Anna Maksimovna name meaning. Autumn Anya is marked by the traits of a creative personality. Name Anna: flower

Anna is one of the most beautiful and ancient female names. It was worn by the Queen of England, Russian empress, famous poetess. The name is energetically strong and pleasant to the ear. The origin, character, and fate of the name will tell about the personality of its owner.

Name meaning and character

Anna is characterized by tolerance, dedication, self-sacrifice. She is always ready to help, even strangers. In her desire for charity, she often forgets about her own needs and desires, which can result in deteriorating health, problems in her personal life and other troubles.

A woman named Anna is an unusually kind and sensitive person.

Anya’s kindness is ready to embrace the whole world, but most often this turns into a lack of attention on her part for those closest to her. She must learn to prioritize.

What does the name Anya mean for a girl?

Little Anya is a joy for parents. She rarely causes trouble and has a calm and balanced character. Prefers Mind games, loves to help mom in the kitchen.

Anyuta with early childhood learning to cook and housekeeping.

The girl endures abrasions and pain and rarely complains. Has a tendency to pick up stray animals. He enthusiastically reads fairy tales, easily memorizes poems, demonstrates excellent memory and a good analytical mind.

Annushka in her youth

The teenage girl is persistent and independent. She communicates only with those who are pleasant to her. She has few close friends. Anya will never invite someone she doesn’t know or doesn’t like to visit. Her parents can rest assured: the risk that the girl will get involved with bad company is very small.

Anna in adulthood

A woman with this name is characterized by slight coquetry and sexuality. This is most clearly evident in mature age. No man can resist the charming, sweet Anechka. She doesn’t do anything intentionally for this, grace is in her blood. A large number of fans stroke her pride.

Anna is characterized by falling in love and frequent changes of partners.

Anya works hard in any professional field, but rarely brings projects to their logical conclusion. Can submit ideas, implement plans, and at the final stage transfer the matter to someone else. She is interested in finding a solution to a problem, not the end result.

According to available statistics, today the most popular name around the world is Anna, which is proudly worn by about 100 million women. This name is characterized by the presence of many derivatives: Ganna, Ann, Hannah, Annette, etc. The name Anna is present even in Japanese, Chinese, whose pronunciation is similar to European. In India there is even a male form of the name Anna.

It should also be noted that the meaning of the name Anna in different countries various. However, there is not a single language in the world, except Russian, where this name is distinguished by so many diminutive derivatives: Nyusya, Nyura, Annushka, Anechka, Anyuta - this list goes on and on.

History of the name Anna

The name Anna was first mentioned in the Old Testament and is accordingly characterized by Hebrew roots. The name owes its origin to the Hebrew word “Hannah,” which means “grace,” or God’s mercy.” Anna was the name of the mother of the Blessed Virgin, who, after a long period of infertility, gave birth to a daughter, Mary.

In turn, Mary is known in history as the Most Holy Theotokos, who became the mother of Jesus Christ. The bulk modern women has no idea that in those distant times, not only women, but also men were called by the name Anna. In Rus', the name Anna gained its popularity only after the completion of the process of accepting Christianity. This was the name of the wife of Prince Vladimir of Kyiv, who was the baptist of Rus'.

If we talk about not so distant history, the meaning of the name Anna is noble, which was worn by royalty. This name was given to the daughter of the great Prince Yaroslav the Wise; the Romanov family also includes several Annas, the most famous of which is Anna Ioannovna. In France there was Queen Anne of Brittany, and the wife of King Louis the Thirteenth was Anne of Austria.

Our time is also distinguished by the presence of famous writers, actresses, athletes, and simply beautiful women bearing this name. Kournikova, German, Pavlova, Akhmatova are extraordinary personalities who are world famous.

Characteristics of the name

The name Anna is a euphonious name that can only evoke positive emotions, create a feeling of something light, gentle, kind. Any woman with this name is characterized by a calm, open character. The main quality that distinguishes all Ann women is kindness.

Along with attentiveness, as well as compassion for others, this quality makes Ann very sensitive, pleasant women. They are not at all burdened if they have to take care of someone else besides themselves. If someone is suffering or crying next to her, she will never pass by. For this reason, people often abuse Ann’s selflessness and kindness, however, even in such situations, women with this name put the interests of other people above their own.

A woman named Anna will never forget the birthday of a colleague with whom she worked many years ago, or her second cousin, she will definitely buy groceries for her elderly neighbor, she will take her from kindergarten your friend's child. Moreover, these actions are performed by her from the bottom of her heart, without demanding anything for herself in return.

However, is the meaning of the name Anna really so perfect? Despite their lack of conflict and complaisance, women bearing this name are distinguished by independence and determination, helping to cope with any difficulties in life. Anna's women have a habit of relying solely on themselves, while rarely listening to outside opinions.

However, women with a name like Anna are not able to defend themselves, for this reason, when faced with rudeness and rudeness, they simply try to “swallow” the insult rather than openly conflict. The woman Anna has a hard time dealing with betrayal, and almost always tries to find the reason only in herself. As for the character of Ann’s women, they are introverts, i.e. are not at all subject to the opinions of others. Women with this name have highly developed intuition, a domineering, and sometimes even demanding character.

He has an excellent memory and an analytical mind. She has good taste, an amazing sense of style - she always looks great and is well-groomed. A woman named Anna will never appear in an old robe or worn-out slippers. On a subconscious level, he has a negative attitude towards uncleanliness and sloppiness.

Anna's childhood

As a child, Anna is a charming child who does not cause her parents much trouble. In general, the meaning of the name Anya is varied. The only thing that a child with that name can be slightly scolded for are the picked puppies, abandoned kittens, and injured birds, which she regularly brings home. Annushki refuses to help anyone - neither animals nor people.

Since childhood, these people have been characterized by prudence, obedience, diligence and accuracy - well, just a godsend for parents. Girls become independent early, and will rely only on themselves for the rest of their lives. Ani is a very artistic person, she reads fairy tales and poems with great expression and easily learns them by heart.

Girls are easily given both humanitarian subjects and exact sciences. She has many friends at school, and the character trait of striving for justice will make her a respected person. Anya persistently defends her own opinion, even if this entails a conflict with the teacher or peers.

Parents who are interested in the meaning of the name Anna for a girl should pay close attention to her talents, since she has excellent hearing, voice, draws well, and also moves. It should be noted that the character of a girl depends on the time of birth. If the child was born in winter time– she is characterized by prudence, intelligence, and when she becomes an adult, she will be a fair but tough leader.

Woman Anna, born in spring - self-loving, romantic, a little capricious. She requires an admiring audience that constantly extols her virtues. If a child was born in the summer, she can be compared to an angel; her character is modest, sympathetic, kind, and a little reserved. Anya autumn has a calm, even character. She is respected by both colleagues and loved ones, is able to find a compromise, and also listens to the opinions of others.

Anna's Growing Up

Usually the transition from childhood to adulthood is accompanied by certain difficulties. A growing woman, Anna, may not listen to the advice of her parents; for her there are no authorities, and other people's advice only causes a feeling of irritation.

A teenager bearing this name specifically chooses difficult ways, takes on any business with considerable enthusiasm, but as soon as he sees that things are going well, he loses interest in continuing and looks for new difficulties. The Anna woman is already a rational nature, guided mainly not by feelings, but by reason, even despite her subtle spiritual nature.

As before, just as in childhood, he is sensitive to the injustice of others, but in the process of growing up he learns to hide (mask) feelings without exposing them. He prefers to keep his grievances to himself. For this reason, the meaning of the name Anna for a girl, when she already becomes an adult woman, prevents her from fully enjoying the gifts of fate, which leads to periodic depression and nervous breakdowns.

Anna's sexuality

Usually Anechka starts to lead sex life quite early - still a teenager. Becoming a woman is not distinguished by any tough moral principles, but rather on the contrary, she simply adapts to the circumstances that life throws at her. A woman bearing the name Anechka is capable of having both a husband and a lover at the same time, while maintaining the confidence that she is faithful to both - this does not in any way conflict with her principles.

A woman with this name attaches an important place in her life to intimate relationships, but only with her beloved partner. When having sex, she can become completely liberated, feeling aroused even after several days. She is not satisfied with ordinary, quick sex, her principle is to engage in liberated, uninhibited, and most importantly, for a long time.

Marriage, Anna's compatibility

It should be noted that the meaning of the name Anna, whose character and fate are described in this article, puts the first marriage in first place, which, however, usually ends unsuccessfully. It happens that a woman, Anna, marries out of pity, and not at all out of love. Innate caring and gentleness makes her choose a man in need of care as her husband, usually a man dependent on bad habits, and also weak-willed.

However, the woman Annushka usually carries the entire burden of responsibility for the family on her shoulders until the last moment, while pretending that everything is fine, i.e. does not wash dirty linen in public. This woman perceives the divorce process as a disaster. When faced with a spouse’s betrayal or difficulties in a relationship, she patiently waits for a better time to come. And even after becoming a victim of domestic violence, she is capable of becoming a submissive victim, blaming only herself, and sometimes her name.

In general, the name Anna, the origin and meaning of which is considered, is successfully compatible with men with the names Evgeny, Rodion, Zakhar, Stepan, Konstantin, Alexey. You must beware of connecting your life with Vadim, Georgy, Stanislav, Sergey, Alexander, Leo.

The origin of the name Anna indicates that she will be a wonderful mother. For her children, she will become more of a friend, able to always support and help. She can completely forget about her career, personal happiness, and devote all her time to her children. Woman Anna, in addition to her husband and children, will take care of her parents, as well as her husband’s parents. Usually she is a wonderful daughter-in-law, and subsequently a good mother-in-law or mother-in-law.


To summarize this article, we can say with complete confidence that the name Anna, the meaning of the name and whose fate was examined in detail, is usually worn by a kind, sympathetic, purposeful, patient and caring woman. She is always ready to provide any help not only to her family and friends, but also to very distant relatives or just acquaintances.

She not only loves her family, but also makes every effort to preserve it, even if this results in unpleasant problems, humiliation, and sometimes beatings for her personally. When choosing a future name for your child, you need to remember that the woman Annushka will live happily, because she will make every effort, aspiration, and health to achieve this.

Short form of the name Anna. Anya, Ana, Annochka, Nyura, Anechka, Annushka, Annusha, Annusya, Annusya, Asya, Nusya, Nyunya, Anyura, Nyurasya, Nyurasha, Anyusha, Anusha, Nyusha, Nana, Anyuta, Nyuta, Anusya.
Synonyms for the name Anna. Ann, Anais, Annetta, Hannah, Ganna, Ana, Ann, Annette, Aneta, Anita, Anya, Aninya, Ghana, Hana.
Origin of the name Anna. The name Anna is Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Anna is translated from Hebrew as “courage”, “strength”, “grace”. In Christianity, Anna is the mother of the Virgin Mary, the grandmother of Jesus Christ (mother of God), the wife of St. Joachim, who miraculously gave birth to a daughter after for long years childless marriage. Therefore, the name Anna is also translated as “mercy of God.”

The diminutive Anya is also short form many other names, both female and male (Anisya, Antoniana, Anfima, Diana, Heliana, Liana, Viviana, Liliana, Susanna, Fabian, Floriana, Christian, Christiana, Juliana, Juliania).

Many European variants of the name Anna have become independent names - Annika, Anita, Nancy (Nancy), Anya, Anais, Anait, Anneli.

Internally, Anna is uncompromising and truth-loving, but externally, she is a real tomboy. Passion is visible in Anna's gaze. Over the years, a woman becomes wise, as if she has some secret knowledge.

By nature, Anna is a busybody. Like a bird, she tirelessly builds her nest, trying with equal diligence both at work and at home. She tends to live not only with her own concerns, but also with other people’s concerns. Sometimes the desire to participate in the lives of others turns Anyuta into an uncontrollable gossip. One way or another, this girl strives to prove herself as a sacrificial nature. That is why she is often compassionate to the detriment of herself and others. However, this does not prevent her from remaining neat and attentive.

Anna just radiates kindness. This is the main quality of her character and it manifests itself from childhood. The girl enjoys taking care of pets and imagines that the dolls are her youngest children. Growing up, she readily helps her elders and helps them out of difficult situations. Anna's internal energy pours out into faith, mercy and understanding of others. That is why a girl is capable of loving a sick person, a drinker or a loser. Moreover, the girl will not regret her choice even once and will bear her cross without complaint, devoting her life to helping the unfortunate. Anna is able to return to a person the desire to live, fight and rejoice in what has been achieved. Everything that happens around invariably worries Anna. She is always at the center of events.

Anna is an introvert. She rarely succumbs to the influence of others. Everyone can envy Anna's memory. By way of thinking, the girl is an analyst. She does not miss even minor events, and thanks to her attractiveness and charm, she easily wins people over to her side.

A girl with this name is capricious and demanding. Like a lynx, Anna lies in wait for her prey, but her mood changes too often. She anticipates events and envelops you with her charm.

It should be remembered that Anna does not have strict moral principles. She believes that she can easily change the norms of behavior at her own discretion. True, she always remains a caring and sensitive person. The concerns of family and friends are the same as her concerns. Even when these qualities are abused, Anna does not hold a grudge.

In relationships, she is restrained and passionate; violent impulses are rare for her. Anna often has an attractive appearance and has many fans. However, it is useless to force your love on her; the girl makes her choice on her own. It is normal for Anna to have both a husband and a lover at the same time. The girl will seriously believe that she is faithful to both.

Often Anna's first marriage breaks up, which can unsettle the girl for a long time. For her part, Anna is always honest and devoted to her husband, but she cannot forgive rudeness, rudeness and betrayal on the part of her husband. Divorce and subsequent loneliness for a girl with this name are not always preferable to insults. More often she withdraws into herself and waits for better times.

Children become a real passion for Anna. She knows how to sew well. The girl takes pleasure in dressing herself and her children beautifully.

Most often, Anna finds her calling in medicine. She could become an engineer or a teacher. The girl talks well and makes herself listen. She is conscientious and dedicated to her work. She works best with people. Anna often spends her energy on the well-being of loved ones, forgetting about herself.

Sound. Anna is a short name containing only hard sounds. The vast majority of people pay attention to its beauty. Many also note the lightness (88%), strength (86%) and majesty (85%) of the sound of the name. Some discern a certain femininity in him (79%). Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Maria, Emma and Natalya.

Anna's birthday

Anna celebrates her name day on January 11, February 3, February 16, February 17, February 23, February 26, March 11, March 14, April 8, April 13, May 11, June 23, June 25, June 26, July 18, August 3 , August 5, August 7, August 29, September 10, September 22, October 11, October 15, November 4, November 10, November 11, November 16, November 23, November 27, December 3, December 11, December 22, 23 December.

Famous people named Anna

  • Saint Anne (mother of the Virgin Mary)
  • Anna of Byzantium ((963-1011/1012) wife Prince of Kyiv Vladimir the Baptist, Native sister Byzantine Emperor Vasily II, the first queen in Rus')
  • Anna Akhmatova (outstanding Russian poetess)
  • Anna Ioannovna (Russian empress from the Romanov dynasty)
  • Anne of Austria ((1601-1666) Spanish princess, queen and regent of France)
  • Anna Karenina (heroine of the novel by Leo Tolstoy)
  • Anna Pavlova (Russian ballet dancer, one of the greatest ballerinas of the 20th century)
  • Anna Kern (Russian noblewoman, memoirist, best known in history for the role she played in the life of A.S. Pushkin)
  • Anne Marie Tussaud (founder of the Wax Museum in London)
  • Anna German (famous Polish singer, who performed songs in Polish, Russian and English)
  • Anna Knipper (Timireva) (Russian poetess, common-law wife Admiral Kolchak)
  • Anna Burda (Lemminger) (creator of the magazine “Burda moden”)
  • Anne of Brittany (ruling Duchess of Brittany, Queen of France (1477 – 1514))
  • Anna Samokhina (Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Anna Dostoevskaya (Russian memoirist, stenographer, assistant and second wife of F.M. Dostoevsky)
  • Anna Golubkina (sculptor)
  • Anna Esipova (pianist, founder of one of the largest Russian pianistic schools (1851–1914))
  • Anna Stan (film and theater actress of Ukrainian origin)
  • Anna Andro (a contemporary of Pushkin, one of his muses)
  • Anna Bolshova (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Anna Politkovskaya (journalist, publicist)
  • Anne of Cleves (fourth wife of the English King Henry VIII)
  • Anna Mons (mistress of Peter I)
  • Anna Segers (German writer)
  • Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva (graphic artist (1871–1955))
  • Anna Semenovich ( Russian figure skater, actress and pop singer)
  • Anna Komnena ((born 1083) Byzantine princess, eldest daughter Emperor of Byzantium Alexei I Komnenos and Irene Duquesne; one of the first female historians)
  • Anna-Lena Grönefeld (German professional tennis player)
  • Anna Tsukanova (Russian actress and TV presenter)
  • Hanna Barvinok (real name - Oleksandra Kulish, Ukrainian writer (1828 - 1911))
  • Anne Bonny ((1700 - 1782) Irish female pirate)
  • Anne Rice (American writer, author of vampire novels)
  • Anna Radcliffe ((1764 - 1823) English writer, author of Gothic novels)
  • Anne Donahue (American screenwriter)

Anna is graceful, grace-bearing, merciful. The two letters involved in the name determine the qualitative characteristics of its bearer: A – in any language, the alphabet begins, which means that leadership abilities will prevail; N – gentle, reliable.

Origin of the name

The first mention of the woman Anna is found in Hebrew biblical stories(martyr Anna of Seleucia). This consonance is one of the ten popular names on the planet.

general characteristics

Anechka begins to show her artistry and ability to charm from the cradle. Her narrowed eyes and ear-to-ear smile do not leave those around her indifferent; everyone tries to give this girl maximum warmth and attention. Anyuta responds to the care of adults with sincere kindness and love; her gentle disposition and optimism charge even the most desperate realists and pragmatists with positivity.

Anya is a clear altruist, capable of compassion and sacrifice for the benefit of others. Its purpose is to bring goodness and moral principles to the masses, giving people warmth. She is very loyal and responsive, easily forgives insults inflicted on her and justifies the weaknesses of others.

Positive character traits

If among your friends or family there is someone named Anna, consider yourself lucky. This person will become your faithful support, supporting and approving you in any endeavor, helping you in everything and never judging you. In addition, she has a certain mystical insight, akin to clairvoyance, and is able to predict in advance the development of upcoming events.

A career is not at all a priority for Anna, although she sometimes works extremely hard, completely forgetting about herself and not thinking about material gain. Any profession related to communication will be suitable for Anya: from a saleswoman in a supermarket to a theater and film actress.

Negative character traits

Anechka’s excessive sacrifice attracts people with bad intentions to her (psychopaths, gigolos and ordinary losers), but if Annushka loves, then no one has the power to convince her that her choice is wrong. In response to rudeness and abuse, she will show patience and meekness, and until the last she will believe that her loved one will change.

A woman sacredly honors the foundations and traditions of marriage, therefore she prefers to silently endure humiliation than to file for divorce.

Anna's reluctance to weigh the burden of her problems on others can cause conflicts and quarrels based on misunderstandings, since colleagues and friends may consider her proud, arrogant and arrogant. Anya should learn to trust her loved ones and be able to share her secrets, reciprocating their trust.

Zodiac sign

Anna's gentleness and loyalty are due to her name belonging to the constellation Virgo, and her patron Proserpina develops in her such traits as rationalism and practicality, thriftiness and efficiency.

The colors of the name are red, soft pink, pale blue. Talisman stone: ruby.


Over the millennia, the name has acquired many versions of endearment, for example: Anya, Anyutka, Annushka, Nyusha, Nyuta, Nyutochka.

Name options

There is also diversity in the world nominal dictionary: Nyura, Annette, Anetta, Anita, Anifa, Jana, Dzhanet.

Historical figures:

  • Daughter of the Russian prince Yaroslav - Anna (1025 - 1075 (or later))
  • Mother Holy Mother of God– Anna the Righteous (1st century BC)
  • Lyricist poet Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)
  • Singer Anna German (1936-1982), Anne Veski (born 1956)
  • Actress: Anna Samokhina (1963-2010)

According to Mendelev

Simple and good name, with bright pronounced signs is something big, smooth, loud and brave, but at the same time masculine and slow. Perhaps a sign of the masculinity of this name is a synonym for strength and indestructibility. It has had its beauty, majesty and reliability for at least two thousand years and is loved in many countries.

Anna is universal. She is always strong and significant - in creativity, in work, in family. Everywhere she is distinguished by kindness and reliability, and these characteristics practically do not change during the transition to diminutive forms name. Anya is almost the same Anna, but not as big, courageous and loud. Have even less official forms Named Anyuta, Nyura, majesty, strength and loudness fade into the shadows, but fun and mobility appear. These are already feminine and gentle names, and femininity is expressed most intensely in the name Anyuta, which, by the way, is now not very fashionable.

Anyuta, Nyura is also more beautiful than Anna, but weaker and slower, although lighter and more mobile. Anyuta, Nyura, Nyusha and Nyusya are not majestic or base; these signs are insignificant for them, they completely fit (unlike Anna) into the realities of everyday life, at the celebration of life they are their own. As a rule, they are excited and provoke a response by everything that happens around them; They actively support some things, and just as actively reject others, but they never remain indifferent. In terms of frequency, the name Anna is in the top ten names and has never fallen into the category of rare.

The color of the name Anna is red, although not as sharp and burning as the name Alla.

By D. and N. Winter

Name energy:In the energy of the name Anna, patience and openness coexist with the ability for dedication and even sacrifice. Often these traits, reflected in Anya’s character, make her very soft and kind person, which attracts people to her, but, alas, this is not always favorable for her. However, oddly enough, she finds satisfaction in sympathy and helping people - it’s just that often, while caring about others, she involuntarily forgets about herself, which is not so good for her health. It happens that her body, let’s say, does not quite share her patience and compassion for others and sometimes can very painfully remind her of her own problems. Often this gives her actions a certain strain, and therefore it is very favorable if Anya learns to balance caring for loved ones with caring for herself.

Otherwise, her altruism can cause negative attitude towards herself, and the more she dislikes herself, the more actively her desire to help others will begin to manifest itself and, accordingly, vice versa. This forms a vicious circle, beneficial for others, but often destructive for herself. Close people need to take into account this property of Anna and, if possible, remind her that not only her neighbor is worthy of her love, but also she herself. It is very desirable if Anna pays attention to her sense of humor.

The fact is that her name has little inclination towards wit and often makes her take life too seriously, which, in fact, leads to stress. In some cases, especially in adolescence, this anguish may manifest itself in the form of some cynicism towards oneself. Unfortunately, this is not the best solution for negative energy Moreover, such self-cynicism only aggravates the situation. But if she finds a source of cheerful thoughts either in herself or in close people, then this problem may completely disappear, leaving room for truly positive aspects her character.

In a word, it never hurts to have a good laugh at yourself and at those around you. If Anna wants to ruin her life, she just needs to choose a serious and proper husband without a sense of humor. However, thank God, this happens quite rarely, although it is “serious” men who most often offer her their hand and heart. This is not surprising, since Anna’s thoughtfulness and kindness make her an excellent housewife and wife. However, only a cheerful and cheerful person who can bring a living current into her life can give her happiness.

Secrets of communication: You shouldn’t exaggerate too much when describing your difficulties to Anna, she is already able to understand and help you, but the hopelessness in your voice can plunge her into severe depression. If you want to please Anya, give her a little optimism and a light attitude towards life.

The name's trace in history:

Anna Akhmatova

“I know the beginnings and the ends. And life after the end, and something that now doesn’t need to be remembered...” wrote poetess Anna Akhmatova (1889–1966). And indeed, it seems that already from childhood she had a presentiment in advance of her difficult, largely tragic fate. So, at eighteen years old, the poetess, deeply experiencing unrequited love, writes to her friend: “I finished living before I even started,” but nevertheless this was precisely the beginning of her life path and far from the most serious test.

Her sad image, beauty, talent, and huge expressive eyes made Akhmatova an object of worship for many leading people of that time, but she played the most fatal role in the life of the writer Nikolai Gumilyov. He proposed to her many times, and Akhmatova refused, until after six years of dating she finally married him. They had a son, but after some time the marriage broke up, although Gumilyov continued to idolize ex-wife till the end of one's days.

Anna Akhmatova's poems, original, deep and sensual, are for the most part permeated with deep sadness. Even Stalin noticed this, dubbing her a “nun” for her passion for dark clothes. But if at the beginning creative career Akhmatova had no or few reasons for such sadness, then later all her darkest forebodings are justified. In 1921, Nikolai Gumilyov was shot, her second husband N. Punin died in exile, and her son was arrested three times, and the poetess barely managed to save him from the fate of his father. In addition, since 1946, Akhmatova has not been published anywhere, exposing her work to harsh criticism. As a result, in her twilight years the poetess had to turn into a translator, although, according to contemporaries, until her death she retained her proud posture, striking beauty and now understandable sadness. No wonder one of the critics aptly called Akhmatova “Yaroslavna of the 20th century.”

1. Personality: emitting light

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - intuition - activity - sexuality

4. totem plant: blueberry

5. Totem animal: lynx

6. Sign: Scorpio

7. Type. It is enough to look into the eyes of a girl with this name to understand what the look of our foremother Eve was like: they have the passion of the first morning rays. They are very impudent - real tomboys, they lie in wait for the victim, like their totem animal is the lynx. Growing up, they give the impression of people possessing some secret knowledge reading the book of life.

8. Psyche. Introverts are not easily influenced and have incredible memories.

9. Will. Strong. Anna wants to have everything. And immediately! He only believes in himself.

10. Excitability. Strong, which, fortunately, is balanced by a titanic will.

11. Reaction speed. The type is hot and hot. These women resist everyone, which often interferes with their lives. They are vindictive, proud, conflictual and scandalous. They do not listen to other people's advice, no matter how useful it may be.

12. Activity. At school they have many problems, they argue with teachers and especially have conflicts with female teachers. Anna's dream is to become an actress, painter, singer, sculptor.

13. Intuition. They are guided by clairvoyance. They have a presentiment, guess, and envelop you with their charm. Men become convinced of this very quickly.

14. Intelligence. Too analytical. Their lynx eyes miss nothing. Thanks to their cuteness and charm, they can win over not only their loved ones.

15. Receptivity. Very picky. They love only what belongs to them. Anna is a queen in need of subjects.

16. Morality. Not too strict. It seems to them that they have the right to dispose of moral principles and change them at their own discretion.

17. Health. They have fragile bones and a very “impressive” stomach. We do not recommend neglecting your diet and having dinner late. Accidents related to motor vehicles are possible. As a child, you need to take care of your eyes.

18. Sexuality. Sex for them is all or nothing. Everything - when they love. Nothing - when they don't like you.

19. Field of activity. Medicine, especially paramedicine. They can become experienced engineers. They know how to tell stories and make people listen to themselves.

20. Sociability. They receive guests they like, but turn others out the door. It would be great if they chose a phlegmatic husband. By the way, they like to collect men indiscriminately.

21. Conclusion. It is almost impossible to draw any definite conclusion. They constantly start everything from scratch, neither marriage nor emerging maturity is an obstacle for them.

According to Florensky

The main thing about Anna is her subconscious soil, which most often lies not on a rock, but on such subsoil layers with which the bearer of this name goes into the depths of existence. And these depths, according to the highest purpose of the name, are the depths of grace, as it says etymological meaning name. When the highest plane is not achieved by a person, he receives an influx of grace-filled forces through the elemental basis of nature, therefore, he can absorb these elemental-metaphysical energies together, and perhaps mix them, the conductors of grace, with grace itself. On the lower planes, finally, mainly these elemental mystical principles, the soul of the world, are assimilated, but always in the color of grace, that is, under this form of perception.

To Anna, the elemental never appears as just the elemental, for it is always mystical. Existential energies do not appear in Anna’s consciousness divorced from their own the deepest foundations, superficially and self-sufficiently, are therefore never assessed in a positive way. As indicated, the reason for this is the inseparability of the lower layers of the subconscious from the world environment: Anna has a direct connection with the subsurface waters, and any fluctuation in their level and change in their composition affects her, in her sense of self. In this sense, one can even say that Anna, from the subconscious side, does not have a certain shape and merges with the world soul.

That is why Anna is predetermined by a deviation: either towards spiritual cutting off from herself, that is, from the conscious personality, everything subconscious, including her own, as not her own, or tying herself to herself as her personal property of the entire life of the world soul. But it is easy to see that both equally lead to detachment from everything that is inherent in the subconscious, or it has a peculiar coloring of sensuality only insofar as it is limited by the boundaries of the personality, tied to it, opposed to other being and,hence understood as self-serving, divisive and impenetrable.

There is essentially no subjectivity in Anna's subconscious. Anna doesn’t want anything for herself. She is not passionate; rather, on the contrary, she falls away from the world, that is, her soul does not belong to it, having no clues about the world in her consciousness. That elemental thing that she feels, in her assessment, is felt in her as objective, even external, given to her, unless she has transferred her “I” into the world soul; but then, all the more so, her entire subconscious, as of a cosmic scale, is not assessed by her from the angle of petty and self-interested individual attraction. Then her internal movements acquire global scope and universal significance: she looks at her own, that is, her individual needs and desires, from such a distance that they cannot help but seem small and insignificant.

One way or another, the “I”, the small “I” of Anna, that is, the conscious layer of the personality, turns out to be separate from the subconscious, and therefore her personality, richer than many others, is assessed by herself, and often by many others, as poor, even when this wealth of personality, by hook or by crook, makes its way into creativity that is already obvious and indisputable, and even when Anna herself values ​​it highly, and in the case of mixing the blessed with the elemental, extremely highly. Still, she attaches little value to herself, to the conscious “I,” because she transfers this creativity of hers into objective being and considers it as a gift, as a revelation, as a self-manifestation of that objective being, not as her own initiative. And, therefore, this creativity, even it, does not enrich herself in her eyes.

It cannot be said that Anna’s intelligence was not sharp; on the contrary, he has this sharpness. But whatever it may be in itself, it is significantly superior in development to deeper forces rooted in the subconscious. The mind cannot keep up with them, and perhaps does not want to tire itself out with the constant need for some kind of haste; and therefore he treats the intuitive depth of the personality passively, allowing it to carry him along with it. Therefore, he does not receive systematic growth at all and does not acquire the habit of conscious and independent work.

Such a mind may be inclined to droop and unravel; this is the “ignava ratio”: it is natural for him to become naive, at least until he receives an external shock that will force Anna to come to her senses and overcome her inactivity. Therefore, Anna’s work is not of an intellectual nature; where the intervention of the intellect is required, this creativity has weak spots. Anna does not like intellectual work, willingly avoids it and, although she refers to her inability, in fact she does not really trust it: the intervention of the intellect, as it all seems to her, will distort the pure experience of her intuition, and therefore the plan, style, even the position of signs seem to her to be nothing. something secondary, invented, insincere.

Having knowledge not from reason and sated with her knowledge, she neglects the intellect, her intellect. On the other hand, the depths of nature are too directly open to her to have a need and urgent need for art... What art gives is, in a sense, much deeper and more fully known to Anna than it can be obtained through art; and besides, the use of art requires the development of conscious self-activity, self-education, which Anna avoids not only because she does not want to be active, but also because self-education seems artificial to her.

Art is alien to her. Particularly alien is that branch of it that presupposes the greatest preliminary amateur activity, but has in mind the most ugly and mystical touch on being: music. Anna already has as much of what music could give, and without difficulty. Consequently, the moral area is what primarily occupies Anna’s consciousness, that is, precisely what is not in her perceptions from the depths.

According to Popov

Hardworking Anna spends her energy not on herself, but on the well-being of those who are dear to her heart.

Husbands, children, homeless puppies live in Anna’s bosom like Christ’s.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

It is useless to seduce or pursue Anna with love - she will make the choice herself. With other men she will be cold and unapproachable. This woman is capricious and demanding, Not every man will be able to adapt to changes in her mood. Anna can have a husband and a lover at the same time, believing that she is faithful to both.

She is able to give her lover all the wealth of voluptuousness, provided that he does not restrain her impulses and gives her complete freedom of action. She examines her the body as a valuable instrument that only a virtuoso can appreciate.

She likes to have sex for a long time, enjoying its individual phases and complete liberation: after a stormy night, Anna remains excited for several days. Primitive sex "on a quick fix“She’s not interested. All this is true to a greater extent for “winter” women.

“Summer” Anna is calmer, her sexual behavior is characterized by restraint. This does not mean that she is frigid, not excitable enough, it’s just that they have been instilled in her since childhood ideas about the extent of permissibility in intimate relationships do not allow her to relax and realize her sexual potential. For “autumn” Anna, everything depends on her mood: shecan be active, enthusiastically indulge love games or indifferent, fulfilling their marital duties as necessary.

For “spring” Anna, sex is a way to always stay in shape, maintain your health, and feel the fullness of life. If necessary, maybe, as a professional actress, play out fiery passion. She is endowed with subtle humor and healthy emotions. He does not like to change partners, because he does not reach climax with everyone. Having met someone who is able to bring her to a stateecstasy, becomes attached for a long time. Anna's first marriage is often unsuccessful, and this unsettles her for a long time.

According to Higir

Of Hebrew origin, meaning: grace. Growing up as an artistic child, he loves everything beautiful. She takes pleasure in caring for puppies and kittens, and bringing home chicks that have fallen from the nest. Annushka’s kindness seems to know no bounds. If someone is crying nearby, there is no better comforter. Anna is flexible and has practically no enemies. A needlewoman, she sews dresses for her dolls, and later, as an adult, she sews for herself, and does not refuse to do it for her friends. Anna is one of those people who will never forget to visit a sick friend or relative in the hospital, or go to the store for bread for an old neighbor. Lives not only with his own, but also with other people's concerns. Those around her often abuse this, but Anna is not offended by them, although she sees all this.

Anna never forgets about her appearance - with her characteristic taste, she knows how to dress beautifully and visit the hairdresser on time. She organically cannot stand sloppiness; you will never see her in worn-out shoes or a dirty robe. According to her personality, Anna could easily work as a nurse, a doctor, or be a comforter and sacrificial helper. But wherever she works, she devotes herself completely to her work; material compensation and remuneration are secondary for her.

Love and marriage named Anna

This is a meek person with highly developed intuition. There is enough suffering in the life of the resigned Anna, but sometimes it seems that she is not trying to avoid it. So, Anna may well fall in love with a sick or drinking person, an obvious loser or a psychopath and carry her cross throughout her life, not at all regretting such a fate. Devoted wives, loving mothers and good mothers-in-law - all this is Anna. They are trusting, selfless and friendly. A family that values ​​such qualities will be happy. Anna is not capable of active protection your "I". When faced with rudeness, rudeness, and nagging, they withdraw into themselves and patiently wait for better times.

Annas are faithful in love, patient in marriage, but cannot tolerate betrayal. The infidelity of a spouse is the most severe trauma for them. They can forgive it, but never forget it. However, the trial of divorce and the expected hardships of a single life for Anna are not always preferable to trampled dignity.

A happy marriage most likely awaits her with Alexei, Boris, Evgeny, Semyon, Zakhar, Konstantin, but it is very doubtful with Alexander, Georgy or Ruslan.

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