The cruel laws of the pride of lions. Breakthrough app from Pride International: what is it, game descriptions, reviews, earnings Pride what does it mean

Pride is a lion family

A pride is a family of lions. Several lionesses with children and a couple of lions. There are prides consisting of about forty individuals. These are the most numerous. But usually there are 10-12 lions in a pride: lionesses, kittens and lions. Prides are women’s associations, most often related ones. They are created by lionesses to protect their offspring. Lions are just joining them. Among the lions there is one leader. He has the right to be the first to profit from a successful hunt, the first to defend the pride territory, the first “groom” in the pride.

“Lions do not pick fights with other animals and rarely seriously fight with each other. Even during the period of heat, seeking the favor of a beautiful lioness, lions almost never stoop to a fight with an opponent. Instead, they quite sensibly leave the choice to the lioness, and the rejected gentleman goes in search of another girlfriend, or he can wander around and wait his turn, for lions are supporters of polygamy and the lioness usually has nothing against friendship with several lions whom she loves in turns. And a lion can have a harem or share one lioness with another lion. This is why you can find a group of a lion and three lionesses, or two lionesses and four lions, or almost any combination. Often two lions of the same age share a close friendship, and they for a long time hunt and live together. There are, of course, also known cases of deep affection between a lion and a lioness” (L. Kotlow)

Usually young lions at the age of 2.5 years leave the pride so as not to claim primacy in it. They live alone or in small teams (up to seven lions) for 2–3 years. And since sooner or later the lion needs to get into the pride, it’s easier to capture it with a team and then protect it.

The pride owns the territory in which it hunts and defends it from other lions. The most authoritative lion of a pride marks its boundaries with a mixture of urine and anal gland secretions, and any lion that approaches his land knows where the boundary is

Young single lions are not burdened with feeding cubs and caring for territory, so they eat better and sooner or later conquer for themselves a territory that houses one or even several prides of lionesses. The first thing a lion does after capturing a pride is kill all the cubs. Lionesses, as a rule, are not able to stop them, and only lion cubs have a chance of salvation over a year old. A lioness who has lost her cubs goes into heat after 2–3 weeks and will soon give birth to a new leader. Killing cubs is a necessity, since otherwise the new leader would have to wait at least two years for his own offspring, and given that the leader of a pack (pride), as a rule, is replaced every 2-4 years, he would not have time to raise his own cubs

“... our car almost crashed into a group of lions basking in the sun. All of them - a lion, three lionesses and a lion cub - raised their heads, looked at us carefully, but did not move... The lions watched our approach, but it did not seem to bother them... Fifteen feet from the lions we stopped. The lions continued to lie calmly and indifferently contemplate us - all except for the lion cub, which growled furiously at the car. The others seemed not at all interested in us; after we stopped, they lowered their muzzles, and one lioness, lazy and carefree, closed her eyelids and dozed off. Her friend was lying at a distance and could not get a good look at us. She stood up and moved towards us, although without giving us a glance. The lioness passed by without paying the slightest attention to us and disappeared into the bushes. Having perked up, I ordered the driver to very slowly drive the car close to the lions. We came within four feet of the nearest lioness. I lowered the window and pointed the lens directly at the lioness. When the buzzing of the device was heard, she raised her muzzle and squinted slightly, as if surprised by what was happening. Her gaze was calm and friendly, although it betrayed some wariness, and she seemed to be smiling softly. Having captured the lions on film, I took out a “watering can” and took a few more shots. Eventually the lion stood up and walked towards the bush, the others following. They all left with a disdainful look” (L. Kotlow)

An article about the Pride company and its Breakthrough application.

I tried in this article to provide the most full information on the Breakthrough application from the Pride International company, talk about its main games, and most importantly, how you can connect to this movement, how much it costs and how to earn money there. Therefore, make yourself comfortable and read the post to the very end.

Lately, I have begun to search and process more information about waking up early, increasing energy levels, productivity, and forming new strong habits.

Among other amounts of information that I came across, my special attention was drawn to the Breakthrough application. This was partly due to the fact that for a long time, thanks to social networks and Youtube, I followed the activities of Artem Nesterenko, who is the founder of Pride International. And this company is directly related to the Breakthrough application - it is its official developer.

Therefore, I personally decided to try the Breakthrough application and this is what came out of it.

What is Pride International?

Before I talk about the Breakthrough application, I’ll briefly tell you the main points about the Pride International company that I managed to find out.

The founder of Pride International is Artem Nesterenko, whom I wrote about in the article about (number 9).

Games of the "Breakthrough" application

I'll bring you brief information about the games that are currently available to users of the Breakthrough application.

By the way, their number is constantly growing: when I first paid for an annual subscription (in October 2017), there were only three games. And after a month and a half, there are already eight such educational training games.

How is the process organized?

Every morning of a new day, a small training video lasting 10-20 minutes appears in each game. Sometimes it's a little more. It reveals one question, and also formulates the task for the current day.

The next day a new video appears, and access to the old one is terminated. This greatly encourages you to work through useful content and complete tasks every day without delay. Throughout the day, the task must be completed and reported by writing a short post with a video or photo attached if necessary.

In each game, you have an accountability partner - a randomly determined participant who helps you reach the final, just as you help him.

Game "Wake up productive"

At any stage of life, we think about changing something in ourselves: forming new habits, giving up bad ones, starting to play sports, eating healthy food, drinking more water. But often, having made the decision to take on the task of improving life, setting a high bar for ourselves and designating the coming Monday for this, at the stage of implementing our plans, we negotiate with ourselves, lower the demands on ourselves and deviate from our plans.

The “Wake Up Productive” game allows all participants to compete with each other to achieve new skills, develop correct mode day, change your diet, start exercising, improve your way of thinking, learn to wake up productive every morning and increase your energy levels. The training includes tasks on psychology, physiology, time management, and develops the skill of achieving goals.

The game is led directly by Artem Nesterenko. Duration - 100 days. This period was not chosen by chance - during this period you can form new habits and implement significant positive changes In my life.

I’ll open the curtain a little and tell you about the most interesting topics and tasks for the first 20 days of training:

  • Analyze and clean your environment, home, workspaces, devices and social circle.
  • Add new things to your life: during the day it was necessary to do familiar things in a new way at least five times.
  • Formulate 100 goals that you want to achieve in your life.
  • A technique for making firm decisions that cannot be negotiated.T
  • Practice saying NO.
  • A technique of focused work called "masking".
  • A technique for increasing your energy throughout the day.
  • Get up every day before 6 am, do morning exercises, walk (jog), drink 2 liters of water a day, eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Day planning technique.

Game "Formula for Happy Relationships"

This is a sixty-day marathon to create a loving, trusting relationship with your soulmate. At the same time, it has absolutely no bearing on whether you are married or just planning to create a relationship - this game teaches how to create and preserve love in the family, to add heat and fire to relationships that for some reason have faded a little.

The author and host of this game is Alex Olimskoy, a well-known expert, trainer, coach, specialist in the field of personal growth, relationships and business. Over 9 years of work, more than 45,000 people were trained by him. Author of two training companies and a consulting agency.

In this game game process organized in such a way that three times a week a video block appears with educational information, where Alex shares his secrets and techniques for creating loving relationship. In this case, tasks are formulated for each day.

What main questions are included in the content part of this training?:

  • Mission and purpose of men and women
  • How the brains of men and women are structured. How to understand, hear and accept each other.
  • Quarrels: how to enter and exit a quarrel
  • Man, woman and money
  • Raising children
  • What routine actions and habits are killing our relationships?
  • What and how to do so that relationships always burn

In addition to training, every day you will have to go and implement the information received in life. There are special tasks for each day over the next sixty days. This could be as simple as watching a movie and drawing conclusions, writing down your thoughts and understandings from the information you listened to, or maybe giving at least 5 compliments every day for a certain period of time. opposite sex, smile all day and watch your reaction and those of those around you and others.

The content that Alex Olimskaya gives is very interesting, often filled with humor, interesting metaphors for the interaction between a man and a woman (“sailor and island”, “green robe” in relationships, and others), as well as deep observations in understanding female and male psychology.

Game "Body to Action"

A hundred-day marathon game from Denis Minin dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, Street Workout, active image life. As Denis himself says, in this training we pump not only our biceps, but also our brains.

What is this game about?:

  • Improve your health
  • Lose weight or gain muscle mass
  • Issues of complementary medicine and valeology
  • Learn to cook tasty and healthy food
  • Become an eternally positive and athletic person
  • Stop being nervous and learn to keep up

Denis Minin is a famous Ukrainian athlete, popularizer of Street Workout and healthy image life. During the period 2015-2017, Denis visited 28 countries and organized more than 1000 events

I will update information about the game as it progresses.

Other games

In addition, the Breakthrough application offers games:

  • « How to raise a successful child"- 25-day training on the formation of positive attitudes in a child, as well as relationships between parents and children.
  • « I'm a netwalker» — 30-day training on building harmonious relationships.
  • « Pro Money"- a 35-day marathon to increase your income.
  • "Turbo English"— 30 ​​days for a breakthrough in learning English.
  • « Man Magnet» – training on the development of charisma and communication skills.
  • « Cryptocurrency. Global trend» — 31-day training about Bitcoin, how cryptocurrencies work, what mining is, how not to fall into pseudo-cryptocurrencies, blockchain.
  • « Balancing mind and body through Pilates» — 30 days of practice to improve your physical indicators comprehensively, improve the state of the musculoskeletal system and master the skill of mind control.
  • « Marfon Sales Master“- learning how to win beautifully and professionally in any situation in negotiations.
  • « Wake up the beauty"- 31-day training for women to reassess their personal data, master the skills to emphasize their strengths, and develop self-expression skills.

And this is not even a complete list!

Conclusions and my reviews about the Breakthrough application

Based on the results of active daily work (games) with the Breakthrough application from Pride International, I can do the following conclusions about him:

  1. The Breakthrough application is a product that has a clear target audience– people who want to change their lives, want to develop every day and achieve great results in the most different areas life activity. Therefore, this application is absolutely not suitable for negatively-minded people, “sofa guards”, skeptics, people who already know everything or have already achieved everything they wanted. But at the same time, it is more suitable than ever for those who understand that it is necessary to change today and now.
  2. Combining elements of training programs in one application, as well as computer games makes learning very interesting. Every morning I wake up with anticipation to find out what the task will be for the day, what will be discussed in the next game day. During my thirty-minute run, I listen to the theory portion of each training program.
  3. Another important advantage of the Breakthrough application is that training is carried out daily over long periods of time and is based not only on gaining knowledge, but also on its direct application in daily life. Performance practical tasks over long periods of time allows you to get out of your usual routine, form new skills and habits, and experience real changes in yourself and in your life. As for me, after listening to the training block, I plan time to complete the task for the day. In most cases, these tasks are simple and understandable, organically woven into daily activities without requiring a significant investment of time. But sometimes you have to change your usual behavior and get out of your comfort zone.

How to connect to the Breakthrough application?

To become a participant in this movement, you need to go through a simple registration on the Pride website.

In addition to your address Email When registering, indicate the email of the person who invited you and has already connected to the Breakthrough application.

Then install the Breakthrough application on your smartphone by downloading it from the official Google or Apple stores and you can choose training games.

So, if after reading this article you have a desire to join Breakthrough, or at least try, register. Moreover, first 14 days using the application completely free, even without having to indicate your bank card number.

How much does the Breakthrough app cost?

If, after the test days, as I once did, you want to continue your studies, you will have to buy an annual subscription, which costs $100.

Does it seem a little expensive at first glance? But if you consider that the application provides annual access to 13 (currently) cool training programs in the field of productivity, healthy lifestyle, finance, relationships, networking, language learning, sales and business creation from the best trainers, practitioners and entrepreneurs, then you can and spend money.

Moreover, it will be more of an investment than a waste.

Selling the Proryv app

A little higher, I already mentioned that Breakthrough is not only a training application, but also a product that can be sold and make good money from it.

But a regular $100 user subscription does not give you the right to sell this application. You should upgrade a little by paying an extra $50 to start and switching to the Partner package.

As I wrote earlier, in order to sell the application and connect to Pride International, a person will have to indicate your email during registration, provided that you are the owner of one of the business packages.

There are 5 types of such business packages in Pride:

  • Partner – $150
  • Partner + – $520
  • Business – $1320
  • Business + – $2920
  • Shareholder – $4920

In order to switch from a client package to one of the business packages or from one business package to another, you just need to pay the difference.

You probably have questions: “What is the difference between these packages? And yet, how much and how to earn money in Pride by selling the Breakthrough app?

Earnings in Pride

It’s not easy to understand all the mechanisms for making money in Pride the first time. But I will still try to tell you as simply, clearly, and intelligibly as possible about all the options and sources of income. As they say in the company, I will tell you the marketing plan of the Pride company.

How to make money in Pride?

Let's look at how you can make money at Pride International.

  1. Selling an app– you can sell any of the packages of the “Breakthrough” application and receive a certain percentage of the sale for it. Some packages include a certain number of bonus licenses - sales from which you receive an increased percentage.
  2. Receiving commission income from your team's sales– if those people who bought the application from you (registered by indicating your email) sell it in the future, like you, then you can also receive a percentage of their turnover.
  3. Receiving a percentage of the income of your personally created sales team– in addition, according to the conditions of the Pride company, you have the right to a part of the income of your team.

In addition, you can earn money by taking part in various promotions of the Pride company, reaching certain levels, and also winning games.

Partner and Partner+ packages

Using the Patner and Partner+ business packages as an example, I will give specific working conditions.

Partner Partner+
For the sale of 1 of any package, a reward of 10% of the sale price is providedFor the sale of 1 of any package there is also a reward of 10% of the sale price. In addition, the Partner+ package contains 6 bonus packages worth $100, on the sale of which there is a $90 commission.
10% of the total turnover of all sales of registered people by you, as well as people who such people will register in the future
The Partner package does not provide for receiving a percentage of the income of the sales team you personally created.5% of the income of people you personally invited

Let's make the calculation even clearer and calculate the conditional money in the Partner package.

Let's say every week you sell one Breakthrough app. Therefore, in a month you will make a turnover of $400, which means $40 dollars will be your commission.

A pride is a lion family. Several lions and a couple - three lionesses with children. In nature, you can find prides consisting of 30 - 40 individuals, but these are the most numerous. As a rule, there are 8 - 10 lions in a pride: lions, kittens and lionesses. Prides are essentially female forms of a pack, in most cases of a related nature. They are united under their leadership by the lionesses to protect their children. Lions simply join the pride. Among lions there is only one main (leader). He's the very first" groom“, the first to rush to protect his “family” from a threat, has every right to the most delicious piece after a successful hunt.

"In fact, lions very rarely start fights with other animals first and almost never fight among themselves. Even during heat, trying to get an answer to their feelings, they never fight with rivals. Instead of a quarrel, they leave the right of final choice to the lioness, and the rejected “groom” can go for a walk on the savannah, waiting for his turn, or try to find another girlfriend for himself, because by their nature, lions are supporters of polygamous relationships and, as a rule, the lioness does not mind “twist love” with several partners at once, whom she pleases in turn. And the lion may well start his own harem, or share another lioness with a rival. Therefore, it is not surprising that in nature there are groups of four lions and two lionesses or one lion and three lionesses, and in fact there can be many such combinations. Often, 2 lions born in the same year can have a deep friendship and they live and hunt together for a long time. Cases of great affection between a lioness and a lion have also been observed" (L. Kotlow)

Usually young lions by the age of two and a half years they leave the family (pride) so as not to fight for primacy. They are for a long time around two - three years they live and hunt alone or in small teams (no more than seven lions). And since sooner or later the lion needs to return to its pride, it is much easier to capture and then defend with a team.

The pride exercises control over the area in which it hunts and tries to expel other prides from it. The leader must mark the pride's territory using urine and discharge from the anal gland. And every lion that approaches this place understands perfectly where someone else’s territory begins.

Lonely young lions are not responsible for cubs and protecting the territory, because of this their nutrition is much better, and in the end they win a territory for themselves, where one or several prides of lionesses feed. First of all, when a pride is captured, all the cubs are destroyed and the lionesses cannot do anything to oppose this, and only babies over a year old can be saved. A lioness, whose cubs have all been killed, begins to come into heat in two to three weeks and after a while she will begin to give birth to a new leader. Killing other people's children is a necessity, otherwise you will have to wait about two years to have your own offspring, and this despite the fact that the leader of the lion family (pride) changes every two to four years, so the likelihood that he will have time to raise his own children is almost equals zero.

"... our car almost hit a pride of several lions who were relaxing in the sun. All of them - a lion cub, three lionesses and a lion - looked at us carefully, but did not even think about getting away from this place... Although the lions saw the car approaching, it seemed to not bother them at all... Five meters from the flock, we slowed down. The lions still lay lazily and looked at us detachedly - all except for the cub, who bared his teeth and growled loudly at the car. The adult lions did not seem to be at all interested in us; they lowered their raised muzzles, and one of the lionesses even closed her eyelids and seemed to doze off. Her companion was positioned a little further away and seemed unable to see us. She stood up and slowly walked towards us, although without looking in our direction. However, the lioness passed very close to us and did not seem to pay any attention to us. Having perked up, I asked the driver to drive up close to the lions’ camp.

We stood about a meter away from the nearest animal. I wanted to take a few shots and, lowering the window, pointed the movie camera directly at the lioness. There was a barely audible buzzing sound and she raised her head again and, squinting a little, looked at me in surprise. Her gaze was full of friendliness and calmness, although some confusion could be seen in it, and it seemed to me that the cat smiled slightly at me. I had a desire to take a few photos, I took out a “watering can” and photographed this luxurious animal. In the end, apparently she got tired of us and she got up and headed towards the nearest bushes, and the rest slowly trotted after her. Their whole appearance expressed complete indifference and contempt for us." (L. Kotlow)


Pride (English Pride) - family pack Lviv and primates.

Leos are predatory mammals and live in family groups - prides.

A pride consists of one or more adult males (usually no more than 3), several mature females (a harem of females) and their cubs (lion cubs of both floors). The size of a pride can reach 30-40 animals. Prides are always dominated by lions - alpha males. The functions of males include only reproduction and defense of the territory, including from other males. Hunting and raising (training) cubs is carried out mainly by lionesses. All lionesses are related to each other. Young males upon reaching puberty are expelled from the pride. Females leave the pride very rarely.

The hierarchy in the pride is weakly expressed; when there is little prey, the male eats first; usually, he allows the cubs to eat with him. Equality reigns among lionesses, while lactating lionesses also feed other people's cubs. When hunting, lionesses work together, which allows them to catch even very large animals weighing about a ton. Since the pride constantly moves around the territory it occupies, pregnant lionesses leave it before giving birth to find shelter and return to the pride after one and a half to two months.

The pride protects aged and sick lionesses for a long time, for example, if a lioness cannot hunt due to injuries received during a hunt, then she is allowed to eat.

Lion cubs in a pride are usually children of the leader this moment male If a male is driven out by a stronger competitor, the new leader seeks to destroy the living kittens in order to persuade the females to mate again.

A hunting area controlled by a pride can cover an area of ​​several tens of square meters. km.


see also


  • A social lifestyle increases the stability of the predator-prey system

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Pride” is in other dictionaries:

    PRIDE- (English pride), a small but stable group of lions (6 12 individuals), consisting of several related females with their offspring and males who live and hunt together. A pride is usually led by one large male leader. Ecological... ... Ecological dictionary

    - (English pride), a stable group of individuals in a lion population of 6 12, occasionally 20 or more individuals. Usually P. consists of several. kinship females with their offspring and one large male leading the P.; often there are 2-3 males in P. .(Source:… … Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Noun, number of synonyms: 2 brotherhood (20) pack of lions (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

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