Celebrities who didn't graduate from high school. Celebrities who didn't graduate from high school 10 celebrities who didn't go to school

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg have long proven that building successful business It is possible without a bachelor's degree. But is it really possible to achieve such heights without receiving a secondary education?

The stories of these people prove that the lack of a school certificate is not a death sentence, but a motivation to direct your time and talent in the right direction:

One of the richest residents of Great Britain, entrepreneur Richard Branson studied at primary school. After the guy was finally transferred to the secondary, the situation did not improve. Branson was one of the worst students. The reason for this is dyslexia, the inability to master reading and writing skills. At the age of 16, Branson gave up trying to get an education and went straight into business, where he succeeded well. Corporation Founder's Net Worth Virgin Group Today it is estimated at 5 billion dollars. Branson wrote two books about his path to success and wealth: “Losing My Virginity” and “The Naked Business.” Both, by the way, became global bestsellers.

Gisele Bündchen

In 2018, Gisele entered the top five in Forbes version. However, for the sake of a brilliant career, the Brazilian had to sacrifice her education. After a representative of the Elite Modeling agency drew attention to her at MacDonald's, the future supermodel left school. At that time, Gisele Bündchen was only 14.

Hollywood's darling and sex symbol of the decade, Ryan Gosling, dropped out of school in Canada when he was 17. This was a turning point in the actor's life - immediately after that he landed a role in the popular Disney show All-New Mickey Mouse Club, from which his career began.

The founder of the Spanish company Inditex has already long years holds the first position in the ranking of the richest people on the planet. But few people know how difficult Amancio Ortega’s path to fame was. Due to his family's poverty, Amancio was unable to even finish high school. At the age of 13, he began working as a messenger in a shirt store. Having immersed himself in the clothing industry, a few years later Amancio founded a corporation, which now includes brands such as Zara, Mussimo Dutti, Oysho, Bershka, Stradivarius.


The legendary American rapper changed several schools before deciding to give up studying altogether. Lack of education did not prevent him from becoming a hip-hop star and making a career in producing. By according to Forbes, Jay-Z is the fifth richest celebrity in the United States.

Li Ka-shing

One of Asia's most influential businessmen was born into a poor family school teacher. The death of his father and crushing poverty forced Lee to quit school and take up street trading. At first the guy sold watch straps, and then got a job in a plastics factory. Having accumulated a meager start-up capital, Li Ka-shing began to little by little build his own business empire. Even after worldwide success, the entrepreneur continues to lead a modest lifestyle, which he was accustomed to since childhood - he wears only cheap and comfortable shoes, plastic watches, and free time devotes himself to reading.


Talented man talented in everything: Rihanna proved this judgment on by example. In addition to her musical activities, Rihanna tried her hand at cinema, launched her clothing brand Fenty, and is now actively involved in charity work. Would Rihanna have been able to achieve all this while also getting an education at school? Maybe. But the fact remains: the star quit training as soon as she signed a contract with Def Jam.

Daniel Radcliffe

Due to the early acting career Daniel Radcliffe never made it through high school. But he gave many of us the magical world of childhood, fulfilling main role in the Harry Potter saga.

Francois Pinault

The famous French entrepreneur realized in his youth that school would not teach him what he was most interested in in life - the ability to build a successful business. At the age of 16, Pinault dropped out of school and went to earn start-up capital for his first company, Pinault group. Today, Francois Pinault's fortune totals $8.7 billion.

Keanu Reeves

The successful film actor and winner of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame had problems with socialization throughout his life. This prevented him from finishing school - Reeves simply did not fit into more than one team. Keanu constantly had clashes with classmates and teachers, and he decided to leave his studies so as not to traumatize anyone’s psyche.

10 successful people who did not finish school was last modified: March 21, 2019 by Vlada Gorshunova

And now we present to your attention a list of celebrities who at one time various reasons dropped out of school. Among them there are those from whom you did not even expect such an act.

More than one scientist has said that many successful individuals have incomplete education in their biographies. Read more about the stars who dropped out of school and went to conquer Hollywood.

Jim carrey

The life of actor Jim Carrey did not go very well at the very beginning. Before becoming one of the highest paid actors, he even lived in a campervan for a time, and his first performance at a comedy club was a disaster. Kerry had to leave school because of money: he simply went to work at a steel mill.

Kate Winslet

Who would have thought that the smart and beautiful girlfriend of Leonardo DiCaprio had to leave school because of bullying from her classmates. According to the actress, she was called names because of her weight problems and, unable to bear the insults, she left the GCSE school.

The Oscar, Grammy, Emmy and three Golden Globe winner had learning problems in school. Due to dyslexia (impaired reading ability), she had to leave school at age 15. But Cher succeeded as a musician.

Demmy Moor

The sultry brunette was also left without a school certificate, but this did not happen at the request of the future star. The fact is that Demi's mother abused alcohol and could not provide for her daughter. Therefore, from the age of 16, she had to earn money herself. After leaving school, she got a position in a collection office, where she collected money from debtors.

Quentin Tarantino

One of the most famous directors world Quentin Tarantino dropped out of school at age 15. During the day he worked as a usher in one of the cinema halls, and in the evenings he attended courses acting. His labors were not in vain.

Britney Spears

Life reminds many of us of a fairy tale. The young girl went to New York and soon conquered the whole world with her voice and energy. To get serious about her career, she left school at 16. Note that she was not an outsider, but studied well and even led the women's basketball team.

John Travolta

The famous actor left school at the age of 16 to devote himself to a modeling career and studying acting.

Nicole Kidman

The actress once had to leave school to care for her mother, who had cancer.

Johnny Depp

The actor also did not immediately ride the wave of success. He dropped out of school in the eighth grade, but not at all for an acting career, but to study music and even managed to found his own group. Johnny Depp has repeatedly recalled that he simply hated school and does not regret dropping out of school at all. But this does not prevent him from now actively engaging in self-education. It is no secret that the man helps his own children with homework, whom he categorically does not allow to leave school.

Charlize Theron

The famous actress and Oscar winner dropped out of school when she was 16. After winning her first modeling competition, Charlize Theron participated and won several more until she signed a lucrative contract with a modeling agency in Milan. She had to quit her studies to pursue modeling.

Robert DeNiro

Legendary actor, Oscar and Golden Globe award-winning American actor Robert De Niro made his stage debut at the age of 10, playing the Cowardly Lion in a school production of The Wizard of Oz. At 16, he left school to pursue acting professionally.

Uma Thurman

Quentin Tarantino's favorite actress dropped out of school at age 15 to devote herself to acting.

These famous people have become established as individuals without even graduating from school!

And 10 years later, when former geeks, nerds and formerly awkward teenagers climb up the ladder of life, the stars of the class remain somewhere down there. Do you think it's a fairy tale? But no. We have irrefutable proof in the form of popular celebrities.

The late Nirvana singer had a difficult childhood. His parents divorced when Kurt was 7 years old: “I felt like I didn’t deserve to have other kids interact with me. After all, they had parents, but I didn’t.” Cobain was not like the other guys: calm, reserved, sometimes a little crazy. His peers didn’t understand him, so they pestered him.

“I always felt that my classmates would choose me to play the role of the guy who would shoot everyone at graduation,” Kurt once joked.

Despite the fact that the life of the Nirvana singer was interrupted very tragically and suddenly, the success that the school loser achieved was stunning. Which only proves that he is a real talent and rich inner world lies within shy and strange guys.

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“At school we had tall guys with stubble and muscles, and I was a skinny, awkward teenager.”

Unlike his on-screen heroes, teenager Efron was not particularly popular at school. At one of the last show The On the Late Late Show with James Corden, he said: “I sang and danced at school. And this was considered not very cool. Therefore, to my classmates I was a real nerd.” To which the host replied: “In that case, you were the most beautiful nerd I’ve ever seen!” When we hear high school stories like this from a handsome guy like Efron, the skeptics in us wake up. After all, confessions on the topic “I was a loser, just like you” immediately add a couple of points to him in the eyes of his fans. And then we look at old photograph Efron and still believe his words.

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In Glee, Naya played the tough bitch cheerleader who plots mischief for everyone. But at school the actress was a real geek: “At school I was more like Artie and Rachel than Santana. Like Rachel, I knew what I wanted, but I wasn't as nasty. But, like Artie, I was a terrible “nerd”…” We hope that the classmates whom Naya let to cheat in the 9th grade have already watched all the episodes of “Glee”!

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The real Kesha has nothing in common with the Kesha we see in videos and on stage. Before she took up music professionally and sang the iconic line “Before I leave brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack,” the singer actively gnawed on the granite of science. She was the top student in the group with her homework always ready in her backpack: “After school, I was going to go to Barnard College to study psychology.” Kesha admitted that while she was still at school, she managed to attend university lectures. For what? Just for fun. As Kesha herself said:

“I love learning!”

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“I honestly don’t know why they were so mean to me. And when I asked, they simply said: “Well, you’re fat.”

I was bullied because excess weight. And after a few months I started having digestive problems. Because of which I still suffer,” admits Demi. Interesting fact: In 2011, a story was published on Tumblr called my (un)told story, written by a former classmate of the star. The latter decided to tell the world what Demi really is. According to this girl, Lovato was not a victim at all, Demi herself humiliated her peers, including the author of the story... The post was later deleted.

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Cutie Selena Gomez cannot boast of the title “Miss Popularity”. She was considered one of the losers at school, was friends with only two girls from the class, and during breaks she sat in the back desks and did homework. However, Sel was lucky with her cousin. Priscilla Deleon was a popular girl and part-time captain of the cheerleading team. And when Selena was offended, she always stood up for Gomez.

“School years are not best time in my life. I had one like this low self-esteem, – Sel once said. – I didn’t go on dates with guys at school. I was in love with someone, but I never admitted it to him. I did what a lot of girls do, which is avoid him.”

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A lot of celebrity friends, endless positivity, countless good deeds and tracks that raise the self-esteem of all teenagers - it’s simply impossible not to love Taylor. The inhabitants of the school where the singer studied may disagree with us. Classmates did not understand Swift, did not want to be friends with her and considered the singer a gray mouse: “I remember when I was at school, the only reason The reason I started writing songs was my loneliness. I was walking down the hallway and I could hear something like, “Oh my god, the party we're going to on Friday is going to be the party of the century. Everyone is coming except Taylor...” Who needs these parties now if Tay has VIP entry to Kanye West's party?

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The heroine Kristen Bella from the film adaptation of “Twilight” can hardly be called a popular girl. However, Bella Swan had her own special charm and a vampire boyfriend to boot. But real life- not a vampire saga. Silent girls like Bella are rarely spared by school bullies. And Stewart, who is somewhat similar to her character, really had a hard time at school:

“I was glad when I graduated from school. I just couldn't communicate with guys my age. They are mean and don't give you a chance."

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Lady Gaga's tearful story about her high school years was once heard in an HBO promotional video in April 2011. Rubbing her eyes with a tissue and sobbing, the singer said she felt like a real freak at school:

“To this day, sometimes I feel like a loser in high school, and every morning I have to cheer myself up, remind myself that I am a superstar, that I can handle this and be the girl that my fans need.”

Also in her interviews, the singer repeatedly mentioned that her classmates considered her ugly and mocked her in every possible way: “I was teased for my a big nose" And, of course, her peers did not share her passion for music and theater. But immediately after the release of the HBO video, some “acquaintances of acquaintances,” who allegedly knew Gaga’s classmates, immediately rushed to refute the singer’s version, saying that no one had offended Gaga and that she was greatly exaggerating. However, their words were never confirmed, as in the case of their outspoken classmate Demi. For some reason, we really believe Lady Gaga's story. She is a creative and extraordinary person - an ideal target for school bullying.

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In Gossip Girl, Leighton played the daughter of wealthy parents and part-time school leader Blair Waldorf. Her heroine is used to getting everything she wants: from the coolest clothes to the best guys in the class. But in your real ones school years the actress could not afford half of what Blair has:

“I was bullied in high school because I was a bespectacled student and a nerd. We didn’t have a lot of money, and I couldn’t come up to my mom and say that I just needed these expensive jeans.”

Mister admitted that she hated school fiercely, so sometimes she even skipped classes to smoke a joint with friends. Wow, we didn't know Layton was such a bad girl! Mister never told the kids at school that she planned to become an actress. And when they saw her photo in a magazine, they immediately began to discuss how she looked fat in the photo. This is envy.

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When Eminem was 9 years old, he was beaten so badly by a school bully that he was in a coma for about a week! Afterwards the guy was also beaten repeatedly:

“They beat me up in the school shower, beat me in the hallways, stuck my head in a locker...”

The main white rapper on the planet found a way to throw out the anger that had accumulated inside him - he began to perform hip-hop. He often mentioned all the horrors that Eminem experienced at school in his lyrics. Take the track Brain Damage, in which the rapper literally poured out his soul. As you understand, Eminem was not a nerd, but rather a trash, he studied very poorly and did not see the point in attending classes at all. Once, when he was called to the board to answer a paragraph about the American Constitution, Eminem read a rap (with profanity and other special effects). He was immediately expelled without the right to appeal.

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At school, Angie was the weird girl in black who drew coffins in her math book. Jolie studied very poorly, snapped at teachers, and did not communicate with her classmates at all. She was even transferred to a special class and forced to work with a psychotherapist. The parents were horrified - Oscar-winning dad Jon Voight was burning with shame, and mom Marcheline Bertrand often cried in the director's office. Kees Rundle, a friend of the star's late mother, once told the Daily Mail:

“They (classmates) laughed at her because of her lips, the girls were mean to her. She had broad shoulders and long legs, and she walked like a gazelle.”

Because of offensive nicknames, which Jolie had to hear every day, the girl even drove herself to anorexia. She hated herself at school, but now Angelina Jolie, her broad shoulders, long legs and plump lips loves the whole world.

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One of the most popular Russian YouTube bloggers, Katya Klap, started her channel precisely because she was faced with misunderstanding from her classmates. Kate decided to create her own little world and funny characters that Clap transformed into in her videos:

“I had many personalities, I didn’t feel like I was just one person. That’s why my classmates didn’t understand me.”

“Others are used to living according to patterns, but I have always loved transformation. That is, I watch some movie with Megan Fox and that’s it, the next day I, of course, don’t look like Megan Fox, but I feel like a rebel. The next day I watch “Back to the Future” and I’m already a strange girl in sneakers and a puffy vest. By the end of school, I just realized that I had to remain myself,” -. It’s amazing how easily those who bullied Katya at school a few years ago changed their attitude towards their former classmate when she became famous. But, as Kate herself said, if before she needed these people, now fans are much more important to her.

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Chris Colfer

He made the so-called “coming out” while still at school - the guy openly admitted that he was gay. And if Chris's family reacted to this news with understanding, then at school Colfer had to face severe bullying. Interestingly, the character of Chris from Glee, Kurt Hummel, is literally based on the actor. Series creator Ryan Murphy really liked it real story Colfer and he decided that it would be a great basis for a script! Looking back and remembering high school, Chris can advise anyone who is humiliated by their classmates to keep their head down and just get through it.

Life of the Stars


01.10.15 21:03

Did your parents ever tell you that if you don’t study well, you’ll become a janitor? Maybe they were right: a good education is a useful thing. However, these celebrity high school dropouts proved that even without a high school education, you can become rich and successful!

Instead of final exams - world fame

Canadian singer Avril Lavigne was only 15 years old when she went to New York and came to the attention of a famous producer. The parents were not against their daughter quitting school and taking up musical career. Well, the contract turned out to be very profitable, the girl achieved wild popularity. And when former classmates passed final exams, Avril has already performed on the big stage.

The same thing happened with Rihanna. A talented girl from the island of Barbados won the hearts of the owners of prestigious record labels. Well, what kind of school is this when prospects dawned before the young singer, which she had almost dreamed of from the cradle! Maybe, of course, in Everyday life and the lack of education and upbringing affects (Rihanna had a very simple family): no, no, that one jumps out of the diva “ wild child", who shocks everyone with his next skimpy outfit, in which everything is exposed, can burst into public abuse or knock back a glass “for courage” before going on stage. But stars are allowed a lot, aren’t they?

When there is no time to go to school

Probably precisely because she did not finish school herself, she played the “bad teacher” so convincingly. Be that as it may, having started modeling career and constantly moving from place to place, she was unable to complete her education. But she turned out to be a successful actress. Of course, she had to start small (there was also a “film for adults” in her life), but after starring in “The Mask,” the girl entered the Hollywood elite.

He gnawed at the granite of science for eight whole years at the prestigious sorcerer school Hogwarts. So why was it necessary to also complete general education? Jokes aside, but Daniel Radcliffe, with his participation in the long-running “Potter,” did not have to sit at his desk until “ last call" He became super popular while still an eleven-year-old boy, then began to earn cloudless fees. So say after this that “teaching is light.”

We started everything with a “clean slate”

Representative of a prominent acting dynasty She starred in big movies when she was just a baby, felt the “taste of freedom” just as early, and by adolescence became a drug addict and alcoholic. The main thing here, of course, is to stop on time. Drew did it. And although she never managed to finish school, now she is... famous actress and producer, writes scripts and has two daughters. Despite the unsightly “start”, life was good!

The daughter of iconic rock musician Kelly Osbourne also had to for a long time spend in a rehabilitation clinic and recover from a drug “frenzy” (either genes played a role, or growing up too early). Because of this, she left the school desk. And, despite the fact that Kelly prefers lilac hair color and strange hairstyles, now she is a completely respected lady, hosts a daytime talk show, and the media Lately very kind to Kelly.

Britney Spears began her first steps in show business with The Mickey Mouse Club. The rest is history. She may have portrayed a schoolgirl in her hits, but she never received a high school diploma herself. She, too, simply had no time to waste time on such “trifles”! Britney became a mega-star, and at some point this played a bad joke on her - we all remember her escapades with shaving her head. Now everything is fine for the singer.

Still “bad girls”...

She had big problems in her studies (she has attention deficit disorder). She changed schools and once even ended up in educational institution for the "difficult". Well, Paris, with her wealth, it would seem, did not need a certificate of completion of school: she did what she wanted, and chose a rather specific way to become famous. “Sex tapes” served the blonde well. But since then she still can’t find herself, she rushes through life, plunging into writing, acting, DJing, but nothing really comes of it. Perhaps it’s time to settle down and live a “simple life”?

The list of “bad girls” who did not finish school continues. You're probably not surprised to see this name here? Yes she was rising star, which was promoted by the Disney studio. After several successful teen comedies, Lindsay found herself on top of the world. Was there any time to think about studying? But then the starlet’s energy went “in the wrong direction,” and she is still trying to get out of it. Not very successful.

…And the “ex-bad boys”

And here comes " bad boy”, who ended up behind bars in his youth and did not finish his studies along with his peers. The bully was kicked out of school at the age of 14. But look - now everything is fine with him! A beloved wife and four children, roles in blockbusters, good production work, a popular series is being filmed about his life... We are talking about Mark Wahlberg - now hardly anyone will remember his past mistakes, everything has been rewritten completely.

Rap mogul Jay-Z, who with his wife Beyoncé owns $600 million, doesn't need anyone's support or direction. At one time, a dark-skinned Brooklyn boy failed to finish his studies at school. But now it doesn't matter at all. He's doing so well!

Got talent? Then “papers” are of no use!

But we would never call this artist - a quiet hard worker, an Oscar nominee and a ladies' favorite - an ignoramus! Would you believe that you didn’t receive any diplomas or certificates? He clearly demonstrated: if you have talent and charisma, some pieces of paper are completely useless. And he is, apparently, a very good person: he writes music, speaks three languages, raises his daughter and does not forget to please us with new works.

Our next hero’s musical career didn’t work out. But he sacrificed a lot for this dream of his - even his studies in high school! He has a vocal gift (if you watched the fantasy “Into the Woods...” or “Sweeney Todd,” you heard him sing). Maybe you shouldn't regret unfulfilled hopes when you are one of the most prolific and respected actors in Hollywood, and your name is ?

Finally, here’s another star of the first magnitude, who showed how little a diploma means if you have true talent. He dropped out of school, aiming for acting fame, and he was right! Already his youthful works were greeted with enthusiasm, and three Golden Globes only confirmed that he is a great artist. Of course, as a child he had problems due to dyslexia, and besides, his family constantly changed their place of residence, and his son constantly changed schools. But all this is secondary compared to what I have achieved today.

At school, the future Oscar winner was considered mentally retarded. All because Anthony suffered from dyslexia, a feature in which a person cannot distinguish between letters and words, and, accordingly, cannot learn to read or write. The only thing he could do well was play the piano, but this ability was not appreciated by teachers and Hopkins was forced to leave school.

Jim carrey

Kerry did not finish school due to financial difficulties in the family. Despite the fact that the boy tried very hard and did not miss classes, he would be forced to work after school in a factory for eight hours. This could not but affect his studies; Kerry remained in the 10th grade for three years in a row until he finally broke up with school.

Kate Winslet

It is difficult to imagine today that little Kate was bullied by her classmates because of her excess weight. They teased her, the most harmless nickname was “Bubble.” Unable to withstand the bullying, the future actress dropped out of school.

Al Pacino

Al Pacino first dreamed of sports career and even played on the school baseball team. But at the age of 17, he decided to earn money and quit his studies. He only has an acting school diploma in his pocket, but that doesn't stop him from being a superstar.

Gerard Depardieu

Depardieu's character began to manifest itself in early childhood, when instead of lessons he began to steal and then resell cars. At the age of 12, he said goodbye to his classmates and no one else noticed him at his school desk. Journalists are still not sure that Gerard can write correctly.

Angelina Jolie

And another victim of bullying by classmates. Angelina, unlike Kate Winslett, was teased by her schoolmates because of her thinness and braces on her teeth. The stress made the girl completely depressed and she dropped out of school. But who knows her classmates now and doesn't know Jolie?

Tom Cruise

Cruz, like Hopkins, suffers from dyslexia. It goes without saying that he had a hard time at school. He changed 15! schools, but this came to nothing. The boy even tried to become a priest, but changed his mind in favor of an acting career, to our delight.

Pierce Brosnan

The future James Bond moved to London at the age of 15 and immediately came under a hail of ridicule from his fellow students, who called him a “dirty Irishman” because of his accent. He endured it for five years, and then, at the age of 16, he ran away from home and school with a traveling circus. He never returned to study.

Nicole Kidman

Kidman was doing well at school - she studied diligently, studied in a choreographic studio and sang. But the illness of her mother, for whom there was no one to care for except Nicole, forced her to interrupt her studies. She never received her diploma.

Johnny Depp

Johnny didn't intend to do well in school, he wanted to become a rock star. Therefore, he skipped classes, going to band rehearsals, and there was nothing to think about homework. At the age of 15 he was forced to leave school. Instead, he completed acting courses and is earning millions.

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