Meaning of the word paragraph. What is a paragraph in a text? What is a paragraph in brief

About paragraph options

Paragraph concept

A paragraph is a fragment of text from one keystroke Enter until the next one. A paragraph is also a fragment from the beginning of the document to the first keystroke Enter. In table cells, a paragraph is the fragment from the beginning of the cell to the nearest keystroke Enter or end-of-cell sign.

Paragraphs may have different size: from one line to any number of lines. There may be a blank paragraph containing no text. When selecting a paragraph, it is important that the selection area includes a non-printing end-of-paragraph mark. To display these characters in the tab home in Group Paragraph you can press the button Show all signs (rice. 7.1).

enlarge image Rice. 7.1. Paragraphs in a document

When setting parameters for one paragraph, you do not need to select it. It is enough if the cursor is in this paragraph. If several paragraphs are drawn up at once, they need to be highlighted.

Paragraph Formatting Tools

Word 2007 has numerous paragraph styling tools. Most of them are concentrated in the group Paragraph tabs home (rice. 7.2). For installation individual parameters You can use the mini toolbar.

enlarge image Rice. 7.2. Home tab tools for setting basic paragraph parameters

To set indents, you can use the horizontal ruler of the document window.

In addition, the group Paragraph also available in the tab Page layout (rice. 7.3).

enlarge image Rice. 7.3. Page Layout tab tools for setting paragraph options

To set some parameters you have to use a dialog box Paragraph. To display the window, click on the group icon Paragraph in any of the tabs ( home or Page layout Paragraph. To work with paragraphs, you mainly use the tab Indents and spacing (rice. 7.4). But in some cases the tab is also used Position on page.

Rice. 7.4. Indents and Spacing tab of the Paragraph dialog box

Setting paragraph alignment

Paragraphs in a document can be aligned in one of four ways: left, centered, right, or justified.

    Click the appropriate group button Paragraph tabs home (rice. 7.5).

enlarge image Rice. 7.5. Paragraph alignment

You can also use the mini toolbar button to center the page.

Center alignment is usually used for headings.

Right alignment is applied to captions and, in some other cases, left alignment and justification is applied to body text. Justified means that the paragraph text is aligned to the left and right at the same time. IN Microsoft Word this is done by changing the spacing between words.

Setting indents

Setting a paragraph indent changes the position of text relative to the left and/or right margins of the page. You can indent an entire paragraph, just the first line of a paragraph, or all lines except the first (first line indent). Positive value indentation means shifting the paragraph to the center of the page, negative - from the center to the edges of the page ( rice. 7.6).

enlarge image Rice. 7.6. Paragraph indents

To set indents, you can use the “sliders” on the horizontal ruler.

    Select one or more paragraphs.

    Drag the corresponding horizontal ruler slider ( rice. 7.7).

enlarge image Rice. 7.7. Setting paragraph indents using a horizontal ruler

If you drag while holding down the key Alt, the horizontal ruler will display exact dimensions set indents, as well as the size of page margins ( rice. 7.8). The indentation will change after the left mouse button is released.

enlarge image Rice. 7.8. Set paragraph indents using the horizontal ruler while holding down the Alt key

More precise setting of indents (with an accuracy of 0.01 cm) is made in the tab Indents and spacing dialog box Paragraph(cm. rice. 7.4).

    Select one or more paragraphs.

    In chapter Indentation in counters left And on right set the paragraph offset relative to the page margins.

    In the dropdown list First line select the first line options. To create a paragraph indent ("red line"), select the option Indentation. To create a paragraph overhang ("hanging line"), select the option Ledge. To cancel the special appearance of the first row, select the option (No).

    on set the required amount of indentation or protrusion of the first line.

It is convenient to set paragraph indents on the left and right in the counters Indentation groups Paragraph tabs Page layout(cm. rice. 7.3). The left padding is set in the top counter, and the right padding is set in the bottom counter.

You can change the left indent of a paragraph using the buttons Increase indent And Decrease indent groups Paragraph tabs home. For the same purpose, you can use the same buttons on the mini-toolbar. Typically, these buttons are used to set indents when creating multi-level lists.

Setting intervals

Line spacing

Line spacing determines the vertical distance between lines of text in a paragraph. The interval size is usually set by the number of lines. Thus, the amount of line spacing depends on the size of the selected font.

To set the interval value, you usually use the button Line spacing groups Paragraph tabs home.

    Select one or more paragraphs.

    Click the Line Spacing button in the Paragraph group of the Home tab (Fig. 9) and select the required spacing from the menu that appears. The preview function does not work when selecting an interval.

enlarge image Rice. 7.9. Setting line spacing

Typically, text is formatted with line spacing of 1.0...2.0 lines. By default, when creating a new document, the interval is set to 1.15.

To use additional options for setting line spacing, use the tab Indents and spacing dialog box Paragraph(cm. rice. 7.4).

    Select one or more paragraphs.

    In chapter Interval open dropdown list interlinear (rice. 7.10) and select the required interval type.

    If necessary, in the counter meaning set the value.

Rice. 7.10. Setting line spacing using the Indents and Spacing tab of the Paragraph dialog box

Line spacing can be set by the number of lines: Single, 1.5 lines, Double, Multiplier. When setting the mode Factor in the counter meaning you should specify the number of lines of the interval (the number of lines can be set with an accuracy of 0.01 lines). In all these cases, the amount of line spacing depends on the size of the selected font. For example, with a font size of 14 pt. The single spacing is also 14 pt (≈ 4.94 mm), the one-and-a-half spacing is 21 pt (≈ 7.4 mm), and with a multiplier of 0.98 is 13.72 pt (≈ 4.84 mm). Setting the spacing can be used to adjust the document size to the specified page parameters. For example, on a sheet of A4 paper with a top and bottom margin of 2 cm, 52 lines of text in 12 pt font can fit. single spaced. By setting the spacing to 0.97 lines, the same page can accommodate 54 lines. In this case, the difference in the spacing between lines will be only approximately 0.13 mm, which will have virtually no effect on appearance document.

When setting the interval Exactly in the counter meaning you must specify the interval value. By default, the value is specified in points (pt) with an accuracy of 0.05 pt, but, if desired, the value can be specified in centimeters or millimeters. To do this, enter a number in the counter field followed by a space - the abbreviation cm or mm- For example, 1 cm or 15 mm. This spacing will remain constant as the font size changes and is used, for example, when preparing documents for printing on lined paper.

When setting the interval Minimum in the counter meaning you should specify the minimum acceptable interval value. By default, the value is indicated in points, but, if desired, you can specify it in centimeters or millimeters. To do this, enter a number in the counter field followed by a space - the abbreviation cm or mm, For example, 1 cm or 15 mm. This means that for fonts of the specified size and smaller the spacing will be set to exactly this value, and for larger fonts the spacing will be single.

Spacing between paragraphs

The spacing between paragraphs can be greater than the spacing between lines in paragraphs. Increasing the spacing makes the text easier to read. Especially often, increased spacing after a paragraph is used when designing headings.

By default, when creating a new document, regular text is set to 10 pt paragraph spacing. Extended spacing is also defined for headings.

It is convenient to set the spacing between paragraphs in counters Interval groups Paragraph tabs Page layout(cm. rice. 7.3).

    Select one or more paragraphs.

    In the counters Interval Set the required value for the spacing before the paragraph (upper counter) and the spacing after the paragraph (lower counter). By default, the value is specified in points (pt) with an accuracy of 0.1 pt, but, if desired, it can be specified in centimeters or millimeters. To do this, enter a number in the counter field followed by a space - the abbreviation cm or mm, For example, 1 cm or 15 mm.

You can use counters to set spacing between paragraphs Before And After in Group Interval tabs Indents and spacing dialog box Paragraph(cm. rice. 7.4 And rice. 7.10).

You can remove existing spaces before and after a paragraph by selecting the corresponding command in the button menu Line spacing groups Paragraph tabs home(cm. rice. 7.9).

Setting paragraph boundaries

About paragraph boundaries

Setting the frame (borders) of a paragraph is used when designing headings, highlighting text fragments in a document, and in other cases. You can frame one or several paragraphs at once. Borders can be located on all sides of the paragraph(s), or only on some sides ( rice. 7.11).

enlarge image Rice. 7.11. Paragraph boundaries

Paragraph border settings can be customized, for example, changing the appearance, color, thickness of the line and its distance from the text.

Setting Boundaries

Simple boundaries set using a button Border located in the group Paragraph tabs home.

    Select one or more paragraphs.

    In the tab home in Group Paragraph click the button arrow Border and select the desired border location ( rice. 7.12). The preview function does not work when selecting boundaries.

enlarge image Rice. 7.12. Setting paragraph boundaries

To remove existing borders, select the paragraph(s) and in the menu button Border select mode No border(cm. rice. 7.12).

Setting Border Options

You can configure (change) the parameters of boundaries both during their installation and after.

    Select one or more paragraphs.

    In the tab home in Group Paragraph click the button arrow Border and select a team Border and Fill(cm. rice. 7.12).

    Go to the tab Border dialog box Borders and Shading (rice. 7.13).

Rice. 7.13. Setting paragraph border options

    On the list Type select the border line.

    In the dropdown list Color select a border color.

    In the dropdown list Width select the thickness of the border line. Possible thickness values ​​may vary for different line types.

    In chapter Type, except for the usual frame ( frame), you can also select a frame with a shadow ( shadow). For double asymmetrical lines, you can select a 3D frame (3D) Frame type other used when it is necessary to set lines on different sides of a paragraph different types, color or thickness.

    To set a custom frame from different sides, you can use the buttons located in the tabs section Sample. Pressing the button once sets or removes the border. Instead of using buttons, you can left-click on the border of the paragraph(s) in the tab section Sample.

    To adjust the distance from the frame to the text, click the button Options. In the dialog box Border and Fill Options (rice. 7.14) in counters top, bottom, left, right You can specify any value from 0 to 31 points. The default distance value is set in points, but, if desired, the value can be specified in centimeters or millimeters. To do this, enter a number in the counter field followed by a space - the abbreviation cm or mm, For example, 0.5 cm or 3 mm.

Rice. 7.14. Setting the distance from the border to the text of paragraphs

It should be noted that the configured border parameters are saved the next time you set borders using the button menu Border(cm. rice. 7.12), including when working with other documents; but are reset when Word is closed.

Filling paragraphs

About filling paragraphs

Filling (changing the background color) of paragraphs is used to highlight text fragments in a document. Filling can be set for one or several paragraphs at once ( rice. 7.15).

enlarge image Rice. 7.15. Filling paragraphs

Filling is different from highlighting text with color. When filling, the background of the entire paragraph changes - from the left to the right margin (taking into account the left and right indents). It is not recommended to use fills with dark colors: in this case, reading the text will be difficult. When installing very dark colors fills, the font color can be automatically changed to white.

Setting the fill

To set the fill use the button Fill located in the group Paragraph tabs home.

    Select one or more paragraphs.

    In the tab home in Group Paragraph click the button arrow Fill and select the desired color ( rice. 7.16). When you hover the mouse over the selected color, the preview function is triggered, and a fragment of the document is displayed with a fill of the specified color.

enlarge image Rice. 7.16. Setting paragraph fill

The set of fill colors available in the set depends on the document theme chosen for the design.

To remove an existing fill, select the paragraph(s) and in the button menu Fill select mode No color(cm. rice. 7.16).

Adjusting the position of a paragraph on a page

The text transitions to a new page automatically. However, in many cases, when designing headings, as well as the main text, you should force the position of the paragraph on the page and the order in which it is divided when moving to a new page. To do this, use the tab Position on page dialog box Paragraph. To display the window, click on the group icon Paragraph in any of the tabs ( home or Page layout). You can also right-click on the selected fragment of the document and select the command from the context menu Paragraph.

    Select a paragraph in the document.

    In chapter Position on page check the box of the required parameter ( rice. 7.17).

Rice. 7.17. Adjusting the position of a paragraph on a page

Check box ban dangling strings prohibits splitting a paragraph when moving to a new page in such a way that the first line of the paragraph remains on one page and the rest of the paragraph moves to a new page. In this case, the entire paragraph will be moved to the new page. It is also prohibited to divide a paragraph in such a way that only the last line goes to a new page. In this case, the last and penultimate lines of the paragraph will go to a new page. This paragraph separation mode is usually set for the entire text of the document.

Check box don't be distracted from the next one ensures that a paragraph is always placed on the same page as the paragraph that follows it. This mode is used for any headings and titles: this excludes cases in which the heading is on one page, and the text following it is on the next.

Checkbox don't break the paragraph prohibits any division of a paragraph between pages. This mode is rarely used.

Checkbox With new page set for large headings (chapters, sections, etc.). In this case, no matter what, the specified paragraph will always be at the top of the page.


indent; typing text on a new line at the beginning of a new chapter, section, etc.

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


‘beginning of the first line of text or a separate fragment of text shifted to the right’

Syn: indentation

encyclopedic Dictionary


(German: Absatz),

  1. indentation in the initial line of text.
  2. A part of the text (a complex syntactic whole), representing a semantic unity and indented in the 1st line.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. m.
    1. Indent to the right at the beginning of the first line. parts of printed or handwritten text; Red line.
    2. The part of the text between two such indents, characterized by unity and relative completeness of content.

Explanatory translation dictionary


1. A segment of text expressing a complex statement in which the sentences forming it are connected in meaning and formally.

2. Line segment writing from one red line to another, functioning as a supra-phrasal unity or complex syntactic whole.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

Asphalt plant A C, A, m.

1. Red line, indentation at the beginning of the line. Start writing with a paragraph.

2. The text between two such indents. Read the first a.

Ushakov's Dictionary


paragraph c, paragraph, husband. (German Absatz) ( specialist.).

1. Indent to the right at the beginning of a line to separate one part of the text from another; Red line. When typing, make a paragraph.

2. The text between two such indents. Read two paragraphs.

Dictionary of linguistic terms


(German Absatz from verb. absetzen - move away).

1) Indent to the right at the beginning of the line (red line).

2) A segment of written or printed text from one red line to another, usually containing a super-phrase unity or part of it, less often - one simple or complex sentence.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)


A, m.

1. Indent to the right at the beginning of the first line; Red line.

* Write from a paragraph. *

2. The text between two such indents.

|| adj.(to 1 value) paragraph, -th, -oe.

* Paragraph line. *

Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


German – Abzatz (ledge, platform).

This word came to the Russian language in early XVIII V. from the German language, almost at the same time it appeared in other Slavic languages. Such, for example, as Belarusian and Ukrainian.

IN German the word “paragraph” meant “draft”, as well as “indentation”, “platform”, “department”, etc. In Russian there is an equivalent to this foreign word, which is known to everyone as “red line”.

Derivative: paragraph.

Pedagogical speech science. Dictionary-Directory


(German Absatz - ledge) - a unit of text, which is, as a rule, a unity of thematically united sentences, one of which indicates the topic or main idea of ​​A. The presence of a thematic or conceptual sentence in each A. is important for both the writer and the reader. Such a sentence allows the writer or speaker to clearly define the topic (see:) and strictly adhere to it when developing it in other sentences, and it helps the reader or listener to identify the subject of speech and keep it in memory until it is replaced by another subject of speech.

When we write, we must begin each A, slightly retreating from the main line from which the lines begin. This draws the reader in and shows him that there is a transition from one idea or topic to another.

A correctly constructed A. must satisfy the following requirements:

1. In A. only one topic should be presented. It should include everything that is necessary to develop the topic outlined in the topic sentence and should not contain anything that is not related to that topic.

IN literary texts topic A. can be expressed not in one, but in several sentences. If A. does not have “its own” thematic sentence, this means that it is a “provider” of a topic or idea reflected in the previous part of the text.

2. The arrangement of sentences within A. must be thoughtful. The connection of each sentence with A’s topic sentence should be clear to the reader, and each sentence should prepare the reader for the perception of the next sentence.

Sentences within A. should be arranged in such a way that the most important sentence is highlighted. The beginning and end of A. in to the greatest extent are able to emphasize the expressed idea. Therefore, one should strive to express main idea at the beginning or end of A.

Lit.: Zarubina K D. On the issue of linguistic units of text // Text syntax / Ed. G. A. Zolotov. - M., 1979; Zarubina N. D. Text: linguistic and methodological aspects. - M., 1981; Sevbo I. P. Structure of a coherent text and automation of abstracting. - M., 1969; Solganik G. Ya. Syntactic stylistics. - M., 1973; Solganik G. Ya. Stylistics of the text. - M., 1997.

V.N. Meshcheryakov

Sentences containing "paragraph"

Andrey turned his gaze to the very bottom of the page, where long columns of listings ended with a short final paragraph:

In particular, paragraphs 2, 4, paragraph 1, Art. 6 that do not meet constitutional requirements for clarity of criteria legal norm and, therefore, do not allow the protection of the constitutional principle of equality of all before the law.

A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. They are united around one general theme. One of the sentences carries the main idea of ​​the entire paragraph, and all other sentences reveal the topic more broadly. Offer with main goal Necessarily. It is this that briefly conveys the general narrow meaning of the entire paragraph. Usually the main sentence, which is also called the topic sentence, is not the very first one.

The paragraph begins with a sentence on a slightly different topic. With each subsequent statement the topic is clarified. By the end of the paragraph, sentences have a specific function. They help clarify the details and nuances of the topic. The right paragraph should talk about one specific topic. The paragraph must contain all the necessary information for a full disclosure of the topic. All sentences making up the paragraph must have correct location. Each of them, in turn, should be directly related to the main topic. Also, each previous unit should prepare the reader for the next one.

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PARAGRAPH - a piece of written speech between two red lines. A., denoting a kind of “caesura” (see), is a unit of division, intermediate between a phrase and a chapter, and serves to group homogeneous units of presentation, exhausting some of its moments (thematic, plot, etc.). Isolating a phrase into a special A. strengthens the semantic emphasis falling on it. A. is a little-studied component of literary form that has compositional, plot-thematic, and rhythmic significance and is associated with the style of the author. Characteristic, for example, are short essays in impressionistic prose - symptoms of fragmentation, aphoristic thought; or eg. a return to the long A. of several pages by M. Proust (see), associated with the Sternian, so-called. the “spiral-like cyclicity” of his presentation. A. Bely’s A. is especially expressive (see), who singles out even individual parts of a phrase into special A., thereby emphasizing the thematic significance and rhythmic development of the highlighted parts.

Literary encyclopedia. - At 11 t.; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Fritsche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


(German absatz), a piece of text highlighted graphically - indented. Division into paragraphs reveals the structure of the text: a paragraph constitutes a step in its construction, a portion of meaning, and reading “paragraph by paragraph” helps to perceive the text. A paragraph is also the name given to the indentation in the text, otherwise the red line (expressions from the paragraph/from the red line).

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


PARAGRAPH- V original meaning its - the same as Red line. But A. also means a fragment of written speech concluded between red lines. A paragraph can be viewed from two points of view: 1) descriptive expediency, 2) poetic expediency. The descriptive expediency of a paragraph is that it gives a book or manuscript a more aesthetic appearance, introducing some variety into the monotonous pattern of parallel lines; Moreover, a paragraph makes reading easier for the eye, giving it some reason to rest and helping it follow the lines. These properties of the paragraph serve indirectly the purposes of poetic influence, as can be argued about other external features books or manuscripts. But the paragraph also has an immediate poetic purpose: it can be considered as literary device. It reflects the artist's intention to highlight externally V special group certain parts of the work, it makes distinct groupings of emotions, ideas, images. Groupings of images in a paragraph are made both according to their static connection and dynamic connection: thus, the characterization of the character, description of the area, etc., establishing a static connection between paragraphs, usually require red line; similar red line a significant turn in the development of the plot is separated, a new moment in the novel or story, where events are presented primarily in their dynamic connection. Where the author’s reasoning and the thoughts of the characters are conveyed, the paragraph emphasizes logical connection between ideas. A paragraph reflects the nature of the connection between emotions in a lyric work or passage. Since the use of a paragraph is not provided for by any strictly established rules, the author’s artistic intention is also manifested in its ordinary use, and here its application is largely subjective. The only practically established limitation in this area requires that the beginning and end of the paragraph not fall in the middle of the phrase. The artistic possibilities of a paragraph, however, are most revealed when it breaks the established tradition. Andrei Bely's unexpected paragraphs add a special nervous tension to his artistic prose. Unusually short paragraphs in a newspaper feuilleton or editorial make the speech abrupt, creating the impression of laconicism and special significance. The expressive side of a paragraph is even more clear when the artist establishes an internal relationship between words that does not coincide with the external relationship. Thus, Andrei Bely separates with a red line the words enclosed in brackets and explaining the previous phrase, because for him these words have a completely independent subjective meaning. Some paragraphs by Andrei Bely break the phrase itself, not even coinciding with the grammatical structure, and even more so highlighting the subjective meaning for A. Bely individual parts. In poetic speech, a paragraph coincides with a stanza. But a stanza, due to the usually short length of a poetic line - much smaller than a prose paragraph - serves typographical purposes. A stanza can be of any size, but in poetic practice there is a preferential use of some of its favorite types (see the word stanza ); Along with this, in almost every poetic work we observe strophic uniformity (however, deviations are possible here, an example of which is Byron’s poems, where each stanza is arbitrary in size). Its rhythmic meaning clearly emerges in the stanza. In a prose paragraph, the rhythmic meaning is not so emphasized, but just as undeniable. A very clear rhythmic feature here is the pause separating one paragraph from the next. The fact that the theory of the rhythm of artistic prose has not yet been sufficiently developed makes the study of the paragraph difficult. We feel the difference between Gogol’s paragraph and L. Tolstoy’s paragraph, the similarity between Pushkin’s and Kuzmin’s paragraphs, but verifying this impression using objective indicators would be difficult. It would not be advisable to determine the size of a paragraph by the number of phrases included in it, firstly, because the paragraph does not always coincide with the phrase (an example of which is the paragraph of Andrei Bely), and secondly, because the phrase itself is not sufficiently defined measure (L. Tolstoy’s phrase, for example, is longer and more complex than Pushkin’s phrase). The paragraph, as an artistic device, has not been studied at all. The problem is posed in the book by Mikhail Lopatin (“An experience of introduction to the theory of prose. Pushkin’s Stories.” “Omphalos” 1918, 2nd ed., Petrograd - Odessa). The author clarifies the logical role of the paragraph, seeing its significance in the fact that it highlights the main ideas and thereby facilitates the perception of thought.

Valentina Dynnik. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


See what “Paragraph” is in other dictionaries:

    Paragraph- PARAGRAPH in its original meaning is the same as the red line. But A. also means a passage of written speech contained between red lines. A paragraph can be viewed from two points of view: 1) descriptive expediency, 2)… … Dictionary of literary terms

    - (German Absatz from ab from and setzen put, put.). The beginning of the text, a new line when typographically setting letters. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PARAGRAPH German. Absatz, from ab, from, and setzen, to put, put.… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    The kitten [will not shit anymore]. 1. Unlock Joking. It's all over with whom l., with what l. UMK, 47; Maksimov, 11. 2. Jarg. school Joking. About a student answering a lesson at the blackboard. VMN 2003, 17. Take a paragraph. Jarg. they say Take three puffs when smoking. Nikitina 2003.15.… … Big dictionary Russian sayings

    paragraph- PARAGRAPH, a, m. 1. Something strange, special, unusual, outstanding. I have never seen such a paragraph before. 2. The end, the end of something. The asshole showed up right before work, and asked for money. 3. in sign. intl. Expresses any emotion. Paragraph, how many people!… … Dictionary of Russian argot

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    PARAGRAPH, paragraph, man. (German: Absatz) (special). 1. Indent to the right at the beginning of a line to separate one part of the text from another; Red line. When typing, make a paragraph. 2. Text between two such indents. Read two paragraphs. Dictionary… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

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