About Vodianova and her life. Children of Natalia Vodianova. Civil Husband of Natalia Vodianova - Antoine Arnault

Natalia Vodianova was born on February 28, 1982 in Nizhny Novgorod. The girl was raised by one mother, Natalya Vodianova does not remember her father, besides her, 2 more sisters grew up in the family, one of whom was a disabled child.

The family lived in poverty, Natalya Vodianova was forced to wear other people's things and worked from the age of 11. Natasha does not hide the fact that she earned money by selling fruits at the local market. At school, the girl did not study well, because there was no time to study, Natalya Vodianova spent almost all her days at the market, helping her mother with trade.

star trek supermodel

Already at the age of 15, Natalia Vodianova began an independent life, renting an apartment with her friend.

When Vodianova was 16 years old, she was noticed by a representative of a local modeling agency, and at the age of 17, Natalia Vodianova flew to Paris for a Madison agency competition. In 2001, W magazine called the former saleswoman a sensation. modeling business.

Jean-Paul Gaultier drew attention to Natalya, who awarded her second place. After participating in the model in American Fashion Week, she was bombarded with offers from major representatives media market.

Natalia Vodianova began to work on the catwalk for Yves Saint Laurent, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Valentino and many other fashion houses. Leading glossy magazines competed for the cover with Natalia. In 2003, Calvin Klein signed a contract with a Russian model for one million. In 2002, Vodianova became the highest paid face of the CK label in the history of the brand.

In 2008, Natalia Vodianova announced that she was leaving the modeling business. The girl decided to devote herself to raising children and charity. Vodyanova is the founder of the Naked Heart Foundation, which builds playgrounds in the cities of the Russian hinterland. The show of the Haute Couture Valentino collection was the last in the fashion model's career. However, photos of Natalia Vodianova still appear on the covers of the world's leading fashion magazines - she is filmed as a guest star.

Natalia Vodianova is 176 cm tall and weighs 45 kg.

Personal life of Natalia Vodianova

In 2002, Natalia Vodianova married the English lord and artist Justin Portman. The dress for the bride was personally created by the creative director of the Gucci Fashion House, Tom Ford.

In 2009, secular society and show business were shocked by rumors about Natalia's betrayals and the upcoming divorce of the model and the lord. In 2011, the couple officially filed for divorce. In the summer of that year, Vodianova began dating, the son of the owner of the luxury conglomerate LVMH and richest man planets by Bernard Arnault.

Children of Natalia Vodianova

In 2006, Natalia Vodianova gave birth to a daughter and named her Neva. In honor of the birth of her daughter, Natalia received a platinum ring with diamonds from Justin Portman. The couple also had two children: sons Lucas Alexander (December 22, 2001) and Victor Portman (September 13, 2007).

On May 2, 2014, the supermodel gave birth to her fourth child - the son of Maxim from Antoine Arnault. And on June 4, 2016, the couple had another baby. The boy was named Roman.

Natalia Vodianova dedicates everything to her four children free time. Russian Cinderella, who got out of poverty, thanks to the talent of the model, raised her two younger sisters to her feet. In addition, one of the most sought-after models in the world manages to take care of children with handicapped(or would it be more correct to say additional needs), creating the Naked Heart Foundation. In the summer of 2016, a large family of the supermodel is expecting a fifth baby.

Children of Natalia Vodianova - soon there will be five!

The age of the children of Natalia Vodianova is different, the oldest in the family is 14-year-old Lucas, and the youngest is Maxim and he is now 2 years old. Natalia's first three children were born in marriage to the English lord and artist Justin Portman (they lived together for 9 years). Their first-born Lucas Alexander Portman was born in 2001, in 2006 the couple had a daughter, Neva, named after the great river (but the emphasis is on the first syllable), and already in 2007, Natalia gave her husband another son, Victor (named after grandfathers).

Unfortunately, the marriage of Natalia Vodianova and Justin Portman broke up in 2011. But Natalia, apparently, was not going to remain a single mother for a long time and had an affair with the French Antoine Arnault, not being afraid of his popularity among women. This relationship was not slow to bear fruit, and in May 2014 their son Maxim was born - Antoine's first child and Natalia's fourth.

The fans of the supermodel did not have time to rejoice over Natalia in connection with the replenishment in a large family, as the Internet blew up the news: “Natalia Vodianova is pregnant again!” And suspicions were not in an empty place. The model appeared at a fashion show by retro designer Ulyana Sergienko in a black tight-fitting dress, under which the tummy clearly loomed. BUT future mom now and then carefully covered it with her hand. Later, Natasha's mother Larisa Viktorovna confirmed the exciting news. Who they will have, a son or a daughter, is not yet known, but in one interview, Vodianova admitted that she dreams of a second daughter.

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Former husband and children of Natalia Vodianova

Despite the break with Justin Portman, Natalya still considers him a member of her family and in no way prevents him from communicating with children. Moreover, the ex-husband of Natalia Vodianova and their common children regularly see their father and even spend their holidays with him in the resort of Punta del Este (Uruguay).

A good example of how an ordinary provincial girl can become a famous model and successful woman, is a biography of Natalia Vodianova.

The young beauty was able to get into the fashion world not only by chance. Her success is her own merit. A sweet, naive-looking girl from an early age showed perseverance and perseverance, which helped her achieve tremendous results.

How did the “Russian Cinderella” Natalya Vodianova begin her path to success and what difficulties she faced on her life path, our article will tell.

Childhood of modern Cinderella

Natalia Vodianova is not in vain considered and often called Cinderella from Nizhny Novgorod. Her life - real story, which resembles a fairy tale familiar to us from childhood, with only one difference - in this case, the heroine had to achieve everything herself.

A simple girl Natasha, who was born on February 28, 1982, was able to go through a thorny path and achieve worldwide popularity, becoming a famous top model, an active philanthropist, philanthropist and just a wonderful mother of five children.

Natalia Vodianova, whose biography and personal life will be described in detail below, began her life path in an ordinary Russian city called Nizhny Novgorod (formerly called Gorky). Her family was small. Natasha's father, Mikhail Vodyanov, left the family when the girl was about 3 years old. The mother, Larisa Viktorovna, after the breakup of relations left three children, in addition to Natasha, she had two more daughters:

  • Oksana, the middle sister, who was born with a congenital pathology - a severe form of cerebral palsy.
  • Christina, the youngest sister of Natalia Vodianova, who currently lives abroad.

After a divorce from Mikhail Vodianov, Natasha's mother, Larisa Viktorovna, found it difficult to support her family. She had to work hard, but still she could not make ends meet. That is why Natalia Vodianova had to leave school and start helping her mother. How old was she then? It's hard to imagine, but the girl went to her first job in her life, being just a child, when she was about 11 years old!

Like many other girls, she wanted to dress beautifully. But the family was tight not only with outfits, but even with food. The future celebrity had to personally alter the old skirts, dresses and blouses of his grandmother. As she grew older, Natalya's appearance changed: her features, remaining the same slightly naive, hid waywardness, pride and assertiveness. In addition, Natalia was sweet and charming.

The first who saw the talent of a provincial beauty was one of Natasha's acquaintances. He invited her to try herself as a model. Just at that time, a casting was scheduled in their city. Natalia Vodianova's mother helped her reshape another grandmother's thing to meet the requirements of the competition. Dressed in a new outfit, the heroine went to her first casting in her life. Oh, if she could then imagine what the future holds for her...

The first smile and the sweetness of victory

Natalia Vodianova was only fifteen years old when she first decided to try on the image of a model. And, having bet on her appearance, she did not lose. In 1997, Natasha was enrolled in the local modeling agency Evgenia, which was headed by Evgenia Chkalova.

Working in this agency not only helped the girl gain new experience and many useful skills, but also opened up new opportunities. At one of the shows, a representative of the French fashion house “Viva Model” notices the young beauty and invites her to go through a casting in the capital.

Having withstood the competition with dignity, model Natalia Vodianova was awarded a ticket to the city of lovers, Paris, to participate in the upcoming competition organized by the Madison agency. These were the first victories, thanks to which 17-year-old Natalya Vodianova began to sincerely smile in public (as a child, she was so unhappy that she could not afford such a luxury).

Vodianova's career in the fashion business began in Paris, where the girl was invited after an enchanting debut on the capital's podium. It was there that Natalia Vodianova and her charming Slavic appearance were noticed and appreciated by the famous couturier Jean-Paul Gaultier. It was he who offered the Russian provincial beauty a job.

At first, Vodianova's modeling biography did not develop too quickly. She doesn't eat well because she lives on rented apartment and most of Her earnings are used to pay for housing. Despite this, the girl of Slavic origin living in Paris tries to regularly send money to her mother and sisters.

So Natalia lived alone in the capital of France for quite a long time. But one fine day, the course of her life changes the meeting and acquaintance with a wealthy man who not only sheltered young model, but also solved some of its material problems. Thanks to him, Natasha began to study English diligently. She will keep in touch with him many years later, and when she already has her own family, she will ask this person to become the godfather of her child ...

Success on the catwalk and screen tests

But back to how the career of Natalia Vodianova, Russian by nationality, developed. A new round in the life and modeling biography of a young Slavic girl began when Natalia was lucky enough to take part in the Week haute couture in NYC.

After this show, Natalia was literally bombarded with offers from famous fashion houses and popular glossy magazines. So, the pages of Harper's Bazaar, Vogue and other magazines began to decorate the pictures of our Cinderella. In addition, fashion shows from the famous couturiers Calvin Klein, Ives Saint-Laurent and others now did not take place without the participation of a provincial beauty.

With the beginning of the new century began and new page in the life of a top model: she first tried on the role of a movie actress. So, in 2001, the film "Agent Dragonfly" was released, where Natalia played the role of Bridget.

In a few years, viewers will be able to see other films with the participation of the Slavic model:

  • The painting "Clash of the Titans" (2010), in which Natasha talentedly created the image of the Gorgon Medusa.
  • The film "Lovers" (2012), where Natalia played Ariana.
  • Biographical film "Mademoiselle C" (2013), directed by F. Constant.

The filmography of the top model Vodianova includes another film with her participation, which was filmed, but never higher in rentals - this is the drama "Cork" (2008). As it turned out, the cinema did not bring a girl from the Russian outback great success. Much more popular Vodianova enjoyed speaking on the podium. Gradually she conquered the world.

Peak career and departure from the world of fashion

The peak of Vodianova's career growth as a model can be considered 2002 and 2003. During this period, the girl was one of the most sought-after world-class models performing at New York Fashion Week.

Around the same time, she managed to sign an agreement with the well-known Calvin Klein company, for which Natalia literally became “face and body”. In parallel with photography and work in advertising companies, the model has to take part in the annual demonstrations of the collections of fashion houses and world-class couturiers (Ives Saint-Laurent, Christian Lacroix, Ungaro, Valentino, Givenchy, Ready-to-Wear, Chanel).

Most significant event in the biography of our "Cinderella" there was a photo session held as part of the traditional annual project of the Pirelli company. In 2003, Natalia was lucky enough to be invited to a photo shoot for the Pirelli calendar, in which Vodianova had to pose naked.

It is worth noting that the recognition of Vodyanova was expected not only in the field of modeling business. According to the famous magazine "Sunday Times", the Russian model was in the top 30 wealthiest people in the world. At that time, Vodianova managed to earn a little less than 3.7 million pounds.

At the end of the contract with Calvin Klein, Vodianova entered into a new, no less profitable deal. In 2007, she became the face of the famous French fashion house Chanel. Actively shooting for magazine covers and advertising for cosmetic companies, even then she planned to say goodbye to the fashion world, because she already had a family and children in her life.

The last fashion show, which Vodianova marked the end of her modeling career, was the show of the spring-summer 2008 haute couture collection "Valentino". In the future, Natalia planned to devote herself entirely to her beloved husband and children, as well as to engage in charitable activities.

Supermodel Family Values

The biography of the "Russian Cinderella" has been a hot topic for several years in a row, which is closely followed not only by fans, but also by paparazzi. Still, after all, a successful beauty and just attractive woman Natalia Vodianova, whose height and weight allow her to appear in public without embarrassment (for reference: the model is 1.76 cm tall and her weight is within 50 kg), simply cannot be ignored. And even more so - her personal life.

Vodianova was married twice. The first man who managed to win the heart of a proud Russian girl was an attractive gentleman from foggy Albion, a British aristocrat and famous artist– Justin Trevor Berkeley Portman.

Natalia Vodianova and Justin Portman first met at a VIP party held in the capital of France in honor of the last Haute Couture Week. Their meeting was spontaneous, and Natalya did not immediately respond to Portman with mutual sympathy.

The wedding of Vodianova and Portman took place, at the insistence of the girl, in Russia, in accordance with all Russian canons and traditions. The marriage took place on September 1, 2002. Of course, all the relatives of Natalya came to the ceremony. And the guests from the groom's side, who, of course, were also invited, honored a couple of newlyweds with their visit.

The couple lived happily for almost 10 years. During this time, the husband of Natalia Vodianova had the opportunity to experience the joy of fatherhood three times. Top model and fashion model gave birth to her beloved first child Lucas, daughter Neva and younger son Victor.

The divorce came as a surprise to everyone. According to Wikipedia, in 2010 Vodianova announced a quarrel with her husband, and a year later - about the official dissolution of the marriage. It is worth noting that rumors about the new hobby of the model have repeatedly appeared in the media. And this may well be true, because Natalia Vodianova and Antoine Arnault (her current husband) met, both being in a relationship. Moreover, Natasha received a marriage proposal from Antoine even before the official announcement of a divorce from Portman.

The lovers stopped hiding their relationship when Vodianova accepted Arno's offer. In August 2013, Natalya Vodianova and her children moved to a new husband and 9 months later (May 2, 2014) gave birth to his son, who was named Maxim. Not so long ago it became known that the supermodel became a mother for the fifth time, giving birth to her beloved husband another heir - Roman (September 13, 2017).

If you type the query “Natalia Vodianova, latest news” on the Internet, you can find out that after leaving the modeling business, the woman began to do charity work, becoming the organizer of the Naked Heart Foundation. According to Natalia Vodianova herself, charity and family are her real vocation.

Despite the fact that the celebrity tries to devote a lot of time to her family, she also manages to be active in social activities, participating in various shows as a host, as well as acting for glossy magazines and performing on the catwalk for very decent fees. Author: Elena Suvorova

Natalia Vodianova is a world famous model, the face of several legendary fashion houses. AT recent times Natalia is better known as a philanthropist. The girl actively supports children with physical and mental disabilities and fights for their rights.

The biography of Natalia Vodianova, a Cinderella from Nizhny Novgorod, really looks like a fairy tale. This is the story of a rapid rise to transcendental heights from the very, as they say, bottom.

Natalia Vodianova was born in a more than modest family. The girl does not remember Father Mikhail Vodianov. Natasha's mother, Larisa Viktorovna Gromova, raised three daughters herself. One of the girls was disabled since childhood - Vodianova's sister Oksana was born with a severe form of autism and cerebral palsy.

This caused not only numerous material, but also psychological problems: at that time, such diagnoses were not made public; how to educate and communicate with special children, families had to find out practically by experience. But also such a life greatly influenced the future philanthropist. It was communication with her sister that taught Natalya to appreciate life and inspired her to help those in need.

Natalya was not a saint, years later she admitted to the press that in childhood, not knowing anything about Oksana's diagnosis, she naively envied her sister, who got all the care and attention. Natalya herself was forced to grow up quickly in order to help her family, and to fully experience what responsibility is, looking after her sick sister.

Mother had a very hard time, and Natalia helped her sell fruit at the market, carrying 30-kilogram boxes of goods. At that time, Natalya did not even dream of new clothes: she had to wear the old one. At the age of 15, the schoolgirl entered the Nizhny Novgorod College of Education, and at 16 Vodianova was enrolled in the Evgenia modeling agency. When Natalia thinks about her childhood, she admits that it was not easy. As the model admitted in an interview, she began to really smile only at the age of 17.

At one of the views, the girl was noticed by a scout of the Viva Model Management agency and invited to the casting of the French agency in Moscow. The appearance of the Slavic beauty conquered the French, and further events developed according to the scenario of a real fairy tale. After a few months, the girl went to Paris, where the modeling biography of Natalia Vodianova began.

catwalks of the world

In 1999, in Paris, at one of the competitions, Vodianova was noticed by Jean-Paul Gaultier himself. Immediately after the competition, the famous couturier offered the novice model of Russian nationality a job. The beginning of a career was not easy. The competition was incredible, and all the money earned went to food and rent.

The Russian Cinderella also had her own Fairy Godmother. A wealthy Frenchman, a doctor by profession, helped the Russian beauty. He sheltered her and decided many everyday problems. And also, he helped Natalya to focus on learning English and work. He still remained a friend and later even became godfather Vodianova's child.

After the participation of the Russian model in the New York Fashion Week, offers rained down on Natalia Vodianova. And soon she took part in the shows of Gucci, Ives Saint-Laurent, Calvin Klein. The model starred for the famous editions of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar.

In 2001, Natalia first tried herself in cinema. She played in the film "Agent" Dragonfly ". Later, the filmography of the model was replenished with four more films, but Natalya did not have really memorable roles. The podium brought her much more popularity than films.

In 2002, Vodianova became the most in-demand model at New York Fashion Week. There she performed immediately for nineteen designers. At the same time, Natalia becomes the "face and body" of Calvin Klein, who signed a contract with the Russian model. In the same year, the girl opened and closed shows of Ives Saint-Laurent collections, which are considered the most prestigious in the fashion world.

But the real triumph for the girl from the hinterland was shooting for the 2004 Pirelli calendar. Such an honor falls only the most beautiful women peace. Natalia Vodianova, according to the Sunday Times, entered the third hundred of the wealthiest people in the UK. So, in 2003, the model earned more than 3.6 million pounds.

In 2007, it became known that Vodianova became the official face of the legendary French house Chanel. She attended fashion shows in Paris, but it is noteworthy that the fashion house itself did not comment on its choice. Natalia became the face of the autumn collection of cosmetics.

In early 2008, already in the status of a mother of many children, Natalia Vodianova announced her retirement from the modeling business. She decided to devote herself to family, children and charity. The appearance of Natalia at the show of the Haute Couture Valentino collection was the last in the official career of a fashion model.

However, Natalia returns to the catwalks from time to time and participates in some fashion shows as a guest star for very large fees.

In 2009, Natalia got a place as a co-host of the semi-finals of the international music competition Eurovision, held in Moscow. He became the second leader.

Natalia Vodianova in the show "Voice. Children"

Love for children affected all of Natalia's activities. In 2013, she became the new TV presenter of the popular children's show Voice. Children ”and admitted to the press that she came to the program only because she loves children very much. He acted as a co-host of the model.

Natalia is an active participant in various major sports events. So, in 2014, she took part in the presentation of Sochi-2014, held in Vancouver, and later became a participant in the opening ceremony Olympic Games in Sochi. Natalia Vodianova also hosted the draw ceremony for the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifying tournament.


Popularity and large incomes allowed Natalia to think about the well-being of not only her own family, but also the world around her. Vodianova became an active philanthropist. Charity soon became an integral and rather a large part model life.

Poor and problematic childhood, illness sister Oksana forever crashed into the memory of Vodianova. When fame and wealth brought her to the very top of Olympus, Natalya did not harden. In 2004, a successful model with international fame founded own fund"Naked Hearts" for the construction of playgrounds in Russia and abroad.

Natalia Vodianova at the press conference of the Naked Heart Foundation

The Foundation is engaged not only in construction, it also carries out information and educational functions. Natalya recalls the informational vacuum her family had to live in and does not want other families who are already having a hard time due to their child's illness to also have to go through this.

The press linked the foundation to Natalya's sick sister, but Vodianova said it was not sympathy that inspired her to work with playgrounds, but her own past. The sister, due to autism, did not feel as much isolation as little Natasha, who always walked with Oksana and felt a strong distance from other children. According to Vodianova, in childhood no one wants to stand out, this is the prerogative of teenagers and adults, and in childhood everyone wants to be together and the same, which is why Natalya started building places where all children can play together.

The logo for the foundation was designed and drawn by Natalia Vodianova's first husband, Justin Portman. In a short period of time, the foundation has built more than a hundred playgrounds and parks in 68 Russian cities.

In 2011, Natalia opened another charity program, Every Child Deserves a Family, which deals with the problems of children with special needs, and whose main activity is aimed at changing the system that has developed in Russia, in which everyone more families reject children with special needs.


In 2015, a scandal erupted. sister famous model insulted and Because of her diagnosis, the girl has a specific appearance and behavior, which, according to the cafe management, frightened other visitors. An unpleasant conflict broke out. Oksana's mother even called the police to punish the offenders. A case of insulting honor and dignity was even opened against representatives of the cafe. Various stars and world media became interested in the conflict, speaking in support of Vodianova and her sister.

According to representatives of the cafe, everything looked completely different. As the press writes, the girl wanted to drink and went behind the bar, and when they tried not to let her into the office and send her to a place intended for visitors, she began to beat her head against the walls. After that, Oksana was offered to call an ambulance and offered to leave the cafe. The girl allegedly continued to beat her head, and then sat on the floor. Her attendants did not explain the situation in any way, and the waiters did not know how to react.

According to the cafe employees, no one insulted Oksana, they suggested calling an ambulance, as the girl behaved in a strange way, and no one was sure that she had not received injuries, no one tried to expose her by force either.

The scandal caused a public outcry. Stars and journalists began to speak openly about the problems and difficulties of people with disabilities. Vodianova, as an activist and philanthropist, admitted that there were advantages to the unpleasant situation with her sister.

The country was literally divided into two camps in this matter, and each had its own arguments and reasons. On the one hand, many people supported Vodianova, they believe that people with disabilities should receive the same services and the same treatment as the rest of the population. But there were also those who asked a reasonable question about the danger. After all, the behavior of the girl, which caused a scandal, was dangerous, at least for herself, and no one in the cafe knew if a child with mental disorders would suddenly become dangerous for other visitors.

Such a resonance unbalanced all the participants in the conflict. When asked by journalists, the mother of Oksana and Natalia asked to leave her and the child alone. Employees of cafes and neighboring entertainment outlets and food outlets began to avoid the press, and the scandalous institution itself was closed. After a high-profile story, numerous checks were carried out in the cafe, which revealed a huge number of violations. The management stated that they had no more violations than neighboring cafes, they simply fell under the distribution and became hostages of the situation.

Natalya herself urged the press not to demonize the cafe's bosses. She met with her sister's abusers and tried to calmly talk about the situation. The parties understood each other. As the model stated to the press, these were not bad or cruel people, they acted in this way simply out of surprise and unaccustomed, because all Russian society not adapted to communicate with people with disabilities and special people.

Personal life

As befits a true Cinderella, a prince appeared in the personal life of Natalia Vodianova. In Paris, at one of the private parties, Natalia met art collector and freelance artist Justin Portman. The 33-year-old English aristocrat and the Russian model did not immediately like each other. Their acquaintance was marked by a loud quarrel. But on the second day, Portman called Vodianova, apologized and offered to meet. Since then, the couple has not parted.

In early 2001, the model went to a photo shoot in Africa. Traveled with his Russian chosen one and an English aristocrat. Natalia returned to Europe pregnant. Justin Portman at the time of the birth of his son was next to Natasha.

Their first child, Lucas, was born in London, and six weeks after his birth, Vodianova returned to the catwalk. Motherhood did not affect the appearance of the supermodel. The young mother continued to work hard, but now Justin and Lucas were with her everywhere.

The wedding of Natalia Vodianova and Justin Portman played after the birth of their son. The marriage was fixed on September 1, 2002 in St. Petersburg. The celebration was a success. They walked widely, in Russian, for three days, and a banquet for guests of honor was organized in Peterhof. The Throne Room of the Grand Palace was rented for the newlyweds and their guests and even the fountains were turned on. The guests were entertained by the ballet dancers of the Mariinsky Theatre. Soon the couple had a daughter, Neva, and in 2007, a son, Victor.

But every fairy tale has an end. The personal life of Natalia Vodianova and Justin Portman ended in divorce. Journalists believe that the reason for the divorce was that Natalia met new love. The French billionaire, son of the owner of the LVMH concern Antoine Arnault and Natalia Vodianova met in 2007, but the romantic relationship between them developed only in 2011. For the first time, Natalia appeared with Arno, while still married to Portman.

In August 2013, Natalia Vodianova's personal life went according to a new scenario: she accepted Antoine's offer to move from London to bustling Paris. On May 2, 2014, Natalia Vodianova and Antoine Arnault had a son, Maxim. And in June 2016, the son Roman was born in the family, who became the fifth child of Vodianova.

Natalia Vodianova now

Vodianova constantly adheres to a diet and even put her children on it. With a height of 176 centimeters, she weighs from 45 to 50 kg, but Natalya does not require compliance with model standards from her own children. The mother chose diets for them that are soft and aimed at improving the body.

In an interview for British publications, Natalya explained her upbringing methods by saying that it is important to monitor weight and eating habits from a young age, because the habit of what, how and when to eat will remain with children for life. Vodianova does not require children to follow complex diets and does not starve them, she simply asks them to stick to a diet that excludes various harmful foods and reduces the amount of sweets.

Now Natalia continues to work. She began to take part in the activities of the foundation, returned to the podium just three months after the birth of her youngest child and showed a magnificent figure. Natalya wrote about her decision to end her maternity leave ahead of schedule on her Instagram.

In 2017, Natalia Vodianova discovered a new direction of activism, she became the face of the ecological collection of the H&M brand. The girl posed in a light flying dress made of pleated fabric. But it was not the appearance of the clothes that was special, but its material. The dress, like the rest of the collection, is made from the new Bionic material, or, in other words, from recycled waste found in the oceans and in the coastal zone.

A mother of many children and a supermodel who has become the embodiment of the fairy tale about Cinderella, Natalia Vodianova treats her body with reverence and care. For her, it is a tool in achieving a dream, presented by her parents and marked with the seal of Good Luck.

Therefore, the parameters of a 36-year-old native of Nizhny Novgorod have remained constant for two decades:

  • With a height of 176 cm, the Vodianova model invariably weighs 48-50 kg. In English metric system these are 5 feet 8 inches and 106-110 pounds respectively.
  • The light blond hair of the Russian star of the world fashion industry is surprisingly harmoniously combined with clean fair skin and pale blue eyes.
  • With parameters of 87-60-87, the mother of five children has a standard 38 foot size, which is attractive for shoe designers: a decent height combined with a miniature foot makes Vodianova childishly fragile.

In an interview about own body Vodianova expresses a categorical opinion about overeating:

  1. “If you eat like a pig, then in the end you will feel the same way!”
  2. "My body is my temple, so I treat it carefully and with respect."
  3. “Which is more beautiful: being fat or being skinny? I think the answer is obvious!”

Such a philosophy in everyday life has borne fruit. In numerous photos, the top model looks the same age as her eldest son Lucas.

The childhood of Natalia Vodianova

was born future wife an English hereditary aristocrat in a small village near Nizhny Novgorod on February 28, 1982. Until the age of three, Natasha was an ordinary happy child in a complete family. Mom and dad lived with their grandparents in a large rural house.

Cardinally, the biography of Vodianova changed after the divorce of her parents. When dad left the family, mom decided to remarry. Soon, one after another, Natasha had younger sisters- Oksana and Christina. New chosen one Larisa Gavrilovna did not pass the test of strength and soon left the family. The fact is that the middle daughter was born with cerebral palsy and a severe form of autism. All worries about children fell on the shoulders of a single mother.

The grandmother of the top model on the maternal side has a pretty cool character and steel willpower. At that difficult time, she suggested that her daughter move to the city in order to provide proper medical care to her sick child. So the family was left practically without a livelihood. After graduating from the 5th grade, 11-year-old Vodianova had to help her mother sell vegetables and fruits in an ordinary street stall. Along the way, she had to take care of Christina, who turned out to be absolutely helpless and could not remain unattended.

As Natalya recalls, sometimes in the process of work she froze so much that upon returning home she simply screamed in pain, trying to pull her old shoes off her stiff legs. There was no question of decent clothes or teenage entertainment at that time. The only dream of the girl was the desire to earn more money to escape from the hopeless poverty.

In some unthinkable way, Natasha managed to save some money and buy a fashionable white cloak made of Chinese leatherette. Proudly defiling in a new dress through the streets of the city, she listened with pleasant awe to the compliments of passers-by. It was then that the girl realized that she had a non-standard beauty that attracts glances. Natalia was flattered by the attention of older men. Peers considered a tall, thin classmate in old, worn clothes from someone else's shoulder to be an ugly duckling. The feeling of wealth and self-worth against the backdrop of expensive things played important role in the formation of the character of the future celebrity.


About the father of the model, Mikhail Stepanovich Vodianov (emphasis on the third syllable), most open sources of information contain unflattering reviews from his relatives ex-wife. Anna tried to dispel the myth about a man who left his first wife with a little daughter in his arms.

According to the young woman, the true state of affairs in the story of Vodianov's departure from the family is somewhat different than is commonly believed. Allegedly, he was forced to leave home due to the infidelity of his wife, which was confirmed after his return from the army. At the time of the end of the service of the father of the family, Larisa Viktorovna was already expecting a child from another and did not succumb to the persuasion of her first husband to restore the family.

The man is now happily married. In his second marriage, he raised his stepdaughter and successfully brings up a joint child with his wife. As Anna said, Mikhail Stepanovich always played the piano well and taught his youngest daughter to do it.

Dad never forgot about Natasha, regularly paid alimony and tried to improve relations after the divorce. But the former mother-in-law and wife deleted the man from Vodianova's life completely. The girl even asked to give the invitation to her mother, but her father did not receive it. In a roundabout way, the rumor about the celebration in Peterhof reached Nizhny Novgorod, and Mikhail Stepanovich immediately went to St. Petersburg, wanting to please his daughter. His efforts were unsuccessful. According to official version he just couldn't find the place of the ceremony.

As for Vodianov's unwillingness to participate in the life of a supermodel, these accusations, according to Anna, are completely groundless. He himself comes from a large family. His sister and brother are raising 14 and 8 kids respectively. All relatives are in a religious movement, which categorically prohibits abortion, promotes the responsibility of every adult for their child.

In 2004, a man had a heart attack at his workplace. For many years, Vodianova's dad has been supplying the car factory, so a heart attack occurred in one of the shops. Relatives claim that the disease was provoked by unfair press reports about his cruel attitude towards Natasha. On the pages of several well-known online publications, the Russian supermodel was given assurances from her father of love for her daughter and a request to come to her father more often. At the same time, Mikhail's family asks journalists to leave him alone and not to feed the layman with tales about the villainous parent who left the unfortunate single mother to the mercy of fate.


Larisa Viktorovna Kusakina devoted her whole life to children. It was incredibly difficult, because immediately after the birth of a problem child, the doctors did not explain anything to the woman. And she herself, due to her own inexperience in medical matters, noticed the problem with the development of the girl only when Oksana was 3 months old. In Nizhny Novgorod at the time Soviet Union there was little information about children with similar diagnoses. Often a woman simply did not understand the reasons for the tantrums of a sick child.

As the mother of the supermodel said in an interview with reporters, she had to leave the newborn baby in the care of her eldest daughter when Natasha was barely 6 years old. At night the woman reproached herself for strict attitude to the older child, forced at such a young age to wash diapers and cook porridge for a sick sister. But there was no way out. Day after day, life circumstances shortened the childhood years of the future model.

At present, the troubles of the hungry years have receded into the background. Vodianova's mother is not shy to thank you publicly eldest daughter for the incredibly generous help that a celebrity provides to his family:

  1. Gave Christina a brilliant education.
  2. Oksana got a job at the Center for the Development of Special Children.
  3. Relatives provided decent housing.

Don't even think about financial support. Every month, the account of the sick sister and mother receives an amount that fully satisfies all the needs of this suffering family. According to the woman, she had so much free time that she took up cooking. In hairdressing and beauty salons in her district in Nizhny Novgorod, a woman regularly appears with a basket of fresh pastries.

Sister Oksana

The girl is 6 years younger than her famous relative. Only at thirty she was able to learn to serve herself a little and picked up a pencil. Sister Vodianova is absolutely helpless and exists in this world only thanks to her relatives.

Sister Christina

A girl from the age of 11 has been studying abroad, which she owes to Natalia. She first entered a boarding school for gifted children in London. Then she continued her studies in the USA at a prestigious university. Like Natalya, Christina doesn't care about Barbie dolls and other children's joys. The girl dreams of becoming a specialist of the highest category in her profession. He spends all his free time reading books on the history of art and foreign languages.

Thanks to the efforts of Vodianova, Christina celebrated her eighteenth birthday at a prestigious dance evening, spinning in a luxurious dress to the sounds of a Viennese waltz. This is perhaps the only mention of the youngest representative of the illustrious family in the press.

Healthy perfectionism and practicality are in Christina's blood, as her mother assured journalists.


Natalia Vodianova owes her success to chance and own will achieve something more. First make-up lessons correct behavior on the podium, the girl received in her native Nizhny Novgorod. The young man with whom they rented an apartment together advised her to try her hand at the fashion industry because of her tall stature and natural thinness.

Vodianova never had an inflated opinion about her appearance. Therefore, I did not stake on my own future in this area. Everything changed when a group of representatives of fashion agencies came to the city in search of non-standard faces for the covers of famous magazines.

As the supermodel later recalled in an interview, the eminent photographer Alexander Vasiliev noticed a clumsy teenager in shabby clothes. Outwardly, the girl looked like the cult actress Romy Schneider. The angular movements of the professionals did not frighten.

The scout of Viva Model Management offered Vodyanova an internship in Paris, making it a condition to study English in as soon as possible. And since in high school, studying for Natalia faded into the background due to family problems The task was not an easy one. The girl shared her own feelings about this with her relatives. Mom and grandmother unanimously declared that Natasha should not miss such a chance. The women insisted on Vodianova's trip, first to Moscow and then to France.

Contrary to the claims of most sites that the provincial became famous on the same day after the legendary casting, the first steps of the fashion model in the fashion field were not easy. In Paris, she was placed in a modeling school with a measly $100 stipend and left to sail on her own in the raging sea of ​​the fashion industry. Here, the long-term habit of saving and Natalya's amazing ability to work came in handy. During the first year of her stay in the French capital, she ran through dozens of castings a day, leaving her photos in an endless number of agencies.

And again, luck turned to the purposeful Cinderella, who wants to break through to the top of a rich life by any means. The re-casting in the company of Jean Paul Gaultier made an indelible impression on the Master, and the career of the Russian fashion model went up sharply. As Vodianova said in an interview, the brand’s modeling assistant was even fired due to the fact that in the first show she did not notice a unique girl with an angelic look.

By 2002, Natalia became the most popular Russian model in the world. In the "track record" of the beauty, there are all well-known brands without exception:

  • Calvin Klein;
  • Ives Saint-Laurent;
  • Pirelli;
  • Chanel and an infinite number of other high-profile brands.

Now Vodianova has the right to choose and the opportunity to get everything that she has dreamed of for so long. Hundreds of agents cut off her phone, seeking permission to shoot or participate in prestigious photo shoots. The useless banana seller suddenly got the opportunity to influence fashion trends in show business, donate millions to help disabled children, participate in social events on equal rights with the most powerful people in the world.

In 2009, Vodianova decided to finish professional activity and devote yourself to new relationships, raising your own children. However, from time to time a young woman with the forms of a teenager allows herself to take the most interesting offers from famous brands. Naturally, such services are paid incredibly expensive. Natalia does not lower the bar of her value.

On the wave of popularity, the model was able to participate in the grandiose Russian television shows:

  • In 2009, she was the host of the semi-finals of Eurovision along with Andrey Malakhov.
  • In 2013, she hosted the Voice. Children" paired with Dmitry Nagiyev.
  • In the period from 2010 to 2014, she regularly appeared at all events related to the Sochi Olympics, as she was chosen as the face of this international project.

As part of the latest event, Vodianova had the honor of representing Russia during the transfer of the Olympic flame from Vancouver to Crimea.

Personal life

The first husband of the Russian beauty was an English aristocrat. Young people met at one of the parties about a successful fashion show. Then the youngest offspring of the oldest English family had fun in the company of fashion models, fashion designers and accidentally entered into a skirmish with an obstinate Russian girl. Lord Justin Portman, spoiled by female attention, by the age of 33 had a reputation as a ladies' man and a free artist. For a long time, his main occupation was burning life at various social events.

A new acquaintance was for Portman something unusual, non-standard. Vodianova's behavior did not fit into his ideas about the availability of Russian fashion models, ready to agree to anything for the sake of going to a restaurant. Justin tracked down the disputer's phone number and the next day asked for an apology for his behavior. By this time, Natalya had already received a complete dossier on the offender, including all the data, up to the number of accounts in foreign banks.

Vodianova herself does not deny that big influence Justin's initial benevolence to courtship was rendered by his high position in society and a hefty wallet. Love came a little later. By 2002, the couple returned from a joint trip to Africa, the three of them.

The lord was in no hurry to marry, and the wise Natalya did not rush him with a choice. A few months later, the man made a marriage proposal, but Natalya categorically refused to marry in the last stages of pregnancy. She wanted a rich ceremony, as if she wanted to prove to herself and to the whole world that she would never again return to the miserable existence of a half-starved childhood.

The ceremony took place a few months after the birth of the first child. The celebration stood out for its wasteful luxury and was accompanied by numerous publications in the press. Peterhof was rented for the event. For three days, guests could enjoy not only the company of the famous couple, but also the local beauties. For the sake of this, they even turned on the fountains on purpose, which work only on holidays.

Married to Portman, the model had three adorable kids:

  1. Lucas Alexander (b. 2001);
  2. Neva (born in 2006);
  3. Victor (born in 2007).

The children of Natalia Vodianova did not save the marriage of the Nizhny Novgorod beauty and the English lord. By 2011, the supermodel finally broke off relations with Justin. The woman herself did not comment on the gap in any way, saying in an interview that the father of her children does an excellent job of parenting, and she will always respect him.

Some open sources of information began to intensively look for the reasons for the high-profile divorce in the misbehavior of a large model. So, Vodianova at various times was credited with novels with several famous men:

  • actor Justin Myers;
  • war photographer Scott Douglas;
  • financier Alexander Peshko.

In 2013, another prince appeared in the personal life of Natalia Vodianova. The model was published with businessman Antoine Arnault. The French billionaire has known the blue-eyed beauty since 2007, when he ran into a Russian model while working on the cover of a fashion magazine. As the man said in an interview, he fell in love with a girl at first sight. Then the Frenchman refused to take decisive action because of the presence of a husband in Vodianova's life.

The news of the upcoming divorce untied Arno's hands. He began to actively care for the chosen one. The presence of children and numerous relatives of Natalia did not stop the ardent lover. Soon the whole family settled in a large Parisian apartment of a billionaire.

To please her common-law husband, Natalya gave birth to two sons one after another:

  1. Maxima (born 2014);
  2. Romana (born 2016).

So the most expensive Russian model became the mother of five children. She is more proud of this than her own dizzying career and fabulous fees.

Style, makeup, diet

AT Everyday life Vodianova prefers loose-fitting sportswear. Numerous family photos on Instagram demonstrate the absolute absence of eminent dresses or suits on the model on vacation and at home. The same goes for makeup. A large number of decorative cosmetics in the process of working on glossy shots incredibly tire the skin, so for going to the store or walking with children in the park, Vodianova always uses:

  • semi-solid eyeliner;
  • ink;
  • lip balm;
  • eyebrow gel.

The last accessory is a must in a supermodel's arsenal. It was her thick eyebrows that became her calling card for many years.

Once in her youth, Natalia was going to make them more sophisticated, trying to attract the attention of her peers. The granddaughter was dissuaded from such a rash step by her grandmother, who assured the girl that this stroke makes her face special.

For many years, a former banana seller from Nizhny Novgorod has been using a blood type diet to maintain girlish forms. She is allowed many protein products, except for red meat, and favorite buckwheat is prohibited. Gradually, the star got used to such a rigid diet. Now the absence of individual products seems familiar to her.

Vodianova hates fitness and Pilates, because of which her muscles instantly become embossed. Instead of tiring classes on the simulators, Natalia spends several hours doing contemporary in her favorite dance class on the outskirts of Paris. According to the model, this allows her to feel feminine and tender.


By tradition, almost all celebrities from the world fashion industry from time to time test their own strength in the cinema. Vodianova did not remain aloof from the exciting lesson. So, in the portfolio of the model there are several films with her participation:

  • "Agent" Dragonfly ";
  • "Cork";
  • "Clash of the Titans";
  • "Lovers".

In the latest film, supermodels were offered to play leading role, which, however, did not affect the quality of the story about the relationship of a married woman with her lover. The picture did not receive awards at prestigious film festivals. Apparently, therefore, Vodianova ceased to actively participate in the cinema and switched to another field of activity. A pragmatic top model of Russian origin does not like to participate in little-known projects.

Naked Heart Foundation

Back in 2005, Natalia Vodianova, together with her first husband, set about creating an organization whose goal is to help disabled children adapt to society. Due to her own popularity and recognition, the model successfully participates in numerous social events designed to collect donations. According to the Foundation's reports, through the joint efforts of its trustees, more than a hundred specialized playgrounds for children have been built in Russia.

At the same time, the woman actively promotes tolerance for sick babies, talking about her own sad experience.

In 2015, the activities of the Foundation were under threat due to conflicting reports in the media about the scandal that occurred with Vodianova's sister in a local cafe. Then the sick girl suddenly had a terrible seizure, which dispersed the visitors and brought the attendants to a stupor. According to eyewitnesses, Oksana's nanny was unable to bring the situation under control. Larisa Viktorovna had to come to the rescue.

The enraged mother of a disabled person threatened the owner of the establishment with all sorts of sanctions from the famous daughter, and it was quite difficult for Natalya to hush up the scandal. The model called on journalists to leave the cafe owner alone and stop exaggerating the situation.

Natalia Vodianova now

Now the model continues to actively participate in the life of the Naked Heart Foundation. To attract new investors, a woman from time to time performs at fashion shows, releases her own capsule lines of clothes and shoes, devotes a lot of time to promoting tolerance towards special children.

In 2015, fans of the model were alarmed by the state of her health. Vodianova in live on the program "Evening Urgant" she admitted that she had partial facial paralysis due to the unsuccessful work of the dentist. Fortunately, the problem turned out to be solvable. In the latest pictures on Instagram, the star smiles broadly, demonstrating the proportional work of the facial muscles and her own excellent health.

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