French TV presenter Igor Bogdanov: biography, activities and interesting facts. The most famous victim of plastic surgery TV presenter Igor Bogdanov shocked the Cannes festival with a disfigured face Igor and Grishka

Known to half the world, the Bogdanov Brothers were recently considered French sex symbols. Smart, beautiful, rich - they broke more than a dozen hearts of sophisticated French women. Now looking at them appearance even the strongest heart will tremble. Passion for plastic surgery has made a couple of zombie freaks out of stellar nerds. Igor and Grishka Bogdanov are an example of the fact that a pernicious passion for plastic surgery becomes a stumbling block not only on the female path.

Biography of the twins

In 1949, cute twins were born in France. Two beautiful little boys were born in the family of Prince Ostasenko-Bogdanov, who immigrated to France from St. Petersburg, and his wife Maria Kolovrat-Krakowska. Already in early age the boys showed a special attraction to the natural sciences. Physics became a special passion for two. After studying at a prestigious university, Igor and Grishka Bogdanov published their first treatise"The Key to Science Fiction".

The wild popularity led to the fact that they were invited to television as TV presenters of the sci-fi show X Time. For ten whole years, the show remains on the scientific Olympus. The work of young people in studying the theory of the origin of the universe disturbs the most big minds modernity until now. When the passions around the star couple subsided, they decided to fulfill their long-standing dream - to change their own appearance. Since then, the public has been concerned not with the origin of the world according to their version, but with the origin of such disgusting physiognomies, which used to be beautiful, courageous faces.

Plastic genius physicists

They say that scientists are a special people. The cockroaches in their heads often mutate and arrange real coups of power. This is what happened to the brains of men of genius. Photos of former handsome men can now safely compete in disgust with photos.

  • Chin plastic. The Bogdanov brothers look a hundred times worse before and after the chin surgery. Huge implants inserted into the chin area stand out so much on their faces that it is difficult to even call them human. The Bogdanov brothers after plastic surgery look like comic book characters. The feeling that the entire brain of genius has drained into a huge reservoir on the beard.

After the operation, the couple can only think with their "masculine" chins. Striking is the fact that the twins are perplexed: “The strangest thing is that we never resorted to help plastic surgeons. I wonder why everyone is asking us about this?”. Indeed, why?

  • Cheekbone plasty. Incredibly, the Bogdanov brothers were dissatisfied with their faces before plastic surgery. Men with Russian roots were so unwilling to put up with this state of affairs that they entered into a battle with nature for possession, in their opinion, beautiful faces. Grishka Bogdanov, before plastic surgery, said that he wanted to be not only beautiful, but also against all the laws of physics, and also forever young.

His double, Igor Bogdanov, before plastic surgery, was in full solidarity with his relative.

The operations on pumping the cheekbones with silicone were carried out in the normal mode. After the operation, the Bogdanov brothers declared to the gasped public that it was not the surgical scalpel that was to blame for the swollen faces, but the disease. Justifying themselves for a puffy face with bumpy cheeks, the couple blamed the pituitary gland disease, in which the bones of the skull increase.

  • Lip augmentation. The inseparable Bogdanov brothers before the operation attracted the attention of French women with a curved and beautiful lip line. Mother nature initially did not deprive each of the men of beauty. Now Grishka Bogdanov, after plastic surgery for contouring his mouth, suffered much more than his twin. Internet users notice that every year the lips of twins increase more and more. This fact indicates a constant replenishment of subcutaneous silicone reserves.

  • Skin tightening. 67-year-old Igor Bogdanov, after plastic surgery to tighten the skin, noticeably younger, even his brother cannot boast of the same stretched skin. However, both had to say goodbye to the remnants of naturalness in appearance. Now they have become similar to the actors of the circus of freaks. Note that this couple went quite consciously and voluntarily.

  • Botox injections. The Bogdanov brothers, before and after plastic surgery, remain true to their desire to never grow old. For this illusory goal, men are ready for a lot. They systematically inject Botox into their swollen faces.

A combustible mixture of Botox and silicone, seasoned with a tan from a solarium, produces an indelible effect. Sometimes they say that a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey. In this regard, “the same as the face” clearly loses to primates.

The personal lives of the twins

No matter how strange it may sound, but after plastic surgery there was also a “merchant” for such a “goods” as Igor Bogdanov. Igor's wife was not just a woman, but a person of royal blood, Amelie de Bourbon-Parme. And this is not the first marriage of a disfigured man.

Gregory remains a bachelor, only envying his brother's success.

After all the operations performed, the heads of the twins look like bricks are sewn into them. Brilliant twins after plastic surgery, perhaps, will soon become objects for the study of science fiction scientists.

Video: The Bogdanov brothers: the history of changes in appearance

The other day, with his sudden appearance on the Cannes red carpet, French TV presenter Igor Bogdanov reminded himself of himself. It was difficult not to notice Igor - he is very different from how other people look, and especially in contrast to his charming companion. It is Igor (and his twin brother Grishka) who usually falls into the list of men who failed to stop in time with plastic surgery and brought their appearance to caricature results.

Igor and Grishka Bogdanov(Igor and Grichka Yourievitch Osten-Sacken-Bogdanoff) are famous personalities within France. Once upon a time, when they were still young and looked quite attractive without any intervention of surgery, they led their own program about science and wrote various fantastic works related to cosmology and fantasy. Once they even managed to publish their "research on physics" in a fairly reputable scientific publication, which in fact was almost completely fiction.

Glory is not eternal, and even scandals cannot support it, and the years began to take away gradually former attractiveness brothers. At some point, they both fell into depression, and around the same time, they decided that in the best possible way plastic surgery will keep youth and popularity.

Needless to say, the brothers regained their glory, but not at all the same as they could boast of in their youth. Now Igor and Grishka are regularly included in the lists of victims plastic surgery- they've both had so many injections and surgeries that their faces look like failed masks. Especially, of course, their monstrous chins are striking. It is hard to believe that they themselves seem attractive, but what is even more incredible is that they seem beautiful to other people as well. Igor, for example, has only official marriages there were three (as a result of which he had six children), and how many fleeting intrigues - you can’t count.

On the Cannes red carpet, Igor Bogdanov appeared with his companion - Julie Jardon, french model. She is 33, he is 67, but the girl, it seems, is not at all embarrassed by either the age difference or Igor's peculiar appearance.

Interestingly, both brothers speak not only French, but also German, English, and even a little Russian. As the twins admit, this is the merit of their parents, who kept an extensive library at home on different languages and strongly encouraged their children to learn new things. The father of Igor and Grishka - the artist Yuri Mikhailovich Ostasenko-Bogdanov - was from Russia, from Leningrad. During the war, Yuri was captured by the Germans, and then fled to France, where he later married the Czech countess Maria Dolores Kolovrat-Krakowska.

Now both brothers write almost nothing and rarely appear in public, which is why Igor's presence in Cannes was received with enthusiasm by journalists. Although, in fairness, it must be admitted that last year the brothers managed to attract attention again thanks to a goofy video for the pop song "Bogdanoff".

Along with the Bogdanov brothers, another victim of plastic surgery was who spent more than $ 157,000 on operations to become like his idol, but the result, alas, still remains far from ideal.


French TV presenter and showman Igor Bogdanov wowed the audience at the recent Cannes Film Festival with a new face. Igor is one of the two Bogdanov twin brothers, who have Russian roots and became famous in Europe as showmen, and at the same time victims of plastic surgery.

The Bogdanov brothers were born in France, their father, artist Yuri Mikhailovich Ostasenko-Bogdanov, is from Leningrad. During the war, 12-year-old Yuri, who was evacuated to Slutsk, was captured by the Germans and taken to work in Germany. From there he managed to escape to Spain and then to France. After the war, Yuri married the Czech countess Maria Dolores Kolowrat-Krakowska.

Igor and Grishka Bogdanov gained popularity in France in the 1970s and 80s as the hosts of a popular science television show dedicated to cosmology and science fiction. The brothers also wrote many scientific books, however, criticized by other researchers - according to competent scientists, the works of the brothers have no scientific value.

In the early 90s, the brothers became interested in plastic surgery. To date, the 67-year-old brothers have managed to do several dozen operations in order to preserve youth and beauty. But the result of these operations that one has, that the other looks very ambiguous.

Glory to the scientific researchers of the brothers in last years also faded. In 2010, they became defendants in a scandalous case about the unscientific nature of their dissertations and were forced to pay a fine of 2,000 euros to the French National Center scientific research in mathematics and theoretical physics

Nevertheless, this does not prevent the brothers from regularly getting into gossip and tabloid pages. Igor was officially married three times, last time he married in 2009 with the French writer Amélie de Bourbon-Parme, heiress of the Bourbons and great-great-great-granddaughter of Louis VI. The couple had two children, which, however, did not save their marriage. At the Cannes Film Festival, Igor proudly led his next passion by the arm - 33-year-old model Julie Jardon. New civil wife TV presenter is 34 years younger than him, but it seems that this blond fairy is not at all embarrassed by either age or appearance beloved.

As for Grishka Bogdanov, he never married. Since 2015, the brothers have starred in the adventure television show Fort Boyard, asking contestants questions about science experiments and rewarding them with a keyword search hint in exchange for a correct answer. In addition, they participate in various social events and book fairs, where they advertise their own books.

She is a hereditary aristocrat, he is the son of an emigrant of Russian-Tatar origin and an Austrian aristocrat. They have known each other for 18 years, she for over 20 years. younger than husband. Igor was previously married to another aristocrat.

She is a fair-haired beauty, he .... to put it mildly, unusual, but smart and with a great sense of humor.

Amelia is a writer who writes mostly historical novels, she is also an associate director at the Havas advertising company. Igor Bogdanov studied physics at the university, he is also a famous French showman and writer.

Goes on sale in autumn A new book Amelia "Secret of the Emperor", and Igor will present to the public his book, written in collaboration with his brother Grishka - "The Secret Code of the Universe". The last book brothers Bogdanov "The Face of God" was a huge success with readers.

The couple has two children. Their eldest son Alexander is three years old, and the youngest is only two months old.

What is the secret of their happiness? According to Igor, "the key to success is that they are completely different and nothing alike."

The couple want their sons to study in traditional Catholic schools.

When asked if she likes everything about her husband's image, Amelia answered in the negative, but she is always ready to compromise and accepts her beloved as he is. Therefore, the wise Amelia, despite the difference in age, is the main one in the family.

Brothers Bogdanov

Igor in his youth

Brothers in youth

And now...

About Igor and his brother Grishka: brothers famous writers and TV presenters in France. Twins Igor and Grishka Bogdanoff (Igor et Grichka Bogdanoff) were born in France in 1949. Producers and TV presenters on French television, the Bogdanov brothers are famous for their scientific knowledge. mixing science fiction with the real thing, Igor and Grishka talked about space, unknown stars, aliens from other worlds and aliens. But their program was almost closed due to numerous complaints from the parents of their young viewers. Notwithstanding the above, scientific knowledge brothers Bogdanov cause mixed reactions from other scientists. They were repeatedly accused of hoaxing, and the French scientist and journalist Pierre Vandegenst even came out with revelations and stated that "the scientific content of their works is close to zero." A criminal suit was even filed against Igor.

A few years ago, the faces of the brothers changed beyond recognition, especially the cheeks and chin. The brothers were accused of PR in the new look of aliens. Many believe that their faces are either the result of deliberate plastic surgery, or an unfortunate consequence of hormone therapy, which could lead to the development of acromegaly. Igor and Grishka, rumors about the plastic surgery annoying and they keep denying everything.

Grishka Bogdanov, unlike his brother, is not married.

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