What is Argentina's climate like? When is the best time to go to Argentina Does it snow in Argentina?

Geographical position and relief

Argentina is a country located in the southeastern part of the continent of South America and in the eastern regions of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. Argentina borders Chile (in the west), Paraguay and Bolivia (in the north), Uruguay and Brazil (in the northeast). Its eastern territories are washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The total area of ​​the territory is 2.8 million square meters. km.

The coastline is slightly indented; only the La Plata estuary cuts far into the land. The territory of Argentina extends in the meridional direction from north to south.

The country's topography is divided into flat areas (mainly northern and eastern regions) and elevated areas - western and southern territories.

The main landforms in Argentina are:

  • Andes mountain range. It runs along the western border. The largest mountains in the Western Hemisphere. They have a complex geological structure.
  • Volcanic plateau Puna. Located in northwestern Argentina. From the east, the plateau is framed by the Andes, up to 6500 m high.
  • Plain of Gran Chaco. Located in the north of the country. Filled with alluvial sediments and debris.
  • Between the Parana and Uruguay rivers. A flat area, which includes: marl, red sandstone, loess, clayey alluvium. The northern part is represented by a lava plateau, the central part is a swampy flat lowland, South part– slightly hilly plain with sandstone ridges (cuchillas).

Climate zones

Climatic zones of Argentina:

  1. Tropical zone. Southern regions. Winter is cold, with heavy snowfall, especially in the mountains. Summer is warm.
  2. Subtropical zone. Central Argentina. Winters are cold, summers are hot with frequent thunderstorms and tornadoes.
  3. Temperate zone. Northern regions of the country, including territories located on the Tropic of Capricorn. Hot and humid summers, dry moderate winters, and sometimes droughts.

Summer in the southern regions of the country is cold, with an average temperature of +15 ºС. The hottest place in the country is the tropical region of Gran Chaco, located in the north of the country. In summer, the temperature here can reach +17-20 ºС. The maximum temperature was recorded in the province of Santiago del Estero in Campo Gallo and amounted to 47.3 ºС. The most low temperature recorded in the province of San Juan - -40 ºС.

Note 1

Different climatic conditions in different regions of Argentina are due to significant differences in altitude above sea level - up to 7000 m, differences in relief, proximity to the sea, and geographical location.

IN western regions The Andes mountain ranges stretch across the country. On the mountain peaks the climate is alpine. At the most high peaks all year round It's snowing. In the south is the Southern Patagonian Ice Plateau with many permanent glaciers. In the western regions at the foot of the mountains and in Patagonia, the climate is Mediterranean marine.

For eastern regions The country is characterized by a combination of several climate types:

  • warm sea - most of territories;
  • temperate maritime - the area between Buenos Aires and Bahia Blanca;
  • subtropical - northern regions.

Argentina is in southern hemisphere. Therefore, the difference in winter and summer temperatures between its regions increases as one moves south. In the northern regions of the country, the difference between temperatures in winter and summer is small. Thus, in the city of Salta, located in the north-west of the country, seasonal temperature fluctuations are 9 ºС. The coldest month is June with a temperature of +19 ºС. From November to January average temperature is +28 ºС. From April to October there is a dry period.

Atmospheric phenomena and precipitation

Hurricanes are common in Argentina. Hurricanes originating in the Atlantic region move towards the Tropic of Cancer - the Tropic of the North.

The “probe” wind is a warm wind blowing from south direction. The wind usually begins during the day (from 12 to 18 o'clock) and lasts from one to twelve hours.

Precipitation falls unevenly. The average annual precipitation decreases from east to west in flat areas - 1400-1600 - 100-300 mm. In mountainous areas the amount of precipitation increases.

Maximum precipitation occurs on the eastern slopes Southern Andes– 2000 or more mm per year. In flat areas, the most precipitation occurs in the northeast of the country – Entre Rios and amounts to up to 1600 mm per year.

The driest areas are the western and southwestern territories. In southern Argentina, most precipitation falls in the form of snow. For Tierra del Fuego, the average annual precipitation ranges from 400 to 800 mm. There is a lot of rainfall in Patagonia.

In the direction from central regions countries to the north, the amount of precipitation increases sharply. Along the borders with Brazil and Paraguay, in the northeastern part of the country, about 2000 mm of precipitation falls annually.

The combination of high temperatures, heavy precipitation, and terrain features predetermine the formation of a landscape that is different from other territories.

Argentina's summer corresponds to winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The air temperature during the day rises to 30 ºС. In the north and northeast of the country, the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean warm up to 25 ºС. In Patagonia and the southern regions it is somewhat cooler (up to +20 ºС during the day). All three summer months - December, January, February - differ little in weather conditions and temperature.

Calendar autumn begins in Argentina in March. March is warm, the air temperature is around 14 ºС, in the north the temperature reaches +25 ºС. The season of frequent rainfall begins.

April is the period of golden autumn. From the second half of the month the air temperature drops to +18-22 ºС. May is cold. The temperature can drop to 0 ºС.

Argentina's weather conditions surprise even experienced travelers with their diversity. The country's territory occupies three zones. It lies in the temperate, subtropical and tropical zones.

From summer to winter

The cliffs of the Andes serve as a natural boundary that traps heavy rainfall. Precipitation prevails in their surroundings. The sky is almost always overcast with cumulus clouds.

What is the climate in Argentina? Summer in mountainous areas is hot and sultry. Residents of local villages suffer from drought and frequent fires. In winter they endure icy winds and heavy snowfalls. The thermometer fluctuates every now and then, showing dramatic changes in temperature. The center of the country is dominated by powerful tornadoes that destroy everything in their path.

The climate of Argentina in winter and summer, as well as the change of seasons, differs from the weather in Russia. Summer in Latin America starts in December and ends in February. Winter comes in June and leaves the coast in August.

Sultry holidays

In those days when Europeans are preparing to celebrate Christmas, generous gifts come to Argentina. southern summer. It doesn't last three calendar months, but almost five. During this period of scorching winds and scorching suns, Argentines find salvation in the endless sandy beaches. The water in the coastal zone of the Atlantic warms up to 25°C, and the air - up to 30°C.

The climate of Argentina in the south is slightly cooler. The daytime is not so hot, but the nights can be chilly. Not prevent warm jacket and in the foothills of the Andes. Summer months are replete with festivals and fairs, which involve all regions of the country. Despite the expressive traditions of the Argentines, the New Year is considered family holiday. It is celebrated in a close circle of friends and relatives.

On the first Saturday in January, a noisy and cheerful procession starts in Gualeguaychu. This is the longest carnival in the world. It is accompanied by enchanting performances, dances, chants and theatrical performances.

Carefully! Leaf fall

Autumn in Argentina begins in March. Moreover, the weather at this time is almost no different from February. It is believed that the first weeks of the month - optimal period for traveling around the country. Even in the hot north, the air does not heat above 25°C, and in the south - 15°C. The only thing that can darken the trip is frequent rains. They rain down on the coast and mountainous regions, completely eroding dirt roads.

But at lunchtime, the Argentinean climate gives the beaches of Cordoba and Salta a real summer. A sunny day lasts at least nine hours. Nights in Argentina's resorts are cold. The temperature outside the window drops to 9°C. When going on a trip in the fall, take insulated items with you. A windbreaker, fleece jacket, thick trousers and closed shoes will come in handy.

March is the coldest month in Ushuaia. The average daily reading is 5°C. Night hours bring frosts. Clouds blanket Argentina's high skies almost every day in this part of the region. The volume of precipitation does not exceed 36 millimeters. Number sundial- 6. This is the climate of Argentina by month.

Frost and sun

Severe cold comes to Argentina towards the middle of winter. They take over southern regions, covering their lands with lush snow. By the end of the season, deep snowdrifts form in the Andes. It gets really cold in the upper reaches. Cold nights freeze small rivers and streams with ice.

During this period, numerous ski resorts. They are concentrated in mountainous areas. A stable crust is established on their slopes. The thermometer stays at 0°C.

Cold days

June brings snowfall and gusty winds to the southern and central part of the country. On the coast the air warms up to only 17°C, in the center - up to 10°C. In the north, the trees are becoming bare, throwing off their last withered leaves.

Winter silence lasts only one month. Within three weeks, buds begin to swell on the branches. Young green leaves are hatching.

Blooming world

Argentina's spring climate is reminiscent of a mild European autumn. The days are dry and warm. The air in the Atlantic warms up to 25°C, in the Andes - up to 15°C. It is generally accepted that the first weeks of the Latin American spring - best time to visit the protected region of Iguazu. It is famous for its noisy and unruly waterfall, which pours down its crystal waters surrounded by marvelously beautiful nature.

The beginning of renewal is accompanied by a series of holidays and celebrations. Argentines enthusiastically celebrate Teacher's Day and Race Day and take part in the Guitar Festival. Resort towns are preparing to receive numerous vacationers who arrive on the country's beaches from the USA, Brazil, Germany, France, Canada and Russia.

In the midst of spring, Argentina's climate bestows the country with tropical greenery. Nature amazes with its bright colors. Huge buds are decorated with vines climbing in parks and squares. The flower beds delight with their freshness and spicy fragrance. The aromas of orchards captivate the suburbs of big cities.

Visiting a fairy tale

Buenos Aires is no less beautiful in spring. The economic and industrial center is shedding its winter torpor and transforming before our eyes. It's getting noticeably warmer. The temperature is steadily rising, reaching 24°C. The nights say goodbye to coolness; the air warms up to 13°C during sunset hours.

The amount of precipitation is increasing. At first spring month The climate of Buenos Aires (Argentina) has prepared seven whole rainy days for citizens and guests of the metropolis. On the eve of summer there will already be eight of them. Humidity reaches its maximum in mid-spring. In Buenos Aires, up to 100 millimeters of liquid falls.

The water in the Atlantic warms up to 17°C, and two months later its temperature reaches 23°C. Inhabitants splash on numerous sandbanks depths of the sea. Recreational areas and hotel complexes are gradually flooded with tourists. High season not far away. The appetites of owners of eateries, water equipment rental points, and excursion bureaus are growing.

My wife and I did not choose Cordoba, but received a ticket to this resort as a gift. If it weren't for the long flight, I would have considered this trip ideal. Very unusual weather accompanied us for 10 days. The changes are significant from +36 to +22 and so on almost all days) On day 1 it was +30 during the day and +12 at night, I couldn’t believe that this was possible, a very unusual feeling (my wife has wild migraines due to the changes) December is considered a rainy month, but there were none at the beginning of December, perhaps there were later. Good advice will take jeans and a windbreaker with you, especially if you decide to walk in the evenings and be careful those who have problems with the heart and blood pressure, temperature changes will make themselves felt!

In December 2016, we decided to visit this wonderful city, Buenos Aires, with the whole family. We had plans to meet New Year and take a break from Moscow frosts and everyday work. The weather in December was very hot, stuffy, and it rained all day. More than +40 during the day, around +20 at night. It rained quite often, but thanks to the heat, everything dried out quickly. I was pleased with this tour; my whole family learned and discovered a lot of interesting things.

In 2015, we decided to go to Argentina, namely Buenos Aires. It was November from the 10th to the 25th. The holiday was a success. The summer weather there in November is +30, in a word, hot. There was rain and wind for a couple of days, but it only lasted for 3 days. We stayed in almost all places in the city, it was beautiful, we liked everything. The ocean was the most visited vacation spot for us, except for rainy and windy 3 days. I wish all vacationers a rest in Buenos Aires!

Or the Argentine Republic, located in the southeast of the South American continent. In addition to the mainland territory, it owns the Estados Islands, the east of Tierra del Fuego and some other islands.

The length of the country from north to south is 3,700 kilometers, from east to west - 1,400 km, the total area is 2,780 thousand square meters. km.

It borders on many countries: Chile in the west, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay in the northeast. Argentina is washed from the east Atlantic Ocean.

After Brazil, Argentina is the second largest country on the continent of South America.

In the western part of the country there is Mountain chain Andes, where it is located highest mountain Western Hemisphere- Aconcagua, 6962 meters high. On average, the peaks do not exceed 4.5 thousand meters.

There are several volcanoes in the western Andes. The highest still active volcano, Ojos del Salado, is also located here. Its height is 6887 meters. In the area where volcanoes are located, earthquakes are common.

The lake district is located in the southwestern region of the mountains. Almost the entire north of the country is occupied by the Gran Chaco plateau. A little further south are the steppes called Pampa.

In the very south of the Argentine Republic is Patagonia, a semi-desert plateau cut by canyons.

The Parana River is the main one water artery country, is also the second longest river in the entire South America, after Amazon. The Paraná flows into the Gulf of La Plata. The main tributaries of this river are Uruguay and Paraguay.


Due to its large extent from south to north, Argentina crosses a large number of climatic zones.

In the north of the country the climate is subtropical, moving south it changes to humid tropical. And then to moderate.

Summer in Argentina, as in all countries of the southern hemisphere, lasts from December to February, and winter, respectively, from June to August.

In the north of the country, the average temperature in January is +28 °C, in July - +18 °C. In the center it is somewhat colder - in summer up to +24 °C, in winter - up to +15 °C. Most cold climate in the south of the country - +10°C in summer, and +1°C in winter.

Precipitation is especially high in mountainous areas and the northeast - up to 1600 mm per year. In the west of Argentina, in the lowland areas, precipitation is much less - up to 300 mm per year. IN winter time many inland areas are subject to droughts.

The climate in the Andes is also quite diverse. In summer, the eastern slopes of the mountains receive enormous amounts of rainfall, and even floods occur. At the tops at this time there may be drought, or at best no more than 200 mm of precipitation.

At the foot, the average temperature at this time is +26°C, while at the tops it is only +4°C. Moreover, temperature changes can reach 30°C in just one day.

Hot, dry “pamperos” and “zonda” winds are very common. Very strong storms often occur over Patagonia and Pampa.

Argentina's climate varies different regions countries due to their difference in altitude above sea level (the difference can reach 7 km), differences in terrain, relief and geographical location. Most of the country has a relatively dry desert and steppe climate, especially in the Pampas, located in the center of Argentina. West Side The country is a mountainous region that is part of the southern Andes.

In the western, Andean region of the country, as well as in Patagonia (southern Argentina), the climate is Mediterranean and maritime. On the mountain peaks the climate is alpine. At the highest points of Argentina there is snow all year round, and in the south of the country there are many permanent glaciers - the Southern Patagonian Ice Plateau is located there.

In eastern Argentina there is a combination of several different types climate. Most regions of this part of the country are characterized by warm maritime climate. The region between Buenos Aires and Bahia Blanca has a temperate maritime climate. In the northern part of Argentina the climate is subtropical, with a distinct dry period in winter months, and a wet period in summer (December to March).

Other seasons

Argentina is located in the southern hemisphere, so the country's seasons are opposite to those of the northern hemisphere. When it is winter in the northern hemisphere, it is summer in Argentina, and vice versa. The difference in air temperature increases as you move south. In the northern part of the country, the difference between summer and winter is relatively small. In the city of Salta, located in the northwestern part of Argentina, the maximum difference in temperature is only 9 degrees Celsius. The coldest month, with an average maximum temperature at 19 degrees Celsius - June. In November, December, and January, the temperature is only 9 degrees higher, reaching 28 degrees Celsius. However, there is a distinct dry period (April to October), and a distinct wet summer. In the rest of the country the difference between the seasons is a little more distinct.


There is a risk of hurricanes in Argentina. Hurricanes that originate in the Atlantic region typically move toward the Tropic of Cancer. However, some other wind-related phenomena are also observed in the country. The "probe" wind is a warm wind blowing from the south. The probe winds usually begin at daytime(from 12 to 6 o'clock), and last on average from one to twelve hours. Also called probe wind is the warm and humid wind over the Pampas, blowing from the north.


It falls in different regions of Argentina different quantities precipitation. The southwestern and western parts of Argentina are very dry, with an average of 200-400 millimeters of rain per year. In southern Argentina and the Andes, most precipitation falls as snow. In Tierra del Fuego, located in the very southern region Argentina receives 400-800 millimeters of precipitation per year. The westernmost part of Patagonia also experiences more rainfall. If you move from central Argentina to the north of the country, the amount of precipitation increases sharply. This subtropical northeastern part of the country, along the borders with Paraguay and Brazil, experiences much wetter climate conditions than the rest of the country, receiving almost 2,000 millimeters of rain per year. Such high precipitation, combined with high air temperatures, explains the completely different landscape, relief, and vegetation in this part of the country.

The climate of Argentina in different cities of the country

The table below shows the average minimum and maximum air temperatures in different cities and places in Argentina throughout the year.

Rivadavia (north of the country, low altitude)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 21 21 19 16 12 11 10 11 14 18 19 21
Max °C 36 34 33 28 25 23 24 28 31 32 34 35
Iguazu Falls ( Northern part countries)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 20 20 19 17 13 11 11 12 13 16 18 19
Max °C 32 31 31 27 24 21 22 24 25 28 30 31
Buenos Aires (capital; east of the country)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 20 19 17 14 10 8 7 9 10 13 16 18
Max °C 30 29 26 23 19 16 15 17 19 23 25 28
Mendoza (east of the central part of the country, altitude - about 750 meters)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 18 18 15 11 6 3 2 4 6 12 15 18
Max °C 32 31 27 23 19 16 15 18 20 26 29 32
Puerto Madryn (south central, Atlantic coast)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 13 12 11 7 5 2 2 2 5 7 10 12
Max °C 27 27 23 21 16 12 12 15 17 20 23 27
Ushuaia (far south of the country)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 6 5 4 2 0 -1 -1 -1 1 2 4 5
Max °C 15 14 12 10 6 5 5 6 9 11 13 13
Salta (north of the country, height - about 1,150 meters)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 17 16 15 12 7 4 3 5 7 12 14 15
Max °C 27 27 25 23 20 19 20 23 23 27 28 28
San Carlos de Bariloche (southwest of the country, altitude - about 900 meters)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Min °C 6 6 4 2 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 4 5
Max °C 22 22 19 15 10 7 6 8 11 14 17 20

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