Annual message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly. Eleven main points of the President's message

The completed Address of Russian President Vladimir Putin to both chambers of the Federal Assembly was a significant result political year and a kind of application for future development. Moreover, as part of the message, the head of state paid much attention to the long-term time horizon of 5-10-15 years, especially in the context economic development in general and its industrial component in particular. Life analyzed the main points of Vladimir Putin’s speech and identified 10 key provisions that determine its character.

1. The development of Russia is possible only with the unity of the people and respect for their dignity and work. The President especially noted the approaching 100th anniversary of two significant Russian revolutions of 1917 - the February and October, calling on them not to repeat the mistakes of the past and to remain a united people, with respect for their traditions and continuous history.

2. The political system of Russia has developed, all measures to reconfigure it and increase efficiency were taken in a timely manner. The past elections to the State Duma this year showed that in all parties, but especially in " United Russia", there is a special responsibility for the trust of citizens.

3. You cannot engage in public vandalism or impose social groups a certain worldview, which primarily concerns cultural figures on the one hand and some representatives of civil society on the other.

4. Russia was able to reverse negative trends in the healthcare sector and overcome the demographic decline, at the end of 2016, the birth rate will be 1.78, which exceeds the level of many developed European countries. There will be 94 operating in the country in 2018 perinatal center, and the mortality rate per 1000 people will drop to a rate of 5.9.

5. The development of education, especially in connection with the course towards building a new economy based on deep penetration of innovation and IT technologies, will require modernization; children's technology parks will develop and increase budget places for technical and natural science specialties.

6. The state will support youth volunteer and environmental projects, as well as NGOs that provide social services, which will have access to budget funding starting next year.

7. The defense sector remains the engine of economic development, whose export share is in the region of $16 billion, and labor productivity increased by 9.8%, which is the result of updating the technological park of equipment and machine tools. The defense industry is actively catching up with agriculture, which from a “bottomless hole” has turned into an extremely profitable industry conquering foreign markets - the export of agricultural products at the end of 2016 came close to the sale of weapons, amounting to $14.5 billion.

8. The moratorium on changes to the tax system within 4 years, introduced in 2014, will be maintained, and starting next year, together with the relevant community and business, the contours of a new tax reform will be outlined, which will come into force on January 1, 2019 and become the long-term basis of tax legislation.

9. The driver of the economy will be information and “end-to-end” technologies, which will give countries that have mastered them strategic advantages, the opportunity to benefit from gigantic technological rents. The Russian IT technology sector practically from scratch in 2010 increased exports to 7 billion in this year, the state will continue to support it, in particular, by extending benefits on insurance payments.

10. Russia will pursue a peaceful and consistent policy in the field of compliance international law- but will not allow anyone to talk to him in a mentoring tone, in the style of teachings. Russia will develop a strategic partnership with China and India, and also hopes that with the advent of the new American administration, cooperation with the United States will be established on issues of combating terrorism, maintaining the nonproliferation regime and global stability.

Life conducted a full text broadcast of the most important political event of the outgoing season, which you can familiarize yourself with.

In his thirteenth message to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin emphasized the clearly formulated request of Russian society to the authorities for justice, respect for people and support for civil initiatives. The implementation of these principles requires specific measures, and the President elaborated on each of them.

Vladimir Putin immediately outlined the main topics of the message - economics, social issues and domestic policy. ABOUT foreign policy the president succinctly mentioned at the very end of his speech.

The president began with a seemingly abstract topic, which, nevertheless, set the tone for all the other theses he expressed:

“Any injustice or untruth is perceived very sharply. This is generally a feature of our culture. Society decisively rejects arrogance, rudeness, arrogance and selfishness, no matter who all this comes from, and increasingly values ​​such qualities as responsibility, high morality, concern for public interest, willingness to hear others and respect their opinions.”

Based on these principles – justice, respect and willingness to listen to others, the head of state called on those gathered to build the country’s policy and interact with citizens.

Traditionally, the president quickly moved from the general to the specific, and his speech, which this time lasted 68 minutes, can be divided into the following theses, on the basis of which the political, economic and social development Russia for the coming year.

1. Increased role State Duma and strengthening of legislative power, as well as the development of institutions of direct democracy. Putin stressed that United Russia, the party he created and supported, has a constitutional majority this time and “is the main support of the government in parliament.” It is significant that many of the theses later voiced by the president previously appeared as promises in the election program of United Russia. It is unlikely that everyone who voted for the party on September 19 carefully read this voluminous document, but in fact the goals and objectives stated by the president are the fulfillment of the orders of that part of the citizens, on the basis of whose wishes the program of the party in power was drawn up.

2. Free thinking and inadmissibility of censorship based on respect for other people's opinions. The President addressed both parts of society - the “creators” who believe that there are no boundaries for self-expression, and the “guardians” who for some reason are sure that their strict artistic taste can serve as an excuse for destroying works of art or disrupting performances.

On the one hand, “this does not mean that, juggling in beautiful words and, hiding behind arguments about freedom, someone can offend the feelings of other people and national traditions" On the other hand, the president considers “a counter aggressive reaction unacceptable, especially if it results in vandalism and violation of the law. The state will react harshly to such facts.”

And once again - for those who did not understand the first time: “Both in culture, and in politics, in means mass media, and in public life, in the controversy over economic issues no one can prohibit free thinking and openly expressing one’s position.”

3. The anniversary of revolutions is a reason for unification, not division. People all over the world love beautiful dates, and Russia is no exception. Collapse Russian Empire was caused by a combination of many external and internal factors, but any revolution occurs when one part of society ceases to hear the other, and the authorities are unable to achieve their reconciliation or, worse, they themselves remain extremely far from the current agenda.

Therefore, as the president noted, “it is unacceptable to drag splits, anger, grievances and bitterness of the past into our lives today, in our own political and other interests to speculate on the tragedies that affected almost every family in Russia, no matter what side of the barricades our ancestors found themselves on then.” " “Let’s remember, we are one people, we are one people, and we have one Russia,” he emphasized.

Any historical discussion should be conducted on the basis of this axiom; attempts to “finish the war” and impose one’s opinion on the events of a hundred years ago as the only correct one are unacceptable.

4. Saving the nation. These are primarily fertility and medicine. If everything is more or less good with our birth rate, the figures are higher than the European average, and infant mortality is steadily decreasing, then with medicine in general it is not so good yet. Putin focused on one important achievement - the number of people who received high-tech medical care has increased 15 times over 11 years - from 60,000 people to 900,000. But problems remain in primary care - a lack of qualified specialists, queues, insufficient information technology. To solve these problems, specific actions will be taken, in particular regular retraining and connection to high-speed Internet all hospitals and clinics, which will allow for more active development of telemedicine. Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov was named personally responsible for the internetization of medicine.

5. High-quality secondary education. This topic, like the previous one, was actively studied during the campaign for the State Duma, so the president dwelled on it in detail. Elimination of the third and then second shifts, the development of children's technology parks, the formation of support centers for gifted students in the regions, as well as extracurricular projects in the theater, cinema, television, museums and the Internet. The main tasks of schools and teachers are “to provide knowledge and educate a moral person,” the fundamental principle is “every child and teenager is gifted, discovering his talents is our task.” That is, respect should extend not only to adults, but also to children.

6. "Atmosphere of common affairs." Perhaps never before has a head of state paid so much attention to volunteering and non-profit organizations. Federal and regional authorities are tasked not only with not interfering with civil initiatives, but with supporting them. “I want both governors and municipal authorities to hear me. “I ask you, as they say, not to be greedy, not to give preference exclusively to state-owned structures out of habit, out of practice, but to involve non-profit organizations in the execution of social services to the maximum,” the president addressed the officials. Already at the beginning of next year it will become clear whether they heard, or, as in the case of “academic officials,” the slow-witted ones will have to part with their chairs. But support for civil initiatives by the president personally is a serious argument for NGO workers when communicating with officials different levels. It will be more difficult to “brush it off.”

7. Improvement for the sake of people, not for the sake of improvement. Speaking on this topic, the president mentioned the ONF for the first time in his speech, calling on “front-line soldiers” to organize “effective control, and with its help, achieve concrete results” in the course of disbursing 20 billion rubles, which will be sent to the regions for improvement. The President also called on both the ONF and civil society in general, get involved in solving “such problems as improving environmental legislation, preserving rare species animals and plants, creation of a humane system for the treatment of stray animals.” Declared the Year of Ecology, 2017 should not be a formal event, but an opportunity to make our cities and towns more comfortable for life - to eliminate landfills, tidy up rivers and lakes.

In the same block, Putin spoke about large-scale plans to modernize the road network outside Moscow and St. Petersburg - “in two years, at least half of the roads here should be put in order.”

8. Eeconomics – from sustainability to growth. The president dwelled on what allowed the country to survive the current crisis with minimal losses - and what could become drivers of growth - in particular detail, with numbers and details. To put it as briefly as possible, against the backdrop of the constant howls of the opposition “everything is lost, boss,” a powerful agro-industrial complex was created in the country, the income from the export of its products last year exceeded the income from the arms trade, as well as the IT sector. The agro-industrial complex brought in 16.2 billion dollars on the foreign market, the defense industry - 14.5 billion, information Technology– 7 billion

Development will go in the same direction - credit support for farmers, benefits on insurance premiums for IT companies, an increase in the number civilian products, produced by the agro-industrial complex.

The tax system will remain unchanged until the end of 2018, and on January 1, 2019, a new one will go into effect, which should also remain unchanged for many years.

Unscrupulous law enforcement officers will not be allowed to “make a nightmare of business.” Regional banks should be allowed to approach the assessment of small business borrowers less strictly. Also, the state should support self-employed people; accusing them of “illegal entrepreneurship” is unacceptable, the president believes.

9. " The fight against corruption is not a show.” Traditionally noting that the majority of civil servants are honest people, and “neither position, nor high connections, nor past merits can be a cover for dishonest government officials,” Putin criticized investigators who raise “ information noise around so-called high-profile cases.” The President recalled the presumption of innocence and noted that the fight against corruption will only receive public support when it is professional, serious and responsible. That is, again we are talking about respect for people, preventing a serious topic from turning into a farce.

10. Science and high tech- question national security . The President also dwelled on this topic in detail. He indicated main problem, which has remained unchanged for more than a hundred years - “to transform research foundations into successful commercial products.” “By the way, we have always suffered from this, from development to implementation there is a huge time passes“, the president noted. In order to reverse this trend, a wide range of measures has been developed: this includes support for education - engineering, technical and IT, financial support scientific research, including from VEB, the allocation of grants designed for seven years of work, the creation of laboratories, the return of scientists who went abroad. The task is formulated quite clearly and unambiguously: “It is necessary to focus on areas where the powerful technological potential of the future is accumulating, and these are digital and other so-called end-to-end technologies that today determine the appearance of all spheres of life. Countries that can generate them will have a long-term advantage, the opportunity to receive enormous technological rent. Those who do not do this will find themselves in a dependent, vulnerable position.”

All these priorities are included in the “Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of Russia”. The decree approving it was signed.

11. “Security and the opportunity for development are not for a select few, but for all countries and peoples.” Foreign policy became the final topic the president addressed. Here, too, everything is quite clear and unambiguous. Russia has been and remains a peace-loving power, interested in partnership with all countries of the world. As an example, the head of state cited Russian-Chinese cooperation, which is “an example of world order relations built not on the idea of ​​dominance of one country, no matter how strong it may be, but on harmonious consideration of the interests of all states.”

Putin emphasized the inadmissibility of censorship in the global information space, the unacceptability of the concept of “exceptionalism” of any country, and also called on the new US administration to fight “a real, not an imaginary threat - international terrorism” and warned that “attempts to break strategic parity are extremely dangerous and can lead to a global catastrophe.”

The head of state also expressed gratitude to those who are fighting terrorism, both outside and inside Russia.

At the end of the message, the president especially noted that during the crisis, “we did not delve into any trifles of the current day, we did not deal only with the problems of survival, we thought about the development agenda and ensured it - and today it is this agenda that is becoming the main one, coming to the fore "

“The future of the country depends only on us, on the work and talent of all our citizens, on their responsibility and success. And we will definitely achieve the goals set before us, solve the problems of today and tomorrow,” these words concluded Vladimir Putin’s thirteenth presidential message, which is also the first for the new State Duma.

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On December 1, 2016 at 12:00 Moscow time, the annual message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly took place in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. The main presidential event of the year has been held in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation since 1994 - in history modern Russia The Russian leader’s address was the 23rd, and for Vladimir Vladimirovich personally the 13th.



Vladimir Putin began his Address to the Federal Assembly by announcing the key points of his speech, which will relate to the economy, social issues and domestic policy Russia.

“The citizens of Russia have united, and we see this, we must thank them for this. We have united around patriotic values, but not because we are happy with everything and everything suits them. There are enough difficulties and problems,” Putin’s first thesis in his message to the Federal Assembly.

The Russian leader paid utmost attention to the patriotic values ​​that united Russians. Putin emphasized that it is the people of Russia who Once again has convincingly proven that he is capable of responding to all difficult challenges, upholding and defending the national interests, sovereignty and independent course of the Russian Federation.

Health and demographics

The beginning of the address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly was very unexpected - Putin paid utmost attention to health problems. The Russian leader believes that there are breakthroughs in this industry, but we cannot stop there. The President emphasized that the main point of Russia’s policy is to save people, and doctors today have to save newborns in the most difficult conditions.

To improve the healthcare sector in the Russian Federation in 2017, Putin ordered the introduction of mechanisms for sustainable financing of high-tech care. He emphasized that Russians still face queues and a formal and indifferent attitude from doctors. Therefore, starting from 2017, Russia will continue to increase the level of informatization of healthcare in order to make it convenient and simple to make an appointment, as well as simplify documentation - this will free doctors from routine, from filling out a heap of reports and certificates, freeing up more time for direct work with patient.

With the help of modern information technologies, according to Putin, the efficiency of control over the market of vital drugs will also be significantly increased, which will prevent the appearance of counterfeits and counterfeits on the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation, and avoid inflating prices when purchasing medicines for hospitals and clinics.

Putin instructed to connect all Russian hospitals and clinics to high-speed Internet in the next two years - this will allow doctors, even in a remote city or village, to use the capabilities of telemedicine and quickly receive advice from colleagues from regional or federal clinics. The Russian leader emphasized that this task is absolutely realistic and feasible.

Putin on education


Discussing problematic issues Russian healthcare In Putin's address to the Federal Assembly, the topic of education was raised. Vladimir Vladimirovich instructed officials to bring into working order all dilapidated school buildings that are in disrepair, as well as to deal with the second and third shifts in schools. Putin advocated the massive involvement of young people in social sectors, namely education and medicine.

"Everywhere throughout our territory big country children should study in convenient, comfortable, modern conditions, so we will continue the program of reconstruction and renewal of schools. We should not be left with school buildings that are in disrepair, dilapidated condition, and lack basic amenities,” Putin emphasized.

At the same time, the most important thing that worries parents and teachers, the public is, of course, the content of the educational process, to what extent school education meets the two basic tasks that Academician Likhachev spoke about: providing knowledge and educating a moral person.

"At the core Russian system Education should be based on the fundamental principle that every child and teenager is gifted. Schoolchildren must learn to think independently, solve non-standard problems, set goals and achieve them,” Putin said.

Social sphere

The discussion of the social sphere in Putin’s address to the Federal Assembly on December 1, 2016 began with a discussion of volunteer and charitable movements. Putin spoke in favor of development various forms volunteer movement in Russia and called for supporting non-profit organizations.

The Russian leader emphasized the importance of removing all barriers to the development of volunteerism. Putin called for comprehensive assistance to be provided to socially oriented non-profit organizations, adding that since 2017, new opportunities have opened up for non-profit organizations with relevant experience, access to the provision of social services financed from the budget.

“I ask you, as they say, not to be greedy, not to give out of habit, out of established preference, exclusively to government structures, but to involve non-profit organizations in the provision of social services as much as possible,” Putin addressed all governors and representatives of municipal authorities.

Also Russian leader discussed issues of improvement of cities and towns, preservation of historical appearance and creation of a modern living environment. He expressed regret that all these issues are still being resolved behind the scenes, which raises a question in his mind: are officials confident in their proposals for the development of public amenities based only on their own ideas that they receive while sitting in their offices?

In 2017, Putin promised to allocate 20 billion rubles to the regions for improvement programs, including single-industry towns. The Russian leader called on officials to involve residents in making decisions on the use of these resources in order to understand which improvement projects to implement first.


“2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology,” - with this reminder, Putin began to highlight the topic of ecology in his message to the Federal Assembly. He instructed the Government to prepare programs for the conservation of unique natural symbols of Russia, among which he noted the Volga, Baikal and Lake Teletskoye in Altai.

According to the Russian leader, throughout the Russian Federation, first of all, it is necessary to clean up contaminated areas and eliminate landfills into which the surroundings of many populated areas have turned.

In addition, the president noted that large-scale programs to develop the modernization of the road network have already started in Moscow and St. Petersburg. From 2017, similar projects will be launched in other major cities, which are home to about 40 million people. In the next two years in these populated areas According to Putin, at least half of the roads should be put in order.

Special attention in Putin’s address to the Federal Assembly in 2016 was also given to the most important federal highways and the construction of a facility of national importance - Crimean bridge, the construction of which is on schedule.

Putin on the Russian economy

When discussing the Russian economy, Vladimir Putin recalled those serious economic challenges, unfavorable conditions on world markets, and sanctions with which the country from outside “tried to force it to dance to someone else’s tune.” Nevertheless, he is confident that the main reasons for the economic slowdown lie in the country’s internal problems.

First of all, Putin noted the end of the decline in real sector. But he noted that there has been significant growth in Russia industrial production And Agriculture. The President thanked agricultural workers, emphasizing that this industry “feeds the country” - exports of agricultural products in 2016 will generate $16.9 billion, which is more than from the sale of weapons.

The President also said that he is pleased with the growth rate of the IT sector. He believes that the IT industry should become one of the leading industries. Based on this, Putin instructed the government to develop a substantive action plan until 2025 by May 2017 so that Russia would increase its position in global economy, and also proposed extending benefits for IT companies until 2023.


In his 2016 address to the Federal Assembly, Putin also set the task of considering proposals for setting up the tax system, namely, he instructed to adopt all amendments to the Tax Code by 2018. Putin demanded to ensure the stability of the budget system and its independence from hydrocarbon prices.

“The tax system should work for the main goal - stimulating business activity, economic growth and investment,” Putin believes.

Speaking about the situation with small and medium-sized businesses, the president emphasized the need to radically increase the transparency of control and supervisory authorities. He called for a clear definition of the status of self-employed citizens during 2017 in order to allow them to work in peace.

External pressure on Russia
“We are not looking for and never have been looking for enemies, we need friends. We will not allow our interests to be infringed upon, we will develop independently without orders or prompts from the outside. We are committed to dialogue,” Putin said.

Putin stressed that Russia is ready for a serious dialogue on creating a stable system of international relations. Talking about international relations, the President noted that Russia’s active eastern policy is dictated not by opportunistic considerations, but by long-term national interests and global development.

According to Putin, Russia is ready to develop relations with Russia, and also emphasized the importance of partnership with China in all areas. Putin also dwelled briefly on the actions of the Russian military in Syria, saying that the Russian army and navy have proven the possibility of successful work away from permanent places dislocations.


In general, Putin’s message to the Federal Assembly on December 1, 2016 was dedicated to internal affairs countries. Unity, support, help and justice became the key words of the Russian leader during his speech.

Vladimir Putin's message lasted 69 minutes and was interrupted by applause at least 10 times .

“The future of the country depends on us, on all citizens. We will solve the problems of today and tomorrow,” the president concluded his message to the Federal Assembly in 2016.

Moscow. December 1. website - President Vladimir Putin addressed a message to the Federal Assembly on Thursday. The President's speech is a programmatic political and legal document on the directions of development of the Russian Federation in the near future. The full text of the message is available on the president's website. The main tasks and challenges facing the country, as the head of state sees them, are as follows:

The authorities undertake to increase control over the market. The head of state proposed to achieve this with the help of information technology

It is intended to solve the problem of lack of qualifications of medical personnel. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications was instructed to connect to high speed internet all medical institutions in the country

No, the president reminded officials

Fight against corruption. The President drew attention to the fact that high-profile anti-corruption cases are not a reason for information noise: they require “professionalism, seriousness and responsibility”

Noted progress in the demographic situation - the birth rate has increased, infant mortality has fallen

The need for development is noted. In 2017, it is planned to allocate 3.3 billion rubles for the purchase of aviation services

Sectors of the economy called upon the military-industrial complex. According to the president, in 2016 the expected growth rate of production in the defense industry will be 10.1%

Development course political system institutions of direct democracy. Manifestations of freedom should not violate Russian national traditions, but they also cannot be aggressively suppressed

2017 has been declared the year of ecology. The government will have to prepare programs to preserve the natural symbols of Russia, in particular the Volga and Baikal

Publication date:

The main theses of President Putin the message to the Federal Assembly (December 2, 2016)

The President of the Russian Federation formulated a request Russian society to the authorities: justice, respect for people and support for civil initiatives. “Any injustice or untruth is perceived very sharply. This is generally a feature of our culture. Society resolutely rejects arrogance, rudeness, arrogance and selfishness, no matter who all this comes from, and increasingly values ​​such qualities as responsibility, high morality, concern for public interests, willingness to hear others and respect their opinions.”

Based precisely on the principles of justice, respect and willingness to listen to others, the President called on those gathered to build the country’s policy and interact with citizens.

The implementation of these principles requires specific measures, which the President elaborated on, outlining the main themes of the message - the economy, social issues and domestic policy.

1. Increasing the role of the State Duma and strengthening legislative power, as well as developing institutions of direct democracy.

Putin V.V. stressed that United Russia, the party that he created and supported, this time has a constitutional majority, and it “is the main support of the government in parliament.” It is significant that many of the theses later voiced by the president previously appeared as promises in the election program of United Russia. It is unlikely that everyone who voted for the party on September 19 carefully read this voluminous document, but in fact the goals and objectives stated by the president are the fulfillment of the orders of that part of the citizens, on the basis of whose wishes the program of the party in power was drawn up.

2. Free thinking and inadmissibility of censorship based on respect for other people's opinions.

The President addressed both parts of society - the “creators” who believe that there are no boundaries for self-expression, and the “guardians” who for some reason are sure that their strict artistic taste can serve as an excuse for destroying works of art or disrupting performances.

On the one side, " This does not mean that by juggling with beautiful words and hiding behind arguments about freedom, someone can offend the feelings of other people and national traditions" On the other hand, the president considers it unacceptable “a counter aggressive reaction, especially if it results in vandalism and violation of the law. The state will react harshly to such facts.”

And once again - for those who did not understand the first time: “Both in culture, and in politics, in the media, and in public life, in polemics on economic issues, no one can prohibit free thinking and openly expressing one’s position.”

3. The anniversary of revolutions is a reason for unification, not division.

People all over the world love beautiful dates, and Russia is no exception. The collapse of the Russian Empire was caused by a combination of many external and internal factors, but any revolution occurs when one part of society ceases to hear the other, and the government is unable to achieve their reconciliation or, worse, itself remains extremely far from the current agenda.

Therefore, as the President noted, “It is unacceptable to drag splits, anger, grievances and bitterness of the past into our lives today, to speculate in our own political and other interests on the tragedies that affected almost every family in Russia, no matter which side of the barricades our ancestors found themselves on at that time.”. « Let us remember, we are one people, we are one people, and we have one Russia.”, he emphasized.

Any historical discussion should be conducted on the basis of this axiom; attempts to “finish the war” and impose one’s opinion on the events of a hundred years ago as the only correct one are unacceptable.

4. Saving the nation.

These are primarily fertility and medicine. If everything is more or less good with our birth rate, the figures are higher than the European average, and infant mortality is steadily decreasing, then with medicine in general it is not so good yet. Putin focused on one important achievement - the number of people who received high-tech medical care has increased 15 times over 11 years - from 60,000 people to 900,000. But problems remain in primary care - a lack of qualified specialists, queues, insufficient information technology. To solve these problems, specific actions will be taken, in particular, regular retraining and connecting all hospitals and clinics to high-speed Internet, which will allow for more active development of telemedicine.

5. High-quality secondary education.

This topic, like the previous one, was actively studied during the campaign for the State Duma, so the president dwelled on it in detail. Elimination of the third and then second shifts, the development of children's technology parks, the formation of support centers for gifted students in the regions, as well as extracurricular projects in the theater, cinema, television, museums and the Internet. The main tasks for schools and teachers are “ to give knowledge and educate a moral person,” fundamental principle - “Every child and teenager is gifted, discovering his talents is our task.” That is, respect should extend not only to adults, but also to children.

6. “Atmosphere of common affairs.” Perhaps never before has a head of state paid so much attention to volunteering and non-profit organizations in his address. Federal and regional authorities are tasked not only with not interfering with civil initiatives, but with supporting them. “I want both governors and municipal authorities to hear me. I ask you, as they say, not to be greedy, not to give preference exclusively to state-owned structures out of habit, out of practice, but to involve social services and non-profit organizations to the maximum extent possible.”

7. Improvement for the sake of people, not for the sake of improvement. The President mentioned the ONF, calling on the “front-line soldiers” to organize “effective control, and with its help achieve a specific result” during the development of 20 billion rubles, which will be sent to the regions for improvement. The President also called on both the ONF and civil society as a whole to join in solving “such problems as improving environmental legislation, preserving rare species of animals and plants, and creating a humane system for treating stray animals.” Declared the Year of Ecology, 2017 should not be a formal event, but an opportunity to make our cities and towns more comfortable for life - to eliminate landfills, tidy up rivers and lakes.

In the same block, Putin spoke about large-scale plans to modernize the road network outside Moscow and St. Petersburg - “In two years, at least half of the roads here should be put in order.”

8. Economy – from sustainability to growth. The president dwelled on what allowed the country to survive the current crisis with minimal losses - and what could become drivers of growth - in particular detail, with numbers and details. To put it as briefly as possible, against the backdrop of the constant howls of the opposition “everything is lost, boss,” a powerful agro-industrial complex was created in the country, the income from the export of its products last year exceeded the income from the arms trade, as well as the IT sector. The agro-industrial complex brought in 16.2 billion dollars on the foreign market, the defense industry - 14.5 billion, information technology - 7 billion.

Development will go in the same direction - credit support for farmers, benefits on insurance premiums for IT companies, an increase in the number of civilian products produced by the defense industry.

The tax system will remain unchanged until the end of 2018, and on January 1, 2019, a new one will go into effect, which should also remain unchanged for many years.

"A nightmare for business" They won’t give it to dishonest law enforcement officers. Regional banks should be allowed to approach the assessment of small business borrowers less strictly. Also, the state should support self-employed people, accuse them of “ illegal entrepreneurship" unacceptable, the president believes.

9. “The fight against corruption is not a show.” Traditionally noting that most civil servants are honest people, and “ “neither position, nor high connections, nor past merits can be a cover for dishonest government officials.”, Putin criticized investigators who are raising “information noise around the so-called high-profile cases.” The President recalled the presumption of innocence and noted that the fight against corruption will only receive public support when it is professional, serious and responsible. That is, again we are talking about respect for people, preventing a serious topic from turning into a farce.

10. Science and high technology are a matter of national security.

The main problem that has remained unchanged for more than a hundred years – “transform research projects into successful commercial products». « By the way, we have always suffered from this; a huge amount of time passes from development to implementation,”– the president noted. In order to reverse this trend, a wide range of measures has been developed: this includes support for education - engineering, technical and IT, financial support for scientific research, including from VEB, the allocation of grants designed for seven years of work, the creation of laboratories, the return of those who left scientists abroad. The task is formulated quite clearly and unambiguously: “It is necessary to focus on areas where the powerful technological potential of the future is accumulating, and these are digital and other so-called end-to-end technologies that today determine the appearance of all spheres of life. Countries that can generate them will have a long-term advantage, the opportunity to receive enormous technological rent. Those who do not do this will find themselves in a dependent, vulnerable position.».

11. “Security and opportunity for development are not for a select few, but for all countries and peoples.”

Foreign policy became the final topic the president addressed. Here, too, everything is quite clear and unambiguous. Russia has been and remains a peace-loving power, interested in partnership with all countries of the world. As an example, the President cited Russian-Chinese cooperation, which is “a model of world order relations built not on the idea of ​​dominance of one country, no matter how strong it may be, but on harmonious consideration of the interests of all states.”

Putin V.V. emphasized the inadmissibility of censorship in the global information space, the unacceptability of the concept “exclusivity” of any country, and also called on the new US administration to fight “a real, not fictitious threat - international terrorism” and warned that “attempts to break strategic parity are extremely dangerous and can lead to a global catastrophe.”

Regarding the crisis - " We didn’t delve into some of the little details of the current day, we didn’t deal only with the problems of survival, we thought about the development agenda and ensured it - and today it is this agenda that is becoming the main one, coming to the fore.”

“The future of the country depends only on us, on the work and talent of all our citizens, on their responsibility and success. And we will definitely achieve the goals set before us, solve the problems of today and tomorrow».

All these priorities are embedded in

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