Reference. Eurasian Economic Union. Integration in the CIS space

The Russian diaspora is one of the largest in the world, but for Russia it is more of a problem than an instrument of influence.

Alexander Khaldei

A few months ago, I wrote an article about how difficult it is for Russians in Kazakhstan if they occupy some significant position or active life position. In general, the topic of discrimination against Russians in Kazakhstan is so old that it is somehow inconvenient to return to it again, but since there is a problem, it is impossible not to respond to it.

With the collapse of the USSR, a huge number of Russians in the former republics were not needed by either the republics or Russia. Russia and its citizens did not know what to do, and in the republics there was a process of national construction, and the Russians, the bearers of the idea of ​​​​the departed, international statehood, became a hindrance.

In the Baltics, Russians were lowered to the status of non-citizens, in Kazakhstan they are squeezed out of their posts by all means, provoking them to leave for Russia, and it’s also good that they were not killed, as in Dudayev’s Chechnya or Kyrgyzstan. As they say, thank you for being alive.

Unusual adventures of a Kazakhstani in Russia

Gennady Osipov, a former resident of Kazakhstan, now a refugee in Russia, went through all the circles of this hell, faced with arbitrariness as an employee of the local district administration. There he was responsible for the housing and communal services sector, where he quickly put things in order, which did not fit in with the plans of the local leadership, who knew how to profit from the mess. Osipov began to be persecuted, he searched for the truth everywhere, ran for deputies, he was filmed, started and closed custom-made criminal cases, in a word, they beat him from all calibers. Osipov turned out to be a staunch fighter and reached Nazarbayev himself. He ordered to cancel the persecution, but after a while they started again. There was only one way out: a suitcase, a railway station, Russia. The Russians have been following this bitter path of the Exodus since 1991. And there is no end in sight.

Here are fragments of Osipov's correspondence with Russian organizations where he turned for help in asserting his rights. The correspondence is so eloquent that it is worth simply quoting it without any comments. Texts speak better. It reads like a detective novel in letters.

1. Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Consular Section.

Gennady Dmitrievich, in accordance with the appeal, we inform you that in Russia for citizens former USSR there is no concept of political asylum. Entry into the territory of the Russian Federation is free and visa-free. You can freely leave Kazakhstan for the Russian Federation. Head of the Consular Department of the Russian Embassy in Kazakhstan D. Ignatiev.

2. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. G.D. Osipov. Dear Gennady Dmitrievich! In connection with your appeal on the issue of violation of your labor and other rights, I sent a deputy request to the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation G.B. Karasin, who oversees issues of bilateral relations with the CIS states and work with compatriots abroad to consider this appeal on the merits. You will be informed about the results later. Sincerely, P.O. Tolstoy.

3. Fund for the support and protection of the rights of compatriots living abroad. Dear Gennady Dmitrievich! According to the Charter, the fund provides legal support to compatriots living abroad in case of violation of their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. ... It is not clear from the information you provided which rights you consider violated. We believe that the solution of the issues raised by you is completely within the legal field of Kazakhstan. In this regard, we see no grounds for the involvement of our Fund. Executive Director I.K. Panevkin.

4. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Dear Gennady Dmitrievich! In connection with your appeal addressed to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, we inform you the following: The refusal received by you in court does not objectively give grounds to assert with certainty that ethnic Russians are discriminated against in Kazakhstan. Relations between Russia and Kazakhstan are based on a solid foundation of strategic partnership and close cooperation, secured by the Treaty of Good Neighborliness and Alliance signed in 2013... At the same time, if you have specific factual information about the infringement of the rights of Russians living in Kazakhstan, please send it to us. Deputy Director of the Third Department of the CIS countries V. Spirichan.

5. Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation. Osipov G.D. Dear Gennady Dmitrievich! Your next appeal to the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation has been studied. ... The Commissioner's competence does not extend to foreign citizens. ... You have the citizenship of Kazakhstan. Thus, the Commissioner is deprived of any grounds for interference. Based on this, further correspondence with you will be terminated.

6. State Duma of the Russian Federation, Communist Party faction. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev. Copy: G.D. Osipov. Dear Nursultan Abishevich! GD Osipov from Pavlodar, the Republic of Kazakhstan applied to the faction. Russian by nationality, he lived in your republic for many years, but at present he was fired from the state service (he reports that he worked as the head of the communal property of Pavlodar). He asks to help him recover at work or move to the border region of Kazakhstan with the Russian Federation and help him find a job in his specialty. I am sending you an appeal from Osipov G.D. I ask you, if possible, to help him recover in the service or help him find a job in another place in his specialty. Head of the faction G.A. Zyuganov.

7. Dear Gennady Dmitrievich! We have received your submissions. It clearly follows from them that Kazakh justice has a clear selective character. Your story confirms numerous facts of discrimination against Russians on the basis of nationality. These facts are known to us, and a member of our Institute has encountered them as well. (The following are the coordinates of the Kazakh Center legal assistance Nadezhda, whose lawyers help Russian compatriots - ed. mine, A.Kh). Your example, of course, will be taken into account when analyzing the situation of Russians in Kazakhstan. Legal Center of the Institute of the CIS Countries, Dokuchaeva A.V.

Russia is a giant, ashamed of its greatness

The whole range of reactions to the problem is before us. Regularity - the further the organization is from real opportunities to help, the more adequate its reaction (Institute of the CIS countries). The closer an organization is to international or legal relations, the pace of the more effort she puts into avoiding solving the problem. The main desire is not to get involved in a conflict. The main remedy is by no means to acknowledge the existence of the problem itself. This is followed by a filigree game of passing, when the complaint is sent to someone else, and frank annoyance and even hostility towards the complainant is clearly read.

What can be said here? Yes, Russia has lost many, although not all, levers of influence on the former Soviet republics, and they sometimes allow themselves boorish antics towards both Russia and the Russians living in these republics. And Russia, in order not to aggravate the already difficult relations, seeks to avoid any conflict topics. And these topics are supplied in abundance by Russian communities in the former republics, where Russians have turned from an imperial nation into second-class citizens. Lacking the means to bring the republics into unions, but desperate for these unions, Russia is trying not to clash with the leadership of Kazakhstan. The attitude towards other republics is similar.

Just as interests in the field of exporting oil products through the Baltic states at one time did not allow interfering with the arbitrariness of local authorities against the Russians, now the interests of the unity of the EAEU do not allow this in Kazakhstan. If such a thing was not practiced against a NATO member, what can we say about an ally in the EAEU? Even now, when Kazakhstan is already openly putting US interests ahead of those allied with Russia, saying that it will immediately withdraw from the EEU if it believes that Russia is trying to limit their sovereignty, Russia prefers not to overreact and smooth things over.

This says one thing so far: Russia is too weak and too in need of alliances on its Asian borders. After the collapse of the USSR, she cannot afford disputes with those whom she considers key partners. Any pressure on Kazakhstan regarding the interests of the Russians will immediately cause an extremely irritated reaction with far-reaching consequences - a transfer of power is being prepared in Kazakhstan and the pro-American clans are strong enough, for whom the dispute over the Russians will be a gift for inflating the topic of Russian interference in the internal affairs of Kazakhstan. Because the Russian Foreign Ministry shied away from this topic like the plague.

It only means that in Russia there is no adequate institution capable of solving the problem of Russians in the near abroad in general and in Kazakhstan in particular. Yes, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not the authority that should be involved in a conflict topic if the task of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to search for points of contact and building bridges, and not points of divergence and conflict. The situation when the interests of Russians abroad are most adequately understood by... the Research Institute of the CIS Countries is also not normal. The Institute understands everything correctly, only it cannot do anything. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can do the most, but then it will be engaged in destruction international relations and not their adjustment.

It requires other institutions of civil society. They have not yet been created in Russia. So far, there is not even an idea what it should be and how it should be arranged. Obviously, this should be some kind of public organization with a federal platform, around which there will be business structures, cultural organizations, political parties, which without the support of this structure will find it more difficult to win elections. Most likely, it must be powerful non-profit organization in the form of a foundation with research and policy units.

But powerful NGOs mean powerful money, and Russia is not yet in a position to shape the internal situation in the countries of interest to it through strong NGOs. Even with friendly Belarus, there are no levers of work except for the ambassador. Ukraine has already been lost because of this. Belarus is teetering on a dangerous edge. It is clear that it is not advisable to open another line of confrontation with Kazakhstan.

But this is a chicken-and-egg argument. That without what does not happen - money without influence or influence without money. We can say: we will get rich - then we will start building NGOs. And you can say this: if you don’t start building NGOs, you will never get rich. You will lose even those who are still friends today. If you wait for money and do not build institutions of influence, there will never be either influence or money. Russians abroad are a colossal resource, but due to the fact that they are not in demand in Russia, there are no institutions to support and use this resource.

This is for those cynics who look at everything in the world as a resource. And if you understand that our people are there, our people and our brothers, whom we have already lost in many ways and continue to lose, then there is no reason to postpone this work at all. One can definitely say that the seriousness of Russia's intentions in building alliances in the post-Soviet space is determined not by the degree of hushing up of the problem of Russians, but, on the contrary, by the maximum use of this topic in the matter of a new gathering of lands.

The new union must have a supranational - international - idea, and only Russians can carry this idea - the only state-forming people capable of global state building on the basis of a global idea. All other narrow national projects eventually lead to the loss of sovereignty in front of the global centers of power.

The world every year goes further along the path of globalization and integration. Ties within economic and political unions are growing stronger, new interstate associations are emerging. One such organization is the Eurasian economic union(EAEU). Let's learn more about the work of this regional association.

The essence of the EAEU

What is the Eurasian Economic Union? This is an international association aimed at the economic integration of a number of countries located in Europe and Asia. Currently, it includes only a number of states of the former Soviet Union, but this does not mean that, theoretically, the EAEU cannot expand beyond the borders of the pre-existing USSR.

It should be noted that the members of the Eurasian Economic Union are expanding cooperation among themselves not only in economic terms, but also in political and cultural aspects.

Organization goals

The main goal set by the Eurasian Economic Union is to deepen economic interaction between its member countries. This finds expression in local tasks, such as stimulating trade between countries, removing customs and tax restrictions on trade, developing cooperation and developing common economic projects. The result of deepening cooperation should be the growth of the economies of the participating countries and an increase in the standard of living of their citizens.

The main tool for achieving the strategic goal is to ensure free trade, which is expressed in the unhindered movement of commodity values, capital, labor and other resources within the borders of the EAEU.

Background of creation

Let's find out how such an organization as the Eurasian Economic Union was formed.

The creation of the CIS marked the beginning of the reintegration of states in the expanses of the former USSR. The agreement on the formation of this formation in December 1991 was signed between the heads of the RSFSR, Belarus and Ukraine. Later, until 1994 inclusive, all Soviet republics joined it, except for the Baltic countries. True, Turkmenistan takes part in the organization as an association, the Parliament of Ukraine has not ratified the agreement, therefore, although the country is the founder and member of the association, it is not legally a member, and Georgia left the CIS in 2008.

At the same time, during their work, the Commonwealth institutions have shown their low efficiency. The decisions of the CIS bodies were in fact not binding on its members and were often not implemented, and the economic effect of cooperation was minimal. This made the governments of some countries in the region think about creating more effective systems of interaction.

A statement about the need to create a closer union than the CIS, which would imply systemic integration of the economies of the participating countries, as well as a common defense policy, was made by the President of Kazakhstan. By analogy with European Union he named the hypothetical organization the Eurasian Union. As you can see, the name stuck and in the future was used to create a new economic structure.

The next step towards mutual integration was the signing in 1996 between the leaders of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan of the Agreement on Deepening Integration. Its action covered both the economic and humanitarian spheres.

EurAsEC - the predecessor of the EAEU

In 2001, the integration aspirations of the above countries, as well as Tajikistan that joined them, found expression in the creation of a full-fledged international organization - the Eurasian Economic Community. In 2006, Uzbekistan became a member of the EurAsEC, but after only two years, it suspended its participation in the organization. Observer status was given to Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia.

The purpose of this organization was to deepen economic cooperation in the region, as well as the implementation of some tasks that the CIS could not cope with. It was a natural continuation of those integration processes that were launched by the 1996 agreement, and the Eurasian Economic Union was the result of common efforts.

Organization of the Customs Union

One of the main tasks of the EurAsEC was the organization Customs Union. It provided for a single customs territory. That is, within the boundaries of this interstate association, when moving goods, customs duties were not levied.

The agreement on the formation of the Customs Union between representatives of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus was signed back in 2007. But before the organization could begin to function fully, each of the participating countries had to make appropriate changes to domestic legislation.

TC started its activity in January 2010. First of all, this was expressed in the formation of identical customs tariffs. In July, the Unified Customs Code came into force. It served as the foundation on which the entire TS system rests. Thus, the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union was formed, which is still in force today.

In 2011, a common customs territory began to function, which meant the abolition of all customs restrictions between the CU countries.

During 2014-2015, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia also joined the Customs Union. Representatives of the government structures of Tunisia and Syria expressed their wish for their countries to join the CU organization in the future.

The Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union, in fact, are components of the same regional integration process.

Formation of the EAEU

The Eurasian Economic Union is the final result of the integration aspirations of a number of countries of the former Soviet Union. The decision to create this organization was made at the summit of the heads of the EurAsEC members back in 2010. Since 2012, the Common Economic Space began to function, on the basis of which the formation of the EAEU was planned.

In May 2014, an agreement on the establishment of this organization was agreed between the heads of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus. In fact, it came into force at the beginning of 2015. In connection with this fact, the EurAsEC was liquidated.

Participating countries

Initially, the founding countries of the EurAsEC organization were the states that were most interested in economic integration in the region. These are Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia. Later they were joined by Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

Thus, at the moment, the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union are represented by five countries.


The single Eurasian Economic Union is not a structure with immutable borders. Hypothetically, any country that meets the requirements of the organization can become a member. So, in January 2015, Armenia became a member of the union, and in August Kyrgyzstan joined the organization.

The most likely contender for joining the community is Tajikistan. Given country closely cooperates with the EAEU states within the framework of other regional organizations and does not remain aloof from integration processes. Tajikistan is a member of the CIS, the Collective Defense Organization of the CSTO, at one time was a full member of the EurAsEC community, which ceased to exist after the start of the functioning of the EAEU. In 2014, the President of Tajikistan announced the need to study the issue of the possibility of the country joining the EAEU.

In 2012-2013, negotiations were held on a possible future entry into the organization of Ukraine, since regional cooperation without this country, according to experts, could not give the maximum effect. But the political elite of the state was determined to integrate in the European direction. After the overthrow of the Yanukovych government in 2014, the likelihood of Ukraine joining the EAEU can only be real in the long term.

Governing bodies

Members of the Eurasian Economic Union formed the governing bodies of this international organization.

Higher Eurasian economic council- the governing body of the EAEU of the highest degree. It includes heads representing the states of the Eurasian Economic Union. This body decides all the most important issues of a strategic nature. He holds a meeting once a year. Decisions are taken exclusively by unanimity. The countries of the Eurasian Economic Union are obliged to comply with all resolutions of the Supreme Council of the EAEU.

Naturally, a body that meets once a year cannot fully ensure the continuous functioning of the entire organization. For these purposes, a commission of the Eurasian Economic Union (Eurasian Economic Commission) was created. The tasks of this structure include the preparation and implementation of specific integration measures, which are provided for by the general development strategy developed by the Supreme Council. At the moment, the Commission employs 1,071 people who have received the status of international employees.

The Board is the executive body of the commission. It consists of fourteen people. In fact, each of them is an analogue of ministers in national governments and is responsible for a specific area of ​​activity: the economy, energy, customs cooperation, trade, etc.

Economic interaction

The main goal of creating the EAEU is to deepen economic integration between the countries of the region. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the tasks of the organization, the economy is in the first place.

Within the boundaries of the organization, the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union, adopted back in 2010, before the start of the functioning of the EAEU, operates. It provides for the free movement of goods without customs control on the territory of all countries of the organization.

The use of economic instruments provided for by the EAEU development concept is designed to reduce the cost of goods that cross the border due to the absence of a customs margin on them; increase competition, which should cause an increase in product quality; bring tax legislation in all countries to a common denominator; increase the GDP of the members of the organization and the well-being of their citizens.


At the same time, there are many critical reviews of the work of the EAEU among economic analysts. Moreover, they are available as ardent opponents of existence similar organization and its moderate supporters.

Thus, the fact that the project was actually launched before all the nuances of its mechanisms were worked out and agreements were reached on the prospects of the EAEU was criticized. It is also noted that in fact the union pursues not so much economic goals as political ones, and in economic terms it is not beneficial for all its members, including Russia.


At the same time, the prospects for the EAEU, given the right choice of economic course and the coordination of actions between the participants, look pretty good. A significant economic effect is noticeable even under the conditions of sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries. In the future, it is planned that the effect of participation in the EAEU will be expressed in a 25 percent increase in GDP for all its participants.

In addition, there is a possibility of further expansion of the organization. Many countries of the world are interested in cooperation with the EAEU without joining the union. For example, a free trade zone will soon start operating between the community and Vietnam. Interest in establishing such relations was also expressed by the governments of Iran, China, India, Egypt, Pakistan and a number of other states.


It is still too early to talk about how successful the implementation of the EAEU was, because the organization has been functioning for a little over a year. At the same time, certain intermediate results can be summed up right now.

It is even a great achievement that the organization really works, and is not just a structure created just for show. This is especially significant in the context of international economic sanctions against the country, which, in fact, is the cementing basis of the union - Russia.

At the same time, despite many positive aspects, it should be noted that the EAEU still does not function as clearly as it would be desirable for those who saw the future of this organization only in a rainbow color. There are many disagreements both at the level of the top management of the participating countries, and in terms of agreeing on small details, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of economic returns. this project generally.

But let's hope that the shortcomings will be resolved over time, and the EAEU will turn into a clear mechanism that works effectively for the benefit of all its members.

Among the largest modern international associations is the Eurasian one. Formally, it was established in 2014, but by the time the agreement on its creation was signed, the EAEU member states already had considerable experience of interaction in the mode of active economic integration. What are the specifics of the EAEU? What is it - economic or political association?

General information about the organization

Let's start the study of the question posed by considering the key facts about the relevant organization. What are the most noteworthy facts about the EAEU? What is this structure?

The Eurasian Economic Union, or EAEU, is an association within the framework of international economic cooperation of several states of the Eurasian region - Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Armenia. Other countries are expected to join this association, since the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is an open structure. The main thing is that candidates for joining the association share the goals of this organization and show readiness to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the relevant agreements. The creation of the structure was preceded by the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Community, as well as the Customs Union (which continues to function as one of the structures of the EAEU).

How did the idea of ​​forming the EAEU come about?

As evidenced by a number of sources, the state that was the first to initiate the processes of economic integration in the post-Soviet space, which grew into the establishment of the EAEU, is Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev expressed the relevant idea at a speech at Moscow State University in 1994. Subsequently, the concept was supported by other former Soviet republics - Russia, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

The main advantage of being a state member of the Eurasian Economic Union is the freedom of economic activity of entities registered in it on the territory of all member countries of the union. It is expected that on the basis of the institutions of the EAEU a single trading space will soon be formed, characterized by common standards and norms for doing business.

Is there a place for political interaction?

So, what is the EAEU, an exclusively economic structure, or an association, which, perhaps, will be characterized by a political component of integration? At the moment and in the near future, as evidenced by various sources, it would be more correct to speak of the first interpretation of the essence of the association. That is, the political aspect is excluded. Countries will integrate in pursuit of economic interests.

There is evidence of initiatives regarding the creation of some supranational parliamentary structures in within the EAEU. But the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, as evidenced by a number of sources, do not consider the possibility of their participation in building their respective countries. They want to maintain full sovereignty, agreeing only to economic integration.

At the same time, for many experts and laymen it is obvious how close political relations countries that are members of the EAEU. The composition of this structure is formed by the closest allies who do not have publicly expressed fundamental disagreements about the difficult situation on the world stage. This allows some analysts to conclude that economic integration within the association under consideration would be very difficult if there were significant political differences between the member countries of the association.

History of the EAEU

A better understanding of the specifics of the EAEU (what kind of organization it is) will help us to study some facts from the history of the association. In 1995, the heads of several states - Belarus, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, a little later - Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, formalized agreements establishing the Customs Union. On their basis, the Eurasian Economic Community, or EurAsEC, was established in 2000. In 2010, a new association appeared - the Customs Union. In 2012, the Common Economic Space was opened - first with the participation of the states that are members of the CU, then - Armenia and Kyrgyzstan joined the structure.

In 2014, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus signed an agreement on the creation of the EAEU. Later, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan joined it. The provisions of the relevant document came into force in 2015. The Customs Union of the EAEU continues, as we noted above, to function. It includes the same countries as the EAEU.

progressive development

Thus, the member states of the EAEU - the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan - began to interact long before the corresponding association was established in modern form. According to a number of analysts, the Eurasian Economic Union is an example of an international organization with a progressive, systematic development of integration processes, which can predetermine the significant stability of the corresponding structure.

Stages of development of the EAEU

Several stages in the development of the Eurasian Economic Union have been identified. The first is the establishment of a free trade zone, the development of norms according to which trade between the EAEU member countries can be carried out without duties. At the same time, each state retains independence in terms of conducting trade with third countries.

The next stage in the development of the EAEU is the formation of the Customs Union, which implies the formation of an economic space within which the movement of goods will be carried out without hindrance. At the same time, the rules of foreign trade common to all countries participating in the association should also be determined.

The most important stage in the development of the union is the formation of a single market. It is expected that it will be created within the framework of which it will be possible to freely exchange not only goods, but also services, capital and personnel - between the member states of the association.

The next stage is the formation of an economic union, the participants of which will be able to coordinate the priorities of the implementation of economic policy among themselves.

After the listed tasks are solved, it remains to achieve full economic integration of the states included in the association. This implies the creation of a supranational structure that will determine priorities in building economic and social policies in all countries that are members of the union.

Advantages of the EAEU

Let's take a closer look at the key benefits that members of the EAEU receive. We noted above that among the key ones is the freedom of economic activity of economic entities that are registered in any state of the union throughout the territory of the EAEU. But this is far from the only advantage of the entry of the state into the organization we are studying.

Members of the EAEU will have the opportunity to:

Take advantage of low prices for many goods, as well as lower costs associated with the transportation of goods;

Develop markets more dynamically by increasing competition;

Increase labor productivity;

To increase the volume of the economy by increasing the demand for manufactured goods;

Provide employment for citizens.

Prospects for GDP Growth

Even for such economically powerful players as Russia, the EAEU is the most important factor in economic growth. Russia's GDP, according to some economists, can, thanks to the country's entry into the association under consideration, receive a very powerful growth stimulus. Other EAEU member countries — Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus — can achieve impressive GDP growth rates.

Social aspect of integration

Apart from the positive economic effect, the EAEU member countries are expected to integrate into social aspect. International business activities, according to many experts, will help establish partnerships and stimulate the strengthening of friendship between nations. Integration processes are facilitated by the common Soviet past of the peoples living in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. The cultural and, which is very important, the linguistic proximity of the EAEU states is obvious. The composition of the organization is formed by countries in which the Russian language is familiar to most of the population. Thus, many factors can contribute to the successful solution of the tasks facing the heads of state of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Supranational structures

The Treaty on the EAEU has been signed, it is up to its implementation. Among the most important tasks in the framework of the development of the Eurasian Economic Union is the creation of a number of supranational institutions whose activities will be aimed at promoting integration economic processes. According to a number of public sources, the formation of some basic institutions of the EAEU is expected. What structures can these be?

First of all, these are various commissions:


Raw materials (she will be engaged in setting prices, as well as quotas for goods and fuel, coordinating the policy in the sphere of circulation of precious metals);

For interstate financial and industrial associations and enterprises;

By entering the currency for settlements;

On environmental issues.

It is also planned to create a special Fund, the competence of which is cooperation in the most different areas: in the economy, in the development of science and technology. It is assumed that this organization will deal with the financing of various studies, help the participants in cooperation in solving a wide range of issues - legal, financial or, for example, environmental.

Other major supranational structures of the EAEU that are planned to be created are the International Investment Bank, as well as arbitration of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Among the successfully created associations that are part of the management structure of the EAEU, we will study the features of its activities in more detail.

Eurasian Economic Commission

It can be noted that the EEC was established in 2011, that is, even before the agreement on the creation of the EAEU was signed. It was founded by Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. Initially, this organization was created to manage processes at the level of such a structure as the Customs Union. The EAEU is a structure in the development of which the Commission is called upon to directly participate now.

The EEC has established a council and a collegium. The first structure should include deputy heads of governments of the member states of the association. The collegium should consist of three people from the member countries of the EAEU. The Commission provides for the creation of separate departments.

The Eurasian Economic Commission is the most important, but not the most important, supranational governing body of the EAEU. It is subordinate to the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council. Consider the key facts about him.

This structure, like the Eurasian Economic Commission, was created a few years before the states signed the agreement on the creation of the EAEU. Thus, long time it was considered a supranational body in the structure of the Customs Union, as well as the Common Economic Space. The Council is formed by the heads of the EAEU member states. It must meet at least once a year at regular intervals. highest level. The heads of government of the participating countries of the association must meet at least 2 times a year. A feature of the functioning of the Council is that decisions are made in the format of consensus. The approved provisions are mandatory for implementation in the EAEU member countries.

Prospects for the EAEU

How do analysts assess the prospects for the development of the EAEU? Above, we noted that some experts believe: simultaneously with economic integration political rapprochement of the states-participants of association is inevitable. There are experts who share this point of view. There are experts who completely disagree with her. The main argument of those analysts who see the prospects for the politicization of the EAEU is that Russia, as the leading economic player in the association, will in one way or another influence the decisions made by the authorities of the EAEU member states. Opponents of this point of view believe that, on the contrary, it is not in the interests of the Russian Federation to show excessive interest in the politicization of the corresponding international association.

Provided that a balance is maintained between the economic and political components in the EAEU, the prospects for the union, based on a number of objective indicators, are assessed by many analysts as very positive. Thus, the total GDP of the member states of the structure under consideration will be comparable with the indicators of the world's leading economies. Taking into account the scientific and resource potential of the EAEU, the volume of economic systems of the member countries of the union can grow significantly in the future.

Worldwide collaboration

According to a number of analysts, the prospects for cooperation with the EAEU are attractive for countries that seem to be far from the economic space formed by the countries that signed the EAEU treaty - Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Armenia. For example, Vietnam recently signed a free trade agreement with the EAEU.

Syria and Egypt show interest in cooperation. This gives analysts a reason to say that the Eurasian Economic Union can become the most powerful player in the world market.

The Customs Union is an agreement adopted by the members of the Eurasian Economic Union, the purpose of which is cancellation of customs payments in trade relations. Based on these agreements, common ways of implementing economic activity, a platform for quality assessments and certification.

This achieves abolition of customs control on the borders within the Union, are general provisions regulation of economic activity for the external borders of the CU. In view of this, a common customs space is being created, using a generally accepted approach to the implementation of border controls. One more distinctive feature is the equality of citizens of the customs area during employment.

In 2018, the Customs Union consists of the next members of the EAEU:

  • Republic of Armenia (since 2015);
  • Republic of Belarus (since 2010);
  • Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2010);
  • Kyrgyz Republic (since 2015);
  • Russian Federation (since 2010).

The desire to become a party to this agreement was voiced by Syria and Tunisia. In addition, it is known about the proposal to include Turkey in the CU agreement. However, no specific procedures have been adopted so far for the entry of these states into the ranks of the Union.

It is clearly seen that the functioning of the Customs Union is a good help to strengthen economic relations countries located on the territory of the former Soviet countries. It can also be said that the approach established in the agreement by the participating countries speaks of restoration of lost ties in modern conditions.

Customs duties are distributed using a single shared distribution mechanism.

Given this information, it can be stated that the Customs Union, as we know it today, serves serious tool for economic association countries that are members of the EAEU.

To understand what the activities of the Customs Union are, it will not be superfluous to get an understanding of how it was formed to its current state.

The emergence of the Customs Union was initially presented as one of the steps in the integration of the CIS countries. This was evidenced in the agreement on the establishment of an economic union, signed on September 24, 1993.

Step by step moving towards this goal, in 1995, two states (Russia and Belarus) concluded an agreement between themselves on the establishment of the Customs Union. Later, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan also entered this group.

More than 10 years later, in 2007, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia signed a pact to unite their territories into a single customs region and establish the Customs Union.

In order to specify the previously concluded agreements, from 2009 to 2010 more than 40 additional agreements were concluded. Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan decided that, starting from 2012, a Common Market due to the unification of countries into a single economic space.

On July 1, 2010, another important agreement was concluded, which launched the work of the Customs Code.

On July 1, 2011, the current customs control at the borders between the countries was canceled and general rules on the borders with states that are not in agreement. Until 2013, uniform legislative norms for the parties to the agreement are being formed.

2014 - The Republic of Armenia is a member of the Customs Union. 2015 - The Republic of Kyrgyzstan is a member of the Customs Union.

On January 1, 2018, a new unified Customs Code of the EAEU. It was created to automate and simplify a number of customs processes.

Territory and administration

The unification of the borders of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan has become the basis for the emergence of the Common Customs Space. This is how the territory of the Customs Union was formed. In addition, it includes certain territories or objects under the jurisdiction of the parties to the agreement.

The limit of the territory is the border of the Customs Union with third-party states. Moreover, the existence of a border at separate territories located under the jurisdiction of the Member States of the Union.

The Eurasian Economic Union is managed and coordinated by two bodies:

  1. Interstate Councilsupreme body supranational nature, consists of heads of state and heads of government of the Customs Union.
  2. Commission of the Customs Union- an agency that deals with issues related to the formation of customs rules and regulates foreign trade policy.

Directions and conditions

By creating the Customs Union, the countries proclaimed main goal social and economic progress. In the future, this implies an increase in trade and services that are produced by economic entities.

The increase in sales was originally expected directly in the space of the vehicle itself due to following conditions:

  1. The abolition of customs procedures within the Union, which was supposed to make products manufactured within the framework of a single space more attractive, due to.
  2. Increasing trade through the abolition of customs control on internal borders.
  3. Adoption of uniform requirements and integration of security standards.

Achievement of goals and perspectives

Having collected the available information about the emergence and activities of the Customs Union, we can conclude that the results of increasing the turnover of goods and services are published much less frequently than let's say the news about the signing of new agreements, i.e. its declarative part.

But, nevertheless, analyzing the stated goals during the creation of the CU, as well as observing their implementation, one cannot remain silent that the simplification of trade has been achieved, improved competitive conditions from economic entities of the CU states.

It follows from this that the Customs Union is on the way to achieving its goals, however, in addition to time, this requires the mutual interest of both the states themselves and economic elements within the Union.

The customs union is made up of countries that have the same economic past, but today these states are very different from each other. Of course, and in Soviet time The republics differed in their specialization, but after gaining independence, there were still a lot of changes that affect the world market and the division of labor.

However, there are also common interests. For example, many participating countries remain dependent on the Russian market. This trend is economic and geopolitical in nature.

All through the time leading positions in the process of integration and stabilization of the EAEU and the Customs Union played the Russian Federation. This was possible thanks to its stable economic growth until 2014, when commodity prices remained high, which helped to finance the processes launched by the agreements.

Although such a policy did not predict rapid economic growth, it nevertheless assumed the strengthening of Russia's position on the world stage.

The history of relations between the parties to the agreements is similar to a series of compromises that were built on the basis of the role of Russia and the positions of the partner countries. For example, there were repeated statements from Belarus about its priorities: a single economic space with the same prices for oil and gas, admission to public procurement of the Russian Federation.

To achieve these goals, the Republic went to increase tariffs on imported cars in the absence of its own production. Because of these measures, it was necessary to establish product certification rules light industry which hurt the retail industry.

In addition, the standards adopted at the CU level were unified with the WTO model, despite the fact that Belarus is not a member of this organization, unlike Russia. Enterprises of the Republic have not received access to Russia's programs for import substitution.

All this served as obstacles for Belarus on the way to achieve its goals in full.

It should not be overlooked that the signed CU agreements contain various exceptions, clarifications, anti-dumping and countervailing measures that have become an obstacle to achieving common benefits and equal conditions for all countries. AT different time in fact, each party to the agreement expressed disagreement with the terms of the agreements.

Although customs posts at the borders between the parties to the agreement were eliminated, preserved border zones between countries. Sanitary control at internal borders also continued. The absence of trusting relationships in the practice of interaction was revealed. An example of this is the disagreements that flare up from time to time between Russia and Belarus.

To date, it cannot be said that the goals that were declared in the agreement on the creation of the CU have been achieved. This can be seen from the decrease in the turnover of goods within the customs area. There are also no benefits for economic development compared to the time before agreements were signed.

But there are still signs that in the absence of an agreement, the situation would worsen more rapidly. The manifestation of the crisis would have had a larger and deeper character. A significant number of enterprises gain relative benefits by participating in trade relations within the Customs Union.

The methods of distributing customs duties among countries also indicate favorable trends for the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Initially, a large share in the budget of the Russian Federation was supposed.

The agreements signed by the parties benefited the production of cars. Duty-free sale of cars assembled by manufacturers of participating countries has become available. Thus, conditions have been created for the implementation of projects who previously could not be successful.

What is a Customs Union? Details are on the video.

Today, questions about the EAEU, what it is, what power it can contain, are gradually finding their answers. It is obvious that such seemingly stable international organizations, like NATO and the European Union, a cohesive Western world leads to a logical contraction of a similar policy of power in the East. And Russia seeks to become the center of such forces by creating the EAEU, the union is designed to generate not only economic growth, but also political weight.

Inactive CIS

EAEU - what is it? Formally, this is a young international association that personifies the eastern opposition to the western monoliths. However, Eurasian Union by no means a new idea, it was created on the basis of already existing, but proved to be ineffective organizations. In principle, the well-known CIS - the Commonwealth of independent states, which for the most part was an inactive union with very little substance.

The second organization in this area was the Eurasian Economic Community. The idea of ​​its creation was submitted by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in 1994. For five years, the partners have been looking for optimal solutions for the implementation of the new partnership. And in 2000, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan signed a corresponding agreement, according to which the partnership came into force in 2001.

Customs Union

One of the main issues of the EurAsEC was the discussion of the creation of a single customs area. As a result, at the beginning of 2010, the Customs Union began to work within the framework of the EurAsEC. The Union was created with the aim of strengthening trade integration, creating trade duty-free zones, where the exchange of goods would not be accompanied by any economic restrictions. The union included all the states of the EAEU, the formation of which has also been actively discussed ever since.

The implementation of the actions of the unified customs code, which was adopted and ratified by all member states, was not cloudless. The conflict flared up between the Kremlin and Minsk, so much so that Vladimir Putin threatened the Belarusian leader that the union would begin without him. As a result, in April 2011, transport control on the Russian-Belarusian border was canceled. With the preserved border and migration from these countries, it assumes zero and no excise payments. When importing VAT and excises, they go to the tax authorities of the Russian Federation.

The second step is towards a single space

At the end of 2011, the participating countries created Among the main tasks of the commission was, among other things, to further strengthen economic ties as a springboard on which the creation of the EAEU was to unfold.

At the beginning of 2012, it was formed to strengthen the mutual integration of countries. The start of work was marked by 17 agreements ratified by all members of the created space.

This was the last organizational stage, which resulted in the signing of an agreement on the creation of the EAEU on May 29 last year in Astana, the business center of Kazakhstan. On January 1 this year, the union entered into force with the participation of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, a day later the agreement was ratified by Armenia. And only four months later, the accession of Kyrgyzstan took place.

Armenian share

Quite long with joining Russian unions Armenia pulled in the Asian theater. And although the country joined the newborn union on January 2 of this year, until then, for several years, it had been pulling out additional preferences for itself in any talk about joining the same Customs Union and earlier organizations. As a result of the delay tactics, Armenia knocked out a 1.13% share of the customs duties of goods imported into the territory of the union. It should be noted that the country does not have direct borders with any of the members of the Customs Union. In addition, Armenia will switch to uniform for the purchase of goods (mainly agricultural products) only by 2022. For milk, eggs and honey, separate tariffs will be valid until 2020, and for fruits and nuts - until 2019.

Similar exemptions are provided for other types of food products. Until 2018, zero customs duties on gasoline will be applied, a single tariff with the EAEU will be introduced only in 2020. In the same way, it is planned to regulate duties on pharmaceuticals, organic and inorganic products, fertilizers, household chemicals and some others.

Benefits for the new member mainly fell on the largest player in the union - Russia, and, according to some economists, this year it could cost $5.2 billion. It is worth adding that shortly before the official entry of Armenia into the EAEU, the European Union allocated 77.5 million euros.

arrived in the regiment

The last member to date to join the union was Kyrgyzstan, the EAEU will finally accept the new player on May 29, according to the signed documents. The newly elected President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, announced his accession on May 8 this year. In his speech, he noted that all the doubts that had arisen earlier were removed.

Moreover, at the same time, the Kazakh leader also announced the intention that the EAEU countries expressed not so long ago to conclude an agreement on a free trade zone with Vietnam. Turkey, Azerbaijan, India and Mongolia also showed interest in this agreement.

Economic Development Strategy

Though it's been a long road to creation of the EAEU what it is from an economic point of view is still not very clear. Several integration positive moments were declared at once for national economies. In particular, the final cost of goods should be reduced due to the significantly reduced costs of transporting goods within countries, as well as selling them abroad. The economic development of the participating countries should be at the same level, which will ensure "healthy" competition. Meanwhile, how the countries would reach the same level was not explained. In addition, cost savings resulting from the removal of trade restrictions are expected to increase productivity and, as a result, increase wages.

The expanding territory of the EAEU and economic growth will lead to an increase in demand, adherents of the union believe, which, in turn, will stimulate and contribute to an increase in production of all types of goods. And thus, the well-being of the peoples included in the union should only grow every year.

Compromise approaches

Despite the declared tasks, the union nevertheless began its existence with obligations of a lighter form. Thus, a much smaller range of powers was left to the Eurasian Economic Commission and the court, which were supposed to monitor and regulate compliance with the agreements. In case of non-fulfillment of the EEC resolutions, the dispute goes to the judicial plane. However, the decisions made by the court are advisory in nature, and of course the decision on points of contention taken at the level of the Council of State Leaders. Moreover, until 2025, or even for an indefinite period, decisions on the creation of a financial regulator of the EAEU, as well as a single body for managing energy trade, have been postponed.

Control bodies

Within the framework of the EAEU, following the example of the European Union, the relevant administrative bodies were created: the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council and the Eurasian Economic Commission. The composition of the first governing body includes the leaders of the participating countries and the chairmen of the governments of these states. Leaders within the union meet at least once a year, and heads of government meet, as a rule, twice a year. Decisions are made on a democratic basis, they are binding on all members of the union. The powers of the SEEC also include determining the composition and competence of other bodies of the union.

The EEC is a permanent body of the Union. Its powers are defined in the charter of the EAEU and imply the provision of conditions for the successful integration of countries into common economic realities. Also, the competences of the previously existing commission of the Customs Union were transferred to the EEC. Among them are the definition of macroeconomic, energy, monetary, migration policy; resolving issues of tariff regulation and natural monopolies, subsidies and foreign trade, and many others. The budget of the EEC is formed at the expense of contributions from the members of the union.

Western reaction

The organization of a strong eastern alliance, of course, does not smile at all on the countries of the West. Both the European powers and the United States express their fears and disagreement with any attempts at integration in the post-Soviet space, and even more so in the former composition. The question "EAEU - what is it, first of all, with political point vision” at first were asked by almost all antagonist political scientists.

The most categorical dissatisfaction was voiced by the United States, which, after the creation of the Customs Union and on the eve of the agreements on the EAEU, unequivocally designated this as Russia's attempts to take a dominant position in the post-Soviet space. Meanwhile, according to the American political scientist, Russia can become a powerful power and form an eastern policy only if it unites with Ukraine.

Prospects for the single currency

It was created relatively recently, but the most pressing issues remain monetary and financial integration, which involves, in particular, the creation of a single currency that will strengthen single market between all participating countries. Already in March of this year, Vladimir Putin instructed the Central Bank and the lower house of parliament to find a solution to these issues together with the central banks of all countries participating in the union by September 1 this year.

Among the names of the new monetary unit, “altyn” (a term of Turkic origin dating back to the Golden Horde) and “evraz” are discussed, which intersects with the euro. Experts, commenting on the idea of ​​a single currency, note that full-fledged integration is impossible without it. The idea of ​​creating a single Eurasian Central Bank following the example for Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus was also expressed earlier. The documents signed on this issue indicated the year 2025. At the same time, the deteriorating geopolitical situation is likely to push, in particular, Vladimir Putin to accelerate measures, analysts believe.

Political ambitions

As soon as the discussion turned to monetary integration within the EAEU, international experts began to evaluate the union even more clearly from the point of view of an exclusively political plane. Experts argue that accelerating this process with complete distrust of any of the currencies of the participating countries is an extremely risky operation, and the prospects for the EAEU raise big questions in this context. Understanding this, of course, will convince the partners to meet Moscow halfway, but it will also allow them to bargain for a lot of concessions. All countries, analysts say, are ready for joint work only if they can get something in return. These preferences will be covered by the Russian budget. And since the extreme interest in the union is obvious from the Russian side, it may have the weakest position.

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