Where is Elena Proklova's house? Elena Proklova: “There is no room for a man in my new apartment. - We were talking about your husband’s young mistress...

For three years now, fans of 64-year-old Elena Proklova have been trying in vain to understand what is happening in her personal life. In 2015, like thunder among clear skies, there was news about the actress’s divorce from Andrei Trishin, with whom she lived under the same roof for more than 30 years.

The ex-spouses did not hide their mutual infidelities and even sued over real estate. However, despite the scandals, Elena and Andrey still not only maintain warm relations, but also continue to share one house between them, unable to figure out who should own it.

Proklova specially came to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program to clarify numerous rumors, one way or another connected with her personal life. According to the artist, the real reason Their separation from her husband was the gradual fading of love.

“We just started growing apart. Interests have become different, everyone has their own friends, goals, desires. We read different books, watched different films, and love gradually faded away. And in the end, at one fine moment we realized that we did not love each other. But we are connected by a common past, daughter, memories,” Proklova shared her thoughts.

Despite the friendly relations she has maintained with her ex-husband, Elena still dreams of evicting him from his country house. Due to her permanent residence with Trishin, she does not feel completely free.

About twenty years ago, after long-term infidelities of her beloved, Proklova forced him to sign a marriage contract. According to the actress, this was necessary so that their home and everything cash As a result, they went to their common daughter, 24-year-old Polina. However, even after numerous television broadcasts Andrei Trishin is in no hurry to leave the family nest.

Proklova herself confirmed that she was also not faithful to her husband. She never hid betrayals from him, which often happened from a simple resentment towards Andrei.

“I don’t deny that I sometimes took revenge on him in this way. Sometimes relationships simply reached a dead end, but we saved them. The fairy tale that 30 years of marriage is pure pleasure will never correspond to reality. This is very serious work, difficult and long,” said Elena.

Many present in the studio of the program were shocked by the fact that without understanding the fate of the house near Moscow, Proklova took up the construction of a new mansion in Sochi. Moreover, ex-husband Andrei Trishin is engaged in its construction.

“Yes, Andrey is building me new house. I don't see anything strange in this. Someone said he was doing this to pay off my debt, but that's not entirely true. I really gave Andrey a million when he had problems serious problems with money. Still, we are not strangers, but he is now selflessly engaged in the construction of the house,” said Proklova.

Despite the actress's statement that their divorce is final, many fans refuse to believe it. In their opinion, Proklova still has feelings for ex-husband, so she can’t leave him. One way or another, the end to this family story has not yet been set.

Actress and TV presenter Elena Proklova does not leave the screens, even despite the fact that her age has already exceeded 60. And, what is most interesting, the audience’s interest in her person does not fade, because in addition professional activity There is always something to discuss in the actress’s personal life. This year was no exception. In the middle of the summer, Elena Proklova announced that she was filing for divorce from her third husband Andrei Trishin, with whom they have been connected for three decades together and common daughter. Finding herself a free woman, she did not enjoy her freedom for long, but returned to her family again. And all in order to quarrel again and file for division of property. Of course, it’s no secret that the main thing on the list of real estate is Elena Proklova's house in outskirts of Moscow.

The huge, handsome house was built many years ago. Since almost immediately after the wedding, the actress decided to devote herself entirely to her family and home improvement, she decided to master a new profession - a landscape designer. As a result, a garden appeared around the house, grown by the TV presenter herself, as well as her own pond. Already myself appearance Elena Proklova’s house suggests that the interior is more than luxurious. A couple of years ago, Channel One journalists were able to see this with their own eyes. Naturally, in addition to the obligatory rooms, such as bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dressing room and offices, the home of a star who takes such careful care of herself cannot do without a gym. And, probably, no one doubts that this is not a small closet, but a hall equipped with everything necessary. The actress’s special pride is the storage room where her own hand-made items are stored.

I remember that program where Elena Proklova’s house was shown to the whole country caused an unprecedented resonance. And it’s not even a matter of luxury - this won’t surprise you now, because viewers have already seen more than one star’s home, including mansions foreign celebrities, - and in the trophy room, where stuffed animals of many exotic animals killed by their owners during hunting are collected. Fans simply did not expect such cruelty from such a soft and gentle woman on screen. What have they compared this room to - a crypt, a cemetery, and a room of fear! Most commentators predicted some Negative consequences from that terrible energy that probably comes from the trophy. Perhaps the troubles in your personal life are just its echoes?

The same trophy storage

According to marriage contract Elena Proklova’s house should remain in the possession of the actress and her daughter, and the husband will receive two houses on the territory. However, the celebrities did not have time to divide their property, because Once again made up.
More interesting things

"AiF": -Elena, you are considered an ideal housewife in the artistic world...

E.P.:– Now I’m like that hunter from “ An ordinary miracle”, who already talks more about bears than shoots them. Today, due to being busy with TV, I have so little time left for housework... Therefore, I use every minute to do something around the house. I decided to get chickens. I want them to be fresh eggs, which I could drink raw. And in general, I dream of a rooster crowing under my window! I still get up with the sunrise. In summer - at 4 am.

"AiF":- So early?

E.P.: -And I’m getting enough sleep! The first thing I do is make coffee. If it’s winter, I drink it in the winter garden. If it’s summer, I put on a warm self-knitted robe, go to the garden and have a drink in the gazebo. Then I walk barefoot through the dew. These are my favorite moments. I greet the sunrise, stretch out my palms to the sun, absorbing all its power.

These are those moments of solitude that give energy for the whole day. Then I water my flowers, listen to the bumblebees begin to buzz, and play with the awakened cats and dogs. This is happiness.

Garden of Eden

"AiF":-They say about you: “Proklova has green hands...

E.P.:: – My zodiac sign is Virgo – the sign of the Earth. My neighbors’ everything dies over the winter, but mine sprouts new shoots and bears fruit. Pah-pah, so as not to jinx it. Since childhood, I spent a lot of time with my parents in wonderful place, in New Jerusalem. My duties included weeding the plot and harvesting the crops. I did everything for myself and for my older brother, who always found something to bribe me with.

Then, when I left my parents’ house and began to live on my own, my apartment turned into a mini-botanical garden. Everything was covered in vines, some fruits were ripening. My friends brought me plants that died for them, but they began to bloom for me.

When my husband and I got our own land, it was a bare field, nothing grew there except wormwood. I thought: “It can’t be like this. I must have a Garden of Eden!” I bought all kinds of literature, realized that this was not enough for me, and went to an architectural institute to study landscape design. This is a new spectrum of life, everything is so interesting! For example, being in other countries and cities, I had never paid attention to plants before, to how people treat them, but now a completely different side of life has opened up to me since I left to live outside the city. Observing nature is a great lesson.

The earth does not allow itself to be lazy

"AiF":-Lena, what has nature taught you?

E.P.: -Recover. After every “winter death” there will still be spring! When I planted the first trees in my garden, the first winter was torture for me. “Everything is frozen, I ruined everything,” I thought. In the spring there was a trembling over each bud. When everything began to bloom, tulips, daffodils, and crocuses came out of the ground, I squealed with delight every day. Then I felt the earth as something alive. I used to perceive the words “mother earth” as a thesis from school curriculum. And then I realized: the earth is a birthing body! Every spring she does not allow herself to be lazy. I realized that you can recover from ANY tragic situation in life. There is no need to prolong your grief. It depends only on the person how long you will be depressed.

A popular actress talks about why she wants to escape to the country in May

Elena Proklova

Still from the film "Deceive Fate"

“Many years ago I moved out of town. I was tired of living in stuffy Moscow, I wanted silence, reasonable loneliness, so that later, when returning to work in the theater, I would have something to replenish myself with. I think the city is draining energy creative person, and nature replenishes it. May is the hottest month, because you plant the garden with flowers and vegetables for the whole year, everything needs to be fertilized and cared for so that nothing hurts. I really love doing all this, digging in the ground, cleaning the garden after winter. This gives me great joy. Everything is born again, and this gives us some hope that not everything is so bad in our lives. But besides the fact that there is a lot of work with the soil in May, it is also such a gift month, because everything blooms: lilacs, daffodils and tulips. Every day you get up and - ah! - you sigh in admiration. I have an amazing collection of lilacs - all kinds of colors, shades and scents. When the lilacs bloom, my garden is simply fabulous. And the nightingales are singing, and the daffodils and tulips are fragrant below. I have a huge collection of irises and peonies. I really love perennial flowers - those that bring joy to the housewife from year to year. To say that I am bringing this from somewhere is not. When I go into a store, people recognize me. And they offer the best they have. So there is an upside to popularity.

My garden is still growing and developing. There is a lot of work. I really love the flowers that fans give me, I don’t leave them even in the cities where I tour. I bring them home and put them in vases. Then I definitely dry them, make dry bouquets, installations, paintings. So my house is in flowers all year round."

Her energy would be enough for ten. Famous actress, TV presenter, "people's professor" healthy image life, professional landscape designer.

Not counting “small” passionate hobbies - hunting, fishing, traveling, drawing, yoga... Plus - the mother of two daughters, a wonderful wife. And everyone knows: she copes with everything Elena takes on brilliantly!

- Elena Igorevna, you were born in Moscow, but for many years you have been living outside the city, and one of the indispensable conditions for your excellent well-being is a house in nature, land that bears fruit, clean air...

My experience suggests that all this is directly interconnected. To be honest, for me life in Moscow is no longer life.

- And what about the work? Are you with youngest daughter You play Polina in an enterprise...

It's okay - let's go... I can't stand the bustle of the city. Outside the city I live according to the regime. In the morning I make sure to drink a glass of water that has been left overnight on a magnet and charged with useful energy. I swim, I shower myself cold water. Then I go to the garden, pick fresh berries - strawberries, currants, raspberries, shadberry, black elderberry.

I am breathing clean air, I catch fish in the pond myself. Vegetables and fruits - from their own beds, eggs - from their own chickens. I try to be in the forest more - I get energy from nature. And you see the result! Here I am in September, 61, and I don’t know what to complain about in terms of health. I'm proud of it.

- Do you like to garden?

Certainly! I enjoy tinkering around the dacha so much that I try not to leave during the spring, summer and fall. Circumcised in March fruit trees and shrubs. Then I worked on seedlings. At the beginning of May, tomatoes were blooming in the greenhouse. Fresh dill has been on the table for a long time.

- What is the most important thing in your life then?

I'm just very interested in life. I love my family - husband, children, grandchildren, parents, I love our home, travel.

I am interested in reading, drawing, and I dream of doing icon painting. Now I’m remodeling my garden, and I’m very passionate about it... I don’t think that someone else’s life (and yet the profession of an actor is playing at someone else’s life) and in general any game can replace real life. Yes! This game is fun to play, it brings a lot of pleasure - costumes, partners, fans... But life is still more interesting.

- You had great partners: Mironov, Vysotsky, Boyarsky, Dal... Everyone was chosen - heartthrobs, ladies' men.

And good! I love men who are womanizers. In my opinion, a man who does not love women, does not see or appreciate beauty, and does not know how to care for is not a man. I am very happy - I played on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater with Ktorov, Yanshin, Stanitsin, Strizhenov, Borisov, Nevinny, Efremov, Myagkov... Just a lucky girl!

- What qualities should a man have to fit “your type”?

ABOUT! I have a complex female type. I am very strong man! And self-sufficient. In order to captivate me, you need to be stronger than me, more interesting, more inventive, funnier, sexier...

- Are there really such people?

- (Laughs.) It happens, thank God! But not often. This is mine current husband- Andrey. Someone said that it is easier to be a hero once than to be a gentleman every day. My husband is capable of daily actions. Once (it was in Siberia, on the shore of one of the northern seas) we had a fight with him. I was invited to go on a yacht, and I left. And imagine: you need to get to the coast, the sea is endless, there are yacht clubs in these places... as many as 64! Besides, we swam wherever our eyes looked. But in the third hour of my sea voyage I see a boat in which stands... my Andrei. I was so shocked that, without hesitation, I jumped into the water and swam towards her. The shock happened not only to me, but also to everyone around me, because he did the impossible: in the middle of this vast expanse of water, out of a huge number of yachts that went to sea, he found the only one...

- You are known as an avid hunter and fisherman. Where do such unfeminine hobbies come from?

As a child, my ideal was my older brother, which is why I had boyish hobbies - fishing, ammunition, bungee jumping, shooting games. The passion for hunting was instilled in me... by our film festivals. What could the Soviet Film Forum offer as entertainment to actors who had traveled all over the world? The resources of our nature are fishing, forest, picnic, hunting... And since I liked men’s companies more than women’s, I got involved... Now my husband Andrey and I are avid hunters. We even went on a bear hunt in Kamchatka.

- Do you remember your first game?

It was a roe deer. On the set of the film “Be Happy, Yulia” in Moldova, Mihai Volontir and I were put on “numbers” (a hunting term, game is driven “by numbers”), and a herd was driven towards us... By the way, I can boast of real fishing records. Once in the Volga delta I caught a catfish weighing 12 kg and a pike weighing 9. By myself! True, I had to tinker. The hand then “fell off” for three days.

- Your daughters did not follow in your footsteps?

- The younger Polina wanted to become an actress, but I persuaded her to get one “normal” education. I gave birth to her very late, and the responsibility for her future lies with me - I must be sure that I will have time to put the child on her feet. And acting, if it’s hers, won’t go anywhere! Fortunately, we understood each other on this issue. Now she is 19, she is graduating from the Institute of Foreign Economic Trade. And you correctly noted that she and I play together in an enterprise. But time will tell. Eldest daughter Arina graduated from the Academy of Arts and works as a computer designer. 19 years ago she gave birth to my granddaughter Alice - so I have been a grandmother for a long time. ( Laughs.)

- But you can’t tell that from you. How do you manage to look so great?

I'm doing my best. I love all kinds of creams, I study women’s magazines, I don’t disdain operations, I take care of my health, and I’m constantly on some kind of diet. It all gives me pleasure. In a word, I don’t neglect my illnesses, admire the beauty of nature and listen to the birds singing in the morning. The gym is my garden, vegetable garden and home...

Weight loss recipe from Elena Proklova

I adore “wild” okroshka and lose weight on it after the May holidays and Easter... At my dacha I collect young nettles, dandelions, plantain, squash... Wild garlic, young garlic, onions, and cucumbers will also go there. All this needs to be finely chopped and poured with low-fat kefir (I dilute it in half with boiled water), acidify with lemon, add a spoonful of honey and a little salt. And you will lose weight, look prettier and improve your complexion. Wild plants are very strong plants that will transfer all their strength to you. I eat okroshka like this every evening. It’s impossible to tear yourself away - it’s so delicious! And if you need to lose a lot of weight, then I eat 3-5 times a day. The kilograms fall off instantly!

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