Why dream of which runs. Dream Interpretation: running in a dream - a general interpretation of sleep

Why dream of running

Family dream book

If you dream that you are running in a group of other people, this means that you will take part in some kind of fun holiday. And soon you will find success in business.

Running alone means that you will surpass many on the path to success and take a higher place in society.

Stumbled and fell while running - go broke and tarnish your reputation.

Run away from danger - be afraid of loss.

Why dream of running

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Running after a mouse is matchmaking. Lamb running in the field - quiet life. Deer running - to well-being Running horses - anxiety

Why dream of running

Modern dream book

The dream in which you run with other people promises cheerful company on the party. Possible improvement. However, if you stumble and fall on the run, this warns of a possible loss of property and reputation. Running alone means that you will outrun your friends in the race for wealth and take a higher position on the social ladder. Running away from danger means that you are in danger of losing. If others run away from danger, then this is a warning that your friends are in danger. Seeing a herd running in a dream means that you should be careful in business endeavors.

Why dream of running

Eastern dream book

The dream in which you run along with other people promises a fun party in the company, an improvement in business. If on the run you stumbled and fell, this is a warning about a possible loss of property and reputation. Run away from danger - to loss. Did you see a running herd in a dream? Care must be taken in business ventures.

Why dream of running

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To run in a dream - you need to avoid danger / one-time work / you need to hurry / dissatisfaction with yourself and pangs of conscience.

Running very fast is fun and excess of strength.

Running and falling is a lot of work.

Running to run is a failure at the very beginning.

Running and not being able to stop - you have to invest a lot of work, make great efforts.

To run after someone to fatigue is a loss of money.

To overcome something is to gain great confidence.

A woman running away from a man is love.

Skating is a waste of time, without benefit and joy to act in an area that you have nothing to do with.

Skate on ice without skates - you are in danger.

Skiing - beware of too easy paths, you can get lost on them (the desire to live only by reason, to avoid strong ties).

Why dream of running

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Run away - from someone - internal conflict, discomfort, contradiction, inability to solve problems yourself.

Why dream of running

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of Running - Improvement in business and well-being in family life. Remember the feeling of running, imagine how easy it is for you to run, as if you have wings behind you. Be sure to run (not mentally, really) at least a few steps.

Why dream of running

British dream book

Running - Running includes four main forms: from something, to something, for fun and for the sake of competition. The meaning of dreams about running is quite straightforward, although it is important to pay attention to the circumstances and other elements of the dream. What is the dream for: Did you pursue some goal - your promotion, for example, or some person? fleeing from a danger or hostile situation? Tried to chase someone? If you are not successful, consider other methods of action. Running simply for the pleasure of feeling your body obeying your orders reflects a healthy attitude towards yourself and a sense of happiness in life. If you are running, but not running anywhere, then you feel like you are on a treadmill or like a squirrel in a wheel; you need to reconsider the purpose of your aspirations. See also Rescue Run

Running to what it is for the sake of salvation - Dreams of running for the sake of salvation own life- one of the most annoying. Often they are accompanied by a feeling of horror. What is the dream about: Are you trying in vain to run away from a person or situation you know? Does this situation reflect your real life? Do you have any other option than running away? Maybe it's better to face the problems face to face and solve them? Sometimes these dreams have no obvious cause. Maybe life itself - including the position in the world, the political and economic situation, things that you cannot control - gives you such dreams. Unfortunately, there is little you can do but try to find positive aspects, which you can focus on: friends, for example, or some of your abilities.

Why dream of running

Phoebe's big dream book

What does running mean in a dream - to improvement in business, rapid career growth. Imagine that you are going out for a morning run. You run along the path of a park or garden, among grass, flowers, beautiful trees and flowering shrubs. It is very easy for you to breathe, you enjoy the beauty of nature, it is very easy for you to run, you do not get tired at all - it seems to you that you have wings behind you and you can run like this without getting tired for a very, very long time.

Why dream of running

Russian dream book

What does running mean in a dream - if you run in a group of other people - to success; if one - to the acquisition of a high position in society.

Why dream of running

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

Running to what it is Running. 1. Sleep running is about speed and flow. Running forward implies confidence, possibility. To run away, on the contrary, is the inability to do anything. 2. In dreams with running, place and time matter. Where we run may explain why it is necessary to hurry up with something, but if we are being pursued, suggest a reason for this. To manage something means to take responsibility. 3. Running in dreams - to excitement or frustration. From a spiritual point of view, you can try to quickly take some action.

Why dream of running

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Running is vital energy; striving for the goal, victory. Running towards someone or something is a concern; danger; impossible to run - fear; own passions.

What does running in a marathon mean in a dream - self-esteem; overcome doubts about their own abilities. Win the race - self-confidence; you are overtaken by others - incompetence.

Why dream of running

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

The dream in which you run in the crowd is good: it promises fun party and success in love. If you stumble and fall, then loneliness and loss await you. good name because of a damaging relationship. If you run away from someone in a dream, be afraid of loss.

Why dream of running

Old English dream book

Seeing in a dream that you are participating in a running competition predicts the defeat of your opponent, as well as success in business. you will win the feelings of the one you love so dearly, and you do not need to fear an opponent: you will marry and be happy.

Why dream of running

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Seeing yourself running portends a trip.

To see that you want to run away and cannot, portends difficulties or illness.

Why dream of running

Dream interpreter 1829

Running in a dream is a sign of a happy omen, well-being;

Running in fear is a safe haven;

Run fast, soon - unexpected happiness; running after your enemy is a sign of victory and profit;

Running naked is the tricks of relatives;

To dream of people running after each other - quarrels and abuse.

Why dream of running

Slavic dream book

Running - running - to the fuss and losses Evil Mercury.

Why dream of running

Loff's dream book

Running is a traditional symbol of health and longevity, as well as a means of escape from potential danger. A dream using elements of running can be a dream of masculinity or salvation.

Usually in dreams where there is running and fear is the dominant feeling, you can see yourself running all night and eventually escaping from imminent danger (which can drain you emotionally), or you will constantly stumble, bump into countless obstacles, and the object of your fears will seem even more terrible. In the latter case, try to look at the plot of the dream through the prism of events that happen to you in real life, paying attention to the area in which you feel pressure. Sometimes this can be a miraculous solution to a pressing problem (See HUNT).

Why dream of running

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

While we sleep, our brain continues to process the information received during the day, evaluate the behavior of the immediate environment and try to give answers to exciting questions. Therefore, everything seen during a night's rest is very important to be able to understand and "hear". Rushing out along the road or path is good luck. This action promises prosperity in business and in the profession. More precise definition can be obtained only by studying in detail the circumstances and nuances of the presented picture, and even experienced emotions.

  1. This movement symbolizes the rush in life and advises you to stop, catch your breath and reflect.
  2. In the future, a person will expect an event that requires a quick decision.
  3. The inability to run indicates a wrong choice, a futile turmoil, and possibly a dangerous road.
  4. The competitive moment in a dream suggests an impending rivalry in any matter.

To understand why you dream of running in a dream, you should remember the area and landscape:

  • around the house - attention is focused on family life and thoughtlessness of decisions;
  • rush around the yard and familiar territories - thoughts about relationships with relatives are approaching;
  • moving in a circle speaks of obsession, an attempt to study the problem from all sides.

What does the chosen direction warn about?

  1. Up the stairs: in pursuit of profit, the dreamer forgot about loved ones. In this case, it is recommended to take a moment and visit them, chat with them.
  2. Down the stairs: obstacles will soon arise due to high demands on the chosen one.
  3. Climbing uphill: a hint of imminent financial prosperity, career growth and happiness on the personal front.
  4. Downhill skiing: the subconscious is preparing for numerous complications, and in particular, unreasonable spending. It would be better after this to save money for a rainy day and buy only lead and essential products.

The person himself does not always run in night dreams, there are also meetings with quadrupeds striving somewhere. And it is very important in the morning to remember with whom exactly an unusual meeting took place.

The horse represents strength, approval, luck, praise. Tabun predicts financial independence and prosperity.

Chasing cows predict an unexpected replenishment of the wallet: an increase or an inheritance.

Receding rats warn of real enemies. You need to be alert.

Elephants predict an acquaintance with a rich man, which will turn out to be profitable.

What popular dream books say about running in a dream

The desire to understand their dreams is characteristic of many people. Some are able to "read" them and use them to solve life's troubles. Others are helped by interpreters, of which there are a lot. It also happens that different authors see their hidden images. Everyone puts their symbolism into what they see, which is why the details become paramount.

Running alone promises professional recognition and wealth. Running in a company is good luck in business. This is a call to action for those who are only thinking about business. You should not sit and wait for the weather by the sea, you need to act and take risks, the universe itself will support your undertakings.

Rainy weather - to the need to repent and reveal all the cards. This will bring relief and peace of mind. Such a night "walk" means the opportunity to defend your name.

Running through puddles also portends success in business and work. On the grass - to the money that is required to fulfill desires.

"Blow away" from a man for women - to disappointment in the current relationship. If the pursuer catches up - expect gossip and intrigue. Stumble and fall - to the loss of property or funds.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

In this variant, to run slowly in a dream - to poverty, diseases, losses, quickly - to pleasant presents. At the same time, bare feet are a sign of large financial losses. A person needs to evaluate costs, and study contracts in detail.

In a monetary matter, the desire in a dream for another person will also become fatal. And the pursuit of animals, on the contrary, expresses the achievement of high results and good news. The race for the second half shows the inner need to diversify personal life.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

An attempt to hide from a wild beast calls not to take rash actions. The desire to escape the fire makes you aware of health problems, and the need to visit a doctor. It is recommended to understand feelings if you had to escape from offenders.

Chasing transport - you can fulfill your plan.

For an Austrian psychoanalyst, running is associated with sexual intimacy, therefore happy dream- Excellent physical and sexual form. Fatigue in a dream at a subconscious level states dissatisfaction with the current partner in bed. It will help to make sure complete analysis depicted and everyday life.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Why dream of running in a dream? According to the Jewish king and sage, to poverty, loss and loss.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Running in the arms of Morpheus is a signal of regression and stagnation in everything, including in the body.

Women's dream book

For women, such a dream is a sign of haste. But this may also portend an upcoming entertaining event, good luck in activities.

The fall can be fatal - to financial difficulties. Loneliness predicts to take a profitable place. Hope for a solution to difficulties melts if the beautiful half of humanity tries to escape from dangers. If you see strangers running away, you need to monitor the safety of children.

Dream interpretation of Prozorov

Such a vision guarantees development in all directions. Enjoy the feeling of freedom and lightness, enjoy it.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

The apostle is sure that running people are for money. Stiffness - to expectation. Achieving the goal is a deliberate undertaking and happiness.

Various interpretations

We offer several more versions, thanks to which it will be possible to reveal the secret meaning completely.

Run barefoot - show hidden desires and achieve sexual harmony.

Catching up with the train - this is how the desire to have time to complete the accumulated cases is manifested.

Jump into the car - it will help you quickly and easily fulfill your dream.

Fast running points to the peak physical activity or close road. The higher the speed, the longer the path to success.

Snow underfoot - they are trying to hide information from loved ones. Interpreters of snowdrifts are advised to be especially wary, because this is a serious quarrel.

In a dream, every detail is important, and even a trifle, which helps to solve pressing situations. We managed to finish first - such a victory is predicted in the present. You are chasing a guy - you are completely ready to connect your fate with him.


Despite the importance of what you see outside, you should not get hung up on this, and even more so get upset, because negative thoughts and moods affect fate and can prevent you from correcting mistakes. You need to be able to use the given chance to change the future: highlight the main thing and make adjustments. And dream books will help to figure this out.

List of used literature:

  • Steiner E. S. "Unsteady bridge of sleep": dreams and dreamers in the Japanese tradition // Proceedings of the "Russian Anthropological School": Issue 6 / Ed. coll.: E. M. Boltunova, K. V. Bandurovsky, A. V. Garadzha, I. A. Protopopova, E. V. Pchelov, A. I. Sosland. - M.: RGGU, 2009.
  • Eliade M. Myths, dreams, mysteries. Per. from English. - M.: REFL-book, 1996.
  • Jung KG Memories, dreams, reflections. Per. with him. - Kyiv: AirLand, 1994.

Why do we sometimes have to run in our sleep? Such a vision may portend a desire for new adventures or a desire to isolate oneself from some problem. There are many options. Let's turn to authoritative dream books to find out the most likely of them.

Miller's dream book

Running in a dream - to changes in life, says the famous psychologist. He notes that moving quickly to a certain group of people promises the dreamer a magnificent celebration in reality. In addition, he will be successful in all endeavors. Things will certainly go uphill even with minimal effort. However, obstacles must be avoided while running. Miller believes that if a person stumbles and falls in a dream, then all sorts of troubles await him in reality. He may go broke or lose his reputation.

Loff's dream book

The psychologist is convinced that running in a dream means maintaining good health and longevity. It also avoids possible danger. Therefore, the dream light athletics promises a person a spiritual uplift or a safe haven from troubles. Sometimes the dreamer sees himself running all night. As a rule, it is driven by fear of a formidable pursuer. At the same time, he can constantly stumble and meet various obstacles. This suggests that in reality the sleeper is under strong pressure in some area of ​​activity. In the morning, he needs to seriously think about what to do in order to change the current state of affairs. The decision may come unexpectedly and bring a person peace and peace of mind.

Ukrainian dream book

This source is based on various folk omens. Running in a dream without a goal means losing a lot of money in reality. To see athletes from the outside means, on the contrary, to receive a large sum in reality. To run with all your might, but still stay in place - to wait a long time for changes for the better. Chase someone and overtake - fortunately and well-being. To overtake a person means to outlive him for several years. Run to the goal without interference - to the successful completion of affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

This book takes into account the fact that the dreamer can run away from danger or rush to the desired goal. The dream is interpreted depending on the motive that guides a person when he moves on high speed. If it suits him wild beast, which means that in reality he can commit some kind of rash act. If he has to hide from the fire, then big changes await him ahead. In addition, you should pay attention to your own health. Running away from the flood - to an excess of emotional experiences. An attempt to catch up with a train, bus or plane - to the fleeting realization of hopes and plans. Chasing a stranger in a dream means tiredness from everyday worries.

Psychological dream book

This source has its own view of what dreams of running in a dream. If the sleeper sees that he just needs to break loose and rush forward, then new sexual adventures await him. Steeplechase in bad weather is a dream for people who subconsciously avoid intimacy. Perhaps they need to change partners. If in a dream a person runs with pleasure, then he is completely satisfied with his personal life.

To run in a dream, to see a person nearby and enjoy communicating with him - to get to know a new one. interesting interlocutor. He will be able to inspire the dreamer to new feats in personal and professional terms.

Romantic dream book

Many people ask the question: "If I dream that I am running in a dream, what is it for?" The interpretation of this vision can be very different. According to the romantic dream book, such a dream promises family people household chores. Fate advises them to slow down and approach their actions more deliberately.

If the dreamer chases his soulmate in a dream, then in reality he will have changes in his personal life. Most likely, a person is pulling too hard with a marriage proposal. And this may become a serious problem for him in the future.

If a man sees himself running in competitions, then this promises him the favor of his beloved. He can marry her, and his family life will be happy. For women, a dream in which a certain person pursues her promises an early marriage. And in general, run fast in a dream - to love relationship. Catching a fleeing mouse - to matchmaking and an imminent wedding.

Persian dream book

It relies on the material side of life. For example, to overtake someone in a competition means to become the most self-serving and richest person in your own environment. Run with all your might - to a long business trip. Feel pleasantly tired physical activity in a dream - to a great vacation in a paradise of the world. The dreamer will renounce the daily hustle and bustle and spend time with great pleasure.

Up or down?

It is very pleasant to run fast in a dream. In the world of dreams, a person does not feel gravity, so it may seem to him that he is flying like a bird. However, the question arises: where can this road lead the dreamer?

If a person dreams that he is rushing up the stairs, then in reality he is too carried away by career achievements. He needs to remember his relatives, to communicate cordially with them. This will bring the sleeper not only pleasure, but also great benefit. He will get good advice from one of the relatives.

Run down the stairs - to possible problems with the opposite sex. The sleeper makes too high demands on the chosen one. This could backfire on him. However, there is another opinion. For example, according to Aesop, a quick descent down means material well-being and progress in professional activity. And rushing down the mountain at full speed - to a huge number of problems, as well as financial collapse.

Barefoot or in shoes?

Some may ask: "Why do I run fast in my sleep barefoot?". It turns out that such a picture can dream of people who seek to find harmony with their sexual partner. Bare feet are very vulnerable. So the dreamer feels too open and helpless. However, his fears are in vain: personally, everything will turn out well for him.

Fast running can mean that a person is at the peak of their physical condition. It can also portend a long and difficult path, which, despite the difficulties, will end happily.

Freud's version

The famous psychoanalyst was famous for his original approach to the interpretation of dreams. For example, he considered running in the rain as a sign of the exacerbation of the natural instincts of the sleeping person. Most likely, he dreams of a new sexual experience with another partner. If a person runs around in circles all night, it means that in reality he is in a difficult situation from which he cannot get out.

These are the interpretations that proven dream books offer us. Use them, and you will always know what this or that dream portends to you.

English dream book

Why dream of running, running for a woman:

Seeing in a dream that you are participating in a running competition predicts the defeat of your opponent, as well as success in business. You will win the feelings of the one you love so dearly, and you do not need to be afraid of an opponent: you will marry and be happy.

Loff's dream book

Seeing running in a dream means:

Running is a traditional symbol of health and longevity, as well as a means of escape from potential danger. A dream using elements of running can be a dream of masculinity or salvation.
Usually in dreams where there is running and fear is the dominant feeling, you can see yourself running all night and eventually escaping from imminent danger (which can drain you emotionally), or you will constantly stumble, bump into countless obstacles, and the object of your fears will seem even more terrible. In the latter case, try to look at the plot of the dream through the prism of events that happen to you in real life, paying attention to the area in which you feel pressure. Sometimes this can be a miraculous solution to a pressing problem (See HUNT).

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

A dream with running in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

See Racing, Competition.

Freud's dream book

Sleep with running means:

Running is a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If running in your sleep gives you pleasure, then you are quite healthy and in good physical and sexual shape.

If you are exhausted from running or have to run in bad weather, then you are annoyed and depressed by sex with your regular partner. Although you may not yet be aware of this circumstance, you are already looking for a new sexual partner.

Indian dream book

Meaning of sleep running:

Seeing people running around in a dream means quarrels and unrest. If there are still children running around, then this dream portends the last pleasure and joy. A running deer or a hare promises the one who saw them in a dream the acquisition of great wealth through dexterity and resourcefulness. A galloping, trotting or galloping horse means contentment and fulfillment of desires. Donkey - upcoming troubles. For a patient, a woman, running in a dream is a bad sign. For everyone else, this is a good omen. Especially if you dream that you are fleeing from some person. It means safety and tranquility. Running in a dream after your enemy predicts victory and profit.

Slavic dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of running:

Barefoot - poverty; run - malaise; running after someone until you get tired is a loss of money; for game and catching it is an unexpected joy.

Small dream book

What running can dream of:

A dream in which you run along with other people promises a fun company at a party. Possible improvement. However, if you stumble and fall on the run, this warns of a possible loss of property and reputation. Running alone means that you will outrun your friends in the race for wealth and take a higher position on the social ladder. Running away from danger means that you are in danger of losing. If others run away from danger, then this is a warning that your friends are in danger. Seeing a herd running in a dream means that you should be careful in business endeavors.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Running, in a dream means:

loss, poverty.

Old Russian dream book

If a girl dreams of running, then this means:

barefoot - poverty, a lack of what you run on; run - malaise.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Why does a woman dream of running:

Improvement in business and well-being in family life. Running in splendid isolation - you will have a rapid career growth. Along with a high position, decent earnings will come. running along tall grass- ahead of you are waiting for new interesting undertakings that will absorb all your free time. Participate in running competitions - you will compete for the attention of a loved one, in which your opponent will fail.

Remember the feeling of running, imagine how easy it is for you to run, as if you have wings behind you. Be sure to run (not mentally, really) at least a few steps.

Chasing someone - the vacation that you have been dreaming of for so long will become a reality. Tired of running - a dream portends you a wonderful vacation. Jogging in the company of other people - a pleasant company will allow you to relax from stress last days and get a charge of positive emotions.

Try to remember the faces of the people who are running with you. They will become your companions for relaxation and entertainment. Imagine around the faces of those people, meeting with whom will bring you the greatest pleasure.

Running without a specific goal / Running for the sake of running - delays, the futility of action. Running barefoot - you made rash steps, troubles are inevitable. Running along the edge - your rash risk will lead to danger. Running in a circle - your actions will lead you to a dead end. Running in place - your indecision will cause difficulties that you will face in the near future. Stumble while running - your senseless actions will lead to monetary losses.

Concentrate on the fact that the purpose of your run was to follow the instructions of the general under whom you serve (see General).

Running in a dream is associated with health and longevity, and is also a way to escape from impending danger. What this action is dreaming of is interpreted by the dream book taking into account many details, such as: the place, type and reason for jogging, the speed and motives of the runner.

Place of the race

Miller's dream book explains why running on rooftops is a dream, the rapid success of a sleeping person, the opportunity to translate his most daring plans into reality. If the dreamer jumps on the roofs of houses, driven by fear, running away from someone, then in real life it will be possible not only to avoid danger, but also to discover his inner potential.

In a dream, running around the house indicates an internal search, a desire to understand one's feelings, to simulate a picture future life. A dream about running on water symbolizes luck in business, career. The race through the cemetery reveals the dreamer's inner fears, the desire to "bury" the past.

A dream about running in the rain reflects the state of joy and comfort in which you are now. Many people guess why they dream of running up the stairs. Such an action means rapid career growth.

Type of running

Compete in cross-country in a dream, portends an unforeseen situation in which you need to make a quick decision. To emerge victorious in a dream race - in reality, it will be possible to defeat competitors. To lose a run, having come to the finish line among those lagging behind, means the need to defend one's right to engage in one's own offspring.

It is easy to guess what the obstacle course is about. The dreamed vision symbolizes the difficulties that the dreamer will have to face on the way to the implementation of his plans.

Running uphill represents the development of the dreamer, his desire for success. If the road along which the dreamer runs with obstacles, then you will encounter difficult tasks that will delay the fulfillment of goals for an indefinite period.

Seeing a finish line with obstacles on the horizon, which rises uphill, promises trouble at the completion of your goals. If the route of the runner runs through the area, the road of which is charged uphill, then falls down - your business is progressing with varying degrees of success.

Running in the wrong place or no one knows where threatens a sleeping person with rash cash spending. Running in a circle in a dream, according to the dream book Yellow Emperor, indicates a state of obsession, a repetition in the future of the passed stages or situations.

The dream books describe another interpretation of why one dreams of running in circles. The dreamed action reveals the likelihood of getting bogged down in work in the future, like a squirrel in a wheel.


Participate in a dream in running competitions, according to English dream book, broadcasts about the defeat of an opponent or competitor. Becoming a winner in this sport predicts incredible success on the love front.

Compete with someone in a race - in the near future you will make sure that not everything you strive for can be achieved. Watching in a dream how someone competes in speed is considered a good sign, testifying from successful implementation own goals.

A woman running away from a man in a dream, according to the Noble Dream Book of N. Grishina, promises love and a feeling of reciprocity. To run away from danger, prophesies loss and the inability to arrange things in a way acceptable to you.

Running characteristics

Running barefoot in a dream is evidence of excellent health. Running naked speaks of a subconscious fear of exposing one's feelings and emotions. According to the Common Dream Book, such circumstances may be harbingers of an upcoming scandal.

Running in the dark predicts events for which you are completely unprepared. A fast run portends a fun pastime, a slow run portends an early meeting with difficulties.

According to Noble dream book N. Grishina, running in a dream indicates dissatisfaction with oneself, the need to hurry. If it is fast, then in reality you feel the strength in yourself to cope with the tasks.

Running alone portends superiority on the way to career achievements. Running with a group of other people means an opportunity to take part in a fun event, as well as an imperceptible improvement in business.

What else to read