Protective runes and staves. Magic sign of power

I created this section because I did not find information about signs in RuNet. I want there to be information about different symbols used both in religion, magic - and in everyday life.

At the moment there is not much information, but I will try to add new signs to the section in the future. For now, I posted only those that caught my eye and were interesting. If you want to add something or report something interesting information, thereby helping me, I will be very glad.

A person thinks and expresses his thoughts in different ways. An artist on canvas, a poet in the form of a poem, a musician in the form of music. Sometimes, in order to preserve his spiritual wealth, a person uses signs. There are many signs, they can be individual, or they can be general, beautiful and incomprehensible... In a word, all kinds.

Signs protect KNOWLEDGE, and are often used as amulets and as guides of higher powers.

No matter how trite it sounds, the main amulet is the cross. The cross is the most ancient and effective sign. However, in Lately it became associated with Christianity.

It happens that historical context is added to the true meaning of a sign. Take, for example, the sign of Shiva, which, at the moment, cannot be represented by the majority as an ancient sign, since it is associated with fascism and Hitler's Germany. And the Star of David almost always carries with it the image of Jews and Israel.

The main problem is to realize real value signs, cutting off the historical context. And then, everyone will decide which element is suitable and which is not.

My main task is to explore the signs used in magic and religion and briefly introduce you to them.

Signs of the Japanese religion MAHIKARI

I found these signs on one of the European sites. I found out that both of these signs are in a medallion called an omitama. They are written on yellow paper. Both mean the same thing - the image of God SU (supreme god).

1. Image inside the 1st level medallion.

2. Image inside the 3rd level medallion.

The medallions themselves look like this:

With the help of these medallions, a person belonging to the Mahikari has the ability to give divine light to people. That is, the medallion is, in fact, an energy transformer. Light comes from the highest Spiritual (Divine) dimension and is initially designed to purify the spiritual (primary) aspect of all things, incl. our soul-spirit. And the toxins melt and come out as a result, since by cleaning the source, the mouth will also be cleansed. Therefore, the Light eliminates spiritual impurities accumulated over many past lives.

Light is supplied to the energy points of the body in 2 stages:

1. Light on the 8th point (ajnachakra or 3rd eye).

2. Light to all other points (or chakras)

I have been asked more than once what this symbol means, which I use as a logo. . About eleven years ago it dawned on me that the legendary Chinese Emperor Huang Di developed a binary-octal system for classifying the levels of reality according to the Yang-Yin relationship, today known as Boga. And then I thought: “What if we generalize Boga to hexadecimal, etc. number systems, surely this will give a more detailed classification?

But the form of representation proposed by Huang Di is not very suitable for this purpose (trigrams around Bogua). Then I decided to create a ring for each bit and simply fill it with 0 in one color and 1 in the other. I made a program that visualizes this. There were many different options on this topic. I chose the first one. In general, this is a modern generalized form of Boga and at the same time a classification of levels of reality (or rather unreality) in Samsara.

The meaning seems quite deep to me and I place this Logo on all my developments (it practically became mine). This logo was also on the seal of my company “Eidos” (in the center). I saw a very similar one in one newspaper - it was a layout diagram of an ancient Indian city (or rather a diagram of power lines of an artificial magnetic field in this city, which the layout corresponded to. And at first I thought that I came up with it myself. Or maybe I just remembered it? Although everyone knows that 2x2=4 even without the memory of reincarnation or telepathy.

Star of Solomon

A. The Jews have the star of Solomon (or David) - a six-pointed star built from two triangles included in each other. The upper triangle - pointing down, means the descent of the Spirit to Earth - involution. The lower one - with the tip up - the rise of the Earth or matter to the Spirit. In the middle - the interaction of evil and good forces, the ends of the star are "representatives" of light and dark forces in opposing kingdoms, as diplomatic missions in states.

B. This is a sign of harmony - two equilateral triangles. For Hindus, this sign denotes air and the heart chakra, which is located exactly in the middle relative to the others and in which energy directed upward meets energy directed downward. But the most important thing is that the subtle body of a person fits into a figure consisting of two equilateral tetrahedrons, i.e. if you imagine the Star of David in three-dimensional form. This energetic figure is called Merkabah, which means chariot in Hebrew. This is a means of transporting a person to other dimensions.

More information about this sign can be found on the English-language website of Drunvalo Melchizedek - The ancient secret of the flower of life is sacred geometry ( detailed description of the universe from the point of view of geometry).

Pyramid with the 3rd eye at the top.

This picture can be found everywhere. Indeed, there is power in the pyramid. There are many hypotheses about why the pyramids were built, but the fact remains that they really emit torsion fields, which can be formed due to a certain curvature of space. Undoubtedly, this sign can also characterize telepathic abilities, an element of meditation, some source of knowledge and opportunities.


The most common sign in the occult and simply in magic circles. This sign is almost always associated with Satanism and the devil himself, but this is not entirely true. This sign is protective. For example, if the left corner of the star is open, then it is believed that evil spirits pass through it and accumulate there. That is why, in all films, the devil’s lair is sealed with this very sign.

In general, the pentagram is a fairly effective sign and proven by history. It is applicable to many situations, especially good for defense.


This sign is the simplest and most common. Like the pentagram, the circle has protective properties, which is what it is used for. It is believed that evil spirits cannot overcome the boundaries of the circle.

There is a theory that the history of the development of all things goes in a circle. There is also the concept of the circle of light, which is the divine part of existence and exists on the astral plane. A circle can represent nature as such. In nature, wavy lines predominate rather than regular geometric ones. Therefore, it is believed that wavy lines are natural, and clearly geometric lines are human, that is, those that a person brings into the world around him.

Christian symbol of the Trinity

People wearing this talisman go through life without knowing obstacles and disappointments. Success awaits in all matters, especially when it comes to creativity.

Slavic sign "Perun"

The talisman bestows victory, courage and success. Cleanses the earth of evil spirits, restores fertility, brings prosperity and wealth to the house.

Seal of Lao Tzu

Magical ancient Chinese talisman. Brings happiness and good luck to those who have pure thoughts. Allows you to improve your health, increase your income, and rise in the eyes of others.

An ancient Chinese sign of goodness, good wishes, friendship and love.

This sign is the ancient Chinese symbol "FU". The magical formula of this sign personifies all that is good: friendship, love, happiness. In China, this sign is often given in an arrangement of flowers, or placed in the corner of the family “Zhen” (Feng Shui Geomancy) in the house in order to strengthen relationships and their auspiciousness. Gifted to a loved one is proof of strong friendship and love.

In the old days people paid Special attention occult sciences, part of which were ancient magical symbols. These graphic images have retained their power to this day. Today they can be found on protective talismans and ordinary household items. Some signs on the human body are also a kind of amulets. Magic signs and symbols and their meaning is a topic that we will consider in detail.

There is well-known ritual symbolism, but a person who is well versed in graphics can himself create signs that suit his energy. In such a case, in addition to a talisman and a talisman, magical signs and symbols can become a beautiful decoration. The appearance of certain graphic images is associated with one or another religious orientation. Each nation has its own talismans and amulets, which have been protecting people from dark forces and diseases for many millennia. These are special signs of magic that people use in our time. After all, then magical forces begin to be attracted into our lives, protecting it from everything evil.

Magical signs and symbols and their meaning are described in detail in many occult sciences. Let us describe the main ones.

Magic symbols that bring good luck according to the science of Feng Shui. The Dragon

The image of a dragon accumulates positive energy, which fills the space with joy. Happy fate bursts into the owner's house, bringing him fame, success, power and high social position.

If a dragon image or figurine is installed in east direction, then the owners of the house promise good health and longevity. To attract good luck, a dragon figurine is made from jasper, agate or carnelian.


This strong, hardy animal imparts the same qualities to those who use talismans with its image. The turtle brings stability and permanence to the home. This symbol is of particular benefit to family people, as it attracts peace and tranquility. Since ancient times, some mothers have decorated their children with talismans in the form of turtles. This is how they protected their children from the evil eye and negativity from the outside world. It was believed that a whole clan would come to protect such a child.

If the talisman consists of three turtles, this means that its owner will be protected by three generations at once. When making talismans for children, eye quartz is most often used, which is classified as a traditional amulet stone. You can also use amethyst, turquoise or jasper.


It is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Most often, an image of a fish is placed in an office to develop business and attract cash flow. If the fish looks up, it promotes rapid advancement on the career ladder, brings fame and recognition. Most often, the talisman is made in the form of a goldfish or dragon fish. A fish with a coin in its mouth is considered a symbol of good luck in business.

The stone figurine of a fish is best placed in the finance area. You can also use this talisman as a keychain. Traditionally, such talismans are made from rhodonite. This stone helps a person gain confidence and focus on main goals.


In Feng Shui symbolism, the horse plays important role. This is a talisman of success, courage, speed, optimism, endurance and perpetual motion. A horse brings positive changes to a person’s life, eliminates stagnation of energy, and also awakens all kinds of talents. This is a traditional talisman of artists, poets and musicians.

A horse figurine as a talisman brings its owner success in business, and also creates the image of a purposeful and active person. The traditional metal used is onyx, but sardonyx or jasper can also be used.


One of the most powerful symbols in Feng Shui practice. With its help, life is filled with happiness and romance. A lotus talisman located in the southwest of the room will bring incredible luck to the inhabitants of the house.

This powerful amulet helps its owners find material well-being in an honest way. It protects against risks and improper disposal in cash. The talisman is especially valuable for investors. People wearing this amulet are endowed with abilities and new talents. This unique amulet also protects against evil spirits and the evil eye. Most often, the Pentacle of Solomon can be found in the form It can be carried with you or kept at your workplace

This symbol is known to us thanks to the Jewish people. The star consists of two equilateral triangles, which symbolizes harmony. It is not without reason that this sign was chosen as the emblem of Judaism. It carries protection from helping to overcome all life's obstacles with ease. Several hundred years Jewish people endowed this symbol with special power, strength and energy of his people.

Pyramid with an eye

This Masonic symbol is also called " all-seeing eye". The sign carries the energy and message of the Higher Mind. It helps a person develop intuition, and also gives magical power. There is an opinion that the symbol “all-seeing eye” symbolizes the hierarchy of the entire society, therefore the one who possesses it is endowed with special power.


The most common occult symbol. It is sometimes attributed to Satanists and followers of the devil. But this is a misconception, since the main purpose of the pentagram is protection from dark forces.

Christian symbol of the Trinity

This symbol of magical power brings unprecedented success in all endeavors. The owner of such a talisman is always under the protection of good forces. Those who wear this sign never encounter disappointments or obstacles in life.

Sign of Perun


It is also called the rune of movement or change. This symbolism carries the energy of Mercury. The rune allows you to get out of the stagnation phase. This can apply to any matter. It also eases the course of the disease and promotes a speedy recovery. The talisman helps travelers navigate their way smoothly. This sign indicates a change of habitat or transition to new level self-awareness. The main purpose of the rune is to bring constant development and progress. The symbolic color is green.

If the rune is in an inverted position, then this symbolizes some obstacles or a stop in business, for example, rest. It should be understood that human capabilities are limited, so difficulties may arise. If a rune is in an inverted position among others, then it carries a direct meaning.


Endowed with the energy of Saturn with an admixture of Mercury. The rune implies two aspects. The first is the cessation of what has already exhausted itself, and the second is the acquisition of something new. This symbol is associated with inheritance, property, winnings and acquisitions. But it can also mean that before you get anything, you have to part with something. Often the rune predicts help in business from the older generation, and also indicates a person who seeks to satisfy his desires through hard work.

In an inverted position, the rune indicates the need for flexibility. Sometimes she warns of losses. Remember that there is no longer any need to hold on to old conventions. You should show flexibility and fluidity. The planet Saturn is associated with delays. This rune also carries information about delays and disappointments. But they arise only when a person is too eager for rapid progress. You should be patient and pay more attention to details.


The direct meaning is strength. The rune is endowed with masculine and feminine. Therefore, it carries within itself the creation of something new. Something ends and something begins. Where power is present there is never stagnation. Should be left old uniform and allow powerful energy to create a new one. New opportunities may outwardly look like some kind of loss, but this is just a transition to a new level.

“Uruz” symbolizes labor and masculinity. Sometimes the rune indicates strong emotions in men in any relationship. Concerning financial issues, the symbol indicates improvement in business, but only as a result of great effort.

The reversed position indicates missed opportunities. Minor losses will help you look deep into yourself and analyze your own personality.


Symbol of partnership, unity, unification, cooperation. There is no success where everyone wants to become famous at the expense of others. The symbol indicates the joining forces of several people and the creation of a more powerful collective force. The rune also means the gift of freedom, bringing joy to the heart. This good sign, indicating a favorable outcome of any matter. Often the rune foreshadows an imminent meeting of your soulmate or marriage. She also says that good forces are always on your side and ready to help. Listen to your intuition, allow comprehensive generosity to enter your life.


Symbol of destruction. Endowed with the energy of Mars. Helps to get out of a vicious circle, symbolizes a complete break. Indicates the need to be completely freed from the material concept. This is the main rune of delays and restrictions. The layout indicates that any undertaking can bring failure. In combination with other runes, it can also speak of success in business, but as a result of hard work. Sometimes this rune can predict illness or even death. Pregnant women are given a sign of impending childbirth.


The symbol helps with the invasion of harmful forces, blocking their power. This rune of protection allows a person to sense the onset of danger in order to take action in time. necessary measures. The rune also denotes a new beneficial influence that will come into life through instincts and the subconscious. If you get “Algiz”, take care of your health, and also analyze your connections and get rid of unnecessary ones.

Not all people can fully understand the benefits of magical signs and symbols, and their importance for the development of the culture of the people is simply invaluable. They are passed on from generation to generation, and our task is to convey to descendants all the significance and power of magic in its original form, as far as possible, since much knowledge, unfortunately, has already been lost.

Remember: magical forces are always present in your life, you just have to believe and turn to them for help.

Safe communication [Magical practices for protection from energy attacks] Penzak Christopher

Symbols of protection

Symbols of protection

The symbols of protection presented in this section have long been used for both protection and to receive Divine blessings. The principles of working with them are very unusual, since any symbolism is like codes through which you can directly communicate with the Divine mind.

It is quite difficult for people to recognize and use magical energy in its pure form, therefore symbols are used to express intentions that tune our energies to achieve certain magical goals.

Symbols help to cope with doubts. The fact is that when we ask the Divine powers for something through words, prayer or a spell, we very often cling too much to our desire, and therefore we are unable to release the energy necessary for its magical embodiment. Sometimes this attachment to desire is expressed as fear or doubt. And then, no matter how much we repeat our intention, our doubts will interfere with the realization of what we want. Symbols help to distance oneself from internal doubts and act more effectively.

Symbolic magic uses symbols that we create ourselves and symbols that are of Divine origin. Most protective symbols are considered to be embodiments of the sacred geometry of life. These are the distinctive signs of gods, goddesses and various Divine powers. Carrying them with us means our request for protection.

It is worth noting one amazing feature of the symbols: over time, their power only increases. If the same symbol is used over and over again with the same intention, it will eventually represent a powerful magical "charge". People have put their energy and intention into symbols for centuries; their faith, will and determination play a significant role in symbolic magic.

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Everyone good time days. My readers are so interested in the amulets that I will continue to write new information about them. The article - “Slavic amulets and their meaning” will help you choose your amulet.

Amulets that came from antiquity

To protect their home, give themselves courage and fearlessness, the ancient Slavs used various magical symbols. They were placed on clothes, weapons, and household items.

The Slavs used 16 zodiac signs, each zodiac had its own symbol. A personal amulet was made. Before putting the amulet on oneself or on the person for whom it was intended, it was charged.

A charged thing endowed a person with those qualities that could help him in life. Personalized amulets protected a person throughout his life, endowing him with those qualities that he lacked.

How to choose a talisman

Today, your favorite handmade item can become a talisman, or you can look for a ready-made symbol.

When choosing ready-made jewelry, you should pay attention to important nuances:

  • Decide right away for whom the amulet is chosen - a woman, a man, young or old.
  • For daily wear, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the amulet.
  • In what form should it be?
  • Carefully study the interpretation of the sign you have chosen.

The most revered Slavic amulets and their meaning

There are many variants of symbols that are revered Slavic peoples, but they are all protectors from all evil. You can select special group signs that were used in the manufacture of jewelry, embroidery, even for buildings, premises, and interior items.

The making of amulets was usually carried out oldest woman in family. While creating strong amulets thoughts should be kind and clear, so there was complete silence in the house. Traditionally, a man was allowed to wear one amulet, and a woman - several.

Among large group defenders can be called Makosh. This female mascot. It stores the warmest qualities necessary for good family relations. It was worn by mature women who maintained traditions, family ties, respected their family.

Makosh- a symbol of happiness, prosperity, abundance in the home. This sign is considered a protector of the family from dark forces, capable of imparting health to all family members and bringing peace and abundance to the home.

Ladinets is an 8-pointed star with curved ends. It is believed that it is very useful for a woman, as it relieves pain, protects against female diseases, and helps to lose weight. excess weight.

Our ancestors wore it as protection from damage, the evil eye, curses, and evil thoughts.

The Slavs wore Molvinets to protect them from unkind thoughts, words, and slander. They believed that he would protect the entire family. It is worth noting that Molvinets often appeared on clothes for children. This sign was also found on the bodies of the Magi in the form of tattoos.

And nowadays the Molvinets tattoo is becoming more and more popular. It is worth noting that any mistake in a tattoo can completely turn your life around, and no one knows in what direction.

Valkyrie is a masculine sign. He endowed a man with strength and wisdom, especially when resolving conflicts. It was usually presented to warriors.

A universal amulet that has the power of the Sun itself. For those who honor their family, this sign brought wisdom, understanding, and warmth to the hearth. To charge this talisman, you need to place it under the rays of the sun and hold it for at least three hours.

The Star of Lada or Lada the Mother of God is a symbol of love. He is considered the protector of the house from the dark otherworldly forces, and families - from various kinds of adversity. The star was often painted on the wall of the home so that the Goddess would take the whole family under her protection.

For the amulet to help, the wearer must have pure thoughts, sincerity, open soul to your family, friends and relatives.

Silver amulets

Slavic amulets for strong half preserved health, provided protection during the hunt, and brought good luck in everything. More often men's talismans cast from silver, sometimes from copper. Men did not wear them as pendants; wives and mothers embroidered their image on their shirts.

Most popular male sign The Hammer of Svarog is considered to be made of silver. It can be given as a gift to relatives and friends. He will become a real assistant in mastering a new profession, a protector from various life adversities. It will help you gain peace of mind and self-confidence. For family people it will help create strong family, a warm family hearth.

The description of the next amulet says that the representative of the stronger sex, who receives the Znich symbol, will feel recharge from the Cosmos, have protection in dangerous or difficult situations.

The bearer of this amulet will strive for knowledge and will be able to find true love, Also Znich will help old feelings flare up. In a difficult situation, it will help strengthen your fortitude and become an energy accumulator. The main thing is to ask him for help!

Perun's ax will give the male half physical and spiritual strength, will help protect the main human values– faith, family, love. God Perun is ready to punish his enemies, and to support the wearer of this amulet in battle and give him strength.

There is also the Shield of Perun, which will protect against the evil eye, purify a person’s thoughts, and give strength to cope with difficult life problems.

The seal of Veles the Bear Paw is the patron and protector of a man, but on condition that he should not part with this sign all his life. God Veles will help you achieve great success in your work, bestow you with wealth and hard work, but you must sincerely believe in this.

For the house, to protect it from fire, it was applied to the walls.

General amulets for men and women

The main part of the amulets was cast, since the ancient Slavs believed that this metal was endowed with magical powers. Often there were amulets made of gold, as you liked. Among the talismans especially revered by the ancestors was Colard.

Symbol Kolrad helps everyone who wears it. On modern jewelry you can often see this very symbol, which after charging can be done.

An ideal gift could be bracelets or pendants with this sign. To prevent the symbol from negatively influencing fate, girls and boys who are not married do not need to wear such jewelry.

The main amulet of the Slavs

Slavic amulet The cross is not related to Christianity. This one of the main symbols of the Slavs represents the four cardinal directions, that is, its owner is protected from adversity and misfortune from all four sides. It is believed that its owner has the powerful support of his ancestors.

The cross has several varieties that have their own power:

Crosses were made of gold, silver, copper, bone, leather, stone, and wood. It was often embroidered on clothes.

Sun symbol

Kolovrat is the sign of the sun, on which everything in this life depends. He brought people:

  • the power of solar fire, fertility;
  • victory over enemies, the forces of darkness;
  • fortitude, health;
  • faith in the future;
  • protection from the evil eye, damage.

You shouldn’t be surprised if a person who has this amulet suddenly begins to have luck in everything! This solar energy gives the power of creation to good deeds. But in evil deeds the opposite can happen.

Any amulet should be cleaned and charged. Kolovrat needs it too. Keep it in running water for two hours, or in stream water. After cleansing, pass the wax over the flame three times. After this, carry the Kolovrat with you for 3 days so that it is charged with your energy. Just remember to clean it every six months.

Alatyr - a talisman with miraculous powers

People firmly believed in the power Alatyr- heavenly stone. It was worn as a talisman, embroidered on shirts, and painted on household items. The powerful Alatyr gave protection to everyone. Even small children wore it.

The talisman drove away evil spirits from the threshold and protected from illness.

Magic talismans

Amulet Fern flower our ancestors attributed magical properties, believing that it was endowed with unprecedented healing capabilities even from fatal diseases. In order for the amulet not to lose its magical qualities, it must be regularly carried over a candle flame.

What brings happiness is protected from evil people, help on long journeys, we have already written. Many of my readers have already learned how to make such amulets.

It’s a good idea to learn how to embroider ancient Slavic symbols. Embroidery is also a protector from various troubles. It was not for nothing that ancient women embroidered shirts for warriors when they sent them on a campaign.

It turns out that in order to protect yourself from the evil eye, the house from unkind people, evil spirits, embroidered “Chur” - the god of protection. This is very reliable protection for home. Even in childhood, everyone said: “Fuck me!”, defending themselves from an attack. Here's an effective escape from negativity.

Svarog circle

Mystical and occult symbols are what arouse interest among many with a mixture of fear. They can be depicted on various decorations, items of clothing, walls and other objects.

The attitude towards occult symbols in different religious denominations is ambiguous. In many religions, occult symbols are considered something negative and forbidden. Thus, Christianity presupposes the exclusion of these signs, since a true Christian must honor God, praising and exalting him.

Occultism is the name of teachings that recognize the existence of so-called hidden forces in man. Translated from Latin, this term means “secret”, “intimate”. This teaching about the hidden connections of phenomena, man and space had a certain influence on experimental methods in science. The familiar term “esotericism” has a similar meaning; these two concepts are interrelated.

The occult is usually understood as the study of everything hidden and implicit. This is magic, extrasensory perception, astrology, numerology, spiritualism, dreams.

Often these teachings have a religious connotation. Many who study the occult associate themselves with Christianity, Buddhism, Islam or Hinduism. As a rule, the term “occult” is applied to those phenomena and methods that religion cannot explain and does not assume. Thus, the famous Kabbalah is considered an occult teaching.

Occultism involves the study of the internal nature of things, phenomena, when compared with science, which studies external characteristics. Arthur Schopenhauer called this movement the word “will”. Because science is not able to look deeper into the relationships between several objects and things, explaining the internal nature.

Alchemy, considered the forerunner of traditional chemistry, is also an occult practice. And such famous scientists as Isaac Newton and Roger Bacon devoted their works to this practice.

Some religious movements and systems define the occult as everything paranormal and supernatural. This is something that cannot be achieved by turning to God, but only with the help of Satan.

For many, the term “occultism” evokes negative thoughts. However, not many people understand that individual practices and rituals of various religions can be called nothing other than occult. Although in nature this term is used quite rarely.

Occult symbols and signs

Kabbalistic Tetragram

The Kabbalistic Tetragram symbol consists of two equilateral triangles superimposed on each other.

Is the great seal of Freemasonry, revealing the meaning of the number 666.

The Heartgram symbol is a regular triangle. Its apex is directed upward and is the beginning of the second triangle. The bottom of the triangle represents the two roundnesses of the heart, and the bottom corner represents its completion.

It is a mixture of love and hate, life and death.

Church of Satan

The Church of Satan sign is depicted as a six-pointed cross, at the foot of which is an inverted figure eight, a symbol of infinity.

This sign almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

The Cross of Disorder symbol is depicted as a four-pointed cross, the vertical line of which ends in a quarter-open circle.

This sign was first used by the Romans, who wanted to challenge the truth of the Christian faith.

The familiar Swastika symbol dates back to ancient times, when it symbolized the god of fire. The priests of this deity greeted the sunrise by raising right hand, thereby expressing respect and reverence.

In China, this symbol is a sign of virtue.

Pentagram in the form five-pointed star is considered one of the most powerful images in magic and is used by sorcerers for various rituals.

Also used by Kabbalists, who this sign has a designation of power.

Lightning Sign

The Lightning symbol is depicted as the letter "S" it resembles, which is considered to represent Satan.

Sometimes this symbol is depicted on a five-pointed star.

This four-pointed cross in an inverted position denotes hatred of Christ.

The magical number 23 is considered occult and signifies secret society portholes.
666 or FFF.

The connection between these numbers and letters is that this letter English alphabet goes at number six. It is considered to indicate the number of the Antichrist.

This ancient Chinese symbol is considered the definition of unity and polarity.

Tao refers to eternal action or the principle of creation in Chinese philosophy.

The Neuron Cross symbol is also called the symbol of peace. It represents an inverted and broken cross of Christ, enclosed in a circle.

Denotes contempt for Christianity.

This symbol symbolizes the negation of all laws. Depicted as the letter “A” surrounded by a circle.

This symbol is also a sign of sacrifice and observer.

The magical symbol Ankh is a four-pointed cross, the top of which is presented in the form of an elongated oval.

The Ankh symbolizes fertility, lust, and the union of man and woman.

It is depicted as a circle with a dot in the center.

A circle with a dot in the center is used in Buddhism and Hinduism to represent masculine power.

The index finger and little finger, raised up and separated from the other fingers, are considered the victory of the devil over good.

Magic signs and their meaning

As you can see, occult symbols are represented by a wide variety of signs. Each of them has its own meaning and definition. If you choose a symbol for yourself, you must first find out about its meaning.

After all, it often happens that a person uses jewelry with occult signs, the designation of which he does not know. This may cause individual problems and contradictions in life.

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