Gymnastic exercises for children and adults. General developmental gymnastic exercises

Speer attributes his success in the gym to years of gymnastics training. She helped him focus on more than just building muscle and strength. He targeted a mixture of endurance, stability, balance, power and muscular strength. And he became the athlete he is today. (We are sure that he got his “cubes” in the same way). Take his example and include these eight gymnastic exercises in your workout today.

"Boat" and "swing"

These basic exercises Gymnasts develop their abs and are taught to tense all their muscles at once, which Speer says is absolutely necessary in this sport. Here's why this is important for you: the stronger and more stable you can hold your position, the better you will be able to transfer force from your upper body to your lower body without wasting energy. This means you can more effectively perform squats, throws, pushes, lifts, jumps, punches and kicks, as well as running.

How to do it: Lie on your back, straight legs together, hands behind your head. Tighten your abs, lift your legs, head and shoulders five centimeters off the floor. Freeze. Your body should take the shape of a banana, from fingers to toes. This is a "boat". Hold the position for at least 30 seconds and then start swinging to increase the intensity. This is a "swing". Your abs will get another workout, Speer promises.

Bent body pull-up

As Speer says, this is the only way gymnasts do pull-ups. And they advise everyone else. Because in a bent position, the stability of the entire body increases, which allows you to concentrate more effort on lifting the body to the horizontal bar. In addition, this involves more muscles, including the gluteal and biceps femoris muscles, and the latissimus muscles and abs work together.

How to do it: Grab the horizontal bar with an overhand grip, hands hip- or shoulder-width apart. Hang. Tighten your abs, squeeze your hips, and point your legs slightly forward so that your body forms a stretched C. Maintain this curve throughout the exercise. As you pull yourself up, imagine that you are pressing on top surface horizontal bar, and focus on pulling your belly button up. Look straight ahead and touch the horizontal bar top part breasts Get down.

Angle squat

Gymnasts perform this exercise on parallel bars or rings. “This isometric exercise builds strength and endurance in your six-pack, hip flexors, lats and triceps,” says Speer. If you can hold for 20-30 seconds, your core is really strong.

How to do it: sit between the paralets or, if there are none, between two hexagonal dumbbells. Grab the handles, tense your arms, lower your shoulders down, bend your knees and lift them and your butt off the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. Return to the starting position. When you can easily hold for 30 seconds with bent legs, try doing the same with straight legs.

Planche push-ups

Gymnasts perform the planche exercise to demonstrate their remarkable upper body strength and endurance. But this aerobatics, which is why Speer recommends planche push-ups, which means shifting the weight forward as you approach the floor. This will help to better develop the pectoral and deltoid muscles, as well as the core, muscles and connective tissues in the wrists and shoulders.

How to do it: Take a push-up position, arms straight, palms at shoulder level, body straight. As you bend your elbows, allow your chest and shoulders to move forward until your palms are level with your chest or ribs. Hold, then return to the starting position.

Forward somersault

“Turls are the basis of acrobatics in gymnastics,” says Speer. “They improve spatial thinking and body control.” Yes, you are unlikely to do a backflip, but you should master the somersault well. “This is the easiest and most effective way to avoid injury from a fall.”

How to do it: on a mat, grass or soft surface. Sit down, place your hands on the floor 3 cm from you, slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your head between your hands, push your feet off the floor so that your hips go over your head. When your feet are up, push off with your hands and use the moment to get back to your feet.


Every gymnast should be able to do the splits. “But it takes time to learn,” says Speer. “What is required is sustained effort, not tension.” Well, why do you need this? To strengthen the flexibility of your biceps, hip flexors, and your overall form, as Speer says. For most men, these muscles are always toned due to constant sitting. And the more elastic they are, the better you will be at performing almost any lower body exercise.

How to do it: It is important not to force yourself, not to go beyond comfortable sensations. If you feel pain, stop immediately. From a standing position, take a step forward and lower yourself down until the knee of your back leg touches the floor. Keep your torso straight, slowly straighten your front leg and move your foot forward as far as possible. Gently push your hips towards the floor. To make it easier, you can rest your hands on small boxes, benches or yoga blocks.

Front and back balance

These exercises improve balance, leg strength, flexibility of the biceps femoris and hips in general.

How to do it: for the front, place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides, raise one leg as high as possible forward. Squeeze your quads and tighten your core. Don't move your hips; they should remain level throughout the entire exercise. For the back, instead of lifting your leg forward, lean forward so that your torso is parallel to the floor, and then lift one leg back so that it forms one line with your torso.


This is to gymnastics what free throws are to basketball: an absolutely essential skill that takes a lot of time to perfect. But for you, this time will not be wasted: you will be able to strengthen your balance, core, flexibility, proprioception, shoulder and shoulder blade stability.

How to do it: Place your hands on the floor 15-30 cm from the wall, spread your fingers as wide as possible. Push your legs one at a time to get into a handstand against the wall and hold for as long as possible. If you can hold on for 30 seconds, try doing a stand that isn't against a wall. The main thing is to do it on free space with a soft covering, so that if something happens you can do somersaults.

1. General characteristics of gymnastics means (gymnastic exercises), indicating the name and content of each of the eight groups of gymnastic exercises: drill, general development, freestyle, applied, acrobatic, apparatus exercises, jumping, rhythmic gymnastics exercises. Your opinion on the possibility of using gymnastics in your sport or in practice at your place of work.

2. Rules for recording gymnastic exercises (general developmental, acrobatic, apparatus exercises) with examples of generalizations, specific terminology and graphic recording of exercises.

3. A set of general developmental exercises (GDE), intended for warming up in a basic gymnastics lesson and including at least 8 exercises for different muscle groups.

4.List of references used.

1. General characteristics of gymnastics means.

Gymnastics- a system of specially selected physical exercises designed to improve health, physical development and improve motor skills 1.

Systematic gymnastics classes help improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the musculoskeletal system, the development of muscle strength, coordination of movements, etc.

The availability and variety of physical exercises used in gymnastics, the possibility of a wide choice of them, allows people of all ages and almost any degree of physical fitness to practice gymnastics.

Gymnastic exercises should be performed in light clothing (T-shirt, shorts, slippers, tracksuit), which does not restrict movement, in the air or in a well-ventilated hall or room in compliance with sanitary rules. When performing gymnastic exercises on apparatus, injuries to the skin of the palms, damage to the shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, ankle joints, and bruises are possible.

Due to this Special attention attention should be paid to observing all measures to prevent injuries (sequence of training, proper condition of equipment and mats, “insurance” when performing complex exercises, etc.).

Gymnastics objectives.

In progress physical education The following main tasks are solved:

A) improving health, hardening the body and increasing the level of physical development and performance;

B) mastering vital motor skills and abilities, including those of an applied nature;

C) education of moral and volitional qualities of a person;

D) development physical qualities(speed, strength, agility, endurance);

D) mastering the technique of performing special sports exercises (sports technique).

Improving the health of students is one of the main goals of physical education. M.I. spoke simply and clearly about these tasks. Kalinin: “We want to comprehensively develop a person so that he can run well, swim, walk quickly and beautifully, so that all his organs are in order - in a word, so that he is a normal, healthy person, ready for work and defense, so that at the same time All his physical qualities were correctly developed, and his mental qualities also developed.”

Specific means of physical education are physical exercises. Systematic physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the activity of the central nervous system, on the development and strengthening of the muscular system, circulatory and respiratory organs, reduces fatigue of the cerebral cortex and increases the body's performance.

The importance of physical exercise for the development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system is great: bones acquire greater strength, mobility in joints increases, and the body becomes more flexible. Significant changes occur in the muscles: under the influence of physical exercise, the volume of the muscles increases, their strength increases, the speed of muscle contraction and their elasticity increases. Physical exercise also has a beneficial effect on the internal organs of a person, especially the heart and lungs.

By means of physical education, improvement of health, development of strength, agility, speed, endurance and other qualities necessary in any difficult processes are achieved.

Properly organized work develops the most important work skills in people. At the same time, work develops dexterity, strength, endurance and contributes to the physical development of students.

The objectives of gymnastics are determined by the general goal of education, which is to form a new person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. The following types of tasks are distinguished.

A) Health objectives: health promotion, development of individual muscle groups and the entire muscular system; elimination and prevention of functional abnormalities in individual organs and systems of the body; development of correct posture and gait; general development and strengthening the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system, improving metabolism and increasing the vital functions of the body.

B) Educational objectives: to promote comprehensive harmonious, physical development, development of strength, flexibility, endurance, speed, agility, coordination and expressiveness of movements, to equip students with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in everyday life, work and defense activities.

C) Educational tasks: developing an attitude towards work and public property, nurturing patriotism, collectivism, discipline; upbringing moral qualities. Courage, determination, dedication, perseverance, perseverance, endurance, orientation, initiative.

Methods– these are methods of using gymnastic exercises and other gymnastics means for the purpose of a specially planned impact on those involved. The method of performing the exercise is characterized by the following: how many times to perform the exercises, how to breathe while doing so, how to combine the tension of working muscles with their relaxation, how to restore strength after intense and prolonged muscle work.

Types and classification of gymnastic exercises.

There are different types of gymnastic exercises - drill, general developmental, freestyle, applied, etc.

Certain types of gymnastic exercises, depending on the structure of motor actions and pedagogical tasks, are combined into three groups - health-improving (general developmental), sports and applied.

The challenges facing gymnastics, both as a pedagogical and academic discipline, are solved through the use of different exercises and their combinations 1 .

Drill exercises.

Drill exercises - joint actions of people in one system or another. Formation is the placement of students for joint actions.

Drill exercises include formations, formations, turns, opening and closing, and movements. These exercises are mainly used for the joint organized and quick placement of students in the gym, on the site before performing physical exercises and after their completion.

At the same time, they contribute to the formation of skills of correct posture, development of the eye, balance, speed, dexterity, orientation in space, cultivation of discipline, organization, and smartness.

For the convenience of conducting drill exercises in the gym (on the site), conventional points are determined: center, middle (upper, lower, left, right), corners (upper left, right, lower left, right).

These symbols are determined by the right border of the hall - one of the long sides.

General developmental exercises.

General developmental exercises are aimed at developing coordination abilities, flexibility and mobility in joints, strengthening individual muscles or their groups. In the preparatory part of the training session, outdoor gear is used to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for the upcoming work.

And in the main part, with repeated or interval training methods, when the load is performed in series, they serve as a means active rest. In the final part, they promote better recovery after work done and are used locally to strengthen and develop individual muscles.

Performing various outdoor activities improves coordination abilities, develops certain skills and helps to quickly master complex forms of sports techniques. At the same time, it is necessary to select exercises and methods of performing them in such a way that, without a significant increase in muscle mass, you develop the ability and skills to control your muscles (quickly contract them with the necessary force and relax after performing the exercise).

Everyone knows the ORU arsenal: not a single physical education lesson is held at school without them. However, as observations have shown, many young athletes do not pay due attention to them, perform them sluggishly and in small quantities. The dosage of exercises aimed at developing flexibility and mobility in the joints should gradually increase, especially in the preparatory period.

For getting desired effect each exercise should be performed at least 10-15 times. In cases where runners conduct even, variable tempo cross-countries or fartlek, where the warm-up is an easy run of 4-6 km, outdoor training must be performed after the end of the workout.

General developmental exercises include bending, lunging, squats, turns, circular rotations in joints, and drill exercises.

It is advisable to start a set of general developmental exercises with movements in small muscle groups (rotations in the ankle, wrist joints) and gradually increase the load, moving on to medium muscle groups (arm muscles, leg muscles), and then to large muscle groups (torso muscles).

It is advisable to pay special attention to exercises on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and head rotations. These movements help to increase cerebral blood circulation, which, in turn, increases tone nervous system, as well as mental and physical performance of the body 1.

Head rotations (turns, tilts, circular movements) should be performed smoothly, at a low pace. For older people or those prone to dizziness for one reason or another (low hemoglobin in the blood, high or low blood pressure, pregnancy, etc.), it is advisable to perform head movements while standing near a support or sitting.

People with severe vascular diseases (aneurysms, sclerosis, etc.) or cervical spine (cervical osteochondrosis, etc.) should strain the neck muscles without movement. To do this, for example, you can use your hand as resistance and press on it with your head.

Performing a set of general developmental exercises eliminates congestion in tissues, increases blood circulation in muscles, helps increase the elasticity of muscles and joint elements, facilitates blood flow to the heart, moderately increases the volume of exercises. It is useful to change exercises used in the complex periodically so that exercises do not turn into boring and uninteresting class.

In a complex of physical exercises, you can use exercises to develop mobility in the joints (flexibility): bending to straight legs from standing and sitting positions, deep lunges, etc. These exercises are similar to stretching exercises, but are more intense and traumatic, so it is advisable to use them after preliminary “warming up” of the muscles, that is, at the end of a set of general developmental exercises. However, caution should be exercised when using stretching exercises immediately after stretching exercises.

Stretching increases metabolism in the stretched muscles and increases blood circulation in them. At the same time, stretching exercises do not cause a significant increase in the activity of the heart and breathing, so they are well suited for an organism that is not fully awakened.

Bending to straight legs from a squat position, legs together improve blood supply to the spine, increase the elasticity of the joint elements and back muscles. Improved blood supply is accompanied by an increased supply of nutrients and oxygen, which generally has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the spine and nearby nerve centers.

The use of stretching exercises in morning exercises is also justified by the specifics of human biological rhythms. The highest levels of flexibility are recorded in people in the morning. Therefore, it is advisable to use the morning hours to develop this physical quality.

Floor exercises 1.

Floor exercises are ligaments, series and large

connection of various movements of the body or its links, logically interconnected into an artistic composition.

The variety of forms of movements and a wide range of their difficulty allow you to create combinations of movements to suit every taste.

In this case, floor exercises are considered as a healing and developmental tool, and not as a sports form of gymnastics. In this regard, a certain combination and sequence of interrelated individual movements determine a single composition, which ensures the formation of culture, expressiveness, and aesthetics. Since floor exercises are performed “flowing”, an accentuated impact on the functional systems that ensure the quality of endurance is possible - under certain conditions, floor exercises develop the cardiovascular and respiratory systems very well. Musical accompaniment of floor exercises helps to develop a sense of the beauty of movements, aesthetic tastes, and directly for exercise - the formation of a positive emotional background, which helps to endure the training load, and satisfaction.

Floor exercises as a means of initial motor training can be set standard combinations, which are compiled individually in accordance with the rules or special requirements. In this regard, they can be performed in various forms organization (frontally, in a circle, in ranks, in columns, etc.), as well as in pairs and groups - where coordinated work of all exercise participants is required.

The last type of “group floor exercise”, due to its specificity, is often used in mass competitions, holidays and competitions for the purpose of agitation and promotion of a healthy lifestyle and introduction to regular physical education.

When practicing floor exercises in basic gymnastics, you need to take into account special requirements and methodological recommendations:

The exercises included in the compositions should be varied, not repeated (except for connecting elements), and performed together, although short-term poses that are small in number are also possible;

The complexity of floor exercises should correspond to the level of preparedness of the performers, the purpose of these exercises (for warming up, mastering the largest range of movements, developing special qualities, functional improvement), and the musical accompaniment should be selected in accordance with the nature of the composition, psychophysical characteristics and musical taste of the performers;

Setting and surrounding nature If possible, they should be used as much as possible to build an artistic image and spectacular composition. Then they will become an effective means of motor improvement, aesthetic education, awakening and maintaining sustainable interest in activities;

The duration of floor exercises, the number of individual movements and ligaments, as well as the pace of their execution as a whole determine their load, and by varying these parameters allows you to control the load with sufficient accuracy;

The volume of floor exercises requires the use of: learning the composition in parts, mirror display, gradual build-up, starting from a rough overall pattern, amplitude, accuracy and speed of execution of movements, but at the same time their contrast (fast - slow, strong - weak, sluggish - emotional and so on.).

Applied exercises 1.

Often used in labor and military activities. These include: walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing, crawling and carrying partners, equipment, mats, overcoming an obstacle course. Balance exercises, running, and overcoming obstacles are one of the main tasks of gymnastics.

With the help of applied exercises, overall coordination of movements is improved, individual muscle groups are developed and strengthened.


Jumping is one of the effective means of basic gymnastics. These are actions of a speed-power nature that have several phases: “repulsion”, unsupported (flight) phase, landing.

They have a whole range of influences on the student: developmental, educational, applied, and can serve as a means of active recreation. Among the numerous health-improving jumps, a distinction is made between unsupported and supported jumps.

Unsupported jumps include:

Jumping in place on one and two legs, jumping (higher) in place and with lateral movements and rotations, as well as additional movements of the arms and body;

Running jumps, pushing with one or two legs, in length, height; single and serial “multi-jumps”;

Using springboards and bridges as facilitating conditions, or obstacles as complicating ones;

Jumping “in depth” - jumping from a certain height - to a stop with a stable landing or “to transition” to the next jump or a series of them;

Jumping using objects (jump ropes, balls, hoops, etc.) in a variety of options and combinations and with certain tasks for manipulating objects.

Vaults are a running jump to overcome an obstacle or a series of obstacles using successive push-offs with legs and arms and, as a rule, in a determined manner.

Usually the method of jumping is “specified” terminologically: “with legs bent”, “legs apart”, “legs bent back”, etc. Vaults are conventionally divided into seven parts: run-up, jump onto the bridge, push with the legs, jump on the projectile, push with the arms (less often with the arms and legs or arms and head), flight and landing. Thus, even outwardly, jumping is a complex motor action that requires appropriate motor abilities.

Jumps using throwing equipment (bridges, springboards, standard and mini-trampolines) are generally similar in technical details to previous types of jumps, but are associated with the catapulting properties of the support, which determine the possibility of a higher and farther unsupported phase of flight.

On the one hand, to perform such jumps it is not necessary to display a particularly high level of force for repulsion - “the support works for the gymnast.” But on the other hand, in order to interact with it and more fully use the elastic properties of the support, more accurate differentiation of spatial, temporal and force own actions and their consistency with the reaction of the support is required.

In addition, the possibility of higher and further jumps gives rise to a corresponding temptation and desire to do so. But in this case, the manifestation of a high level of physical and special motor preparedness is again required and a new incentive for improvement appears.

Jumping on a standard trampoline is performed from different starting positions (from two legs, from knees, from all fours, from a seat, from the back and from the stomach), which largely determines the conditions and methods of repulsion, as well as the height of the jump. As a rule, jumping on a trampoline ends on its net and to stop, depreciation is required, taking into account not only the reaction of one’s own muscles to a changing (and most importantly - consciously controlled) load, but also the entire “jumper-trampoline” system, which consists of the interaction of elastic-elastic strength

Another option is to combine trampoline jumping with other activities that end on auxiliary equipment: an acrobatic track, a foam pit, a mat slide, as well as overcoming obstacles (for example, a gymnastic horse).

Jumping on a mini-trampoline is more intended for independent exercise. The support area on them is much smaller than on a standard trampoline, and the elasticity of the mesh is also less, which limits the height of the jump. Therefore, such jumps are relatively simple and accessible to a wider range of practitioners. But a mini-trampoline can be used as a springboard or a gymnastic bridge: if you position it at an angle, then, taking a running start from it, you can perform vault or acrobatic jumps of varying difficulty.

The methodological features of using jumps are as follows:

1) a wide range of difficulty of jumps makes it easy to select them for training in accordance with the capabilities of the performers and the specific task of application;

2) learning jumps begins with landing, since this ensures the safety of performing jumps in general;

3) separate mastery of flight actions in easier conditions is methodically justified and important in the situation of complex jumps with rotations and turns, but does not make sense in mastering simple jumps;

4) to perform jumps, it is necessary to ensure safe conditions: appropriate equipment of the training area, the use of a rational sequence of exercises, the use of assistance and insurance, as well as, if possible, technical means (simulators, etc.).

Exercises on gymnastic apparatus.

These exercises are performed on “artificial devices” (structures), which are divided into 3 groups:

1) standard gymnastic equipment: parallel bars (equal and uneven), crossbar (high, low and medium height), rings, beam, pommel horse with handles, platform for floor exercises, pommel horse and goat for vaults.

Each of the equipment has its own design features, which determine the conditions for performing the exercises and their content. Exercises on apparatus represent the basis not only for various types of training and classification programs in gymnastics, but also for all kinds of complexes of physical exercises of various directions;

2) auxiliary equipment - allowing to create easier conditions for the formation of basic motor skills. These projectiles can also be used to solve specific problems, for example, when developing physical qualities. This is a gymnastic wall, bench, rope, bridges, springboards, trampoline, as well as combined equipment and devices;

3) mass-type apparatus, which are variants of transformed or modernized basic apparatus, adapted for the simultaneous performance of an exercise by a group of students (for example, all at once - on uneven bars or a balance beam) - which allows to significantly intensify the educational health process and achieve greater density of exercise and its productivity.

Despite the variety of exercise techniques and conditions for their implementation, all exercises on apparatus are conventionally divided into: static, slow movements and swing 1.

Static exercises- these are various poses and positions taken and held on the apparatus; simple and mixed supports and hangs, as well as various racks. Mixed hangs and supports are the simplest to perform, since they use support from several parts of the body simultaneously and the balance is usually quite stable.

This type of exercise is most widely used in classes with poorly prepared students. At the same time, in static exercises it is advisable to set the task of maintaining balance - as a condition that mobilizes the body’s capabilities and therefore stimulates its improvement, as well as for the variety of means used. For example, performing the exercise not in a lying position, but in a lying position on one arm.

Slow movements- these are strength exercises associated with a slow transition from one static position to another. At the same time, the degree of effort expended and the conditions for changing positions determine their complexity. For example: from a hanging position, bending and extending the arms (pulling up and lowering into a hanging position) - in one case, but lifting by inverting - in another, where not only vertical movement occurs, but also rotation - in general, requiring a different level of preparedness: its manifestation or acquisition through the use of this particular exercise or preparatory exercises for it.

Swing exercises- the most representative group of movements associated with rotations and linear movements on projectiles. They are characterized by a change in speed of movement, overcoming the inertiality of the mass of the body as a whole and its parts, abrupt change rhythms of movements, directions, types of switching in muscle work from one mode to another, redistribution of activity between different muscle groups.

Performing exercises on apparatus is associated with the need for special coordination of actions between body parts, certain properties of the support (most often elasticity) and conditions of interaction with it (a certain position on the apparatus, type of grip on the apparatus, etc.). In general, compliance with these conventions is predetermined by the motor task, and the set of motor actions in accordance with it represents the exercise technique.

Acrobatic exercises.

These are dynamic exercises of a complex coordination nature that require appropriate speed-strength preparedness and spatial-temporal orientation abilities. At the same time, acrobatic exercises themselves provide good general physical development, stimulate the improvement of speed, accuracy of actions, and the ability to maintain various types of balance.

Among acrobatic exercises, three groups are distinguished: acrobatic jumps, static elements, pair and group exercises.

The following basic exercises are typical for acrobatic jumps:

1) rifts- rotation (rolling) with sequential touching of the mats, without turning over the head, with supporting links of the body and maintaining a given position (in a group, bent, bending over) or changing them during the execution. They are performed in different directions (forward, backward, to the side) and are used primarily as preparatory to mastering more complex actions;

2) somersaults- Same rotational movements body with sequential contact with the support by the body links, but with turning over the head. They are performed in a specifically specified position and with precisely defined initial and final poses (for example, “crouched from an emphasis” to “sitting legs apart”), from a place, from a run, with or without a flight phase (jump);

3) coups- movements with full rotation in one direction or another, “separated” by an intermediate support (arms, head, etc.) into three phases: pre-flight, flight (unsupported) and landing (the exception is slow flips, in which there is no flight phase; they are a minority). The pre-flight phase may contain a run-up or a “tempo jump” (“valset”) and necessarily a take-off, which is performed with the hands or arms while simultaneously resting on the head.

Flips are carried out by swinging one leg in combination with pushing off with the other leg, pushing with both legs (in this case, the technique involves a subsequent swing of the legs back - if a forward flip is performed, or other program actions, the implementation of which is ultimately ensured by the given acrobatic element, and not any other ).

Flips are the first fairly complex exercises in initial acrobatic training;

4) half-flips- actions with half rotation (180°) forward and backward, less often - to the side; from hands to feet or vice versa, observing certain positions of the torso, arms and legs, and maintaining the initial and final positions. The group of exercises is small but important;

5) pirouettes- jumping with turns around the vertical axis of the body while maintaining its straight position. Typically, the unit of rotation in a pirouette is a 360° turn. The simplest example: jump up with a turn (left, right) 360°; example of a complex pirouette: bending back somersault with a 720° turn;

6) somersault- a jump with full rotation in the air (forward, backward, sideways) in a tuck, with a bent or straight body (“bending”), as well as with various actions in flight: flexion and extension, turning, as well as taking some intermediate ones (“somersaults”) transition to a flip") or final positions ("to a plank on two legs", to a squat, etc.). Somersaults are considered to be the most difficult group of jumps; in fact, with proper preparation, you can master a jump, for example, a forward somersault, in two or three attempts.

Static exercises include racks associated with maintaining a specific position in space in a specified version of support.

The simplest stands are: on the shoulder blades, on the forearms, on the head and arms, on the chest and arms - where stability of the body position is relatively easy to ensure. Stands on two and one hands are much more difficult. The methods of arriving at a stance position are very different in form and in coordination complexity: by rolling, somersaulting, jumping, turning over, half-turning, swinging one leg and pushing the other, pushing with two, forcefully, - in general, they are already combinations of motor actions (or elements ).

Pair or group exercises are based on the interaction of partners performing balancing (balancing a partner in different positions while maintaining their own balance in a given position).

Health-improving and developmental pair acrobatic exercises are characterized by simultaneous movements (rolls and somersaults in pairs, slow flips), as well as relatively simple combinations and compositions of stands, supports, stops and balances. In addition to these, group exercises include pyramid exercises.

The teaching methodology for acrobatic exercises is generally traditional for gymnastics and is based on the use of holistic and separate training methods, the use of appropriate preparatory and lead-in exercises, constant monitoring and correction, and timely transition to structurally similar, more complex exercises as a condition for progressive improvement and maintaining interest in classes.

Rhythmic gymnastics exercises.

Free movements of the body parts, varieties of movements, bends, lunges, jumps and jumps, movements with objects - adapted to the motor skills of the female body and appropriately stylized (roundness of movements, danceability, plasticity, musicality) - form part of the arsenal of rhythmic gymnastics, accessible to the widest circle engaged.

These exercises expand motor experience, form a special motor style (posture, gait, behavior), cultivate the accuracy of motor actions, improve physical fitness, and in general solve health-improving and developmental problems.

The exercises used in mass rhythmic gymnastics can be divided into basic and preparatory.

Preparatory exercises include:

Varieties of walking, running and jumping: walking on half-toes, on heels, in a half-squat, “sharp step” (rolling over the entire foot from the toe), spring step (sharp rise on half-toes after a slight squat), high step (raising the knees high), lunges; “sharp running”, springy, high, on toes, with a change in the position of the legs in front; jumping on one and two legs; all of the above movements with changes of direction and turns;

Movements with relaxation, allowing you to regulate tonic muscle tension and control complex motor coordination: actions of body parts (sharp lowering and lifting, free oscillations and swings, frequent short oscillations, or vibration), free poses (lying on your back or on your stomach and their varieties, squats with bends and additional movements.

All these actions, performed as preparatory exercises, allow you to create a base of initial motor readiness and form “initial” specific skills.

General development exercises (GDE) - for training skiers.

One way or another, good coordination in cross-country skiing is a must. Only those who are able to stand firmly on their feet can ski correctly.

Coordination is the ability to perform coordinated movements. However, what at first glance seems very simple and natural often turns out to be not so easy. Coordination includes five abilities:




  1. orientation

In ski racing, the most important, in my opinion, are the first three abilities. Balance is necessary when moving the center of gravity from one leg to the other. Rhythm is the key to smooth execution of movements. Coordination must be trained all year round at least once a week.

I’ll give you a small complex that I use directly in training.

Running in place.

While running in place, raise your knees high and swing your arms rhythmically. Feet quickly leave the ground, back straight.

Jumping running.

When performing a step, it is necessary, after rolling the foot from heel to toe, to perform a sharp push-off with the foot, while simultaneously swinging the other leg forward and upward. For an instant, the whole body is in the air. You need to land on the foot you used to take off. Now this leg makes a swinging movement.

Multi-jump on two legs.

Jumps are performed by pushing off with both feet from a deep squat and landing on both feet.

Run sideways with legs crossed.

Running to the left: cross your right leg behind your left, turning your pelvis to the left. Then, with your left foot behind you, take a step to the left; pull your right leg towards it, placing it behind you, while simultaneously rotating your pelvis. With each step, the right leg appears either in front or behind the left. Keep your hands at stomach level. The body is straight, only the hips rotate.

Many gymnastic exercises can be used in various types sports Gymnastics is the key to flexibility and plasticity; preparing the body for more complex physical activity.

Walking, running, swimming, skiing, cycling, gymnastics... last years These types of physical exercises, which are called cyclic, have gained many fans. And this is no coincidence.

Having decided to engage in physical education, a person focuses primarily on what is more useful, accessible, and simple. Cyclic exercises can significantly increase endurance, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which is very important for the prevention of many diseases.

So, taking this into account, is it worth advocating for gymnastics, which requires a certain concentration and thoughtful attitude to the exercises performed? Yes, it's worth it! But, unfortunately, many running followers ignore not only the basic warm-up before training, but also the daily morning exercises. Running, they say, is so universal that it can replace everything. But this is by no means true.

Endurance for sure important quality. But it is still not enough to maintain health.

A person’s entire life is connected with movement, and at every step it tests our ability to control our body.

Observing people in motion, you can often see that the intended movement does not coincide with what happens. Here are a few simple examples from Everyday life. Brushing crumbs off the table, you dropped your cup on the floor without calculating the movement of your hand. Suddenly the bus started moving sharply, and in order to maintain your balance, you randomly step from foot to foot several times, pushing those around you, instead of tilting your body in the direction opposite to the movement of the bus, putting your foot aside and leaning firmly on it.

Sometimes health, sometimes even human life, depends on the accuracy and timeliness of motor actions. Example: a woman tripped and fell and put out her hand with a wallet clutched in it. The hand twisted and the wrist was fractured. The reason is basic motor illiteracy. WHEN FALLING, YOU MUST OPEN YOUR PALM AND SLIGHTLY BEND YOUR ARMS TO ABSORB YOUR FALL.

Accidents can be avoided by exercising extreme caution. But better, constantly improving your physical training with the help of gymnastics.

The fact that gymnastics helps both in work and in everyday life is not empty words. A person who easily and confidently controls his body can handle any task.

The ability to move beautifully good posture(on which, by the way, the correct position and normal functioning of the internal organs largely depend) give rise to a feeling of fullness of life, a sense of self-confidence.

Of particular note is the role of gymnastics in the development and maintenance of flexibility and mobility of joints. With age, it worsens, and the amplitude of movements decreases, which leads to limitation of motor activity. A shuffling senile gait appears, movements become slow and indecisive. And all this can be avoided with the help of gymnastic exercises.

Gymnastic exercises allow you to harmoniously develop muscles, purposefully form beautiful figure, develop strength. And no matter what kind physical culture Whatever your preference, don’t forget that you can’t do without its oldest form, the “mother of sports” - gymnastics!

Spinal flexibility tests

Perform a few simple tests to assess the flexibility of your spine.

  • Test 1. Stand straight with your feet together. Bend forward as low as possible, placing your arms down (Figure 1). Your fingertips should touch the floor.
  • Test 2. Lying on your stomach with your feet secured, bend over, lifting your chest off the floor (Figure 2). The distance between the breastbone (sternum) and the floor should be 10-20 centimeters.
  • Test 3. Stand with your back to the wall, feet at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other. Bend as low as possible to the side, touching your back to the wall (Figure 3). The same in the other direction. Your fingertips should go just below your kneecap.
  • Test 4. Sit on a chair facing the back and rest your hands on the knees of your spread legs. Without changing the position of your pelvis and legs, turn your head and torso back (Figure 4). You should see your partner's arms raised above his head, standing two meters behind him.

Exercises for mobility of the spine and joints

To improve the mobility of the joints of the spine, it is necessary to perform exercises that repeat its basic movements: flexion and extension, bending to the right and left, circular movements, twisting. The proposed exercises will help slow down age-related changes in the mobility of the joints of the spine. In order to reduce the load on the intervertebral discs, in most exercises the starting position is lying or sitting.

  • Starting position (i.p.) - standing in a horizontal forward bend, legs apart, hands on your knees. On the count of 1-2, bring your lower back up, lower your head, round your back (Figure 5); on the count of 4-5, lower your lower back, raise your head, bend over. Repeat 16 times.
  • I. p. - sitting, legs bent, chest pressed to the hips, hands holding the heels. On the count of 1-4, try to straighten your legs without lifting your torso from your legs (Figure 6); at the count of 5-8 return to i. n. Repeat 12 times.
  • I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. On the count of 1-4, place your feet on the floor behind your head (Figure 7); at the count of 5-8 return to i. n. Repeat 12 times.
  • I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. On the count of 1-4, bend over, leaning on your elbows and without lifting your pelvis and head from the floor; at the count of 5-8 return to i. p. Repeat 16 times.
  • I. p. - lying on your stomach, legs apart, bent, hands holding your feet. On the count of 1-4, try to straighten your legs, lifting top part torso (Figure 8); at the count of 5-8 return to i. n. Repeat 12 times.
  • I. p. - lying on your back, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. On the count of 1-2, move your torso to the right without lifting your back from the floor; on the count of 3-4 return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.
  • I. p. - sitting, legs as wide apart as possible, hands behind the head. On the count of 1-2, bend to the right, trying to touch your elbow to the floor behind your knee. right leg(Figure 9); on the count of 3-4 return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.
  • I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent. On the count of 1-2, try to touch your knees to the floor on the right, turn your head to the left; on the count of 3-4 return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.
  • I. p. - sitting, legs bent apart, hands in front of the chest. On the count of 1-2, turn the body to the left, touch your left knee with your right elbow, left hand take it as far back as possible and touch the floor (Figure 10); on the count of 3-4 return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.
  • I. p. - standing, legs apart. On the count of 1-4, circular movement of the body to the right (Figure 11); on the count of 5-8, do the same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.


These simple exercises Best done in the morning. They will not take much of your time and will not require a lot of effort and energy. They will “wake up” your muscles and prepare your body for active daily activities. So, get up early, walk to the beach and start exercising. Remember that they will bring the greatest effect if you take off your shoes before starting classes. Your feet will not feel the hardness of the soles of tight shoes, but the pleasant warmth of the soft sea sand.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart, tilt your head first to the right, then forward, left and back. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight, extend your left arm forward and your right arm back. Perform circular rotations with your arms, turning your body to the right and left. Repeat the exercise 20–30 times.


Starting position: legs together. First lift your right leg and bend it at the knee, then pull your heel towards your buttocks. Stay in this position for 10–15 seconds. Do the same with your left leg.


Try to simultaneously lift your right leg bent at the knee, bend your left arm at the elbow, and swing backwards with your right arm. Then raise your left leg bent at the knee, bend your right arm at the elbow, and swing with your left arm. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.


Heels together, toes slightly apart. Alternately lift your right and then your left leg up. Try to touch your chest with your knee. Do the exercise 15–20 times. Rest and repeat the exercise again.


Feet together, raise your arms high up. Stand on your toes and lower yourself down. Do the exercise 15–20 times. Rest for a few seconds and repeat 15-20 more times.


Place your legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, feet parallel to each other. Try to slowly raise and lower your heels 30–40 times, while keeping your back straight. Rest and repeat the exercise again. You can make the exercise more difficult if you perform it standing on one leg (right or left). Repeat each option 20 times.


Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on your waist. Tilt your torso first forward and backward, then right and left. Do 10–15 bends in each direction. Rest and repeat the exercise one more time.


Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on shoulders. Turn your torso to the right and then to the left without lifting your feet off the floor. Perform 20–25 turns in each direction.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms up. Bend back at the waist, stretching your arms back, immediately following this, lean forward. The back should be straight. Repeat the exercise 10–15 times.


Place your feet together, clasp your fingers so that your palms are turned up. Bend your torso forward and touch your palms to the floor. Then stand up straight. Repeat the exercise 10–20 times.


Take a lunge step forward with your right foot, rest your hands on the knee of your supporting leg, and extend your left leg. Make 10-12 springy movements. Switch legs. Repeat 10-12 springy movements.


Legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, shoulders back, hands on hips. In this position, perform deep squats without lifting your heels off the floor. Do the exercise 15–20 times. Rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat again.

You can complete this set of exercises with brisk walking or jogging.

Fast walking and just walking barefoot have a beneficial effect on human health, as they contribute to a greater extent to the active saturation of the body with oxygen, necessary for the implementation of all vital processes.

If we compare running and walking, the latter, as one of the possible means of health training, preferable to the first, since when running the overall load on the joints of the legs and spine increases. In addition, intense walking provides a load comparable to the load during running.

It is better to start with exercises to develop coordination of movements, mobility of joints and spine, and to strengthen the muscles of the legs.

They will help you get rid of pain in the spine and sacral region. the following exercises, which are also preferable to perform on sand. You will need a large beach ball.


Sit on your heels, tilt your torso forward, extend your arms forward, place your palms on the ball. Bend your torso down with springy movements.


Lie on the ball with your back, extend both arms back. Slowly pull your hands forward and down (towards the ground), while the ball should remain motionless.


Sit on the ball, spread your legs to the sides. Shoulders should be straightened, arms raised up. Using your hands, try to lift an invisible heavy load.


To perform this exercise correctly, you need to sit on the sand and, leaning on your hands, hold the ball with your shins and feet, while either raising it or lowering it. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.


Standing on your right knee, place your left foot on the ball and keep both hands at your foot. Gently push the ball forward using light pressure on your raised foot. Repeat the exercise for your right leg.


Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, and hold the ball between your feet. Bend your knees, while trying to touch your buttocks with your heels. To achieve maximum effect, try to tense your entire body.

While doing the exercises, you will, of course, be tired, and it will take some time to get some rest, so we suggest doing the last exercise, which will help the muscles relax thoroughly.

Sit on the sand with your back to the ball, bend your knees. Hold the ball firmly with your hands. Then lie down on it with a sliding movement, straightening your legs.

If you are a fan of walking barefoot in warm, soft sea ​​sand, please accept my sincere congratulations. Such walks can not only give a person a lot of pleasant sensations, but also bring invaluable benefits. The very sensation of hot or lukewarm sand, small sea pebbles will give you pleasure; you will enjoy the warm breeze blowing on your feet, gently caressing your skin Sun rays They will relax, but that’s not all. You probably don’t even suspect that while walking barefoot on the sea sand, a person is receiving an acupressure session.

Acupressure, or, as it is also called, acupressure, is a kind of synthesis of acupuncture (acupuncture) and conventional massage and is one of components traditional Chinese medicine. Acupressure has excellent healing properties, relieves muscle tension, pain, activates the metabolic process. Thanks to acupressure, blood flow increases and nutrients to tissues and organs.

The acupressure method is often used in cases where it is necessary to quickly relieve any painful sensations, for example, a headache or a slight tingling in the heart area, etc. The essence of the method is that, thanks to the influence of the fingertips on certain biologically active points, painful symptoms are relieved. In this case, you can use one single or several points at once, located in a certain order. First, you need to fix a certain point with your fingertips and lightly press on it, after which you can gradually increase the pressure until you feel a slight beating at this point, reminiscent of a tingling sensation.

Unlike acupressure, which means that within 1-2 minutes you can influence only one or, in extreme cases, two or three points located on your foot, when walking on sea sand you immediately influence almost all points .

Your feet truly deserve to be taken care of constantly because they keep you on the move. Most likely, you don’t even think about how important certain areas on the feet are for you and the body as a whole. First of all, on the soles of the feet a large number of nerve endings, and this is where important energy pathways that provide communication with the entire body end.

Ancient Chinese philosophers and healers believed that the soles of the feet represent a kind of “geographical” map of our body, since each part of the foot (its sole) is closely connected with some specific internal organ. For example, thumb is directly related to the activity of the brain (cerebellum, pituitary gland), the convex “section” of the sole, located directly under the thumb, is with the activity of the thyroid gland, and the space next to it, occupying the area located under the other fingers, is with the activity of the lung, etc. d.

By influencing certain points (reflex zones), you can get rid of headaches, relieve tension, etc. Moreover, regular massage (or frequent walks barefoot in the sand) are an excellent prevention of many diseases of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems , gastrointestinal tract. If pain occurs, do not rush to take pills, since even the most effective of them affect the body in both positive and negative ways. Instead, take advantage of a special set of exercises that are performed on the sand and are based on the principles of acupressure of reflex zones.

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Gymnastics is important for a child of any age, as it strengthens the body, strengthens the muscles of the body, and promotes the development of coordination of movements. When your baby turns two or three years old, you can begin to accustom him to daily gymnastic exercises. For children different ages developed different complexes exercises. How older child, the more complex exercises he is asked to perform. The youngest children will be interested in activities in the form of a game with a teacher or parent. An older child can perform the exercises independently, following the instructions of elders. After 5 years, a child can be taken to a sports section. At this age you can engage in sports or rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, karate, dancing, figure skating or another sport that the baby will like.

What you need to know before starting gymnastics

It is best to do gymnastics and exercises for children at fresh air. This will allow the child’s body to be better saturated with oxygen. If this is not possible or the weather outside is bad, for example, rain, then you need to perform physical exercises in a spacious and well-ventilated room.

The uniform for gymnastics varies depending on the time of year. There is only one requirement: clothing should not restrict movement or interfere with exercise. In winter, your child will be comfortable doing exercises in a tracksuit, and in summer, in a T-shirt and shorts.

Gymnastics exercises for children 2–3 years old

It is impossible to force children aged 2–3 years to perform gymnastic exercises simply by repeating them after adults. They won't be interested. But if gymnastic exercises for children are presented in the form of a game, then the kids will be happy to join the process. The duration of classes for children of this age should not exceed 5-10 minutes, since the child is not yet able to concentrate on something for a long time. Typically, a set of gymnastic exercises for children under three years of age consists of 2–3 game exercises which must be repeated 4–5 times. The lesson begins with a warm-up. During warm-up, children walk, run slowly (10 seconds), jump (6-8 times). You can alternate between walking and jumping. Physical exercise included in the complex are performed in the following sequence:

1. Strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms

  • "We reached out." The child stands with his arms at his sides and his legs slightly apart. Execution: Raise your arms up and down.
  • "Sun". The child stands, arms down along the body, legs slightly apart. Execution: raise your hands up and reach for the sun, lower your hands.
  • "Birds." The child stands, arms down along the body, legs slightly apart. Execution: spread your arms to the sides, raise them up, lower them down (“flapping your wings”), take the starting position.

2. Developing the torso

  • "Bowed." The child stands with his arms at his sides and his legs wider than his shoulders. Execution: lean forward, try to reach the floor with your fingers, straighten up.
  • "Knock Knock". The child stands with his arms at his side and his feet shoulder-width apart. Execution: lean forward and tap your knees with your palms, straighten up.
  • "Window". The child sits on a chair, hands on his knees, feet on the floor. Execution: lean forward, turn your head to the right, left (“look out the window”), take the starting position.

3. Strengthen the leg muscles

  • "Jumping gallop". The child stands with his arms along his body and legs together. Execution: jumping in place.
  • "Hide and seek." The child stands, arms along the body, legs slightly apart. Execution: you need to hide - squat down, put your palms on your knees, and stand up.
  • "Springs." The child is standing. Execution: springy half-squats, alternating with walking.

Gymnastic exercises for children 4–5 years old

Children 4–5 years old are already more attentive and focused than toddlers three years old. Therefore, the duration of a set of gymnastic exercises for children can be increased to 15 minutes. Classes are aimed at strengthening the child’s muscle corset, developing coordination and flexibility. Let's look at an approximate set of exercises.

We train arm muscles

  • "Reels." The child stands with his arms spread to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart. Execution: 4 forward rotations with the hands and 4 backward rotations. Do 2 reps.
  • "Wheels". The child stands with his arms spread to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart. Execution: 4 forward rotations with your arms and 4 backward rotations. Do 2 reps.
  • "Strongmen." The child stands with his hands on his shoulders and his legs slightly apart. Execution: bring your elbows forward so that they touch, starting position. Do 5 reps.
  • "Scissors". The child stands with his arms in front, raised to shoulder level, and his legs slightly apart. Execution: cross straightened arms, starting position. Do 5 reps.

Strengthening the back muscles

  • "Who's there?". The child stands with his hands on his belt and his legs slightly apart. Execution: turn your head to the right, starting position, turn your head to the left, starting position. Do 5 reps.
  • "Pendulum". The child stands with his hands on his belt and his legs slightly apart. Execution: tilt the body to the right, starting position, tilt the body to the left, starting position. Do 5 reps.

Strengthening the leg muscles

  • "Fidget". The child stands, arms down along the body, legs together. Execution: spread your arms to the sides, raise them up, spread them to the sides, lower them. Do 3 reps.
  • "Squats." The child stands with his arms along his body and legs together. Execution: sit down, raise your arms forward (do not lift your heels off the floor, your back is straight), starting position. Do 7 reps.
  • "Jumping" The child stands, hands on the belt, legs together. Execution: 2 – 3 jumps on each leg. Do 4 reps.

Developing flexibility

  • "Bends to the floor." The child stands, arms along the body, legs slightly apart. Execution: bend over and reach for the toe of the right foot, starting position, bend over and reach for the toe of the left foot, starting position. Do not bend your legs when performing the exercise. Do 3 reps.
  • “We stretch, we stretch.” The child sits on the floor, legs apart wider than shoulders. Execution: stretch to the toe of the right foot, starting position, stretch to the toe of the left foot, starting position. Do 4 reps.

What else to read