What does the name Ibrahim mean in Arabic? “Ibrahim” - the meaning of the name, the origin of the name, name day, zodiac sign, mascot stones

Parents call boys by the name Ibrahim. Muslim families Tatars

Origin of the name Ibrahim

Linguists do not have a single theory about the origin of the name Ibrahim. The dominant hypothesis is that the name Ibrahim originated with either the Arabs or the Turks, as it is often used to describe Muslim men. Translated into modern Russian, the name Ibrahim means “prophet”. This cognonym is the Russian analogue of the ancient Semitic name Ibraham. This was the name of one of the main Muslim prophets.

European philologists believe that Ibrahim has passed into Arabic name Abraham. It is translated from Hebrew as “ancestor.” This is the name of the founder of the Israelite family in the Bible. The name Abram is interpreted as “father.” By order of the Lord, this prophet changed his name to Abraham.

The name Abram in Russia and Ukraine is often used to name boys in families of opponents of Patriarch Nikon’s reform.

Most likely, the name Ibrahim was easier to pronounce for the Arabs than Abraham. However, it has the same meaning - “founder of the family.” For each ethnic group, the founder of the clan is naturally different.

Character of a man named Ibrahim

The boy, whom his parents named Ibrahim, will be more active than his peers. Abram loves sweets. Despite the boy's good appetite, parents should not allow him to overeat. Despite his activity, a child named Ibrahim is responsible. Abram's favorite games are construction toys, cars and role-playing games. The boy will not offend those who are weaker, but he will not play with them either. He loves swimming and cycling. This child spends a lot of time reading books. There is no point in punishing Ibrahim with flogging. This only makes the child angry and wants to run away.

Born in winter, the owner of the name Ibrahim is often cruel. This Abram has a very vulnerable feeling self-esteem. Because of this, with the person wearing given name, can be difficult to find mutual language. Often the “winter” Ibrahim does everything his own way, although he is warned about the consequences. Abram approaches any problem creatively. The key to Ibrahim's location is common topics for conversation.

If a man named Ibrahim celebrates his birthday in the fall, then he is characterized by an analytical mind. Often such an Abram can pass by the grief of others. The owner of this name can help only when he senses profit. Ibrahim, first of all, thinks about his money or his family. The troubles of the employees will not interest Ibrahim until he is offered a reward. But the “spring” Abram is always honest and fair.

“Summer” Ibrahim is a very well-read and tactful man. It's very easy to communicate with him. The bearer of the name treats girls like a real gentleman. Because of this, Abram is never deprived of female attention. This man will never leave a comrade in trouble. At the same time, he is not a pushover and is able to defend his positions. Abram himself prefers to solve problems on his own. He makes and breaks up with friends easily.

Born in spring, Ibrahim is a true narcissist. A person with this name always craves to be the center of attention. Without constant communication, Abram begins to “sour.” If he is alone for a long time, he experiences apathy and a feeling of depression, which develop into depression. Ibrahim needs to be confident in the future. And this applies not only to money, but also to your social circle. This is difficult to achieve, since Abram himself is very changeable. Often marries early, but then gets divorced.

A person named Ibrahim treats his relatives very well and always helps. Abram is not one of those people who forget about the birthday of loved ones.

A man named Ibrahim does not have a name day.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 03/06/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is filled with activity and an abundance of varied subjects. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

Meaning of the name Ibrahim: The boy's name means "father of nations." This affects the character and fate of Ibrahim.

Origin of the name Ibrahim: Jewish.

Diminutive form of name: Ibrahimushka, Ibrahimchik, Ibrahimka.

What does the name Ibrahim mean? the name Ibrahim comes from the Hebrew name Avram (Abram), later from the name Abraham. Ibrahim means "father of nations." As Ibrahim Abraham is known in Islam. Another meaning of the name Ibrahim in this case is “prophet”. It is also important to point out that this is the Russian version of the pronunciation of the biblical word Ibrahim. It is also known that one of the five major Islamic prophets, who was the ancestor of the Arabs, had this name. Today in Russia Abraham is very popular among Old Believers. But it was more convenient for the Arabs to pronounce Ibrahim, so they transformed it in this way. This is the perfect advisor. He perceives everyone, reaches out to all people, trying to help his neighbor.

Angel Day and patron saints named: the name Ibrahim is not celebrated, since the name does not appear on the list of Christian holidays.


  • Zodiac – Libra, Taurus
  • Planet – Saturn
  • Color - blue
  • Treasured plant - Lady's slipper
  • Patron – rabbit, doe
  • Talisman stone – turquoise

Characteristics of the name Ibrahim

Positive features: The man named Ibrahim is outwardly calm and balanced. He can accurately assess people and situations. A guy with this name is diligent in his studies and has a little idea about everything. He has the rare gift of listening to his interlocutor, knows how to give useful advice. The guy has a highly developed sense of self-esteem. He is self-sufficient, confident in his abilities and firm in his intentions.

Negative features: The name Ibrahim brings self-confidence and cold prudence. Despite his well-developed sense of humor, the guy is respected, but not loved. A man with this name is often lonely and is not too burdened by this. Ibrahim manages to avoid conflicts with the surrounding society, but the release of negative energy is likely among close people. Abram is inclined to find fault over trifles, tyrannize his wife and children.

Characteristics of the name Ibrahim: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Ibrahim. He differs from his peers in his persistence and mobility. He loves sweets very much, and in the first years of Ibrahimchik’s life it is better for parents to make sure that he does not overeat. As a child, Ibrahimka is a very serious and reasonable boy. He likes to play games that require focus and concentration: construction toys, blocks, cars, etc. With his children a good relationship. He doesn’t even offend girls, but treats them with indifference rather than interest. Ibrahim attaches great importance to books. He often rides a bicycle and swims very well. He cannot be punished using physical force, since Ibrahim does not accept this method of reprimand. He may simply get angry and run away from home without realizing his mistake.

Ibrahim and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The name's marriage with Aida, Bella, Dina, Isolde, Karina, Mirra, Rebekah, Rufina, Sarah, Susanna, Elina is successful. The name Ibrahim also goes with Emma. Unsuccessful relationships can develop with Arina, Vanda, Glafira, Danuta, Evgenia, Inga, Isidora, Kaleria, Leila, Nonna, Polina, Taisiya.

Love and marriage: Ibrahim is interested in intelligent and wealthy women with a predominance strong-willed qualities. For him it has special meaning loyalty.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: He is inclined to organize his own business in the service sector. The energy of the word is favorable for studying law, medicine, and the latest computer technologies. The sphere of art, literature and history can bring Ibrahim fame and high financial position.

Business and career: Sober calculation and pronounced intuition provide Ibrahim with material benefits in any business. He simply won't take on a project he's not entirely sure about.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Ibrahim: He closely monitors his health and rarely gets sick.

Few people know that the meaning of the name Ibrahim can be easily determined by the time of year in which he was born. So, for example, “winter” is characterized by cruelty, waywardness, and stubbornness. At the same time, he is very inventive and able to carry on a conversation. He is Ibrahim, born in autumn, more reasonable, practical, calculating. He is extremely concerned about the financial state of his family, and he usually does everything to provide for it material benefits. “Summer” is erudite, and spring is selfish.

The fate of Ibrahim in history

What does the name Ibrahim mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Ibrahim (Abraham) is one of the five major Islamic prophets, known in the Koran as the Hanif (“the separated one”)
  2. Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi - poet and musician, representative of the Abbasid dynasty, Kazan Khan, son of Khan Mahmud
  3. Ibrahim I – Ottoman Sultan
  4. Sheikh Ibrahim I ibn Sultan Muhammad ibn Keyqubada - founder of the Derbendi dynasty (third dynasty of the Shirvanshahs), ruler of Shirvan, who saved the country from the invasion of Tamerlane, leader of the Basmachi movement in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
  5. Ibrahim of Aleppo - Muslim lawyer
  6. Ibrahim Adziy - Turkish Ambassador, famous for, that he handed a letter from Sultan Amurat to Fyodor Ioannovich
  7. Ibrahim Halebi is a Turkish lawyer who received the nickname Moheddes and held a spiritual position in Constantinople. He is the author of the code of Hanif law “Molteka l-ebhar” (published in 1836)
  8. Ibragim Bek Sarakaev - one of the first Chechen publicists and writers, studied the folklore and traditions of the Chechen people
  9. Ibrahim Kaypakkaya - Turkish revolutionary, leader and founder of the Turkish Workers' and Peasants' Party Liberation Army And Communist Party Turkey
  10. Ibrahim Rugova - President of the Republic of Kosovo
  11. Ibrahim Hasanbekov is a football player who plays as a striker.

Ibrahim in different languages ​​of the world

Translation to different languages has a similar sound. On English language translated as Ibrahim.

Disputes about the origin of such a bright name as Ibrahim still do not subside. Some believe that the meaning of the name Ibrahim is of Arabic origin and therefore very common in Islam.

According to this theory, the name means “prophet” in ancient Arabic. It was worn by one of the five legendary Islamic prophets, who became the progenitor of the entire Arab people.

The second version takes us into deeper history: the name Ibrahim is of Jewish origin and is a form of the name Abraham - translated from Hebrew means “father of nations.” Later it passed into Arab culture, but it was easier for Arabs to pronounce it as Ibrahim. It is in this form that it has taken root in Islam.

Short forms: Abra, Ibrahimushka, Ibrahimka.

Character traits

Little Ibrahim amazes those around him with his calmness and prudence. He gets along well with other children. The boy is active, curious, and is fascinated by games in which he needs to not only move, but also think: construction sets, cars, cubes, all kinds of puzzles and puzzles.

At school, the child studies well, doing well in all subjects at once. True, he doesn’t go into any subject in depth, trying to cover a little of everything. Since childhood, Ibrahim has attached considerable importance to reading: he is so keen on books that, as an adult, he is usually very well read. At the same time, the child enjoys active pastime: he likes to ride a bike and swim.

The boy communicates smoothly with his parents, does not make troubles and is not capricious. He appreciates their love and tries to respond in kind. It is useless to punish a boy physically for his tricks - the child does not understand such punishment and perceives it painfully, even aggressively.

But he understands the explanation in words very well, such a lesson is not wasted. Parents may notice that the baby really loves sweets, but you shouldn’t indulge him too much with them at a young age to avoid health problems.

With age, the young man becomes more and more confident and in a good way prudent. He always wisely thinks about his actions and tactics of communicating with other people. Those around him respect him, although sometimes they are embarrassed by the guy’s coldness and aloofness. But such a feature of behavior does not mean that he is insensitive or indifferent.

If anyone needs practical advice, Ibrahim is always ready to give it. He is an excellent conversationalist, and most importantly, he can listen to a friend, support and help if it is in his power. In his plans for life, Ibrahim is usually firm, knows exactly what he wants, and tries to achieve it.

Line of fate

The zodiac sign as a whole has little effect on the meaning of the name Ibrahim, since the name has such ancient and sacred roots that it becomes very strong in itself. But if we still consider the most suitable signs for a name, they will be:

Taurus is characterized by Ibrahim's pragmatism, prudence and firmness. The sign will also strengthen such traits as the desire for material wealth and solid support under your feet. This is what allows Ibrahim to always achieve his goals and not stop.

Libra, on the contrary, will emphasize the softness, warmth of the name, and the willingness to help a friend when necessary. The bearer of this name, born under the sign of Libra, will always find support in his environment

Professional searches

The powerful energy that the name Ibrahim carries opens the way for the young man to such areas as law and computer technology. Tenacious mind good memory and the most important thing, a strong character, will allow you to achieve very high altitudes in these areas.

Also from young man He will make an excellent doctor because he has a highly developed sense of compassion, understanding and responsibility. If he turns to the field of art, he can not only become successful, but also make his contribution to the history of literature, painting or music.

In general, Ibrahim approaches any business with sober, cold calculation. Thanks to this approach, he will succeed in almost any area. He will be a competent, professional leader who can cope even with a large team.

He has well-developed intuition and a desire to achieve more, which can make him a successful entrepreneur. Particularly successful areas of business for Ibrahim are the service sector, car business and tourism.

Love and family

Women for Ibrahim are an extremely important component of life. He loves to look after, does it beautifully and gallantly, like a real gentleman: gifts, flowers, trips to restaurants and romantic walks.

Naturally, this approach captivates the woman, and the irresistible charm of the man himself attracts and fascinates. At the same time, it cannot be said that he uses his capabilities and data in order to seduce a woman - on the contrary, he has respect for her, and if he is courting, then his intentions are serious.

Marriage is sacred for him. He sees in his chosen one a keeper of the hearth, a faithful, devoted wife and a caring mother. In choosing a life partner great importance Ibrahim gives intelligence and will to a woman, for him she should be not only a lover, but also interesting conversationalist and friend.

IN family life Ibrahim is still passionate and romantic, loves to arrange surprises. He values ​​his wife and remains faithful to her, not allowing himself to betray himself for the sake of a momentary outburst of passion. Cheating will be a shame for him, and he will simply lose self-respect.

A man with this name usually dreams of big family, in which there will be more than one child. He loves children, takes part in their upbringing with pleasure, trying from childhood to instill in them the perseverance and patience necessary for later life. The most compatible names are:

  • Dina.

Since the name Ibrahim is of non-Christian origin, name days are not celebrated. If a child is baptized in Orthodoxy, his name day will fall on the dates corresponding to the secret name given at baptism. Author: Ksenia Dumcheva

The name Ibrahim, like many other names, has several versions of the origin and meaning of the name. About these versions and much more in our review article.

The most popular name in Russia is Ibrahim among those professing Islam. Naturally, in this case, the most popular version of the meaning of the name is associated with Arab culture. According to linguists, translated from Arabic the meaning of the name Ibrahim (ابراهيم‎) is “prophet”, “father of nations”. It should be added that this is the Arabic form of the more common name Abraham. One of the most revered prophets in all Abrahamic religions.

There is also a Hebrew version of the meaning of the name, although it should be noted that the name still sounds different in Hebrew. Some linguists argue that the name Ibrahim (Abraham) is translated as “ancestor”. This is very close in meaning to “father of nations”, because the meaning is the same. This is not surprising, because Islam, Christianity and Judaism have common biblical roots. It’s not for nothing that these religions are called “Abrahamic,” which comes from the name Abraham.

The meaning of the name Ibrahim for a child

Ibrahim is different as a child high mobility And active character. At the same time, he is a rather serious child and strives to build relationships on equal terms even with adults. He actively explores the world and shows genuine interest in a huge number of things. Do not discourage his desire to develop and learn new things with your indifference. It may not be easy, but over time you will begin to reap the rewards of your efforts.

Ibrahim does not like to study, despite his curiosity. Regular lessons make him bored, and therefore you shouldn’t expect much success from the boy. Only informal, with sincere love approach to the subject may truly interest Ibrahim. It is worth noting that in his hobbies he still shows constancy and perseverance. The boy does not like to give up in the face of difficulties, and therefore achieves serious results in his hobby. Already in childhood, his strong-willed and purposeful character is noticeable.

Ibrahim’s health cannot be called heroic, but he does not suffer from any particular illness. His health is rather at an average level, but the child’s vitality can be called high. He is a cheerful and cheerful kid. In adulthood, he should be more attentive to his diet, because many owners of the name are endowed with a tendency to be overweight. Do not underestimate this predisposition and let everything take its course. The good news is that Ibrahim loves physical education and generally gravitates towards active pastime.

Abbreviated and diminutive forms of the name Ibrahim.

Ibrahimka, Ibrahimchik, Ibrahimochka, Ibrahimushka.

Children's middle names

Ibrahimovic and Ibragimovna

Name Ibrahim in English

In English, the name Ibrahim is written as Ibrahim, but the transliteration Ibragim can also be used.

Name Ibrahim for international passport-IBRAGIM

Church name Ibrahim(V Orthodox faith) undefined. This name is not in church calendar, and therefore church name Ibrahim will be different from the worldly.

Characteristics of the name Ibrahim

Adult Ibrahim is an independent and slightly closed man. He treats all new acquaintances carefully and is in no hurry to call someone a friend. Ibrahim categorically does not accept any means of putting pressure on himself, and his response to such behavior will not be long in coming. But, in the case of a gentle and respectful attitude towards himself, Ibrahim himself becomes calm and patient. Determination is another characteristic feature of Ibrahim. Having set a goal for himself, he will systematically achieve his goal. Ibrahim is especially interested in material wealth. Most He spends his energy precisely on achieving financial well-being.

As for work, Ibrahim prefers to work for himself. He does not like to be anyone's subordinate, and therefore with youth he has a noticeable entrepreneurial spirit. Except own business, Ibrahim can achieve serious success in sales. He likes to sell, and he is not particularly interested in what exactly. You need to understand that work will take up a lot of time in Ibrahim’s life. Even having a family won't change his priorities much.

Family relationships are important to Ibrahim, although they are not his main priority. Surprisingly, with this approach, Ibrahim often starts a family early. He is a good provider for the family, although he cannot be called an ideal owner. He knows how to earn money, but avoids household chores in every possible way. If the wife takes on all the chores around the house, then Ibrahim, for his part, will provide her with everything else. He is quite strict towards his family, but he also shows no less strictness towards himself. His character changes somewhat when a girl is born into the family. The daughters will be allowed everything that was previously strictly prohibited.

The secret of the name Ibrahim

Ibrahim's secret is that he is prone to doubt. Until Ibrahim makes a final decision, he will torture himself. Naturally, he strives not to show this, but it is impossible to hide this from loved ones. Don’t rush him at such moments, but rather just leave him alone for a while. You definitely won’t be able to help, and therefore you shouldn’t go to him with questions and advice.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Calf.

Totem animal- Rabbit.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Ash.

Stone- Turquoise.

If you want your son to grow up to be a freedom-loving, inventive and intelligent man, then give him such a sonorous male name like Ibrahim. Perhaps at some points it will be difficult to find an approach to such a representative of the stronger sex, but the merits of character will more than compensate for any inconvenience. The meaning of the name Ibrahim reveals in great detail all the shades of the personality of such people.

Little Ibrahimushka is incredibly stubborn and persistent in getting what he wants. The meaning of the name Ibrahim for a boy conveys a seriousness unusual for this age. The baby is already in the sandbox playing serious, truly masculine games. The interpretation of the name states that his favorite game is “robbers.” I also like complex construction sets and, of course, cars.

The detailed meaning of the name Ibrahim for a child also reveals his attitude to learning. These boys simply love to read. They read a lot and a wide variety of literature. Distract from interesting story Ibrahimushka is simply impossible, and the seriousness of the reason does not matter.

He behaves like a real knight with girls. Tries to help and protect if necessary. But he can also show surprising external coldness and indifference. Especially if the little lady causes pleasant emotional excitement.

As a teenager, he often enjoys swimming and even achieves success in this sport. good results. Loves to ride a bike and get into exciting stories. Absolutely no violence is tolerated. You can find mutual understanding with this baby only with the help of affection and kindness. Any, even seemingly insignificant violence causes incredible rage and aggression.


With women he behaves like a true gentleman. Loves to take care of and beautifully look after his chosen one. He attaches great importance to romance in love. Prefers long term relationship, built on mutual sexual and intellectual attraction. He will not maintain contact with a girl who does not understand his hobbies and does not share his views.

Tries not to enter into short-term relationships. If this happens, he will try to quickly break off unnecessary relationships, so as not to mislead his partner and not give her vain hopes. IN love relationships is a passionate, decent and sincere person, which means that the chosen one can count on exceptional decency and spiritual dedication on the part of Ibrahimushka.


He takes an accomplished and strong-willed woman as his wife, which means that future wife must have an unbending character and incredible courage and determination. In family life, she is given the leadership role. Ibrahim is faithful to his wife until the breakup. Decency is given serious importance. Never starts relationships on the side.

A successful marriage can be with Aida, Bella, Rufina, Sarah, Dina, Isolde, Elina, Emma, ​​Karina, Mirra, Susanna and Rebekah. You should not enter into long-term relationships with Evgenia, Inga, Arina, Vanda, Leila, Nonna, Glafira, Danuta, Polina, Isidora, Kaleria, and Taisiya.

Business and career

He approaches the choice of profession with a sober calculation, which means he often achieves success in his profession. Strong intuition helps to avoid serious problems and take the right steps. Will never take on a task or project if he feels that he cannot complete it as required.

Ibrahim should try himself in the service sector. Can achieve good results in areas such as history, art, literature. With a serious approach, hard work and perseverance, he will be able to occupy a high social level, achieve fame and wealth.

Origin of the name Ibrahim

History reports several versions of the origin of the adverb. According to the most common of them, the origin of the name Ibrahim is Arabic. Where the adverb comes from undoubtedly leaves its mark on the translation. The etymology in this case is “prophet.”

The secret of the name also informs about Jewish origin. Translation from Hebrew is “father of nations.” The Bible says that the man whose name was Ibrahim was the founder Jewish people. Currently, this adverb is incredibly popular among Old Believers in Russia, but for ease of pronunciation it was transformed into Abraham.

Characteristics of the name Ibrahim

It is believed that the characteristics of the name Ibrahim directly depend on the time of year when the man so named was born. Ibrahimushka, who was born in winter time. In communication he is extremely difficult and unpredictable. The main thing is to find the right approach.

Mutual understanding can be achieved through patience and common interests. The implementation of a joint business will help Ibrahimushka to show his positive traits like amazing ingenuity and an inquisitive mind.

“Autumn” Ibrahim also has a sufficient number of character pros and cons. It may seem to others that he is overly indifferent to many things happening around him. This is actually not true, Ibrahim is just practical and prudent. Great value gives material well-being and does everything possible to achieve financial independence.

Born in the summer, he is incredibly intelligent and well-read. Able to find a common language with any person thanks to his innate diplomacy. Attaches importance to friendship. He knows how to make friends and is able to come to the aid of a friend exactly when it is needed. At the same time, in any matter he tends to rely only on his own strength.

“Spring” Ibrahimushka loves everyone’s attention. It attaches enormous importance to universal adoration and admiration. Prefers to consume and give nothing in return. The main personality traits are narcissism and selfishness. But he loves to take care of his loved ones.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - turquoise.
  • Doesn't celebrate his name day.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Libra, Taurus.

Famous people named Ibrahim

  • Ibrahim Hasanbekov is a famous football player who plays as a striker.
  • Ibrahim Rugova is the President of Kosovo.

Name Ibrahim in different languages

The most common translation of the name Ibrahim is “father of nations.” How is the adverb translated into various languages listed below:

in Chinese - 易卜拉欣 in Japanese - イブラヒム

Name forms

  • Full name: Ibrahim.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Abraham, Abra.
  • Declension of the name - Ibrahim - Ibrahima.
  • There is no church name in Orthodoxy.

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