What does the figurine of an elephant with a baby elephant mean. What symbolizes the failure of the elephant in the culture of ancient India. Figurine in the form of an elephant: beliefs and symbols

The elephant represents wisdom, strength and prudence. It serves in India, China and Africa as an emblem of royal power and symbolizes the qualities necessary for good ruler- dignity, insight, intelligence, patience, as well as fidelity, peacefulness, longevity, prosperity, happiness. In the countries of Asia and Africa, the elephant as an emblem plays the same role as the eagle or lion in the countries of Europe and America.

AT ancient india the elephant is a symbol of sacred wisdom, royal dignity, invincible power and prudence. The mighty Indra, the head of the pantheon, travels around his domain on the beautiful white elephant Airavata, who was born when the ocean was churning. This elephant is the main of the world's elephants, dignags, guardians of the countries of the world. Huge as mountains, with four fangs each, dignagi support the earth from four sides.

Ganesha, the god of happiness with the head of an elephant, is the leader of the ganas, the lower deities who made up the retinue of Shiva, the father of Ganesha. He is called the Remover of Obstacles (Vigneshvara) and is the god of wisdom and literature. According to legend, the great epic Mahabharata was written with the tusk of Ganesha.

AT Buddhism the elephant is the most revered sacred animal, a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. It is dedicated to the Buddha, since a white elephant appeared in a dream to Queen Maya, announcing the birth of the royal ruler of the world, Buddha Gautama. The white elephant is a symbol of the bodhisattva, the liberator of people from the shackles of earthly existence. It is a symbol of compassion, love, kindness and prudence. He is also one of the Jewels of the Law, the mount, "vahana", of the bodhisattva. Akshobhya sits on a white elephant.

At Chinese the elephant personifies strength, prudence, insight, energy, supreme power, and also symbolizes longevity, overcoming death.

AT Greco-Roman tradition the elephant is an attribute of Mercury, the emblem of wisdom. Pliny calls the elephant a religious animal, worshiping the Sun and the stars, purifying itself at the new moon when, bathing in the river, he calls to Heaven. In the ideas of the ancient Romans, the elephant was associated with victory and in fine arts personified Glory, and also meant longevity, immortality, victory over death.

These ideas were later reflected in Christian tradition, where the elephant became a symbol of Christ's victory over death and evil - in this case, the elephant is depicted trampling a snake.

AT medieval Europe the elephant, along with the unicorn, was classified as a mythical animal found only in fairy tales. The elephant is often found in paintings depicting paradise, and since crusades his image appears on coats of arms. In depth psychology, the elephant is the embodiment of wisdom and non-aggressive power.

The elephant is a majestic and graceful animal revered in different cultures. The science of the study of symbols and signs claims that each culture created its own amulets based on the worship of this animal. As a symbol, the elephant carries a deep meaning for all nationalities.

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The meaning of the elephant figurine in different cultures

AT different cultures and beliefs, there are special attributes that contribute to endow with magical power. There are a lot of them, but each of them has its own purpose. The elephant as a symbol is depicted most often in three ancient cultures: in Chinese, African and Indian. But over time, the talisman in the form of an elephant spread to many parts of the globe.

feng shui elephant symbol

The teachings of Feng Shui have large quantity mysterious symbols and amulets, but special meaning given the image of an elephant. Thanks to this, he is credited with natural nobility and stone stability.

The presence of an elephant figurine in the house has a beneficial effect on the internal atmosphere and allows you to attract positive attitude and good luck. For a more effective result, it is recommended to place it in the direction of a star with good potential. Usually, the southeast and northwest sides of the house are suitable for such a place. Being on these sides, the figurine will project energy onto the head of the family to maintain his spirit. If you want to save the concomitant luck, it is better to turn the elephant figurine with its trunk inside the apartment.

In the practice of Feng Shui, an elephant figurine as a talisman does not need to be charged with additional energy, it was originally created in the form of a strong talisman.

It is worth mentioning separately that the teaching speaks not only about the symbol of this animal, but also about how many of them should be in order to achieve certain goals.

Thus, if you decide to purchase figurines, you should find out the value of their number:

  1. One figurine. It disposes to striving, to unity with the natural principle, gives clarity of mind, the ability to feel more deeply the impact of living forces. Helps to achieve balance in relation to the inner and material world.
  2. Three figures - a symbol of the foundation, the heavenly foundation. Three elephants connect a person with Heaven and Earth. Presence in life of three figurines will give the necessary to achieve balance, bring peace of mind, and serve as a guide to the life-giving forces of nature.
  3. Seven figurines. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is known that the Completed Heavenly Cycle is associated with the symbol of the seven elephants. The moon goes through all phases in seven days, which are the same number in a week. It is this number that is compared with perfection and usefulness.

Elephant symbol in Chinese culture

For the Chinese people, he identifies the inner strength and the flow of energy. In myths, the image of a warrior elephant fighting terrible spirits is used. For example, near the tombstones of the Ming Dynasty, huge stone figures of this animal, standing upright and kneeling, protect the path laid to the tombs. There is another Chinese legend that says that childless women turn to these elephants and ask them to give them the opportunity to continue the race.

China considers the elephant a symbol of positive and bright attitude to life, interest in development.

So, the following qualities were compared with him:

  • foresight;
  • cunning;
  • efficiency;
  • understanding;
  • success in business;
  • passion;
  • the ability to take care of yourself.

Elephant and its designation in the culture of India

The elephant is a key figure in Indian mythology and occupies the vast majority of ethnic culture. This is explained by the fact that the animal is equated with a deity. Hindus bow before the restraint and wisdom of the giant, they tend to revere him along with other sacred animals. According to the established tradition, elephants have been considered the pillar of the world since ancient times.

It is insanely interesting what the elephant became a symbol of here:

  • amazing wisdom;
  • holy war;
  • pride.

The image of an elephant is endowed with a deep meaning and is used throughout the state. It is customary to decorate them with temples and houses in the form wall paintings, embroidery on clothes.

Even more awe is the worship of the god Ganesh, personifying invulnerability and caution. Buddhism claims that he was born with the head of an elephant, and his purpose is to patronize mankind.

The elephant in India, as the king of animals, has absorbed the features that distinguish a worthy ruler:

  • perfection;
  • mental capacity;
  • prudence;
  • peacefulness.

Elephant in African culture

In Africa, this animal means only positive, and is associated with the following qualities:

  • sincerity;
  • endurance;
  • virtue;
  • high mental abilities;
  • noble upbringing;
  • logical mindset;
  • instinct;
  • loyalty to one's convictions;
  • longevity;
  • success in worldly affairs.

African peoples were subjected to numerous attacks by conquerors and colonization of territories. Due to the events that took place, a mentality was formed with a specific interpretation of the symbolic meaning of the elephant figure. It was then that the powerful and heavy Voodoo religion was born, which later turned into ritual magic. Witchcraft and symbolism have been an integral part of the life of African culture.

Particular attention was paid to unity with nature and wildlife. The symbolism used in Africa implied differences in the color of the sign. Thus, the Gray and White elephants stood out, each in its own way endowed with numerous supernatural powers and incredible potential. For some, the Gray Elephant, depicted standing on its hind legs, meant the beginning of the battle and the readiness to fight to the end. Many banners of the troops were decorated with such images to maintain the spirit of the soldiers.

Others have seen a second kind of symbol in the White Elephant with its trunk billowing upwards. This sign indicated the achievement of the goal and the triumph in business. This theory is based on ancient drawings and murals of caves, which tell about the battles involving the majestic and brave of these animals. After the battle, the fallen elephants were honored and praised, just like people.

Elephant in Thai culture

Since ancient times, Thailand has chosen the figure of an elephant as a symbol of its country. For many centuries, elephants lived on a par with ordinary people helped with housekeeping. But, as in other cultures, sometimes there were warriors in which these animals were indispensable as weapons.

The elephant was also valuable at the royal court, as it was considered a symbol of power, divinity and inaccessibility. History indicates that during the reign of all the kings of Thailand, it was a luxury and an indicator of the dignity of the ruler. Thanks to the honors received, the symbol of the White Elephant was imprinted on the Thai flag until the early nineteenth century. At present, the image has been preserved only on the banner of the royal navy.

Elephants in Thailand - National treasure countries, they are declared sacred animals.

The Thai people see in him the personification of the three main postulates of Thailand:

  • beliefs;
  • own life;
  • king.

Elephants are so revered and idolized in such a way that they have thoroughly taken the place of an ethnic sign, even the official Order of the White Elephant has been established. This department recognizes the merits of people who have shown courage and achieved success in battle. Given this fact, it is not surprising that images of elephants are everywhere. Temples are decorated with them, clothes are embroidered and dishes are painted.

Elephant in European culture

Elephants were not so common in Europe, so they were considered magical creatures. In this regard, they were portrayed as guardians of the gates to heaven or hell. As a symbol, the image of an elephant was not seen on a large scale. As for the meaning of something, knowledge is extremely poor and superficial.

The fact is that from time immemorial, the elephant has been known as an imaginary creature, but this did not stop the believing Europeans from christening it with a sign:

  • calmness;
  • royal majesty;
  • awareness of one's own importance;
  • great wisdom;
  • fortitude;
  • animal power;
  • feelings of self-worth.

Initially, this animal was portrayed as a mythological monster, gifted with the power of flight, and even depicted with angel wings. Later, in the wave of battles, the crusaders began to use the images of the elephant as a sign on the coats of arms and banners.

In a video filmed by the Privet Otvet channel, the authors reveal the symbolic meaning of the elephant.

Types of figurines in the shape of an elephant

The teachings of Feng Shui promote the presence of two figurines of different elephants in the house at the same time. One will serve as a magnet for positive energy, the second as a barrier protecting the home from evil and stupid thoughts.

Elephant with trunk up

If a person wants to let material wealth into his life and learn how to rationally distribute financial resources, then the figurine of an elephant that raised its trunk to the sky is a suitable option. His powers will help to gain a pure mind and prudence of thoughts, especially in financial matters. If harmony and prosperity reign in the house, you can put a figurine of an elephant with a trunk facing the room. So he will keep the positive energy inside the home, preventing it from slipping out.

A figurine of an elephant with a raised trunk will deftly bring constancy to property matters. And also this figure will become an assistant and protector from troubles in working moments. To get support higher powers you need to install a figurine of a small elephant or place a landscape depicting an animal behind your back.

In ancient times, the raised trunk of an elephant meant the presence of fortitude. The roar emitted by the trunk announced the victory cry, thus personifying the trait of the winner, and symbolized power.

Elephant with trunk down

An elephant with a lowered trunk, according to popular belief, patronizes women, endows them with the powers of motherhood. That is why women who are desperate to give birth or conceive a child are recommended to use the energy of an elephant figurine with a lowered trunk. For such cases, it is advised to purchase a figurine of an elephant mother with several cubs. It is necessary to determine it to the southeast, to the area of ​​​​luxury and prosperity.

The opinions of people practicing feng shui are divided into supporters of the positive power of the figurine and those who consider its influence unfortunate. Therefore, you can remain neutral and buy the figure of an elephant with a baby elephant.

A beautiful and symbolic gift for any celebration can be an elephant figurine, personifying wisdom and stability.

The meaning of the seven elephants in feng shui

In the teachings of feng shui great value give numbers. With regard to the number of elephants in the house, seven or three are considered auspicious. According to numerology, seven is a number with favorable energy. The number seven represents pure perfection. Therefore, when placing the figurines of seven elephants, expect seven times more positive energy to enter your hearth.

Pleased with such a souvenir dear person, you can point out his valuable qualities and show respect for his person. The seven elephants have a special effect on the owner, with their help the luxury sector is revived. According to feng shui, this means an endless stream. financial luck. Life will be filled with passion and harmony.

Also known is the use of the seven elephants as the center of attraction for an auspicious star known as the Flying Star. It will bring peace and harmony to all spheres of human life. The number seven will work to complete all the things you have started.

Where is the best place to place an elephant figurine

The place where to put it is necessary to select carefully, since the strength and intensity of the impact of its energy depends on it.

Some of the best options:

  1. Windowsill. If it seems that luck has turned away and you need to return it, you need to install the figurine on the windowsill, placing the trunk to the window. With this arrangement, the elephant will be like a conductor between outside world and internal energy. He will take living energy from the outside, and give it to the owner. Feeling the stabilization of your affairs, you need to consolidate the result by turning the souvenir elephant into reverse direction- trunk towards you.
  2. Against front door. There are two elephants in this place. They are used as guardians so they can keep an eye on anyone who enters and dampen bad thoughts. This is especially useful if there are enemies whose presence is a burden. So you can save a favorable state for a long time.
  3. Near sharp corners. Every house has sharp corners that carry negative energy. To reduce the impact on households, you need to put in opposite side from each corner a stick figure. Thus, there will be a decrease in the number of quarrels and troubles in the family.
  4. By the bed. Strong family ties will give a figurine near the bed or on a shelf in the bedroom. You will instantly feel the onset of balance and harmony in your life together.
  5. At work. Placing your favorite elephant figurine in working area will help increase efficiency and give confidence in the future. Soon success will come and every step will be evaluated by the authorities.
  6. Children's. The figurine of an elephant will personify the power contained in this animal, and will add perseverance in study and all undertakings.
  7. Dark places. Wishing to achieve prosperity and ensure the well-being of the household, leave the figurine in dark places in your opinion. In this form, the figurine will serve as a guiding beam of light and ward off dark forces.
  1. Southeast. This direction responsible for financial and material well-being the inhabitants of the house. If you need to improve it, use the compass to determine the southeast side and place the elephant there.
  2. Northwest. If you need to support the head of the family in solving problems, or make such a patron appear, install the figurine in the northwest direction of the apartment.
  3. East. Health is the main aspect for family happiness. You can ensure the well-being of your relatives, as well as the absence of diseases, with the help of a figurine in the east side of the house.

To maintain love and peace in the house, it is recommended to leave the elephant figurine on the windowsill, with its trunk to the side. starry sky. They say that admiring the shooting stars, it will feed on their beneficial energy.

How to activate the elephant figurine

Possible implementation options:

  1. Hang jewelry around the elephant's neck. Both jewelry and costume jewelry will do. Elephants are accustomed to living in luxury and, as a token of gratitude, will take on the patronage of the owner.
  2. Put a beautiful, bright-colored napkin or felt stand under the feet of the figurine. For a greater spiritual connection with the amulet, create a product with your own hands. The sewn napkin will absorb the energy of the owner, which will connect with the magic of the elephant and will work with a vengeance.
  3. Maintain a conversation with the figurine. Sharing experiences means trust. It is also worth asking for a figurine about the fulfillment of a wish. This method will immediately convey the request to higher powers.

The meaning of the amulet in the form of an elephant

In the cultures of many countries of the world, ornaments and wearable drawings with the image of an elephant are common. Moreover, the fashion for the image of this animal does not pass for many centuries.

Amulets are found in the form of various ornaments that have a certain meaning, for example:

  1. A ring with an elephant gives its owner strength, prudence and wisdom, and an ornament with his hair promises victory in amorous affairs.
  2. A bracelet with the heads of two elephants will provide a woman with the attention of representatives strong half humanity.
  3. A pendant or pendant with an elephant will heal spiritual wounds and bring happiness.

In Asian culture and African countries Elephant tattoos are common. It suits people with a strong and strong-willed character, making them even stronger and more self-confident. The elephant is such a powerful symbol that it can charge and harmonize space from any side and in any manifestation.

Photo gallery

Chinese elephant figurine Souvenir elephant from India African War Elephant Statue Figurine from Thailand

In almost every country since ancient times there has been an animal that is its symbol. Like many other representatives of the fauna, our distant ancestors endowed the elephant with extraordinary magical powers. Talismans in the form of figurines of this animal can now be seen in almost every apartment. What is for different peoples elephant, the symbol of what is this royal hero?

Feng Shui elephant figurine meaning

In Feng Shui, the elephant is one of the most striking symbols. According to this teaching, there must be a figurine depicting this amazingly majestic and very beautiful animal in the house. The elephant is credited with a number of very valuable qualities that it gives to a person, namely:

  • well-being and stability;
  • wisdom and kindness;
  • reliability and strength;
  • luck and endurance.

It is believed that the figurine of an elephant attracts good luck to the house, just like a living elephant draws water with its trunk. A very small souvenir elephant has the ability to fill your home with warmth and love. To protect household members from negative energy, the elephant must be in a conspicuous place. And what does the elephant mean as a symbol of reliability? The point is that, due to big size, he is an animal standing firmly on his feet. By this analogy, the statuette depicting an elephant is believed to have the ability to create a strong foundation for a prosperous and sustainable lifestyle.

What is an elephant for Chinese culture

What is an elephant in China? What symbol does he represent there? This majestic animal in the Middle Kingdom is the emblem supreme power, symbolizing power and great strength. A donated elephant figurine is considered very valuable in China, as it gives its owner good health and long life. In addition to power, the elephant for the inhabitants of this country is a symbol of such valuable qualities as:

  • discretion;
  • insight;
  • strength and energy.

In China, the elephant is considered a sacred animal, and therefore the attitude towards him in this country is special.

The meaning of the elephant in Indian culture

In the Indian pantheon of gods, the elephant is still revered as deeply as in antiquity. In this country, he is given a special, honorable place. In Buddhism, the white elephant is dedicated to the Buddha, because it was such an elephant that appeared to Queen Maya with the news that the royal ruler of the world had been born. In India, it is also commonly believed that the existence of mankind is possible only as long as these great and calm animals hold the world on their tusks. The elephant in India is a symbol of the deity. The god of happiness, Ganesha, is depicted as a man with the head of an elephant. Young girls turn to him with a request for love, and married women- the preservation of the family. Therefore, the elephant here personifies love and fidelity. Indians decorate not only houses and temples, but also public institutions with figurines of this giant. In addition to statuettes, in India there are many images of him in the form of drawings both in temples and in dwellings. The inhabitants of this country endow the elephant with the most noble qualities, such as:

  • prudence;
  • the personification of calm;
  • extraordinary deep wisdom;
  • dignity.

In India, as in China, the elephant is a sacred animal. In addition, in India, the elephant is a symbol of the country, as it is depicted on its coat of arms.

What does the elephant symbolize in African culture

AT African culture, as well as in others, a special place was given to the animal world. The inhabitants of ancient Africa not only used in their Everyday life various witchcraft and magical rituals, but also endowed animals living nearby with such abilities. In their opinion, the elephant also possessed mystical abilities. The symbol of what is this regal creature for Africans? First of all, among the inhabitants of this continent, the elephant was associated exclusively with positive features:

  • firm character;
  • deep mind;
  • developed intellect;
  • logic and intuition;
  • peacefulness and patience;
  • integrity.

It was also a symbol of longevity and prosperity. There is evidence that the elephant standing on its hind legs was the decoration of the banners under which the soldiers went into battle. But an elephant with a raised trunk was a symbol of victory in Africa. Many frescoes that have survived and have come down to our times depict the direct participation of these strong animals in battles.

What does the symbol of an elephant with a raised trunk mean?

Almost all Feng Shui elephant figurines are made with a raised trunk. Even in ancient times, this beautiful large animal was the personification of strength. The trumpet sound of a voice emitted by its trunk was considered a victory cry. In this form, the elephant is depicted in ancient paintings and frescoes. The trunk raised up symbolizes victory over evil. But if the figure of an elephant standing in the house has its trunk up, this is a sign of the following signs:

  • material wealth will appear in your life;
  • you can avoid unreasonable spending;
  • it will help you to be prudent and prudent in financial matters.

In a word, such a figurine can bring stability to your financial situation. Also, the elephant will help you avoid trouble at work. To do this, put a small elephant in your workplace or hang a picture next to the image of this animal.

What does an elephant with a lowered trunk symbolize?

We figured out a little about what an elephant is: a symbol of what with a raised trunk, we found out. But there are figurines depicting these giants with a trunk lowered down. There are several versions of what such an elephant symbolizes, namely:

  • motherhood;
  • fertility and abundance;
  • longevity.

Some do not accept as a talisman a figurine depicting an elephant with its trunk down, considering its meaning to be unfavorable. But this is a wrong assumption. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, if after the appearance of such a figure in your family, troubles began, then this is not because the elephant’s trunk is down, but because you placed it incorrectly in your house.

Elephant figurine - a good gift

Now the figurines of elephants are not only confidently returning to our apartments, but they are also customary to give. Just before you buy such a gift, you need to decide what you want the souvenir elephant to be, a symbol of what? If you give such a figurine, you need to know exactly what you want to wish to its new owner.

  • If you want to please a woman in a leadership position with such a souvenir, then she needs to buy a silver elephant. Being responsible in her post for the work of her subordinates, it is very important for her to have wisdom in making certain decisions. It is the figurine of a silver elephant that can endow it with such a quality.
  • Malachite elephant as a gift is ideal for people who want to start new stage in your life (find new job, get an education, open your own business), but are too indecisive for this.
  • White marble elephant figurine is an excellent gift for quick-tempered and unbalanced people. This will help them become more calm and resilient, resistant to life's adversities.
  • A figurine of a crystal elephant will be very beautiful as a gift. It must be treated very carefully, since such an elephant is able to ward off all adversity from its owner and protect it from the blows of fate.
  • It is customary to give a golden elephant (or a figurine made of another yellow metal) as a talisman to athletes. He helps them gather during the competition and achieve the coveted victory.
  • But the amber elephant is a good gift for a jealous husband or jealous wife. It will definitely help to get rid of its new owner from this negative quality.


We learned a little about what good qualities people endowed such a cute animal as an elephant, the symbol of which he personifies. Now everyone is again beginning to believe in the miraculous properties of their figures. Small elephants made by skilled craftsmen are no longer considered a sign of philistinism, and collectors pay a lot of money for old porcelain figurines depicting these and other animals. True, for many, small figurines of elephants in a house made of porcelain, metal, glass or other materials are an element of decor. But most still believe in their power and try to place them in their homes, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. The strongest symbol is seven elephants in a row, one smaller than the other. They are in perfect harmony with the decoration of modern apartments, symbolizing good luck and happiness in the house.

Symbols | Elephant. What does the elephant symbolize?

What are the meanings of the symbol "Elephant"?

The elephant is a symbol of strength, patience, wisdom, fidelity and marital fidelity. The white elephant in India, in Buddhism - is dedicated to Buddha, since a white elephant appeared to Queen Maya and announced the birth of the royal ruler of the world.

The white elephant is also a symbol of compassion, kindness and love.

In China, the elephant is a symbol of insight, prudence and strength, symbolizes energy, power.

In Christianity, the elephant symbolizes Christ, means chastity, benevolence, immortality, victory over death.


elephant - exclusively positive symbol. he is one of the main animals in Judaism, depicted on the coats of arms of many families, orders and even states (for example, Siam - ancient Thailand).

now it is a symbol of intelligence and strength. and for the fact that elephants reproduce offspring only secretly, the elephant is also a symbol of chastity and marital happiness. therefore, a pair of elephants is often given to a married couple so that everything is fine in the house.

in addition, due to the fact that the elephant often escapes and defeats the snake, it is considered a symbol of overcoming death


Even outwardly, at first glance, it is clear that the elephant is a regal animal that impresses with its size, strength and calmness.

Maybe that's why in many countries the elephant symbolizes strength, power, intelligence, wisdom, greatness, friendliness. In Buddhism, the elephant is a sacred animal. In many countries, elephant figurines are placed in offices and homes as a talisman that brings positive energy, friendliness, wisdom, good luck, and prosperity to the house. In Africa, the mascot looks something like this:

And in China like this:

And in India like this:


The elephant in such countries as China, India and Africa was especially revered and in this regard this animal has become one symbol of these countries.

In India, elephants, even in our time, are not ordinary animals, but sacred. The elephant is the personification of the best qualities of a person: wisdom, intelligence, strength. This animal is depicted on the coat of arms of India (below the lions on the wheel, see picture).

In China, the elephant is also revered as a sacred animal and is a symbol of longevity, strength, and power.


In Hinduism and Buddhism, which are the main religions of India, the elephant occupies an important place. It was the elephant that announced the birth of the Buddha. God Ganesha is depicted with an elephant head - the god of wisdom. The elephant is wisdom and power, but not aggressive. For the Chinese, for example, the elephant is a symbol of strength and intelligence, longevity, energy, supreme power, and also overcoming death.

Elephant is the personification of wisdom, prudence and strength.

In China, India and Africa, the elephant is the emblem of royal power, a symbol of patience, fidelity, dignity, peacefulness, longevity, happiness and prosperity. In Africa and Asian countries, the elephant symbolizes the same as the eagle and lion for Europeans and Americans.

Big and strong Elephant in China is symbol of supreme power; This incredible strength and power. It was believed that elephant figurines, given as a gift, prolong life and give health owner.

And in Buddhism, the Elephant means stability in everything and wisdom.

Chipenko Anton

Well, it first occurred to me that the Elephant is a symbol Republican Party USA which personifies power.

And its main competitor, the US Democratic Party, has a symbol: a donkey, a symbol of stubborn overcoming obstacles

And in fact, now in the USA there is a confrontation between the Elephant and the donkey, a lot depends on who wins.

What is the elephant a symbol of?


Seven elephants symbolize strong and friendly family, are a symbol of family happiness.
Whose aunt or grandmother did not have seven elephants on the chest of drawers - small and small less? Seven marble or porcelain elephants that were said to bring happiness and good luck to the home. An element of philistinism or a sweetheart retro? Or maybe it really is an object of power that attracts positive energy?
Ah, elephants, lovely elephants!
You are our idols, we are your fans.
(Chorus of one famous song from the 50s)
In Buddhist worship, the number seven is completely sacred. And the elephant is revered by Buddhists as a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. The white elephant is a symbol of the bodhisattva, the liberator of people from the shackles of earthly existence. It is a symbol of compassion, love, kindness and prudence.
For the Chinese, the elephant represents strength, prudence, insight, energy, supreme power, and also symbolizes longevity and overcoming death.
In India, the white elephant is considered the incarnation of Ganesha - the god of wisdom, happiness and literature, and symbolizes the taming of passions, since Ganesha holds his own trunk in his hand, and also symbolizes strength, insight and longevity. It was from India that the custom came to give seven elephants for happiness - figurines made of bone, wood or other material. Thanks to longevity, the elephant symbolizes the overcoming of death, and a string of seven elephants, like bamboo stalks, personifies eternity.
Feng Shui uses elephant figurines as powerful symbols of good luck and happiness, wisdom, prudence, royal dignity, invincible power, longevity and intelligence. These animals are able to bring peace, stability, prosperity and a bountiful "harvest" to the home or office, as well as protect against all risks and dangers.
Thanks to its trunk, an elephant can get something from afar. Feng Shui recommends using this ability to draw the luck of the favorable water star of prosperity into the house.
Elephants are placed on a windowsill with their trunks pointing towards a good water star, and they draw in luck from the street through the window.

In addition, a string of seven elephants can be successfully used to neutralize geopathogenic zones your dwelling. It has been established that they, like shells and pyramids, harmonize and purify the surrounding space.

It is believed that if there is an image of an elephant at home, then luck comes there, and if there are seven images, then it remains for a long time.


Symbols are different levels: personal, historical and cultural, archetypal (the same for all people). On the archetypal - strength and wisdom, on the historical and cultural - aggressiveness and diligence, vindictiveness. Well, on a personal note, to each his own.

Irina datsenko

The elephant is a symbol of moderation, compassion, eternity, supreme power.


In the east, the Elephant is a symbol of wisdom, health and great strength. The presence of an Elephant figurine in the house will endow you with these qualities, but first of all, your Elephant will take care of your children! The elephant is a good talisman in terms of education and study.

Do you know what the elephant symbolizes? What are your associations with him?

The elephant is a symbol of moderation, compassion, eternity, supreme power.
In India, the white elephant is considered an incarnation of Ganesha (an elephant-headed god), the god of wisdom, happiness and literature, and symbolizes the taming of passions, since Ganesha holds his own trunk in his hand.
In addition, the elephant symbolizes strength, insight and longevity. The elephant is the mount of Indian rulers and the Hindu god of thunder and rain, Indra. The elephant symbolized the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, prudence, intelligence and peacefulness.
In Thailand, Cambodia and Burma, the white elephant has become a symbol of fertility and rainfall.
For Buddhists, the elephant is a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. Queen Maya learned about the imminent birth of her son, the future Buddha, in prophetic dream in which a charming little white elephant entered her.
As a symbol of wisdom, the elephant was an attribute of the ancient Roman god Mercury.
An elephant trampling a snake is a symbol of Christ's victory over death and evil.
It was believed that the elephant abstains from sex during a long pregnancy of the female, so in Europe it was made a symbol of chastity and devotion in love.
Hindu legend says that elephants once flew, but were cursed and lost this gift. Another legend (described by R. Kipling) tells that the elephant's trunk used to be short. Once a crocodile grabbed an elephant by the trunk, the elephant managed to escape, but the trunk stretched and remained so forever.
Strength, insight, longevity, prosperity, happiness; a symbol of royal power in India, China and Africa. The elephant was the majestic mount not only of the Indian rulers, but also of the Hindu god of thunder and rain, Indra. Ganesha, the god of happiness with the head of an elephant, was also considered the patron of wisdom and literature. The elephant symbolized not only the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, intelligence, prudence, but also peacefulness, abundant harvests, fruitful showers, that is, everything good and positive that happened in the life of the Hindus. In Thailand, Cambodia and Burma, a white elephant has become a similar symbol of fertility and rainfall. The white elephant had a sacred meaning in Buddhism. Queen Maya learned about the imminent birth of her
son, the future Buddha, in a prophetic dream in which a charming little white elephant entered her. For Buddhists, the elephant is a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability.
The elephant was an attribute of the ancient Roman god Mercury, as an emblem of wisdom. In the ideas of the ancient Romans, the elephant was associated with victory (in the visual arts, he personified Glory); later this was reflected in the Christian tradition, in which the elephant became a symbol of Christ's victory over death and evil - in this case, the elephant is depicted trampling a snake. Medieval beliefs that the elephant abstains from sex during the long period of pregnancy of its female made it a symbol of chastity, devotion and love in Europe. The great mass and sluggishness of the elephant have now become metaphorical, but there is a wonderful Hindu legend that elephants once flew, but lost this gift after being cursed by a hermit, whose dwelling, arranged in the trunk of a banyan tree, they accidentally destroyed upon landing.

The elephant represents wisdom, strength and prudence. It serves as an emblem of royal power in India, China and Africa and symbolizes the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, insight, intelligence, patience, as well as fidelity, peacefulness, longevity, prosperity, happiness. In the countries of Asia and Africa, the elephant as an emblem plays the same role as the eagle or lion in the countries of Europe and America.
In ancient India, the elephant is a symbol of sacred wisdom, royal dignity, invincible power and prudence. The mighty Indra, the head of the pantheon, travels around his domain on the beautiful white elephant Airavata, who was born when the ocean was churning. This elephant is the main of the world's elephants, dignags, guardians of the countries of the world. Huge as mountains, with four fangs each, dignagi support the earth from four sides.
Ganesha, the god of happiness with the head of an elephant, is the leader of the ganas, the lower deities who made up the retinue of Shiva, the father of Ganesha. He is called the Remover of Obstacles (Vigneshvara) and is the god of wisdom and literature. According to legend, the great epic Mahabharata was written with the tusk of Ganesha.
In Buddhism, the elephant is the most revered sacred animal, a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. It is dedicated to the Buddha, since a white elephant appeared in a dream to Queen Maya, announcing the birth of the royal ruler of the world, Buddha Gautama. The white elephant is a symbol of the bodhisattva, the liberator of people from the shackles of earthly existence. It is a symbol of compassion, love, kindness and prudence. He is also one of the Jewels of the Law, the mount, "vahana", of the bodhisattva. Akshobhya sits on a white elephant.
For the Chinese, the elephant represents strength, prudence, insight, energy, supreme power, and also symbolizes longevity, overcoming death.
In the Greco-Roman tradition, the elephant is an attribute of Mercury, the emblem of wisdom. Pliny calls the elephant a religious animal, worshiping the Sun and the stars, purifying itself at the new moon when, bathing in the river, he calls to Heaven. In the representations of the ancient Romans, the elephant was associated with victory and in the fine arts personified Glory, and also meant longevity, immortality, victory over death.
Later, these ideas were reflected in the Christian tradition, where the elephant became a symbol of Christ's victory over death and evil - in this case, the elephant is depicted trampling a snake.
In medieval Europe, the elephant, along with the unicorn, was classified as a mythical animal found only in fairy tales. The elephant is often found in paintings depicting paradise, and since the time of the Crusades, its image has appeared on coats of arms. In depth psychology, the elephant is the embodiment of wisdom and non-aggressive power.

One day, the husband of a very wasteful person turned to a Feng Shui master for help. He complained that he had to work hard and hard to adequately provide for his family.

After listening carefully, the master recommended that the man purchase a talisman in the form of an elephant figurine. The wife really liked the gift, she put the figurine in her room, constantly admired it and even had conversations with it from time to time. Not much time passed, and the husband noticed a striking change in his wife. She stopped spending money unrestrainedly, became more economical, responsible, and, which made him especially happy, she herself suggested saving something to buy expensive things needed in the house. Constant quarrels and disagreements ceased in the family, and peace and harmony reigned in relations.

Elephant Feng Shui. Meaning and location

Since ancient times, the elephant has been one of the most revered animals, it has always been credited with such qualities as wisdom, patience, kindness, peacefulness and strength.

The three main characteristics that an elephant has according to Feng Shui are reliability and well-being. Masters who practice this teaching claim that the elephant figurine in the room is able to attract good luck, just as a real elephant draws water from a pond with its trunk. Traditionally, this talisman is installed on the windowsill. Moreover, if the elephant’s trunk is turned to the street, towards some good star, then its task will be to attract good luck and prosperity from the outside, but if towards the center of the dwelling, then this will mean that luck has already settled and lives in your house. It is the figurine of an elephant according to Feng Shui that is able to remove destructive and negative energy from all angles in the apartment. You can place a figurine in any part of an apartment or house, but still reveal all your qualities as much as possible, it is better to help the head of the family in business and attract a worthy patron, he can be in the southeast or northwest sector of the home.

Material for the mascot

The Feng Shui elephant can be made from a wide variety of materials. Craftsmen often use ceramics, bronze, natural stones or bone. It is very important to bear in mind that in no case is it recommended to use natural ivory or tusks to make or decorate a figurine, this can cause aggression, the elephant will break out of obedience and begin to avenge his brothers who died at the hands of man. It is believed that the Feng Shui elephant is very fond of all kinds of outfits and decorations, therefore, in order to appease the animal, you can hang natural beads on its trunk or saddle or put a bright napkin or rug under your feet.

Various variations of the Feng Shui Elephant talisman

The magical properties of elephants depend largely on their postures, material and the number of figurines. For example, a raised trunk will attract wealth and wealth. If a small elephant stands next to the elephant, then the desire to have a child will be rewarded, and if there are already children, it will help parents establish trust and full of love relations. The most revered is the talisman, which consists of seven elephants. In Feng Shui, the number seven has a huge magical power therefore, the possession of just seven elephants promises the family a “full cup”: love, wealth, prosperity and good luck.

In almost every country since ancient times there has been an animal that is its symbol. Like many other representatives of the fauna, our distant ancestors endowed the elephant with extraordinary magical powers. Talismans in the form of figurines of this animal can now be seen in almost every apartment. What is an elephant for different peoples, the symbol of which is this royal hero?

Feng Shui elephant figurine meaning

In Feng Shui, the elephant is one of the most striking symbols. According to this teaching, there must be a figurine depicting this amazingly majestic and very beautiful animal in the house. The elephant is credited with a number of very valuable qualities that it gives to a person, namely:

  • well-being and stability;
  • wisdom and kindness;
  • reliability and strength;
  • luck and endurance.

It is believed that the figurine of an elephant attracts good luck to the house, just like a living elephant draws water with its trunk. A very small souvenir elephant has the ability to fill your home with warmth and love. To protect the household from negative energy, the elephant must be in a conspicuous place. BUT what does the elephant mean as a symbol reliability? The fact is that due to its large size, it is an animal that stands firmly on its feet. By this analogy, the statuette depicting an elephant is believed to have the ability to create a strong foundation for a prosperous and sustainable lifestyle.

What is an elephant for Chinese culture

What is in China elephant? Symbol of what does he represent? This majestic animal in the Celestial Empire is the emblem of supreme power, symbolizing power and great strength. A donated elephant figurine is considered very valuable in China, as it gives its owner good health and long life. In addition to power, the elephant for the inhabitants of this country is a symbol of such valuable qualities as:

  • discretion;
  • insight;
  • strength and energy.

In China, the elephant is considered a sacred animal, and therefore the attitude towards him in this country is special.

The meaning of the elephant in Indian culture

In the Indian pantheon of gods, the elephant is still revered as deeply as in antiquity. In this country, he is given a special, honorable place. In Buddhism, the white elephant is dedicated to the Buddha, because it was such an elephant that appeared to Queen Maya with the news that the royal ruler of the world had been born. In India, it is also commonly believed that the existence of mankind is possible only as long as these great and calm animals hold the world on their tusks. Elephant in India - a symbol deities. The god of happiness, Ganesha, is depicted as a man with the head of an elephant. Young girls turn to him with a request for love, and married women - for the preservation of the family. Therefore, the elephant here personifies love and fidelity. Indians decorate not only houses and temples, but also public institutions with figurines of this giant. In addition to statuettes, in India there are many images of him in the form of drawings both in temples and in dwellings. The inhabitants of this country endow the elephant with the most noble qualities, such as:

  • prudence;
  • the personification of calm;
  • extraordinary deep wisdom;
  • dignity.

In India, as in China, the elephant is a sacred animal. Moreover, in India elephant - a symbol of the country, as depicted on its coat of arms.

What does the elephant symbolize in African culture

In African culture, as well as in others, a special place was given to the animal world. The inhabitants of ancient Africa not only used various witchcraft and magical rituals in their daily lives, but also endowed animals living nearby with such abilities. Possessed mystical abilities, in their opinion, and elephant. Symbol of what is this a regal creation for Africans? First of all, among the inhabitants of this continent, the elephant was associated exclusively with positive features:

  • firm character;
  • deep mind;
  • developed intellect;
  • logic and intuition;
  • peacefulness and patience;
  • integrity.

It was also a symbol of longevity and prosperity. There is evidence that the elephant standing on its hind legs was the decoration of the banners under which the soldiers went into battle. But an elephant with a raised trunk was a symbol of victory in Africa. Many frescoes that have survived and have come down to our times depict the direct participation of these strong animals in battles.

What does the symbol of an elephant with a raised trunk mean?

Almost all Feng Shui elephant figurines are made with a raised trunk. Even in ancient times, this beautiful large animal was the personification of strength. The trumpet sound of a voice emitted by its trunk was considered a victory cry. In this form, the elephant is depicted in ancient paintings and frescoes. The trunk raised up symbolizes victory over evil. But if the figure of an elephant standing in the house has its trunk up, this is a sign of the following signs:

  • material wealth will appear in your life;
  • you can avoid unreasonable spending;
  • it will help you to be prudent and prudent in financial matters.

In a word, such a figurine is able to bring stability to your financial situation. Also, the elephant will help you avoid trouble at work. To do this, put a small elephant in your workplace or hang a picture next to the image of this animal.

What does an elephant with a lowered trunk symbolize?

We figured out a little about what an elephant is: a symbol of what with a raised trunk, we found out. But there are figurines depicting these giants with a trunk lowered down. There are several versions of what such an elephant symbolizes, namely:

  • motherhood;
  • fertility and abundance;
  • longevity.

Some do not accept as a talisman a figurine depicting an elephant with its trunk down, considering its meaning to be unfavorable. But this is a wrong assumption. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, if after the appearance of such a figure in your family, troubles began, then this is not because the elephant’s trunk is down, but because you placed it incorrectly in your house.

Elephant figurine - a good gift

Now the figurines of elephants are not only confidently returning to our apartments, but they are also customary to give. Just before you buy such a gift, you need to decide what you want the souvenir to be. elephant, a symbol of what? If you give such a figurine, you need to know exactly what you want to wish to its new owner.

  • If you want to please a woman in a leadership position with such a souvenir, then she needs to buy a silver elephant. Being responsible in her post for the work of her subordinates, it is very important for her to have wisdom in making certain decisions. It is the figurine of a silver elephant that can endow it with such a quality.
  • A malachite elephant as a gift is ideal for people who want to start a new stage in their lives (find a new job, get an education, start their own business), but are too indecisive for this.
  • White marble elephant figurine is an excellent gift for quick-tempered and unbalanced people. This will help them become more calm and resilient, resistant to life's adversities.
  • A figurine of a crystal elephant will be very beautiful as a gift. It must be treated very carefully, since such an elephant is able to ward off all adversity from its owner and protect it from the blows of fate.
  • It is customary to give a golden elephant (or a figurine made of another yellow metal) as a talisman to athletes. He helps them gather during the competition and achieve the coveted victory.
  • But the amber elephant is a good gift for a jealous husband or jealous wife. It will definitely help to get rid of its new owner from this negative quality.


We learned a little about what good qualities people endowed with such a cute animal as elephant, a symbol of what he personifies. Now everyone is again beginning to believe in the miraculous properties of their figures. Small elephants made by skilled craftsmen are no longer considered a sign of philistinism, and collectors pay a lot of money for old porcelain figurines depicting these and other animals. True, for many, small figurines of elephants in a house made of porcelain, metal, glass or other materials are an element of decor. But most still believe in their power and try to place them in their homes, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. The strongest symbol is seven elephants in a row, one smaller than the other. They are in perfect harmony with the decoration of modern apartments, symbolizing good luck and happiness in the house.

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