Alexander Arshinov is Savicheva’s husband. Alexander Arshinov: future producer of Yulia Savicheva? Wedding gifts for Yulia Savicheva and Alexander Arshavin

For ten years, composer Alexander Arshinov was just the boyfriend of the beloved singer Yulia Savicheva. Fans of the singer were looking forward to when she would get married. At this time, there was a lot of gossip around the beautiful couple, the girl was credited with numerous affairs, but they were able to endure everything together. Almost everything is known about Savicheva, but Alexander Arshinov remains in the shadows. The biography and personal life of the man will be covered in this article.

Before meeting Julia

Since childhood, Alexander has been interested in music and constantly took part in the popular television program “At Cinderella’s Ball.”

After school the guy decided to continue musical career and entered the Gnessin School. As a student, he began to be attracted to heavy music and, having collaborated with several like-minded people, Alexander Arshinov created his own group, “Bay of Joy.”

The guy wrote the music and lyrics himself and performed his own works. But the group never became popular, since the “alternative” style is in particular demand among the public.

Relationships with the opposite sex

Numerous girls were interested in Alexander Arshinov, whose biography is described in this article. The guy was distinguished by charisma and an attractive appearance, which was emphasized by the frowning look of a heavy music performer and the same style of clothing. And Sasha himself used to be a very loving guy. He liked to communicate with girls and flirt with them.

Arshinov was credited with a relationship with Yulia Volkova, a member of the Tatu group. They say that these guys had warm feelings for quite a long time. But Alexander himself does not really like to remember those “childhood” times and prefers not to talk about his relationship with Volkova.

Yulia Savicheva before meeting Alexander

In 2003, Julia was not so feminine and charming. She preferred to wear jeans, wide sweaters and loose T-shirts, and sneakers. The teenager's image was complemented by dreadlocks. Savicheva passed the casting for “Star Factory” in exactly this form and, it is worth noting, very successfully. The girl sang songs in a popular style, but she herself was fond of heavy music.

Yulia was introduced to the group "Bay of Joy" by her friend Lagutin Gena, bringing with him their album. Savicheva asked to listen to him, and she really liked the songs, especially the voice of an unknown artist. The girl really wanted to see this guy, but there was a picture of a dog on the cover of the disc. Then she took out the insert, and, unfolding it, saw the faces of the group members; Alexander Arshinov stood out among everyone. It’s no wonder that sixteen-year-old Yulia fell in love with a handsome guy, and then she asked Gena to introduce her to him.


For a long time, Savicheva was going to personally meet the guy she liked by coming to his concert. I couldn’t get the image of the gloomy but very attractive Sasha out of my head, but it was not possible to meet him, because the tour took up too much of the girl’s time, and free days her parents wouldn't let her go.

Savicheva has always been distinguished by courage, sometimes unusual for girls; it was thanks to this character trait that she achieved a lot in her life, including her personal one. Yulia came to Gena and asked him for Sasha’s phone number. A friend, without hesitation, shared this data.

Arshinov Alexander at that time was an eighteen-year-old guy, and he was not tormented by any stereotypes. When Yulia called and she offered to meet in person, he did not refuse. He was interested in seeing a brave girl with a pleasant voice, so he got ready and went on a fateful date.

Initiative girl

Savicheva was not disappointed when she saw Sasha live. She realized that she wanted to live with this person all her life. Arshinov Alexander, in turn, did not intend to start a serious relationship, and he did not initially like Yulia, he expected that this meeting would be the first and last.

Later, Savicheva said that she tried to keep the situation under control and not let everything take its course. She believed that she was destined to be together with Sasha, and purposefully moved forward. She herself called the guy, offered to meet him, take a walk, he didn’t always agree, but still sometimes Yulia sought an audience.

Touring and constant rehearsals did not allow the girl to be near Sasha as often as she would like. Taking a break from a busy schedule free time, Yulia wrote messages to Arshinov, if he didn’t answer, she called his cell phone, and when he didn’t pick up, she dialed his home number. Soon the guy realized that he couldn’t get rid of the girl so easily, and began to agree to meetings.

To his surprise, he liked her more and more. Alexander didn’t understand why he hadn’t seen the most beautiful creature on earth in this teenager before? Soon all his many girlfriends remained on the sidelines, and other girls simply ceased to exist. Thus began a love story that Yulia Savicheva and Alexander Arshinov continue to write.

Candy-bouquet period

For two years, young people walked holding hands; they had many common interests. Julia continued to build her musical career, Alexander - his, but, unfortunately, not so successfully.

Alexander Arshinov, whose photo is provided in this article, fell more and more in love with his girlfriend every day. Before his eyes, the teenager turned into beautiful girl, her dreadlocks gave way to a neat hairstyle, and makeup began to appear.

Julia strongly wanted to meet the guy’s parents and introduce him to hers. Arshinov Alexander understood that refusals on his part would not be accepted, and the girl would somehow achieve her goal anyway, so he agreed to meet her.

Sasha’s parents liked Yulia, and soon she became a frequent guest in their house, even in the absence of her boyfriend.

When Savicheva turned eighteen, Sasha offered to move in with him. Parents on both sides supported the idea and began to help the young couple with the arrangement.

Gossip around the couple

Photo by Alexander Arshinov and Yulia Savicheva began to appear frequently in the media. The couple appeared everywhere only together. Sasha was unknown to many people, and Yulia’s fans tried to find at least something about him. This is how information appeared about all his novels, even those that never happened. Soon people got tired of delving into the life of the young musician, and they switched to Yulia.

It seemed strange to many that the girl often began to appear accompanied by TV presenter Dmitry Borisov. At the same time, Alexander completely disappeared from sight, so it seemed that everything was over between the young people. Savicheva did not refute the information about her new novel, but did not confirm it either. Only the closest people knew that Yulia did not have any affair with Dmitry and simply could not have one. Waiting for her at home common law husband, very beloved and only one, and Borisov is their mutual good friend.


When Alexander Arshinov realized that Yulia was able to achieve great success, but he was not, he decided to leave “Bay of Joy”. He wrote lyrics well for this group, so he was able to change the genre and start writing popular songs.

“Seventh Heaven” performed by Yulia captivates the soul, and few people know that the text was written by Savicheva’s common-law husband Alexander Arshinov. He also participated in the filming of the video “Sorry for Love.” From the moment Sasha began writing, his career took off sharply.

Alexander Arshinov writes songs mainly for his beloved. So, in her performance you can hear “The Day After Tomorrow”, “Above the Stars”, “Goodbye, Love”, “Hello, My Love”. But his talent is not limited to this; he also offers his works to other performers, and they are popular.

The long-awaited offer

Yulia was used to taking the initiative in her life with Sasha, but she didn’t want to propose marriage to him. She, of course, expected the first step from him, but she was in no hurry, because she understood that she needed to first build a career and test her feelings with constant separations. Savicheva often and sometimes went on tour for a long time, her work schedule was too busy, and there was simply no time for a wedding.

As the singer said, everything happened by itself at the most opportune moment. She and Sasha went on vacation at the seaside, and were finally able to get out of the city for a few days and be alone. Sitting on the beach, Savicheva’s common-law husband Alexander Arshinov, whose photo is in the article, proposed to his beloved. Everything was simple, without excessive romance, and Julia did not intrigue the groom, she immediately agreed to become his wife.

After ten years of relationship, the young people realized that they would never be apart, they were destined to be together, and excitedly began preparing the celebration.

Two weddings of Yulia Savicheva and Alexander Arshinov

Finally, fans learned that the beautiful couple was going to go to the registry office and become real husband and wife. The singer said that there will be two ceremonies. She and Sasha want to get married, and only relatives and closest friends will be invited to this event. All friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and show business stars will come to the wedding at the registry office and the subsequent celebration.

Alexander Arshinov said that he and Yulia decided long ago that they would definitely get married. Their feelings are time-tested, and after so much long term relationship they can take such a serious step after which there is no turning back.

Julia was a wonderful bride. Her dress was without unnecessary frills, simple but perfect. Sasha, as expected, was wearing a black suit. The couple was very happy; you can see photos from the celebration in our article.

Yulia Savicheva's husband, Alexander Arshinov, met his wife for the first time future wife in 2003 on the musical project “Star Factory 2”. At that time, they immediately experienced mutual sympathy for each other, began dating, but got married ten years later.

There were many rumors about Alexander Arshinov, which to one degree or another discredited him. But, as it turned out a little later, these were just rumors that were not supported by anything.

Alexander Arshinov - Husband of Yulia Savicheva

Since childhood, Alexander has been interested in music. He and his friends got together and organized evening yard concerts. These times were not in vain, because little Alexander turned into a famous and talented performer (composer). His talents were first noticed in 2003, when he got to the famous music project“Star Factory 2”. Now he's not just famous person in Russian show business, but also the husband of Yulia Savicheva.

When Sasha met 16-year-old Yulia, he was 18 years old. But already in this early age he realized that a relationship with a girl was something more than a simple meeting.

After all, as many eyewitnesses of Arshinov’s growing up say, he was always a responsible boy who was aware of exactly what he was doing and how. Maybe this is how he won Julia’s heart. The fact that he really is is evidenced by the fact that he left the “Bay of Joy” group. This happened not because he is a very bad performer, but because Alexander clearly realized for himself that there cannot be two singers in a family, since this will only harm all relationships. And he did a very gallant thing, giving way to his wife so that she could devote herself entirely to music. Currently, Yulia Savicheva’s husband, Alexander Arshinov, is writing songs for his beloved wife (and not only), giving joy to both her and many fans of her brilliant creative performances.

This story is an example of how even a long civil marriage can end beautifully and long-awaited wedding. Today on Lady Mail.Ru we will tell the love story of this beautiful couple.

Alexander Arshinov and Yulia Savicheva recently got married

Persistent girl

In 2003, no one had yet famous singer Yulia Savicheva passed the casting for the project “Star Factory-2”. Then the girl was completely different from what she is now - Savicheva rejected feminine images, wore dreadlocks and performed on stage in a rather unique manner. It was during this almost teenage period that Julia met her future husband, Alexander Arshinov. Like all fateful meetings in people's lives, their acquaintance happened completely unexpectedly.

“One day Gena Lagutin brought with him a disc from the alternative group “Bay of Joy.” And then I loved heavy music! The cover of the disc was strange: not a photo of the performers, as usual, but an image of a dog with the inscription “Beast,” recalls Yulia Savicheva in an interview with 7 Days magazine. - Only in the insert was a photograph of the group in the best traditions of alternative teams: stern faces, gloomy looks. I must admit right away that I incredibly liked the soloist’s voice - it penetrated into my very heart. And in that photo I immediately “identified” Sasha: “Is that him singing? Listen, Gena, will you introduce me to this guy?”

Having met Alexander, Julia took the initiative into her own hands

Julia herself says that she had been getting ready for a concert of her future husband’s band for a very long time, but something always got in the way - either a tour, or urgent matters, and once her parents simply wouldn’t let her go... But the soloist’s voice sank into the singer’s soul so much that she I asked my friend for his phone number and just called myself! Agree, such courage is unusual for most girls, and not every man will react with understanding to such a manifestation of sympathy, but in the case of Alexander and Yulia, everything came together.

It is important that at that time Savicheva was only 16 years old, and her chosen one was 18. So the young people were not yet burdened with stereotypes, and when Yulia called, the musician was not shocked at all - on the contrary, he decided to meet and get to know him personally nice girl. However, Sasha was in no hurry to plunge headlong into the pool, and the girl continued to control the situation. Julia admits: “I am a purposeful person, therefore, having decided that we were destined to be together, I was not going to let the situation take its course. When I came back from tour, I wrote a message. No answer - I called my mobile phone. Doesn't pick up - there's more home phone... She persistently achieved her goal. And in the end we met, went for a walk, and everything was wonderful.”

As a result, a relationship began between Savicheva and Arshinov - first love. For two years they simply dated in the “candy-bouquet period” mode, and when Yulia turned 18, her parents allowed her to move in with her boyfriend. It is noteworthy that that time too, the singer took the situation into her own hands - she persuaded the guy to meet her parents, and then convinced Alexander that serious relationship impossible without living together.

Now the singer does not regret taking the first step

Imaginary lover

It is worth noting that, even after becoming popular, Yulia Savicheva never used her personal life as a PR tool. Little has always been known about her relationship with Sasha. The media wrote that Arshinov left the Bay of Joy group and worked as a composer. At this time, Yulia was at the peak of her fame - she went to concerts all over the country and recorded an album. However, sometimes the lovers made small hints to the public that everything was fine with them - for example, Alexander once appeared in Yulia’s video “Sorry for Love,” and the song “Seventh Heaven” was also written for the singer by her boyfriend.

Alexander Arshinov himself rightly notes that two artists in a family are too many. That is why he decided to leave his group and start writing. The young man still notes that as an artist, Yulia turned out to be much more talented than him, and therefore Alexander decided to go into the shadows and write songs for his beloved.

The lovers lived together for several years, but soon rumors appeared in the press that Savicheva new novel- with TV presenter Dmitry Borisov. The singer herself did not confirm or deny these rumors, so it seemed as if she had broken up with Alexander a long time ago. But in fact, everything was fine in the life of this closed couple - they continued to create together, especially without advertising their happiness. So Yulia and Sasha lived in a civil marriage for 8 years and were in no hurry to go to the registry office. Savicheva herself, who had previously been very persistent, did not rush the wedding, and in her busy work schedule it was not easy to find a place for such an important event.

Julia and Alexander decided that there would be two ceremonies - one large and magnificent, with the participation of the press (this is exactly what their wedding turned out to be), and the other, in honor of the wedding, modest and only for the closest people.

“For Yulka and me, as believers, a wedding is much more important than cliches and a banquet in a restaurant,” says Arshinov. “We have been spiritually preparing for ten years for just such a step, after which there will definitely be no turning back.” Everything happened - from passionate love to disappointment in each other, something that happens to many. There were also crises in the relationship... And now we consciously decided that we should be together!”

Well, now that the lovers are married, they, of course, dream of children. Savicheva does not hide the fact that she wants to become a mother (after all, she and Alexander have been together for more than 10 years!), but she is not yet ready to give up her career. In a word, we'll wait and see.

For some time, Yulia stopped giving concerts, practically did not communicate with journalists, many fans and creative colleagues were at a loss. But everything became clear when Yulia Savicheva and her husband (see photo below) talked about the birth of their child.

Yulia Savicheva and her husband, composer Alexander Arshinov, became parents. This event happened in August, Maxim Fadeev was the first to announce it with sincere joy. A little later, young parents Yulia and Alexander in one of social networks published a touching letter to their newborn daughter.

From the message to many of the couple's fans, it became clear that the path to motherhood was long and difficult. Anna (that’s what Julia and Sasha named their daughter) was born in Portugal, where the couple lived and worked for several years. The first photo of the daughter Yulia Savicheva and her husband Alexander Arshinov was posted on his page by Maxim Fadeev. It is known that Julia previously worked a lot with a popular producer, and now they are on strong friendly terms.

So far, the couple have not commented on the birth of their daughter, but prefer to enjoy quiet family happiness.

But the newly-made grandfather Stanislav Savichev willingly told some details. According to him, he and his wife were always in touch, and often spoke on Skype with their daughter and son-in-law. He also emphasized that their family had been waiting for this event for a long time. They have only seen Anechka through the monitor screen so far, but they hope to meet in the near future. Recently, thanks to one of the new photos, information appeared on the network about the arrival of Yulia Savicheva and her husband in Russia.

As a participant in the “Star Factory 2” project, Yulia listened to one of the albums of the group “Bay of Joy”, she immediately liked Alexander’s voice, but at that time they did not know each other. For a long time, Yulia was unable to make it to the concert of Sasha and his band, and one evening she simply asked a friend for his number and called him herself. For Sasha, this call came as a big surprise; after a twenty-minute conversation, it seemed to the guys that they had known each other for an eternity. That same evening, their first meeting took place; Yulia Savicheva was only 16 at that time, and Sasha Arshinov was 18 years old.

After the first meeting it happened long separation, Sasha was leaving for a tour. But every time they came to Moscow, Sasha and Yulia met and walked for a long time, chatting about everything in the world. At first, Arshinov did not plan a long-term relationship with Yulia Savicheva; it seemed to him that the girl was about to have a more mature man who could offer her an apartment, a car and other benefits, which Alexander did not yet have.

Yulia Savicheva took these meetings seriously and with great persistence. According to her story, she could be the first to call cellular telephone If he didn’t answer Sasha, she called him at home. Very often during their meetings there would be a heavy downpour; they say this is a good omen.

Soon the girl introduced Alexander to her parents; the young man was very worried before meeting Stanislav Borisovich, who had once been a drummer in the rock band “Convoy”.

But everything went well, although when the guest left, the father asked Yulia to be careful with this young man, since he was “too difficult and mature for you.” In turn, Alexander Arshinov invited Yulia to visit him on one of his walks, adding that he had never invited a single girl to his house. Yulia was pleased with his words, this once again proved the seriousness of their relationship. The guys were met by a cheerful, energetic woman in sneakers, jeans and a sweatshirt - it was Sasha’s mother. The time spent chatting and looking at photos flew by.

Life together

As soon as Yulia turned 18, she and Alexander decided to live together in his house. All that remained was to inform Yulia’s parents about this. To the children’s surprise, mom and dad reacted calmly, saying that this should have been expected, since the meetings have been going on for two years.

After Yulia moved to Sasha, they began to work together. As a result, the following songs appeared: “Seventh Heaven”, “Above the Stars”, “Goodbye, Love”, “The Day After Tomorrow”. In addition to working with producer Maxim Fadeev, Arshinov successfully graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy, and Savicheva became a participant in many television projects.

During cohabitation couples yellow press more than once attributed an affair with Yulia Savicheva, since at that time joint photographs often appeared on the Internet. But the singer herself denied the rumors, emphasizing only friendly relations that have lasted for several years.


Yulia Savicheva and her husband Alexander Arshinov have been working towards this event for ten long years; there is a photo of the wedding banquet online. The official part of this event took place without wide publicity.

The ceremony at the registry office was attended by a circle of closest people. The rest of the guests were invited to the elite Crocus City Hall, which seats 400 people.

Among the guests who came to congratulate the couple were the most famous stars Russian show business: Zara, Natasha Koroleva, Joseph Kobzon, Nargiz Zakirova, participants of the children's “Voice” and other celebrities. The hosts of the wedding were Lera Kudryavtseva and Alexander Anatolyevich.

Julia's dress, like many brides', was white elegant cut, with a small collar and a figure-flattering pink ribbon at the waist. Yulia did not have a veil, but thanks to her hairstyle, the image turned out to be gentle and feminine. The newlyweds’ dance based on the composition “Mellow Like Snow” was very gentle and bright. Yulia could not hold back her tears, and Sasha gently whispered something to her and kissed her.

Many guests were moved at this moment, and after the end of the dance they applauded Yulia and Alexander for a long time. Then the newlyweds accepted congratulations, gifts and had fun with the guests. Fans of Yulia Savicheva left under their photo with her husband sincere wishes love and happiness. Let us remember that this event occurred at the end of October 2014.


After the wedding, Yulia and Alexander did not go traveling, but got busy with work. " Honeymoon“happened unexpectedly after the cancellation of the role in the musical “Peter Pan”, the newlyweds went to Venice, one of the most romantic cities. During the week, the children walked along narrow streets, visited local attractions, attended a service in one of the cathedrals, and, of course, rode gondolas.

How loving wife Yulia Savicheva sometimes, during breaks from work, pleases her husband with all sorts of goodies, which she learns to cook herself.

So to one of New Year's holidays she made gingerbread cookies. But my passion for cooking began with Italian cuisine. The first dish that Julia prepared for her husband was pasta, then she managed to make risotto and some salads.

But, like many couples, quarrels occur between Yulia and Sasha; in such situations, according to the singer, do not withdraw into yourself, but enter into dialogue, and most importantly, be able to forgive.

People started talking about the singer after she successfully completed the “Star Factory” and triumphantly ascended to the Russian stage. The young singer was super popular - her songs were played on the radio,

Savicheva was shown on TV, she filled the halls during tours, and then suddenly disappeared from view. This happened due to the fact that the singer decided to take up her personal life, and in this she also achieved some success. Yulia Savicheva’s husband, Alexander Arshinov, is well acquainted with the world of show business, he is a composer, and the love of music brought the young people together.

Yulia Savicheva and Alexander Arshinov. Wedding

Julia came to the Star Factory-2 project looking bright and memorable - red hair braided into dreadlocks, colorful clothes, ripped jeans and sneakers, and Savicheva’s style of performance was quite unique.

In the photo - Yulia Savicheva and Alexander Arshinov

Yulia loved rock, and she came across a disc from an alternative group, of which Arshinov was a member. Savicheva really liked the vocalist’s voice, and she asked a friend who knew Sasha closely to introduce him to her. However, this moment was constantly postponed - due to Julia’s busy work schedule, she still could not get to the concert of “Bay of Joy,” the group in which Arshinov played. Then she found his phone number and called.

Alexander reacted normally to the fact that the girl was the first to take the initiative and agreed to meet, this is how their acquaintance began, and Yulia, who liked Alexander even more when she met him in person, decided that she should be with this guy. But Arshinov thought differently and at first did not plan a long-term relationship with this little fragile girl.

In the photo - the wedding of Yulia and Alexander

They started communicating by phone, and if Yulia couldn’t wait a long time for a call from a new acquaintance, she called herself, and this persistence helped her achieve her goal. Their romantic relationship lasted for two years, and when Savicheva turned eighteen, she moved in with Alexander.

Their civil marriage lasted eight years, and the young people were in no hurry to formalize the relationship - Sasha and Yulia were happy with everything as it was, they were busy with their careers and kept their personal lives a secret.

Julia unexpectedly received a marriage proposal from her chosen one - while on vacation at sea, and without hesitation, she immediately agreed. They began planning the wedding and drawing up guest lists, deciding that they would have two celebrations - one for the press with a large number invited guests, and the second, which will be held after the wedding, is only for those closest to you.

The wedding of Yulia Savicheva and Alexander Arshinov took place at the VEGAS Crocus City shopping complex, and many show business stars were invited to it. The celebration program was hosted by Alexander Anatolyevich and Lera Kudryavtseva. Yulia wore a luxurious designer dress with a train of flowers, and Alexandra wore a classic suit and bow tie.

At the celebration, Savicheva and Arshinov decided not to save money, especially since they managed to sell the exclusive from the wedding at a profit to one of the magazines. Gifts to the newlyweds were also luxurious - they were given money and jewelry, but the most stunning was the gift from Max Fadeev, who presented Yulia with a villa in Bali. This gift was so unexpected for the bride that she was speechless when she learned about it.

In the photo - Yulia and Max Fadeev

Yulia Savicheva and Maxim Fadeev have known each other for a very long time - Max played with her father in one music group, and when Fadeev was invited to Moscow, he invited Stanislav Savichev with him. Having become the head of the Star Factory project, he invited his friend’s daughter to join it because he was confident in her talent and great future on stage.

Biography of Alexander Arshinov

Yulia Savicheva’s husband has been interested in music since childhood and participated several times in the television project “At Cinderella’s Ball,” to which promising talented children were invited. He was brought to this program by his mother, who tried to ensure that her son youth began to build a career in show business. And he appeared on stage for the first time as part of the ensemble “Class” at a creative evening of the group “Lube” and Alexander Shaganov.

With “Class” he traveled all over the country, visiting its most remote places. After school, Alexander Arshinov graduated from the Music College named after. Gnessins, was a member of the Bay of Joy group. In addition to his musical education, Alexander received two more higher education degrees after graduating from university. Despite his undoubted musical talent, he is significantly inferior to his wife in popularity, but this does not offend him at all.

Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Savicheva

The singer’s secrecy and reluctance to let strangers into her personal life became the reason that there were always a lot of rumors around her, some of which connected Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Savicheva. When she lived in civil marriage with her future husband, there was talk that a popular singer and famous TV presenter have a romantic relationship. Julia treated these rumors calmly - she did not refute or confirm them, which further fueled the public’s interest in her personal life.

In the photo - Savicheva and Borisov

As it turned out later, Yulia had a long-standing strong friendship with Dmitry, and nothing more, and she, of course, invited Borisov to her wedding, where he heartily congratulated the newlyweds along with the rest of the guests.

Children of Yulia Savicheva

For several years, reports periodically appeared in the press that Yulia gave birth to a child, however, they were all untrue, and only last year the happy event actually happened. Yulia Savicheva's husband finally became a father for the first time in his life - the singer gave birth to a daughter. Shortly before this, Yulia and Alexander left for Portugal, choosing this country as the place where their child would be born.

Max Fadeev announced the addition to this creative family by recording a video message to Yulia’s fans. Savicheva had long dreamed of becoming a mother, but could not decide to interrupt her successfully developing career, and now, in her opinion, this time has come.

What is Yulia Savicheva doing now (2017-2018)

Julia disappeared from the sight of fans last year, and this disappearance was due to the fact that she was preparing to become a mother. However, she was in no hurry to reveal the secret to her fans and explained her absence by the fact that she works a lot in the studio. She did not say anything about her pregnancy, and leaving for Portugal made it possible to keep these changes in the personal life of the singer and husband Yulia Savicheva secret.

The press periodically appeared and then denied information that the singer was expecting a child, so it was impossible to say anything concrete about this. And only when an official message appeared online that the singer had given birth to a daughter, it became clear where Yulya Savicheva is now and what she is doing.

Like all young mothers, Yulia’s whole life today is devoted to raising her baby. Young parents, who had been waiting for this event for so long, wrote a touching letter to their little daughter Anna, which they published on one of the social networks. They admitted that the singer’s path to motherhood was long and difficult, so now we can only be happy for Yulia and her husband. Bye happy parents and their baby are in Portugal, but are planning to return to Russia soon.

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