Royal family statement: Prince William has an illegitimate son. From Jessica Craig to Kate Middleton: all of Prince William's girls Jack Craig gave birth to Prince William

The 34-year-old Duchess of Cambridge, née Kate Middleton, is one of the most popular women in the world, a universal favorite and style icon. Kate has more than once been called the most fashionable, well-mannered, beautiful and authoritative representative of the fairer sex in Great Britain. Her life is followed by millions of fans around the world who wish her and her family, Prince William, as well as the charming Princess Charlotte and Prince George, all the best. However, in the life of Kate Middleton, not everything is as smooth as it might seem to an outside observer.

The fact is that the husband of the Duchess of Cambridge, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, Prince William is in no hurry to move away from his ex-lover, whose name is Jessica Craig. He has known this woman since childhood. This happened when little William was traveling to Kenya with his father, Prince Charles. Jessica is the daughter of the owner of a local reserve and is English by blood - her family once emigrated from Foggy Albion to a state in East Africa. In 1922, Jessica's great-grandfather founded a farm in Kenya, the business quickly became successful, and the Craigs became rich. The area of ​​the territories that belong to the Craigs is more than twenty thousand hectares. In this space, Jessica's father founded a zoo with wild animals. Rumor has it that it was he who brought his daughter together with Prince William.

The Queen of Great Britain would never approve of her grandson's marriage to this girl, who is so unsuitable for the role of the prince's wife in many respects. Either way, Kate Middleton is the charismatic, stylish and wealthy heir to the owners of the million-dollar Party Pieces company. By the way, she also studied at the University of St. Andrews, where she met William. Yes, and Jessica at that time began to get tired of the role of the prince’s girlfriend - she was tired of the constant attention of the paparazzi, she wanted more peaceful life. They say that William had a very hard time breaking up with Jessica and even tried to renew the relationship several times, but nothing worked. In the end, she and Jessica decided to remain friends.

After William married Kate Middleton, he introduced his wife to Jessica, and the Duchess of Cambridge was so supportive that she became friends with her husband's ex. It is curious that William's engagement to Kate took place at the Craigs' house in Kenya. Apparently, the grandson of Elizabeth II is still passionate about Africa. No matter how he decides to remember everything again and return to his ex-girlfriend - but there are still reasons to believe that he is still not indifferent to Jessica.

// Photo: Instagram of Kensington Palace

You can start, for example, with the fact that periodically the prince meets with his old friend, who is now actively engaged in social activities, drawing attention to Kenya's problems. So, before one of international conferences in Madrid, Jessica met William at the airport. That meeting caused a lot of noise in the press, largely due to Kate’s absence from her beloved husband. In addition, the prince was at the wedding of Jessica's brother, missing the wedding own cousin, and later invited to Jessica’s own wedding, which took place in March 2016. She married politician Jonathan Bailey. The ceremony took place at a safari park owned by the Craig family. The event was of a charitable nature: the newlyweds refused wedding gifts and announced a fundraiser to maintain migration paths African elephants. Kate herself, by the way, was not at the celebration.

// Photo: Instagram of Kensington Palace

To many close to the royal family and journalists, Prince William’s long and strong friendship with one of his ex-girlfriends seems strange, to put it mildly. It's obvious that Jessica is expensive royal heir, but how good is unclear. Whether this relationship is more than just friendship and whether the Duchess of Cambridge can repeat the fate of Princess Diana, who was forced to break up with Prince Charles because of his affair with Camilla Parker Bowles, time will tell.

The marriage of Kate Middleton and Prince William is in for new shocks: it turns out that a few months before the wedding, Will's ex-lover Jecca Craig gave birth to a son. Of course, now everyone is interested in the question of whether William could be the father of the child.

The story of Kate Middleton and Jackie Craig's struggle for the prince

Kate Middleton VS Jekka Craig: the story of the struggle for Prince William, in which there is a winner, but no one In 2003, William met Kate Middleton. The prince's official girlfriend, she was convinced by the press that married William and Jackie were having a secret affair.

Kate Middleton VS Jekka Craig: the story of the struggle for the prince

In 2003, William met Kate Middleton, but she did not immediately become his official girlfriend. She still had to fight her main rival Jacka Craig for this title. Prince William was seriously infatuated with Kate Middleton, and Jackie could not forget about it.

Secret child Jackie Craig, Kate Middleton's rivals

Experts: Kate Middleton is not facing the fate of Princess Diana - Duration: 5:19 News and Interesting Facts from all over the world 3,418 views. revealed more information about the fourth child of Kate Middleton and Prince William - Duration: 4:16 Mark

Kate Middleton VS Jecca Craig - the story of the struggle for the prince

And it was she who was Kate Middleton’s most serious rival and it was to her that he went. According to rumors, Jessica gave birth to William’s illegitimate child. Jessica Craig, or simply In 2003, William met Kate Middleton, but she was not immediately his official girlfriend

Kate Middleton 'trolls' her rival Jecca Craig

Kate Middleton's strange photo shoot for a glossy magazine is nothing more than ironic Kate Middleton has flatly refused to pose for glossy publications for 5 years. Did she understand that comparisons would not be in Jackie's favor? It's unlikely she missed this.

The secret child of Jackie Craig, Kate Middleton's rival

Jackie Craig secretly gave birth to a baby at the end of 2015, and now journalists have reason to think that the baby's father is Prince William. News that has made all fried lovers' hands itchy, said Jackie Craig's husband Jonathan Bailey.

Prince William's ex-lover hides firstborn

Journalists in Once again Jackie Craig was accused of having a secret relationship with the prince. Craig is called the prince's first love and the main obstacle on Kate's path to a family idyll - the press knows at least about Jekka Craig. Prince William and Kate Middleton in Paris.

The secret child of Jackie Craig, Kate Middleton's rival

The marriage of Kate Middleton and Prince William is in for new shocks: it turns out that a few months before the wedding, Will's ex-lover Jackie Craig gave birth to a son. Of course, now everyone is interested in the question of whether William could be the father of the child.

Secret child ex-lover prince -

The marriage of Kate Middleton and Prince William is in for new shocks: it turns out that Jackie Craig secretly gave birth to a baby at the end of 2015, and now journalists have a reason for it. News that made all fried lovers' hands itchy, Jackie Craig's husband said

Before meeting Kate Middleton and even after meeting her, Prince William was very popular with girls, moreover, he gladly reciprocated their feelings, although he still married Catherine. Who are these failed princesses?

Davina Duckworth-Chad

Davina, a representative of, of course, a very wealthy and noble family, was destined for William not by fate, but by relatives. Even when Davina and Will were children, their parents dreamed of a future wedding. But even though Davina was generally consistent taste preferences future monarch, but as experience shows, William always had his eye on blondes, but nothing worked out. Apparently, the young people had exclusively platonic relationships. They even went on a yacht cruise in 1999, spent a lot of time alone, but, alas, the miracle never happened - both remained cold-blooded, and their parents' dreams were shattered. Davina got married before William, and even invited her unfulfilled lover to the wedding. Now the girl is happily married and has two daughters.

Rose Farquhar

William first saw Rose at a traditional aristocratic event - a fox hunt. Every year a pleasure walk for royal family arranged by Father Farquhar. It is generally accepted that Rosie was the prince's first strong and by no means platonic hobby. Is it true serious feelings the girl herself had no feelings for the heir to the British throne, even despite the tempting prospects. Rose, who had been singing since childhood, dreamed of becoming a singer and did not at all aspire to join the royal family. Despite having a doll-like appearance, Rose turned out to be very intelligent and quickly realized - either the palace or singing, and chose the second ( modern girl, what really...). The romance between the prince and the future star lasted only one summer, in 2000 - William had just finished school, and as you might guess, he was thirsty for all sorts of adventures. In September, Rose, having suffered a crushing failure in England, left to pursue a career in America, leaving the heir to the throne to suffer alone.

Arabella Musgrave

Next was Arabella Musgrave, head of the PR department of the Gucci fashion house, whom the prince met at a polo match in 2001. First of all, William was struck by Arabella's extraordinary erudition, the young people became friends, and only then the heir to the throne discovered that Arabella was also incredibly pretty. The lovers did not stay together for long - William entered university in another city, where he was to meet his future wife, and Arabella remained in London. By the way, then the girl was invited to royal wedding. Why, almost all former passions received a unique opportunity to personally congratulate Katherine.

Carly Massey-Birch

The prince began an affair with the ordinary provincial Carly as soon as he arrived at the university. Since Olivia Hunt immediately followed, this story went almost unnoticed by the press - of course, no one was interested in the simpleton, and meanwhile, this very story could turn into a real fairy tale about Cinderella! But, unfortunately, at the same time, William wrote passionate letters to his ex-girlfriend Arabella and even managed to visit her several times in the capital. Carly, although she was simple, was by no means stupid, quickly brought the whole relationship to naught. As you know, reputation is more important than the prospect of connecting your life with a prince.

Olivia Hunt

In September 2001, 19-year-old Prince William arrived in St. Salvador, the campus of the Scottish University of St. Andrews. The new student was greeted with pomp - after all, it’s not every day that the Queen’s grandson and direct heir, who is also single and quite handsome, comes to study. A crowd of fans immediately formed around the prince, among whom William singled out one single girl - Olivia, the daughter of a famous London doctor.

By the way, it was Olivia who introduced William to his future to the best friend William van Cutsem, and then started an affair with him. The relationship between the prince and Olivia developed rapidly - for the sake of his beloved, the prince even missed the university beauty contest, where Kate Middleton walked, so the fateful meeting might not have taken place. Will made up for lost time a few months later at a charity fashion show - the same one where Kate shone in black transparent dress. William was so amazed by what he saw that he even stopped paying attention to Olivia, who was relentlessly following her boyfriend. Actually, after this awkward moment the couple broke up, and William switched to Kate.

Isabella Anstruther-Goch-Kulsorp

Isabella was invisibly present in the prince’s life for quite a long time, leaving unfortunate Kate Middleton an outsider. Catherine even broke up with William due to constant competition, where she was obviously losing - if the future duchess was just pretty, then Isabella with an unpronounceable surname was the happy owner of a model appearance, and was also blonde. In short, the prince’s personal life was eventful - he rushed from Isabella to Kate, which, by the way, he was very pleased with, until Middleton gave her lover an ultimatum: either I or Isabella. It is not difficult to guess who the prince would choose, but... the blonde Isabella herself refused William, preferring the son of a multimillionaire, and William again had to return to Middleton.

Jessica Craig

But with this girl everything was completely different - she just had every chance to take Katherine’s current place. By the way, Jessica was in the heart of Prince William longer than all the other girls; she is even called the prince’s first love, if, of course, that’s what you can call a short-lived hobby for a 16-year-old boy. But he had an affair with her at about the same time as with Kate and Isabella - he couldn’t decide.

Jecca (as the English press calls her) was much closer to the prince than all the other contenders. The young people had known each other since the age of 16; they first met in Kenya, where William went with his father. Jessica's father is the owner of a huge reserve in Africa and also a friend of Prince Charles. Rumor has it that Will and Jecca even jokingly "got engaged" during their first meeting. But William conveniently forgot about this, immersing himself in numerous novels, barely growing up.

Not for a long time Jessica studied at the same university where William and his entire female fan club did: it was then that he remembered her, and the girl quickly got herself a prince, leaving Kate once again to suffer alone. But this romance, despite the seriousness of the prince’s intentions, ended in separation. It turned out that Jekka prefers to live in Africa, far from civilization, and living in a palace under the constant sight of cameras is not at all for her. The novel had a second part, but with the same ending. In 2008, William and Jessica finally decided to be just friends. According to the prince, he finally realized that he and Jecca were too different to be together. Prince William returned to Kate again.

Kate Middleton

It seems we know everything about the lucky winner in the fight for the heart of the future king. If we take Kate Middleton's experience as a guide, winning a prince requires patience. Lots of patience. Journalists even gave Kate offensive nickname—Waity Katie, “Waiting Katie.” At first, Catherine tolerated Isabella, then Jessica, then she simply tolerated it because William declared his unwillingness to marry before the age of 29; in short, her faithful friend was not going to simply give up her intended goal, even agreeing to the position of an eternal bride. They say, however, that Elizabeth II herself put an end to Kate’s torment, urging her grandson to decide on his choice of wife and think about his heirs. Even then, it was no secret to anyone that William would become the next monarch, and it was important for Elizabeth to personally participate in the choice of his wife. It is curious that, in fact, Middleton became the first commoner who was approved by the Royal Council as a wife for the heir to the throne. Even though the girl was a rich heir to her parents, her humble origins could have recently put an end to her dreams of becoming the wife of a prince. Apparently, Elizabeth II learned lessons from the bitter experience of her family and close relatives: sometimes misalliance is still better than broken destinies, even for the sake of the Crown.

Almost all of the prince's ex-girlfriends were invited to the wedding. With some of them, including Jecca, Katherine was even able to establish friendly relations: perhaps because “it’s better to keep the enemy in sight,” as some journalists venomously joke.

On April 29, the love story that the British, and the whole world had been following for almost 10 years, came to a logical conclusion: in front of two billion viewers, Crown Prince William of the United Kingdom of Great Britain married Kate Middleton, “the princess of the people.” They had been together for so long that even the Queen of England said that they were trained enough to live together.

They parted, but, as it turned out later, only to find out how strong their feelings were for each other. The prince was seen more than once accompanied by a variety of girls. He searched for a long time for the woman of his dreams before he was convinced that it was Kate he needed. Kate, by the way, also had a romantic relationship before the prince. The ceremony was attended by ex-lovers of both the prince, now the Duke of Cambridge, and the duchess. What exactly attracts Prince William and Kate to each other that they did not find in their other partners, we will analyze here.

Darling of fate, favorite of women

Prince William was born on June 21, 1982 to Prince Charles and Princess Diana. He fully inherited his mother's beauty and the universal adoration of the crowd. Blue-eyed blond, 191 cm tall, slanting fathoms at the shoulders, the beloved grandson of the Queen of England, he grew up in a rather spartan environment: although he studied at a prestigious school, he studied with other children, unlike previous generations of the royal family, who were taught by teachers invited to the palace. Lady Di gave him charm and the ability to make friends in any environment. In his youth, the prince could easily go on a spree in the company of his loyal friends. The paparazzi did not bother him at that time, thanks to the royal family's request to protect Princess Diana's children from the intrusiveness of the press until they came of age after her death in 1997.

His Highness's personal life was carefully hidden from the press, and it is no wonder that there were many rumors about it. It is known, however, that the prince was known as a real Don Juan (which, in fact, is not surprising given his appearance, wealth and fame). English tabloids call the prince's first boyfriend Jackie Craig, with whom the heir had an affair when they were teenagers. She subsequently entered William's life once again, to the annoyance of Kate Middleton, who was by then his girlfriend.

In his youth, the prince was very loving; he enthusiastically searched for the girl of his dreams. William briefly dated Rose Farquhar after graduating from Eton. Having barely finished that novel, the young heir then switched to Arabella Musgrave, who became his first official girlfriend. The girl, however, could not stand the surge of fame and suffered from the excessive importunity of the paparazzi. Ironically, she is now a PR representative for the Gucci fashion house, i.e. works in the media already on duty. They separated before he entered the University of St Andrews in 2001.

Before his affair with Kate, the handsome prince dated Olivia Hunt, who also studied at St. Andrews. Davina Duckworth-Chad was once considered a potential bride for the heir.
The prince was even credited with having affairs with Claudia Schiffer (married for 12 years older than the prince), with Britney Spears (who seemed to publicly declare her love for him), the “Russian racket” Maria Sharapova and even the exotic violinist Vanessa May.

The prince was dating Zara Simmonds. In general, princes were clearly attracted to women older than him. At one time, the heir was chasing model Tara Palmer-Tomkinson, who was 10 years older. The passion for the model did not have time to flare up in full force, to the great joy of the royal family, since the girl was taken away to be treated for drug addiction. Rosanagh Innes-Ker was even considered as a potential bride for the prince, although she was much older than him.

In 2001, at the university he met Kate Middleton, she was his classmate. However, things didn’t come to romance right away. According to the prince: “At first we were just friends for about a year, and our relationship developed. We spent more and more time with each other, often joked, laughed, understood that we had common interests, and that it was generally good for us to be together. With her such a mischievous sense of humor, and it helps me, because my humor is poor.”

Cinderella's dreams of a prince

Kate's friends gave her away terrible secret: while still a teenager, Kate, the same age as William, hung posters with the image crown prince all the walls of my girl's bedroom. They say that her mother Carol, being a very ambitious lady, specially sent her beautiful daughter to study at St. Andrews, since it was known that the future monarch had chosen this Scottish university as her alma mater.

When reporters asked the sweet couple about how they fell in love with each other, Kate, turning to her groom as if for support, said: “Well, I remember that I blushed when I met you, and I think I even ran away because I was very shy.” ".

But, although Kate has dreamed of a handsome prince since childhood, she has already managed to meet ordinary guys to William. At the Marlborough boarding school, she had tender feelings for another Willie - Willem Marx, he was her first boyfriend. He also attended Kate's wedding - but as a journalist. At university she briefly dated a handsome guy Rupert Finch. He also paid his respects to the bride and groom at the wedding ceremony, like Lady Natasha's husband Rufus Isaac, the latter, by the way, is friends with the groom.

In order to attract the attention of the prince, spoiled by the attention of women, Kate decided to take part in a university beauty contest, and, they say, she floored him in a transparent dress that did not hide her bikini and chiseled figure.

The girl definitely had to make efforts to keep the flighty scion of the royal family nearby. When, at the end of his first year of study, William suddenly decided to drop out, she persuaded him not to do this, but only to transfer from the Faculty of Art History to Geography. Indeed, if the heir left, their relationship would be in jeopardy.

In their second year, William and Kate began living together in a rented apartment and officially became a couple. Kate was received favorably at Buckingham Palace. Judging by numerous polls, the beauty was liked British nation, she was considered a beautiful, sophisticated girl, well-mannered and possessing a subtle sense of style. Of course, she did not avoid comparisons with William’s mother, the people’s favorite Lady Di.

It is known that Kate was very interested in everything connected with Princess Diana. The English Cinderella was well prepared for the lifestyle that she so wanted to lead. Even the most picky critics could not help but note that she was doing everything possible to meet the high demands of the august family.

The development of the romance between the prince and Cinderella (a simple, humble English girl) was closely followed by ordinary British people who missed love stories from Buckingham Palace, and the representatives of the august family themselves.

And yet they are together!

Before his romantic relationship with Kate, William had a long-term relationship with Jackoy Craig(Jecca Craig) The prince stayed for a long time in a Kenyan reserve owned by the girl’s father. William and Jessica broke up after the prince became seriously interested in Kate Middleton. However, later Miss Craig reminded herself. Once she and William met at the wedding of their mutual friend, and Kate had to follow the prince on his heels so as not to leave him alone with her rival.

Kate, so to speak, took revenge on Jackie when William proposed to her last year - not just anywhere, but in Kenya, on the territory of that very reserve. Be that as it may, at the wedding of the century, Jecca was accompanied by close friend Will - Captain Philippe Kaye.

William gave Kate reasons for jealousy more than once. The reason for one of the disagreements between them was Isabella Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe. Once the prince was seen in a nightclub, where he, being tipsy, was hugging on the dance floor with a certain Tess Shepherd. Another time, the paparazzi celebrated when they caught William with two young ladies, and one of them, the Brazilian Anna Ferreira, was hugged by the future British monarch.

In 2007, William and Kate announced their separation. This was a consequence of their long separation: after graduating from military college, the future monarch went to his regiment, stationed in Dorset. Kate remained in London, where she works in one of the fashion houses.

The Daily Mirror tabloid wrote that William informed Kate of his intention to separate by calling her on the phone. Nothing was known exactly about the reasons for the separation. At the end of 2006, newspapers quoted the 24-year-old prince as saying that he was still too young to get married and intended to tie the knot no earlier than at the age of 28. The tabloid press immediately came to the conclusion that the future monarch considered his relationship with Kate boring. There were also reports that William's grandmother opposed the marriage to Middleton. Queen Elizabeth said that the choice of a wife for the prince should be taken very carefully, since “we do not want to get another Diana.” His father, Prince Charles, added fuel to the fire and, in turn, told his son that it would not be nice to continue his relationship with Kate if he was not going to get married.

“At the time, of course, I was upset about it, but as a result I became stronger. When this happens, you learn things about yourself that you didn’t know about before. I think relationships are more exciting in your youth, and I really appreciate that period, although I didn’t think so then,” the bride of the future king of England later shared her experiences.

Fortunately, only three months passed and they were reunited again. They had separated before, but only to understand how much they needed each other.

“Yes, we broke up for a while,” William admitted at a press conference dedicated to their engagement. “We were both very young. It was when we were at university. We decided that we weren’t suitable for each other and all that. That’s all "It's like trying to find your own path in life; we were still growing up. It happens sometimes, but in the end, it all turned out for the best."

For her patience, journalists gave her the nickname “Miss Waiting”; after all, not every woman can wait a whole 10 years for her man to finally gather his courage and propose marriage.

IN last years the couple lived in north Wales, where the prince is completing his training as a search and rescue pilot. Close friends painted a completely idyllic picture of their relationship, saying that Kate is a caring housewife and cooks something delicious for her fiancé every evening.

The Crown Prince of Britain also loves and knows how to cook, he even attended cooking courses at Eton. By the way, he prepared both breakfast and a romantic dinner in Kenya, where last October he finally proposed marriage to Kate. The prince took Lady Di's ring with him and carried it with him everywhere for three weeks until he finally decided to utter the cherished words. Kate, according to the campground workers, smiled all the time and looked very happy: “It was very romantic. There really is real romance there. I didn’t even expect it. It was a real shock... and very exciting...”

The whole of England was waiting for the engagement announcement. In anticipation of the wedding, bookmakers were already accepting bets on the wedding date of William and Kate: at first quite cautious - only for the year of the celebration, and then more daring - for the month and date of the ceremony.

Express compatibility analysis of William and Kate

1) William was born on June 21, 1982, according to the horoscope the last day of Gemini. Kate was born on January 9th of the same year - Capricorn. According to the year of birth, both of them belong to the sign of the Rooster. The ROOSTER man loves the company of women, among whom he can shine and prance, be loved, and care for. But it won't go any further. The ROOSTER woman will love the company of other women and specialties where she will be close to them. Horoscopes say about this sign that in love he will have difficulty winning and keeping his loved one. And popular wisdom says that “two roosters in one house would make life unbearable.”

2) It was not easy for the down-to-earth, cold Capricorn (Kate) to wait for years on earth for William-Gemini, who was always in the clouds. Maybe it was not in vain that the tabloids gossiped that he was a little bored with her. Gemini's attitude to life is reminiscent of a light summer breeze, which everyone likes precisely because of its lightness and changeability. The Capricorn woman cannot help the fact that she is wise beyond her years, lives in a calm, traditional and very real world. After she has entrusted her life to one man, she cannot just up and leave. This couple has enough problems because of these differences, which, of course, are surmountable, but make life somewhat uncomfortable. Situations may arise when he accuses her of callousness and insensitivity, and she accuses him of inconstancy and some immaturity. But is it possible to demand from the wind that it always blow in the same direction? She needs to feel that she is standing on solid ground, and not on the shaky ground of change, which can slip out from under her feet at any moment. And yet their family may well work out. It would seem that Kate, being a Capricorn, should be a careerist, which is incompatible with her current status as a duchess. However, if she builds her life and career through the connections of her husband’s parents, this will give her sex appeal and irresistibility.

3) William Arthur Philip Louis and Catherine Elizabeth - the presence of common consonant letters - “r”, “l”, “t” - indicates their compatibility from the point of view of verbal energy. Therefore, although they ran away several times, each time they seemed to be drawn back to each other like a magnet.

4) He is blue-eyed and blond. She is a bright brown-haired woman with green-brown eyes. Green-brown eyes like hers reveal a philosophical mindset and talent as a diplomat (it’s not for nothing that Kate found an approach to the august family). Her wide open eyes with elongated eyelids are in harmony with his deep-set eyes with lowered eyelids. The shape of the eyes and the shape of the eyelids signal the emotional level of a person, how his energy pours out onto those around him. People with wide eyes are sometimes said to have “the soul wide open.” People with deep-set eyes are much more calm and self-possessed, they know the value of themselves and others very well.

5) The nose is the most convex part of the face; accordingly, it emits the most significant shape wave. We can publicly admire the length of our legs, the beauty of our nails, our divine figure and pumped up torso, but in fact, our subconscious may dislike Apollo only because of his incompatible nose shape of his intended partner. The prince has a large straight nose with a hump, the tip of the nose is slightly curved down. These are vain natures that love to express themselves. Others value the ability to stand out from the crowd, as well as originality in clothing and way of thinking. They try to connect their lives with those who have the same hump on the bridge of their nose. Kate has a smooth Roman nose, with a slight hint of an upturn. People with such a nose can succumb to feelings, but, nevertheless, they always strive to balance the impulses of the soul and find optimal life solutions. They are ashamed of the manifestations of African passions and will not forgive those who deceive them.

6) Eyebrows are another convex part of the face that can tell how romantic their owner is or whether he is a cynical skeptic by nature. People like the prince - with straight eyebrows - are balanced and sober. Kate, with her eyebrows raised to her temples, is deep in the depths of Capricorn’s soul, a romantic by nature, ready to believe in a beautiful fairy tale (about a prince and a simple girl, for example).

7) Their harmonious forehead shapes speak for themselves about the compatibility of these people: the high forehead of the shape of William’s overturned pyramid and its small, medium-sized quadrangular forehead. People like her are harmonious in everyday life, and like no one else they know how to gently and unobtrusively direct their partner to good deeds. Both of their ears are also in no way discordant with each other, either in shape or size.

8) Lips also indicate a person’s energy level. It is advisable for people with a regularly shaped mouth to choose as companions people with the same correctly shaped mouth. William has a harmonious mouth design, full, even lips, and slightly large teeth. Kate's lips are clearly narrower; her compressed lips reveal a cold-blooded nature, in full control of her feelings. But in general, in terms of the shape of their lips (and the level of form energy) and their size, William and Kate are quite suitable for each other.

9) The newlyweds are both the first children in their families. Usually firstborns are leaders by nature; they do not like to give in. It’s better when spouses have different children in their families, for example, if Kate had elder sister. However, diplomatic and tactful Kate, apparently, over such a long period of communication, has learned to give in to her crowned man.

Verdict: they are together, they have a lot in common and are attracted to each other, but about perfect compatibility there is still no talk. Apparently, that’s why William searched for his ideal woman for quite a long time. He eventually returned to Kate. Much in this union depends on Kate’s wisdom and patience. Her feminine happiness is entirely in her hands. And she, apparently, is well aware of this.

Always yours, Ira Green

The scandal in the British royal family, fueled by journalists' publications in the tabloids, is gaining momentum.

In a nutshell:

Prince William's ex-lover gave birth to a boy (Prince William, just in case future king) Is the intrigue clear?

Now more on this topic))

Jessica Craig became engaged to Canadian professor Jonathan Bailey, director of conservation at the Zoological Society of London, in April 2015, and on March 26, 2016 socialite and the prince's former lover married Jonathan.

Well, she went out and left, what’s wrong with that)) The fact is thatJessica Craig - socialite and ex-girlfriend Prince William of Wales (if anyone doesn’t understand), they were in a close relationship for quite a long time, but their romance ended in 2008, however, many journalists and simply interested people continue to think that they are still together. It is known that the prince and Jessica are still friends, as evidenced by the invitation for Prince William to Jessica’s wedding. The prince, of course, could not help but take advantage of the opportunity to see his former lover. Her family used to run a ranch in Kenya; her father Ian Craig founded a rhino sanctuary on the family's land and from there went the Lewa Downs Nature Reserve.

Now it has also been leaked that Prince William spends time with Jessica from time to time.

Jessica got married relatively recently, and now many have doubts about the paternity of Jessica's child.

Suspicions are fueled by the fact that the fact of the birth of a child is carefully hidden, although the baby is already six months old! His birth became known quite by accident:

Jessica's husband, Jonathan Bailey, explaining his wife's absence from the important evening, wrote on the social network that his wife could not attend one of the events because she stayed at home with the child!!!

Internet news sites have put forward a version that it is not without reason that Jessica is hiding the birth of a child: perhaps the baby is the son of a young monarch. Perhaps, or perhaps not, only as a version, and one that has the right to life.

I think we will hear the continuation of this story in a variety of interpretations and versions. Well, what about the royal family, succession to the throne and all that. Yes, here Charles seems to have the same thing)) Monarchs live happily, cheerfully, and most importantly today, they live with women, thank God. This alone makes me happy)))

Photo of her ex, I think Kate looks much nicer than this Jessie, although the prince may have a different opinion)))

To sum it up, it looks like this: Ex-girlfriend Prince, after getting married, she gave birth to a child, a boy. But the child was hidden for six months and even the fact of birth was kept in the strictest confidence. Until her husband let it out on social networks.

Does this give reason to suspect William's paternity? Why such secrets?

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