Where are recycled batteries used? The only battery recycling plant in Russia has resumed operations. Foreign experience in recycling batteries

November 12, 2012 at 18:00

Proper disposal of batteries

  • Energy and batteries

Hello friends!

Each of us has probably used batteries in our lives. Remote controls, watches, toys, phones, a lot of other things - there is always something in the house that runs on batteries. And they tend to develop their resource. However, does everyone know what to do with used batteries? Throw it in the trash with the rest of your household trash? It is not right!

On the battery case there is almost always a symbol in the form of a crossed out trash container, indicating that it should not be thrown away with the rest household waste.

But what is so harmful or dangerous about batteries?

Although a battery can explode, leak and damage your equipment, or be swallowed by your child, it will do most of its harm if it is not disposed of properly.
In general, batteries are chemical devices whose elements react, producing electricity, which we use. These elements are mainly toxic and dangerous.

  • lead (accumulates in the body, affecting the kidneys, nervous system, bone tissue)
  • cadmium (harmful to lungs and kidneys)
  • mercury (affects the brain and nervous system)
  • nickel and zinc (may cause dermatitis)
  • alkalis (burn mucous membranes and skin) and others
After being thrown away, the metal coating of the battery is destroyed by corrosion, and heavy metals end up in the soil and groundwater, from where it is not far to rivers, lakes and other bodies of water used for drinking water supply. Mercury is one of the most dangerous and toxic metals; it tends to accumulate in the tissues of living organisms and can enter the human body either directly from water or by eating products made from poisoned plants or animals.
What if the battery gets burned out? incineration plant, then all the toxic materials it contains will be released into the atmosphere.

According to statistics, a Moscow family annually throws away up to 500 grams of used batteries. In total, 2-3 thousand tons of batteries are being collected in the capital. In the United States, Americans buy nearly three billion different batteries every year, and about 180,000 tons of these batteries end up in landfills across the country.

It is difficult to imagine how much harm is being caused to the environment on a global scale.

What to do with used batteries?

It is not recommended to store at home, as hazardous substances are released into the air. According to the rules, they must be disposed of at special enterprises. Although the pleasure is not cheap, developed countries the process of collecting used batteries from the public and then proper disposal well established. So, in many European Union countries, Canada and the USA, battery collection points are everywhere. In New York, for example, it is illegal to throw batteries in the trash. And manufacturers and large stores that sell batteries are required to ensure the collection of used batteries - otherwise a fine of up to $5,000 may follow.
In Japan, they say, batteries are collected and stored until an optimal recycling technology is invented.

What do we have?

Here everything is quite sad: if you are determined not to harm nature, then you will have to carefully search for a collection point even in the capital - let alone other cities. There are only three factories in Europe that have battery recycling capacity, and one of them is located in Ukraine - the Lviv state-owned enterprise Argentum. However, due to poor organization of collection of batteries from the population, the plant cannot function - the enterprise is designed to process a ton of batteries per day, but in six months it was not possible to collect even half a ton.

In the absence of government control, collection points still exist - they are often organized by volunteers (for which many thanks to them), but they are gradually being expanded various organizations and retail chains.

When searching for “battery recycling,” Google returns quite a large number of mentions. I decided to systematize the information and plan to update the list periodically.

In order not to overload the article, I posted it on GoogleDocs - “List of collection points for used batteries”(information on Ukraine, Russia and Belarus).

If you have been wondering “where to take old batteries,” I hope this list will help you. Because it's not just batteries that contain hazardous materials, some locations may accept your old one. household appliances, computers, fluorescent lamps, etc.

P.S.: It is believed that one AA battery pollutes about 20 sq.m. with heavy metals. soil. In the forest zone, this is the habitat of two trees, two moles, one hedgehog and several thousand earthworms.

Be responsible, habrauser. Don't thoughtlessly throw away your battery - save the hedgehog!

As a result of the technological upgrade, the efficiency of the power source recycling line reached 80% due to more complete recycling. This is one of the best indicators in Europe, where the average efficiency of processing plants is 50-60%, according to a press release from Megapolisresurs. Thanks to the updated capacity, the company will be able to extract pure non-ferrous metals from batteries, which are much easier to sell on the market than their compounds.

The advantage of the new line is that it is separated from other processes in the plant, thereby avoiding interruptions in the processing of more profitable raw materials, for example, precious metals, explained +1 CEO group of companies "Megapolisresurs" Vladimir Matsyuk. Also, during the modernization, it was possible to reduce the share of imported equipment from 50 to 15%. In conjunction with the renovation of the line this measure will keep the cost of disposal at the same level, despite changing conditions.

Megapolisresurs, which initially specialized in processing photo waste and electronics, disposed of the first batteries in 2013. Thanks to cooperation with large retail chains, activists and government agencies, in three years the number of collected and recycled batteries has exceeded 20 million pieces.

After making changes to the federal law“On production and consumption waste” (No. 458-FZ), the enterprise was required to obtain a license for the management of waste of hazard classes I-IV, including the processing and disposal of batteries.

Photo courtesy of Megapolisresurs Group of Companies

“Before July 1, 2016, waste management activities did not require a license. The innovation coincided with the start of modernization of the line, and it was decided to obtain permits for disposal taking into account the changes in production, clarifies Vladimir Matsyuk. “At the same time, we studied the needs of our customers regarding battery collection.”

The main thing is the ability to return the battery

At the beginning of 2017, one of the enterprises belonging to the Megapolisresurs group of companies received a license to collect and transport batteries. The next step was to launch the “Boxi” battery collection service. Within six months, branded green boxes for collecting batteries appeared in many Moscow offices and in public places- from the Federation Council and Vnesheconombank to the Tsvetnoy department store and Moscow libraries. Now the company is ready to recycle up to 1000 tons of batteries per year; in previous years, more than 300-400 tons were not collected throughout the country.

“This is a terrible misconception that people in Russia are not ready to recycle waste, that we need to start with environmental education, and only then establish separate collection, says Alena Yuzefovich, head of the Boxi service. — I firmly believe in the power of infrastructure: when it is convenient to recycle waste and there is trust in the recycler, thousands of people across the country are ready to get involved. And business is ready to finance the creation of such infrastructure.”

Photo courtesy of Megapolisresurs Group of Companies

Nowadays, the opportunity to hand over batteries to their customers is offered, among others, by some large retail chains: Globus, IKEA, Vkusville, which send the collected waste for recycling to Megapolisresurs.

The importance of recycling

In the European Union, the first law making recycling of certain types of batteries mandatory came into force back in 1991. Since 2006, the requirement applies to all types of batteries and accumulators. This is due, first of all, to their toxicity: batteries account for up to 40% of the volume of hazardous substances entering the environment with household waste. Just one AA battery thrown into a landfill pollutes about 20 square meters of land.

Not only the placement of batteries in a landfill, but also the extraction of raw materials for them has a negative impact on the quality of the environment - for example, according to Megapolisresurs, the production of 1 kilogram of zinc from primary ore leads to the formation of 200 kilograms of waste. Recycling batteries allows them to be returned to the production cycle useful resources with minimal environmental footprint, turn them into new things - from pencils to saxophones - and prevent new waste generated during mining.

Battery recycling is currently poorly organized. There are practically no enterprises in Russia where batteries are recycled. Few entrepreneurs take the risk of launching their own recycling workshop. But the state is not taking any special steps in this direction.

Why are batteries collected?

People collect waste energy sources to save nature from pollution.

Why shouldn't you throw batteries in regular trash?

This is due to the fact that harmful substances contained in batteries cause irreparable damage to the environment. They poison water and soil.

On this moment all this stuff is thrown into garbage bins and taken to a landfill. The garbage is mixed there. Then it is further burned. When burned, a number of harmful substances are released that poison the air. With precipitation, all this can be transferred to different areas and contaminate the area.

Therefore, in order for humanity to be healthy, it is necessary not to throw food sources in the trash, but to collect and take them to special items reception. But so far few people care about this. People continue to look for cures for many diseases and wonder why they get sick. But in fact, looking for a solution by inventing pills is a road to nowhere. First of all, you need to solve the environmental issue and understand that the air that people breathe is very dirty and has a detrimental effect on the body.

It is difficult to cure a person from a disease when an etiological (that is, when the cause has not been eliminated) factor constantly affects him.

Collecting batteries for recycling

The collection of used batteries takes place according to a pre-planned campaign. A person, usually a volunteer or an entrepreneur, who wants to do this business carries out organizational activities. In addition, he must create several advertising companies, involve schools, kindergartens and other similar institutions.

How to organize the collection of batteries?

The most difficult thing is to involve people and organize active collection of used batteries. To start the flow of batteries into the required containers, do the following:

  1. Contact the administration of schools, shops, shopping and entertainment centers.
  2. Agree with them that special containers will be hung in their buildings.
  3. Talk to the teachers, they may come to the meeting. At a special lesson they can talk about why you shouldn’t throw away power supplies. In addition, it is quite possible to instruct children to bring old, unusable batteries and throw them in special boxes.
  4. Prepare special containers.
  5. Place them in and around buildings.
  6. It is necessary to hold special events around the city, similar to rallies. Involve the public and journalists.
  7. Create as much advertising as possible. For example, use leaflets, radio, television, social media, bulletin boards, connect environmentalists, etc.

Collection of batteries in the picture

Donate the battery and save the hedgehog

Under this slogan, a battery collection campaign is being held in various cities and towns. This helps to lay the foundation for the younger generation careful attitude to the environment. After all, it determines how high quality our lives and the lives of our children will be.

In this promotion, teachers usually tell that 1 power source can poison a place where there is one hedgehog, a couple of trees, several thousand earthworms and two moles. This helps to look at the problem more clearly.

Promotion poster: donate the battery and save the hedgehog

Sometimes they use another slogan, which sounds like this: “Donate your battery and save the planet.” In fact, a large number of similar slogans can be used, but they all have the same goal. This is to save nature from pollution and live in environmentally friendly conditions.

Returning batteries for recycling for money

Some people look for places where they accept used batteries for money. But you will have to try very hard to find them. Because not every entrepreneur is ready to pay for the power supplies you collect. Most often, the collection is carried out absolutely free of charge, so to speak, for the idea of ​​cleaning up the environment.

How much does a kilogram of batteries cost to recycle?

But at the factory, batteries are recycled for money. That is, in order for an enterprise to accept faulty power supplies, it will have to pay about 140 rubles per kilogram. A couple of years ago the price was only 70 rubles.

If you want to make money on batteries, become an entrepreneur, organize a collection and create your own workshop. Only in this case will the income come.

Where to throw away batteries?

Most people believe that they need to be thrown in the trash, but this is not true. Power supplies require specialized disposal. Their elimination is tantamount fluorescent lamps, which need to be taken to special points and you also have to pay extra. But fortunately, galvanic elements are accepted for free!

How to throw away batteries?

Actually, there is no need to throw away batteries; they must be taken to special collection points. But you can't run because of one old battery to the place of delivery. That's why people save them at home, putting them on a table or in a drawer.

It is best to take a plastic container with a tight lid and place the power supplies in it.

Or purchase specialized ones. The second picture shows boxes that cost about 90 rubles. Used batteries are stored until the case is full. Afterwards, the used batteries can be thrown into a special trash bin located in the supermarket. Usually there is a power source drawn there and an environmental icon.

If you are wondering at what voltage to throw away a battery, then everything is simple. When a technical device does not work from an old power source, you can safely throw it away. plastic box. By the way, you can also recycle your phone battery in Plastic container, and then take it to the collection point.

Battery container

Above was a container for collecting batteries in which they can be stored until they are filled. Now let's look at the containers into which energy sources are thrown.

As soon as the space is filled, the accumulated batteries must be taken to the battery collection container. Typically, such boxes resemble a trash can and are located in shopping and entertainment centers.

The container for used batteries is made of different materials. Most often it is polypropylene, paper or galvanized, polished steel. The surface is usually coated with a special powder, left as is, or painted. The color of the product can be any red, blue, orange, green. Some containers are made transparent.

After the battery collection bin is completely ready, apply conventional signs– stickers. As a rule, this is a sign for recycling batteries, an environmental symbol, arrows and various environmental objects.

The battery recycling container consists of:

  1. 4 side walls.
  2. Bottoms.
  3. Top cover.
  4. Receiver battery with compartments for different diameters of used batteries.
  5. Pens. Mostly small boxes for collecting batteries have a similar device.

To save money Money You can make a container for collecting batteries yourself. This is made from plain paper. Can be used for storage plastic bottle.

Battery containers in Europe

In Europe, almost every store that sells batteries has collection containers in front of them. Therefore, there are no problems with recycling batteries. People who recycle unusable items receive discounts on the purchase of new ones. Typically, recycling boxes are painted a specific color. green color. Sometimes it can be yellow and others. The shape of such containers is in the form of huge AA batteries. Sometimes you can find a giant container in the form of a Krona power source. The main thing is that it is noticeable.

In Russia, people think it’s right to simply throw the power source in a bucket and forget about it. The collection system is just in its infancy. And few people make special containers.

Battery collection points

These institutions most often operate in places where there are large numbers of people. These are markets, shops, cafes, etc.

The main points where batteries are periodically accepted for recycling:

  1. Disposal of batteries media markt.
  2. El Dorado.
  3. Dropping off batteries at Ikea.
  4. Tasteville.
  5. M Video.
  6. Auchan.
  7. Media market.

The battery receiving device is installed in front of the entrance or inside the building. Sometimes it is made into a power source to attract people.

It would be a pleasure to hand over batteries in such a container.

How to dispose of batteries?

Power supplies are processed in specialized private enterprises. Small companies hand over batteries for recycling. The waste disposal process occurs in several stages, which will be discussed below.

How to recycle batteries at home?

At home, such a process is strictly prohibited. Such an activity can be very dangerous to health. Some self-taught chemists disassemble power supplies and try to properly dispose of batteries. For example, they extract zinc from cups and then melt it down. Zinc is then used to produce hydrogen from dilute sulfuric acid. The carbon core is used as electrolysis. This is how you can do it reuse batteries.

For ordinary people in Russia, the best disposal will be a special box or trash can.

Battery disposal rules

  1. Place the items in a thick plastic bag, plastic bottle or container with a tight-fitting lid.
  2. After the container is filled, which usually happens after 10 years, take them to the collection point.
  3. Throw them in a special trash bin.

This completes all recycling at home.

Battery recycling plant in Russia

The very first one to recycle batteries in Russia was the Chelyabinsk plant headed by Vladimir Matsyuk. The collection of used galvanic cells brings, although small, stable income. And therefore, doing such a thing is not only profitable, but also useful for the country!

Initially, the enterprise was designed to process microcircuits, electrical equipment and other household waste. To recycle the power supplies, part of the plant had to be converted.

The main stages of processing energy sources at the plant:

  1. The first step is to manually search by element type.
  2. After this, they move from the containers to the crushing plant.
  3. Partially processed raw materials are placed under magnetic tape. It separates the large elements of the battery housing.
  4. That part of the batteries that has been preserved is subjected to repeated crushing and iron extraction.
  5. Now these are no longer power sources, but a certain mass containing an electrolyte that must be neutralized.
  6. Using hydrometallurgical technologies, the finished raw materials are packaged into specific components and packed into containers.
  7. This wonderful plant is capable of processing up to 2 tons of batteries in one day!

The battery recycling plant charges about 110 rubles per kg. The enterprise can extract pure non-ferrous metals due to previously carried out modernization. Currently, the plant can process up to 1,000 tons of batteries per year.

In addition to all of the above, the plant launched a service for the production of boxes for BOXY power supplies.

Battery recycling technology

After a person has handed over the used battery to a special container at a collection point, they will then be transported to a recycling facility. Hydro and pyrometallurgical methods are used to process cadmium elements.

Particular preference is given to vacuum distillation. It is characterized by receiving Low quality cadmium at the exit. And it does not pose a huge danger to the environment. Used in battery recycling sulfuric acid and ammonia. With their help, the quality of the resulting raw materials improves. Due to sulfuric acid, the amount of useful materials obtained is reduced. This means only one thing: there is still a lot of work to be done on the technology for processing power supplies. But there are other technologies, one of which is presented below.

The pictures show a one-stage recycling of batteries using the pyrometallurgical method

Step by step explanation:

  1. We throw AA batteries into the oven.
  2. Bitumen insulators and wraps decompose into hydrocarbons. Volatile substances burn out on the candle.
  3. The electrolyte sublimes and condenses in a special refrigeration unit with water. He dissolves in her.
  4. Cadmium and zinc evaporate and crystallize.
  5. Manganese concentrate is obtained from manganese oxides.
  6. The residue remains graphite, which separates the manganese impurities.

This technology is quite cheap to implement compared to everything else. Its cost is 45 million rubles. The installation is quite energy efficient. The cost of 1 ton of batteries is 2000 kW/h. The equipment does not harm nature.

This technology for recycling batteries allows you to quickly and cheaply obtain the desired raw materials!

Battery recycling equipment

  1. First of all, you will need a facility for shredding, recycling and recycling batteries. For example, hammer mill FLEX 400 Industry – 37 kW.
  2. Various types of containers.

Typically the above setup includes:

  1. Unloading bunker.
  2. Control Panel.
  3. Magnetic separator.
  4. Belt conveyor.
  5. Vibrating sieve.
  6. Special mill.

This approach allows you to easily grind zinc batteries and separate magnetic metals. Once on the line, the battery will have to go through several stages of processing.

  1. First, the energy sources enter the vibrating conveyor. This is required for distribution.
  2. Moving along a conveyor belt, the galvanic elements enter the mill for grinding. It allows you to make a homogeneous mass out of them.
  3. On at this stage Raw materials are separated from the general heap in a special separator.
  4. The remains in the form of a black mass are neutralized and taken to a special place for burial.

Battery recycling presentation

The project was made in PowerPoint 2016. Consists of 6 slides.

What to do with used batteries?

It has already been said above what to do with used power sources. The best solution will take them to recycling or collection points. Here are options on how you can use old batteries:

  1. Pass.
  2. Make a craft, which is not very safe.
  3. Pick up a metal frame for your needs. Take the remaining parts to the collection point.
  4. Charge. If they can be recharged.
  5. Build your business!

As a result, it is approximately clear how to use old batteries. Any other ideas? Write in the comments.

Battery recycling as a business

A battery recycling business is suitable for budding entrepreneurs. The profitability from such a business is not great, but you can gain organizational experience. If you collect and sort, you won’t make millions here. But if you start your own production, then you can get a good profit. Now this niche is not particularly occupied, so it is possible to build a business on recycling batteries.

The main stages of building your business using old batteries

  1. We need to open an LLC.
  2. Agree with shopping center, market, store or other visited point about placing special containers for collecting batteries. The store receives benefits in the form of PR for environmental concerns. A person who comes to return a battery can buy something there.
  3. Purchase containers with appropriate environmental labels.
  4. Conduct advertising campaigns. Here you can attract environmental activists. Give interviews to journalists. You can also spend some money on publishing advertisements in newspapers. Use television. Post advertisements.
  5. Rent space for a warehouse for recycling used batteries.
  6. Deliver power supplies to the facility.
  7. Recycle.
  8. Sell ​​the resulting raw materials.
  9. Make a profit.

If you don't know what is made from recycled batteries then read below.

Here's what you get from 1 ton of recycled batteries:

  1. 240 kilograms of zinc.
  2. 288 kg of manganese.
  3. 47 kg of graphite.

In reality, batteries are good raw materials. The profit from which can exceed all expectations.

What benefits could there be from collecting batteries?

It's obvious! This is an environmentally friendly city and healthy people future! There is no commercial benefit from this. But on the other hand, you can collect the batteries, remove the metal base and sell it for scrap. Here again the question arises: what to do with the insides of the battery? Throw it away? But this will not be beneficial for the environment and commerce.

The battery recycling business for the Megapolis Resource plant is quite profitable. This is due to the fact that the company is paid by retail outlets that have established a collection of batteries. For them, having such power supply collection points is beneficial, as it attracts additional customers.

In Europe, in order for the recycling of lithium and conventional batteries to work, the process of organizing collection is paid for by the state.

If you agree with the store so that it will pay you money for this very container, then the game is worth the candle. For example, there is evidence that some retail outlets pay 2,000 rubles per 1 kg of batteries.

What is money spent on in this business?

In the table below you will find the approximate costs of such an undertaking.

Registration of LLC16,000 rubles.
Advertising is paid and free. Plus creating your own website.About 10,000 rubles.
Phone number 8800...Within 5000 rub.
Premises for rent for a sorting point and warehouse of 500 square meters.250,000 rub. per month.
Additional technical equipmentAbout 300,000 rub.
Used autoloaderApproximately 100,000 - 150,000 rubles.
Converted Gazelle for collecting batteries from collection points800,000 rub.
Payment to sorting staff. 10 people will be enough.20,000 rubles per month.

Or 200,000 rub.

Reception staff – 2 people.15 - 20 thousand rubles per month for each.
A warehouseman is a logistician who monitors how many products for processing are in the warehouse.40,000 rubles.
Accountant – 1 or 2 people30,000 rub.
Security guard20,000 rub.
License for recycling class 1-3 wasteFrom 180,000 rubles.

As a result, for a serious business you will have to fork out and allocate up to 2,021,000 rubles for the whole thing. The estimated monthly profit will be approximately 2 - 3 ml rubles. Profit is expected in 4–6 months.

Thus, battery recycling as a business has its place. The main thing is to think through the entire process from start to finish. And he will make sure that the investment pays off.

Battery recycling is an acute problem in our society that does not receive enough attention. In many innovative countries this problem has already been solved. However, a very small number of people in our country pay due attention to the disposal and recycling of harmful items mass use. Every citizen needs to know about the importance of recycling batteries after use, their impact on the environment and human health.

Why recycle batteries?

The damage to batteries begins after they end up in the trash or are simply thrown out on the street. Environmentalists are outraged by people's irresponsibility towards their own health, as the deteriorating battery shell begins to release harmful substances, such as:

  • mercury;
  • lead;
  • nickel;
  • cadmium.

These chemical compounds when decomposed:

  • enter the soil and groundwater;
  • at a water supply station, harmful substances can be purified, but it is impossible to completely eliminate them from the liquid;
  • the accumulated poison along with the water affects the fish and other river inhabitants that we eat;
  • when burned in special recycling plants, batteries release more active chemical substances, they enter the air and penetrate plants and the lungs of animals and humans.

The greatest danger from burning or decomposing batteries is that when chemical compounds accumulate in the human body, they increase the risk of developing cancer and also affect the health of the fetus during pregnancy.

Where should I put the batteries after use?

It is not possible to independently dispose of used material. In large cities of our country there are special collection points that accept batteries for recycling. Most often, collection points for used batteries are located in retail outlets. You can donate batteries at the large retail chain IKEA. Carrying one battery at a time to collection points is very inconvenient, so you can simply put them aside until you accumulate 20-30 pieces.

Recycling technology

Thanks to modern technologies Recycling one batch of batteries takes 4 days. Battery recycling includes the following general steps:

  1. Initially, raw materials are manually sorted depending on the type of battery.
  2. In a special crusher, a batch of products is crushed.
  3. The crushed material is fed to a magnetic line, which separates large elements from small ones.
  4. Large parts are sent for re-crushing.
  5. Small raw materials require a neutralization process.
  6. Raw materials are separated into individual components.

The process of recycling the material itself is very expensive; it is carried out in large factories. Unfortunately, in the countries of the former Soviet Union there are very few processing plants for this harmful product. There are special battery storage facilities, but for many years the premises are completely full.

Experience of European countries

In the European Union, the problem of battery disposal is not so acute. Almost every store and even enterprises have containers for collecting waste material. For processing plants, expenses for processing the material are provided in advance, so this cost is already included in the price of new products.

In the USA, collection points are located immediately in stores selling such goods. In the country, up to 65% of products are recycled annually; responsibility for this rests with distributors and sellers of goods. Battery manufacturers finance the recycling of the material. The most modern methods processing takes place in Japan and Australia.


Our society pays little attention to the problem of recycling batteries. One battery that is not recycled can harm 20 square meters soil. Harmful chemicals enter the water that everyone uses through water supplies. With absence proper disposal the likelihood of developing cancer and congenital pathologies increases. Each of us must take care of the health of the future generation and encourage the recycling of batteries after use.

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