What did the painting on Easter eggs mean? My favorite recipes. Natural dyes for eggs

The tradition of painting Easter eggs in Rus' has ancient history. Today we will talk about Easter eggs - eggs painted with beeswax and painted in various colors with all kinds of dyes. They decorated the house with pysanky consecrated for Easter, hung them under icons, used them to make Christ and congratulate relatives and friends on the Day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ!

The main principle of painting Easter eggs is that hot wax covers the surface of the egg and preserves the complex colorful pattern layer by layer. Decorating a pysanka at home is not so difficult - the main thing is to accompany this work with prayer.

You will need fresh chicken eggs without defects on the shell (preferably medium-sized, with equally rounded ends), food or natural dyes, a wax candle and a pisachok (a tool for applying wax, which you can easily make yourself by driving a small nail or a sewing machine needle into a pencil ). You can, as always, use a chicken breast bone.

Eggs for pysanky should be washed very carefully so as not to damage the shell or leave scuffs and scratches on it. In order for the dirt to easily come off the shell, you need to put the eggs in warm water and, without using chemical detergents, wait until they are well wet. You cannot rub or scrape the shell. After washing, the eggs should be placed on a towel without wiping.

Carefully place clean eggs in a saucepan, fill level with water, add salt at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 2 liters of water and bring to a boil (for gas stove It is advisable to use a flame spreader to prevent the eggs from cracking). As soon as the water boils, remove the pan from the heat and carefully, one at a time, remove the eggs from the boiling water and place them on a towel to cool.

You can paint not only boiled, but also raw “blown” eggs. To make a blown egg, first empty the shell of its contents. To strengthen the shell, dip a piece of paper in the egg white and seal both ends of the egg. Then pierce the holes and drill them with a round file to a millimeter diameter. After this, use a straw to blow out the egg: you blow air into one hole, and at this time the contents of the egg will flow out of the other. You can blow out the egg using a medical syringe, in which case you only need one hole. After the egg is blown out, the paper can be peeled off. Empty shells should be washed from the inside and dried.

When the eggs are dry, you can start painting. Food coloring should be diluted according to the factory instructions. The most suitable dishes for them are glass jars with a wide neck.

First, apply the intended pattern with a soft pencil, and then proceed to covering the pattern elements with wax. To do this, light a candle and cover the egg with hot drops of wax or dip the nose of the pysanka in melted wax and cover with hot wax those parts of the ornament that should be white on the pysanka. The wax on the egg hardens instantly.

It does not dissolve in water and, therefore, protects the previous one with each subsequent dyeing, certainly more light color paints. Place the egg in a spoon and dip it into the yellow paint for 1-2 minutes. The paint should be warm, but not hot, otherwise the wax on the shell will melt, ruining the paint, the pysanka, and your mood. After removing from the paint, blot the egg with a soft cloth. Cover the parts of the design that should be yellow with wax and dip the egg in red paint.

Use wax to draw lines and margins that should be red, and then paint the egg black. Once you've finished coloring, place the egg in a warm oven or heat it over a candle flame. When the wax on the shell melts, wipe it off with a napkin, and the pysanka will flare up in your palms, brighter than fire. Grease it or coat it with a thin layer of varnish. Don’t despair if the patterns on your pysanka are not very clear and neat. Mastery will come with experience.

The painted egg, along with Easter cottage cheese and Easter cake, symbolizes the bright Resurrection of Christ. Just like a chick is born from an egg and begins to live life to the fullest upon liberation from the shell, so people, by the power of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, will someday certainly be resurrected for the life of the next century.

Natural dyes for eggs

It is best to use eggs for coloring. white and preferably not stamped.

Ocher. Prepare a decoction of onion peels and cook eggs in it for 15-30 minutes (depending on the cooking time, the color of the eggs will turn out from bright red to dark brown). Yellow. Prepare a decoction of young birch or walnut leaves, strain and cook eggs in it over low heat for 10-12 minutes from the moment it boils.

Pink. Put boiled eggs in cranberry or beet juice (to obtain a more delicate shade, you can simply rub the shells with juice).

Violet. Lower into hot water violet flowers and leave overnight. Place boiled eggs in the prepared infusion (if you add a little lemon juice to the water, you get a lavender color).

Blue. Finely chop a head of red cabbage and add 0.5 liters of water, adding 6 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. Place boiled eggs in the infusion and leave overnight.

Green. Boil eggs with finely chopped spinach leaves for 10-12 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Blue. Rub the shell of a boiled egg with blueberry juice

Dark brown. Prepare strong coffee and boil eggs in it.

When the colored eggs have cooled, brush them sunflower oil- they will become smooth and shiny.

Shusharkina Ksenia Andreevna

Project work by student Ksenia Shusharkina.
painting easter eggs.

« A precious egg for Christ’s Day” - this is how the famous Russian proverb says. Easter eggs are specially painted eggs that are given to each other on Easter. However, when watching the news, I heard them being called either “painted eggs”, or “pysanka”, or even “galunka”. And I had a question: “Why is this happening?” And I decided to find the answer to it. (slide 2)

This is what I managed to find out. Easter eggs are an attribute of one of the main religious holidays of Christians - the day of remembrance of the “miraculous Resurrection” of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Symbol Easter the egg became a long time ago. By giving each other Easter eggs, Christians profess faith in their Resurrection. So what are the main types of eggs given for Easter?

Krashenka- a well-known egg that is boiled and colored different colors. This is done for Easter and Farewell. Krashenki appeared in church festivities in the Middle Ages. They were consecrated, after which they were considered a holy gift. (slide 3).

Krapanka- This is another type of painted egg. It was done like this. The egg was painted in some color. And then they lit a wax candle and dripped wax onto the testicle. It froze and the egg was dipped in a different color. There could be any number of colors. (slide 4)

Malevanka- This is a more complex type. This technique also uses wax and special brushes. Or just brushes that were used to paint the testicle. A woman or children (which also often happened) drew whatever they wanted on the testicle (slide 5)

Rubbish- this is a testicle that is scratched, thus applying an ornament over single-color paint. They usually scratch with some kind of metal tip. (slide 6)

Pysanka- the most difficult and most ancient look paintings. Patterns and ornaments were strictly passed down from generation to generation. Easter eggs are amulets. Basic colors of Easter eggs ornament

The art of pysanky is accessible to everyone. If you want to master it, stock up necessary materials. Chicken eggs are not a problem, they are always in the house. You will also need: food coloring for dyeing Easter eggs, beeswax, a household paraffin candle (uncolored and odorless), matches, a soft pencil, napkins and a brush - a tool for applying hot wax to the egg shell. Dilute the dyes hot water, add vinegar - the paint is ready. And you can create! What kind of ornaments and symbols were not applied to the eggs! In my report you can read about their meanings! (slide 8)

In the past, when making all types of painted eggs, vegetable dyes were used - a decoction of oak and apple bark, alder branches, onion peels, water lilies, green rye, and nettle roots. See how you can achieve certain colors! (slide 9)

Nowadays food coloring can be bought at any store. Here are some options for working with Easter eggs. (slides 10-14)

In the course of my work, I studied the literature on the history of egg painting, became familiar with the techniques and types of painting work, conducted an oral survey of third-grade students, and revealed interest in the topic I was studying. After acquiring knowledge about painting eggs, I became so interested in this topic that, together with the teacher, I wrote a sample program for the work of the school club “Painting from the Heart,” which I plan to use in the next academic year. The purpose of our program: development of the student's personality, his creativity and individual talents through the decorative and applied art of painting. – development of everyone’s creative individuality, encouragement for independent creativity. For this purpose, children are introduced to the history of the development of the craft, creative works folk craftsmen. Using the example of these works and the work of the teacher, students first imitate, copy, and then create their own ornaments and compositions. Pupils bring something of their own, personal, to each work and reflect their own vision.

I also developed a catalog with my work on painting Easter eggs, which you will find attached to my work. And I found the answer for myself main question his research “Why are Easter eggs called differently?” Because their painting techniques are different. And the meaning is also different. According to the data collected during oral questioning children and conversations with teaching staff, as well as research in specialized literature, I can conclude that painting Easter eggs is a very relevant and interesting topic. My opinion agrees with this conclusion. I've learned a lot, and now I'm not going to stop there. It is quite possible that when I grow up, I will become an egg painting master and will teach this wonderful art to other people.

Thank you for your attention!



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Slide captions:

Shusharkina Ksenia “Painting Easter eggs”

“Why are Easter eggs called differently?” Krapanka Krashenka Malevanka Dryapanka Pysanka





Thank you for your attention!


Report of the speech. Shusharkina Ksenia.

Hello! My name is Ksenia, I am a student of grade 3B at school No. 53. I'm glad to see you all here! The topic of my report"Painting Easter eggs." (1 slide) "Dear egg for Christ’s day” - this is how the famous Russian proverb saysEaster eggs are specially painted eggs that are given to each other on Easter. However, when watching the news, I heard them being called either “painted eggs”, or “pysanka”, or even “galunka”». And I had a question: “Why is this happening?” And I decided to find the answer to it. (slide 2)

This is what I managed to find out.Easter eggsare an attribute of one of the main religious holidays of Christians - the day of remembrance of the “miraculous Resurrection” of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Symbol Easter the egg became a long time ago. By giving each other Easter eggs, Christians profess faith in their Resurrection. So what are the main types of eggs given for Easter?

Krashenka - a well-known egg that is boiled and painted in different colors. This is done for Easter and Farewell. Krashenki appeared in church festivities in the Middle Ages. They were consecrated, after which they were considered a holy gift. (slide 3).

Krapanka - This is another type of painted egg. It was done like this. The egg was painted in some color. And then they lit a wax candle and dripped wax onto the testicle. It froze and the egg was dipped in a different color. There could be any number of colors. (slide 4)

Malevanka - This is a more complex type. This technique also uses wax and special brushes. Or just brushes that were used to paint the testicle. A woman or children (which also often happened) drew whatever they wanted on the testicle (slide 5)

Rubbish - this is a testicle that is scratched, thus applying an ornament over single-color paint. They usually scratch with some kind of metal tip. (slide 6)

Pysanka - the most complex and ancient type of painting. Patterns and ornaments were strictly passed down from generation to generation. Easter eggs are amulets. Basic colors of Easter eggs ornament– white, yellow, red and black. (slide 7)

The art of pysanky is accessible to everyone. If you want to master it, stock up on the necessary materials. Chicken eggs are not a problem, they are always in the house. You will also need: food coloring for dyeing Easter eggs, beeswax, a household paraffin candle (uncolored and odorless), matches, a soft pencil, napkins and a brush - a tool for applying hot wax to the egg shell. Dilute the dyes with hot water, add vinegar - the paint is ready. And you can create! What kind of ornaments and symbols were not applied to the eggs! In my report you can read about their meanings! (slide 8)

In the past, when making all types of painted eggs, vegetable dyes were used - a decoction of oak and apple bark, alder branches, onion peels, water lilies, green rye, and nettle roots. See how you can achieve certain colors! (slide 9)

Nowadays food coloring can be bought at any store. Here are some options for working with Easter eggs. (slides 10-14)

In the course of my work, I studied the literature on the history of egg painting, became familiar with the techniques and types of painting work, conducted an oral survey of third-grade students, and revealed interest in the topic I was studying. After acquiring knowledge about painting eggs, I became so interested in this topic that, together with the teacher, I wrote a sample program for the work of the school club “Painting from the Heart,” which I plan to use in the next school year.The purpose of our program:development of the student’s personality, his creative abilities and individual talents through the decorative and applied art of painting.Basic principle of student learning– development of everyone’s creative individuality, encouragement for independent creativity. For this purpose, children are introduced to the history of the development of crafts and the creative works of folk craftsmen. Using the example of these works and the work of the teacher, students first imitate, copy, and then create their own ornaments and compositions. Pupils bring something of their own, personal, to each work and reflect their own vision.

I also developed a catalog with my work on painting Easter eggs, which you will find attached to my work. And I found the answer to the main question of my research: “Why are Easter eggs called differently?” Because their painting techniques are different. And the meaning is also different. According to the data collected during an oral survey of children and conversations with teaching staff, as well as research in specialized literature, I can conclude that painting Easter eggs is a very relevant and interesting topic. My opinion agrees with this conclusion. I've learned a lot, and now I'm not going to stop there. It is quite possible that when I grow up, I will become an egg painting master and will teach this wonderful art to other people.

Thank you for your attention! I'll be glad to answer your questions!
(after the question was asked) we say - Thank you for the question! (and then we answer it).

There are even eggs on Easter we can not only paint in onion skins, but also to paint, paint, ... This is a limitless field for the realization of the inspired Ukrainian soul.

So, what types of Easter eggs did Ukrainians acquire?

What are the names themselves worth? Easter eggs, Easter eggs, drapanki, specks. Well, isn't it wonderful?


Let's start with the simplest. Easter eggs- the name comes from the word to paint, to paint. Making eggs is very simple. For this it is better to use onion peels. It is added to boiling water, where the eggs are then boiled for 15-20 minutes. The color will be very rich and beautiful. And to get other colors, you can place already boiled eggs in a warm solution of food coloring for a few minutes. In the old days, our ancestors painted eggs in a slightly different way. They wrapped them in oak, birch, and nettle leaves, tied them with thread and boiled them.

Much more complicated, but no less common, is this type of Easter eggs. Fortunately, today it is being revived, masters of painting of Easter eggs. The painting can confidently be called a real look actually Ukrainian art.

Can be used in painting as geometric figures, as well as elements of flora and fauna. Each region of Ukraine had its own paintings, which was manifested in the prevailing ornaments and colors. Thus, the following are typical for the Carpathian region: yellow, red, black, Chergiv region - red, black, white, Poltava region - yellow, light green, white.

Tradition required that eggs be painted and signed Maundy Thursday. It was necessary to start with the first bell. The painting was done on a raw chicken egg. At first he was soaked in yellow paint, which was called “apple tree”. Each color of the ornament. The eggs were then dipped into hot water and brought to the fire. The wax melted and the pysanka was born. And to make it shiny, it was lubricated fat.

Learning how to paint Easter eggs is not at all difficult. Watch how a real master of decorative and applied arts does it, scoop original ideas for inspiration and bring your bold ideas to life. I'm sure you will succeed!

For this species you should select eggs brown shades, they are considered to be somewhat stronger. Of course, they need to be boiled and painted some dark, rich colors. After the eggs have dried, you can begin applying pencil pattern. To make drapanki you need some kind of sharp object. An awl, scissors, and a thick needle are ideal. They then apply the pattern.

Pay attention! A pattern or design will look better on a drapery with a brown base or a base of any other dark color.

This type, of course, involves dripping. But what, with what, where? Everything is very simple. A boiled egg can be painted any color. When it dries, drops of wax are applied to it. After the wax hardens, the egg is painted another color. Then you can either carefully scrape off the wax drops, or put the egg in hot water - and it will melt on its own.

You can decorate your table for Easter in different ways, for example, by painting Easter eggs. This can be done in 1000 and 1 ways. Try to paint eggs both “as God wishes” and in a certain folk style: like Khokhloma, Dymkovo toy or even Palekh. On this page there is a step-by-step description with photos of 3 eggs: with the painting “Roses”, “Under Khokhloma” and “Matryoshka”.
To have plenty to choose from.

So, how to paint an egg.

Necessary materials for creating Easter eggs

  • egg
  • medical syringe
  • sewing needle
  • acrylic paints
  • brushes
  • simple pencil
  • clear furniture varnish
  • cotton swab
  • sponge
  • paper napkins

The first step in creating any painted eggs

Wash a raw chicken egg warm water and wipe it off.

Make small holes on both sides (opposite) using a needle. Using a medical syringe, extract all contents.

Rinse the shell, also inside (using a syringe). Wipe off.

Easter painted egg "Roses"

The egg will be painted using the double stroke technique: you need to put white paint on one edge of the brush, and red (or another) on the other.

Step 1. With a simple pencil draw a sketch of the future design on the surface of the shell.

Step 2. Apply the first, distant row of rose petals to the surface of the shell (the white side of the brush should be on top).

Step 3. Do the same with the next, middle petals, trying to brush over the surface only once.

Step 5. Apply along the contour of the petals acrylic paint white lines, thereby highlighting the border between the petals (creating some natural bend).

Step 6. Turn the shell upside down and proceed to the second rose. To make it stand out, it will be in a different color scheme. The drawing is identical to the first one. Put blue on the brush and white paint. Its excess can be removed with one stroke on the palette or clean slate paper. The pattern also starts from the upper petals.

Step 7 Similarly, apply the remaining petals to the shell in the same sequence. The flowers are ready and you can proceed to the leaves. Darken the pointed ends of some leaves with black paint.

Step 8 Using green and yellow paints, paint the leaves, also using the double stroke method. You can apply more yellow paint in some areas.

Step 9 Finish the composition by drawing the stamens with light movements. Leave the paint to dry completely.

Step 10 Do the same with the other side of the shell.

Step 11 Cover the entire surface of the egg with a thin layer of colorless furniture varnish. Let dry.

Easter painted egg “Khokhloma”

Easter eggs can be decorated using various methods, for example, painted using Khokhloma motifs.

Khokhloma is an ancient Russian folk craft, originating in the Novgorod district back in the 17th century. Craftsmen decorated wooden utensils and furniture with this decorative painting.

On a black background, elements of Khokhloma were painted in gold and red, sometimes green. Traditionally these are strawberries and raspberries, branches, flowers, as well as animals and birds, fish.

The procedure for creating a Khokhloma egg:

Step 1 see above (releasing the egg from its contents).

Step 2. Using a pencil, draw on the surface of the egg the outline of the main elements of the design - berries and leaves. Paint along the outline of the strawberries with red paint.

Step 3. Draw rowan berries in the same way. To make them even, you can use a cotton swab: pick up paint on one end and apply a design, applying it to the surface of the shell.

Step 4. Carefully paint over the remaining free space between the elements with the main background - black paint.

Step 5. Use yellow (or golden) paint to paint the leaves.

Step 6. Apply dots of seeds on the surface of the strawberries.

Step 7 Use a thin brush to paint the stems. Supplement the composition with greenery.
Draw a stalk at the base of the strawberries. Add seeds to the rowan berries.

Step 8 Using a cotton swab, apply small flowers to the surface of the egg.

Step 9 Using the thinnest brush, draw veins on the leaves.

Step 10 Draw lines on the stalks and dotted lines on the stamens of the flowers.

Step 11 When the paint is completely dry, coat the egg with a thin layer of furniture varnish, preferably colorless.

Easter painted egg “Matryoshka”

Step 1 see above (releasing the egg from its contents).

Step 2. Use a pencil to sketch out a sketch of the future matryoshka doll.

Step 3. Paint the handkerchief with light blue paint. You need to work carefully so as not to go beyond the drawing.

Step 4. Use a small brush to draw the eyes and hair of the nesting doll. Their color depends on your personal preferences, as do the elements of the matryoshka wardrobe.

Step 5. Place small dots – peas – on the handkerchief. Paint the sundress with red paint.

Step 6. Using the thinnest brush, draw eyelashes, strands of hair and the curves of the scarf.

Step 7 Decorate the sundress with flowers.

Step 8 Give the nesting doll a smile by drawing her lips. Finish the sleeves, arms and draw lines - willow stems.

Step 9 Dot-draw the willow buds with white paint. Using a thin and long brush, add a little contrasting black color, creating a curve on the sleeves.

The drawing is ready and the paint should dry.

Step 10 And the final touch. Cover the surface of the drawing with colorless varnish and dry. Tip: to make the varnish “lay down” more evenly, it is better to apply it with a clean sponge.

Marina Tofan painted eggs for Easter.

Preparation for the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ is a special process. The key place in it is occupied by coloring and decorating eggs. It doesn’t matter at all if you don’t master the art of drawing, because there is a more interesting and relaxing technique.

Drapankas, or scratches, are made by scratching a pattern onto the painted surface of an egg. The drawing is applied with a pencil and then scratched with a thin metal object (needle, knife, nail). The main condition is that the background must be one color.

When making drapanki, craftswomen can give free rein to their imagination, and looking at their work, it is impossible not to admire these works of art. Editorial "So simple!" I have prepared 15 ideas for your inspiration.

Easter egg painting

  1. The simplest patterns look very interesting. As you can see, you don't have to have artistic talent.

  2. Very beautiful patterns. It’s a shame to even break such eggs.

  3. Very painstaking work, but what a result. Amazing!

  4. Color eggs in different colors. This way, even the same patterns will look different.

  5. Flowers are the best spring pattern.

  6. Patterns in the form of birds look very symbolic. Interesting idea.

  7. At first glance, there are a lot of elements, but in fact they are all simple to implement.

  8. The same pattern drawn with paints would not look very attractive, but scratched out it immediately attracts attention.

  9. If you are an artist at heart, you can easily turn Easter eggs into a work of art.

  10. How much soul is invested!

  11. Here is another simple pattern that will serve as an excellent decoration for your eggs.

  12. Every touch is thought out.

  13. Even a child can handle such simple patterns.

  14. It's hard to believe that this is not drawn, but scratched.

  15. I can already see how beautiful these scratches will look in a basket.

If you want to leave your creation as a souvenir, then do not boil the eggs, and after the work is finished, make small holes in them. Using a syringe, inject air into one hole. Thus, the white and yolk will flow out through the second.

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