David Rockefeller is young. Biography of David Rockefeller. David Rockefeller video

About the founder of the powerful Rockefeller dynasty - John - there was a bike: he supposedly dreamed of earning a million dollars and living to be 100 years old. He became a billionaire, but died at 97. His no less influential descendant fulfilled the precepts of his grandfather: on March 20, 2017, at the age of 101, he was in a dream in his house; his fortune is estimated at three billion dollars.

Although David Rockefeller was not at the top of the list the richest people planets (according to the version, he occupied the 581st place), the most incredible rumors constantly revolved around him. He was credited with almost managing the world through a mysterious organization of wealthy like-minded people - world government. These rumors did not arise by chance. David has been an active supporter of globalization and has put a lot of effort into making complex international processes more manageable.

“His status was higher than some corporate title. His influence was felt in Washington and foreign capitals, in the corridors of New York City Hall, art museums, great universities and public schools,” she wrote after his death.

He received an excellent education: he graduated in 1936, studied at the London School of Economics and political science, received his PhD in economics from the University of Chicago. He worked as a secretary for the New York mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, went through World War II (served in North Africa and France) and returned to family affairs. From 1961 to 1981, he headed one of the largest and most influential financial corporations in the world - Chase Manhattan Bank (now called JPMorgan Chase, its assets exceed two trillion dollars).

But when in question about any of the Rockefellers, what is interesting is not so much extracts from the biography as real attempts to reshape the entire world order.

David Rockefeller was a member of the closed Bilderberg Club and attended its meetings since 1954. It is in the Bilderberg Club that many see the world government. At the annual meeting of the most influential people (politicians high rank, central bankers, well-known experts, heads of major media) are discussing problems on a planetary scale, trying to find some common solution. David, the most prominent globalist, could not help but be a member of the club.

In 1970 he headed the Council for international relations- a private organization actively involved in the formation foreign policy USA. In 1973 he founded the Trilateral Commission. Adherents of conspiracy theories also often assign it the status of a world government. The declared task of the commission is to consult the authorities of the USA, Europe and Japan. Of course, on global issues. The working name of the organization that Rockefeller came up with is also curious: the International Commission on Peace and Prosperity.

Both the Bilderberg Club, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission are still active today, uniting influential globalists from all over the planet.

For my long life David Rockefeller met with many politicians. He negotiated with Nikita Khrushchev and many others. The details of Rockefeller's international visits are unknown, but one can be sure that they somehow touched on the main question for him - how to unite the world and make it a little more predictable.

In his memoirs, Rockefeller gave an answer to the conspiracy theorists. For more than a century, "ideological extremists" have accused his family of "all-encompassing and threatening influence" on the United States, he writes. Someone believes that the dynasty is part of a secret group working against the interests of the United States and into the hands of some "internationalists". “We allegedly colluded with other forces on the planet in order to build an integrated global political and economic structure, that is, a single world. If we are accused of precisely this, then I admit my guilt, and I am proud of it, ”Rockefeller explained.

In fact, the billionaire said that there is no world government, and expressed his deep regret about this. The planet needs more or less unified governance so that humanity can continue to develop normally - this idea was promoted by David Rockefeller, as evidenced by his seemingly utopian proposals. He, in particular, worried about the coming shortage of energy and water, suggested thinking about limiting the population of the planet.

David Rockefeller left the US difficult time. The country was headed by another billionaire, but with diametrically opposed views -. Almost everything that the rich globalist fought for was the erasing of borders, the formation of common economic spaces and amplification supranational organizations, unacceptable for the team of an eccentric president.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross supports the withdrawal of the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and advocates a revision of the NAFTA agreement, which unites all North America. The head was completely opposed to David Rockefeller and his ideas about the development of alternative energy sources. The new secretary of state rose to fame in 2008 when he managed to maintain a leadership position at (the company traces its history back to Rockefeller's Standard Oil) by opposing investment in solar and wind energy.

Nevertheless, the views of David Rockefeller will remain relevant and in demand if Donald Trump, in his economic policy, relies not only on isolation and revision of trade agreements, but also on human capital and technology. Without these two ingredients, “making America great again” will be much more difficult.

According to grandfather

David Rockefeller was the last grandson of the founder of the dynasty, the first in the history of mankind dollar billionaire John Rockefeller. He was born in New York in 1915 and was raised according to the precepts of his great grandfather - since childhood, the descendants of Rockefeller were taught to earn money and skillfully handle them in order to avoid the temptation of an irresponsible attitude to a colossal inheritance. For the completed task in the family, encouragement was supposed. As Rockefeller himself recalled, his father promised them 2.5 thousand dollars each if they did not drink and smoke until the age of 21, and the same amount if they held out until the age of 25.

Young Rockefeller

David Rockefeller received an excellent education. He graduated from the private Lincoln School and entered Harvard University. He graduated in 1936 with "moderate success" and studied for another year at the London School of Economics and Political Science. And in 1940 he defended his doctorate in economics at the University of Chicago. But the main thing that Rockefeller learned from his training for further career, is the ability to establish personal contacts. In the same year he began to work for public service- first as secretary to the mayor of New York, Fiorello LaGuardia, then - in the Department of Defense, Health and Welfare.

Although Rockefeller was a member of a powerful family, the war did not bypass him. In 1942 he entered as a private military service, and by 1945 he had risen to the rank of captain. During the war, he was sent to Algiers to build a network of military intelligence informants. It was thanks to this work, first in North Africa, and then in France, that Rockefeller "discovered the value of establishing contacts with people in important positions in order to achieve specific goals."

Banker and "gray cardinal"

After the war, he accepted his uncle's offer and in 1946 joined the Chase bank as an assistant manager, one of the lowest positions. Thanks to his talent as a diplomat, Rockefeller, for example, persuaded the management of a bank in Panama to accept cattle as collateral, and during the Castro revolution in Cuba, when all American property was confiscated, Rockefeller not only managed to avoid possible losses for the bank, but also more than compensated for them. . He also merged Chase with the Bank of Manhattan and became its president in January 1961. Over the years, Rockefeller was able to transform the Chase Manhattan bank into a global and international organization. However, in 1981, he left his post due to reaching the maximum age allowed by the bank's charter for this position.

During his life, Rockefeller met more than 200 heads of state and government and flew more than 5 million miles in an airplane. He met with Nikita Khrushchev, Alexei Kosygin, Fidel Castro, Deng Xiaoping, Mikhail Gorbachev and others. The latter, as early as 1992, was given $75 million by Rockefeller to set up a global fund and "an American-style presidential library."

Rockefeller and Gorbachev

Its influence on world politics can hardly be overestimated. In 1954 he headed the Council on Foreign Relations, and in 1973 he founded the Trilateral Commission, an influential private international organization, the purpose of which was to discuss and search for solutions to world problems. He is considered a member of the "world government", in large part due to his membership in the Bilderberg Club. He has taken part in every meeting of the club since the very first in 1954. Was a member of the "governing committee" that determines the list of persons invited to meetings. It includes national leaders, who then often go to the polls. This happened to Bill Clinton, who, while still the governor of Arkansas, was invited to a meeting of the club in 1991. Journalists have repeatedly noted that the meetings of the Bilderberg Club are more influential than the meeting " big seven».

Rockefeller and Khrushchev

Rockefeller himself denied his involvement in a secret "world government" and wrote in his memoirs:

“For over a hundred years now, ideological extremists at all ends of the political spectrum have enthusiastically referred to certain well-known events, such as my bad experience with Castro, to blame the Rockefeller family for the all-encompassing menacing influence they claim we exert. on American political and economic institutions. Some even believe that we are part of a secret political group working against the interests of the United States and characterize my family and me as "internationalists" colluding with other groups around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world. , if you like. If that's the charge, then I plead guilty and I'm proud of it."

Philanthropist who dreamed of reducing the world's population

However, he is known not only as a globalist and neoconservative, but also as a major philanthropist. According to The New York Times for 2006 total amount donations made by David Rockefeller were estimated at $900 million. “If wealthy people live on their own happy life, they must come to the conclusion that it is necessary to give part of their time and money to help other people, ”Rockefeller said. In 2008, he donated $100 million to his alma mater to Harvard University. It became one of the largest private donations in Harvard's history.

David Rockefeller was a supporter of birth control and birth control on a worldwide scale, although he himself had six children and 10 grandchildren. He was worried about the growing consumption of water and energy, pollution of the atmosphere due to population growth. In 2008, he called on the UN to find "satisfactory ways to stabilize the world's population."

The largest collection of beetles and hearts

But David Rockefeller himself dreamed of living a long life. He has undergone six heart transplants. The first of these occurred in 1976, when Rockefeller was 61 years old. He was in a car accident that caused a heart attack. A week after the transplant, Rockefeller went for a morning jog. He received his last heart last November. Rockefeller was criticized more than once for this, as the public doubted that the billionaire received new hearts on a first-come-first-served basis for transplantation, and thereby, possibly, deprived someone of the chance to survive. Given the scarcity of donor organs, even repeat transplantation is a rare occurrence However, the doctors denied all accusations of Rockefeller's dishonesty.


However, few people know that David Rockefeller "collected" not only hearts, but also beetles. He always had a jar for them with him, in case he suddenly stumbles upon a rare or the new kind. He owned one of the largest beetle collections in the world. And he considered the main pride found high in the mountains of Mexico rare species scarab, which was named after him - Diplotaxis rockefelleri. According to Rockefeller, in his lifetime he discovered four or five new species of beetles.

David Rockefeller was the representative of the third generation of the famous American financial dynasty. His grandfather, John Rockefeller, was the founder of the Standard Oil Company oil trust, and the country's first dollar billionaire.

David was born in New York on June 12, 1915. He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard in 1936 with a degree in English history and literature. But later he entered the London School of Economics. In 1940, the young Rockefeller earned a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago and married his own age, Margaret McGrath, the daughter of a Wall Street law firm partner. They subsequently had six children in their marriage.

In the same 1940, David began his career. He first worked as a secretary to the mayor of New York, then as an assistant regional director in the Department of Defense, Health and social security. However, in May 1942 he went to the front as a private. He served in North Africa and France, served as assistant military attache in Paris, was engaged in military intelligence. In 1945 he ended the war as a captain, and in April 1946 he joined the Chase National Bank in New York as assistant manager of the foreign department.

In 1952, David Rockefeller achieved the position of first vice president of the Chase National and facilitated its merger with the Bank of Manhattan. So in 1955, the giant of the financial industry, Chase Manhattan, was created.

From 1961 to 1981, Rockefeller was chairman of the board and at the same time president of Chase Manhattan Bank, and since 1969 he also served as CEO jar. On April 20, 1981, he had to retire due to age, but he remained chairman of the Chase Manhattan International Advisory Committee.

As well as financial activities David Rockefeller was engaged in other projects, while becoming famous for his neo-globalist and views. He headed the Council on Foreign Relations, was a member of the famous Bilderberg Club, participated in the Dartmouth conferences and the Trilateral Commission, and supported various charitable and public organizations. By the way, in 2008 he donated $100 million to Harvard University, which is the largest private donation in the history of this educational institution.

On Monday, March 20, an American billionaire died at his home in Pocantico Hills in New York at the age of 102. David Rockefeller, a representative of a famous family of entrepreneurs. It is reported by The New York Times. By according to Forbes, David Rockefeller was the oldest billionaire in the world, his fortune was estimated at $ 3.3 billion.

AiF.ru provides a biography of David Rockefeller.

David Rockefeller. Photo: www.globallookpress.com


American financier David Rockefeller was born on June 12, 1915 in New York (USA). He is a third generation famous dynasty who became the epitome of American capitalism.

His grandfather, John Rockefeller, was the founder of one of the largest financial groups in the United States: the oil trust Standard Oil Company (Standard Oil Co.).

David Rockefeller graduated with honors from Harvard University in 1936 with a degree in English history and literature, later economic Education(I studied for a year at Harvard University, and then for a year at the London School of Economics).

He received his doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1940. In the same year, he began working in the public service, becoming secretary to the mayor of New York.

From 1941 to 1942, David Rockefeller was assistant regional director in the Department of Defense, Health and Welfare ( United States Office of Defense, Health and Welfare Services).

In May 1942, he entered the military service as a private, by 1945 he had risen to the rank of captain. During the Second World War, he was in North Africa and France, was an assistant to the military attache in Paris, worked for military intelligence.

After demobilization, David Rockefeller began in April 1946 to work at the New York bank "Chase National Bank" (Chase National Bank) as assistant manager of the foreign department. Although the Rockefeller family owned a significant share of the shares in this bank and was headed by his Rockefeller uncle, Winthrop Aldrich, nevertheless, David had to climb all the steps of the corporate ladder.

In 1952, he became first vice president of Chase National and merged with the Bank of Manhattan to form one of the largest banks in the United States in 1955: Chase Manhattan Bank.

From 1961 to 1981, David Rockefeller was chairman of the board of Chase Manhattan Bank and at the same time, from 1961-1968, he was president, and from 1969-1981, he was CEO.

In the 1970s, Rockefeller met with general secretary Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev, which allowed Chase Manhattan to become the first American bank to conduct monetary transactions in the USSR.

In 1981, Rockefeller retired from active management but remained chairman of the bank's International Advisory Committee. Now this bank - called JPMorgan Chase - is one of the largest in the United States.

David Rockefeller participated in various family business projects, in 1946 he became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, which advised the US State Department. He was director from 1949, vice president from 1950, chairman from 1970 to 1985, and honorary chairman from 1985 of the Council on Foreign Relations.

For many years, David Rockefeller was one of the key figures in the creation and work of international non-governmental organizations that left a noticeable mark on world politics: the Bilderberg Club (an annual forum of the Western elite), the Dartmouth Conferences (meetings of representatives of the USSR and America on the territory of Dartmouth College in the state of New -Hampshire), the Trilateral Commission (unites representatives of the business and political circles of the USA, Europe and Japan).

David continued the Rockefeller tradition of creating and supporting charities and public organizations: Rockefeller Foundation, Institute medical research, Museum contemporary art in New York, General Board of Education.

He was president of the Rockefeller University in New York.

In 2002, David Rockefeller wrote his autobiographical book The Banker in the 20th Century. Memoirs (David Rockefeller: Memoirs).

In 2004, David took over the Rockefeller family, overseeing its many philanthropic and business ventures.

In 2008, he donated $100 million to Harvard University, the largest donation ever by a former alumnus. The money, at the request of Rockefeller, was used to expand the teaching of the humanities and financial assistance students studying abroad.


Throughout his life, Rockefeller underwent six heart surgeries. The first operation was carried out in 1976 after a car accident. According to the media, a week later the banker was jogging. Rockefeller had his heart transplanted several times: last time in 2015. The surgeons performed the six-hour operation right at the billionaire's residence.

“Every time I get a new heart, it’s like a breath of life rolls through my body. I feel active and alive. I am often asked the question of how to live long. I always answer the same thing: live a simple life, play with your children, enjoy everything you do, ”said David Rockefeller.

Family status

David Rockefeller has been married since 1940 to the daughter of a partner in a prominent Wall Street law firm. Margaret McGrath(1915-1996). In marriage, the Rockefellers raised six children.


One of Rockefeller's unusual hobbies was collecting insects. He collected more than 40 thousand insects, which is considered the largest collection in the world. According to media reports, the billionaire always carried with him a jar for caught beetles.

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