Anti-aircraft missile systems with 500

With equal efficiency, hit small targets, cruise missiles, airplanes and helicopters, satellites, and also intercept nuclear warheads, entering the dense layers of the atmosphere at speeds of up to ten kilometers per second. The newest S-500 Prometheus anti-aircraft missile system will be able to do all this. Its appearance in service with the Aerospace Forces was announced by Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov. The military leader did not disclose the characteristics of the complex. Nevertheless, the West is very concerned about Russian developments, rightly believing that Moscow is in Once again created an “antidote” to the possible missile strike across its territory, in which a combat control system unites all Russian air defense and missile defense systems under a single control. Very little is known about Prometheus. Columnist for The magazine National Interest, military analyst Sebastien Roblin writes that the S-500 will be especially effective against the “stealth aircraft” F-22, F-35 and B-2. However, judging by the available descriptions of the system’s characteristics, countering such aircraft will not be its main task, the analyst adds. The S-500 can hit targets at an altitude of about 200 km. And those approaching ballistic missiles will stop at a distance of 640 km. That is, at a much greater distance than the most modern Russian S-400 Triumph air defense system can - 400 km. Commander Russian Air Force Colonel General Viktor Bondarev claims that the S-500 will be able to simultaneously fire at up to ten targets, with a reaction time of three to four seconds. For comparison: the S-400 can simultaneously fire at six targets, and its reaction time is nine seconds. The Americans believe that the air defense system’s arsenal will include interceptor missiles with active radar head homing. This, according to experts, will make it look like American system THAAD (mobile ground-based anti-missile system for high-altitude transatmospheric missile interception medium range).The S-500 77N6-N and 77N6-N1 anti-missile missiles will use kinetic energy. That is, the missile will hit the target through physical contact with it, and not through a high-explosive fragmentation warhead exploding in close proximity to it and destroying the object with a huge number of damaging elements. 77N6 anti-missile missiles will fly at hypersonic speeds from five to seven kilometers per second, which will allow them to intercept supersonic cruise missiles enemy. “The very long range of the S-500 makes the complex an ideal weapon against the largest and most inconspicuous targets. Identifying and hitting a bomber from long range will be difficult, but AWACS aircraft or aircraft electronic warfare and management ground combat E8 J-Stars will be in much greater danger and, most likely, will be forced to operate outside the radius of the S-500,” Roblin said. One of the New Year calendars of the Almaz-Antey concern allegedly featured a mobile phone. launcher S-500 “Prometheus”, assembled on the MZKT-792911 chassis. A six-axle tractor with a distinctive cabin and two huge pipes in the body with anti-missile defenses. The concern neither confirmed nor denied numerous questions regarding whether they inadvertently “declassified” the S-500. Therefore, this appearance is accepted by all experts as the standard. There is little information, and it may be unreliable. Nevertheless, the expert community is looking forward to the first presentation of Prometheus. Next year it should enter service with the Aerospace Forces. Its location will be the Central Industrial District of Moscow and the Moscow Region. Here the S-500 will either replace the deployed S-400 Triumph systems or become a combat weapon for them control system with expanded fire potential. There is an opinion that “Prometheus” is not just an anti-aircraft missile system, but a whole range of measures to unite Russian system Air defense-missile defense into a single information space. It will analyze information from satellites of the missile attack warning system, over-the-horizon Radar type"Voronezh", engage in the selection of targets by importance, cut off false ones at a great distance, accompany all this and, finally, issue target designations to various systems. All together this is a very complex and expensive job. Therefore, it is possible that the S-500 Prometheus will not enter service at full strength. First, launchers and radar equipment, and only then all this will be combined into a complex. Nevertheless, we can already say that Russia has created the world’s first multi-echelon air defense and missile defense system, which reliably protects our country from massive missile attacks.

The Russian S-500 complex is still being developed by the Almaz-Antey concern. Although there is no exact information about it, we can already say that this complex will surpass in its characteristics all those known today foreign analogues. To understand exactly what capabilities this air defense system has, you need to consider all of its predecessors.

The history of the appearance of the first air defense complex

Due to its characteristics, the S-500 system will be able to destroy even low-orbit space satellites and various weapons that can be launched from orbital platforms various types. The main task of the complex is to destroy enemy ballistic missiles within certain limits. Thus, it is possible to ensure security not only for various strategic sites, but also for large cities and even entire regions.

The S-500 Triumfator-M modification is capable of hitting targets flying at a speed of 5,500 km/h. None of the air defense systems known in the world is capable of operating against such supersonic targets. In order to accomplish this, you will need a very powerful radar capable of interacting with the latest computing technology.

System developers want to implement highest level automation, which will virtually eliminate human operator intervention in system management. In addition, it is planned that the S-500 will receive target indications from radar detection aircraft. The systems will be placed on powerful trucks with a 10x10 formula, which will provide them high cross-country ability in off-road conditions.

It is planned that the first deliveries of new anti-aircraft missile systems will begin in 2019. The aerospace defense forces are already beginning to build algorithms for their work, based on the functions of the latest S-500 system.

To develop a new system air defense More than $10 billion has been allocated, according to official data alone. In fact, much more money will be spent, because the S-500 will still have to be adapted and modified. Failure in this project will lead to a serious loss of Russia's defense capability, so the S-500 simply must be finalized as soon as possible.

It is believed that the S-500 will replace the S-400. The S-500 is being created with the possibility of operation in the next 25 years. Defense Minister Shoigu previously promised that deliveries of the S-500 to our troops would begin in 2020.

Last summer, Erdogan once admitted that he even asked Putin to open joint production of the S-500. What Putin responded remains unknown. But it’s unlikely “yes,” because “Prometheus” is a big secret that Russia has so far been in no hurry to share with foreigners.

The S-500 Prometheus anti-aircraft missile system was developed in 2012 - on the basis of the already legendary Triumph. It is believed that the complexes have an obvious difference in the range of the missiles (one is 400 kilometers, the other is 100 kilometers further). "Triumph" was put into operation in 2007 and has proven itself well on the international arms market. A whole queue from different countries lined up to buy it.

But as for Prometheus, everything is more complicated. There is a lot of fog around this “anti-aircraft gun”.

“The characteristics of the S-500 missile have not currently been announced, so it is impossible to compare it with the S-400 missile,” independent military expert Anton Lavrov told the VZGLYAD newspaper. “We only know that the missile will have the ability to work against atmospheric targets, that is, against satellites.”

“Regarding the S-400 missile, it was reported that its flight range was 400 km, although it covered this radius as well. The more modern S-500 is distinguished not only by its longer flight range, but also by improved target interception capabilities and more advanced ballistics. We are talking about intercepting ballistic and cruise missiles. In addition, the S-500 missile is expected to intercept ballistic missiles in near space. Today, this is all that is known about its characteristics,” added military observer Alexander Golts in an interview with the newspaper VZGLYAD.

“Prometheus” combines an air defense, missile defense and anti-space defense complex. In other words, unlike its predecessor, the S-500 can solve different tasks at once, Sputnik previously claimed, based on the opinion of other experts. To the point that the Triumph has all missiles of the same type, while the Prometheus has missiles for different purposes in separate containers.

Judging by these data, "Prometheus" is much more universal weapon than "Triumph". At the same time, they work well together - “Typhoon” solves air defense problems, and “Prometheus” solves missile defense and anti-aircraft missile systems. It is believed that Prometheus was developed to shoot intercontinental ballistic missiles.

But in the end, the future rocket, apparently, will be able to shoot down targets in space - however, only in the near field: low-orbit satellites, orbital platforms. At the same time, the S-500 is capable of hitting even targets that fly five times faster than sound.

One of the most anticipated new products in the field Russian weapons and technology is the promising S-500 anti-aircraft missile system, also known under the codes “Triumfator-M” and “Prometheus”. According to known data, this project is currently in the stages design work and has not yet progressed beyond testing individual components. However, work continues and will soon yield new results. As it became known not long ago, the defense industry has begun assembling certain components of the future anti-aircraft complex.

Long awaited and most interesting information Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin revealed the progress of the S-500 project at the end of February in an interview for Kommersant. A senior official overseeing the defense industry spoke about latest works and successes in this area. Among other things, he mentioned ongoing work in the field of anti-aircraft systems. Without going into details, D. Rogozin announced information about the work within the framework of the last two anti-aircraft systems projects.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the Nizhny Novgorod Machine-Building Plant, which was recently opened and launched, is now engaged in the manufacture of products in the field of air defense. He has already “begun production of final systems such as S-500 and S-400 on a vehicle chassis.” In addition, the company assembles components of such systems based on wheeled semi-trailers.

From the latest statements of the Deputy Prime Minister, it may follow that one of the most important projects of recent times has reached the stage of production of experimental equipment. Thus, in the near future, tests of the S-500 will begin, based on the results of which the complex, after being fine-tuned, will be able to enter service. In the recent past, military leadership indicated that such systems would begin service in 2020. It turns out that there is not much time left for checks and necessary modifications to Prometheus.

According to known data, modern project began in the first years of the last decade. By 2005, specialists from the Almaz-Antey concern studied the current state of affairs and opportunities in relation to further development anti-aircraft weapons. Soon a decision was made to launch a project, in which the leading role was given to the Almaz-Antey State Design Bureau. It was also planned to involve many other defense industry organizations in the work, which should have been entrusted with the creation and production of individual components.

According to various sources, by 2010 a technical design for the new air defense system was created. By this time, some components of the future complex had already been manufactured and tested. To carry out certain inspections, enterprises participating in the program built a set of various models and simulators.

Then, in 2010, an index appeared in the open press new system– 55Р6М. Modern designations S-500 and Prometheus became known later, only in the spring of 2012. Almost simultaneously with this, plans for future mass production were announced new technology. It was proposed to build two new factories specifically for the assembly of missiles and other means of the promising complex. Some components for modern and future air defense systems were planned to be assembled in Kirov, others - in Nizhny Novgorod. According to initial plans, both plants were supposed to start operating in 2015.

For a number of reasons, as often happens with the most complex projects, the deadlines for the implementation of individual stages and the entire project as a whole were repeatedly shifted. Thus, as far as we know, the first tests of full-fledged components of the complex were initially planned to be carried out at the end of the last decade, and by 2014-15, Prometheus could enter service. Subsequently, plans changed seriously. For example, already in 2013, adoption was postponed to 2017-18.

However, these plans did not come to fruition. For certain reasons, missile tests of the new complex began only in the summer of 2014, which noticeably shifted further stages of the project. About a year ago, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov indicated that the delivery of a prototype S-500 air defense system is now planned for 2020.

Recent reports from officials may be cause for optimism. After repeated changes to the work schedule, the industry still managed to launch new stages of the program. As D. Rogozin said a few weeks ago, the Nizhny Novgorod Machine-Building Plant has already begun assembling some components of the promising complex. Obviously, we're talking about about ground-based anti-aircraft systems, such as self-propelled launchers, control and communications vehicles, etc.

If the industry is currently building such equipment, then there are no grounds for negative forecasts yet. The manufacturing plant and related enterprises are quite capable of completing the necessary work within fixed time and convey prototype"Prometheus" / "Triumfator-M" for testing by 2020. Thus, after a series of transfers and certain problems of one nature or another, most important project The S-500 will still be brought to the desired end.

Considering the time required for testing, one can imagine when the industry will be able to launch full-scale mass production of new equipment, and the troops will begin to receive the ordered samples. If the experimental S-500 goes to the test site by 2020 and does not encounter serious problems, then the development of serial technology will be able to start in the first half of the twenties. The required number of complexes, for obvious reasons, remains unknown. We can talk about at least several dozen sets.

Officials have repeatedly mentioned some details of the future organization serial production. Thus, missiles for the S-500 complex are planned to be produced at the Kirov Machine-Building Enterprise, which began work just two years ago. Final assembly machines with ground equipment of the complex will be carried out in Nizhny Novgorod, where new production facilities were also built in the recent past. Various other enterprises from the Almaz-Antey concern will participate as suppliers of certain components in the Triumfator-M program.

Most of the information about technical specifications and the appearance of the S-500 complex has not yet been disclosed. Moreover, even the exact appearance system and its individual components. At the same time, statements made by individuals, as well as published documents, allow us to draw a rough picture and understand what exactly the Russian armed forces will receive in the future.

From the known data it follows that the goal of the S-500 “Prometheus” project is to create a new anti-aircraft complex, conventionally classified as the fifth generation, and capable of solving a wide range of combat missions. The complex will have to deal with both aerodynamic and ballistic targets. It should be expected that in the latter case the air defense system will be able to attack short- or medium-range ballistic missiles. At the same time he must receive anti-aircraft missiles big or over long range.

By different estimates, the S-500 air defense system will be able to attack targets at ranges of up to 350-400 km. There are also bolder forecasts, according to which the firing range of some missiles in use will be significantly higher. At the same time, the complex may not include short- and medium-range missiles, which is why work at such boundaries will be assigned to other anti-aircraft systems. It is obvious that, being a complex for air defense, the S-500 will work in conjunction with other systems that have different characteristics.

Due to special tasks, the promising complex should include radar station detection with high performance. According to various estimates, when operating as an air defense system, the S-500 complex, using a standard detection radar with an active phased antenna array, will be able to find targets at ranges of at least 500-600 km. In the case of work against ballistic targets, the estimated detection range can reach 1500-2000 km. However, officials have not yet mentioned the actual characteristics of the complex's radar.

For obvious reasons, the complex will include a separate command post, whose task will be to collect information from its own detection means, then process it and issue commands to launchers. It should be expected that the control systems of the S-500 air defense system will be able to provide information about the tactical situation to other consumers, as well as receive up-to-date data from the outside.

According to known data, from the point of view of mobility, the Prometheus complex will be similar to the existing S-300P and S-400. All equipment will have to be mounted on special wheeled chassis with high payload capacity, characterized by high mobility characteristics on highways and off-road. According to various sources, vehicles of the BAZ and MZKT brands can become carriers of equipment from the S-500. In the past, images of special chassis equipped with units from anti-aircraft systems have repeatedly appeared at various exhibitions and other similar events.

It is expected that long- and ultra-long-range anti-aircraft guided missiles will differ in their respective dimensions, which is why their launcher must have corresponding dimensions. In this regard, Bryansk and Minsk vehicles with at least four axles can be used as a carrier of special equipment. Thus, Bryansk automakers created the BAZ-69096 chassis with a 10x10 wheel arrangement. The Belarusian enterprise, in turn, developed a similar vehicle MZKT-792911 with six drive axles.

Perspective anti-aircraft complex The S-500 “Prometheus” is a new representative of the domestic line of long-range systems designed for site air defense. At the same time, during the creation of such a complex, we took into account current threats and possible paths for the development of future strike systems. All this allows us to roughly imagine exactly what role the new complexes will play in the updated air and missile defense system.

Domestic air defense, both in the past and now, has a layered architecture and includes complexes with different characteristics, providing multiple coverage of specified areas. The S-500 air defense system, featuring improved characteristics, is capable of complementing existing long-range systems in their area of ​​​​responsibility, as well as expanding air defense capabilities, increasing the maximum radius of destruction of a target. The ability to intercept operational-tactical, short- and medium-range ballistic missiles significantly increases the potential of the air defense and missile defense system as a whole.

It was previously mentioned that the first production S-500 systems will be deployed near Moscow. Their task will be to cover the main administrative and military facilities, as well as the entire central industrial region. Apparently, Prometheus is planned to be used together with existing system Moscow's strategic missile defense system and, perhaps, they will work together with existing detection and control systems. In the future, Prometheus position areas will have to appear in other areas of the country. With their help the army will be able to cover the bases navy, missile forces strategic purpose etc., large cities and industrial areas.

The number of S-500 systems planned to be ordered and put into service remains unknown. According to the current plans of the Ministry of Defense, the armed forces should receive and put on duty 56 divisions of the S-400 air defense system by the end of the current decade. 46 of these kits have already been handed over to the customer and sent to units, and the remaining 10 will be built and delivered in the very near future. Soon after this, the army will receive the first production S-500. What exact approach to rearmament will be used has not yet been specified. It is likely that the new Prometheus will initially complement the existing S-400. The replacement of the latter should only be expected in the distant future.

The promising S-500 anti-aircraft missile system is subject to special requirements, which in a known manner affects the complexity of the work. This resulted in several postponements to the start of testing and production. However, all the main problems were overcome, and the industry launched new stage programs. As it became known at the end of February, the assembly of Prometheus’ ground components has now begun in Nizhny Novgorod.

After for long years research and development work new sample weapons for air defense are approaching testing and subsequent adoption. Everything suggests that current plans for the start of operation in 2020 will be fulfilled. The armed forces will receive the most advanced this moment air defense and missile defense complex, and the country will thereby increase its defense capability.

Based on materials:

Despite the difficult 90s, the general collapse armed forces and the military-industrial complex, Russian industry was able to maintain its potential and promising areas.

Domestic anti-aircraft missile systems are proof of this. We could list all types of missile defense and air defense missile systems for a long time, but suffice it to say that almost any name evokes respect and fear among all our potential opponents.

“Dvina”, “Pechora”, “Triumph”, “Cube”, “Dirk”, “Tor” - the list goes on. Many of these names are well known firsthand, probably to all foreign arms experts.

S-300 complexes, various modifications well known in the Middle East. They took part in military conflicts more than once. And these and other domestically developed air defense systems have always caused understandable fear of the forces opposing them.

In April 2007, the S-400 Triumph long- and medium-range air defense system entered service. The complex is capable of destroying all modern air and space attack weapons. It can destroy not only modern means of attack, but also those that are just being developed and have not yet been adopted for service.

But the developer of all domestic modern means Air defense and missile defense do not stand still. The development of newer and more advanced weapons continues.

OJSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey has developed a new ultra-modern next-generation anti-aircraft missile system, called the S-500 Prometheus (55R6M Triumfator-M).

This is already a complex of the future, no longer just an air defense system, but a system that will be included in the country’s aerospace defense.

The difference between the new complex and its predecessors is the use of separate solutions to problems in working with ballistic and aerodynamic targets. The multifunctionality of the complex will allow it to protect the facility from any type of aerospace attack. Anti-aircraft system The S-500 is capable of hitting medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs), and, if necessary, can hit ICBMs (in the middle part of the trajectory). The complex is also capable of destroying all types of aircraft, UAVs, including promising hypersonic high-altitude missiles (5M and above). Another one new feature“Promethea” is the destruction of low-orbit satellites, weapons from space and orbital platforms.

This versatility allows the command to cover the desired object (this could be a region, Big City, an important strategic object, etc.) not with different means of protection, but with one single complex that solves all problems.

Already today, at the A.F. Military Space Academy. Mozhaisky it's already underway training of crews for servicing the S-500 complex. Operators, drivers and other specialists practice combat skills on ready-made simulators. Thus, by the time the complex is accepted into service and placed on combat duty, the crews will already be ready for service.

The structure of the S-500 division will be similar to the existing structure of the S-300 divisions, that is, from 12-17 vehicles.

Putting the S-500 systems on combat duty will be another heavy blow for the American military, which still cannot move away from our previous S-300 and S-400 systems.

Technical characteristics of the S-500 "Prometheus":

Wheel formula 10 x 10
Engine diesel 550 hp
Chassis curb weight 21000 kg
Maximum load weight 33000 kg
Maximum gross weight 54000 kg
Maximum climbability 30 deg.
Ford 1.7 m

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