Why dream of sharpening a wooden pencil? Why dream of a simple pencil - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Pencil is one of the simplest but still popular writing media.

Majority famous dream books they interpret what pencils dream of from the point of view of its symbol - knowledge, creativity and new achievements.

What portends

According to one interpretation, a pencil in a dream is a sign that new discoveries and events await the dreamer soon. For creative people, this item in night dreams indicates creative inspiration and the emergence of new masterpieces. And since with the help of a pencil you can not only write, but also erase what is written, dream books also consider it as a symbol of freedom and self-expression: you yourself can create your own destiny and well-being.

  • Seeing a pencil in a dream is a profitable business that will involve your mental capacity. The work done will bring you pleasure;
  • Write with a pencil - find your favorite thing;
  • Sharpening pencils is a harbinger of joy. Perhaps a pleasant event or news awaits you;
  • Broken or dull pencil serious consequences that may arise as a result of a trifle ignored by you. Try to remember recent events, there is still a chance to fix everything;
  • A pencil with a sharpened tip is a symbol of strong memory and ingenuity. Remember an event that happened to you recently: having comprehended it, you can understand a lot;
  • Sharpening a pencil in a dream is a good omen. This is a sign that you will be able to overcome all the difficulties that arise along the way.

Do you dream of pencils that are broken? A dream predicts personal failures, but do not despair: move forward no matter what, your determination will help you cope with all problems.

Pencils in women's and men's dreams

Visions of this kind, dreamed by a man or woman, may have quite different interpretations. If we talk about what a girl dreams of with a pencil, then the dream books on this subject give a simple interpretation: new discoveries await her soon. A cosmetic pencil in a dream for a woman can be an indication that it is time for her to do her own thing. appearance start dating.

  • Line your eyes or eyebrows with a pencil - your openness and sexual energy will help you make a new acquaintance;
  • To paint lips with a pencil is a signal that women want to love and be loved;
  • Buy colored pencils happy marriage.

For married woman this item, dreamed of in a dream, can mean the betrayal of a beloved spouse. A scandal in such a situation will not lead to anything good: you need to gather strength, put yourself in order and talk heart to heart with your husband. Drawing with a pencil is a sign that soon a woman will have to make a decision that will change her whole life. Also, such a vision may indicate that the dreamer is endowed with the talent of an artist. If a man dreams of pencils, then this may mean that the dreamer will soon have a great chance to fulfill long-term plans that previously seemed impossible. This time, your efforts will definitely turn into success. Seeing a pencil for a man in a dream is a sign of confidence. Such a dream should give him an impetus for decisive action.

Pencil in a dream - interpretations of Freud

Freud considered the pencil, like any other oblong object, as the personification of the phallus. Therefore, all the dreams associated with him, the psychologist interpreted from the point of view of the sexual sphere.

  • Losing a pencil is a symbol of impotence or treason;
  • A few pencils are an indication that the dreamer has a second sexual partner. Either his significant other has already found a replacement for him;
  • A man puts a pencil in his pocket - the desire to have group sex. If a woman does this, then she is waiting for her partner;
  • Drop a pencil - for men and women it has different meaning. For the stronger sex - loss sexual attraction to a partner, and for girls - a refusal to have sexual contacts;
  • Sharpening a pencil is a craving for self-satisfaction, but at the same time you do not refuse classic sex;
  • Asking someone for a pencil is a proposal to establish sexual contacts;
  • Giving someone your pencil in a dream is the suspicion of your sexual partner of treason.

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A vision about drawings, pencils and felt-tip pens seems like a trifle that makes no sense, but in fact, it is necessary to interpret the dream. If a person dreamed of colored pencils, this may mean the acquisition of quick vivid emotions.

What if colored pencils are dreaming?

Colored pencils, which for some reason turn out to be broken, are considered a symbol of a person's passivity. The dreamer is so afraid of failing in business that he again and again refuses the prospects offered by life.

Seeing sharpened, brand new colored pencils in a dream is a sign that the owner of the vision will soon encounter unexpectedly vivid emotions. His life can radically change the direction of its development, and in connection with this, the financial and personal situation of the dreamer will improve.

Seeing pencils on a shelf in a store and not buying them is a sign that the dreamer does not use the opportunities given to him in full force. It is likely that those prospects that can change lives for better man carefully ignored. If in a dream a person buys colored pencils, but not for himself, then in real life he will be able to avoid minor troubles, but in the future he will have to come to terms with the lack of prospects for personal growth.

Drawing with pencils is always a positive sign, and usually a vision means gaining invaluable life experience. Perhaps a person will face a controversial situation, but using his skills wisely, he will be able to emerge victorious from it.

Buying colored pencils of strange, not natural colors is a negative sign. Usually a dream means that a person will have to come to terms with the collapse of his hopes and plans. Those prospects that he counted on will not be able to justify themselves, which will affect financial well-being.

If the color of the pencils does not match those indicated on the package, then in real life they are trying to deceive a person, and one of his close friends is to blame for this. It is necessary, as soon as possible, to bring the ill-wisher to clean water and deal with the problem.

A bad interpretation has a vision in which all the pencils in the set turn out to be dark shades. It is likely that in the future a person will be overtaken global problems. Personal life will give a crack, and a career will not justify the financial hopes laid down. If the color scheme of the pencils used, on the contrary, turns out to be light, then favorable life stage not far off, and it remains only to wait for it.

What portends?

If a person writes a letter with colored pencils, then he will have to learn some positive news. If, instead of clear sentences, the dreamer covers the sheet with illegible scribbles, then in real life it will be impossible to appreciate all the benefits of the news. This news will have a direct impact on the future, but this will not happen immediately.

Seeing in a dream the purchase of giant colored pencils - to not realize all your plans and hopes. Perhaps it seems to the dreamer that he lives a boring life, but he is not able to do anything in such a situation. To stain your own clothes with colored pencils is a sign that in real life a person will have to say goodbye to his quiet life. A lot of troubles and troubles await him, due to the impact of which life can change for the worse.

If the dreamer paints some important documents with colored pencils, then in real life he is not serious about own career. If the situation does not change, the dreamer will have to say goodbye to the prospects for promotion.

Colored pencils in a dream often portend serious changes in personal and career life, unexpected news, plans destroyed by the will of fate. By carefully interpreting what he sees, a person can prevent future problems, turning even the most serious crisis in his favor.

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 4th day of the month. Dreams that occurred on the night of today do not come true soon.

Today is the 28th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today do not come true, although a lot can be dreamed of.

Today is Monday. Monday is considered a difficult day because it is ruled by the planet - the Moon. Monday dreams, whatever you see, reflect your emotional and psychological state and can be associated with everyday life and everyday chores, with family, relatives, especially with your mother and other women, with small children.

If Monday's sleep is long and rich, if there was water in it, then you have to redo a lot of everyday homework. It is better when the dream is mean, "short". It means that there will be little fuss, you will be able to be collected and restrained, you will be able to maintain a good mood.

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PENCIL - Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a pencil in a dream means an occupation suitable for you.

If a girl writes in a dream with a pencil, this promises her a happy marriage, except when she erases what she has written - then she will be disappointed in her beloved.

PENCIL - Modern Dream Interpretation

You are dreaming of a pencil - this dream, as it were, confirms that you have chosen the right path in life, you are doing exactly the business in which you are most capable of succeeding.

You seem to be drawing or writing with a pencil - by doing job responsibilities, You will completely surrender to your favorite business - to which the soul attracts, perhaps we are talking about the hobby.

The girl dreams that she writes with a sharpened pencil - this girl’s dream will come true to marry successfully, her friends at the wedding will look at the handsome groom and envy her.

It is as if you are erasing what was written with a pencil - in real life you will be disappointed in your loved one, but this disappointment will not be a reason for a break.

You are sharpening a pencil in a dream - the future is preparing some kind of joy for you; share it with loved ones.

Colored pencils in a dream are a sign of daydreaming and idle pastime.

PENCIL - Slavic Dream Interpretation

Repair - joy; writing is news.

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In a dream, a pencil symbolizes the desire for new knowledge and creativity, an honorable business. Why dream of sharpening a pencil in which the lead is dull or broken? Interpreters of dreams where you have to sharpen a pencil give different meanings. To understand the meaning of a dreamed vision, the sleeper needs to look into several dream books.

What if you dream of sharpening a pencil?

A person who had to repair a pencil in a dream may encounter difficulties at work in real life. Felomen's dream book is trying to warn us about this. It will be possible to avoid trouble if the dreamer becomes flexible in professional communication and refrain from jumping to conclusions when disputes arise. In the process of making any decision, he needs to remember that in addition to his point of view, there are also the opinions of his colleagues. Given them, the dreamer will be able to find a solution that will satisfy all members of the workforce.

Why dream of sharpening a pencil in accordance with Miller's dream book? If the dreamer himself repaired this writing instrument, then in reality he will be able to overcome all obstacles in achieving his goal. Seeing a stranger sharpening a pencil is an alarming sign. He warns that the secret carefully kept by the sleepers will soon become available to a large number of people.

In the Muslim dream book, the pencil performs incredibly auspicious sign. The interpreter is convinced that dreams in which a person performed any actions with a pencil (wrote, drew, sharpened, bought, etc.) promise him to receive valuable and necessary information for him that can change his life for the better.

When interpreting dreams in which a person had to sharpen a pencil, it will be interesting to consider the point of view of Z. Freud. According to this scandalous psychologist, repairing a pencil in night dreams indicates that in reality the dreamer does not disdain to masturbate in order to satisfy his sexual needs. However, he does not refuse traditional sex with members of the opposite sex.

How to understand a dream in which a sleeping person has sharpened a pencil lead? Dream interpreters Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima are sure that a dream indicates a strong memory and a tenacious gaze of the dreamer. If you dreamed of a sharpened pencil, then in reality the sleeping person needs to remember the event that happened to him in last days. It is possible that he forgot to fulfill his promise to someone or did not attach importance to information important to him. Before it's too late, you need to correct the situation.

What portends?

Why dream of repairing a pencil and breaking it? Dream Interpretation Hasse considers a dream with such a storyline as an omen of the dreamer's personal failure, his failure to implement cherished desire. Did you dream of sharpening a red pencil? It will be possible to please a person to whom a sleeping person is not indifferent only if he tries hard.

A dream book from A to Z promises a person who had a chance to repair a pencil in a dream, happy events in the family. And here General dream book a dream with such a plot gives a different meaning. The interpreter is convinced that the person repairing the pencil will pass on false information to his enemy in the coming days. If in a dream someone else sharpened the pencil, then a false message to the ill-wisher, at the request of the sleeping person, will be sent by his relative.

The compilers of the virtual interpreter sonniq.ru are sure that a person who repaired a pencil in his night dreams will have to make an important choice in reality. The dream interpretation recommends not to rush, since the fate of many people will depend on the dreamer's decision.

The most favorable interpretation of the dream in which we had to sharpen the pencil is given by Rommel's dream book. In it, the process of repairing this writing and drawing instrument is personified by receiving good news and a bright future. I would like to believe that it is this interpretation that is the most correct.

What is the dream of a pencil in a dream? Such an object in a dream personifies new knowledge, a hidden craving for creativity and knowledge of the world around, and also symbolizes a worthy profession.

If you dreamed that you had a pencil in a dream, you will have the opportunity to show your skills and talents and show yourself to other people. In order for the dream interpreter to be able to help you interpret such a dream in more detail, you need to remember what pencils you saw, what they were intended for, and most importantly, for what purposes they were used.

Stationery secrets

If you look into the dream book, the pencil that you saw in the dream promises you an interesting activity that can improve your financial position. In this matter, you will have to show not physical strength, but resourcefulness and high level intellectual development. It is likely that you will be offered new position, which, with the right approach, will bring a lot of pleasant experiences and bonuses.

Why dream of a pencil in a dream with which you wrote? Miller's interpreter says that such a dream portends doing what he loves. But why dream of sharpening a pencil will help you find out Modern dream book. Very soon, joyful news awaits you, which will overshadow all past sorrows. Such an exalted state will accompany you through life for a long time to come.

Why dream of a simple pencil that was very blunt? If it was exhausted due to the fact that you wrote for a long time, the dream books suggest that some time ago you made a mistake in business. Now it's time to fix all the shortcomings and do it in an accelerated mode, as the deadlines for completion will be running out. The main thing is to be attentive and thoughtfully correct everything that is necessary, attracting experienced people if possible.

If a simple pencil in a dream has already come to you blunt - you need to listen to the words loved one and reconsider your decision in an important matter. It is likely that you do not see the whole picture and after a while you want to return everything to its original positions, but this will no longer be feasible.

How does the dream book explain sharpening pencils in a dream? The interpreter Tsvetkova says that if you saw a sharpened pencil in your dreams, you can be described as a person with a sharp mind and tongue who "does not reach into his pocket for a word." As a rule, you remember important details in a conversation, so you can always defend your position in any dispute with arguments.

If you happened to sharpen a pencil in a dream and you got hurt, in real life you will have a difficult choice to make on your own. You will have to prioritize and meaningfully favor only one side.

How the interpreter of dreams interprets the sharpener will help to understand the dream book of Fidelity. AT recent times you realize more and more that your environment and your life do not bring you pleasure. It's like you're in a vacuum, you don't get any new information, "not a sip fresh air". You just need an urgent change of scenery for 1-2 weeks. Take a vacation and go away from the gray days. It's great if it's a different country, but also Vacation home It is also great for restoring mental strength.

What is the dream of the pencil that you tried to sharpen with a razor? Your position in society is in a precarious state because of your lifestyle. Try to become a little calmer and not spend all nights in festivities - devote more time to family and work. You will be surprised how quickly others will pay attention to you and begin to take an interest in your life.

The meaning of shades

Why dream of colored pencils with which you draw a drawing? A dream means that all your plans will come true and you will experience joy and happiness about this. I had a chance to see in a dream how someone else draws - in reality you will help a friend in solving his problem. He will most likely ask you financial support which you cannot refuse him.

How does the dream book explain colored pencils in a dream with which you drew, but the image was black and white? Such a vision means that in this case you will need the help of a colleague or an experienced mentor. You will be assigned a difficult task that you have not encountered before, so dream books advise:

  • Mentally prepare for difficult work, because you know what kind of work you have to start and finish.
  • Find associates - people who can sincerely help you with advice or action.
  • Do not be afraid to take on the most difficult, because in the beginning you will have more energy to work anyway.

If you dreamed of colored pencils that were all broken as one, then on the way to achieving your cherished goal you may meet serious ill-wishers who will dictate their own rules and tell you what to do. Be sure that you are right and do not listen to anyone. Luck and justice are on your side, so act!

Non-standard solutions

Why dream of drawing arrows with a pencil on? Seeing this in a dream for a woman means that in reality she is sometimes embarrassed by her appearance. Changes are coming in your life, so be brave and know that you are the most beautiful girl in the world.

If the dreamed eyeliners were of various colors, in real life you are sure that people are constantly looking at you and you should always look stunning. Women's dream book advises sometimes to give yourself the opportunity to relax and not put on evening makeup in order to go to the store for a while - let your natural beauty manifest itself.

How does the dream book explain the dream in which you happened to draw with a pencil on the face of another person? You will find yourself in a situation that will force you to sacrifice your time for a common cause. Do not worry, in return you will receive priceless gratitude and honor.

If you dreamed about makeup pencils that you broke and threw away in a dream, such a vision predicts self-realization in your life. professional activity. You will love your job very much, because in addition to spiritual satisfaction, it will bring a consistently high income. Author: Zoya Krupskaya

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