invested not only money in the selected companies. They also invested... with security resources. And this resource was the most important part of the whole scheme. To resolve issues in courts and authorities, to help counterparties deal with emerging problems, and, finally, to control these same counterparties, to obtain complete information about them, specific people were needed - an opera. Former KGB employees, and there were a great many of them then, who retained and developed close ties with current employees of the intelligence service, which now often changed leaders and names.

The opera's activities were varied, but, perhaps, the main tool on which the bet was placed quite quickly became the database of incriminating materials (BKM), or more precisely, the ability to create it and work with it. Of course, if at the level of the struggle for assets, working with incriminating evidence was just one of the elements, then at the level of resolving personnel issues, relationships with officials and general control over the situation in the country, incriminating evidence was the determining element.

There were, of course, other forms of work. For example, when Khodorkovsky conquered Eastern Siberia, accumulating oil assets. There were many cases when oil generals (heads of oil production enterprises) - seasoned and very difficult people - suddenly drowned or died while hunting. However, everyone knows that this is the work of Khodorkovsky and Pichugin exclusively.


By the end of the 90s, the main task of seizing control of the country and its key assets was solved. The money returned and multiplied. A security service structure has been created and operates effectively, which in one way or another makes it possible to control property and key processes in the country. Even the president is now his own, an element of that very structure. It was entirely possible to stop. Apparently, this is what many of the operators assumed.

However, the assets, although under control, are very indirect. The formal owners have gotten a taste of property and increasingly perceive it as their own. And most importantly, the structure of operas is created for control and capture - they want to act, they need space for development. And there is still so much around that has not been absorbed, so many assets that are someone else’s. Especially in the regions. Where the hungriest are opera.

Volkov previously based his concept of “operators and operators” on their conflict: operators, marketers by their psychology, came into conflict with operas in the early 2000s - for whom it is much easier and more natural to rely not on financial leverage and competition, but on forceful pressure . Putin's first term begins as a triumph for the operators and ends as their complete defeat. Opera and its logic of forceful pressure and direct control become dominant and define future fate countries.

Now he is not talking about conflict, but rather about interpenetration. Opera learned from operators how to manage using financial flows, and operators recognized the effectiveness of direct force. Perhaps, after they were faced with the problem of a rebellion of counterparties (the YUKOS case), or maybe after the operation found an absolutely effective and low-cost way to obtain assets (which, however, will be discussed a little below).

One way or another, starting somewhere in 2002-2003, the security officers have been solving a slightly different task - the complete takeover of the country. And if for the first stage of buying up property and fighting the party elite, democracy and market economy were the best environment, have now become an obstacle. Therefore, the social formation is actively being rebuilt into a system of bureaucratic capitalism; there was no need for special will. New tasks and new people who appeared among those who make key decisions determined the direction of movement. Fortunately, the model of bureaucratic capitalism has already in fact begun to be implemented by regional leaders, primarily Luzhkov. Only now with one important change– officials were deprived of directive functions. It is symbolic that almost the final touch that finally formalized the seizure of the country by the security officers was the elimination of Luzhkov.

In parallel, at the beginning of 2002, a short and very successful operation was carried out, which largely determined the further development of the country - this is the operation with Sibur and its owner Yakov Goldovsky. Before the New Year, he was arrested right in the reception room of the new chairman of the board of Gazprom, Alexei Miller. And by January 10, he wrote a statement about his resignation as general director, and the controlling stake in Sibur, assigned to a variety of people, was transferred to Gazprom. This power tool showed such a high degree of effectiveness that it quickly became decisive and began to determine a lot.

If you consolidate shares, work with them very competently, use administrative resources and the KM database, then, of course, you can significantly lower the price. But as practice shows, the maximum is twice as much. It’s a completely different matter when the owner is sitting in your next room behind bars. He is ready (and if he works correctly, he will consider it a blessing) to conclude an agreement even for 10% of the value of the assets.

Now the main tool for acquiring assets and consolidating them has become arrest. The arrest is carried out, of course, not by security officers, but by the police (somewhere for an appropriate reward in the form of small money and/or a closed folder with incriminating evidence). They often do the work of pressing and finishing, but here they follow the direct instructions of the operators.

This scheme is also notable for the fact that the police play an important, albeit purely technical, role in it. It is used, and precisely in the capacity that presupposes a certain carte blanche for independent actions of this kind in relation to small businesses and ordinary citizens. Systematically, such police - a big problem for the security officers: the population is the little thing that the security officers are really afraid of, and the threat of too close a collision with the population is a great danger for them. But they cannot do anything with the police - they need just such a police force, they need this resource to seize property, to control the country.

The total seizure of assets in the 2000s took place in several stages. The main task was to consolidate assets within the country. Mainly those that were already controlled in one way or another through the operator circuits of the 90s. The main assets that security officers seized in the first half of the 2000s were the assets of privatized enterprises. Illegitimate in the eyes of a significant part of the population and felt as “their own” by the security officers themselves. But they quickly ended. But the absorption machine continued to work - there were quite significant undivided assets in the regions.

To ensure the consolidation of regional assets, it was necessary to limit as much as possible the independence of local authorities, primarily governors. Which was done by 2004. In addition, during the time that has passed since the collapse of the USSR, many new modern assets have arisen, created by the intelligence, luck and talent of businessmen, however, often not without some support with money and other resources from the security officers. And these assets also quickly became the target of takeover. The seizure of Chichvarkin's Euroset was far from the first in this series, but the clearest signal for those who did not yet understand who and what they were dealing with.


By 2008, the main task was solved, and by 2011, the operation to take over the country was finally completed. All. There's nothing left to capture. Everything that exists is divided. But nothing new arises.

Yes, and it cannot arise. Firstly, because businessmen study well and no longer want to rebuild objects for takeover. And secondly, and most importantly, the system created by the security officers is extremely effective for seizing property and for extensive development. But it is extremely ineffective for intensive development.

First we started talking about innovative development, then, when it turned out that nothing was working out and couldn’t work out, about modernization. But modernization cannot happen without a competitive environment, without free economic space. The assets are consolidated, there is a lot of money, a lot, but there is no space for development. The system falls into stagnation. And if we add to this the same pressure from the operas - hungry, aggressive operas at the lower levels who have tasted the living blood of raiding. What to do with them? Send to the office? To the marketing department?

Then Volkov suddenly began to talk about what the lower-level raiders, who had now gone to freedom but retained contact with the system, were doing for a living. About their work at the level of HOAs and guardianship authorities. About the terrible things that happen there, about how they take away real estate from the mentally ill, how they do healthy people mentally ill and re-sign their apartments for themselves... Among other things, this activity is extremely dangerous due to too close contact with people... Actually, stagnation for absorbers is collapse and death, and after Bolotnaya, perhaps not slow and drawn-out, but fast and painful.

And the only way to overcome stagnation is external expansion. Volkov speaks tiredly about the history of the operators and the seizure of Russia by the security officers; he is obviously not very interested in talking about what he understood and thought through many years ago, but when it comes to the upcoming expansion of the security officers, his words are filled with gloomy inspiration. This is really important to him.

There, in the West, there are assets, many assets, and not just assets. And high-tech assets, modernized and even innovative. Financial resources have been accumulated and concentrated, but these resources, as it turns out, are few. Not only in the literal sense, but also because money is not everything. Severstal's attempt to buy Arcelor in 2006, and the even more recent (2009) story of the failed purchase of Opel - in both cases they offered enough money, much more than it was worth on the market. Both deals fell through. In the first case, Lakshmi Mittal showed the value of working with the board of directors. And in the second, they seemed to have secured the support of the German government and assumed investment obligations for jobs in Spain, however, despite all this, the deal did not take place. General Motors abandoned the sale as soon as it came to amendments to the contract providing for full access to technology.

But the technology of internal capture is not only and not even so much a financial technology. Experience with compromising evidence, the ability to accumulate, create and use it is exactly the addition to money that can ensure the success of expansion. “The tools, of course, will be different. But in any case, it will remain based on BKM: its collection, formation and aggressive use. Calculate the fears of specific people (for example, members of the board of directors of companies selected for takeover or officials responsible for certain decisions, perhaps journalists forming public opinion), and then forming a canopy of threat over their fear - this, in fact, is the work with compromising material, which they know how to do. Taking into account Western specifics, this is not an easy and very expensive job.” And, apparently, she it's already underway(Volkov specifically makes a reservation about the absence of direct insight, but based on indirect signs he is convinced of this).

After the conversation with Volkov, I talked with a Serbian journalist who told with horror how rapidly the attitude towards Russia and Russian investments in his homeland was changing. Everyone was waiting for Russian money, “brothers” who would come and boost the Serbian economy with their investments. However, it did not turn out at all as the Serbian pro-Russian patriots dreamed. Dark people came, who first shook money and pointed out their connections with even more money in Russia, and then began to put pressure on the owners and seize their assets for next to nothing.

What awaits the security officers in the West? How will the Western elite, structured quite differently from ours, react to the upcoming expansion? Not even for the expansion itself, but in preparation for it; collecting BCM is already a sufficient action to cause a strong allergic reaction in the Western body. And where will this very reactive energy of the West be directed - towards the collapse of the Putin regime or towards its marginalization and localization within the “fortress of Russia”? How will the security officers behave when faced with this reaction? Or have already collided, and much of the “unexpected” that we observe in recent months– a consequence of this collision?

However, whatever this story is, it is just beginning. It's open-ended and there's still a lot that can be changed.

Andrey Gromov,

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