Go to the Devil: How to make a contract with dark forces. How to make a deal with the devil and dark forces

Many of the living dream of submitting to the forces of evil in order to receive earthly blessings. The first mention of a deal with the Devil dates back to 1634. French Catholic priest Urbain Grandier drew up a written agreement with the Master of Darkness. Later, the Inquisition found this document and sentenced Grandier to death penalty. It is interesting that Grandier burned at the stake of the Holy Inquisition exactly 13 years after the agreement with Satan. For thirteen years, he lived in luxury and surrounded by beautiful maidens. Everything is fair according to the contract, 13 years of pleasure, and then death.

Time passes, and in the 21st century there are no fewer people who want to obtain earthly goods in such a dubious way. Did you know that the University of Paris approved the theory that to practice black magic you need an agreement with Lucifer?

How to make a pact with Satan?

First of all, decide whether you need it? After all, after “signing the contract” you will live exactly 13 years, not a day more! Have you decided? Then let's go!

The contract should be written in Latin. However, let us immediately make a reservation that Latin language, this is not a strict rule, rather it is a tribute to tradition. It is foolish to assume that Lucifer is not a literate person and does not know what languages ​​mortals speak. If you wish, write the text to native language. The contract is written by hand, in your own blood. There is no need to come up with any complex turns of phrase. Write sincerely, try to put your thoughts and desires on paper. Try to be restrained in your desires, don’t be impudent, no one will give you the place of the Devil!

Carrying out the ritual

Stand on the pentagram drawn by the church candles, pick up the letter, and tell the demons that you are ready to make a deal. To do this, say out loud the phrase you see below.

If you feel the presence of demonic forces, read the contract out loud and sign it with your own blood. Light the candle with which you drew the pentagram and burn the contract with it. Collect the ashes, hide them in a safe place and store them for 13 years. And finally, if you don’t take everything written above seriously, then it’s better not to take it on, the consequences can be the most terrible, we’ll talk about this in the next post.

How can you make a contract with a demon yourself? The one who does this becomes an instrument in his hands, an executor of his will. During life, a person receives an illusion, and after death his soul will go to hell. Dark Angels and they themselves are looking for those who want make a pact with demons and sell your soul, picking up absolute nonentities - losers, criminals, elevating them to the pinnacle of power - the more painful it will be to fall down. The consequences of these acts are disastrous not only for the soul seller himself, but also for humanity as a whole. But trying to talk a madman out of his madness is madness in itself.

How to make a real pact with a demon

There are certain rules for entering into a contract with a demon. The summoning ritual should be carried out in circles that protect the caster; symbols are also written around the figure that will serve as protection from the demon. Next, spells are pronounced, obeying which, demons materialize in our world.

  • The demons of hell can only stay in our world for a strictly defined amount of time,
  • then they must leave
  • therefore, having received what you want from the demon, send it back.

This happens safely only if the outlined circle of protection is not violated. The protection is violated by any crossing of it. Important point: a demon can say its name so that the sorcerer can call it again, but you cannot tell someone the name of the demon - they will not tolerate the disclosure of their secrets.

Watch the video to see how to make a pact with a demon yourself

How to make a contract with a demon, in theory everything is clear

The demons of hell are believed to obey certain spells in certain days and clock, so when casting a spell, make sure you do everything correctly. Rituals for making a pact with a demon involve sacrifice. Creature endowed big amount energy, at the moment of killing the energy rushes out, so the ritual is performed inside the circle so that the energy remains there. The animal must have health, youth and virginity.

For the fulfillment of a wish when concluding a contract, the demon may ask for payment, for example, in the form of a symbolic item, and this is fair. I hope you understand something else: communication with demons is possible, but very dangerous, so rituals must be performed by an initiated magician.

Remember that the price for the contract will always be the same - the enslavement of your soul.

Watch the video List of people who made a deal with Satan

In order to seriously engage in the implementation of the plan “how to summon Satan,” the person taking a step into the abyss must have such a compelling reason that it simply cannot be resolved in any other way. About ways to summon the lord of darkness and possible consequences It’s time to find out about the concluded deal without delay - you’re not a timid person, are you?

How to summon the devil, not his subordinates

Do you think a religion could arise based on the principles of existence: light without darkness, righteous deeds without the Fall, angels without demons, hope without fear? Agree, it is impossible to accept the fact of the presence of one side without recognizing the other, the opposite, because if there is good, then there must also be evil. This is the dogma based on the dualism (duality) of the world and human existence.

Depending on the object of worship, humanity can be figuratively divided into three categories:

  • those who trust in one God, try to live righteously and observe the commandments written in ancient books, believe in punishment;
  • those who submit to evil and the Devil, believing that only dark forces head the department that distributes power and wealth among mortals;
  • those who live here and now, who deny the existence of the soul as a divine substance, do not believe in the existence of parallel worlds and otherworldly forces.

In the center of this triangle there is a huge layer of people who remember higher power, when it is convenient for them: they offer prayers to heaven if life becomes a dark streak, they do not hesitate to sin if everything turns out well.

Representatives of this circle most often become consumers of magical services - the world of mysticism captivates them, and the necessary for correct execution knowledge rituals are lacking. Subsequently, the ruined souls replenish the devil’s army and repay the debt they once borrowed to the leader of darkness.

But why is the Devil so in demand?

For thousands of years, humanity has tried to subordinate its way of life to a certain structure. People created a hierarchy in everything - from scientific achievements to management of the world community. For centuries, young people were taught to respect their elders, turn to the head of the family, obey the king, master, and boss.

A stereotype gradually formed: if you want to ask for something important, go to the main one. To ensure that your request is received correctly by the addressee, without distortion, please contact us directly.

Christians know that the Mother of God, the apostles and all the holy great martyrs who help the Almighty in heaven will always convey their request to him. The blasphemer will be punished, any sinful action or noble deed will be recorded and read out at the court of God in order to correctly assess the further purpose of the soul after the death of the bodily shell.

Do not believe in the templates propagated by the media and the film industry; it is supposedly important to appeal to the very top echelon of otherworldly dark power. The fact that only a call to Satan, Beelzebub or Astaroth will be heard by the lord of darkness is not true.

There are plenty of other representatives of hell who are capable of solving a seemingly extremely important and unsolvable problem. Before you encounter an unknown evil, find a practicing warlock sorcerer who, if not dissuade you, will at least explain to which spirit it is better to turn to with your request. Perhaps he will even offer you to minimize risks and conduct.

If the decision to summon the devil came to you consciously, and before choosing a ritual, you read a lot of occult literature, learned about the consequences, but are not going to stop, this section is not for you - move on to the next one.

If you are a complete ignoramus in demonology, but meeting a fiend of hell does not frighten you, figure out how such curiosity can turn out.

The value of the subject of bargaining - the human soul

It is pointless to scold and warn a person obsessed with the crazy idea of ​​​​a deal with Lucifer. Surely, selling the soul for a daredevil is not a spontaneous decision, but a decision based on compelling arguments. And yet, try to gather the remnants of your will and think again about how justified this solution is. After all, the voluntary exchange of a soul for the service of the high priest of hell is not an everyday practice acceptable to the average person.

By making a deal with the forces of darkness, you doom your own divine component to eternal slavery. Perhaps your descendants will suffer from such an extraordinary, to put it mildly, act. How indifferent are you to the grief of blood relatives, your children, grandchildren?

Great sinners and those who do not believe in the existence of the devil can relax - their souls are not in danger, since demons are only interested in pure, sinless, and at worst repentant souls, and without faith, no ritual will work at all.

The maximum that a murderer, adulterer, thief or blasphemer can count on is the help of a lower caste of demons and the fulfillment of small desires that people can fulfill themselves. The souls of sinners obviously belong to the devil, so it makes no sense to buy what belongs to you.

Evaluate the product offered objectively - how well it corresponds to the service you are requesting.

Based on centuries-old folk experience, you will understand that transactions between man and the devil are most successful when the call is made in an emotional outburst, on the verge of despair and madness. If until now a person was pure and suddenly broke down, renounced God and appealed to demons, Lucifer himself will find him and take him under protection.

How to summon Satan with a spell in Latin at home

Latin is considered the oldest written language Indo-European language, That's why magic spells it is revered in occult circles as the most powerful. Long opuses in incomprehensible slang are unlikely to suit a lover of extreme magic, and at home it is not so easy to perform a ritual aimed at how to summon Satan - videos and instructions offered on fly-by-night sites often distort the process.

If your faith in the help of evil forces is unshakable and your mood is determined, use a simple spell. Make it clear that the responsibility for your actions lies only with you, and the bargaining chip with which you will pay for the black service is your quivering soul.

"Satano! Oro te appare te rosto!
Veni, Satano! Ter oro te!
Veni, Satano! Oro te pro arte!
Veni, Satano! Opera pra estro, Ater oro!
Veni, Satano! Oro te! Appare te rosto!
Veni, Satano! Amen."

Read the text by heart in solitude many times until you feel a chilling, body-shrinking fear and feel the stinking breath of an invisible guest!

Be prepared for the unexpected: the devil can test your strength and deliberately frighten you by coming in a natural guise, or influence the victim, which you are for him, hypnotically.

He can deceive you by promising to fulfill your plans, but demanding your soul first! This will sound like a veiled request for some kind of gift, but you should know: any thing that falls from your hands to the demon personifies it itself - your soul. If you feel brave, bargain! And if you can’t say a word out of fear, close your eyes and mentally shout: “Get out!”

As soon as you feel weakened, shout the words of exile at the top of your lungs! Do not remember God, because you yourself are the culprit of the arrival of the fallen angel.

A prerequisite for the ritual is an inscribed pentagram to summon the devil. It will serve as protection for the performer and enhance the power of his call. The devil's pentagram is a pentagonal inverted star ( central angle- down, that is, for a person standing inside the drawing, this angle will be behind him).

Claims that the pentagram should be drawn with one’s own blood are not unfounded. This is what experienced sorcerers do, however, for beginners, it’s better to use a simplified option - draw a star with charcoal or wax church candle. The main thing is that all lines are smooth and clear.

Mystical events in life worldwide famous people often prompt ordinary citizens to think about the complicity of otherworldly forces. They say that such genius talents made a deal with the devil as:

  • Italian virtuoso violinist Niccolo Paganini;
  • British Brigadier General Jonathan Moulton;
  • warlock, Doctor Johann Georg Faust (the prototype of Goethe's character);
  • Venetian composer, author of the sonata “The Devil's Trill” Giuseppe Tartini;
  • Russian writer, author of the novel “The Master and Margarita” Mikhail Bulgakov;
  • American blues musician Robert Johnson.

Most transactions with Satan, as history shows, occurred during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The hype around the sale of the soul was supported by the church and the Inquisition, trying to establish maximum control over humanity. What ordinary people could not explain was immediately attributed to the devil’s machinations.

Countless numbers of people were tortured and killed every day, called heretics and apostates who consorted with demons. There was a rumor that some people would have intimate relations with the great demon.

The world also knows the legend about the devilish pact of the German Fuhrer Hitler, who tried to take over the whole world.

The very concept of a “contract with the devil” raises doubts, because it is difficult to imagine how the prince of darkness takes a pen or pen and puts his signature under the written points of the deal. Although in the demonological treatise called “The Red Book of Satan” there is certain forms contracts and individual signatures allegedly indicating the legality of the contract.

The witchcraft brethren believes that it is possible oral form entering into a dangerous deal. To do this, it is enough to call Satan in Latin, taking into account necessary conditions: time, place, attributes and rules of ritual. The success of the event must be ensured by a special sacrifice: a black rooster, a black sheep or the blood of the performer.

The animal should be killed at the height of the sacrament, at the moment when you cast the spell. Having received the gift, the demon will be more favorable. Only strong black magicians, for whom the prince of darkness is an ally, use their own blood for summoning - a few drops of organic liquid are enough.

Standing in the pentagram, broadcast the text:

“Emperor Lucifer, lord of rebellious spirits, treat favorably my call, which I address to you, Great Lord of Darkness, wishing to conclude an agreement with you. I ask you, Beelzebub (in some sources - Belzebyt) to patronize me. And you, great Count Astaroth, please help me, help me. Make the Majestic Demon appear to me in human form, without stench and stench, so that he would yield to me under an agreement that I would present him with all the riches that I need.

Wherever you are, O Great One, leave your location and come to talk with me, so that I do not use the power of the great living God, his Son and the Holy Spirit! Obey immediately, otherwise you will be torn to pieces by the powerful words-keys of the great Solomon, with which he forced the rebellious spirits to accept his agreement! Appear to me quickly, stop the torture with which I will torment you, uttering the powerful words of the Key.”


As soon as the Prince of Darkness appears, throw him a contract in which you promise the Great Demon in free form to return everything you receive in 7 years. The promise must have your signature.

In a world where the highest value is material goods, success, luck, even love are easily bought. The price of feelings comfortable life and good luck is always different, because there are not two different people with the same goals. If everything is more or less clear about the plan for the future, then choosing a way to implement it is extremely difficult. The ritual of selling an immortal soul to dark forces is one of the most difficult, intimate and exhausting rituals, giving one hundred percent results. Black Magic will contribute to rapid career growth, prosperity in the family and the search for a soul mate. How to sell your soul to the devil for a desire?

The ritual of selling an immortal soul to dark forces is one of the most difficult

The essence of the deal with the devil

In order to achieve the desired goal, desired in every sense, you need to enter into a so-called “contract” with dark forces. The most ancient rites and rituals will help you achieve your goals, the implementation of which will ensure the desired result in the shortest possible time. The opportunity to measure the price of one’s own soul is given to the seller, that is, to the person performing the magical act. Whether it's love or successful business, for Black Magic these are identified things, the significance of which you attach of your own free will. For some, family is just an unnecessary attribute, but for others, it is a blessing worth an immortal soul.

There are two ways to conclude an important agreement with the devil: written, recorded on paper, or oral - an agreement without witnesses. In the second case, when there is no material confirmation of the transaction, a characteristic mark appears on the person’s body, meaning all the severity and responsibility this promise. The sign symbolizing the current contract does not betray itself in any way, does not hurt or become inflamed. It appears so imperceptibly that the person marked with the mark does not even immediately notice it. The contract on paper is signed in the blood of the one who sells the immortal soul. There is nothing more indestructible than a seal sealed by the innate strength of the person himself.

Features of rituals of selling the soul to the devil

The whole essence and nature of an agreement with dark forces is that they allow (provide all opportunities) for the implementation of your ideas and plans. Favorable period for a career or love lasts, no less, twenty-one years. During this time you will gain unlimited power over own life and luck, previously completely absent. Making a balanced, thoughtful decision many times is the key to your future achievements. Are you ready for such a short period of successful life? Are your desires worth a single soul? If the answers to these questions are positive, then begin preparing the transaction without unnecessary delay. Cancellations or adjustments similar species contracts are not amenable, so the initial terms must be acceptable and satisfactory in all respects.

Before you begin performing a secret ritual, formulate cherished wish on paper. Make it more concrete, living not only in your head. Such a procedure will help not only modify goals, but also prepare for their implementation from a moral point of view. Your wishes must be clearly stated and realistic for fulfillment, because in any case, the payment under the contract will be withdrawn within the period stipulated by the contract.

Preparing for rituals to sell an immortal soul

The first and most important condition for concluding a deal with Satan himself is the complete secrecy of the magical rituals performed by you. For any kind of ritual for selling the soul, you will need certain paraphernalia - things that are of little significance in a magical sense for ordinary person. They will become your guides, allowing you to contact dark forces with the help of Black Magic. After the ceremony, if its outcome is successful, all residual materials of the transaction are stored until the moment of death. The soul that you plan to sell must also be subjected to metamorphosis. All your actions lead to certain results, therefore, having decided to make a deal with the devil, you must renounce the church once and for all.

For the entire contract to work correctly, it should be carried out only during the full moon.

Get rid of church paraphernalia in your home: throw away icons, crucifixes and holy water. A couple of days before the deal is sealed, under no circumstances should you visit temples or holy places (including drinking from holy springs or talking with church officials). For the entire contract to work correctly, it should be performed only during the full Moon. Otherwise, the results of such magical manipulations are unpredictable. Rituals for selling the soul are serious things, with which it is not just harmful to joke, but deadly. Do not use Black Magic for pampering, otherwise you will lose your immortal soul for nothing.

Features of a deal with the devil

The ritual of selling your soul to the devil is a multi-step process for which you methodically prepare and reinforce it several days after the deal is concluded. It will not be possible to accomplish such a complex matter with your own soul in a day. For a lasting, powerful result of fulfilling your innermost desires, you will need endurance, responsibility and confidence that all rituals will certainly work. Before signing the contract, stop active social communication. Strangers, and even close people, will only distract you from the most important thing in your life. Get rid of the habit of looking around or peering at people wandering around. Every day, on mandatory, read prayers to Satan.

In this way, you will achieve attention to your person and the predisposition of dark forces. There are separate requirements for the desire or goal for which you took radical measures. You can’t ask for a lot; those who don’t know what exactly they want get “nothing,” a real frightening emptiness. At the end of the transaction, benefits will not fall on you like rain among clear skies. Your cherished dreams will not come to you out of nowhere; your actions and deeds are what will become the lever to a new, desired life. The conditions stipulated in the contract are fulfilled on your part unquestioningly, otherwise you will pay with your soul before the due date.

The benefits of a deal with dark forces

Selling your soul to the devil means exchanging it for any benefits that you need so badly that you simply cannot breathe in their absence. Each person’s priorities are completely different, and the individual situation of drawing up an agreement with Satan has no analogues. Asking the dark forces for mutual help is only possible with your full reporting own actions. So, with the help of Black Magic you have access to such joys of life as:

  • complete recovery, even from a fatal illness;
  • unlimited wealth, incredible income;
  • life to a ripe old age;
  • worship, glory and success;
  • achieving a certain social status;
  • power over people, their unconditional obedience;
  • improving your own appearance;
  • mutual feelings on the part of the opposite sex;
  • posthumous binding.

The desire to change your whole life radically is a failure in advance, because dark forces are not a bag of New Year's gifts, this is a powerful magic that has not only a price, but also limitations. So, you are not able to turn back time or resurrect dead people. In everything there needs to be a reasonable limit, which is worth thinking about in advance.

Ritual of rejecting God in the name of Satan

A preliminary ritual that can cleanse your soul for further changes with the help of dark forces is carried out for your benefit. If you decide to sell your soul, then treat such a ritual as a mandatory component of a future contract with Satan. A magical effect on aversion from religion, eliminates the divine protection given at baptism. Renounce everything that is unnecessary for you and your future achievements.

The entire renunciation process takes on average up to three hours and is carried out exclusively at night. On the day before the ceremony, stock up on:

  • 4 candles;
  • a candlestick or a small glass;
  • the cross assigned to you at birth.

You don't need any extra tricks.

In the afternoon, on the eve of the ceremony, stock up on 4 candles

How to perform a ritual

After waiting until nightfall, retire to a secluded place where no one will see or disturb you. Next, do the following:

  1. Fix the candle in the glass and light it.
  2. Take it off pectoral cross and place it under your left heel.
  3. Sit on the floor and say the words of the spell:

    “I (name) speak about renunciation. I renounce Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Holy Spirit that comes from them, every holy Christian place, my place in heaven, all Christian thoughts and deeds, alms and forgiveness of the Lord God. And may I never set foot on the path to salvation by Christ, given by God, and may my soul disappear forever for the Lord, and may he no longer hear my voice. May it be so forever and ever. For this is my will.”

  4. Repeat the spell three times.
  5. Read the Lord's Prayer backwards 3 times.
  6. Wait until the candle burns out (a small piece of wax and a wick should remain).
  7. Don't break the silence until the morning.
  8. Perform magical manipulations for 2 more nights.
  9. Save the remains of the ritual, hiding them well from prying eyes.

For Orthodox people in the rite of aversion, the prayer “Our Father” is used, but for other cultures - their traditional appeals to God. Carrying out a ritual of such an action at home will not be difficult.

The ritual of making a deal with the devil to sell an immortal soul

The main ritual of selling your soul to the devil for money or other benefits is performed only when you are mentally prepared for it. Haste in such a serious matter is the worst enemy. It is one thing to renounce God, and it is completely different to never again turn to the faith that you have known throughout your entire adult life. Before the start and after the end of the ritual, not a single alive soul in the world you must not find out about it, otherwise you will face dire consequences. Wait full moon and begin a ritual that can change the course of your entire life.

What is needed for the ritual

Only poorly lit, dark rooms, preferably without huge windows, are suitable for the ritual. Gather the necessary attributes to conclude a contract in advance:

  • black candles;
  • Matchbox;
  • transparent dishes;
  • paper and pen;
  • needle.

For the ritual of selling the soul, both church and black ritual wax candles are suitable.

How to perform a ritual

Be alone with your own desires. Feel connected to the life you want, and then:

  1. Sit on the floor, surround yourself with lit candles.
  2. Say to yourself, in a whisper, a conspiracy to the devil:

    “Satan is the lord of darkness and all evil on Earth, come to me, fulfill all my desires.”

  3. Say the spell exactly 21 times.
  4. Feel the presence of dark forces, and only then continue the ritual.
  5. Write a contract consisting of the formulation of your deepest desire.
  6. Take a candle and set the contract on fire (this will seal it).
  7. Collect the ashes in a bowl and do not throw them away.

Once you secure the deal, start taking action to achieve desired results. The sold spirit guarantees their success.

Only dark rooms are suitable for the ritual.

Ritual of exchanging souls for love

Love is greatest strength on the planet and weakness in the human soul. For the sake of sublime feelings, the poor man in love is ready to do anything - any sacrifices and punishments. A ritual that involves the sale of a real soul can give mutual desired feelings. Such a ritual guarantees a long-term attachment to the object of sympathy. Touch Black Magic and get what you really deserve.

What is needed for the ritual

Before you begin a secret magical action, make sure that you have all the necessary “ingredients” for the future ritual:

  • fresh pork hooves;
  • candle.

You can buy scraps from pig feet at any butcher shop or on the market. Do not indulge in unnecessary explanations when preparing for the ritual.

How to perform a ritual

Before starting the main ritual, boil the hooves in running water. Use in strong magic Raw pork trimmings should never be used. Next, complete all the necessary stages of the ritual:

  1. Lock all windows and doors.
  2. Place a bowl of hooves in front of you and speak to them in the following words:

    “I also conjure the Prince of Hell, who owns everything from the dark dens of hell to the surface of the earth and the sea, the Hellish spirit who can do everything, Who has the scepter - come, come, come. Together with your son, the spirit of falling lightning in the night, imprisoned by you forever and ever. The hooves are boiling, the matter is in dispute, the ancient agreement will soon, soon, soon be fulfilled. I'm following the river of fire, red water, blue ledsaim to heaven - my guardian angel. He won’t give it to anyone, only according to my desire, but I will stand up, leave my clan and tribe behind, submit, submit, submit. I worship, I worship, I worship.”

  3. Raise your hands over the pan with the hooves still steaming.
  4. Continue to say “fulfill for me (say the essence of the desire) in return for the blue guardian Leedsaim, the guardian of my soul, word - deed, 13 winter pact - go as a shadow, Prince of Hell.”
  5. Bury the hooves under a healthy tree.

Afterwards, favorable changes will begin to fulfill your hopes in your personal life.

Life after a deal with the devil

If the ritual of selling your soul to the devil was successful, you will immediately feel it. Your own inner strength will become stronger, you will feel a surge of energy and inspiration for new achievements. After death, hell awaits the person who sold his soul - due to his lifetime debt to dark forces and Black Magic. The contract, most often, stipulates the period that a person will spend in slavery to Satan. A magical action as powerful as a deal with the devil to sell an immortal soul has a number of similar effects. Thus, achieving success with the help of dark forces, a person who has sold his soul often suffers from insomnia, obsessive nightmares, minor constant illnesses and attacks of sudden rage. Not everyone can withstand the upcoming tests, so when preparing for an irreversible ritual, think carefully about everything again. The sacrifices you are going to make should be equal in intensity to the joy and happiness that is felt only after achieving a certain goal. The next 20 years are all you can count on if you decide to implement your planned ritual.

It doesn't matter how you feel about your deal with the devil. Do you believe in it or are you absolutely indifferent to the manifestations of Black Magic. Selling your soul for a certain benefit is a reality that some prefer to ignore, while others are simply afraid. The point of view depends on which side you look at things that do not change at all. If you are determined to achieve your goal at any cost, then use all available forces - light rites, rituals with dark energy and deals with Satan. Actions at a crossroads, a ritual “gift” to the devil (optionally a powerful demon) should only be carried out under supervision experienced magician or a sorcerer. In any case, the ritual performed will work on your soul, and it depends only on you what the impact will be.

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Many people in life set goals in themselves: to achieve success in career growth, to acquire untold wealth that gives power over others, and not to deny themselves anything. They do not want to earn what they want through hard work, preferring to get all the benefits now and at once. Spiritual values ​​fade into the background. And actions are subordinated to a single desire - how to make an agreement with the devil, putting your immortal soul on the line.

Very often we want to achieve success in our lives - to gain financial freedom, not to deny ourselves anything, to build a dizzying career, to gain love from the opposite sex. And many people really try, take persistent steps... but for some reason this dream always remains somewhere there, on the horizon. And then, perhaps consciously, and sometimes in a fit of despair, we look for a way to make an agreement with the devil.

This question has worried humanity since the dawn of our times. However, for the first time it was possible to document the fact of the transaction only in the 9th century AD. and this incident was described in the “Life of St. Basil.”

There is also an agreement from 1634 between the monk Urbain Grandier and the Devil. It consisted of short term, but had three desires: fame, wealth and love young beauties. What else could be needed for complete happiness? However, after 13 years, all this was taken away and Urbain went to the stake.

  • against limiting the life span by contract, and therefore you can always choose 3 wishes for 10 years, after which only what was given to you by the Devil will be taken away from you. The contract itself will not affect your life span in any way and will not push you to death.
  • Or you can wish one of your most cherished desires - and it will be with you throughout your entire life. happy life. Let it be just one thing, but until the very end - and nothing will take it away!

It is believed that Adolf Hitler decided to sign a pact with the Devil as soon as he found this opportunity. On April 30, 1932, the document was signed! We have information that this is indeed the case. He sold his Soul to one of the Dark Gods and received the desired power. This agreement was found and experts confirmed that the agreement was indeed written in the blood of the great dictator.

As you can see, contracts become public knowledge extremely rarely, except in cases where this is included in the terms of the transaction.

How to make a pact with the devil

Now that you and I understand that such deals can be seen not only in films, but also that you can make an agreement with the Devil yourself in very home conditions, it’s time to tell you how to do it.

First of all you must:

  • Have a firm decision to sell your own Soul
  • Have the opportunity to stay in one/oh and secretly write a contract
  • Endure the pain of extracting blood from your finger

This is the only way you can write a QUALITY contract!

What can you ask for for selling your soul:

  • Money
  • Power
  • Capabilities
  • Love
  • Health/Longevity
  • ANY other desire you have

When concluding such an agreement, remember - there is no turning back!

True, I’m sure you won’t want to go back - who would refuse wealth, luxury, power, love and complete happiness.

How many wishes can you make?

See for yourself:

  • 1 wish for your WHOLE LIFE! In this case, you can make a deal and sell your soul for one wish.
  • 3 wishes for 10 years Choose THREE WISHES AT A TIME, but only for 10 years! It should be noted that your life span is not shortened either way. You are destined to live 90 years, so you will live them.

If you want to know HOW LONG you are destined to live, contact our representative, the magician Fose, in CENTER FOR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT "Vershina". It's not expensive and you'll already know exactly what to expect. For example, some people only have 11-12 years left to live - then there is no point in taking one wish - it is better to LIVE TO THE FULLEST with 3 wishes! Or you can remain in blissful ignorance regarding the duration of your life, maintain the intrigue, so to speak...

Now Attention - the following number of wishes SHORTEN YOUR LIFESPAN:

  • 5 wishes for 5 years - lifespan 5 years
  • 7 wishes for 3 years - lifespan is only 3 years
  • 10 wishes for 1 year - lifespan is only 1 year

Think carefully about your desire and go ahead - towards YOUR DREAM!

Are you ready to make a pact with the Devil? and I will give you the most precise instructions.

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