Ammunition all. Purpose and characteristics of types of engineering barriers. About the mine fuse

Over the past decades, the armies of developed countries have carried out large-scale measures to improve conventional weapons, among which an important place has been given to engineering weapons. Engineering weapons include engineering ammunition that creates best conditions For effective application all types of weapons and protection of their troops from modern means defeat, making it difficult for the enemy to inflict significant losses. The use of engineered ammunition in recent local conflicts has shown their increasing role in solving operational and tactical problems.

Remote mining systems have appeared in the arsenal of the engineering troops, making it possible to lay mines during combat and at a considerable distance from the front line - on enemy territory. Engineering ammunition also makes it possible to create conditions for troops to quickly overcome enemy minefields. In this case, the most promising volumetric explosion ammunition is used.

What about engineered ammunition? These are, first of all, mines for various purposes - anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-landing and the recently introduced anti-helicopter mines, as well as mine clearance charges and a number of auxiliary charges. A modern mine is a multifunctional device. Some samples of new mines contain the element artificial intelligence and have the ability to optimize the selection of a target from several and its attack.

Of particular note are anti-personnel mines, the prohibition of which has begun a campaign by states wishing to finally disarm Russia. Due to the sharp reduction in the size of the Armed Forces, the role of engineered ammunition is increasing. Given that engineered ammunition primarily plays a defensive role, our political and military leadership should not disarm, but promote the improvement and increase in efficiency of this type of weapon, which is quite reliable and has high indicators according to the “effectiveness-cost” criterion. The general direction and goal of the development of engineering weapons is mainly determined by the ability to effectively hit modern and future targets in the interests of the ground forces.

Let's look at the features and specifications engineering ammunition.

Until recently in developed countries was produced a large number of Anti-tank mines of different designs, from the variety of existing designs of which three main types can be distinguished: anti-track, anti-bottom and anti-side.

Until recently, anti-track mines were considered the main ones, but are gradually losing their importance. The main disadvantage of these mines is their limited combat capability: usually only individual components of the tank's chassis are disabled. Nevertheless, anti-track mines are still available in fairly large quantities in the troops of various countries.

Anti-track mines are designed to disable tracked and wheeled combat and transport vehicles by destroying or damaging, mainly, their chassis (caterpillars, wheels). These mines are installed using minelayers or manually (both in the ground and on its surface). Anti-tracked domestic mines are cylindrical in shape, with the exception of the TM-62D mine, which has the shape of a parallelepiped. The main characteristics of domestic anti-track mines are presented in Table 1, and foreign ones - in Table 2. Figure I, 2 shows the design diagrams of the TM-46 and TM-62T mines. Anti-track mines are equipped with mechanical push-action fuses, which are screwed into the central socket of the housing. The pressure on the fuse from the tank caterpillar is transmitted through the pressure cap. Sockets for additional fuses are provided in the side and bottom parts of the mine body. They are used when it is necessary to place mines in a non-removable position. In general, the bodies and fuses of modern mines are made of plastic, so they cannot be detected using induction mine detectors. Due to the tightness of mine bodies, most of them can be used for mining water barriers.

Fig.1. Anti-track mine TM-46:

a) – appearance; b) – section of a mine; 1 – body; 2 – diaphragm; 3 – cover; 4 – MVM ​​fuse; 5 – explosive charge; 6 – intermediate detonator; 7 – cap; 8 – handle.

Table 1 Main characteristics of anti-track mines
Mine Weight, kg Explosive type Dimensions dia. x height, mm Housing material
general explosive charge
TM-46 8,5 5,7 T 300x109 steel
TM-56 107 7.0 T 316x109 steel
TM-57 8,7 5,9 T 316x108 steel
8,79 6,62 ms
. .8,8 , 7,0 TGA-16
TM-62M 9.0 7.18 T 320x90 steel
9,6 7.8 M.C.
9.62 7,78 TGA-16
8,72 6,68 A-50
TM-62D 11.7- 8.7- 340x340x110 tree
-13,6 -10,4
12.4 8.8 TGA-16
TM-62P 11.0 8,0 T 340 x 80 plastic
11.5 8,3 M.C.
11.5 8,3 TGA-16
10.6 7.4 A-50
10,0 6.8 A-80
11.0 7,8 A-XI-2
TM-62P2 8.6 7.0 T 320x90 plastic
9,1 7,0 MS
9,1 7,0 TGA-16
8.3 6,1 A-50
TM-62PZ 7,2 6,3 T 320x90 plastic
7,8 6,8 MS
7,8 6.8 TGA-16
7,8 6.8 TM
TM-62T 8,5 7,0 T 320 x 90 textile
9,0 7.5 TGA-16

table 2 Foreign anti-track mines
Mine Country of manufacture Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge diameter (length x width) height
M15 USA 14,3 10,3 337 125 steel
M19 USA 1?,6 9,53 332x332 94 plastic
M56 USA 3,4 1.7 250x120 100 aluminum
AT-1 Germany 2,0 1,3 55 330 steel
L9A1 England 11.0 8,4 1200x100 80 plastic
SB-61 Italy 3,2 2,0 232 90 plastic

Table 3 Foreign anti-bottom mines
Mine Country of manufacture Weight, kg Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge diameter (length x width) height
M70 M73 USA 2.2 0.7 127 76 steel
AT-2 Germany 2,0 0.7 100 130 steel
PRO France 6.0 2.0 280x165 105 plastic
SB-MV/T FFV028 Italy 5,0 2,6 235 100 plastic
SD Sweden 5,0 3.5 250 110 steel

Fig.2. Anti-track mine TM-62T:

1-body; 2- explosive charge; 3 – ignition glass; 4 – fuse MVP-62; 5 – fuse striker; 6 – spark plug; 7 – fuse transfer charge; 8 – fuse detonator capsule.

From the point of view of equipment, domestic mines are “omnivorous”. They are equipped with TNT (T), mixtures of A-IX2, MS, TM; alloys TGA-16, TG-40; ammotols A-50, A-80, etc.

The data in Table 1 indicate that most of the presented anti-track mines have significant dimensions and a large explosive mass.

The most interesting is the English anti-track mine L9AI, which has an elongated shape (its dimensions are 1200x100x80 mm). To construct an anti-tank minefield, such mines require two times less than mines with a cylindrical body. Extended mines are more convenient to store and transport. The body of the L9A1 mine is plastic. The pressure cap is located at the top of the housing and occupies two-thirds of its length. To install this mine in the ground or on its surface, a trailed minelayer is used.

In a number of countries, several types of anti-track mines have been developed for remote mining systems, designed to damage the chassis of a tank in a contact explosion. These mines are relatively small in size and weight.

The M56 anti-track mine (USA) is a component of a helicopter mining system. The body of the mine has the shape of a half-cylinder and is equipped with four drop-down stabilizers, which reduce the speed at which the mine falls (mining is carried out from a height of about 30 m). A pressure cap is located on the flat surface of the housing. The electromechanical fuse is located in the end part of the housing and has two stages of protection. The first is removed when the mine leaves the cassette installation, the second - one or two minutes after it falls to the ground. In the firing position, the mine can be turned with the pressure cover both up and down. The fuse is equipped with a self-destruct element, which causes the mine to explode after a certain time. The M56 mine is produced in three versions. The mines of the first (main) version are equipped with a single-stroke fuse, the second - with a two-stroke fuse, triggered by repeated impact on the pressure cover. The fuse of the mine of the third option is activated by shaking the body of the mine or changing its position. The mines of the last two options are intended to prevent the enemy from removing them from the passages manually or making passages in the minefield using roller trawls.

West German AT-1 mines are loaded with 110-mm Lars MLRS cluster munitions. Each ammunition contains 8 mines, equipped with a pressure fuse, non-neutralization and self-destruction elements.

Italy has developed several types of anti-track mines intended for installation by helicopter systems, including the SB-81 mine, which has a plastic body and an electromechanical fuse with a pressure sensor. In addition to helicopters, this mine can be installed by a minelayer.

Anti-water mines, compared to anti-track mines, have a significantly greater destructive effect. Exploding under the bottom of the tank and penetrating it, they infect the crew and disable the vehicle's weapons and equipment. The explosion of such a mine under a tank track disables it. Anti-water mines are equipped with a shaped charge or a charge based on the impact core principle. Most anti-bottom mines have proximity fuses with magnetic sensors that detect changes magnetic field when a tank passes over a mine. Such a fuse is installed on the Swedish anti-bottom mine FFV028. When a tank passes over a mine, electrical voltage is supplied to an electric detonator, which initiates an explosion of the overburden charge, and then (with some time delay) the main charge (the armor penetration of the mine from a distance of 0.5 m is 70 mm). When the overburden charge is triggered, the upper part of the fuse, the cover of the mine body and the camouflage layer of soil are discarded, thereby creating favorable conditions for the formation of an impact core. A typical layout diagram of the SB-MV/T anti-bottom mine is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig.3. Layout diagram of the SB-MV/T anti-tank mine: 1 – magnetic sensor; 2 – power supply; 3 – software element of the mine neutralization device; 4-seismic sensor; 5 – device for delaying the transfer of the fuse to the firing position; 6 – lever for moving the fuse to the firing position; 7 – fuse activation element; 8 – main charge; 9 – transition charge; 10 – detonator; 11 - igniter capsule; 12 – overburden charge.

The French anti-bottom mine HPD is equipped with a fuse with magnetic and seismic sensors. The armor penetration of the mine from a distance of 0.5 m is 70 mm. The mine explodes when both sensors are triggered simultaneously. To drop the housing cover and the camouflage layer of soil in the HPD mine, an additional (overburden) charge is used. Mining with these mines is carried out using a minelayer.

Much attention is paid to the development of anti-bottom mines for remote mining systems. In the USA, for example, dispersible anti-bottom mines have been created using artillery and aircraft mining systems (M70, M73 and BLU-91/B mines). These mines are small in size and equipped with proximity fuses with magnetic sensors and anti-removal elements. The M70 and M73 mines are components of the RAAMS artillery anti-tank mining system (for 155 mm howitzers). Cluster shells of this system contain nine M70 or M73 mines, which have shaped charges directed in opposite directions, which does not require special orientation on the ground surface. These mines are identical in design and differ only in their self-destruction time.

Table 4 The effectiveness of anti-track and anti-bottom mines
Anti-track mine effectiveness Efficiency of anti-bottom mine
The tank lacks mobility; The tank lacks mobility and firepower;
- the caterpillar is damaged; - the bottom is broken;
- the roller and suspension are damaged, - units inside the tank were significantly damaged as a result of a mine explosion and ammunition detonation,
- the crew is shell-shocked, but partially combat-ready. - the crew is completely disabled;
- firepower preserved; - repair (if at all possible) in the factory.
- Can be repaired in the field

The West German anti-bottom mine AT-2 is designed for constructing anti-tank barriers using ground, missile and aircraft mining systems. Mina has combat unit based on the impact core principle.

The comparative effectiveness of anti-track and anti-bottom mines is presented in Fig. 4 and Table 4.

Anti-aircraft mines are designed to destroy tanks and armored vehicles at a distance of several tens of meters. These mines are effective when used to block roads and create barriers in forests and populated areas. The destructive element of anti-aircraft mines is an impact core or a cumulative anti-tank grenade fired from a guide tube.

The French and British armies are armed with the MAN F1 mine (Fig. 5), which has a warhead (armor penetration 70 mm from a distance of 40 m) based on the principle of an impact core. The mine body can be rotated in a vertical plane relative to a support consisting of two posts and a support ring. The fuse is activated by a 40-meter contact wire.

The American anti-aircraft mine M24 consists of an 88.9-mm grenade (from the M29 anti-tank rifle), a guide pipe, a fuse with a contact sensor made in the form of a tape, a power source and connecting wires. The guide pipe acts as a container in which the mine is stored and transported. Place the installation at a distance of about 30 m from the road or passage. When the tank's caterpillar hits the contact strip, the fuse circuit is closed and the anti-tank grenade is fired. An improved model of this mine, the M66, has been developed. It differs from M24 in that. that instead of a contact sensor, infrared and seismic sensors are used. The mines are put into firing position after the seismic sensor is triggered. It also includes an infrared target sensor. The grenade is fired as soon as the armored target crosses the emitter-receiver line.

Anti-tank minefields (ATMP) are installed primarily in tank-hazardous areas in front of the front, on the flanks and junctions of units, as well as in depth to cover artillery firing positions, command and observation posts and other objects. An anti-tank minefield usually has a frontal dimension of 200...300 m or more, and a depth of 60...120 m or more. Mines are installed in three to four rows with a distance between rows of 20...40 m and between mines in a row - 4...6 m for anti-track mines and 9...12 m for anti-bottom mines. The consumption of mines per 1 km of a minefield is 550...750 anti-track mines or 300...400 anti-bottom mines. In particularly important areas, PTMG1 can be installed with an increased consumption of mines: up to 1000 or more anti-track mines or 500 or more anti-bottom mines. Such minefields are usually called high-efficiency minefields.

Fig.5. Layout diagram of the MAN F1 anti-aircraft mine:

1-charge; 2 – copper cladding; 3 – support ring; 4 – detonator capsule; 5 – fuse; 6 – power supply; 7 – transition charge; 8 – detonator.

Fig.4. Comparative effectiveness of the destructive action of anti-niche and anti-track mines:

1 – zone of action of the anti-bottom mine;

2 – zone of action of the anti-track mine.

Table 5 Foreign anti-aircraft mines
Mine Country of manufacture Weight, kg Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge diameter height
M24, M66 USA 10,8 0,9 89 609 steel
MAH F1 France 12,0 6,5 185 270 steel

Anti-personnel mines vary in design and are mainly of the high-explosive or fragmentation type. The main characteristics of some samples of domestic anti-personnel mines are presented in Table 6. The name MON-50 means that this mine has a directed fragmentation effect. These mines are in service with various countries. Typically, the plastic casings of such mines are made in the form of a curved prism, in which a plastic explosive charge with big amount fragments. For ease of installation on the ground, there are hinged legs at the bottom of the mine body. The most common way to detonate a mine is to use a standard tension-action fuze, which is triggered when the target touches a tension wire. When a mine explodes, a flat bunch of fragments is formed. Directional fragmentation mines are designed to destroy personnel moving in deployed combat formations.

The PMN index means that this mine is an anti-personnel pressure mine. The design of the PMN anti-personnel mine is shown in Fig. 6.

Bouncing fragmentation anti-personnel mines are now widely used. Such a mine is triggered when a walking person touches a tension wire or puts pressure on special conductors connected by an explosive chain. As a result of this, the expelling powder charge is ignited, with the help of which the mine is thrown to the height of the chest of a walking person, where an explosion occurs and people in this area are hit by shrapnel.

Anti-personnel minefields (APMF) are installed in front of the front edge and, as a rule, in front of anti-tank minefields in order to cover them. They can be made from high-explosive mines, fragmentation mines, or a combination of high-explosive and fragmentation mines. PPMP, depending on their purpose, is installed with a length along the front from 30 to 300 m or more, in depth - 10...50 m or more. The number of rows in a minefield is usually two to four, the distance between rows is 5 m or more, between mines in a row is at least 1 m for high-explosive mines and one or two radius of continuous destruction for fragmentation mines. The consumption of mines per 1 km of a minefield is assumed to be: high-explosive - 2000...3000 pcs.; fragmentation – 100…300 pcs. In directions where infantry advances large masses PPMPs of increased efficiency can be installed - with double or triple flow rate min.

Table 6 Main characteristics of anti-personnel mines
Mine Weight, kg Explosive type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x width) height
MON-50 2,0 0.7 PVV-5A 225x153 54 plastic
MOH-90 12,4 6.5 PVV-5A 343 x 202 153 plastic
MON-100 7,5 2.0 T 236 83 steel
7.0 1,5 A-50
MON-200 30,0 12.0 T 434 131 steel
28,7 10,7 A-50
PMN 0.58 0,21 T 100 56 plastic
LMN-2 0.95 0.4 TG-40 122 54 plastic

Fig.6. Anti-personnel mine PMN:

a) – general view; b) – section; 1 – body; 2 – shield; 3 – cap; 4 – wire or tape; 5 – rod; 6 – spring; 7 – split ring; 8 – drummer; 9 – mainspring; 10 – thrust bushing; 11 – safety pin; 12 – metal element; 13 – explosive charge; 14 – MD-9 fuse; 15 – plug; 16 – cap; 17 – gasket; 18 – metal frame; 19-string.

Table 7 Main characteristics of antilanding mines
Mine Weight, kg Explosive type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x width) height
PDM-1M 18,0 10,0 T 380 143 steel
PDM-2 21,0 15.0 T 380 342 steel
PDM-3Ya 34,0 15.0 T 650 steel
YARM 12,1 3.0 T 275 34V steel

Table 8 Main characteristics of special mines
Mine Weight, kg Explosive type Dimensions, mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x width) height
ZhDM-6 24.2 14,0 1 250 230 steel
ADM-7 24,2 14,0 T 215 265 steel
ADM-8 24,2 14,0 T 220 252 steel
MPM 0.74 0,3 TG-50 148x72 46 plastic
SPM 2,35 0,93 MS 248x114 72 steel
BPM 7,14 2,6 T 292 110 steel
BPM 7,44 2.9 TGA-16 292 110 steel

Fig.7. PDM-2 mine on a low stand:

1 – rod; 2 – check; 3 – fuse; 4 – housing with explosive charge; 5 – lock nut; 6 – bopt; 7 – flange; 8 – upper beam; 9 – lower beam; 10 – steel sheet; 11 – washer; 12 – latch; 13 – handle; 14 – roller.

Fig.8. PDM-2 mine body:

1 – body; 2 – central neck; 3-glass; 4 – intermediate detonator; 5 – side neck; 6 – nipple; 7 – charge; 8 – gaskets; 9 – plugs.

Fig.9. Charge S3-3L:

a) – general view; b) – section; 1 – body; 2 – explosive charge; 3 – intermediate detonators; 4 – ignition socket for the detonator capsule; 5 – socket for a special fuse; 6 – plugs; 7 – handle; 8 – rings for tying the charge.

1 – body; 2 – cumulative lining; 3 – explosive charge; 4 – intermediate detonator; 5 – ignition socket; 6 – handle; 7 – retractable legs; 8 – plug.

Fig. 10. Charge S3-6M:

1 – nylon shell; 2 – polyethylene shell; 3 – plastic explosive charge; 4 – intermediate detonators; 5 – rubber couplings; 6 – metal clips; 7 – socket for the detonator capsule; 8 – socket for a special fuse; 9 – plugs; 10 – union nut; 11 – rings for tying the charge.

Currently, the Corps of Engineers developed countries have nuclear mines with TNT equivalent from 2 to 1000 tons.

Assessing the effectiveness of nuclear mines, foreign experts believe that they can be used as a multi-purpose weapon against advancing enemy forces. It is believed that the explosion of nuclear mines located in special concrete or ground wells creates zones of destruction and contamination that can dismember battle formations enemy troops, direct its advance to areas advantageous for applying conventional and nuclear strikes. An important direction The use of nuclear mines is considered to strengthen mine-explosive barriers in tank-hazardous directions. The defensive effect of nuclear mines is due to the creation as a result of explosions of craters, rubble, zones of destruction and contamination, which are a serious obstacle to the movement of troops.

The crater from a nuclear mine explosion is a difficult obstacle to overcome, since its large size, steep slopes and rapid filling with water greatly impede the movement of not only vehicles, but also tanks.

The size of the craters will depend on the TNT equivalent of nuclear mines, the depth of their placement and the methods of detonation. When a mine explodes on the surface of the earth with a power of 1.2 kt, a crater with a diameter of 27 m and a depth of 6.4 m is formed; the same charge, exploded at a depth of 5 m, forms a crater with a diameter of 79 m and a depth of up to 16 m, and at a depth of 20 m - with a diameter of 89 m and a depth of 27.5 m. The protective effect of a nuclear mine explosion is enhanced by the fall radioactive fallout over a large area.

To mine water lines in areas of possible landings, anti-landing mines are used to destroy landing craft and combat transport vehicles. The main characteristics of these mines are presented in Table 7, distinctive feature which is their use in a submerged position.

The design of antilanding mines and their main components are presented using the example of the PDM-2 mine in Fig. 7, 8.

For mining railways (ZhDM-6), highways (ADM-7, ADM-8) and solving other specific problems, special mines are used (Table 8). MPM, SPM, BIM mines have the property of “sticking” (using a magnet or adhesive material) and have a quasi-cumulative lining for the formation of significant holes in barriers.

To make passages in anti-tank and anti-mine fields, extended mine clearance charges are used (Table 9). They are advanced manually or mechanized, or launched into a minefield using jet engines. Therefore, explosive charges are placed in metal pipes or in flexible fabric or plastic sleeves (hoses). The charges UZ-1, UZ-2, UZ-Z and UZ-ZR are metal pipes in which pressed TNT blocks are placed. The UZ-67 charge consists of a sleeve (the material is nylon-based fabric), in which TNT blocks are strung on a flexible hose with an explosive of type A-IX-1. The UZP-72 and UZP-77 charges are based on a flexible rope with wound layers of a plastic charge made of PVV-7, placed in a sleeve made of a special fabric.

Table 9 Main characteristics of extended mine clearance charges
Mine Weight, kg Explosive type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x width) height
UZ-1 5,3 2,88 T 53 1200 steel
UZ-2 10,24 5,33 T 53 2000 steel
UZ-Z 43 8 kg/p. m. T 53 1950 steel
UZ-ZR 43 T 53 1950 steel
UZ-67 55.5 41,6 T+A-XI -1 80 10 500 steel
UZP-72 47,7 41.2 PVV-7 80 10 500 steel
UZL-77 47,7 41.2 PVV-7 80 10 500 steel

Note: p.m. – linear meter.

Table 10 Main characteristics of concentrated charges
Mine Weight, kg Explosive type Dimensions mm Housing material
general explosive charge (length x width) height
SZ-1 1,4 1,0 T 65x116 126 steel
NW-W 3.7 3.0 T 65x171 337 steel
NW-WA 3,/ 2,8 T 98x142 200 steel
SZ-6 7,3 5.9 T 98x142 395 steel
sz-vm 6,9 6.0 PVV-5A 82 1200 textile
SZ-1P 1,5 L.b PVV-5A 45 600 textile
SZ-4P 4,2 4,2 PVV-5A 45 2000 textile

Table 11 Main characteristics of shaped charges
Mine Weight, kg Explosive type Dimensions mm Material
general explosive charge (length x width) case height
KZ-1 14,47 9.0 TG-40 350 570 steel
KZ-2 14,8 9,0 TG-40 350 650 steel
KZ-4 63,0 49,0 TG-50 410 440 step
KZ-5 12.5 8,5 TG-40 215 280 steel
KZ-6 3,0 1,8 TG-40 112 292 steel
KZ-7 6,5 4,2 TG-40 162 272 steel
KZU 18,0 12,0 TG-50 195x225 500 steel
KZK 1,0 0,4 TG-50 52x160 200 steel
0,56 0,185 TG-40 76x70 1507 steel
KZU-1 0,0 032 TG-40 85x105 160 steel

Table 12 Characteristics of TNT blocks
Table 13 Characteristics of checkers made of plastic explosives
Table 14 Characteristics of detonating cords

Fig. 12. Cumulative charge KZU-2:

a) – longitudinal section; b) – cross section; 1 – foam insert; 2 – explosive charge (TG-40); 3 – body; 4 – plug; 5 – gasket; 6 – bushing; 7 – gasket; 8- glass; 9 – checker BB A-XI-1; 10 – cap; 11 - ring; 12 – latch; 13 – bar; 14 – bracket; 15 – leaf spring; 16 – magnet; 17 – cumulative lining; 18 – clamp.

Fig. 13. Schemes for installing KZU-2 charges (the arrow indicates the installation location of the electric detonator or fuse)

To carry out demolition work in emergency situations, for example, when it is necessary to make a homemade mine in the shortest possible time, concentrated charges are used (Table 10). Charges SZ-ZA (Fig. 9), SZ-6, SZ-6M (Fig. 10) can be used for blasting operations under water. It should be noted that the SZ-ZA, SZ-6 and SZ-6M charges can be successfully used in underwater blasting operations.

Shaped charges (Table 11) are used to pierce or cut thick metal plates when destroying armored and reinforced concrete defensive structures.

The design and elements of shaped charges KZ-2, KZU-2 are presented in Fig. 11-13.

In the engineering troops, for carrying out blasting operations, TNT and plastic explosives are used in the form of checkers, the main characteristics of which are presented in Table. 12,13.

To transmit an explosive impulse during explosions, detonating cords are widely used in the engineering troops (Table 14).

Of all the ammunition in service with the Russian Army, engineering ammunition is remarkable in that it is dual-use ammunition, i.e. can be used when carrying out blasting operations in the national economy to solve specific problems in the mining, metallurgical and oil industries. For this reason, no funding is required for their disposal. Engineering ammunition that has reached the end of its service life should be transferred to civilian organizations conducting blasting operations (for example, in the mining industry). Metallurgical plants have currently accumulated millions of tons of so-called scrubs, which are large, multi-ton objects with a significant iron content. Due to the crisis state of our metallurgical industry, these scrubs can serve as a good raw material base. But for obvious reasons, such scrubs cannot be transported and loaded into blast furnaces, i.e. they need to be cut. In this case, engineered ammunition is an indispensable tool for solving this problem. The technology for cutting such a scrub is as follows. By detonating a shaped charge (KZ-1, KZ-2, KZ-4), a crater (significant in depth and diameter) is created in the scrub, which is filled with explosives and detonation is carried out. As a result of these activities, the scrub is broken into pieces that can be transported and loaded into a blast furnace. This is just one of thousands of examples of the use of engineered ammunition in the national economy.

The creation of a new generation of highly effective dual-use engineering ammunition will, on the one hand, ensure fighting Ground forces and, on the other hand, their use in the national economy (after the expiration of their service life) will significantly save the financial resources of our state.

Classification of engineering ammunition and minefields.

Purpose of engineering barriers:

1. Inflict losses on the enemy;

2. Delay the enemy’s advance;

3. Fetter the enemy’s maneuver;

4. Ensure fire defeat;

5. Cover the gaps between strong points to cover command posts and large warehouses.

Obstacles are characterized by density - the number of obstacles per 1 km.

Barriers are divided into:

1. Mining and explosive devices (characterized by the construction of various minefields, object mines and remote mining systems - aviation, artillery, missile);

2. Non-explosive (using wire ditches);

3. Electrified barriers;

4.Water barriers (explosions of dams, bridges);

5. Combined

By purpose:

1. Anti-tank (minefields (MP), remote MP, groups of mines in obstacle nodes, anti-tank ditches, scarps and counter-scarps, gouges, pieces of piles, hedgehogs, barricades);

2. Anti-personnel (MP, wire fences, booby traps, MZP, electrified barriers);

3. Anti-vehicle (from individual mines and object mines, blocks);

4. River mines (sea, river mines, floating mines, mining of fords);

5. Anti-landing (at a depth of up to 5 m).

Mine barriers: guided and unguided

Mines: contact and non-contact

Mines: anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-landing, anti-vehicle, sabotage

Topic 2.

Purpose, main performance characteristics, general device, the procedure for installing and neutralizing the TM-72 anti-tank mine with MVN-80.

TM-72 anti-tank anti-bottom mine. An explosion occurs when the projection of a tank (infantry fighting vehicle, infantry fighting vehicle, armored personnel carrier, vehicle) collides with a mine; its magnetic field affects the reacting fuse device. Vehicles are defeated by piercing the bottom with a cumulative jet when a mine charge explodes at the moment when a tank or some other vehicle is above the mine.

Housing material……….................................. steel

Weight……………………………………………………………… 6 kg.

Mass of explosive charge (TG-40)………………………… …. 2.5 kg.

Diameter…………………………………………. 25 cm.

Height……………………………………………………..12.6 cm

Armor penetration………………………. 100 mm from a distance of 0.25-0.5 m

Fuse…………………………………...non-contact magnetic action MVN-80


TM-72 mines with an MVN-80 fuse are installed only manually; to install mines manually you need to: install the mine in the hole, move the fuse release handle to the firing position and secure with a pin, remove the pin and rip off the fuse cover with a key, holding the cover with your hand, pull the thread out of the fuse 0.5 ... 1 m, disguise the mine by taking the cover and moving away from the mine, pull the thread out of the fuse completely and move away from the installation site.


Search and removal of mines installed with an MVN-80 fuse. Allowed only with the help of the PUV-80 control device.

PROHIBITED: search for mines using probes; remove a mine that has visible mechanical damage to the fuse; remove a mine if the signal from the fuse is not heard by the control device or the non-contact target sensor of the fuse is not turned off by a signal from the control device

To search and remove mines, you must: prepare the control device for operation; turn on the device and, moving in the required direction, search for mines; Having detected a mine with a fuse by a characteristic signal in the headphones, give a signal to turn off the fuse; make sure the fuse is turned off (the signal in the phones should disappear), remove the camouflage layer of soil, and holding the fuse with your hand from moving, move the fuse shift handle to the transport position and secure it with a pin.

2. Purpose, main performance characteristics, general structure, procedure for installing and neutralizing the TM-83 anti-tank mine.

Anti-tank anti-aircraft mine. Designed to disable enemy tracked and wheeled vehicles. Enemy vehicles are defeated by penetrating the side armor with an impact core formed from the lining of a cumulative crater when a mine explodes. When the impact core penetrates inside the tank, crew members and tank equipment are damaged by drops of molten armor, high pressure arising inside and the high temperature of the core. This causes a fire inside the tank, and detonation of the ammunition is possible.
The mine can be installed on the ground or attached to local objects only manually. The capping box or its lid serves as the base for the mine. The range of destruction of a tank is up to 50 meters, so the mine is installed on the side of the likely route of the tank at a distance of 5-50 meters from the axis of the route. With the help of a sighting device, the mine is aimed at the affected area.
Mina has two target sensors - seismic and infrared. The seismic sensor ensures that the mine operates in target standby mode, which saves energy from power sources.

Seismic sensor, which has its own power source (battery 373 (R20)), is installed in the ground near the mine and connected to the infrared sensor and PIM by a wire line, and the infrared sensor, which also has its own power source (battery 373 (R20)), is mounted on the body of the mine above. The safety-actuating mechanism (PIM) is screwed to the MD-5M fuse, which in turn is screwed into a socket on the back side of the mine.
The main task of the PIM is to receive an electric pulse from the target's infrared sensor, ignite the electric igniter, the gases of which will send the striker forward. The striker, in turn, will hit the MD-5M fuse, which will cause the mine to explode.
On the top of the PIM there is a safety pin in the form safety pin holding the safety rod. In the event of an accidental release of an electric pulse while the mine is in a safe position, this rod will not allow the striker to strike the fuse. After removing the safety pin, under the action of the spring, the rod begins to move upward, freeing up space for the movement of the striker. The movement of the rod is slow due to the hydraulic resistance of the rubber located in the cavity of the rod. The movement time of the rod is, depending on the temperature, from 1 to 30 minutes. After this time, nothing prevents the movement of the striker if the electric igniter is triggered.

Mine can be installed in an unmanaged (autonomous) version and in a managed version.
The controllability of the mine lies in the fact that with the help of a 100-meter wire line and a control panel (the MZU mine control panel is used), it can be repeatedly switched to a safe (safety) mode or to a target standby mode. In safety mode, the mine is retrievable and rendered harmless.
If the mine is installed in an uncontrolled version, then it is considered non-removable and non-neutralized due to the high sensitivity of the seismic sensor and the likelihood of the infrared sensor being triggered by the thermal radiation of the human body when a person approaches the mine (from any side closer than 10 meters). Destruction of such a mine is possible only by shooting it from a heavy machine gun.
Also, in the unguided version, the mine can be installed with an MVE-72 or MVE-NS fuse. In this case, seismic, infrared sensors and PIM are not used, but a broken target fuse sensor MVE-72 or MVE-NS is used. The fuse pin mechanism is screwed onto the MD-5M fuse instead of the PIM. In this version, the TM-83 mine is installed similarly to the TM-73 mine.

Mine clearance installed in a controlled version is carried out after it has been moved to a safe position using the MZU control panel. Disposal includes disconnecting the PIM from the mine, disconnecting the wire line from it and removing the batteries from the SD and ID.
It is impossible to neutralize a mine installed in an unguided version and it must be destroyed by shooting it from a large-caliber machine gun or a large-caliber sniper rifle from a distance of at least 30 meters.
TTX mines TM-83:
Mine type........................................ anti-tank anti-aircraft based on the principle of impact core
Frame................................................. ................... metal
Weight................................................. ........................... 28.1 kg.
Weight of explosive charge (TG 40/60)................................... 9.6 kg.
Dimensions........................................................ ............... 45.5x37.7x44 cm.
Target engagement range...................................from 5 to 50 meters
Armor penetration................................................ 100mm.
Hole diameter................................................... 80mm.
Main fuse...................... own non-contact two-channel with MD-5M fuse
Fuse target sensors................................... seismic and infrared
Duration of combat operation of the mine.................................... not less than 30 days
Restrictions on use due to weather conditions.. fog ( heavy snowfall, rain) with visibility less than 50 m.
Controllability................................................. ...... controlled/uncontrolled
Neutralization............................................. only in controlled option
Retrievability......................................................... ...... only in a controlled version
Installation methods........................................................ manual
Long-range cocking time................................... 1-30 min.
Type of long-range cocking mechanism......................... hydromechanical

Information about explosives

Explosives serve as a source of energy necessary for throwing (throwing) bullets, mines, grenades, for their explosion, as well as for performing various blasting operations.

Explosives are those chemical compounds and mixtures that, under the influence of external influences, are capable of very rapid chemical transformations, accompanied by the release of heat and the formation of a large amount of highly heated gases capable of producing throwing or destruction work.

Powder charge rifle cartridge weighing 3.25 g burns out in approximately 0.0012 s when fired. When the charge burns, about 3 large calories of heat are released and about 3 liters of gases are formed, the temperature of which at the time of the shot is 2400-29000. The gases, being highly heated, exert high pressure (up to 2900 kg/cm2) and eject the bullet from the barrel at a speed of over 800 m/s.

The process of rapid chemical change of an explosive from a solid (liquid) state to a gaseous state, accompanied by the conversion of its potential energy into mechanical work, is called explosion. During an explosion, as a rule, a reaction occurs between oxygen and the combustible elements of the explosive (hydrogen, carbon, sulfur, etc.).

An explosion can be caused by mechanical action - impact, puncture, friction, thermal (electrical) action - heat, spark, flame beam, explosion energy of another explosive sensitive to thermal or mechanical action (explosion of a detonator capsule).

Depending on the chemical composition of explosives and the conditions of the explosion (force of external influence, pressure and temperature, quantity and density of the substance, etc.), explosive transformations can occur in two main forms, significantly different in speed: combustion and explosion (detonation).

Combustion- the process of transformation of an explosive substance, occurring at a speed of several meters per second and accompanied by a rapid increase in gas pressure; as a result, surrounding bodies are thrown or scattered.

An example of the combustion of an explosive is the combustion of gunpowder when fired. The burning rate of gunpowder is directly proportional to pressure. On outdoors The burning speed of smokeless powder is about 1 mm/s, and in the barrel bore when fired, due to increased pressure, the burning speed of the gunpowder increases and reaches several meters per second.

Explosion- the process of transforming an explosive substance, occurring at a speed of several hundred (thousands) meters per second and accompanied by a sharp increase in gas pressure, which produces a strong destructive effect on nearby objects. How more speed transformation of an explosive, the greater the force of its destruction. When an explosion proceeds at the maximum speed possible under given conditions, then such a case of explosion is called detonation. Most explosives are capable of detonating under certain conditions.

An example of the detonation of an explosive is the detonation of a TNT charge and the explosion of the projectile. The detonation speed of TNT reaches 6990 m/s.

The detonation of a quantity of explosive may cause the explosion of another explosive in direct contact with it or at a certain distance from it.

This is the basis for the design and use of detonator caps. The transmission of detonation over a distance is associated with the propagation in the environment surrounding the explosive charge of a sharp increase in the pressure of the shock wave. Therefore, excitation of an explosion in this way is almost no different from excitation of an explosion by means of a mechanical shock.

Division of explosives according to the nature of their action and practical application

According to the nature of their action and practical application, explosives are divided into initiating, crushing (high explosives), propellant and pyrotechnic compositions.

Initiating are called such explosives that are highly sensitive, explode from minor thermal or mechanical effects and, by their detonation, cause the explosion of other explosives.

The main representatives of initiating explosives are mercury fulminate, lead azide, lead styphnate and tetrazene.

Initiating explosives are used to equip igniter caps and detonator caps. Initiating explosives and the products in which they are used are very sensitive to external influences of various kinds, so they require careful handling.

Crushing (blasting) are called such explosives that explode, as a rule, under the influence of detonation of initiating explosives and, during the explosion, crush surrounding objects.

The main representatives of crushing explosives are: TNT (tol), melinite, tetryl, hexogen, PETN, ammonites, etc.

Crushing explosives are used as explosive charges for mines, grenades, shells, and are also used in blasting operations.

Crushing substances also include pyroxylin and nitroglycerin, which are used as starting materials for manufacturing.

Throwing These are called explosives that have an explosive transformation in the form of combustion with a relatively slow increase in pressure, which allows them to be used for throwing bullets, mines, grenades, and shells.

The main representatives of propellant explosives are gunpowder (smoky and smokeless).

Black powder is a mechanical mixture of saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal.

Smokeless powders are divided into pyroxylin and nitroglycerin powders.

Rice. 53. Shape of smokeless powder grains:

a - plates; b - tape; c - tube; g - cylinder with seven channels

Pyroxylin powder is made by dissolving a mixture (in certain proportions) of wet soluble and insoluble pyroxylin in an alcohol-ether solvent.

Nitroglycerin powder is made from a mixture (in certain proportions) of pyroxylin with nitroglycerin.

The following can be added to smokeless gunpowder: a stabilizer - to protect the gunpowder from chemical decomposition during long-term storage; phlegmatizer - to slow down the burning rate of the outer surface of the powder grains; graphite - to achieve flowability and eliminate grain sticking. Diphenylamine is most often used as a stabilizer, and camphor is used as a phlegmatizer.

Black powders are used to equip fuses for hand grenades, remote tubes, fuses, make fire cords, etc.

Smokeless powders are used as combat (powder) charges firearms: pyroxylin powder - mainly in powder charges of small arms cartridges, nitroglycerin, as more powerful - in combat charges of grenades, mines, and shells.

Smokeless powder grains can be in the form of a plate, ribbon, single-channel or multi-channel tube or cylinder (see Fig. 53).

The amount of gases formed per unit time during the combustion of powder grains is proportional to their burning surface. During the combustion process of gunpowder of the same composition, depending on its shape, the burning surface, and therefore the amount of gases formed per unit time, can decrease, remain constant or increase.

Rice. 54. Combustion of smokeless powder grains:

a - degressive form; b - with a constant combustion surface, c - progressive shape

Gunpowder, the surface of the grains of which decreases as they burn, is called powders of degressive form (see Fig. 54). This is, for example, a record and a tape.

Gunpowder, the surface of the grains of which remains constant during combustion, is called gunpowder With constant burning surface, for example, a tube with one channel, a cylinder with one channel. The grains of such gunpowder burn simultaneously both inside and on the outer surface. The decrease in the outer combustion surface is compensated by an increase in the inner surface, so that the total surface remains constant for the entire combustion period, if we do not take into account the combustion of the tube at the ends.

Powders whose grain surface increases as they burn are called progressive powders, for example, a tube with several channels, a cylinder with several channels. When the grain of such gunpowder burns, the surface of the channels increases; it creates overall increase burning surface of the grain until it disintegrates into pieces, after which combustion occurs according to the type of combustion of degressive gunpowder.

Progressive combustion of gunpowder can be achieved by introducing a phlegmatizer into the outer layers of a single-channel powder grain.

When burning gunpowder, there are three phases: ignition, ignition, combustion.

Ignition- this is the initiation of the combustion process in any part of the powder charge by quickly heating this part to the ignition temperature, which for black powder is 270-3200, for smokeless powder - about 2000.

Ignition- This is the spread of flame over the surface of the charge.

Combustion- this is the penetration of flame into the depth of each grain of gunpowder.

A change in the amount of gases formed during the combustion of gunpowder per unit time affects the nature of the change in gas pressure and the speed of the bullet moving along the barrel. Therefore, for each type of cartridge and weapon, a powder charge of a certain composition, shape and mass is selected.

Pyrotechnic compositions are mixtures of flammable substances (magnesium, phosphorus, aluminum, etc.) oxidizing agents(chlorates, nitrates, etc.) and cementators(natural and artificial resins, etc.). In addition, they contain impurities special purpose: substances that color the flame; substances that reduce the sensitivity of the composition, etc.

The predominant form of transformation of pyrotechnic compositions under normal conditions of their use is combustion. When burned, they produce a corresponding pyrotechnic (fire) effect (lighting, incendiary, etc.).

Pyrotechnic compositions are used to equip lighting and signal cartridges, tracer and incendiary compositions of bullets, grenades, shells, etc.

Ammunition, their classification

Ammunition(munitions) - a component of weapons directly intended to destroy manpower and equipment, destroy structures (fortifications) and perform special tasks (lighting, smoke, transfer of propaganda literature, etc.). Ammunition includes: artillery rounds, warheads of missiles and torpedoes, grenades, aerial bombs, charges, engineering and naval mines, landmines, smoke bombs.

Ammunition is classified according to its affiliation: artillery, aviation, naval, small arms, engineering; by the nature of the explosive and destructive substance: with conventional explosives and nuclear.

The armies of a number of capitalist countries also have chemical (chemical fragmentation) and biological (bacteriological) ammunition.

According to their purpose, ammunition is divided into main (for destruction and destruction), special (for lighting, smoke, radio interference, etc.) and auxiliary (for training crews, special tests, etc.).

Artillery ammunition include shots with shells for various purposes: fragmentation, high-explosive, high-explosive, armor-piercing, cumulative, concrete wallpaper, incendiary, with ready-made submunitions, smoke, chemical, tracer, lighting, propaganda, sighting and target designation, practical, training.

For firing, the first artillery guns used spherical shells (cannonballs) and incendiary shells in the form of bags with a combustible mixture. In the 15th century Iron, lead, and then cast iron cannonballs appeared, which made it possible, while maintaining the energy of their impact, to reduce the caliber, increase the mobility of the guns and at the same time increase the firing range. Since the 16th century Buckshot with cast iron or lead bullets began to be used, causing heavy losses to infantry and cavalry. In the second half of the 16th century. Explosive shells were invented: thick-walled cast iron balls with an internal cavity to explode the charge. Subsequently, in Russian artillery they were called grenades (with a mass of up to the lth pound inclusive) and bombs (with a mass of more than the lth pound). In the 18th century Explosive shells began to be divided into fragmentation shells, which produce a large number of fragments for hitting living targets, and high-explosive shells - for the destruction of structures. The so-called grenade shot appeared, each element of which was a small explosive grenade. As incendiary projectiles, so-called brand kugels were used, consisting of the body of a conventional explosive projectile filled with an incendiary composition. Incendiary elements were also placed in explosive shells for combined target destruction.

Lighting and smoke shells were used. IN early XIX V. Englishman Shrapnel developed the first fragmentation projectile with ready-made fragments, which received the name of the inventor in all its modifications. By the middle of the 19th century. smoothbore artillery reached its highest development. However, its firing range and the effectiveness of the ball shells used were very insignificant. Therefore, the improvement of artillery proceeded along the line of creating rifled guns and oblong shells, which began to be widely used in the 60s. XIX century This made it possible to significantly increase the range and improve the accuracy of fire, as well as increase the efficiency of the projectiles. IN field artillery At this time, grenades, shrapnel, buckshot, and incendiary shells were used, and armor-piercing shells appeared in naval and coastal artillery to destroy armored ships. Until the 80s XIX century Black powder served as a propellant and explosive projectile. In the mid-80s. Smokeless gunpowder was invented and has been widely used since the 90s. XIX century led to an almost doubling of artillery range. At the same time, shells began to be equipped with high explosives, pyroxylin, melinite, and from the beginning of the 20th century. - TNT, etc.

By the beginning of the First World War, the artillery of all armies consisted mainly of high explosive shells and shrapnel. The German artillery also used fragmentation grenades for shooting at open live targets. Anti-aircraft shrapnel and remote grenades were used to combat aircraft. The advent of tanks led to the development of anti-tank artillery with armor-piercing shells. Chemical and special projectiles (smoke, lighting, tracer, etc.) were also used. Consumption increased artillery ammunition. If Germany is in the war with France 1870-71. spent 650 thousand rounds, Russia in the war with Japan 1904-05. - 900 thousand, then in 1914-18. shell consumption was: Germany - about 275 million, Russia - up to 50 million, Austria-Hungary - up to 70 million, France about 200 million, England - about 170 million. The total consumption of artillery ammunition during the First World War exceeded 1 billion

IN Soviet army in the 30s The modernization of artillery was successfully carried out, and during the first five-year plans, new models of guns and shells for them were developed, and rocket artillery was created. For the first time, 82-mm caliber rocket shells were successfully used from aircraft in 1939 in battles on the river. Khalkhin Gol. At the same time, 132-mm M-13 rocket projectiles were developed (for the legendary Katyusha rockets and aircraft weapons), and a little later - 300-mm M-30 rocket projectiles. Mortars—smooth-bore guns that fire feathered projectiles (mines)—received great development before and during the war. New types of armor-piercing shells were created: sub-caliber (with a solid core, the diameter of which is less than the caliber of the barrel) and cumulative (providing a directed explosion). Great Patriotic War consumed a huge amount of ammunition, and Soviet industry coped with this task.

In total, during the war it produced over 775 million artillery shells and mines. After World War II, anti-tank guided missiles (missiles) appeared in the arsenal of the armies of a number of states. They fire from launchers from armored personnel carriers, vehicles, helicopters, as well as from portable launchers. These projectiles are controlled in flight by wire, radio, infrared beam or laser beam. Active-missile projectiles and projectiles for recoilless rifles are being improved, specialized ammunition of increased efficiency and cluster ammunition are being created. To destroy manpower and equipment, ammunition is created with fragments of a given shape and mass and with ready-made lethal elements (balls, rods, cubes, arrows). The fragments are obtained by applying cuts on the outer or inner surface of the body (when it breaks, it is crushed into cuts) or by creating a special surface of an explosive projectile with elementary cumulative notches (when it breaks, the body is crushed by cumulative jets), and other methods. HEAT shells are being improved. Cluster parts of rockets, rockets and artillery shells with a large number of cumulative finned combat elements, scattered at a certain height to hit tanks from above, are being developed. Work is underway to create rocket and artillery shells that provide remote mining of areas with anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. High-explosive armor-piercing projectiles with a flattened warhead loaded with plastic explosives are becoming widespread. When meeting a target, the head of such a projectile is crushed and comes into contact with the armor over a large area. The explosive charge is detonated by a bottom fuse, which ensures a certain directionality of the explosion. On opposite side large fragments break off the armor, damaging the crew and internal equipment of the tank. In order to improve shooting accuracy, work is underway to create simple flight control systems and homing heads for projectiles. Since the 50s In the United States, nuclear weapons are being created for artillery systems.

Aviation ammunition was first used in 1911-12. in the war between Italy and Turkey and for comparatively a short time got significant development. These include aerial bombs, disposable cluster bombs, bomb bundles, incendiary tanks, cartridges for aircraft machine guns and cannons, guided and unguided warheads aircraft missiles, warheads of aircraft missiles, warheads of aircraft torpedoes, aircraft mines, etc.

Disposable cluster bombs are thin-walled bombs filled with aircraft mines (anti-tank, anti-personnel, etc.) or small bombs (anti-tank, fragmentation, incendiary, etc.) weighing up to 10 kg. One cassette can contain up to 100 or more mines (bombs), which are scattered in the air by special powder or explosive charges activated remote fuses at a certain height above the target. Bomb bundles are devices in which several aircraft bombs are connected by special devices into one suspension. Depending on the design of the bundle, the separation of the bombs occurs either at the moment of dropping from the aircraft, or in the air after dropping the remote control device. The cartridges of aircraft machine guns and cannons differ from conventional ones due to the specifics of aircraft weapons (high rate of fire, small calibers, dimensions, etc.). The most common calibers of aircraft bullets are 7.62 and 12.7 mm, and shells - 20,23,30 and 37 mm. Explosive projectiles (high-explosive, fragmentation, etc.) have fuses that fire with a slight delay after hitting an obstacle. The fuses may have self-liquidators, which, after a certain time after the shot, detonate shells in the air that did not hit the target, ensuring the safety of ground troops during air combat over your own territory. The warheads of aircraft missiles have conventional or nuclear charges. They can be delivered to targets by air-to-air missiles at a distance of up to several tens of kilometers, and by air-to-ground missiles at a distance of hundreds of kilometers. Unguided missiles have conventional (less often nuclear) warheads, a rocket engine (powder, liquid) and impact or proximity fuses. Their range reaches 10 km or more. Aircraft mines (anti-tank, anti-personnel, sea, etc.) are intended for laying minefields on land and sea from the air.

Marine ammunition includes naval and coastal artillery rounds, mines, depth charges, missile and torpedo warheads used by navies to destroy sea targets. Ammunition for naval and coastal artillery includes artillery rounds of various calibers and powers. They use fragmentation tracer, high-explosive fragmentation, high-explosive and armor-piercing projectiles. Mines, first used at the end of the 18th century, remain an effective positional means of combating surface ships and submarines. Anchor galvanic impact mines of relatively low power were replaced by anchor, bottom, floating mines of high power, triggered by various physical fields of the ship. The torpedo, as an underwater projectile, entered service with ships in the 2nd half of the 19th century, and retains its importance as an effective means of destroying surface ships and submarines.

The depth charge, which appeared during the First World War, is an effective means of destroying submarines at considerable distances and various depths. The basis of the armament of the modern Navy is missile weapons with nuclear and conventional warheads. It can hit objects at ranges of several thousand kilometers.

Artillery and naval ammunition includes rocket-propelled ammunition, which includes unguided projectiles from land and sea systems volley fire, grenades (melee weapons).

Rocket ammunition is delivered to the target due to the thrust generated by the operation of the rocket engine. They leave the guide launchers (come out of the grenade launcher barrel) at relatively low speeds, and acquire full speed in flight at the end of the active part of the trajectory.

An intermediate position between artillery and rocket shells is occupied by the so-called active-missile shells (mines), which combine the properties of conventional (active) and rockets. They are fired from artillery guns with an initial speed close to the speed of conventional projectiles. Due to the reactive charge, which burns up as the projectile flies in the air, a certain increase in its speed and firing range is obtained. Active-rocket projectiles have the disadvantages of rocket projectiles, as well as reduced effectiveness at the target.

Rifle ammunition is designed to directly destroy enemy personnel and military equipment. They represent unitary cartridges, consisting of a bullet, a powder charge and a primer, united by a sleeve.

They are divided: according to the nature of the action of the bullet - with ordinary and special bullets (single and combined action); depending on the type of weapon in which they are used, on a pistol (revolver), machine gun, rifle and large-caliber.

Engineering ammunition - means of engineering weapons containing explosives and pyrotechnic compositions; mines, charges (explosive, demining) and means of explosion.

Nuclear ammunition is intended for the destruction of particularly important objects. They are in service with the missile forces, aviation, navy, and the US Army, in addition to artillery and engineering units. These include the warheads of missiles, aircraft bombs, artillery shells, torpedoes, depth charges and engineering mines loaded with nuclear charges.

Chemical ammunition (foreign) is filled with chemical agents of varying persistence and toxicity and is intended to destroy enemy personnel, contaminate weapons, military equipment, food, water and terrain. These include chemical artillery and rocket shells, mines, aerial bombs, elements of missile warheads and air cassettes, land mines, etc.

Biological ammunition (foreign) is equipped with biological (bacterial) agents and is intended to kill people, animals and plants.

Depending on the method of converting the biological formulation into a combat state, there are: explosive ammunition; with mechanical opening; devices that convert a biological formulation into an aerosol state under the influence of air flow or pressure of inert gases.

Special ammunition is used for smoke and area illumination, delivery of propaganda literature, facilitating shooting, target designation, etc.

These include: smoke, sighting and designating, lighting, tracer, propaganda shells (mines, bombs), lighting and signal cartridges, etc.

The fundamental difference between special ammunition is that their internal cavity is filled not with an explosive charge, but with smoke, illumination, tracer compounds, and leaflets. They also have fuses (tubes) and expelling or small explosive charges for opening the body in the air or upon impact with an obstacle.

Signal and lighting cartridges are shots that eject shells with a pyrotechnic composition (stars), the combustion of which produces colored lights (smoke) as signals, or white (yellow) fire to illuminate the area.

Special ammunition is widely used to support combat operations.

Weapon caliber the diameter of the bore of a firearm (for a rifled weapon in the USSR and a number of countries is determined by the distance between the opposite fields of the rifling; in the USA, Great Britain and other countries by the distance between the rifling), as well as the diameter of the projectile (mine, bullet) along its largest cross section.

The caliber of a weapon is usually expressed in linear units: inches (25.4 mm), lines (2.54 mm), mm. In the XVI-XIX centuries. the caliber of the weapon was determined by the mass of the cannonball (for example, a 12-pounder gun).

Weapon caliber is sometimes specified in hundredths (US) or thousandths (UK) of an inch. For example, .22 (5.6 mm), .380 (9 mm).

Weapon caliber is often used to express so-called relative quantities, such as barrel length. The caliber of hunting rifles is indicated by the number of ball bullets cast from one English pound (453.6 g) of lead;

Caliber aerial bomb- its mass in kg.

TM-72 - anti-tank mine. Developed in the USSR, adopted for service in 1973. TM-72 anti-tank anti-bottom mine. An explosion occurs when the projection of a tank (infantry fighting vehicle, infantry fighting vehicle, armored personnel carrier, vehicle) collides with a mine; its magnetic field affects the reacting fuse device. Vehicles are defeated by piercing the bottom with a cumulative jet when a mine charge explodes at the moment when a tank or some other vehicle is above the mine. The mine was a flat, round metal box. An explosive charge was placed inside the box and a fuse was installed on top. The mine is not intended for installation by mechanized means.

The MVN-80 fuse is designed to equip anti-tank mines of the TM-62 series and TM-72 mines and ensures their detonation under the entire projection of moving targets.

Basic performance characteristics

Type……………………......................................... ............non-contact-contact magnetic action
Fuse weight………………………………………………………...1.3 kg

Diameter……………………………………………………………………......128.5 mm

Height……………………………………………………………………......97 mm

Type of long-range cocking mechanism…………………...........hydromechanical

Long-range cocking time………………………………………………………20…400 s

The force of the fuse cover is torn off…………..........30…100 kgf

Combat work time………………………………………………………30 days.

Temperature range of application……………….........from –30 to +50 degrees. WITH

Current source…………………...................................element 154 PMC-U – 48 hours (KBU – 1.5 hours)

Kit contents

Fuse………………………………………………………………......................... ..............1

Current source………………………………………………………….…........................ ............1

Fuse with black cover for installation from a helicopter......................1

Universal key………………………………………………………………………………………… .......1/24

Key for screwing the fuse into the mine………………………………………………………..1/24


On top of the fuse there are: fuse 3 with pin 4, a socket for a current source, covered with lid 2, handle 5 for transferring the fuse from the transport position to the combat position and back. The fuse uses two types of fuses: with a black cover - for laying mines from a helicopter, and with a red cover - for laying mines with a minelayer and manually. The fuse with a red cover has a 4 m long thread for remote activation of the long-range cocking mechanism (hydromechanical).

The fuse is triggered by a change in the Earth's magnetic field caused by a target (tank, car, etc.) passing over the mine.

1. Move ferromagnetic objects, including small ones (weapons, shovels, steel probes, safety pins, etc.) near the fuse, which has been switched to the firing position.

2. Move fuses brought into firing position.

3. Install mines with a fuse closer than 200 m from power lines, electrified railways, radio and radar stations.

4. Use fuses for mining in which the height of the fuse protrusion is greater than the depth of the key fork for manually tearing off the fuse cover.

5. Install the current source into the fuse, transferred to the firing position, without a fuse or with a tripped fuse.

6. Unscrew the fuse from the fuse equipped with a current source.

To screw the fuse into the mine, the same key is used as for the MVCh-62 fuse.

A universal key is used to replace the fuse.

Searching and removing mines installed with an MVN-80 fuse is allowed only with the help of the PUV-80 device.

- search for mines using probes;

Remove a mine that has visible mechanical damage to the fuse;

Remove the mine if the signal from the fuse is not heard by the control device or the non-contact target sensor of the fuse is not turned off by a signal from the control device;

Move the fuse switch handle to the transport position if the fuse is not switched off by the control device.

To search and remove mines you must:

Prepare the control device for operation;

Turn on the device and, moving in the required direction, search for mines;

Having detected a mine with a fuse by a characteristic signal in the headphones, give a signal to turn off the fuse (the signal in the phones should disappear), remove the camouflage layer of soil and, holding the fuse with your hand from moving, move the fuse shift handle to the transport position and secure it with a pin;

Remove the mine from the ground.

Mines whose fuses are not switched off by the control device or are not moved to the transport position are destroyed by overhead charges.

  1. Purpose, main performance characteristics, general structure, procedure for installing and neutralizing the TM-83 anti-tank mine in an autonomous version.

(Figure 1.29) consists of an incompletely armed mine and a fuse.

Figure 1.29 – Mine TM-83: 1 – explosive charge; 2 – facing; 3 – bracket handle;
4 – bracket; 5 – fastening handle; 6 – fuse socket
The fuse includes an optical target sensor ODC, a seismic target sensor SDC with a device for its installation, a safety-actuating mechanism (PIM), a closing mechanism (CL), a MZU control panel, and an MD-5M igniter.
The ODC optical target sensor (Figure 1.30) provides an electrical signal to the safety actuator when the tank crosses the aiming line. The lens and electronic unit are installed in the plastic cylindrical housing of the optical target sensor.

On the housing cover there are upper and lower terminals for connecting wires, an LED indicator for checking the serviceability of the ODC, and a socket for a current source, closed with a plug. On the side of the body there is a rod that serves to install the ODC into the sleeve of the mine body. At the end of the rod there is a washer for fixing the ODC in the bushing. The protrusion on the side surface of the rod ensures oriented placement of the ODC into the housing bushing.
To protect against getting atmospheric precipitation and dust, the lens is covered with a protective film. On the housing cover there is an outline of the current source, showing its position in the socket.
The seismic target sensor SDC (Figure 1.31) ensures the closure of the electrical circuit between the SDC and the safety-actuating mechanism when the target (tank) approaches the mine installation site. It has a cylindrical aluminum body that contains a seismic receiver, an electronic unit and a current source.

The seismic receiver is used to convert seismic signals caused by ground vibration into electrical signals. The electronic unit provides amplification and time-frequency processing of signals coming from the seismic receiver. On the side of the housing there are two wires with lugs for connecting the SDC to the ODC and the safety-actuating mechanism. A metal tag is attached to the wire connected to the ODC. The bottom of the case has a threaded hole for installing a speaker and a socket for a power source. The device for installing the SDC includes a tip, a column and a sleeve. The tip is designed for driving into the ground. Column – for attaching the SDC to the tip. Bushing - to protect the shank of the tip or column when driven into the ground.

The safety-actuating mechanism is designed to activate the MD-5M fuse when a signal is received from the ODC and ensure the safety of the mine installation. The PIM has a rectangular aluminum body, which houses a firing pin, an electric igniter, a filter to protect the electric igniter from interference currents on the output wires, safety contacts, and a hydromechanical timing mechanism with a rod and a contact washer. In the transport position, the rod is recessed to its lowest position, the safety contacts are open, the lower end of the rod enters the firing pin channel, preventing its movement towards the fuse. In this position, the rod is held by a cover that rotates on an axis and is held in place by a pin. At the bottom of the body there is a socket for screwing in the fuse.
The wires are designed to connect the PIM to the electrical circuit of the fuse. When the pin is removed, the rod is released, which, under the action of the spring and as the rubber flows, rises upward, freeing the firing pin channel. The contact washer closes the safety contacts and connects the electric igniter to the electrical circuit of the fuse, the PIM is transferred to the firing position.
The closing mechanism is designed for remote reusable closing or opening of the electrical circuit of the fuse using the MZU control panel. The plastic cylindrical case of the MZ contains a remote switch (relay) and a unit with radio elements. At one end of the case there are two terminals for connecting wires from the SDC and PIM, from the other end there are wires of the control cable, at the end of which there is a socket for connecting the MZ to the plug of the MZU remote control.
The MZU control panel is designed to repeatedly turn the MZ on and off, as well as to check its condition.
The MD-5M fuse is designed to initiate an additional detonator when it is pierced by the sting of the PIM striker.
After removing the PIM check and turning on the MZ using the MZU remote control (for a controlled installation option), after the long-range cocking time has elapsed (1–30 minutes), the mine is transferred to the firing position.
When the tank approaches the mine installation site, ground vibration is perceived by the seismic receiver of the SDC, and the seismic signals are converted into electrical signals.
The electronic unit SDC amplifies these signals, carries out their time-frequency processing and ensures the closure of the circuit between the optical target sensor (ODS) and the PIM.
When a tank crosses the mine aiming line, the ODC lens concentrates the infrared energy emitted by the tank on the receiving platform of the pyroelectric module

The term "mine" in military terminology has been around for a very long time. Professor V.V. Yakovlev in his book “History of Fortresses” points out that initially this term, as early as 300-400 BC, was used to refer to digging under the walls and towers of fortresses for the purpose of collapse, collapsing the latter into empty space (forge), located at the end of the underground gallery.
Later, the term “mine” denoted a powder charge placed in a tunnel under a fortress wall or tower. Thus, with several mines during the assault on the Kazan fortress in 1552, Russian troops managed to create breaks in the fortress wall, which predetermined the success of the assault.

Thus, gradually, this term was finally established to designate an explosive charge that is not thrown like a projectile, structurally combined with explosive means and intended to inflict damage on enemy personnel, structures, and equipment.
With the advent of sea mines designed to disable enemy ships, and especially with the invention of a self-propelled mine (torpedo), a condition was added to the definition of “mine” - “delivered to the target not with the help of an artillery gun.”

IN modern conditions with the development of remote mining systems, when a mine or several mines are delivered to the installation site, including in the body of artillery shells, the formulation “... delivered to the target not with the help of an artillery gun” has become outdated.

The concept of "mine" (the term "engineering mine" is now increasingly being used) should be understood as

"... an explosive charge, structurally combined with explosive means, intended to cause damage to enemy personnel, structures, equipment and driven by the victim himself (person, tank, machine) on the explosive means (target sensor), or driven by action using a certain type of command (radio signal, electric pulse, clock retarder, etc.)."

However, this definition of the term “mine” is rather vague, incomplete and to some extent contradictory

In the first third of the 20th century, the term “mine” acquired another meaning. This is what they began to call a generally ordinary artillery shell fired from a specific type of artillery weapon - a mortar. The only difference between a mortar and a conventional artillery piece such as a cannon or howitzer is that it is smooth-bore and throws its shells (mines) along a very steep trajectory. A mortar mine differs from a cannon or howitzer shell only in its appearance and the method of placing the powder charge. In all other respects, the effect of a mortar mine on a target is similar to the effect of other types of projectiles (we will not go into details).
Where this meaning of the term “mine” came from is not known for certain. The author offers his version, but emphasizes that this is only a version and does not believe that this is the ultimate truth.
During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, during the defense of the Port Arthur fortress, the Russians began to use sea mines rolled down chutes to repel Japanese attacks on mountain positions. Next, they began to use ship-based torpedo tubes on land to fire warheads of self-propelled sea mines (torpedoes) from mountain positions down at the Japanese. Then Captain Gobyato created an explosive charge, which was placed in a tin cone-shaped case. These charges were mounted on a wooden rod, which in turn was inserted into a 47 mm barrel. guns. The shot was fired by a cannon blank powder charge with the barrel turned upward as much as possible. This projectile, by analogy with sea mines already used for the same purposes, received the name “pole mine”.
During the First Worlds 2nd war, Gobyato’s experience was remembered and modified Gobyato mines were widely used. True, at that time these guns were called bomb throwers, and their shells were called bombs.

When this type of weapon was revived in the thirties, the terms “bomb” and “bomb launcher” were considered not very suitable, because these two words are already firmly entrenched in aviation (air bomb) and navy(depth charge, bomb launcher). We remembered the name mortar and mine. So this term was fixed in its second meaning.

From the author. However, in English, German and most other languages, what we call a mortar is called differently - “mortar” (Moertel, the mortar, mortier, malta, mortero,...). In my opinion, the term “mortar” is more suitable for this type of artillery system

So, today we use the term “mine” in two meanings - a mine, as an artillery shell, and a mine, as an engineering munition. Often, to distinguish what exactly we are talking about in a given context, the clarifying terms “engineering mine”, “mortar mine” are used. Below in the text we will talk about classification only engineering mines.

End of the preface.

There is no single legally approved or standardized classification of engineered mines. At least in the Soviet (Russian) Army. There are several generally accepted types of classification, depending on the criterion (principle) by which groups of mines are divided in this type of classification:

1. By purpose.

2.By the method of causing harm by this type of mine.

3. According to the degree of controllability of the mine.

4.According to the principle of the target sensor used.

5. According to the shape, direction and size of the affected area.

6.According to the method of delivery to the place of application (installation method).

7.By the type of explosive used in the mine.

8. According to neutralization and retrievability.

9. By the presence of self-destruction or self-neutralization systems.

10. According to the time of arming.

The first type of classification is considered the main type.

According to their purpose, mines are divided into three main groups:

I. Anti-tank.
II. Anti-personnel.
III. Special:
a) anti-train (railway);
b) anti-vehicle (road);
c) anti-aircraft (airfield);
2. Anti-landing;
4. Signal;
5. Traps (surprises);

In some Guides and Instructions, mines are divided by purpose not into three main groups, but into eight (anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle, anti-landing, object, signal, decoys, special). The author believes that the division into three groups is still more correct. The fact is that military personnel of all branches of the military (motorized riflemen, tank crews, artillerymen, paratroopers, etc.) must be able to use anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, and only sapper specialists work with all other mines.

Basically, all types of mines can be produced in three main modifications - combat, training, training and simulation (practical).
In order not to confuse the reader, we will consider the main groups of mines in their other types of classification.

I. Anti-tank mines intended for destruction or removal damage to tanks and other armored vehicles of the enemy. They can also hit unarmored vehicles, and in some cases, people, although the latter is not the purpose of this type of mine, but is a by-product, an accidental result.

According to the type of target sensor, anti-tank mines are:

-magnetic action (triggered by the impact of the machine’s magnetic field on the target sensor);
-thermal action (triggered when the target sensor is exposed to heat generated by the tank);
- inclined action (triggered when the antenna (rod) is deflected from the vertical position by the machine body);
- seismic action (triggered by shaking, vibration of the ground when the machine moves);
- infrared action (triggered when the machine body obscures a beam of infrared light illuminating a sensitive sensor-fuse).

Various combinations of target sensors are possible, and it is not necessary that the activation of the target sensor will cause a mine explosion. Triggering one target sensor may have the purpose of activating a second stage sensor. For example, in a mine of the TM-83 type, the seismic target sensor, when a tank enters the zone of its activity, only turns on a thermal sensor, which, when exposed to the tank, already causes the mine to explode.

Typically, the stepwise use of sensors is aimed at saving the resource of the main target sensor or power supply.

There are target sensors with magnification elements. Such a sensor initiates a mine only upon the second or subsequent impact of the target on the mine. For example, the MVD-62 fuse of the Soviet TM-62 mine, which fires only the second time it is hit. Moreover, no more than 1 second should pass between presses. Or the No.5 Mk 4 fuse of the British Mk7 mine, which fires only the second time it is hit.

According to the method of causing harm, anti-tank mines are divided into:
- anti-track (they destroy the caterpillar tracks, the wheel and thereby deprive the tank of mobility);
-anti-bottom (pierce the bottom of the tank and cause a fire in it, detonation of ammunition, failure of the transmission or engine, death or injury of crew members);
- anti-aircraft (pierce the side of the tank and cause a fire in it, detonation of ammunition, failure of the transmission or engine, death or injury of crew members).
- anti-roof (hit the tank from above).

According to the degree of controllability, anti-tank mines are divided into unguided and guided. As a rule, controllability in anti-tank mines consists of the operator switching the target sensor from the control panel to the combat or safe position. Control can be carried out via a command radio link or via a wired line. The point of such controllability is that when moving through a minefield, your tanks do not get blown up, and enemy tanks do the opposite. The controllability of anti-tank mines in the sense of detonation of mines by the operator when the tank is in the affected area is not currently used.

According to the method of installation, anti-tank mines are divided into:

As a rule, most types of anti-tank mines installed by mechanization can be installed manually and vice versa. Remote mines are usually used only by this method of delivery and installation.

According to the retrievability and neutralization of anti-tank mines, they are divided into:

Both of these terms are quite similar to each other, but do not mean the same thing.
Neutralization lies in the ability to move the mine fuse to one of two positions - safe or combat (it doesn’t matter - by removing the fuse from the mine or using a switch, safety pin, etc.).
Removability is the ability to remove a mine from the installation site. If the mine is non-removable, then when you try to remove it, it will explode.

Based on the type of explosive used, all anti-tank mines are classified as mines with a chemical explosive. Anti-tank mines with nuclear (nuclear) explosives are not available in any of the armies of the world.

AT mines may or may not have a self-destruction (self-neutralization) system. Self-destruction provides for the explosion of a mine after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature, humidity, supply of a radio signal, wire signal), and the self-neutralization system provides for the transfer of the fuse to a safe position after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature , humidity, radio signal, wired signal).

According to the time it takes to bring them into combat position, anti-tank mines are divided into two main groups -

II. Anti-personnel mines designed to destroy or incapacitate enemy personnel. How As a rule, these mines are unable to cause significant damage to enemy tanks, armored vehicles and vehicles. The maximum is to damage the car wheel, trim, glass, radiator.

According to the type of target sensor, anti-personnel mines are:
-pressure action (the mine is triggered when the person’s foot sensor is pressed);

-break action (the mine is triggered when the integrity of a thin, low-strength wire is broken when a foot or body touches it);
- seismic action (the mine is triggered by shaking the soil when a person moves);
-thermal action (the mine is triggered when the sensor is exposed to heat emanating from the human body);
- infrared action (the mine is triggered when a person’s body obscures a beam of infrared light that illuminates a sensitive sensor-fuse);
-magnetic action (the mine reacts to the metal that a person has).

Various combinations of target sensors are possible, i.e. a mine may have not one, but two or three target sensors, and each of them can trigger the mine independently of the others. Either the mine is triggered only when the sensors are triggered simultaneously, or the triggering of one sensor causes the activation of another. The options can be very different.

According to the method of causing harm to PP mines are divided:

-fragmentation (they cause damage with fragments of their body or ready-made lethal elements (balls, rollers, arrows). Moreover, depending on the shape of the affected area, such mines are divided into mines of circular destruction and mines of directed destruction;
- cumulative (inflicts damage with a cumulative jet that pierces the foot).

According to the degree of controllability, PP mines, like anti-tank mines, are divided into controlled and uncontrollable. But if in anti-tank mines controllability consists in the operator switching from the distance of the target sensor to a combat or safe position, then some types of anti-tank mines can simply be detonated by the operator from the control panel when enemy soldiers find themselves in the mine’s affected area. The point of such controllability is that when moving through a minefield, one’s own soldiers do not get blown up, but enemy soldiers do the opposite.

According to the method of installing PP mines are divided into:
-installed manually (by sapper soldiers);
- installed by means of mechanization (tracked and trailed mine spreaders);
- installed by means of remote mining (missile, aviation, artillery systems).
As a rule, most types of PP mines installed by mechanization can be installed manually and vice versa. Remote mines are usually used only by this method of delivery and installation.

According to the retrievability and neutralization of PP mines, they are divided into:

-removable, non-neutralized,
-non-removable, non-neutralized.

Based on the type of explosive used, all PP mines are classified as mines with a chemical explosive. There are no PP mines with nuclear (nuclear) explosives in any of the world's armies.

PP mines may or may not have a self-destruction (self-neutralization) system. Self-destruction provides for the explosion of a mine after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature, humidity, supply of a radio signal, wire signal), and the self-neutralization system provides for the transfer of the fuse to a safe position after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature , humidity, radio signal, wired signal).

PP mines are divided into two main groups based on the time they are brought into combat position -
1. They are brought into firing position instantly after removing the safety locking devices.
2. They are brought into a firing position after the safety blocking devices are removed after a certain period of time required to remove the miners from the mine to a safe distance (usually from 2 minutes to 72 hours).

III-1. Anti-vehicle mines designed to destroy or disable vehicles enemy moving along transport routes (roads, railways, parking areas, runways and platforms, airfield taxiways). PTR mines disable both unarmored and armored vehicles. These mines are not intended to destroy or injure personnel, although very often damage to vehicles leads to the simultaneous destruction of personnel.

According to the type of target sensor, anti-vehicle mines are:
-pressure action (triggered when the target sensor is pressed by a caterpillar or a car wheel);
-magnetic action (triggered by the impact of the machine’s magnetic field on the target sensor);
-thermal action (triggered when the target sensor is exposed to heat generated by the vehicle;
- inclined action (triggered when the antenna (rod) is deflected from the vertical position by the machine body);
- seismic action (triggered by shaking, vibration of the ground when the machine moves);
- infrared action (triggered when the machine body obscures a beam of infrared light illuminating a sensitive sensor-fuse);
- acoustic action (triggered when the threshold value of the noise level of the vehicle engine is exceeded).

According to the method of causing harm, anti-tank mines are divided into:
- high-explosive (causes destruction by the force of an explosion - complete or partial destruction of the vehicle, the engine of the vehicle (wheels, tracks), etc.);
-fragmentation (damages a vehicle with fragments of its body or ready-made lethal elements (balls, rollers, arrows);
- cumulative (cause damage with a cumulative jet or impact core).

According to the degree of controllability, anti-tank mines, like anti-tank mines, are divided into controlled and uncontrolled. But if in anti-tank mines controllability consists of the operator switching from the distance of the target sensor to a combat or safe position, then some types of anti-tank mines can simply be detonated by the operator from the control panel when the enemy vehicle is in the mine’s affected area.

According to the method of installation of anti-tank mines, mines are divided into:
-installed manually (by sapper soldiers);
- installed by means of remote mining (missile, aviation, artillery systems).

According to the retrievability and neutralization of anti-tank mines, mines are divided into:
-removable, neutralized;
-removable, non-neutralized;
-non-removable, non-neutralized.

Based on the type of explosive used, all anti-tank mines are classified as mines with a chemical explosive. There are no anti-vehicle mines with nuclear (nuclear) explosives in any of the armies of the world.

Anti-tank mines may or may not have a self-destruction (self-neutralization) system. Self-destruction provides for the explosion of a mine after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature, humidity, supply of a radio signal, wire signal), and the self-neutralization system provides for the transfer of the fuse to a safe position after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature , humidity, radio signal, wired signal).

Anti-tank mines, based on the time they are brought into combat position, are divided into two main groups -
1. They are brought into firing position instantly after removing the safety locking devices.
2. They are brought into a firing position after the safety blocking devices are removed after a certain period of time required to remove the miners from the mine to a safe distance (usually from 2 minutes to 72 hours).

The design features of anti-vehicle mines allow many of them to be used as multi-purpose mines. As a rule, as object mines, i.e. mines that explode after a certain specified period of time. Or exploded by the operator from the control panel via a wired or radio command line.

III-2. Anti-landing mines designed to disable or destroy enemy watercraft (boats, boats, pontoons, floating machines) when these craft move on the water. The destruction or injury of personnel for this type of mine is a secondary, secondary result of the mine's operation.

Depending on the type of target sensor, PD mines are:
-magnetic action (the mine reacts to the metal of the boat’s hull);
-acoustic action (triggered when the threshold value of the noise level of the boat’s propeller is exceeded);
- contact action (the mine is triggered when the watercraft hull comes into contact with the sensitive elements of the target sensor (antenna, rod, crushable horn, etc.).

According to the method of causing harm to PD mines, as a rule, they belong to one type:
- high-explosive (cause damage by water hammer resulting from the explosion of a mine charge - the seal of the housing is broken, the engine and equipment of the machine are torn off).

According to the degree of controllability, PD mines, like anti-tank mines, are divided into controlled and uncontrollable. But if in anti-tank mines controllability consists of the operator switching from the distance of the target sensor to a combat or safe position, then some types of anti-tank mines can simply be detonated by the operator from the control panel when the enemy vehicle is in the mine’s affected area. However, the author is not aware of any type of PD-guided mine that is in service anywhere at the present time.

According to the method of installation, PD mines are divided into:
-installed manually (by sapper soldiers);
- installed using mechanization means.
- installed by means of remote mining (missile, aviation, artillery systems).
As of 2013, the author knows of one brand of anti-landing remotely deployed mine. This is the Russian PDM-4.

According to the retrievability and neutralization of PD mines, they are divided into:
-removable, neutralized;
-removable, non-neutralized;
-non-removable, non-neutralized.

Based on the type of explosive used, all PD mines are classified as mines with a chemical explosive. There are no anti-landing mines with nuclear (nuclear) explosives in any of the armies of the world.

PD mines may or may not have a self-destruction (self-neutralization) system. Self-destruction provides for the explosion of a mine after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature, humidity, supply of a radio signal, wire signal), and the self-neutralization system provides for the transfer of the fuse to a safe position after a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of certain conditions (certain temperature , humidity, radio signal, wired signal).

PD mines, based on the time they are brought into firing position, are divided into two main groups -
1. They are brought into firing position instantly after removing the safety locking devices.
2. They are brought into a firing position after the safety blocking devices are removed after a certain period of time required to remove the miners from the mine to a safe distance (usually from 2 minutes to 72 hours).

III-3. Object mines intended to be destroyed or removed from building, damage to various fixed or moving enemy objects (buildings, bridges, dams, locks, factory workshops, docks, slipways, sections of roads, berths, oil and gas pipelines, water pumping stations, sewage treatment plants, large tanks with fuel and gas, fortifications , rolling stock, cars, armored vehicles, airfield structures, power plant turbines, oil rigs, oil pumps, etc., etc.).

Destruction or incapacitation of personnel is usually an incidental, but not accidental, task of object mines. And in a number of cases, destruction or damage to an object is carried out with the aim of inflicting maximum losses on both personnel and combat and other equipment of the enemy. For example, the destruction of a dam as an object may have the goal of causing a wave of release and flooding of vast areas in order to destroy enemy personnel and disable its weapons.

Target mines usually do not have target sensors. The explosion is carried out after a specified period of time or by sending a control signal through wires or a radio link.

According to the method of causing harm, OM are divided into:
- high-explosive (causes destruction by the force of explosion of a certain (often significant) amount of explosives);

According to the degree of controllability, OMs are divided into:
- controlled (First type - the explosion is produced by sending a signal via wires or radio. Second type - a control signal activates a timer (time counter), which, after a predetermined period of time or entered by a control signal, will cause the mine to explode);
- uncontrollable (an explosion occurs after a specified period of time).

All OMs are installed only manually. Only auxiliary work is carried out by means of mechanization (excavation of pits, making charging niches in the thickness of the object being undermined, etc.). There are no remotely installed weapons available yet, but their development and introduction into service is possible.

According to their retrievability and neutralization, OM are divided into:
-removable, neutralized;
-removable, non-neutralized;
-non-removable, non-neutralized.

According to the type of explosive used, OM are divided into:
-mines with chemical explosives;
-mines with nuclear explosives (at present, such mines are probably in service with the armies of the United States and Great Britain. There are no such mines in other countries.)

OM may or may not have a self-destruction (self-neutralization) system. Moreover, a self-neutralization system is more often used, which does not explode the mine, but transfers it to a safe state.

OM are not divided into groups according to the time they are brought into a combat position, but are brought into a combat position after the removal of safety blocking devices after a specified period of time required for the removal of miners from the mine to a safe distance or the withdrawal of our troops from the area (usually from 2 minutes up to 72 hours).

III-4. Signal mines are not intended to destroy or damage anyone or anything. The task of the CM is to reveal the presence of the enemy in a given place, identify it, and draw the attention of friendly units to this place.
In terms of size, characteristics, and installation methods, SMs are close to anti-personnel mines.

Based on the type of sensor, SM targets are:
-pressure action (the mine is triggered when the sensor is pressed on a person’s foot, a car wheel, or a tank track);
- tension action (the mine is triggered when the wire sensor is pulled by a person’s foot or body);
-break action (the mine is triggered when the integrity of a thin, low-strength wire is broken when it is touched by a foot or body, or the body of a machine);
- seismic action (the mine is triggered by shaking the soil during the movement of a person or equipment);
-thermal action (the mine is triggered when the sensor is exposed to heat emanating from the human body or from the engine of a car);
- infrared action (the mine is triggered when a human body or car body obscures a beam of infrared light illuminating a sensitive sensor-fuse);
-magnetic action (the mine reacts to the metal of a person or the metal of a car body).
A combination of two, three or more target sensors is possible.

According to the method of causing harm (so to speak), signal mines are divided into:
-sound (when triggered, they produce loud sounds that can be heard at a considerable distance);
-light (when triggered, they give bright flashes of light, or a bright light burns for a certain time, or the mine throws up flares (stars);
-smoke (when triggered, a cloud of colored smoke is formed);
-combined (sound and light, sometimes smoke);
- radio signals (transmit a detection signal to the control panel.

According to the method of installation, signal mines are divided into:
-installed manually (by sapper soldiers);
- installed by means of mechanization (tracked and trailed mine spreaders);
- installed by means of remote mining (missile, aviation, artillery systems).

As a rule, most types of SM installed by mechanization can be installed manually and vice versa. Remote mines are usually used only by this method of delivery and installation.

Based on their recoverability and neutralization, SMs are divided into:
-removable, neutralized;
-non-removable, non-neutralized.
Signal mines do not have explosives and, as a rule, do not have self-destruction (self-neutralization) systems.
All signal mines, as a rule, are transferred to the firing position instantly after removing the safety blocking devices

III-5. Booby traps (surprise mines) are intended to be removed from building or destroying enemy personnel, equipment, weapons, and facilities; creating a climate of nervousness and fear in the enemy (“fear of mines”); depriving him of the desire to use local or abandoned (captured) household items, premises, communications, machines, devices, fortifications, captured weapons and ammunition and other objects; suppression of enemy work to neutralize other types of mines, demining areas or objects. As a rule, booby traps are triggered as a result of an enemy’s attempt to use household items, premises, communications equipment, machines, devices, fortifications, captured weapons and ammunition and other objects; clear the area, objects, defuse other types of mines.

ML are divided into two main types:
-non-provoking (triggered when trying to use an object, defuse a mine of a different type, etc.);
-provoking (by his behavior the ML encourages the enemy to perform actions that will lead to a mine explosion.

For example, when an enemy soldier enters a room, a provoking type ML, designed in the form of a telephone, begins to make telephone calls, causing the person to want to pick up the phone, which in turn will cause a mine to explode). An example of a non-provoking type of ML is the MS-3 mine, which is installed under anti-tank mine and is triggered when trying to remove PTM from the installation site

The types of ML target sensors are diverse and are determined by the design features of each specific booby trap sample. They can mainly be divided into the following types:
- responsive to activation (triggered when trying to activate this sample device, device. For example, turn on the radio, start the car engine, cock the bolt or release the hook of a weapon, pick up the telephone, light the gas stove);
-unloading action (triggered when trying to lift an object, open a drawer, box, open a package, etc.);
-reacting to changes in the position of an object with a mine enclosed in it in space (tilt, move, rotate, lift, push, etc.);
- inertial action (triggered when the speed of movement of an object with a mine enclosed in it changes, i.e. at the initial moment of movement, acceleration, braking);
-photo actions (triggered when a photosensitive element is exposed to light. For example, when turning on or off the electric lighting in a room; when opening a box or package; when a camera flash lamp is triggered, etc.);
-seismic action (triggered by vibration that occurs when a target approaches (person, machine, etc.));
-acoustic action (triggered when the sensor is exposed to sounds (human voice, engine noise, sounds of gunfire, etc.));
-thermal action (triggered when exposed to a heat sensor (heat of the human body, car engine, heating device, etc.));
-magnetic action (triggered when exposed to magnetic fields of a machine, metal carried by a person, a mine detector, etc.));
- choric action (triggered when a certain value of the volume of a given room is reached. For example, a mine will explode only when at least a certain number of people gather in the room.);
-baric action (triggered when a certain ambient pressure is reached - air, water. For example, a mine will explode when the plane reaches a certain altitude.

Various combinations of target sensors are possible, i.e. a mine may have not one, but two to five target sensors, and each of them can trigger the mine independently of the others. Either the mine is triggered only when the sensors are triggered simultaneously, or the triggering of one sensor causes the activation of another. The options can be very different.

Based on the method of causing harm, MLs are divided into:
- high-explosive (destructs with the force of an explosion - tearing off limbs, destroying the human body, etc.);
- fragmentation (inflict damage with fragments of their body or ready-made lethal elements (balls, rollers, arrows). Moreover, depending on the shape of the affected area, such mines are divided into mines of circular destruction and mines of directed destruction;
-cumulative (cause damage with a cumulative jet).

According to the method of installation, booby traps are divided into:
-installed manually (by sapper soldiers);
- installed by means of remote mining (missile, aviation, artillery systems).
The main installation method is manual.

Based on their recoverability and neutralization, MLs are divided into:
-removable, neutralized,
-removable, non-neutralized,
-non-removable, non-neutralized.

Based on the type of explosive used, all MLs are classified as mines with a chemical explosive. There are no mines with nuclear (nuclear) explosives in any of the armies of the world.
Booby traps may or may not have a self-destruction (self-neutralization) system.

Based on the time they are brought into combat position, MLs are divided into two main groups -
1. They are brought into firing position instantly after removing the safety locking devices.
2. They are brought into a combat position after the safety blocking devices are removed after a certain period of time required for the miners to move away from the mine to a safe distance (usually from 2 minutes to 72 hours) or for our troops to leave the area.

The use of booby traps (booby surprises) is of a special, specific nature. These mines have been and are being used by all warring armies and armed groups, although quite limitedly. At the same time, as a rule, the use of ML by one’s own troops is carefully disguised (very often also from friendly servicemen of other branches of the military), and their use by the enemy is advertised and exaggerated in every possible way. This is due, firstly, to great difficulties in determining the moment when this mining can begin (otherwise one’s own troops may suffer losses); secondly, it is usually impossible to subsequently determine the effectiveness of mining and the degree of harm caused to the enemy; thirdly, a significant part of such mines inflict damage not on enemy soldiers, but on local residents, which in some cases is impractical; fourthly, most ML are adapted for use in populated areas, premises, and objects, and the bulk of combat operations are conducted in the field.

III-6. Special mines. This group includes mines that cannot be more or less unambiguously attributed to any one of them. the above. They are designed to harm the enemy in specific ways.

The following types of special mines are currently known:
-under-ice (designed to destroy the ice cover of water bodies in order to prevent enemy troops from crossing the ice);
- anti-mines (perform the protective task of conventional minefields, groups of mines, single mines. They are triggered when the mine sensor is exposed to the fields of mine detectors (magnetic, radio frequency, laser);
-anti-probe (perform the protective task of conventional minefields, groups of mines, single mines. They are triggered when the mine probe sensor is touched);
-chemical land mines and mines (when triggered, they create a zone of contamination with chemical warfare agents);
-bacteriological (biological) (intended to infect an area with pathogenic microorganisms and create hotbeds of epidemics of dangerous diseases in humans and animals);
- fire bombs (when triggered, they cause damage with burning petroleum products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil), incendiary mixtures (napalm, pyrogel), solid incendiary substances or mixtures (thermite, phosphorus);
- stone-throwing landmines (when triggered, they cause damage by stones thrown out by the force of the explosion of a conventional explosive);
- floatable (thrown into the river upstream and explode upon contact with a bridge, dam, lock, or watercraft).
- self-propelled mines.

In other respects, special mines are close to anti-tank or anti-personnel mines.
Chemical mines and landmines are currently not in service anywhere due to the Ban Treaty chemical weapons and their appearance in service in the future is very doubtful. KhMs were in service with the armies of the United States and Great Britain, they were used quite widely in the Korean War of 1951-53, and to a limited extent in the Vietnam War of 1966-75.

The existence of biological mines is theoretically possible, but the author is not aware of any examples of such mines. Attempts to use bacteriological weapons (including mines) were made by the Japanese during the Second World War in the Pacific Theater of Operations, and by the Americans in the Korean War of 1951-53, but no encouraging results were achieved. Also attempts were made by France during the Algerian War in the fifties.

Fire and stone-throwing land mines are often homemade. There are no standard mines in service anywhere.
The inclusion of anti-mine and anti-probe mines in the group of special mines is controversial. The author agrees with the opinion that these mines are more likely to be booby traps.

Self-propelled mines today are represented only by German self-propelled mines of the "Goliath" type from the Second World War.

There are also quite a lot of ammunition that are difficult to clearly classify as mines. For example, a combined grenade-mine ZMG


1. Engineering ammunition. Materials and Application Guide. Book one. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1976
2. Engineering ammunition. Materials and Application Guide. Book two. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1976
3. Engineering ammunition. Materials and Application Guide. Book three. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1977
4. Engineering ammunition. Materials and Application Guide. Book four. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1977
5. B.V.Varenyshev and others. Textbook. Military engineering training. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1982
6. E.S. Kolibernov and others. Directory of an officer of engineering troops. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1989
7. E.S.Kolibernov and others. Combat engineering support. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1984
8. Guide to blasting. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1969
9. Manual on military engineering for the Soviet Army. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1984
10.V.V. Yakovlev. History of fortresses. AST. Moscow. Polygon. Saint Petersburg. 2000
11.K. von Tippelskirch. Geschichte des zweiten Weltkrieges. Bonn.1954.
12. Guide to remote mining in operations (combat). Military publishing house. Moscow. 1986
13. Collection of sets of engineering ammunition. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1988

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