Where do the children and grandchildren of the leaders of the USSR live now? They are not patriotic. Where do the descendants of Soviet leaders live? Where do the children of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev live?

I recently read that Stalin’s granddaughter lives in the USA and doesn’t even speak Russian. And supposedly many children and grandchildren of Soviet leaders live abroad. Is that really true?

Ya. Savelyev, Tula

— Indeed, a number of children of Soviet leaders either went to live in the West or ended their lives under sad circumstances. Yes, son Stalin Vasily drank and, according to official version, died of alcohol poisoning, although there was no autopsy. Daughter Leonid Brezhnev Galina also suffered from alcoholism and died in a psychiatric hospital.

Peel and son Andropova Vladimir, he was in prison for theft and died at the age of 35, - told AiF Vladimir Lavrov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. “It turns out that the communist leaders who led the country into a “bright future” did not always cope with raising even their own children.

Lenin had no children at all. A letter from my mother has been preserved Vladimir Ulyanov To Nadezhda Krupskaya, in which the mother-in-law asks whether “the arrival of a little bird” is planned. Krupskaya replied: “As for my health, I am completely healthy, but regarding the “bird’s arrival,” things are, unfortunately, bad: no bird is going to fly in.”

During the quarter of a century that Lenin and Krupskaya lived together, the “little bird” never arrived.

Joseph Dzhugashvili (Stalin)

Stalin's son Vasily died at the age of 40. Daughter Svetlana, while on a trip to friendly India in 1966, came to the American embassy and asked for political asylum. In 1970, she married an American and changed her name to Lana Peters. Gave birth to a daughter Chris Evans.

In 1984, she came to the USSR and restored Soviet citizenship, but 2 years later she renounced it for the second time and returned to the USA. The older children, son and daughter, whom she abandoned in the USSR after her escape, were never found with their mother common language. In 2008, in one of his rare television interviews to a Russian journalist Svetlana refused to speak Russian, citing the fact that she is not Russian: her father is Georgian, and her mother is half German, half Gypsy. , her body was cremated. It is unknown where the ashes of Stalin’s only daughter are buried. Stalin's granddaughter Chris Evans lives in the USA, does not understand Russian and works in a clothing store.

Nikita Khrushchev

Son of Nikita Khrushchev Sergey, awarded the Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor and the title of Lenin Prize laureate, has lived in the USA since 1991 and received American citizenship.

America has become home for Nina Khrushcheva- great-granddaughters of Nikita Khrushchev (pictured) through his eldest son Leonid, the circumstances of whose death historians are still arguing about.

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Immediately after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, which, as is known, was transferred to Ukraine in the 50s. XX century It was on Khrushchev’s initiative that Nina Khrushcheva gave an interview from overseas, calling the annexation of the peninsula annexation.

Khrushchev’s great-granddaughter, and part-time professor at an American university, expressed the hope that Western sanctions would have a detrimental effect on the Russian economy.

Mikhail Gorbachev

The only daughter of the last Soviet leader Irina Virganskaya in an interview she admitted that she could easily imagine herself outside of Russia. She often travels around the world, including periodically visiting the USA. The office of the Gorbachev Foundation is located here, where Irina works as vice president.

The German press wrote that former president The USSR has a castle in the Bavarian Alps (he himself denies this). Lives in Germany eldest granddaughter Mikhail Sergeevich Ksenia. “I have many friends in Berlin, and I feel free in Germany,” she told a German journalist.

The daughter of ex-USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev, Irina Virganskaya, and the granddaughter of Mikhail Gorbachev, Ksenia Pyrchenko (Virganskaya). Photo: AiF/ Valery Khristoforov

"Sudden death and alcohol"

On September 25, back in 1953, a student wedding took place in the dietary canteen of the student dormitory on Stromynka.
21-year-old student of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University Raisa Titarenko married a 22-year-old student of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, combine harvester and order bearer Mikhail Gorbachev.

Upon graduation, Gorbachev was assigned to work at the Stavropol Prosecutor's Office.
The young wife went with her husband.

In 1957, the Gorbachevs had a daughter, who was named Irina.
Ira Gorbacheva’s early childhood was no different from that of her peers: regular school, ordinary kindergarten.
But soon her life, like the life of the family as a whole, began to change.

Mikhail Sergeevich began to make a rapid career along the party line.
Ira was nine years old when dad became the first secretary of the Stavropol City Committee of the CPSU.
Of course, from that moment on the girl began to be treated differently.
She graduated from high school with a gold medal.
Next after family council decided to stay in Stavropol and enter medical school.

1978 became a very important year in the life of the Gorbachev family.
Irina, following in the footsteps of her parents, married her classmate Anatoly Virgansky.
In December, Mikhail Sergeevich, appointed secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, moved to the capital.
All family members went with him, including his son-in-law.
The Virgansky couple continued their education in Moscow.
In 1981, Irina graduated from the Pirogov Second Medical Institute.
A year earlier, the Virganskys had their first daughter, who was named Ksenia.

In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became general secretary Central Committee of the CPSU.
His daughter defended her Ph.D. thesis that same year.

Unlike Raisa Gorbacheva, the daughter of the Soviet leader was not in the public eye.
She worked in a cardiac center and took care of family affairs.
In 1987, a second daughter was born into the Virgansky family, who was named Anastasia.

The year it fell apart Soviet Union, and Mikhail Gorbachev lost power, Irina Virganskaya released scientific work entitled "Sudden Death and Alcohol".

The era changed, priorities changed, and morals changed.
Combiner-order bearer Mikhail Gorbachev, who climbed the career ladder to the leader of a superpower, turned into a retired politician, extremely popular in the West.

In December 1991, he created the Gorbachev Foundation, which is engaged in “research into the history of perestroika, as well as research into problems relevant to Russian and world history.”

Mikhail Sergeevich became the president of the Gorbachev Foundation, and he offered the post of vice president to his daughter.
Irina Mikhailovna accepted this proposal.
In order to fully understand the new business for herself, Gorbachev’s daughter graduated International school business based on the Academy National economy under the government of the Russian Federation.

In 1993, Irina Virganskaya divorced her husband.
It is believed that the reason for the separation was the constant employment of the husband, who became a luminary of Russian medicine.

Since the mid-nineties, work at the Gorbachev Foundation became Irina’s main business.
In one of her interviews, Irina Mikhailovna admitted that she could easily imagine herself outside of Russia.
On behalf of her father’s organization, she spends a lot of time in the USA and Europe.

The victory of perestroika in one single family

In 2006, Gorbachev’s daughter married for the second time.
Her chosen one was businessman Andrei Trukhachev.

The daughters of Irina Gorbacheva-Virganskaya were frequent heroines in their youth gossip columns, tried themselves as models, their luxury weddings became an event in the circles of the Russian elite.

In 2013, Ksenia Gorbacheva became the editor-in-chief of L`Officiel Russia magazine.
She held this post for quite a short time, but managed to give a vivid interview to Die Welt, in which she criticized the situation in Russia: “Many foreigners tell me how good it is in Moscow.
They say that there are such wonderful nightclubs and restaurants here, that you can buy such wonderful things here, even if they cost ten times more. They don't notice the problems...
Imagine that you have lost your passport and go to the police. But they don't really help you much there. And this is the most insignificant problem...”

IN Lately both the daughter and granddaughters of Mikhail Sergeevich lead closed image life, appearing mainly at events organized by the Gorbachev Foundation.

Once upon a time, Mikhail Gorbachev, who came to the post of Secretary General, seemed to the Soviet people simple guy, who will defeat the party nomenklatura, mired in luxury and forgetting about ideals..

The Gorbachev couple during their visit to India. 1988
Photo: Boris Yurchenko/AP

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Speaking about the activities of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, one cannot help but recall his wife Raisa Maksimovna. After all, he was associated with her long years tender love and touching friendship. Before her, the wives of the country's leaders remained in the shadows - many citizens did not even know what they looked like. Raisa Gorbacheva broke this unspoken tradition. “The only Kremlin wife who weighs less than her husband,” “A communist lady with Parisian chic,” foreign newspapers wrote about her. In the homeland the people for a long time He didn’t like Raisa Maksimovna...

In 2014, 15 years after the death of the first lady of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda his family secret, which even his closest friends did not know.

Wedding in a dietary canteen

September is a special month for me,” says Mikhail Sergeevich. - And not only because Raisa Maksimovna left (she died of leukemia in one of the clinics in Germany. - Ed.), On September 25, 1953, we registered with her.

Frank confession of Mikhail Gorbachev: Raisa and I lost our son

Times were difficult, post-war, we were both students at Moscow State University, I was at the law department, she was at the philosophy department. I don’t have much money, so I had to earn extra money for the wedding: I harvested potatoes on a combine. On White dress It was enough for the bride, it was made of chiffon, it was sewn in the studio. And Raisa had to borrow shoes from a friend. They didn’t even exchange rings at the registry office - I gave her the ring years later.

And the wedding was celebrated only in November. We organized an evening in the dietary canteen on Stromynka, where our hostel is. It turned out to be a student table - vodka, vinaigrette, cutlets.

At first, when we got married, Raisa couldn’t cook at all. I couldn’t even cook noodle soup! Her mother was a housewife, and Raisa was all about her studies: she graduated from school with a gold medal.

- They say that Raisa Maksimovna had a boyfriend before you?

Not just a boyfriend, they were getting ready to get married! There was such a Tolya Zaretsky, a physicist, good guy. His father worked as the director of the Baltic railway. The mother specially came in a special carriage to evaluate the bride - and spoke out against Raisa. She did not allow her son to get married. So we should thank her. But Raisa and I somehow managed to do it all easily. And for life.

For example, we loved to dance. Once we were invited to a New Year's ball for young people. A waltz started playing. We were so carried away by the dance that the orchestra had already fallen silent, and we were all spinning. We stopped: everyone was looking at us. We lived a fun, happy life!

“They came up with a name for the child: Seryozha”

It so happened, we just got married, and suddenly the news was that Raisa became pregnant,” continues Mikhail Gorbachev. - But the doctors forbade giving birth. The fact is that a year before, Raisa fell ill and found herself literally on the verge of life and death. A terrible attack of rheumatism, she became all swollen, as if from cotton wool. She couldn’t walk - we carried her on a stretcher with the guys to the hospital. The disease caused a serious complication on the heart.

The doctors told me: “Make a choice: the child may or may not be born, but you will lose your wife. Her heart may not be able to bear it." The pregnancy was terminated. We were told it was a boy.

How Raisa worried and suffered! I reassured him as best I could. But we had already discussed the name: I persuaded him to name his son Sergei, in honor of my father. Sergei Mikhailovich - it would be nice...

Only after a while, when we left for the Stavropol Territory, Raisa felt better. They say climate change has a positive effect. We moved in 1955, and two years later our daughter Irishka was born.

- Who was Raisa herself named after?

When her father took the baby in his arms after birth, he said: “So pink, like apple of heaven. There will be Paradise." By the way, my father and mother named me Victor. But a few weeks later my grandfather took me to a neighboring village for a christening. The priest asked: “What should we call it?” Grandfather answered: “Mikhail.” They left it that way.

“Perestroika took my beloved from me”

- There were crises in family life, serious quarrels?

Just minor disagreements. But when we argued about something, she said: “Keep quiet. You only have a silver medal!” (Laughs.)

- Were you jealous of her?

It happened, although she tried not to let it happen. There is no love without jealousy. Amazing woman: father is an employee of the organization that built railways. Simple family, lived hard, sometimes in carriages, changed nine schools, always on the road. But her behavior, manners, attitude to life, style are from a princess! She remained a mystery to me all my life. And how she loved to dress beautifully.

- It was her idea to open the Burda Fashion house in Moscow?

Yes, she met Madame Anne Burda in Germany. She invited her to the opening of the House in Moscow, which Raisa patronized. She wanted to instill taste in our women.

- They say it was personally upholstered by Yves Saint Laurent...

This is a legend. She was dressed by female craftsmen from the studio on Kuznetsky Most.

- Margaret Thatcher speaks flatteringly about Raisa Maksimovna in her memoirs. They say that she herself would be happy to wear a suit like the one Gorbacheva was wearing.

Well, for a woman this is the most important thing (with irony). They were friends. Although Raisa Maksimovna did not get along with people so easily. But if you get together, then the relationship is forever. She was very demanding of herself and her friends.

They communicated with Thatcher in English. But I couldn't. Almost no one from our generation knew foreign languages. Raisa was very educated.

I remember at meetings people often asked: “Raisa Maksimovna, what do you do to look so good?” I immediately said: “She and her husband are lucky!” In response, she usually retorted: “We still need to figure out who was luckier!”

She is a very decent person, vulnerable - she could not stand the injustice. There was so much gossip and absurdity spread around our family... I stopped paying attention to them. And she took everything to heart. It was perestroika that took my wife away from me: experiences shortened Raisa’s life...

I still have her purse

Raisa Maksimovna began to write a book. She wanted to tell the truth about us, how we live. I told her: “This is politics, you will never prove anything.” She asked: “Will you help me write?” Her purse is still intact, containing letters, sheets, and notes. After she left, I began to sort through the notes. I came across a sheet, and on it was written diagonally in red ink: “What does your heart hurt about?” Ready title... I myself recently finished another book, called “After the Kremlin.” Will be released late this fall.

- Did Raisa Maksimovna help you edit your first books?

This is our tradition: the closest relatives read the text first. Now my daughter read my new book before sending it to the publisher.

- But there is an opinion that you were the conductor of your wife’s ideas, to take your famous phrase: “We need to consult with Raisa Maksimovna.”

No, I made the decisions myself.

- And if you started again, would you like a simple life?

I wouldn't trade my life. But I could have done a lot better, ahead of schedule. It’s a pity that perestroika was not completed; many correct things were planned. But everything I did played its role. The country changed, glasnost appeared.

- Is it a shame that you are criticized in your own country?

Well, what do you think? Certainly. But I still receive a lot of good letters. I have friends. Most of them are women. I don't feel lonely or forgotten. Lonely only in one respect - that there is no Raisa.


About his wife's brother and prohibition

- What happened to younger brother Raisa Maksimovna Evgeny Titarenko?

It was big drama, Raisa has been doing it for almost 40 years. He is alive, but, in fact, is turned off from life - alcoholism destroys a person. He did not accept all of Raisa’s attempts to help him. But what a guy he was! Things weren't going well for my parents in the family; at the age of 14, he left for maritime school. Later he graduated from the literary institute, wrote, and quite talentedly, for teenagers. But I tried to take on something serious - and completely failed. When he came to visit us, the drinking bouts began. I was already the secretary of the Central Committee, and suddenly we were informed that her brother was sitting drunk in a public garden nearby. He came from Voronezh to Moscow and is looking for us.

They sent him to a special hospital, but nothing worked there either. I think the situation with Raisa’s brother also weakened him in many ways. I was very worried about him.

- They say it was because of his drunkenness that you came up with prohibition?

No need to exaggerate. Booze drove many people crazy in those years. They drank everywhere. Even at the department at the university: Raisa was an assistant professor, and she was instructed to go buy sausages for a snack! The Central Committee and the government were inundated with indignant letters “do something.” Leonid Ilyich, who himself loved to drink, gave instructions to find a way out of how to save society from continuous drunkenness.

It got to the point that there were up to 17 liters of pure alcohol per capita (including children). There is a scientific conclusion: a society where they drink 18 or more liters per capita is destroying itself! I became secretary general. And this report comes to me. We were going to introduce measures: to regulate prices, assortment - everyone drank only vodka, and there were almost no dry wines, even beer... Yegor Kuzmich (Ligachev, then secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. - Ed.) and Mikhail Sergeevich Solomentsev (member of the Politburo) were responsible for the implementation of the plan . - Ed.). They screwed up! The discussion was about replacing wine varieties with table varieties. But they turned everything inside out and brought it to the point of stupidity. I did not give the go-ahead to cut down the vineyards!


What did the wife of the President of the USSR do?

Together with academician Dmitry Likhachev, she founded the Soviet Cultural Foundation in the late 1980s and contributed to the return of Russian cultural property from abroad.

She initiated the opening of museums, including Andrei Rublev, Nicholas Roerich, Marina Tsvetaeva. She oversaw projects for the restoration of churches destroyed during the years of Soviet power.

Helped children who survived the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant, patronized the Central Children's Hospital in Moscow, was an honorary chairman international association“Hematologists of the world for children.” The Institute of Pediatric Hematology and Transplantology today bears the name of R. M. Gorbacheva.

The British magazine Woman’s Own named Raisa Maksimovna “Woman of the Year” (1987). In 1988, Raisa Gorbacheva was awarded the "Women of the World" award, and in 1991 - the "Lady of the Year" award.

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Documentary chronicle: Raisa and Mikhail Gorbachev."Alone with myself" - A new book the first and last president of the USSR will be published soon


Mikhail Gorbachev: “To marry Raisa, I worked all summer on a combine harvester”

In reflections on life, Mikhail Sergeevich returns to his roots, then talks about how he studied at the Law Faculty of Moscow State University, how his views were formed, remembers fellow students, his work in his native Stavropol region, then “goes through” again all the circles and stages of the Soviet apparatus system with its secret springs, nooks and traps. In short, the book provides answers to many questions that the “Gorbachev phenomenon” raises in us ()

The only child of Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev was their daughter Irina. She was born in 1957 in the city of Stavropol, where the family lived and worked at that time. The biography of Irina Virganskaya is varied and rich, and this is primarily due to the fact that she is the daughter of Mikhail Gorbachev.

Childhood and youth of Irina Virganskaya

The girl went to a regular Stavropol school. I always loved reading books and showed great success in my studies. She graduated from school with excellent marks and received gold medal. Irina wanted to study in Moscow, but caring parents They didn’t let their only daughter go far from them. The girl chose the State Medical Institute in Stavropol. In the photo of Irina Virganskaya in her youth and mature age you can see how much she resembles her mother.

After the father of the family was transferred to Moscow to a leadership position, his wife and daughter went with him. Irina at that time was already married to Anatoly Virgansky. The girl continued her medical education in the capital, eventually receiving the specialty of a general practitioner.

Career as a doctor and scientist

In 1981, Irina graduated from medical school. She decided to continue her path in science, so she went to graduate school, graduating in 1985. Irina Virganskaya defended her dissertation and received a candidate’s degree medical sciences. The woman studied social aspects male mortality and wrote a work on the relationship between alcohol and sudden death. She never became a practicing doctor, as she was always busy with science. Research activities she taught in scientific


Irina Virganskaya lived with her first husband Anatoly for 16 years. He moved with the Gorbachevs from Stavropol. He and his wife Irina transferred to the last year of medical school in Moscow. Two daughters were born into the Virgansky family - Ksenia and Anastasia. Anatoly started his professional activity at the First City Hospital as a surgeon. Over time, he defended his candidate and doctoral dissertations and became a professor. The couple divorced due to Anatoly's constant employment.

In 2006, the woman got married for the second time. She avoids much publicity about her personal relationships. It is known that the husband’s name is Andrey Trukhachev, and he has his own business in the field of transport transportation.


Ksenia Virganskaya was born in 1980. From a young age she loved to do ballet, so she graduated from a choreographic school. But due to health problems, I had to leave my favorite activity. The girl studied at Moscow State Institute International Relations, which she graduated in 2003. In the same year, when she was 23 years old, Ksyusha tied the knot with businessman Kirill Solod. But the family did not last long. Ksenia and Kirill divorced.

In 2006, the girl married again. Her chosen one was Dmitry Pyrchenkov. This young man works in show business circles. The family lives happily and raises their daughter Sasha. Ksenia herself works a lot in the field of PR, and is also a correspondent for “Gracia” magazine. IN student years Ksyusha had experience working as a model on famous catwalks in Paris, but now this field of activity does not attract her.

Irina Virganskaya’s youngest daughter, Anastasia, was born in 1987. Like her sister, she graduated from MGIMO with a degree in journalism. She married PR professional Dmitry Zangiev in 2010. The girl herself initially worked for the magazine “Grace”, after which she changed jobs and became the chief editor of one of the Internet sites about fashion. Nastya is keenly interested in fashion, showing new collections. The children of Irina Virganskaya are quite public and famous, often appearing at social events.

The death of the mother and the life of the family after this tragedy

Raisa aged 67 in September 1999. Before her death, she was seriously ill and was treated in Germany. After the tragic events, Irina and her daughters moved to her father outside the city; at that time she was already divorced. For two years, the daughter and father lived together. But as the children grew older, in order to give them more freedom, the woman decided to buy a house in Zhukovka, which is five minutes from her father.

Today, Mikhail Gorbachev has reached over 80 years old. He lives in the USA, is active, and lectures at American and Russian universities.

Management of the Gorbachev Foundation

Mikhail Gorbachev founded a foundation in 1991, the purpose of which is to study the period of perestroika from the social, political and economic aspects. His daughter was appointed vice president of the foundation. She has never been associated with such activities. And in order to delve into the field of economics and business, I went to study at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation at the age of 37. The photo of Irina Virganskaya shows her purposeful nature.

The organization studies perestroika from all sides, its impact on the course of history, analyzes contemporary issues politics and economics. The fund exists from the personal funds of M. Gorbachev, donations from citizens and organizations. The fund's office is located in Moscow on Leningradsky Prospekt.

In addition, the organization is constantly involved in charity work:

  • humanitarian aid for “hot” spots;
  • financial support for children with serious illnesses;
  • during the fighting in Chechnya.

Irina Virganskaya is the only daughter of Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev. She received a medical education and studied science. She heads the Gorbachev Foundation, for which she received an education in business. She has two daughters and is married for the second time.

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